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  1. Hello everyone on DD! My name is Becca and I'm an avid little baby girl! Been reading/browsing always lurking Dailydiapers since I was in my teens. Crazy how time can fly by like that.. I've been wearing diapers on and off through most of my life for fun, usually in a few day to a week stint. Always had those little inner desires and daydreams of being a cute little for another, and moving towards wearing 24/7 forever. Daydreams and fantasy aside the 24/7 desire is something that's never left since I was a kiddo. Still wonder if in my early childhood something happened because I turned out to be the goofball girl. Well this goofball girl decided to start wearing diapers to bed in March 2020 last year, and it's been a full year and a half now of bedwetting. My little journey into bedwetting started with drinking two big glasses of water before bed and waking up constantly to practice letting go.. It took lots of practice and patience, and now I can fully say I'm a bedwetter again! I no longer have to drink anything heavily, and wake up soaked.. Something I don't regret at all, even when I visit family or friends. Just pack a diaper in my go bag and keep a few in my car for emergencies.. For me something inside felt satisfied, I could be myself and enjoy this unique but weird new quirk. Work has been fully remote since the start of the pandemic, and now with my job fully transitioned to permanent work from home my desire to be 24/7 feels like the best time to actually start and see how it goes. Will my body slowly start to change just like it did with the bedwetting? Or will it be impossible for me to actually lose more control during the day? Only one real way to find out but I'm super excited about it.. Yeah weird goofball girl thing.. I now have a closet full of diapers, a stash bigger than I've ever bought before. And while I have not yet tossed out my big girl underwear, they have been put far back in the closet not to see daylight again.. I started wearing 24/7 on Sept 9th and its nearly been a full week of wearing 24/7! Fun and cute little space feelings aside, its actually hard to just relax and let go as easily as I imagined. And peeing while standing feels super weird, same with trying to walk.. I really wonder how long it will take to get used to it and just relax more down there.. Being a bedwetter actually helps me I feel, as I don't hold anything at night and my body doesn't try to fight me at night time Anyway thanks for reading! I wanted to say Hello, and start a forums thread where I can share my journey for the years to come. Hello new friends!
  2. Francine hummed and slowly put on one of the new diapers she had been sent by her latest sponsor. It wasn't as big as the ones she was used to, but they were nice and cute with the little puppies and kitties on them, and a big mark that showed clearly when she used it. Seeing as how it was relatively small and hard to notice, she decided to put on something a little more racey that day- a mini skirt and a crop top, along with some flip flops and sunglasses. She was quite fashionable, and she made enough money to afford her luxurious lifestyle as well. She didn't even mind the fact that she was entirely incontinent by this point- she could have anyone she wanted to change her and give her new diapers for free. She loved all of the attention she got online. She loved posing and getting her pictures taken, showing off her padded butt and blowing a kiss to the fans... It made her feel wonderful. In public she had to be a lot more careful, as most people didn't take kindly to her habits as much as her fans did. Most times, she had to wear loose, baggy clothing to make sure nobody saw her diaper, and it made her feel sad. She liked days like this when she could look just as pretty in public as she did on camera. She decided to make a day of it, getting her favourite coffee, going to her favourite bookstore, and lastly going to get herself a nice lunch. As she made her way to her table, hips swaying, confidently smiling at anyone who caught her eye... She noticed one girl staring at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. She tried to ignore it at first, taking it as a compliment of her beauty, but the staring continued... And then the girl came up to her! She looked up wearily, thinking maybe she had accidentally shown her diaper and she was about to get a chiding about being disgusting. "Can I... Can I help you?" She asked, taking her sunglasses off and looking over at the potential threat with her big, deep blue eyes.
  3. After being diapered off and on basically my entire life and missing the days where I'd frequently wet the bed when I was a kid, I decided to just start wearing and using premium diapers 24-7 in December 2023. I also recently started following the 12 month diaper training guide that gets mentioned here quite often and now in April 2024 I'm proud to say that I'm wetting frequently with strong sudden urges but not much comes out and also dribbling involuntarily post void. I also woke up to a wet bed last night without remembering peeing for the first time in many years and I couldn't be more proud of myself. This stage seemed to come recently and out of nowhere for me after only feeling like I needed to pee sooner than before and that was it for a long time. I'd wake up needing to pee, frustrated that my body woke itself up to do so, peed myself then went back to sleep. This is finally starting to change. So don't get discouraged or frustrated if you're trying to accomplish the same thing I have. Be patient, stay hydrated and wet yourself no matter what as soon as you feel the urge to pee. You have to act like you don't have any choice. It's a mental barrier that you must break because we were trained at a very young age that it's not okay to pee yourself. Tell yourself that it is okay even if you think you might leak. I'm Looking forward to continuing down this path and I'm looking forward to the point of no return. To those that think that it isn't possible to make yourself incontinent, my nose and sheets are saying otherwise right now...
  4. Right. So yeah like, I just made an intro post, why not do this RIGHT NOW?! Jeez, me, calm down. But like seriously, we are doing this cause I'm up and I need to vent this out. So this is more or less my thought space. Rambling to the void. If anyone is here to read this stuff, hi! Today is day one of what I'm going to call Mixy's Accidental Sleepytime Blog and Q+A. I'm gonna update this thread with nighttime thoughts and progress towards uh....not waking up with a painfully full bladder. So yes, to document progress and feelings on sleepy wetting. Bedwetting, to use the less silly term. I know this is rather contentious, but I let me just start today by laying out my personal thoughts on the issue for me and me alone. So, I have trouble sleeping. I have a tendency towards anxiety and worrying about everything, which seems to run in the family. Thus, I have trouble sleeping. Always have. Once I get thinking about something, it snowballs, especially when lying down. You know what helps though? Being in a little headspace. If I only have 3 year old Mixy thoughts in my head, I'm comfy and cozy and everything is roses without the thorns. It sometimes takes work, sometimes I just start getting progressively more little the tired-er I get. Either way, it helps. The other thing to mention is that, usually, while I have trouble getting to sleep, once I AM asleep, my exhausted body doesn't wake up at all. This is combined with, maybe due to how I am, maybe due to how I was raised (strictly and very fearing of shame), maybe due to genetics, like, a bladder with 20 locks on it. Meaning it will hold onto absurd amounts of pee and not burst when I'm asleep. I wake up with a distended below-tummy that is rock hard and VERY painful, like everything in my lower abdomen and pelvis hurts, and then hobble to the toilet, sit down, and pee for like a thousand years. It's as ridiculous as it sounds. My body doesn't like being hydrated I guess, so I just produce crazy amounts of pee. If I drink normally, I'll pee way more than most people, and not small amounts like with a UTI (I freaking hate those). My bladder is full each time. I'm not drinking a ton when I sleep, just normally, and I wake up and pee out the Great Lakes. I literally feel like I'm causing damage to my internal organs (at least the ones involved in the urinary system). I mean, it's fine, I've lived like this for many years. But, ya know, while it's "fine," it kinda also stinks and I hate it. I've gone back and forth about this. Like for years. This isn't a sudden want I've had. I know that I'd be consigning myself to a lot of other issues possibly, possible embarrassment, etc. But like, I just kinda want to go back to wetting while sleeping. Bedwetting. This solves two problems. One, the ridiculous basketball of urine in my bladder every morning that hurts and is probably not good for my health. Two, wearing diapers to bed every night, and especially if I know or think I will NEED them is a huge little trigger for me, which means I'll basically collapse into littlespace as soon as I'm wearing my nightnight gear (jammies and diaper and stuffed friend to hug). Which in turn means I can just go to sleep easily and all the time. I know some people suffer with this and wish they could have an iron bladder like me. I don't want to lessen that struggle of theirs. In no way do I think this is an ideal solution for everyone, or even anyone.....but I think it will work for me. Being honest here in this little space of mine, do I deny that a part of my brain thinks this is "cute?" Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Ok so yes....yes the thought of me wetting the bed like my little age is....cute....to me. I WANT to be more like my little side. I want to take on those toddler/preschooler that hasn't quite gotten the potty down yet qualities. I know the downsides, and they aren't nothing....but honestly, I think I'd be much happier as a bedwetter. So like....there it is. Honesty is certainly...honest. I'll take my bedwetter in training badge, please. So...being the diligent little BWiT (bedwetter in training....oh goddess, please help me find a better acronym), I already found a "little" aware therapist that does hypnosis type stuff. Yes, I know it's not magic, but it helps me get my mind in the right sort of place and actually is therapeutic in general. Helps me shut off all the noise. You know it's incredibly hard to find someone that is a professional and isn't just churning out someone's happy time fantasy? It's very hard. And even harder if you aren't a dude since the vast majority of that stuff you just find online is for dudes. I have nothing against people that like that stuff (or are dudes), but like, it's not for me. I either need sugary sweet treating me like a kid to insta-littlespace me and be all innocent, but ALSO effective, or just professional-type let's work on your goals. Since the former is a pipe dream, I have the later. This person is a professional in every sense of the word, and is purely focused on helping people reach their goals and make them happy, not "turned-on" if you will. Which, yeah, that kind of stuff just pulls me right out of little space and right out of any kind of relaxing trance. Again, if you like that, no hate. Only love I'm a big fan of love! And I appreciate that. Didn't think that existed for littles. So first step is trying to get into the mindset that this is what I want and this is what I'm working towards. So that's now. Today. What am I feeling right now? Well, a little weird because, again, this is against everything I was taught, a little hopeful, curious if this will work. Honestly, kinda a little excited working towards probably the "littlest" thing I have ever done. Anything I can do safely and privately that makes me feel like a little kid/toddler just makes me happy automatically, and just thinking about needing diapers cause I can't help wetting myself just kinda gives me warm sunshiney vibes. Soooooo...that's the story. Thoughts, concerns, kind words, help? As the title says, ask me questions about this, answer my inexperience with your thoughts, just write stuff. Any comfy sleep diaper recs that will hold back Niagra falls level flooding? Habits? What to look forward to as this becomes a habit? Anything. The floor is open. I hope to answer reply's and post progress and thoughts with some regularity. Or something. See you after Ninis. Sleep tight, Mix
  5. Whereas full incontinence programs (and especially the 12 month program) cover much space on this forum and are easy to browse, FINDING PRACTICAL INFORMATION ABOUT HOW TO BECOME A BEDWETTER is very difficult and tedious, as the posts are scarse and scattered in tens of pages. Of course, the ideal solution would be to create a specific forum for that, which would be separate from "incontinent-desires", for those who wish to wet the bed unconsciously but who want to keep their day-time continence. The issue is specific enough to deserve a specific forum. Personally, I've been training to become a bedwetter for about 7 weeks now, and although I now manage to pee fairly easily in any position when conscious in bed, going at the slightest impulse, I don't think that I have wet unconsciously even once. How long did it take for those who trained specifically to become bedwetters (without training to lose day-time continence) ? Was there a period during which nothing seemed to be changing ? I just think that it would be great to share our bedwetter training experience in a single place (possibly on this Topic) which would be easy to access and rich in varied content. A nice hug and lots of love from Totophe
  6. Hello everyone! I have been wearing 24/7 straight without cheating for about 2 weeks and have been essentially reverse kegaling to weaken my bladder muscles. At this point (depending on my hydration level) I don't feel any urge except RIGHT before my urine exits my urethra and it's too late to stop it and I don't dare try(!!). Occasional little "twitches" are felt inside my bladder which I believe could be tiny spasms but they are few and far between and I barely notice them. Recently, however (and first few days into diaper training) I have had this slight "discomfort" about halfway down my urethra (tube which urine travels through the penis to exit the body). It's not painful and it's very tolerable per se but it's just annoying enough to get my attention. I've noticed that it happens most often during "dry spells" when my muscles are relaxed but no urine is leaking out. Sometimes it is irritating enough that it can keep me from going to sleep...like I said an annoyance. My urine is clear or slightly yellow (aka..healthy) and I'm drinking ~80 oz of water and have about 5 cups of black coffee a day along with cranberry juice here and there. I realize that muscles can weaken along the urethra and that signs of atrophy are pain/discomfort from non-use but I wanted to throw this out there and see if anyone else had similar instances during their diaper training journey. Basically is this progress and an expected change in my body as I progress and will it go away? Thanks for reading and I hope to hear back from someone soon.
  7. Hi Everyone! I had an amazing experience this morning and I wanted to get some feedback and see if others have had the same thing.
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