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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

How Did It Start?

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Well I didn't find out I had a fetish until I was 20. But it started out when I was 13, and I found some old diapers in my closest *both pull-up and huggies* and I tried them on, played with them for about a week then purged myself because I thought I was being a weirdo. So I repressed the desires until I was 20. One day while d/ling some porno *hehe* the word Diaper appeared in my limewire program, and it was a flood coming through a door, about 7 years of repression just came out, and I remembered what I did when I was 13.

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this one time when i was 11 i was staying at my uncles and the only free room was an old nursery, so i slept on the floor in a sleeping bag. i woke up in the middle of the night and saw a diaper on the changing table and thought waht the heck, so i tried it on and liked, wore it for a few minutes, took it off and put it and another in my suitcase.

Looking back i would have liked to have sleeped in the crib, but hindsight is 20/20

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I always liked diapers as far back as I can remember (which is about 3 years old.) My grama babysat for years and always had lots of pampers in the house and I often was wearing a diaper when there. Nobody knew though. My parents also had lots of friends with babys, so growing up I would sneak diapers from them.

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For me it started when we had our first child. I saw the diapers and thought I wonder what they would be like. I did some searching on the net and found this great site. From there I have not turned back. I love it and it makes me feel something that is hard to explain.



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I started when I was around 14, but I thought I was the only one until I was 21, no internet and a general lack of info. I found a letter in one of the adult "Real" letters from readers magazines.

But thinking back over my earlier youth, I loved the Bugs Bunny/Gorilla cartoons where Bugs was babied. Plus the AR Bewitched episodes and the ones where Darren kept thinking that his sister-in-law was his daughter. She kept sending him back to the hospital nursery. Plus a few other sitcoms that had those types of situations.

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  • 7 months later...

hmm... bumpage lol

update on my memory of evperences

looking back when i was 3ish a friend and i used to play DIAPER TOWN, we put diapers on top of our pants and bounced around saying diaper town, they were for his stuffed bear, makes me wonder bout him lol

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For me, the desire goes WAY back. I first asked my mom if I could wear diapers again when I was 3 or 4 years old. She humored me at first, putting me in my old cloth diapers, but once I started asking frequently, that was the end of that. The desire never really went away, and when I was maybe 5 or 6, I had a playmate from school who had a baby brother, and we would swipe his disposable diapers and put them on, and use them.

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I used to wet the bed and mom came in one nite and asked if I would wear a diaper to bed to proctect the sheets and bed, I think I floored her when I said okay with no fighting about it. Then around age 10 instead of having my diaper taken off in the morning, I asked for a new diaper to wear during the morning and she basically floored me when she diapered me, and from then on when ever I wanted to be diapered, I was the pampers kid.


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When I was growing up I was a bed wetter. When I was 5 my mom got sick and I had to live with some relatives for about 2 months. One night I was told that since I was wetting the bed I would have to wear diapers at night.

I cried and screamed, all to no avail. When I climbed into bed, my aunt pinned cloth diapers on me. I don't know why, but she did not put plastic pants over the diapers. The next morning they were very wet and soaked through to the bed.

This continued the rest of the time while I was there. After a little whle of this I distinctly remember enjoying the feeling of wearing diapers. At one point I said to my aunt that they were very comfy. So, every night she pinned diapers on me and every morning I woke up soaked.

I kept on wishing that my folks would diaper me. I even asked my mom about it, but that never happened...

Over the years the desire to be in diapers never completely left. About 10 years ago I decided to start wearing diapers at night again. I only wear cloth diapers and am usually diapered every night and when diapered still wake up soaked, the only difference is that now I know to wear plastic pants!


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:) Years back when I was a child. I'm 24 now and still love wearing them! I just used to steal my cousin's diapers or my brother's and wear them to school or at home. I got busted my mother once :crybaby::( she spanked me. I was a bed wetter too. I woke up in a wet bed sometimes and got spank again till my mother finally deceide to put me back in diapers at night :blush::P then it was off and on. I wore them when I had the chance, even if i had to steal someone's else diapers or pull-up's. :huh: snicking around. I just grew up that way, having that feeling for diapers.
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I have always made up stories in my head about all sorts of things, and i think i was six when i made up a story about someone wearing nappies. From then on i would make up stories in my head about nappies quite a bit. A couple of years ago i looked on the internet and found a few sites, and read some of the stories. At that point i wrote down some of the stories that i had been thinking about and posted them on an internet forum. Then i went back to making up the stories in my head. It seemed like too much work to write them down.

When i got my laptop and internet access in my room at university i started looking again and found this site. When i came home for a weekend i looked for the floppy disk that i had used a couple of years ago, but couldn't find it which means that the eight or nine stories that i had written were gone. So i started re-writing those i could remember and started a couple of new ones.

The idea of actually wearing a nappy myself is only something i have began to think about seriously in the last month. Before that it was something i sometimes thought about, but never looked into.

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This has to be one of the most frequently asked questions on this site because I think I've answered this a couple of times already in my short time here. It's a very good question though and I really enjoy reading the responses.

Anyways, in short, I had an accident around the age of 11 or 12 and was put in a diaper for the night as punishment. It was a very humiliating experience, but at the same time it felt really good too. I think I learned that night that wearing a diaper enable me to get in touch with my inner child and it felt good to think and dream about all the unconditional love and attention I would get as a baby. Though I had a relatively good childhood, I always felt that I never got enough attention for some reason. So, from that incident on, I would occasionally don a diaper at night to recapture all those feelings. This behavior continued into adult hood and when life got too stressful, I knew exactly what to do to find escape. I'm not an AB because I rarely go any further than just wearing a diaper, but I do have some AB tendencies so I keep a few baby items around just in case I need a deeper release from reality.

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I used to wet the bed, so I was put in nappies at night

This continued till I was 8, where I first discovered how much I liked nappies when my cousin babied me. She put me in nappies during the day and changed me, I loved it. I continued to wear nappies at night till I was 13 when I stopped.

I discovered it was a fetish after looking it up on the internet when I was 16, I've continued from there.

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i was the youngest child of 3....two brothers 12 and 16 years older then me...my parents were older...tired of raising kids i think....very nondemonstrative of their love for their kids....

my mother said i was potty trained by a year old...i was out of diapers by then anyway...though i can't remember having accidents more then once and i never was a bedwetter...

i think at an early age i missed the bond that is between a mother and her child when she changes their diaper...the exchange between mother and child at those moments are extremely important to the development of a baby...instead i can imagine how my mother...an extremely "uptight" person probably treated her baby... who she in her mind she had potty trained at one year old...tense...tired...and wanting to get past the "baby" years....she denied me something very important....

i would wear over my pants old rubberpants my mother had saved from when i was an infant to put on my dolls...i remember how they felt...what they looked like...and i kept them for many many years....i wish i still had them....

when i was 6 my brother and his wife had a baby girl...when they brought her home she became the apple of my parents eye...their first grandchild....they worshiped her....

i can remember being so jealous...watching how they "loved" on her...and treated her like something so precious.....holding her and cuddling her....which was something i couldn't remember them doing with me....

how i was so jealous of her ... and yet...i loved her....as she grew older...she and 4 years later her sister...were someone i could touch in an affectionate way and be touched back...i mothered every one of my nieces and my nephew....giving to them what i'd always felt lacking in my life....as an adult i am still close to them....there's a bond that came out of growing up together like we did....

as i got a little older...probably about 12...some of the feelings a young girl has at that point in her life sort of became tied into that "being babied" feeling i'd developed a desire for and hence my fetish was born....

i'd never shared those feelings with anyone except for my exhusband long long ago who was totally repulsed by it.....until i discovered dpf online....and then a while new world opened up to me....

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as i got a little older...probably about 12...some of the feelings a young girl has at that point in her life sort of became tied into that "being babied" feeling i'd developed a desire for and hence my fetish was born....

I can certainly relate to your story jenniebear. I too felt neglected as a child and I was always jealous of my younger siblings and cousins getting all the unconditional love and attention.

I wanted to add something that might be of interest to you. I've read that when we go through puberty we are confronted with two choices. We either look back at being an infant and don't want to grow up or we look into the future and embrace adult hood. It's an interesting thought to say the least, but the ones that don't want to grow up, for whatever reason, can unintentionally link their sexual drive with being an infant at this time. Though this is very rare, it would explain a lot.

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It all started on that fateful trip to the petting farm. I was cornered and attacked by a pack of rampaging nannygoats who made me wear diapers!!!

All facts, names and simularities may or may not be in part or full be the whole or part of the truth

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I think I have a unique story from what I've read thus far.

I don't remember my diapering past as a child, nor was I a bedwetter.

I've never actually figured out what triggered my interest in diapers until years later when I was looking up information on what I had been interested in for so long ... found a write up that an embarassing past or situation could easily trigger it ... and then it hit me.

Goes back to Grade 4 ...

We're in school and working on these project cars that would roll on ramps or something of the sort ... we all had vehicles. It was around Halloween time as well.

Anyways, as Halloween was coming, I couldn't figure out what to be for Halloween (My probelm every year :P) ... talking it over with my Mom, a nurse, we came up with the idea of becoming a baby.

Simple ... she could get a diaper or two at work, buy a big rattle for around my neck, found a rubber hairpiece thing that made my head look bald, and wore a basic T and pants or what have you ...

So we came to school as normal the day of Halloween and later in the day, the teacher told everyone to get changed into their costume. At first I was hesitant because I was embarassed of the crazy/goofy costume I had (but embarassed in a good way ... I wouldn't MIND, that's just me, calling for attention :P)

So anyways, after a bit of time, I got everything out and started to get dressed but was having some obvious problems with the diaper, to the point where I got the male teacher to help me out. Even at that age I was good with the teachers and he could easily joke, "I never thought I'd still be putting on diapers" and we're all laughing about it.

Anyways, everyone is in their costumes, including me and then he announces we're going to parade our projects around the school. What???

I was so surprised, apparently he organized a "Parade" IN THE SCHOOL for us to display our projects in our costumes through the first and second floors of the school.

Everyone came out of their classes and lined the walls and hallway to watch ...

And as I walked, pulling my project on a string, I remember being all embarassed about it ... teachers I would talk to, 'Aww, you're so cute' and I'd laugh with them ...

Kids I didn't even know, from far away I could hear "Oh look at the baaaaby!" which really got me ... forever remember that.

I don't remember much about the entire day after that, but those events I remember vividly like it was yesterday. I had fun and wasn't tramatized or anything, but embarassed indeed.

I'm not sure how it picked up years later but I remember seeing the famous Jerry Springer episode with the adult baby in the crib on stage using his diaper (the DPF guy?) and watching it with my entire family (haha remember when Springer was somehow a "Family Show" lmao) ... anyways, we thought nothing of it at the time and continued watching ... I thought nothing of it.

I know that years later, I had an operation to fix a bone in each foot ... nothing to do with being diapered, but at the time I know I wanted to be. I remember coming home eventually with walking casts and my Mom giving me some sort of blue plastic on one side, cotton on the inside sheet for me to put my feet on ... it made no sense at the time but I guess we were protecting the couch ... all I know, is that little plastic sheet as soon as everyone was gone, was my wrap around diaper.

Didn't use it, but put it on with tape and remember it feeling so nice ... I think at this point and age, (Grade 7, so I was 12/13?) I had the urges without knowing it was a full blown fetish ... use to think about going to the store and buying Goodnights and pretending they weren't for me ...

(An ongoing theme today, buying adult diapers in the store with the mentality "No, they're not for me" if someone was to ask) ...

Like I said, years later I found out what was really happening and what I was really interested in.

Have gone through some ups and downs but today I can content with it and like it. Sometimes I have extreme urges and its all I can think about, while other times its manageable and I don't even think about it. Right now, I'm obviously on it :P

Today I don't have the freedom I'll one day have and I look forward to that day. I do what I can when I'm alone and it makes me happy. I can even get my girlfriend involved to help me out, which I've been blessed it for sure ...

And that's my story thus far :D

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Well, I've always had a problem with my bladder, and since I've been 9, I've always worn diapers. Recently, though, about two years back (when I was seventeen) I started noticing I enjoyed it.

Although, if I was to really look into it, I'm sure I could find hints of me liking the feeling from long before that.

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Wow, good stories so far. I'll try to keep mine short even thought I remember almost every singel experience from age 3 till now.

I was force potty trained very early, like at 1 or 1 and a half. The first experience I remember was me at an in home day care at the age of 3 and there was a little boy there still in diapers acting all wild, and the sitter told me that if I was going to act wild she was going to put me in diapers too. Now I can't remember if she actualy did it or not, I have a memory of her putting me in diapers, but I don't know if that is something I just fantasized about so much that I made myself believe it happened or if she actualy did it.

Next I remember my grandma reading me a book called "once upon a potty" at about the age of 4, that sparked more interest.

By the age of 5 I had a 2 year old sister and I would steel her diapers and wear them, I would always get caught though, and was even caught once by my aunt and 2 cousins, then it died down again untill I was 8.

At 8 I had a friend who wet the bed and I would sleep over and he would always wear pull-ups to bed, I was soo envious. One night when I was 10 I finaly got the courage to wear one secretly while I was at his house.

In third grade we did an experiment with diapers where we cut them open and gathered all the little crystals out and put them in a jar and added water, my partner was a girl and I felt like I was on cloud 9.

Untill puberty hit I just fantasized a lot at night, then we got the internet and "diaper" was one of the first things I searched for.

A desire for diapers has always been in my rememberance. I believe the main cause was the lack of attention that came when my sister was born. I can't remember actualy feeling any envy or jelousy towards her, but I think I did feel neglect, even though my parents were very loving, my sister just got more attention.

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I was diapered until I was 5 or 6. I would come home with wet pants because I didn't want to use the bathroom. I always made it through the day at school I just couldn't make it home in time to use the toilet so my mom put me back in diapers. She probably would have used the pull-up, but they were not around back then. So I had to us the white plastic pampers with no images on the front, now I think wow I wish I still had some..... I remember in Kindergarden sitting on the carpet for story time and I think I was some where in the middle of the kids and my shirt was kind of up in the back and one of the kids said "he's wearing diapers"....I will never for get that time.

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Well, I've always had a problem with my bladder, and since I've been 9, I've always worn diapers. Recently, though, about two years back (when I was seventeen) I started noticing I enjoyed it.

Although, if I was to really look into it, I'm sure I could find hints of me liking the feeling from long before that.

Oh my gosh, snap! Everything from the years to your age is exactly the same as me! :o

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