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You may not bed them. But, if you crave their attentions, you can't go wrong by appearing in public as a cute baby. It's truly amazing. I have friend here in the Phoenix AZ area (Sissy Tami), with whom I have had numerous so-journs of late.

It never fails. Everytime we're out and about, we are practically besieged by beautiful babes. Swear to God. You may scoff, but it's the truth. Even when I'm out and about, doing my every day errands by myself, dressed as a big baby girl, same-same. I don't know why this phenomenon happens, but I'm plenty pleased that it does. Who knows? I might just find myself a "gaw-jus" mommy one of these days. Dream on, you say? It's not out of the realm of possibility. Right time, right place? Absolutely. Timing is everything.

Sadly, I've had numerous chances I have not exploited due to ignorance of the moment at hand. It still takes me by surprise whenever I'm approached by a beautiful woman at the supermarket. But, I'm starting to learn that the only way to miss, is to miss the opportunity.

Just make sure when you go publicly babied, do it responsibly. Don't harrass anyone. Let them come to you and make the initial inquiry. And, look as cute as you can. The babes will eat you up with a spoon. The cuter you look, the better. I'm talkin' ba-ba in hand. Perhaps a paci in mouth. Ribbons in your hair. A bit of blush on your cheeks. Some cute, baby style clothes to wear.

Do not. I repeat, do not ask them to change your diaper. If it's in the cards, I'm sure they'll offer.

I realize, for some, this sort of approach may be a bit radical. But, if you ever get the gumption? Try it. You may be amazed at the results.


--heidilynn ;)

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You may not bed them. But, if you crave their attentions, you can't go wrong by appearing in public as a cute baby. It's truly amazing. I have friend here in the Phoenix AZ area (Sissy Tami), with whom I have had numerous so-journs of late.

It never fails. Everytime we're out and about, we are practically besieged by beautiful babes. Swear to God. You may scoff, but it's the truth. Even when I'm out and about, doing my every day errands by myself, dressed as a big baby girl, same-same. I don't know why this phenomenon happens, but I'm plenty pleased that it does. Who knows? I might just find myself a "gaw-jus" mommy one of these days. Dream on, you say? It's not out of the realm of possibility. Right time, right place? Absolutely. Timing is everything.

Sadly, I've had numerous chances I have not exploited due to ignorance of the moment at hand. It still takes me by surprise whenever I'm approached by a beautiful woman at the supermarket. But, I'm starting to learn that the only way to miss, is to miss the opportunity.

Just make sure when you go publicly babied, do it responsibly. Don't harrass anyone. Let them come to you and make the initial inquiry. And, look as cute as you can. The babes will eat you up with a spoon. The cuter you look, the better. I'm talkin' ba-ba in hand. Perhaps a paci in mouth. Ribbons in your hair. A bit of blush on your cheeks. Some cute, baby style clothes to wear.

Do not. I repeat, do not ask them to change your diaper. If it's in the cards, I'm sure they'll offer.

I realize, for some, this sort of approach may be a bit radical. But, if you ever get the gumption? Try it. You may be amazed at the results.


--heidilynn ;)

Now either that's true, or naughty Heidi just wants more people at the next pride march!!

Beth, lol.

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Now either that's true, or naughty Heidi just wants more people at the next pride march!!

Beth, lol.

I'm only reporting the truth. Make of it what you will. If it arouses ABDL interest in the next "Pride" march Tami and I attend, more's the better. BTW, you don't have to be Gay or Lesbian to participate. Your diapers are more than enough for you to make your statement in pride of who and what you are.

Luv ya, norty Beffy!


--heidilynn ;)

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Now either that's true, or naughty Heidi just wants more people at the next pride march!!

Beth, lol.

True, so true it is. I am sure theres a little twinge of Heidi wanting more people at the next pride march. I want em too. I was blown away at the responses that I saw that day. People waving and asking for pictures! Simply amazing. Just goes to show, if you are comfortable in your own skin people will pick up on that and be comfortable with you. This is a far cry from forcing people into involvement. If they don't want to be involved they can look away. Young or old the ladies were eating up the big babies! :D


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I don't think so Square Duck. Back not so far long ago, I was outed by a very mean mommy who decided that because she was using drugs and cheating on me was not a good enough reason to for me to leave her. While she and I had a very small social circle, it didn't take long for my area of town to be informed of my "status". Any store,bar or business that I went into for miles around was always someone pointing and whispering. I too consider Heidi a personal Hero, but I am just a Toddler boy, Okay I do have some Rumba Panties!

The funny thing is there was always someone around within earshot of the gossiping that seemed quite intrigued. On any given night I was always approached by a female that was really interested in knowing more. Some had seen some of the talk shows many had not. For the most part, they understood I was incontinent and as such used this as a coping strategy (oh if they really knew the whole truth!).

In less than a year I was approached by no less than 20 women. Some I talked too. Others I told them the incontinent side and left it at that. I for one am glad it's not just Ohio girls. Apparently they stretch all the way to the other coast too. So for those looking..I would say apparently your not looking correctly or just have some other part of your life that is involving the missed connections. So take hope all that seek..they are definitely out there.

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I think the point Heidi made in the original post about not harassing anyone is one of the keys to success, especially with the opposite sex.

I think too many of our fellow AB/DL's seem to think that you should try and do stupid things, like asking a girl to change you without actually getting to know her or asking a nurse to do it. To my mind, I think some guys need to realise that this sort of stuff will not find them a like minded gf.


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Don't worry, Duckie. Girls like baby boys, too. I still can't figure out what the attraction is. But it's there, undeniably. Maternal instinct? Seeing a full grown man, humbled in such a way? A sub-concious, pre-adolecent urge to be stronger than boys? Seeing a man unafraid to show his sensitive side and respecting that? I tend to think it's the maternal instinct. Possibly, all the above. Who knows, really? It may not get you laid, but it sure is fun.

Here's a photo of me taken by Tami on a trip to the "Fremont Experience" during our recent visit to Vegas, for the Vegas Pride parade.


--heidilynn ;)



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Don't worry, Duckie. Girls like baby boys, too. I still can't figure out what the attraction is. But it's there, undeniably. Maternal instinct? Seeing a full grown man, humbled in such a way? A sub-concious, pre-adolecent urge to be stronger than boys? Seeing a man unafraid to show his sensitive side and respecting that? I tend to think it's the maternal instinct. Possibly, all the above. Who knows, really? It may not get you laid, but it sure is fun.

Here's a photo of me taken by Tami on a trip to the "Fremont Experience" during our recent visit to Vegas, for the Vegas Pride parade.


--heidilynn ;)


Hey, talking about psychology, why is it we all like our hair in bunches........as per your photo.......as per my profile pic?


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I don't get it hyde, which one is you???Seems both people are wearing ! ;)

I'm not out to 'get laid' I am looking for a companion who will put up with my immature stubborn child side and somehow tolerate and understand / accept me and some of my oddities. Maybe I'm looking for a mommy and don't know it *shrug* I probably need to wear more often, and wear abenas or molies instead of the more discreet secure plus I prefer. :blush:

I guess I should have joined you at the parade, but I had an important family function to 'attend' oh well...maybe next time.


Thanks for the compliment, Ducks! :P Tami was extremely envious of the showgirl's bonnet.

We're planning on doing the San Diego pride parade on July 19th. There is also some sort of festival planned for the event, the following day. I haven't really scoped out the details yet. But, if we spend some days in preparation, a splendid time is guaranteed, for all. Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite, ya know.


--heidilynn ;)

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