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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Forced To Buy Depends

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In my 39 years I have refused to buy Depends diapers...

Until tonight.

When I was a youngster - old enough to buy adult diapers, I bought and wore Attends. Remember back in the 80's when Attends were packaged in boxes? That's how old I am! I remember being 16, 17, 18 driving to the local drug store with my girlfriend and buying a box of Attends. They were available EVERYWHERE in southern California.

I am a marketing executives dream! There were Attends and Depends. I would NEVER buy Depends; I was an Attends guy. Even when the local stores stopped carrying Attends I would buy the generics before I gave my money for Depends. After many years and a cross-country move I have never purchased Depends. Lately I have been wearing Walmart's Assurance diapers, and finding them adequate. Then the other night I read here that Assurance switched to the anathema that is "cloth-like outer cover"; but thought nothing of it. Well... as of yesterday I was out of diapers, and we CAN'T have that now, can we?! So tonight before wrapping the kid's presents with my wife I made an emergency run to Walmart. I saw the package, and it looked right but on further investigation found that our local Wally-world has gone to the dark side too. I won't buy diapers with a "cloth-like outer cover", so I was FORCED to *choke* buy Depends!!

They suck. Just like I always knew they would.

So, it looks like I'm gonna have to either drive an hour into Nashville or order online; neither of which is desirable. I can't wear Depends. Well, maybe this one pack; but that is it.

I honestly don't understand this whole "cloth-like outer cover" movement...

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As someone who had to buy Depends or store brands for years and years, let me just say that I feel your pain. What I would do if I were you is buy some baby diapers (preferably size 5,6, or 7) and punch lots of holes and use it as a stuffer. That takes care of the absorbency problem. Next, get some clear duct tape (they make it now and it's pretty sweet). The Depend tapes are complete crap, and Heaven forbid if you ever got oil on the tapes. I think with those two mods it's not a bad diaper.

About the cloth thing... yeah my guess is that some marketing 'guru' who hasn't worn a diaper since he was 2 years old assumed that people care more that their diaper resembles real underwear or that they 'breathe' rather than absorbency. While that may be true for a dry diaper, it is complete rubbish when it comes to soaking one of them. I've said it a few times before, if they made a baby size version of Depend or any of the store brands they'd go out of business in no time at all.

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why isn't ordering online desirable? if you order from a medical supply shop like xp or kck medical, it shows up on your credit card statement as only the name of the company, and they both ship in just a plain brown box with the return lable just say kck industries or xp industries....

plus you can get abri form x plus or molicares delivered right to your door.

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Did someone holding a gun to your head, drag you into the store, dig money out of your pockets, then shove a pack of Depends into your hands? Must have been quite the spectacle. :P

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Can I just give some love to the cloth-like cover? As someone who wears 24/7 for incontinence, I've found that the cloth-like is great for discretion when you don't want a noisy plastic diaper.

I'll be glad to give some apprectiation for the plastic, but only in some cases (like letting my DL side out for a spin).

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