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Welcome Graham Norton Viewers!

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I see the episode of Graham Norton that featured dailydiapers is re-running this week on LOGO. Was wondering why our stats exploded yesterday.

Thanks for visiting. I hope a few of you discovered you're not alone, and that not all of you are just here to say "look at the freaks!' Feel free to look around, ask questions and slap on a diaper and send us some new pics, lol.

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geesh people need to lighten up.. graham norton's show is about entertainment.. its not as if he only singled out the ab/dl community to make fun of it.. he cracks jokes about anyone who participates in his show... in one episode years ago, he called up someone who had a website about a toothbrush fetish and had the entire studio audience brush their teeth all at thesame time to the person on the phone...

if you can't laugh at yourself, you are taking yourself way to seriously.

If you can't admit that an adult who likes to dress up like alittle baby is a little bit funny looking then you gotta lighten up. Cause it IS funny looking. So are people who are into pony play, or pig play or puppy play. Just like people who are into severe bondage can be scary looking.

if you take yourself out of the ab/dl role and step back and look, its really quite funny. I mean.. a 40 year old man with a beard, hairy chest and legs and arms, sucking on a pacifier in a little girls dress with a big bonnet on. to many of us here we think ohh cute,.. or ohhh hot... but to anyone who isn't 'into' this, its going to be a litlte bit.... ok a lot bit.. funny.

thats the whole point of graham norton.. laughing at the world, cause its a damned funny place.

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Actually, he didn't really make fun of us. He showed some photos from the site (he chose all guys of course.) then had a male member of the auidence dress as a baby and claimed to have uploaded it to the site (it never appeared on the site for real - I attempted to get a copy of the photo - no response.)

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