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ok so i have a onesie, bottle, plastic pants, pacifier, lotion, powder, bambino diapers (the best), plates, and fork (damn friend). what else can i get to further the experience.

by the way i still live at home so i cant get anything to big, otherwise the parents will FREEK, and i think of my self as a 18-24 month old.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quite honestly, if you are still living at home with parents, you are pushing the envelope as it is. Right now, everything that you have can pretty well be hidden in a unobtrusive box in your closet, and covered over with other stuff, but you get much more and it will be hard to hide. That said, maybe see about getting some footed pjs or a sleeper. Those would be a bit more obvious but unless you get the crotch snap variety they can be explained away if you get found out (especially if you are in a colder climate).

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Guest Sissy Haji

pacifiersrus.com i think is one, (i believe i spelt that correct)

If your not for outfits or big items then I think you've pretty much reached your limit, How about one or two toys that are for babys?

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asfor toys, just walk down any baby aisle in any store, even just a grocery store... rattles, plastic keys or rings, tubby toys like a rubber ducky or boats or even just colourful cups, the stacking rings, the ball with the holes in it that you put the shapes into, also, a teddy bear and blanky might be good - all things you can hide under your bed or in a rubber maid drawer.

Get yourself some disney movies, or other cartoon movies, plastic books - cause babies love to put things in their mouth. along with crayons, colouring books, and non toxic playdough, the baby sized legos, the ones that are huge.

You could try actual baby food, or foods that could be eaten by babies, cheerios eaten out of a cute little bowl, apple sauce, when going to mcdonalds or other fast food join get a kids meal, and ask for the toddle toy.

for bath time at night, try the johnson's and johnsons' lavender body lotion, shampoo, baby oil line... it makes your skin feel nice and smooth and the lavender relaxes you for bedtime. You could get one of those lights that projects pictures on the wall while playing a lullabye, although harder to hide from the parents...

when you are out in public, look at babies and toddles and see what toys they are playing with... or just walk down the baby section in walmart, its FILLED with toys.

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asfor toys, just walk down any baby aisle in any store, even just a grocery store... rattles, plastic keys or rings, tubby toys like a rubber ducky or boats or even just colourful cups, the stacking rings, the ball with the holes in it that you put the shapes into, also, a teddy bear and blanky might be good - all things you can hide under your bed or in a rubber maid drawer.

Get yourself some disney movies, or other cartoon movies, plastic books - cause babies love to put things in their mouth. along with crayons, colouring books, and non toxic playdough, the baby sized legos, the ones that are huge.

You could try actual baby food, or foods that could be eaten by babies, cheerios eaten out of a cute little bowl, apple sauce, when going to mcdonalds or other fast food join get a kids meal, and ask for the toddle toy.

for bath time at night, try the johnson's and johnsons' lavender body lotion, shampoo, baby oil line... it makes your skin feel nice and smooth and the lavender relaxes you for bedtime. You could get one of those lights that projects pictures on the wall while playing a lullabye, although harder to hide from the parents...

when you are out in public, look at babies and toddles and see what toys they are playing with... or just walk down the baby section in walmart, its FILLED with toys.

So Sarah, I'd say it's fairly apparent you've put some thinking into the AB scene ^_^

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Guest Sissy Haji

like what kind of toys...im now starting to get in to the baby thing. all the stuff mentioned earlier was bought this year
pretty much like what sarah said, lots of colorful toys that 1yr olds play with, some dolls might be a sugestion too,

before u say dolls are a sissy thing, you ask any man, and they'd say when they was young they'd have a doll, I know I had one for a while.

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So Sarah, I'd say it's fairly apparent you've put some thinking into the AB scene ^_^

lets just say that when daddy and i get our own place, i've got some big (or should i call them 'little') plans for us! and it doesn't just have to do with getting a new tv, bed or couch!

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So Sarah, I'd say it's fairly apparent you've put some thinking into the AB scene ^_^

lets just say that when daddy and i get our own place, i've got some big (or should i call them 'little') plans for us! and it doesn't just have to do with getting a new tv, bed or couch!

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