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Lullabies, Lullabies, Lullabies


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So, heres my new topic. Who listens to lullabies? I DO. I find them the final touch for a true jammied, powdered, diapeed, put to sweepy wifs my favorite stuffed toy, night.

So, I'm just wondering again, who wuvs em too. and. what are your favorites. These are mine. All of them are on Disney Lullaby CD

All the pretty little horses... A guy tried to sing this on American Idol last night.. ouch..

Sleepytime Skies. .. I just love her voice ...sigh...

La-la lue..absolutely love this one..

I also like Metal. I run in streaks.

But, I would love to hear if you listen, and what your favorites are. ..

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Lullabies...Yep, I listen to them.

In addition to my ninitimes attire, my binky, and at least two plushies (who am i kidding? it's more like every plushie in my apartment :P ), lullabies are wonderful in helping soothe me into dreamland.

I don't have any particular favorites, any sweet, softly sung song will do. I also enjoy some classical music, too (the piano particularly soothes me).

Although, anything my Dady sings to me relaxes me very quickly...Dady just has that way about him.

As far as songs I'd recommend as lullabies:

~ Lullaby by Billy Joel (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LraZEoRnkPc )

~ Sleeping Child by Michael Learns To Rock (Link:


~ Mostly anything by Josh Groban

~ If you're a Final Fantasy X/X-2 fan, most of the music on there can make wonderful lullabies, if you don't cry over them like I have (like To Zanarkand, Yuna's Theme (I think that's the name of it, but i don't know for sure), Suteki Da Ne and a few more From FFX, and one of Yuna's theme songs from FFX-2, I think it's called To You but I'm not entirely sure ~ it's sung in Japanese)

~ C.J.

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I didn't know the Beatles done a version of Golden Slumbers. I love that one too.

'Sleep little baby do not cry, and I will sing a lullaby' ...ummm. I don't know what it is. I play heavy metal guitar, been in metal bands, worn spiked leather wristbands, leather coats, and own 11, count em, electric guitars. Been playing Judas Priest, Ozzy, KISS, Ted Nugent for quite awhile, but I still melt when I hear my favorite lullabies. I just love music, and dis rock and roll baby plays his Les Paul through a rectifier and a fender tweed (guitarists know what I'm saying) den dis wittow baby fawws asweep to Disney wuwwabies.


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Wikipedia -

"'Golden Slumbers' is a song by The Beatles, part of the climactic medley on their 1969 album Abbey Road. The song begins the progression that leads to the end of the album and is followed by "Carry That Weight." The two songs were recorded together as a single piece, and both were written by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon/McCartney).

"Golden Slumbers" is based on a poem by Thomas Dekker and written in a lullaby style. McCartney saw the sheet music for Dekker's lullaby at his father's home in Liverpool, left on a piano by his stepsister Ruth McCartney. McCartney could not read music at the time and was unable to read the score, and so he created his own melody and arrangement."

i was suprised when you said you didn't know The Beatles had done it........so i looked it up to see whose cover you would be more familiar with and found that it's been done many many times by various artists..!


o and i thought of another one .... John Lennon's "Beautiful Boy" (Darling Boy)

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dere is an album i just gotteds talleds Dream A Little by The Little Series I just dotted its today i weally wikes it i tants waits to twy its tonights

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Hey Jennybear, I will check out the Beatles version, but no, I didn't know they done it. Even though Abbey Road is like the most popular beatles album. The version on Disney is by Billy Gaines. Is it the same song?

I will also check out the Lennon song. tankies for da recommendation.

And Pax, if I find it, I will check your suggestion out too. And same to you C.J.

thanks to all, what else is good?

nighty night evewyone.

Quick update, I found The Little Series at Amazon!

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OMG, I heard golden slumbers by the Beatles today on the radio. And guess what? I have heard that song a million times. It really has nothing in common with the Lullaby I listen to. Just one lyric. But it was weird cuz we were just talking about this. And when mcartney sang that lyric, I got a shiver. I never knew the name of it.

Anyway, thats all.

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These aren't the words to the lullabye you were talking about??

Once there was a way to get back homeward

Once there was a way to get back home

Sleep pretty darling do not cry

And I will sing a lullabye

Golden slumbers fill your eyes

Smiles awake you when you rise

Sleep pretty darling do not cry

And I will sing a lullabye

Once there was a way to get back homeward

Once there was a way to get back home

Sleep pretty darling do not cry

And I will sing a lullabye

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The only lyrics that are the same is 'sleep pretty darling do not cry, and I will sing a lullabye"

I'll go find the lyrics. hold on..... ... Ok, I'm back

Golden slumber kiss your eyes,

Smiles await you when you rise.


pretty baby,

Do not cry,

And I'll sing you a lullaby.

Care you know not,

Therefore sleep,

While I o'er you watch do keep.


pretty darling,

Do not cry,

And I will sing a lullaby

So, thats the lyrics.. now you see why I didn't recongize the Beatles song. I like them both, but two different songs. The last lyric sounds like Yoda speak.

I listened something a bit different last night. The series is called Rockabye Baby. What they have done is taken different rock bands, and transcribed some of their most famous songs into lullaby musicals. Well, last night I listened to "The Eagles". I liked it. But, they also have Metallica (my next one), Tool, No Doubt, The Cure, U2, Nirvana, Beach Boys, Coldplay, Green Day, Radiohead, Ramones, Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, Nine Inch Nails, Pink Floyd, Queens of the Stonage, Rolling Stones and Smashing Pumpkins. Some are better than others, judging by the samples and comments. But I did like the Eagles that I have. I know everysong, and it was fun to guess what songs they are. Lulled me to sleep.

talk to ya later

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So, heres my new topic. Who listens to lullabies? I DO. I find them the final touch for a true jammied, powdered, diapeed, put to sweepy wifs my favorite stuffed toy, night.

So, I'm just wondering again, who wuvs em too. and. what are your favorites. These are mine. All of them are on Disney Lullaby CD

All the pretty little horses... A guy tried to sing this on American Idol last night.. ouch..

Sleepytime Skies. .. I just love her voice ...sigh...

La-la lue..absolutely love this one..

I also like Metal. I run in streaks.

But, I would love to hear if you listen, and what your favorites are. ..

Hey thank you for this thread! I hope people post some more lullabies! I have gone online and found the ones so far. Daddy likes them and is making a file for my ipod. He even knew some of them!

ricky :D

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Hey matthew...i got curious again so i looked up the original poem that the Beatles song was based on.......

Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,

Smiles awake you when you rise.

Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry,

And I will sing a lullaby;

Rock them, rock them, lullaby.

Care is heavy, therefore sleep you;

You are care, and care must keep you.

Sleep, pretty wantons, do not cry,

And I will sing a lullaby;

Rock them, rock them, lullaby.

.....Golden Slumbers Kiss Your Eyes

by Thomas Dekker (1570-1632)

Also i know that they aren't all lullabies but one of my favorite kids CD's (have worked in the early childhood profession all my life so have heard a "few") is "For the Children Too" it was put out quite a few years ago....but has some great classics done by some great musicians.......lol little richard does a GREAT rendition of "the Itsy Bitsy Spider" and that's CD is also the one with Natalie Merchants .. "Come Take a Trip on my Airship"

How 'bout "House at Pooh Corner" by Kenny Loggins.........i guess i'm partial to the "growed up" songs that could pass as lullabies

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Uh...do nursewy whymes count? I wike Brahm's Lullaby (Lullaby and goodnight...), but nobuddy knows da words, dey jus' hum it. Lotsa people say dat one wit' the baby hangin' from a twee by a bow dat bweaks, an' da baby falls down....to 'is deaff! O.O I don' wike dat one...

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Lotsa people say dat one wit' the baby hangin' from a twee by a bow dat bweaks, an' da baby falls down....to 'is deaff! O.O I don' wike dat one...

That one is a little scawy. I have a version of 'that' evil song that almost sounds like the guy is laughing a little when he sings 'the cradle will fall, down will come baby, cradle and all'.

What was the motivation behind those lyrics. baby maming? :huh:

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makes me scawed of falling.... I's not afraid of heights, but I got bad dweams when I was younger about falling off a tall building, and waking up just before I hit in a pool of sweat. I'd start crying and callin' fer my mommy, an' she'd come and hold me and tell me ebryting is okay. I wish dere was somebuddy here, now to do dat when I haff bad dweams. I gots nobunny.

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I wuv to stay at da vewy top of evewy hotel I stay in, so me guesses me not afwaid of heights eiver. BUT, even IF i had a cradle, I would not put it on a twee top and twy wocking in it, whedder da winds blowing or not.

Back to do subject, isn't thewe any other wuwwabies all you babies listen to? I have wistened to a few of da 'Rockabye Baby Lullaby Renditions'. and some are stinky, my favorites are the Eagles, Pink Floyd, and wast night I wistened to Metallica, it was ok. Sends me to sweepyland, dats da main ting. :closedeyes:

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  • 1 month later...

My taste in lullabies ranges from Brahms lullaby to music like

Desperado by the Eagles

Blue bayou by Linda Rondstadt

Johnny Cash

although really if my daddy is laying there next to me rubbing my back and

i've got my blankie and my wulffie any music sounds like a lullaby.

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I have Kenny Loggins' lullaby (I just noticed the spelling...lull...ABy?) CD called "House at Pooh Corner" or "Return to Pooh Corner" I can't remember which, but it is amazingly relaxing. Not his usual fare, but I have the feeling it was recorded to celebrate his sons birth or something.

Some of my favorites there:

All the Pretty little Ponies


Somewhere out there


Pooh Corner

Rainbow Connection

I love the whole disc. It was the first CD I owned, I got it with Alabama's Cheap Seats for my tenth birthday I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wikipedia -

"'Golden Slumbers' is a song by The Beatles, part of the climactic medley on their 1969 album Abbey Road. The song begins the progression that leads to the end of the album and is followed by "Carry That Weight." The two songs were recorded together as a single piece, and both were written by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon/McCartney).

"Golden Slumbers" is based on a poem by Thomas Dekker and written in a lullaby style. McCartney saw the sheet music for Dekker's lullaby at his father's home in Liverpool, left on a piano by his stepsister Ruth McCartney. McCartney could not read music at the time and was unable to read the score, and so he created his own melody and arrangement."

i was suprised when you said you didn't know The Beatles had done it........so i looked it up to see whose cover you would be more familiar with and found that it's been done many many times by various artists..!


o and i thought of another one .... John Lennon's "Beautiful Boy" (Darling Boy)

I too, was taken a bit aback by the post which mentioned no knowledge of Sir Paul's original composition. It reminds me of a time when I was in a club/restaurant in Nashville TN. The jukebox was playing an Emmylou Harris cover of the song, "Here, There, and Everywhere". A Beatles' classic. I overheard a Vanderbilt University co-ed at the next table say, " Don't you just love the way Emmylou writes songs? " I just shook my head and thought, "Man, am I getting old." This was way back in 1980. Right before John Lennon's death. I was only 29 at the time, but it sure brought home the message of how quickly times change. "Golden Slumbers" is one of the all-timers on my Beatle playlist. As is the whole Abbey Road album. It's a rock and roll masterwork. Alan Parson had a lot to do with that "project", as well. Did Pink Floyd ever do a lullabye, while I'm on the subject? A lot of their music has a very dreamlike, somnambulant quality to it. Not saying they put me to sleep. But, I can't recall an actual kid type theme. Maybe, "Goodbye, Blue Sky" (The Wall). But the subject matter is a bit frightening.

My all-time fave AB lullabye? It has to be Gordon Lightfoot's "The Pony Man".

"When it's midnight on the meadow and the cats are in the shed..." Great stuff.

A close second is Paul Siebel's "Then Came The Children"

"Come gather all around me friends, I sing to you about the minstrel band. Of children in their witches hats and painting pictures with the pipes of Pan..."


--heidilynn ;)

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