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Funny Stories?

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Share some funny stories about diapers or things that happened while you were diapered

We had just gotten a new puppy, and she had the habit of peeing on the carpet, we tried a couple solutions but it seemed none of them were working. I woke up one morning, showered and diapered up and as my sister goes to work before i get up, i usually just wear a diaper to breakfast. I walk to the kitchen, and look at our dog. She looked at me with a most profound sadness, when i realized she was wearing a diaper too! I think i was happier in my diaper than she was :blush:

A couple months later, my friends were hanging out at my house when my dog comes in dragging something along with her. I'm right next to the door so i scoop her up to see what it is. It's one of my diapers! I leap out of my chair and swoop out of the room, dog and all and seal the room where i keep my diaper stuff. I guess i can't punish her for bringing me stuff, though i wish it was my slippers instead!

I don't usually wear in public, even discreetly, as I don't believe in bringing others into my fetish. But one time i was wearing and got hungry, so i headed out to perkins for some pancakes. I get there, and head into the bathroom to readjust, when i hear this conversation

^_^ : ....diapers would be nice for that

:lol: :yeah next time we should wear diapers when we go out clubbing!

any of you guys got stories to tell?

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Haha I've had a few close calls too. Here's one that I'll never, ever, ever forget. It was kinda traumatic at the time, but luckily now I can look back and laugh. My story takes place when I was a senior in high school. One Saturday, my family decided to take a day trip somewhere. I couldn't go since I had to work in the morning. But it was actually a blessing because once I got through with work I had the whole day to myself - which I planned to spend by indulging in diapers. ;)

So I get off work and am on my way home when I decide I need to pick up a pack of Depends. So I go in the store, pick them out, and pay. No problem. As I'm leaving the store, I felt a number 2 coming on. I was actually wearing a diaper at the time (I wasn't worried about getting caught at work)... and I bet you guys know where I'm going with this story... I hardly ever use the diaper for that purpose, but since my whole family was out of town and I was heading straight home, I figured what the heck. And I went number 2 in my diaper in the parking lot, en route to my car. And I could feel it was a pretty decent load too. I get back to my car, or I should say, waddle back and wouldn't you know it, I LOCKED MY KEYS INSIDE MY CAR!!!!! So just so we're all clear, here's my situation: I have a poopy diaper on, I'm holding a package of adult diapers in my hands, and am in the middle of a freaking parking lot with no way of getting in my car!!! I hope you can appreciate the gravity of my situation. :(

So my first action was to panic, which I accomplished. Next I called my parents and explained what happened, although I neglected to mention anything about being soiled or why I was at the store. They had an extra key with them but they weren't coming home for a few hours. Luckily that bought me some time.

There was a restaurant near by and I figured I could go there and get myself changed, but first thing's first, I had to get rid of the diapers I just bought. The problem was that I couldn't find a place to just dump them, and I didn't want to leave them in public. So what do I decide to do? I decide to return them. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures. So I march into the store, poopy diaper and all. I'm sure I stunk to high Heaven, and the cashier gave me weird looks the whole time. I mean, there's no way he didn't know the diapers I was returning were for me. But it worked and he gave me my cash back and I gave him a wry smile before I left :blush:

Next I went to the restaurant and made a bee-line right for the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. I must have spend 40 minutes in that bathroom stall getting myself cleaned up. Of course I didn't have any wipes or anything so I had to use dry toilet paper though occasionally when no one else was in the bathroom I could go and wet some from the sink.... yeah it was as bad and awkward as it sounds. I had to make sure I was extra clean because I had no clean diaper to change into and I didn't wear boxers or anything. (ie. I was going commando). But 40 minutes later, I deemed myself clean enough.

I still had an hour and a half left and luckily there was a movie theater nearby so I caught a movie until my folks came. So yeah, it all worked out fine... Lol though every time I pass that shopping complex I shudder... then chuckle. :D

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I know that more people have had funny things happen to them while diapered, but it seems that most are reluctant to tell about it.

My most memorable funny experience happened about 15 years ago. It was my day off and my wife was out of town, so I decided to do some work in the backyard. Since our backyard backed up to a canyon, and the yards on both sides had high fences, the yard was extremely private, so I decided to do my yardwork wearing only a cloth diaper, plastic pants, and a T-shirt.

I went out the sliding patio door wearing my diaper and T-shirt, and spent about an hour doing various chores. It was starting to get hot, so I decided to go inside for a beer. I went to the sliding door and pulled. IT WOULDN'T OPEN!!! After I had gone out, the cat had rolled the security stick into the track of the door, very effectively locking me out.

All the other doors and windows of the house were locked, so I knew that I was screwed.... I couldn't break a window because then I would have to explain it to my wife... I didn't have a key hidden outside anywhere, so there was only one option left.....Panic!!

I am usually pretty self reliant, and inventive, so after the panic subsided, I came up with a plan. There was a storage shed on one side of the house between the garage and the fence. There was a tall hedge between the shed and the neighbors house so I climbed onto the roof of the shed and made my way to the front of the garage. When I climbed down, I was hidden by the boat in the driveway, but still locked out....

On the garage door, in clear view of the street and anyone driving by, was a combination padlock that I had used on my locker in High School about fifteen years before. I had opened it perhaps five or six times in those fifteen years, and it usually took several tries to remember the combination. Dressed only in my diapers,I boldly walked across the double driveway, grabbed the lock, praying that I remembered the combination right, and spun the dial. I was in full view of anyone who might pass or look out their window across the street.

BINGO! The lock opened on the first try. I lifted the garage door, slid under it and quickly lowered it back down... Safe at last.

Since then, anytime I go out in just my diapers, I make sure that there are at least 2 doors unlocked to get back in...

Come on everyone... Share your funny stories..... They probably weren't funny at the time, but I bet they bring a smile or a chuckle now.

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At Christmas time each year my father would put up a train platform in the living room. It would stay up until after the new year. It would have about a foot and a half high space under it. The tree and the trains were on top and it had a skirting around it.

One year I was alone in the house and no one was expected home for a couple of hours. So I put on a diaper and rubber pants and was playing with the trains when the train kept jumping the tracks at the same spot. There was a wire from the tree lights hanging across the track in the back that I could not reach from the top.

So I crawled under the platform and reached up from the back and moved the wire. But as I tried to crawl out I heard the front door open and stayed under the platform. They called out "Is anyone home" Of course I did not answer. They had been doing their Christmas Shopping and believed no one would be home and that would be a great time to bring the gifts in. Dad hid the gifts and mom started cooking dinner.

I spent almost 9 hours under the platform while the family wondered why I had not come home for dinner or why I had not called. I wet a lot but thankfully I did not poop.

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I have a few stories:

I remember when I was younger and had an interest, but no access to nappies I got locked out of the house!

I had just finished my paper round (around 9am) and when I got back I found my parents had left for work and wouldn't be back until around 5:30pm. That is a long time to standwaiting in the driveway of your house!

Eventually (and inevitably...) I needed the bathroom... REALLY BAD

I was just wearing a pair of underpants (and wishing I was in a nappy) so I walked into my back garden and in full view of any neighbour who may have been looking out of their windows pulled my trousers down (but not my pants for some reason, maybe in some weird way I didn't want to show off my privates!) and began to wet and mess myself. I was just stood at the end of my garden in the wettest and messiest state I will have been in since I was a baby!

I used a BIG pile of leafs to clean myself up with and buried all the evidence in an overgrown corner of the garden. My parents got home a couple of hours later and all was well again.


I occasionally wear nappies to university and one day that I did we were working in groups disscussing something (I was distracted by the warm feeling spreading around my groin!). Well one of the girls in the group asked if she could borrow a pen and I said yeah just get it out of my bag. She said thanks looked into my bag and then suddenly froze and looked at me. I only remembered then that I had a couple of spare nappies in there for the rest of the day! She must have seen my look of absolute horror because she just gave me an small smile and put the bag back down.

Of course the ideal end of the story would be me saying that me and her ended up together, but in honesty she never spoke to me again (We weren't friends anyway but occasionally worked together.)

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I got a few that are not as huge, but they are still kinda embarrasing.

One happened when I was in Junior high. I was wearing a diaper and got into my bed and just laid there. Then, suddenly, my mom came in and told me luch was here. I kept my cool and watied till all was cool.

Another time, I was in a diaper in the bathroom and sitting on the toilet. I forgot the lock the door and my grandpa came in. He didn't see my diaper and just assumed I was using the toilet.

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Guest dllightning

So, I was probably around 17 years old when this happened.

My Brother and I shared a room in a 2 bedroom apt. He was 16 at the time. My Mom occupied the other room. My brother was NEVER home and I expected him to be out for the day like he always was. I took the opportunity to make a diaper. I used some of those pads you place down under babies so they don't get furniture messy when you change them. I took some towels and folded them ad the stuffers and then used the big pad sheets as the outer covering. I put it all together using packing tape...

I Just got them on and probably did my first wetting in them when I hear the door open. I am lying on my bed with only this make shift diaper on. I lunge and grab a blanket and cover myself and close my eyes. My heart is just pounding. When he walks in, I open my eyes like I had been sleeping. "What?"

"I am gonna watch a movie, you want to see it with me?" He says.

"No, I am taking a nap, can you close the door?" I reply.

He shuts the door and turns on the movie. I spend the next 20 minutes carefully getting this diaper off because it is so friggin loud cause the packing tape!

I had a wooden chest that locked so I tossed it in there and disposed of it later-

But man, that was the closest!


Might have been caught by mom....

I was wearing some store brand diapers one day - and was comfortable out in public, so I wore at home too around everyone. Well, I was chillin in front of the TV and we didnt have a remote so I sat there kinda channel surfin, reachin up and forward from sitting indian style on the floor. My mom walks past me in to her room, and then back out again. I suddenly become conscious that I need to check myself. I move my hand from the TV to my waist line on my back and I feel the diaper waistband sticking out :\ I immediately get up and go to my room and shut the door. Wondering, heart pounding, if my mom saw my diaper !!!

I always wore 2 shirts and nylon/polyster wind breaker type pants. Good chance she just thought it was my underwear or she could have never looked at all, but a white waist line would stick out on my outfits...

I may never know!


Way more recent, like a couple months ago.

Got diapered up with Depends for the first time in ages and went to WalMart. I decide to wet on the way there cause it was my last stop and I needed some relief. So I do my shopping and get outside and I go to check my backside covertly and realize they had leaked! Oh well. I was wearing blue jeans that were a little darker so I am sure no one noticed or I would have heard giggles, but yeah-



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That's called complacency. Dangerous stuff. Happens to the best of us.

In aviation, there's a saying about pilots who fly planes with retractable landing gear. "There's two kinds. Those who have landed gear up and those that will."

For we who hide our diapers: There are those that have been caught and those that will be caught.

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Ooooh, I have a funny story. in july of this year, my parents were leaving on a business trip. They were leaving on monday morning at 530 until late wednesday night. So knowing that the house was going to be to myself for three days, I thought this was the perfect time to get myself a new pack of diapers. So sunday after work, I headed to walgreens and bought myself two packs of Walgreens's generic brand diapers(They were the only ones in my size) and headed home. I put on a new pair on sunday night and enjoyed myself for the next three days. On wednesday I woke up at 10 and changed myself out of my night diaper. After lunch, I messed myself and gamed for an hour and decided to take a nap. I wanted to feel what it was like to wake up soiled so I decided to leave my messy diaper on. A few hours later, I woke up to the sound of the garage door opening....and I wet myself in fear. Here I was, in a wet and messy diaper and my mom was about to come in through the door. I freaked out! I didn't know what to do so I did what any shocked person would do......I stayed perfectly still and pretended to fall asleep. My mom came in, she peaked into my room and witnessed me asleep, under the covers. She must have thought I just fell asleep and left me be but I could hear her saying that the cats must have taken a dump somewhere in the house. After 15 minutes of laying there, I made a dash for the bathroom which was thankfully next door. I imeediately turnned the shower and untaped the diaper. At this point I heard a knock on the door "Honey youre up?" "Yeah ma, I didn't know you were home, when did you come in?" "Like 20 minutes ago. Why are you taking a shower?" "I'm going out with my friends in a bit so I thouhgt I'd freshen up." "Oh OK. Tell me when you're leaving". And she left it at that. I cleaned myself up and hid the diaper under the sink and made a dash for my room. Thats about it.

The Angel of Hope,


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Ooooh, I have a funny story. in july of this year, my parents were leaving on a business trip. They were leaving on monday morning at 530 until late wednesday night. So knowing that the house was going to be to myself for three days, I thought this was the perfect time to get myself a new pack of diapers. So sunday after work, I headed to walgreens and bought myself two packs of Walgreens's generic brand diapers(They were the only ones in my size) and headed home. I put on a new pair on sunday night and enjoyed myself for the next three days. On wednesday I woke up at 10 and changed myself out of my night diaper. After lunch, I messed myself and gamed for an hour and decided to take a nap. I wanted to feel what it was like to wake up soiled so I decided to leave my messy diaper on. A few hours later, I woke up to the sound of the garage door opening....and I wet myself in fear. Here I was, in a wet and messy diaper and my mom was about to come in through the door. I freaked out! I didn't know what to do so I did what any shocked person would do......I stayed perfectly still and pretended to fall asleep. My mom came in, she peaked into my room and witnessed me asleep, under the covers. She must have thought I just fell asleep and left me be but I could hear her saying that the cats must have taken a dump somewhere in the house. After 15 minutes of laying there, I made a dash for the bathroom which was thankfully next door. I imeediately turnned the shower and untaped the diaper. At this point I heard a knock on the door "Honey youre up?" "Yeah ma, I didn't know you were home, when did you come in?" "Like 20 minutes ago. Why are you taking a shower?" "I'm going out with my friends in a bit so I thouhgt I'd freshen up." "Oh OK. Tell me when you're leaving". And she left it at that. I cleaned myself up and hid the diaper under the sink and made a dash for my room. Thats about it.

The Angel of Hope,


This reminds me of the time when I was in nothing but a nappy under my covers and my mum came in just as I was wetting!

She started to talk to me for a bit whilst I laid there flooding my nappy!

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People. Come on do you think I would honestly leave it there??? I took it out after I finished taking a shower and disposed of it. The last thing I need is for my parents to smell something funky and follow it to the diaper.

The Angel of Hope,


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People. Come on do you think I would honestly leave it there???

Oh, Alice! I was just kidding. :P I know you took care of it. Because if you didn't, you would have posted that part of the story.

p.s. You hit 500 posts!

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If that's it, then I'd suggest going under the sink, finding that dirty diaper and get rid of it.

Yes, always get rid of the dirty diapers under the sink. When I was a teenager I would hide my diapers in the back bottom cabinet under the sink in the bathroom. Let's just say that my teenage sister discovered them one night - a mixture of pampers and depends and said EEEEWW! and then told my mom and step-dad she found dirty diapers under the sink. They asked me if I knew about it and I said, well obviously it was my older step-brother's kid who wore diapers so he must have put them there. That made sense and someone threw them away. Meanwhile I am sweating bullets and am worried that they will talk to my step brother but they never did. Meanwhile my crazy drunken stepdad accused one of my sister's teenage friends of "peeing the pampers". I think I developed a heart condition during that time. No one suspected me at all though. If I was questioned really hard I am sure I would have cracked.


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