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Are You Happy, Or Unhappy With This Lifestyle?

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You're "in the pocket", Pips. One of the lucky ones who've finally accepted themselves, having fun with this and to hell with those who don't understand. I particularly like the "cheesehead" analogy. My step-brothers and sisters are from Wisconsin and devout Packer fans. They're silly with that crazy headgear on, but not a one seems to give a care how silly they look. It's all part of life's party. Party on. Life's too short.


--heidilynn ;)

Is self-acceptance always best? I think it depends on what you're asking the person to accept. For some people, this isn't who they are--it's what's become of them after a lifetime of hurt. Using diapers to repair psychological damage is like putting on a band-aid to stop internal bleeding. For some people, the band-aid pulls, pinches, causes a nasty rash, but the stupid thing just won't come off, and at any rate, it's doing nothing for the bleeding. Maybe some of these people do enjoy the diapers, but others feel they're only a symbol of past traumatic circumstances. Why accept something that makes you miserable if you could let go of it? Your fixation on diapers is there, but there are resources to help you manage it if you want to.

Accepting yourself can be an excellent goal when your biggest misgiving about wearing diapers is fear of other people's reactions. Not that it's an illegitimate fear--many people here have taken horrible blows to their relationships because of what someone else thought of their diapers. The social risks are very real, and ignoring them won't make them disappear. But if you grow so secure about wearing diapers that nothing fazes you, more power to you.

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While twenty years ago I felt this was a terrible burden and wished that I wasn't this way, that is no longer the case. I've accepted that this is part of who I am and it's really not so terrible. In fact, it's a lot of fun and makes me feel good. It's kind of odd, a little silly (maybe a lot silly :P ), but so what? It's silly to wear a foam cheese wedge on your head at football games too, but people still do it.

So now if some miraculous "cure" was offered to me, I'd turn it down. I'm happy with my quirkly little oddity. I get pleasure from it and because I'm okay with it, it no longer has the same power to control me, as it once did. It's just part of who I am.

Well said Pipsqueak!

I always wonder why those weirdo's from Green Bay walk around with cheese on their head! Now dressing up as a pirate at an Oakland Raiders game, well that makes perfect sense to me!


(Got that out of my system, so going now, lol)

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Well said Pipsqueak!

I always wonder why those weirdo's from Green Bay walk around with cheese on their head! Now dressing up as a pirate at an Oakland Raiders game, well that makes perfect sense to me!


(Got that out of my system, so going now, lol)

Weirdos? :huh::lol:

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Mommy says I'm a very cute baby when I smile :blush: Packers in '09 Baby! :D

Actually you made a Freudian slip there PampersPete, you said, and I quote "Mommy says I'm a very cute baby when I smile" yet on your profile it says you are a DL.

Ahhh.....Ahhh.....so now the truth has at last been revealed, PampersPete is none other than ADULT BABY PETE!!

*And he would have got away with it too, if hadn't been for us meddling kids!!*

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The only thing that I could be unhappy about is that I can't wear more often. Aside from DD users, I've told no one about my diapers. I choose to not tell, though, sometimes I want to. It keeps my desires at bay and controls the balance that so many have talked about. After a few binge/purge cycles, I realized that my feelings weren't going away. I've learned to live with who I am and it helps shape my life. I would not rid myself of this part of my life knowing now how it can be balanced.


You are getting there. And, I wept tears of joy when I read your post. I said, "Yes, yes, Yes!

Self-realization is so crucial, when dealing with our desires.


--heidilynn ;)

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From what my gf tells me I've tried all my life to accept this Ab side of myself,because of this years past events I have realized what is imortant to me in this life.I am an Adult baby and I am very happy about it.I wouldn't give it up for anything,I am 100% happy being who I am.I am becoming more open about it with the attitude that if you can't accept me this way then don't go away mad just go away.I could be into alot worse things out there,I could be a very differant person,the fact is I'm not.I love life,I love an accept all people and nothings is going to change that."Livin the life I was born to live & givin' it all I got to give"

Could'nt agree with you more gizzybear and wif you also Pips. There was i time in my life before i found out that i was'nt alone being ABDL that i wanted to rid myself of my deep love of diapers due to the terrible emotional and social impacts that it has brought me over the years past. It was like being at war constantly with myself between being who and what i am, an ABDL who loves and needs diapers, and what is socially accepted as being normal in society whatever the hell that word really means lol. Finding the ABDL community has liberated me. The adult side of me now lives in peace with my inner child and if society can't accept that, then it can go to hell as far as i'm concerned. I would'nt change who and what i am today for the world. I guess thats about it.

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I wouldn't change it. I wouldn't wish this or any other particular fetish or lifestyle on anyone. But I do wish everyone had the chance to experience sharing something such as this with their partner. Because it requires such a high level of trust to share this kind of thing with someone, it also in turns develops a higher level of trust and intimacy. I'm not going to say everyone should live like I do. However, I think most people could benefit from expanding their horizons ALOT. They don't even realize what they are missing out on.

On the other hand, if I didn't have the partner I do obviously I wouldn't have the same experience. However, I still would not give up the AB side of me. It's too soothing and relaxing, and it's the first thing that comes to mind when work sucks, or when I feel like escaping from my life for a while. Everyone has their vices, but this isn't hurting anyone else, nor is it hurting me, unlike some of the other choices people make for stress relief or pleasure.

Too many people try to pretend like there is nothing unique about themselves, they try way too hard to blend in and be like The Jonses, so to speak. They are the ones missing out, not the people who are willing to figure themselves out and have the guts to face themselves and their weirdness.

Read a quote once I always liked, “We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.

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Well said Pipsqueak!

I always wonder why those weirdo's from Green Bay walk around with cheese on their head! Now dressing up as a pirate at an Oakland Raiders game, well that makes perfect sense to me!


(Got that out of my system, so going now, lol)

A dydeed, pie-tee? :lol:


--heidilynn ;)

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For me, I'd probably want to give it up because I am tired of being hurt all the time in the community and running into the seediest of the seediest in the community. But, part of me tells me not to give it up as something has to be out there for me. I just have cut back on how much I play baby and participate online, because of all the hurt.

I believe there is a reason for everything, and there has to be a reason for me being ABDL. Sure, I am not as active; but it is a part of me and I am not going to give up because of all the set-backs and the kooks I run into online. Plus, I find I also enjoy a lot of things in my adult life as well as my little side. I like to go out, have some beers with my friends, go to baseball games, football games, and Cavs basketball games in Cleveland. I find also as I got older, the little side needed to be let go of in a way.

But it is still there, just not as strong as it was years ago. Bout all I do is suck my thumb, and sleep with my blankie and favorite stuffed whale.


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For me, I'd probably want to give it up because I am tired of being hurt all the time in the community and running into the seediest of the seediest in the community. But, part of me tells me not to give it up as something has to be out there for me. I just have cut back on how much I play baby and participate online, because of all the hurt.

I believe there is a reason for everything, and there has to be a reason for me being ABDL. Sure, I am not as active; but it is a part of me and I am not going to give up because of all the set-backs and the kooks I run into online. Plus, I find I also enjoy a lot of things in my adult life as well as my little side. I like to go out, have some beers with my friends, go to baseball games, football games, and Cavs basketball games in Cleveland. I find also as I got older, the little side needed to be let go of in a way.

But it is still there, just not as strong as it was years ago. Bout all I do is suck my thumb, and sleep with my blankie and favorite stuffed whale.


GOOD FOR YOU BabyCris, I'm shocked and saddened that you've been hurt by other ABDLs out here. I guess even in our own community there are the "not so nice people" out there but Just ignore them and beeeee yourself !!!!! I guess I must consider myself a lucky one so far. Its true as you said that as you get older and the stress of todays society grows worse, the need to escape it grows with it as well. Thats the beauty of being ABDL. I wish that the ABDL communitys were around when i was a teenager, life would have been sooo much easier in just knowing that your not alone. I wouldn't give up being ABDL for nothing today. I guess thats about it for now but just be yourself and love it!!!

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Actually you made a Freudian slip there PampersPete, you said, and I quote "Mommy says I'm a very cute baby when I smile" yet on your profile it says you are a DL.

Ahhh.....Ahhh.....so now the truth has at last been revealed, PampersPete is none other than ADULT BABY PETE!!

*And he would have got away with it too, if hadn't been for us meddling kids!!*

I love Scooby-Doo :D My tendencies are like my sexuality. They tend to run the gamut from time to time. I consider myself bisexual even though I like to think of myself as 90% hetero and 10% fun :lol: Same thing with my diaper desires. 90% diaper lover and 10% little boy who never grew up. About a year and a half ago my "mommy" and I took the train up the Cali coast to Ventura so she could train someone to do a job for the company she worked for. On the last full day we were there,I had been up all night and kind of hung over and cranky. My GF turned into a mean but loving"mommy" for the hour or so before she went to work. She spanked me,held me,bathed me and gave me the best diapering of my adult life at that time. I definitely wouldn't be turned off to explore some hidden diaper desires on the AB side of my psyche....

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it's caused me mild hardship...

it's brought me fun and excitement....

it's made life more complicated....

it's given me a unique perspective on life and others who i might not of been as understanding of....

it's created challenges to overcome....

it's helped me through times of trouble....

it's caused conflicting emotions about intimate relationships....

it's allowed me to meet and come to know some wonderful people....

i think if i didn't have it...i'd have had something else in my life to deal with....

i think it's helped make me who i am....but who would i have been without it?


unsure....but since i don't have a choice.........i make the most of it!

I think you hit the nail on the head there Jenniebear,

we are what we are and the best thing we can do for oursleves is just accept it.

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