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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Is This A Real Tv Show?

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I just sit and wonder why a video 2 years old on You Tube is just now discovered...what the heck..You guys really have a life?...... that isn't fair.. There is multiple mentions of this..You guys need to search You tube every day for diaper content ...I'm getting tired of pulling the slack!!! :D:P

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This video is 2 years old? How did I miss it?

It's pretty funny, and she's a pretty convincing teenage baby. At the end where she gets accidentally burped by her "boyfriend" was my favourite bit, either that or pooping at the prom. :)

Well the last part doesn't neccessarily have to really have anything to do with being abdl. The pooping and burping just sounds like an ordinary prom to me. <_<

The video is definitely not a real tv show, but funny nonetheless.

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Wow! Great stuff!

It seems to me, more and more, that the general public considers this good fun and unrelated to any pedophilic concerns. I'm greatly encouraged and gratified at the strides we're making, as a community. There will always be detractors. But, the positive input lately (albeit mostly for comedic effect), does give one reason for hope that one day we will not be as socially stigmatized. That day may be coming sooner than any of us ever expected, judging from these videos and others I have seen. Granted, most of them are directed in a humorous vein. But, let's face it. It is funny. So, let's all have fun.


--heidilynn ;)

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Guest refridginator

^that just made me think... what did all the persecutors do to abs in the middle ages? did they stone them or tar and feather them? possibly give them wedgies? lock them up in cages to expose their shame in front of everyone?

who knows...

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how ironic.....on another thread I said somethin about ted kennedy O.o

also LMFAO! "You perv you just wanna see girls pee!"


Also in part 2, that reminds me of weight lifting and football practice from H.S.......I didn't fall for it too much after the 3rd nuttap.....

"What's the capitol of Tailand? BanKOK (ouch)"

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Ok maybe I'm completely anal about this or maybe I just expect too much out of people and their cars...but..... on part 3 of 3 at minute 5:03 while hes shaking the "four-way stop ahead" sign, is it just me, or did whoever owns that red car do a really piss poor job of parallel parking? I mean the thing is halfway in the street; it's like my neighbors and their dumbass kid that is on her 6th(?) car because she is such a shitty driver. -_-

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Wow! Great stuff!

It seems to me, more and more, that the general public considers this good fun and unrelated to any pedophilac concerns. I'm greatly encouraged and gratified at the strides we're making, as a community. There will always be detractors. But, the positive input lately (albeit mostly for comedic effect), does give one reason for hope that one day we will not be as socially stigmatized. That day may be coming sooner than any of us ever expected, judging from these videos and others I have seen. Granted, most of them are directed in a humorous vein. But, let's face it. It is funny. So, let's all have fun.


--heidilynn ;)

Well said big sis,

Let's face it, tis better to laugh than cry! ;)


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Hey you forgot the American ad's at least they seemed American as they said diapers..but looks like they are posted on UKTube.

Here's more




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