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Found 3 results

  1. Based on some posts here: urge incontinence / overactive bladder / incontinence on medical chart, I'm wondering if I should mention this at my next visit to my urologist. I found out about six months ago that I have an overactive bladder but no urge incontinence. Of course I owe this to my training with diapers myself. My doctor doesn't need to know about this. Rather, I want to tell him that I wear diapers a lot because otherwise my overactive bladder puts too much strain on me, and yes, I could admit that I don't mind wearing diapers because of it. I don't know how my doctor will react to the idea of getting me to exercise to overcome my overactive bladder - which, aside from medication (out of the question) - is the last thing I want. My goal is to develop urge incontinence! So I'm wondering what's in it for me if I put the overactive bladder on the medical chart, or if I should wait until I've reached urge incontinence. It is also clear to me that my overactive bladder does not even have to come from diaper training, but from the prostate. This was examined 3/4 years ago and was OK. At that time he asked me how often I go to the toilet at night, I said truthfully: once or twice, sometimes three times. Of course, the prostate is now checked again, which is important for my health anyway! I still have a couple of weeks to see the doctor. That's why I'm writing this now, could you give me please a few tips so I can prepare myself for what I have to, should or can tell the doctor? I look forward to your comments!
  2. Has anyone had the Interstim implant in the last year or two? How did it work for you (or not), and what should I expect? I've had urge incontinence for the last 16 years since a really bad car wreck. I've see a dozen different urologists for it and had been put on just about every incontinence med out there. To this day I still get uncomfortable (and sometimes painful) urges that I will pee in about 20 seconds- regardless if I make it to the bathroom or not. I always seem to wake up at least once in the night to pee my diaper, then roll over and fall back asleep again (if I can). Most urologist have seemed like they didn't know what they were doing, just didn't care, or were too focused on curing me that lost sight of just trying to improve my quality of life all together. Today I went to see yet another urologist, but this one actually seems to have gotten it and recognized I have over active bladder OAB that is causing my urges (probably from a spinal injury that went un-diagnosed from my wreck). He wants me to try a test week for an interstim implant to try and see if it cures me. If that doesn't work he plans on using botox to weaken my sphincter so I can pee without the urges and hopefully sleep at night. I've really come to like wearing diapers (leaks and all) so personally I think I would prefer option two for the intermediate/long term, but I have to jump though this hoop first. I'm scheduled for an outpatient surgery later this month to get the temporary electrodes implanted. I'm told that in about 80 percent of people who get it done, they see a 50 percent improvement or decreased symptoms. That sounds like a 40 percent success rate to me. The other 20 percent; apparently they get pain from the device, infections, or it just doesn't do anything. I'm hoping to stay objective though, who knows I may still help.
  3. I could write a novel about yesterday, but I will try to make this as brief as possible. I ended up seeing a urologist yesterday for incontinence. That was not the plan when I woke up yesterday. I had a scheduled appointment with a different specialist for an unrelated issue and incontinence came up and that doc referred me to urology. Incontinence was already in my chart and I previously declined urology referrals, but this was the second time so I figured I will keep getting referred until I go, so I agreed. As it just so happens, there was an an opening that day. So I get to the urologist office. They take me back almost right away. First they had me pee in a cup, which normally I wouldn't be able to do on command. Though as luck would have it, I felt my bladder getting full and and I was able give a sample with relative ease. Next the assistant had me raise my shirt and pull down my pants exposing my soaked diaper and she did a quick bladder scan. I was feeling self conscious about how wet I was and so asked if I could change my diaper when she was done. She suggested I wait until after the doctor is done because he will want to do a male exam. Though she did ask if I needed a brief, but when she came back with a flimsy pull-up I told her I'm fine using one of my own diapers. It was weird to discuss it so matter of factly with a medical person who didn't know me. Though I figured it's urology and the appointment was specifically for incontinence. The urologist came in after that. He was a nice guy, though rather plain spoken and blunt. He asked a bunch of questions about my incontinence. There was no use in lying to him and I didn't really have time to think about what to say. So I told him the truth which was that even when I was fully toilet trained, I didn't feel comfortable with it and by the time I was a teenagerI made my way back to diapers. Since then my bladder control has plummeted which is fine by me since I don't mind wearing diapers. (I did leave out the ABDL and unpotty training stuff as that wasn't pertinent). He kind of shrugged and said to each their own. I asked him to use discretion in charting and he looked at me like a 3-headed alien and kept on going. He then had me take off my diaper and did his exam and he suggested further bladder studies should I be interested in treatment, and then he sent me on my way. Afterwards I read the treatment note he wrote on my online medical chart. To my dismay, he wrote that I prefer to wear diapers and don't want my incontinence treated. It's not a lie, but it was not particularly flattering to see it in writing in my chart for any other provider to see. I suppose I could ask him to remove it, though at this point I’m just going let this one go It wasn't until late in the evening after the panic attacks fizzled out that I felt a wave of relief and perhaps even joy. I realized that I never, ever have to worry about wearing a diaper in a medical setting again, for the rest of my life!! From now on if anyone asks me why I have a diaper on, I just tell them it's in my chart and I've already seen a urologist for it. I also realized that if I ever get hospitalized, I don't have to feel self conscious about asking to use a diaper instead of a bedside commode or worse, being catheterized. I also don't have to worry if I get a UTI or bad diaper rash that needs treatment. Frankly it's a huge RELIEF. Plus the whole experience was strangely validating. Even though my incontinence is psychological in origin, I didn't get any impression that that made it less legitimate. I keep thinking about how I took off my diaper for the physical exam the doc threw a towel under me to catch any leaks, which I imagine he would've done for any patient he saw with bladder control issues. In fact I was low key relieved he put a towel under me to catch leaks. TL;DR - For better or for worse, it's now in my chart that I prefer to wear diapers to manage my incontinence. Though mostly for better.
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