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  1. Always Read the Fine Print Chapter 1 The first feeling you experienced as you gained consciousness was the throbbing pain deep in your asshole. You jolted upright, or at least as far as you could before the restraints snapped taut and you struggled feebly, briefly, until you collapsed exhausted back against the mattress. You try and scream for help, but the only sound escaping is a muffled mumble and drool. You try and use your tongue to push the object out of your mouth, but it doesn’t move. It is then that you recognize there is some sort of gag strapped around your head. You swirl your tongue around the invader further and… IT’S A COCK! There’s A COCK GAG IN YOUR MOUTH! “Why am I so tired and weak?” you think to yourself. You try and take stock of what is going on, but your vision never seems to adjust to the darkness of the room. You move your head from side to side as much as you can against the restraints to try and gain any information about where you are or what is going on and that is when you feel the slight pressure of some sort of device… some sort of googles over your eyes. You stop… you relax completely… slow deep breaths… You need to assess. Try and figure out what happened and what is going on. “What do I know so far?” You try and think back to your earliest memory before you woke up like this. Thinking back, you became groggy, and your head began to hurt. It felt like someone had used an eggbeater on your brain. You slowly tried to raise your right arm. In less than an inch your arm was halted by some sort of restraint both at your wrist and your upper arm. You could at least feel some sort of fabric shirt covering your chest, so you were not naked to your knowledge. You tried to straighten out your hand to feel around you, but you couldn’t. It was like your hand was completely enclosed in something forcing your hand into a fist. You evaluated your left arm, and it was the same situation. “What is going on?” You started feeling panic creep into your mind. Tamping it down you slowly continued testing… you wiggled your toes. Your feet were definitely encased in something just like your hands. You tried to raise your right leg. Just like your arms… some sort of restraints existed around your ankles and thighs and the same situation existed with your left leg. You tried lifting your hips and closing your thighs. Some sort of band secured your waist to the mattress or surface you were lying on… but there was a new sensation… (aside from the pain in your asshole and you weren’t ready to dwell on that thought yet) There was a thickness… Like your groin was wrapped in something… and it felt slightly damp… too much for sweat… your aching head finally clicked… “I’m wearing a fucking diaper” your brain screamed as you simultaneously screamed into the gag in your mouth. You quickly put an end to that as your brain erupted in a cascade of throbs that mimicked the power of a jackhammer. Before you could question anything further, an explosion of light went off before your eyes adding another pin in the metaphorical voodoo doll that is your brain. Whatever the device is covering your eyes, it has the ability to project things before your eyes, like some sort of VR headset. From out of nowhere a voice breaks the silence and at the same time the words spoken appear before your eyes. “Good morning, Baby”
  2. Chloe shifted back and forth at her desk as she stared at the clock. Only a few minutes to go. Her black Mary Janes clicked nervously on the floor and tried to think of any spot she could possibly have missed in previous weeks. The bottom of her plaid skirt was still folded and tucked into her waistband as she sat with her bare legs on the hard wooden chair. The slightest glimpses of pink peaked around the edges of her white cotton panties, but that particular spanking had been much more about humiliation than pain. He rarely tried to actually hurt her but was especially adept at breaking her will through the many embarrassing ordeals he put her through. Just six more minutes until we play The Game. The Game was simple. She had thirty minutes to find her car key somewhere in the house. If Chloe found her key, she would be free to leave. If she didn’t…well, that would mean one more week here. With him. When she inevitably lost, Chloe found herself over his lap for a relentless spanking. Though she tried to remain stoic the first few weeks, she now broke down easily once the blows started. Chloe wasn’t sure if it was the pain, the humiliation, or the complete loss of hope as he dangled her freedom in front of her week after week but she was now typically in a full ugly cry before he reached double digits. After her spanking and some corner time while he made them lunch, he would dismiss Chloe to her changing room where she would put on the skimpy maid outfit again. She would spend the rest of the day cleaning up her mess before tidying the rest of the house, cleaning bathrooms, scrubbing floors, and everything else a maid would do. And he would simply watch and smirk. Then came The Ceremony. After the house was clean and they had eaten dinner, Chloe would present herself to him. He allowed her to bathe herself on Sundays and she was to be primped and perfect and ready to meet his approval. Standing before him in the clothes he had taken her in with her hair and makeup styled to perfection, he would humiliate Chloe anew. Every week he would force Chloe to spend a few minutes in what had become her least favorite role: her former self. Chloe presented herself to him in her short shorts and cute top, wiggling her freshly painted toes in flip flops as he sat behind his large desk. Her long sandy blonde hair was styled and fell just past her shoulders and he made sure that Chloe had whatever makeup she desired to doll herself up to perfection. He would then point to the dice on his desk. Chloe knew the drill. She was to pick one and roll it. And, unfortunately, she also knew the numbers by heart now. ONE. She would spend the week as his petgirl, with cute pigtails, a collar, and a tail attached firmly in her tight bottom. Though he only addressed her as Princess, she certainly didn’t feel like one as Chloe was forced to crawl around and could only communicate through whines and adorable little yips. She hated having to follow him around and lay next to him on the various dog beds throughout the house but hated having to do tricks even more. For seven days, Chloe was nothing more than a cute little toy for his amusement. TWO. The classic schoolgirl with pleated skirt and cotton panties, Chloe would spend most of her time in The Classroom. Worse than that, she was actually expected to study and learn. In her school days, Chloe hated math and science but she hated his subjects even more. She would be forced to study and improve the skills he thought suited her new roles best: blowjob training, the history of BDSM, spanking and bondage techniques. Chloe would be forced to direct her own treatment as she came to him with daily reports and presentations designed to increase her suffering for his enjoyment. Of course, Chloe was also spanked like the naughty girl she was for any transgressions…or when he was feeling bored. Or horny. Or both. THREE. Chloe had only done this role twice so far and couldn’t tell if it was her most or least favorite. He took care of her for a change and she didn’t have to do anything except look cute. But that didn’t mean that Chloe enjoyed her time in The Nursery. After weeks of bondage and beatings, she was not prepared for the pastel room that opened up before her. Chloe could not have possibly imagined the giant diapers and adorable outfits she was regrettably forced to fully use and play in. He fed her every meal locked into her high chair or gave her bottles as they snuggled in a rocking chair. He would give her daily baths and change her diapers throughout the day and Chloe spent most of the time napping in her crib or playing with toys as she tried not to die of boredom. She wasn’t sure if this was a break from the other weeks or his most genius display of torture. FOUR. Her wardrobe was only a collar. The weeks as his Slavegirl passed quickly and Chloe could mostly turn off her brain. The rules were simple: She was to do whatever he commanded as soon as he commanded it. But simple rarely means easy. Chloe learned a few new slave positions each time she rolled a four but often found herself on her knees with legs spread in classic Nadu, Humbled on all fours with her ass in the air, or standing in the basic Wait or Inspection positions until she was summoned. Then she would suck his cock and give him sensual full-body massages throughout the day, making sure to take care of his every need. FIVE. He got to choose this one. While having your weekly fate decided by a one-inch cube was bad enough, the weeks where he got to select Chloe’s torment may have been even worse. He would always find himself with a broad smile and stroke his chin while he deliberated out loud. “Hmm…what do I want this week? Shall I have you serving my every need or will I be changing your little diapers? Will you study and present me with new ideas as my naughty little schoolgirl, or should I have you just playing fetch and presenting me with your chew toy? Hmmm….” Hearing him deliberate and describe each role was Chloe’s least favorite part, and she always wished that he would just get on with it. But she didn’t get to make choices like that anymore. SIX. Six was definitely her least favorite, and thankfully Chloe had only rolled it once so far. Though six gave her the power to choose, it did not give her any choices that she wanted. She wasn’t able to leave. She wasn’t able to take a week off. She wasn’t able to force HIM into any of the roles. Chloe still had to pick between the same four options that she despised. Last time she picked schoolgirl as it seemed the least humiliating and stringent, but that was also when she learned that she would have to facilitate her own punishments and humiliations and dreaded having to give him those daily reports and essays. It was best if fate simply decided for her. The bell rang, and Chloe leaped from her chair to begin her search. She quickly got to her hands and knees with her white pantied bottom in the air and looked under her desk and chair and under any other objects she could see from this vantage point. Chloe had gotten pretty comfortable moving around on her hands and knees after months in his care. Finding nothing there, Chloe went through each cubby and storage compartment one by one. She had learned to be methodical at this point and had dozens of opportunities to hone her craft. With one last glance, Chloe decided the Classroom was clear and ran to the Nursery. She had pleased him this week and earned two rooms being excluded from the game, The Kitchen and His Bedroom. She was thankful for that and learned to be good when she could to help narrow the search. Opening the nursery door, Chloe ran to the crib and flipped the mattress, looking under the sheets and behind every slat. She ran to her changing table and opened up every one of the humiliating diapers until there were dozens of fluffy underpants thrown about the room in a variety of patterns and colors. She opened every book and tossed every toy. Nothing. Chloe learned after the first few weeks that there was no point in trying to be clean or tidy. She would get punished either way and then be forced to spend the day tidying up. It was actually better if there was more for her to put away. That meant less time on her hands and knees scrubbing floors. They were never that dirty, anyway. He just enjoyed the view as she debased herself time and time again for his pleasure. She ran to the living room and tossed every couch cushion before clearing off everything on the bookshelf. Chloe heard something shatter, but it wouldn’t matter if she got out of here this time. And she was determined to make this week her last one. Chloe froze as she heard the chime and couldn’t believe she was already down to her last minutes. She screamed in frustration and put her hands on her head and stared at the clock, ticking and taunting her with every miserable click, trying to think of where she could have possibly missed. The last 30 seconds were spent not looking through any hidden places, but frantically running from room to room, trying to decide where else to look. Chloe collapsed to her knees as she heard the bell signaling The Game was over. She heard his footsteps and the disapproving click of his tongue as he walked towards her and put his hand on her head. “Oh Chloe, look what a mess you’ve made. Come on. We can’t let naughty girls get away with making a mess like this. We’ll have to call the maid later.” He smiled down at her as she hung her head, awaiting the rest of her sentence. He reached out his hand and led her to the couch, tossing the cushions back on before guiding her over his lap and rubbing his rough hand in large circles against her cotton panties. SMACK! He rubbed her cute little bottom and tried to decide which role he would most like to see her in this week. SMACK! SMACK! “Chloe, Chloe, Chloe… Did you ever think your life of carelessness and your bitchy attitude would lead you here…with me?” SMACK! SMACK! “If you had just waited until you got home to send those text messages instead of texting and driving, then you wouldn’t have found yourself in your current position.” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Chloe sniffled and thought back to that day. She was texting her friends about meeting at the new bar for drinks when she rear-ended some asshole. As she jumped out of the car to yell at the guy that had wrecked her night out before it even began, Chloe dropped her phone and was too frazzled and frustrated to notice. She sighed as he reached over to grab his insurance information and had never seen the chloroform coming before she was tossed into his backseat and found herself here. With him. She awoke in his office and he described The Game. While she had initially protested, Chloe’s first spanking convinced the defeated blonde that the only way out was to play along. And here, over his lap yet again, was where her compliance had gotten her so far. SMACK! SMACK! But what choice did she have? Chloe would don the maid outfit and clean up her mess like she did every week. Then she would do what she could to make it through another week of diaper changes or eating out of a bowl on the floor between rounds of fetch so that she could play again. Chloe could only hope that next time would be different. Maybe next time she would check behind the clock. ------------------------------------- This is an excerpt from a collection of short stories. You can read more of my stories on Ream or SubscribeStar.
  3. All the thanks to SarahBearah for spending days of her free time to help me out and proof read and edit. This is an intense story and all characters well past 18. Kneeling at the Altar The concrete floor of the old church was cold against the sissy’s knees. The poor thing shivered from the memories of humiliation and non-stop abuse he had taken as his betters defiled him in the fourteenth-century building. The sissy could not help but stare up at the hand-crafted architecture with the old religious adornments having been changed to crosses with men and women chained to them. Tapestries now hung from the thick supporting columns depicting the servitude of submissives to their superiors. Adding to the sissy’s foreboding, was the ominous new piece of equipment currently hidden behind a heavy velvet curtain. The sissy had been racking his brain since he had been left kneeling facing a mirror showing him his own ridiculous reflection with the mysterious item just visible in the periphery. No doubt, his owner left him positioned in just a way to be constantly just in view as he knew the consequences of failing the order “sissy slut Lottie, eyes forward!” The other cause of the knot twisting in his stomach and, much to the sissy’s shame, leaking from his sissy bump was the ridiculous outfit picked for him. Pure white stockings were attached to a lace-trimmed long-lined suspender belt deliberately a size too small to force his waist into a more feminine shape. Just below the lace tops of the stockings sat a pair of poofy frilly lace garters. For each one, the sissy had been ordered to add a huge satin bow, and just to make his position known, in the center of each garter was a silver ring with “sissy” spelt in the center of the ring with the one on his left leg having “faggot” spelt out in the fancy script. The sissy's feet had been forced into a pair of shiny black mary jane style heels. Each was locked on with a heart-shaped lock picked from the huge stack he was made to “bedazzle” with pink imitation diamonds on one of his precious days off from work. If the shiny locks didn’t make Lottie feel pathetic enough, the heels were seven inches tall with the thinnest stiletto heel he had seen. This left the sissy unable to manage little more than a tottering sissy mince as he walked. Long, glossy, white satin gloves covered his arms up to mid-bicep, where huge bows with long ribboned tails not only decorated the glove ends but held them in place. Rather than his usual over-the-top sissified “bra,” this time his freshly waxed chest was wrapped with an intricate pattern of criss crossing ribbon from two heart-shaped metal rings framing his puffy and clamped nipples. Master has taken great delight in showing his ‘pansy-ass bitch’ the set of matching hot pink nipple clamps attached together by a chain. Dead center of the chain was welded a hand-crafted tag expertly forged to match the Barbie font of her iconic logo. In baby pink it read “SISSY CUMRAG!” The sissy still blushed when the tag caught her eye and he saw that the letter ‘I’ was a spunking cock. A white, satin apron embellished with “sissy toilet” in hot pink stitching was tied over the top of a custom-designed French maid style dress. The short skirt and skin-tight bodice were made with a see-through PVC which had been tinted Barbie Pink. The PVC of the dress had been moulded to fit snuggly from his tummy up to his chin where it was locked in place with another of the bedazzled padlocks. From the waist, the PVC had been stiffened and double-layered to poof out at nearly a 50-degree angle. To top it off the dress had large puff-balls shapes at the shoulder and, despite the ridiculousness of the dress and humiliation of wearing it, just seeing it being pulled from his closet for his daily dressing made the sissy drench his panties in pre cum. To top off his humiliation were first the locked, bright-red rubber pants. With frills on the rump and “failed man” written on the front, again self “bedazzled” with pink jewels. He had also been made to add tiny bells along the hem of each lace-covered leg hole, giving his mincing walk the pathetic jingle of a lowly jester. But its bulk made it obvious he was wearing more than one diaper underneath. Usually, his diapered state was hidden. Or, at least, he would normally need to bend or swish to show it. But, today, the fact he was a diaper-wearing prissy was on full display and spelt out for all to see. Master had shown him just the day before how much he loved to torment his favorite pansy. When the sissy’s usual waxer had to cancel due to an emergency. Master kindly found a place that could squeeze him in. The sissy remembered gushing his thanks to his Master whilst being hidden in a quiet area of his work’s second storey offices. However, when the sissy checked the saloon address, it was literally in the concourse under his very feet. To make it worse still, Master added the extra humiliation of forcing the Sissy to tell all of the staff at the salon why he was already ninety nine percent hairless and “wanting to look his best”: because “when not at work he dressed up as a sissy gurl to please real men, and this Saturday was going to be a special night.” It had been too much for the sissy and he had to spend the entire appointment apologising for his very leaky and tightly-imprisoned sissy bump. The girls at the saloon had kindly offered to do his makeup and style his hair for free if he came in dressed, but his owner had said the sissy could decline this time. Instead, the sissy’s wife had given him a very girly look with dramatic pink eyes and plumped-up glossy lips. Speaking of the sissy’s wife… Sissy gently tapped the wooden box that was next to him in which his wife of five years was currently bound and locked inside of. Both are now lifelong slaves, the twisted story of how they ended up together is a story for another time. But they truly cared for each other deeply and understood each other's dark needs. When being used for their Master’s pleasure or at events like this one, the pair would make slight gestures to each other to show that they’re ok and loved each other. The tap back confirmed she was all good. Knowing her, her love for being Master’s “cunt” and a total pain whore who enjoys being used for others’ pleasure, sissy knew full well that the anticipation and fear of what might happen tonight would be driving her wild as she lay totally immobile inside her wooden prison. Bitchy The minutes slowly ticked by. As sissy Lottie knelt trying to remain still as the event organizers and helpers, the Dominants called them “minions”, carried the large pieces of bondage furniture into place. While others were on tall ladders as they added the decoration and mood lighting for later. The sissy sighed in relief as the man he only knew as ‘Barman’ (because a lowly sissy shit like Lottie wasn’t deemed worthy by the brat of a barman to know his actual name) decided to put her to work cleaning all the glasses. “You know what will happen if I find smears,” he threatened. “Yes, Sir, I will do it perfectly,” sissy maid Lottie replied in his best high and lispy girl voice he was expected to use. Though, Lottie knew nothing would happen to him as Barman was a sub, too. So, it would be him that felt the taste of a belt from his own fearsome Dom and his chest of toys. Still, his Master would be very disappointed if he found out and it was always best to avoid such fates. As the pansy checked and cleaned each glass, he couldn’t help but marvel at the great work done to the upper floors of the old building. The main upper balcony had once held rows of pews had been converted into a stylish bar with multiple tables laid out with crisp linen tablecloths and handy hooks and rings to secure a sub too. The sides of the first floor had been divided up into private playrooms with each being decorated for a particular fetish. The top floor had been converted into more playrooms. Each being much darker BDSM spaces and where a few highly respected Dominants had personal rooms. The sissy diligently wiped each glass to a sparkle, amusing himself as he watched Barman playing with the massive display wall. It should be showing the live feeds of all the cameras in some of the back rooms and the dozen covering the main floor. If something particularly caught the attention of those drinking up on the balcony the display would be changed to show off that stream. The main area below had an identical screen, and it wasn’t uncommon for entire parties to stop and watch and cheer along if one stream got particularly good! With only a few glasses left to clean. Master’s deep voice filled sissy Lottie’s ears. “There you are, you worthless fairy. At least you're managing to be useful for once!” Still holding the glass and rag, Lottie spun around and knelt. Keeping her eyes down. “Sorry Master, sissy Lottie was instructed to clean the glasses by the bar staff. I wouldn’t dare move from where I was left otherwise.” “Better you’re put to work than be a statue. Here I feared you’d be a waste of space. With those noodles for arms a child’ be more useful carrying the equipment around” “Sorry Sir, sissy Lottie does try her best.” the sissy replied. “As you should, but I need you for another role and the bar staff can do their own job,” Master said his voice dripping with menace as Barman suddenly found a spot on one of the liquor bottles that needed polishing Without a further word Master turned heel, whistling at his sissy, like one would do to signal their dog to heel and walked off. Scrabbling to his feet, sissy Lottie tottered along as quickly as the seven-inch heels allowed. Barman was laughing hysterically as sissy Lottie stumbled, having to grab a chair to avoid crashing face first into the floor. “Oh, wow! You’re a total sissy bitch.” Barman exclaimed. “I have never seen any man with as little self-respect as you! Quick! You're falling behind little doggy.” Barman continued before laughing more as he continued to polish things. The words stung hard; sissy Lottie knew what a totally needy sissy gurl he had become. Just a trained pet so totally dependent on his owner, he would barely qualify as a beta male. Still, it was painful to hear another beta male call him out on it. So engrossed with his thoughts, the sissy minced straight forward, head down, only looking up at the last second. Too late, as he crashed into Master. The silly sissy falling onto his padded bum. “And you are so tough” Master snarled at Barman, his voice thick with venom. “You are at best a little bitch boi who thinks he’s free to be the class bully as his dad donates a small fortune to the school. You are all mouth until you get slapped like the punk ass faggoty cock sucker you are. Then, you run to your Master and hide behind his coattails snivelling like a two-year-old who dropped his ice cream.” As Master continued this verbal tirade, the dominant man reached down petting his sissy in comfort. “What do you think will happen when the newer prettier bubble butt femboy walks in and catches Phillip’s eye. What use will you have then?” Master said sternly to Barman. “My sissy bitch may be a pathetic excuse for a man, with a dick smaller than a eunuch, but he does everything he can to make me happy no matter how degrading or painful it is. Can you say the same?” With that, Barman’s smile was wiped clean from his face and he went back to polishing the final glasses. With just a whistle Master turned and stomped off. As quickly as he could, Lottie got back to his feet giving the teary-eyed bartender a satisfied grin. Lottie then quickly tottered away trying to keep up with her owner. Numnutts The stairs were a struggle in heels a stripper might say were too much. The poor thing was fretting about how painfully slow each stair was. He was forced to hang on to the handrails and carefully step down onto each step-in turn, worried the slightest slip in concentration or footing would surely end in a fall that could break his neck. Despite wearing heels of various sizes daily for over a decade, unless the floor was even, he was still as graceful as a newborn giraffe. With a few steps left to descend, the sissy risked a glance and instantly regrating it as she saw Master waiting, impatiently glancing at his watch with his ever-present walking cane in hand. “Hurry up sissy. I have not got all day” he taunted. “Some of us learnt to use stairs before we worked out how not to piss our pants. Then again…” Master motioned to the large diaper bulge at sissy’s waist “I'm not sure you learnt that, either.” “I'm so, so sorry Master. sissy Lottie doesn’t want to damage my Master’s property.” “If you don’t hurry up, I will come up and give you some motivation, little miss smart mouth.” “Thank you, Master,” he replied looking up again and couldn’t help but grin seeing the wry smile on Master’s handsome face. There weren’t many men sissy Lottie did find an attraction to, on any level. But of those that were her ‘type’ Master was the prototype. A head of dark, thick hair and a well-groomed, full beard with a strong, defined chin. Built like a Rugby prop forward, with large, slab-like hands with big bear-like arms and legs. But not like the bodybuilders, more like those old-school bikers. Lottie had to admit, he likes big powerful thighs on both men and women. The sissy also loved how manly he dressed. Always those boots the sissy spent hours making sure were polished to a gleaming shine. The three-piece suit with a crisp white shirt that Lottie had ironed to a military parade standard. Lottie’s wife regularly pointed out how much of a cliche he was for being a bottom to everything he was not. The pansy was already super self-conscious of his thinning hair with grey coming in already. He couldn’t gain muscle. It was like his body knew how much of a waste of testosterone he was and no matter the exercise he remained thin with weak limbs and every nice treat instantly giving him a beer belly. “Wake up, dumb ass,” Master said, tapping the sissy’s butt with his cane to awaken the sissy from his daydream. “At times I swear rocks are more useful than you. But they can prop open doors and be used to create a wall, and they don’t need food and water. Nor do they need constant validation… they are not a total waste of existence. Unlike you” “Sorry Master”, sissy Lottie apologised, “for being such an airheaded cock sucker.” he whimpered. Rolling his eyes, Master grabbed hold of the ring on the front of the leather collar locked around Lottie’s throat and dragged him squealing as he desperately tried to move quickly enough not to fall flat on his face. Somehow, he managed to keep up but was blushing a deep red at every pair of eyes turning to stare at how much of a pansy he was in his comical get up. The sissy could feel he was being led towards the front door. His eyes began to water, fearing anyone able to see him diapered and sissified. As they stepped through into the atrium the sissy let out a squeal of fear as he could only bite his tongue to stop from saying anything. “Ok, sissy. Your job is simple. Stand by the door and check everyone’s ticket.” Master explained, stopping next to a large man sitting in the corner taking up a third of the small room. The man handed over a small serving tray to Master. The sissy stood in silence trying to void the thoughts of being made to kneel between the two alpha men, As Master attached chains from the furthest corners of the tray to the ring hanging from his collar, as the large man pulled the strap from the other corners tight as a corset around his waist. “If they have a green band, send them upstairs. If not, stamp their hand with the stamp and let them in,” Master pointed to a stamp the other man placed on the tray. “If they’re not dressed like they are coming to a kink party, tell ‘um to fuck off” Master pauses for a moment. “Numnutts will deal with anyone who might be an issue.” The big bear of a man nodded his head as he sat back on the chair, while Master linked the wrist cuffs to a short chain running under the tray. “Do you think you can handle this, sissy? That is, if your silly sissy brain stops thinking about cock for long enough!” Master opened the door ready for the guests, which also allowed the outside world to get a glimpse of sissy Lottie. “What if people see me in this? What if gets out I'm a sissy...” sissy Lottie started to babble. “If anyone does see you, they will be too busy laughing at what a sissy mess you are to recognize you. That is if they can see you from over a hundred yards away.” Master sneered. “I think even if you got out the back of a Rolls, in a custom-fit Armani tux, a Cuban cigar in one hand and whiskey in the other, and with a hot bird on either arm. A three-year-old could still point out that you’re the biggest sissy in the room.” The sissy winced as his clitty leaked slightly into his diaper as Master’s demeaning words resonated throughout the church prompting humiliating sniggers from the many staring minions finishing the final touches for the night ahead. “Also, you stand inside, stupid.” He added. As Lottie thought more about being found out, panic started to set in. The sissy’s eyes began to tear up again and his breathing started getting ragged. Master, always incredibly perceptive, immediately turned to Lottie. “Calm down sissy. Stop using your pee brain and do as you're told. I will always protect you.” Master said, and then repeated it calmly, as he rubbed the back of his sissy’s neck until the pansy relaxed and started to breathe normally again. “Now you can either stand here and be some use or I can hang an entrance sign around your neck and tie you to the car park gate, so our guests know where to go. What will it be?” Numnutts roared with laughter as the sissy head dropped at the fear of being tied to the gate while the chastity cage pinched against his clitty as it tried to get hard at the thought of the ultimatum. “Please, Master, sissy Lottie is sorry he is so dumb and worthless. Please let me take tickets.” With a sigh of relief from Lottie, Master closed the door and then pointed to the floor. Lottie enthusiastically knelt. Head bowed, feeling the weight of the tray. When he finally noticed the chain between his wrists was so short, that to stamp tickets he will have to stretch with one hand, as the other would be pulled tight against the tray. “You’re all set. Due to fire risk, we can't add another chair! So, you will just have to sit on his knee or maybe persuade him to stand for a bit.” Master grinned, pointing at Numnutts with a wink. Numnutts smiled and patted his knee as sissy Lottie stared in shock. “Sit,” the giant said sweetly, again patting his knee. Looking up in desperation he saw Master still grinning back. “Sit down you diapered loser.” this time the large man growled as he clicked his fingers impatiently. Feeling another thread of the few remaining fibers of his masculinity fade away the sissy perched on the man's giant thigh. He couldn’t help being shocked at how much weight he had lost. Before Master he had been podgy but, now, his twin could easily have a seat too. As they waited in silence the strong, spicy musk of a real man wafted to the pansy’s delicate nose. He squirmed as he felt his clitty start to leak and try to swell against the cage. Glancing to see if the man noticed, his eyes grew wide as he spotted the giant’s monster cock obscenely visible in his very tight leather trunks. With a squeal of fright, he turned to stare at the door, willing it open. The silence between the pair remained as the tension rose with no break from anyone entering the church of debauchery. The sissy could sense the giant building up the courage to make a move. The thought brought a smile to his face. While he might be a worthless peon on the bottom rung. His owner was someone this guy not only respected but even feared doing the wrong thing to one of his toys. It must have been fifteen minutes before he felt a hand brush against the plastic skirts of his dress. He could hear the heavy breathing getting faster as the hand pushed underneath and rubbed the frills of the plastic pants covering his diapers. He could hear them crinkle bringing heat to both sets of the sissy's cheeks. The heavy rosewood door opened and a pair of immaculately dressed ladies swished into the entranceway. Stiletto heels clacked angrily on the stone floor. Sissy Lottie jumped up quicker than when his parents caught him rummaging in his mum's top draw all those years ago. “I think we disturbed them,” The blonde said with a devilish grin as her friend laughed. Unable to look the obvious goddess in her eyes, the pansy could only stare at a spot on the floor as he mumbled, “Please may I see your tickets.” “Hey bitch one and bitch two, you hear what the sissy slut said?” the blonde sneered looking out the door. The sissy peaked to see who the mistress was talking to. Standing outside the door was a pair of fellow sissies, both fully dressed in matching over-the-top satin dresses, covered in huge amounts of lace and bows. Feeling a pang of the humiliation of being dressed even more outlandishly than even these two new sissies, in the middle of the afternoon, and visible by passerbys, sissy Lottie looked back down, but curtsied and repeated “Please may I see your tickets.” loud as he dared. “Oh tickets. Here you are, poofter.” the blonde said placing four tickets on the table strapped to his body. “Thank you …. Mistress” he stuttered quickly, tearing the stubs off and returning them. He was thankful no one fussed around the hand stamps and let out an audible sigh of relief when they all walked into the venue. Numnutts remained silent throughout, but as the sissy went to perch back on his knee he reached out and forcefully dragged him to sit mid-thigh. The sissy yelped in shock, stumbling on the stripper heels and feeling his diaper squish against the hunk of solid flesh. Letting out an audible squeak, the sissy went to slide back towards the relative safety of the man's knee when Numnutts massive paw grabbed his unprotected thigh and squeezed tight. To the sissy's distress, his little clitty throbbed at the simple act of dominance as he was once again shown he was no longer in control of his own life. As he stared up into Numnutts’ eyes, dark as the purest coal, Numnutts simply shook his head to imply “no” and squeezed a little harder. “Ok, ok. I won't move” the sissy whimpered, knees spread open by the huge bulging diaper. The vice-like grip Numnutts had on the sissy was overwhelming. “I will be a good gurl for you!” the sissy whispered, even shuffling closer so his nylon-covered knee now rubbed against the impressive bulge between Numnutts’ legs. Thankfully the large hand slowly relaxed its grip and, eventually. let go. Numnutts then started to rub his hands up to where he could squish the diaper tight against the pansy’s locked-up sissy bump before sliding back down to the poof’s knee. The sissy couldn’t ignore how small it made him feel daintily sitting on a lap as the large rough hands of a true man enjoyed his newly waxed legs and silk stockings. It didn’t take long for the attention to get to the sissy. His very full sissy egg sacs were tingling with a need to be emptied. As the pathetic waste of flesh that he had once called a dick pulsated, pushing desperately against its long-term prison, started filling the front of his diaper with a sticky mess of precum. When the door suddenly opened, sissy Lottie’s mind was awash with the pleasure of being pathetic and was brought back to reality. He disappointedly got up to greet the couple who entered. They started to pepper him with questions. Lottie couldn’t answer fast enough and more guests started to show up. Sissy Lottie tried to quickly deal with the growing line of kinksters as fast as he could. The only thing on Sissy’s mind when doing this was how much he wanted to go back to the attentive hands of Numnutts. The hairs on the back of his neck pricked up, he could feel the dark eyes staring up and down his long feminine legs as they strained to keep him upright in the towering heels. He did a quick glance back and noticed the hungry eyes transfixed on the back of his ruffled butt as the hard lump in the tight trucks grew bigger. The sissy turned back around terrified of what might happen. “What am I thinking” the sissy muttered shaking himself from the daydream. He was supposed to be a man. He wasn’t into pretty dresses and high heels. He hated the bondage and being used by others for pleasure. He was being FORCED to do all this stuff. But, above all else, he hated the constant sexual and mental torment he had suffered over the years. “Definitely forced,” he said aloud to a confused patron who walked away after getting his hand stamped. “I'm going to stand for a while.” the sissy said trying to sound confident. “My err I need to stretch my legs, err for a bit.” Numnutts remained silent and just unblinkingly stared at him. The sissy tried to stare back but quickly lost his nerve, looked down and saw the large python hidden in the giant's trunks and his tiny clitty started to ache in its steel prison. Feeling his entire body go red in shame, the sissy turned around and faced the far wall. For five minutes, the tension slowly increased. Yet, neither moved nor spoke. However, all too soon, Numnutts got bored and a Popeye-like forearm wrapped around sissy’s waist pulling the sissy back to the corner as he offered a very feminine and pathetically weak squeak of protest. The big hands explored around his girly body, feeling all the different textures of the items he wore. The sissy wriggled on the bigger man’s lap, the hands felt so good squeezing and stroking all over. The combination of the sissy’s thick diaper and Numnutt's tight leather trunks kept the monster’s cannon contained. Any time the door opened and new guests arrived, the pansy would go red as the sissy fog would clear slightly as his Masters’ orders rang in his ears, and he did not want to disobey any orders from the Dom. As he welcomed the guests, sissy would never look up from his attached table as he was too embarrassed to look the person in the eye. As time drew on, Numnutts was less and less willing to give his prey up. The later arriving guests got a mini show as they were greeted with the poor sissy being manhandled by the hulking beast, followed with a lisping and begging faggot, pleading to be let go accompanied by promises that he would return for more once he had let the guests in. Each time the powder puff of sissiness arose, the feeling of multiple eyes looking at him would turn him redder than a boy caught masturbating by his mother. Worse still, his poor, stimulated sissy stick would ache deep in its prison. Most guests politely didn’t mention his now dishevelled state and the heavy musk of male arousal. A few openly laughed at the poor puppet desperately trying to pretend he wasn’t enjoying being handled that way or the not-so-manly yelp when the horny Numnutts would pull him back onto the hard lump in his trunks and continue his fondling. The poor powder puff was so overstimulated and in a dreamy state, he had barely even noticed Masters' approach, until he heard his deep, booming laugh. “Why do you insist on claiming you’re straight? Constantly whining to anyone who will listen that I ‘force you’ into being a gay, cock-loving faggot. But even when I left to stand by the door, you’re such a dick-slut that you’d gladly pay every man you could find to ride his dick!” The sissy could feel the crowd of people turning to stare at the pathetic faggot. The acid tongue of his beloved Master publicly shaming him only made his sissy bulge push further against its cage. Numnutts could sense his time with his new toy was growing short and pulled him tighter, grinding into the sissy’s padded posterior. The giant’s huge member was like a tree trunk hidden in his pants. The constant rutting was making the sissy’s minuscule cock leak even more into the pillowy diapers wrapped snugly around him. Then, to the poor sissy panty waist’s worst fears, he could feel the tension growing from inside, brought on by how pathetic and humiliated he was in front of everyone looking and laughing at him being in this such a situation, having been scolded by his Master. Suddenly, Master yanked on his collar pulling him up and away from Numnutts. The lack of control over where he was going next sent sissy over the edge. The pansy let out a high-pitched, orgasmic scream as his body shuddered and collapsed to the floor in a haze of a massive sissygasm, as small bursts of cum entered his diaper from his tightly caged clit. Prepared Numnutts quickly launched himself from his chair. Everyone was able to see the concern written all over his face as he stroked the arm of his new ‘friend’. “Just when I think you can't reach new lows” Master muttered as he crouched next to the passed-out sissy checking he was ok. A few moments later the sissy came too and quickly noticed the throng of people staring down at him as a large paw rubbed up and down his arm. “I swear you just can’t help but make a spectacle of yourself. Remember when you covered that poor lady with wine in the restaurant and ended up with well spanked panty covered ass on full display in the corner for all to see” Master berated while giving the sissy’s hand a squeeze. The sissy looked up at his owner, the sissy part of his brain giving a bashful smile. For a moment the sissy could feel a warm tingling all over. Then his vanilla part of his brain kicked into overdrive at the horror of the sniggers and chortles from the group of kinksters looking over him. Shame washed over him like a bucket of icy water dropped in surprise and the sissy shoulders drooped and head hung in defeat. “How low can a man get? Spanked on his skinny white ass while wearing frilly knickers!” A curvy, African Domme snorted as she looked down at the beet-red sissy. Lottie could only blush as the pair of frilly sissy bois sniggered until the Domme silenced them with a tug on their short frill leashes “Could he be more pathetic?” one of the bois lisped, as the crowd chuckled. “Mz Cleopatra, your bois are a delightful pair of faggots. Who I have enjoyed using vigorously. This one takes it to even lower depths.” Master pointed at the sissy at his feet. “We should talk about when I let you and your slut wife out to celebrate your wedding. Tell the nice folks what happened?” Master smiled, his eyes sparkling with mischievous energy. “Master, no. Pleeease!” the effeminate ex man whimpered, flipped around with cat-like grace to kneel before his constant tormentor. Without a care he knelt down, squishing his chest to the floor, as he pathetically kissed Master’s shiny boots in a vain attempt to stop his shameful secret being told. “The nice people want to hear what happened little faggot. You have five seconds to start talking or you will be left in a pillory on the front lawn with some rotting tomatoes and a sign around your neck begging the public to throw them at you!” Master said, poking the sissy away from his boots. The sissy pondered if an afternoon in the pillory might be a better fate than whatever Master had planned. He looked up to see Master mouth “four” silently at him. A blind panic set in and the sissy whispered. “We had a dinner out where I wore my wife’s wedding lingerie under a white, tailored, ladies’ suit I wore for the wedding. I ended the night in just the underwear, licking cum from my cunt wife's fuck holes.” the sissy offered, mortified at the stifled giggles and looks of disgust and cringe from the growing crowd. “No, no. I'm not going to let you off with half stories. I am sure these nice people want to know the real juicy humiliation of that night.” Master said as the crowd roared “YES!” With tears in his eyes, unable to look up he spoke soft but clear “The men knew how much of a sissy I was.” Sissy whimpered, and then continued “I personally placed every dick into her so she was airtight with cock for several hours...” The sissy stopped at the crowds' loud cries of laughter and audible gasps. “Finish, sissy boi!” Master barked. The sissy dropped his head in defeat “sissy Lottie is so pathetic he had a sissygasm each time I touched those real men’s cocks, Master” In unison the crowd roared with laughter and a few even applauded the lows he had achieved. “May I borrow this?” Master asked Mz Cleopatra, pointing at the spare over-the-top frilly lead hanging from the belt of her latex dress that currently defied physics, as it somehow covered her plump ass and thighs all while managing to keep her massive boobs from bursting free. “Gladly” she almost purred in reply. “Thank you, kind lady,” Master replied, taking the lead before approaching the quivering and teary sissy. “Why must you cause these scenes? I am going to be late.” Master clipped the leash to the collar. “You know I will make you sorry if you mess up my schedule.” He growled menacingly as he yanked the sissy to his feet and marched right down the middle of the ground floor towards the expanded vestry where Master's private room was. The fast pace was too quick for the pansy, who flailed her arms in a desperate attempt to keep balanced, as her heels clacked on the hard floor while she was forced into a mincing run to keep up. Master checked his watch as they moved. “You have made me late, you ditzy fool. I think your brain is in those tiny thimbles you once called nuts.” Master ranted, annoyed his tightly run ship was now behind schedule. “For every second I am late I will cane your feet. Maybe then you will remember to stay upright on them and do your task and not get hot and heavy with the slave crew.” “Of course, Master. This sissy needs to be corrected for messing up Master’s plans.” the sissy replied with a quiver in his voice and a tear in his eye. Watching carefully, sissy then saw Master open a large cardboard box. Master pulled out a brand-new gag from the box. Trying to appease the irate Master, the sissy opened wider than he would at a dentist, to accept the hard plastic of the plug gag. It forced his jaw wide, with only a simple bathroom plug on a short chain stopping anything being forced in his mouth. Vindictively, Master cinched the strap a notch tighter than usual as the sissy grunted in pain. Master quickly pulled a hot-pink, leather blindfold in place. Again, tightening the strap a little tighter than usual. The sissy knew not to move as he felt powerful fingers pulling the leather into position around his head, before the familiar click of padlocks snapping shut. Muttering to himself about time and lateness, he unlocked the collar the sissy was wearing before hurriedly jerking the zip of plastic dress down. The rough handling in the darkness was causing the sissy to tremble as his little sissy pecker leaked even more of its watery pansy milk in anticipation of what was to happen. The dress was yanked off his head and he was slammed back against his Masters stout body. Thick fingers found the nipple clamps and Master pulled on the linking chain stretching the sissy's poor, aching nipples. “You dirty attention whore!” he growled, his voice low and intimidating. Poor sissy Lottie could only squirm in a vain attempt to reduce the burning pain as his flesh was stretched to its limit. Balling his fists in pain, he knew how much of a weak pussy boi he’d become because his fists remained firmly at his sides, not moving to stop his Master at all, and only muffled girlish squeals escaped from behind the gag. Master dropped the chain grinning at how just the weight of the “sissy” tag hitting the poof’s chest made him jump. “You're such a pussy.” he taunted, laughing as the sissy’s head dropped in shame. “But still, you’re an important part of tonight’s show, some might even call you the headline act! But tonight, you will defiantly be the star attraction like the attention seeking sissy panty waisted whore you are!” He exploded with laughter as the sissy 'looked’ at him while blindfolded and gagged, but Master could still feel the look of shock and horror as his body visibly shivered. “Oh yes, my pansy baby gurl. Just think of all those eyes as you show them all what a ‘big, tough man’ you are.” Master continued undoing the ribbon ‘bra’ and swiftly pulling the nipples clamps free. Master enjoyed seeing the sissy do a little jig as the poof forced his arms to remain by his sides. “You know I was going to be kind and let you work the door and stay nice and invisible. Numnutts I'm sure will be unhappy as his Lord and Lady promised he could have some relief for all the hard work he put in at the manor.” As Master continued, the sissy was still standing completely still as his poor sissy tits burnt from the clamps being on so long. “Arms up” Master paused his taunting. “I do hope he won't take it out on you later” The sissy obeyed as he panicked inside at the thought of that huge python, he was forced to rub against all afternoon almost certainly would be forced down his throat. As the thought of sucking off yet another man filled his sissy brain, the sissy offered no resistance as a soft satin dress was pulled over his head and it practically flowed over his arms and body. It was obvious from how the bodice of the dress hugged him snug in all the right places, that Master had the shortie dress custom made. It was made for him as the bodice was tight but not undersized. He could feel his cheeks go red from the huge puffy sleeves being secured by ribbons tied tight with a bow. He could feel the built in petticoat giving the dress some poof and swish as Master moved the dress around, fastening the ribbons around his waist and neck, but he could sense it barely covered the top of his diaper. Hype Sissy “You do remember how late we are, Sissy bitch. Get your head out of the clouds.” Master barked, obviously annoyed. Quaking in fear of over five hundred lashes of a cane, sissy Lottie meekly spread his legs and, as daintily as he could, stepped out the rubber panties leaving the obviously-used diaper now completely visible. “I am not touching in there you dirty fucking prissy pansy. I dread to think what you leaked. Attach this to your cage.” Master demanded placing the clip of the leash in his hand. Wondering what other new lows, he would reach in self-degradation as he held the diaper open as much as he could muster. He breathed in as much as he could, so he could reach in the damp and cooling diaper to clip the leash to the ring on the tight metal prison in which his sissy ‘bump’ remained shrinking away. “Oi enough of that. Your pathetic baby dick is worthless and no need to be touching it that long” Master shouted, grabbing his wrist and yanking his hand out the damp diaper. The sissy blabbered an apology around the gag as he felt the satin cuffs of mincing ribbons being attached around his ankles. To try and win some compassion he held out arms so Master could easily secure the ribbons to his wrists. Finally, he felt headbands being changed and while the new one was hardly heavy, he could tell from the weight it was the comically huge PVC bow atop his head like a sissy tiara. “Ok sissy, time to get this party started…” Master checked his watch “...over ten minutes late. A dumb ass like you can't count past five so I will do the maths for you and I make that six hundred and twenty-three seconds you made me late by, you dumb cunt.” Then, without another word spoken, the sissy felt the double yank on his bump in warning as Master strode off. Sissy Lottie tottered behind like a new born gazelle, blindly grasping for anything to support him. He stumbled forward in the curtain as he struggled with the small incline up to the stage. The heat of the lights hit. It was like walking outside on a warm, Summer’s day from a nice and cool air-conditioned office. Then the roar of the crowd as he was forced to mince in circles with the exaggerated hip swings and arms out to the side with limp wrists, for the amusement of the crowd. “Teapot” Master shouted over the laughing crowd. Sissy Lottie burnt in shame as he proceeded to do the dance of, I’m a little teapot, as he struggled to say the nursery rhyme through the gag and with the tube in his mouth. As he got close to the end his stomach dropped as he got no order so just started again. Then again. And again. And again. It was the start of the fifth time. His arm bent, hand on hip. His body posed with legs bent and arm of the spout his wrist flopped over like the prissiest of all the sissy’s when Master thankfully ordered “Pause”. The sissy froze in place leaning to the side ‘mid pour’. Master started to give an introduction to the first presentation but sissy then got distracted by the overly loud ‘whispers’ of two ladies closest to him. “Oh, my good look at the.... well, I am not sure if you can call that a dress.” the first exclaimed with fake shock. “I think I’ve seen tops longer. Maybe he stole it from a little girl. Look at those hearts… and you could smuggle a pumpkin in those sleeves.!” the other replied “I would agree, but look closer in the hearts.” “What do you mean, May?” “See. This heart says ‘bimbo’, that one says ‘spank me’” May explained. The second lady burst out laughing. “This one says ‘peg me please’, and this one ‘make me cry’. I feel so sorry for the thing's wife. She must be mortified that her husband’s such a waste of space.” The sissy was so distracted by the nasty barbs from the ladies he didn’t even notice that Master had finished. To make it worse the first performers were walking behind him when his sissy sac was yanked hard. The shriek of pain was audible despite the gag. The lead kept pulling, leading to the sissy’s hands trying to clutch his balls tottering on the toes of his heels like some cartoonish parody of sissyness. As the performance started on the stage the sissy was dragged until the pulling thankfully stopped. Feeling the downward pull on the leash sissy Lottie dropped to his knees instantly. Master remained silent checking the performers on stage had the crowd's attention and the unintentional comedy act forgotten. Master felt pressure on his boot. Glancing down he watched as the sissy pressed his face into the steel toe cop of his heavy boot. “You might be a useless embarrassment ninety percent of the time, but you’re an adequate slave when you’re not making a clown of yourself.” he scoffed. As if to prove Master is always right about being an embarrassment, the sissy could only cringe as the waft of a nasty fart filled his nose and he felt warmth spread between his thighs as his diaper expanded. Main Act For the next few hours, the Sissy found himself kneeling with head bowed low as Master had attached his collar to a ring at the foot of his throne. The sissy could feel the weight of Master’s feet resting on his padded bum. The sissy could hear the suspension bondage demonstration on stage come to the end. The fear of missing something amazing and hot made his tummy churn with anxiety. “Try not to make a total display of yourself,” Master demanded, yanking the blindfold free as he released the sissy from his constant kneel. The ache from his balls intensified from the sharp yank on the leash. Scrabbling quickly the cringing sissy Lottie, still blinking in the dim light, jumped to his feet and followed on stage. He kept the leash taunt knowing when in doubt taking the more unpleasant option would earn him at least the praise he so desired. Lottie watched carefully and when Master stopped at the raised lectern, he followed keeping the lead as taut as he could bare. Master made the ‘sissy stand’ signal and thus sissymaid Lottie stood, legs shoulder width apart, her hands clasped together touching his navel. Elbows pulled in tight with head bowed. It was at least a nice comfy position the Sissy thought to himself. “What a display” Master started. “And that was just the first of the five acts you will see. As our next act is setting up, I need to fill in a bit. As we all know, my sissy maid is a bit of a mess. And after tonight, messing his ‘dipee’, I have no choice but to reduce this fairy to now be ‘sissy baby’ Lottie.” The crowd joined in a rapturous applause as Master signalled to the sissy to wave as he walked up and down the edge of the stage, before pausing to curtsey and blow kisses. “Fank you, Fank you” he mumbled through the gag. Seeing the ‘stagehands’ (or ‘minions’, as the leaders of the group called them) needed a bit more time, Master had an idea. He lent down and whispered something to a sub girl in front of him who scurried away. “Now my favourite freaks and delights, sissy baby Lottie here loves a nice, warm, wet, and very full diaper. I swear, I’ve seen slugs with more dignity.” Master paused for the crowd's raucous response, smiling as the sissy's head dropped, his chin touching the pure white satin of the dress. “For a reward I think we can give the halfwit a nice full diaper, and with great timing here is the adorable Kitten. Please give her a cheer for the prompt work. She’s also available for the right Dom.” Master took the large glass of water from the blushing latex cat girl waving awkwardly from the front of the energised mass. “Stand still cream-puff" Master barked. The sissy paused, looking up at Master in confusion. “Well, that skirt covers nothing, as usual. Pull your ‘dipee’ open nice and wide.” Master twisted his neck to a face past the sissy and to the waiting figure in the wings of the stage. “Angelica, we’re almost ready for you. I got some ice and a rather prissy wimp here who would love nothing more than for you to make his girlish dreams come true.” The look of horror was barely masked by the straps of the gag. The diaper strained as he held it open watching a tall dominatrix strut on stage. Her huge tits bounced in her skin tight ball gown as she walked toward Master. He felt a pang of jealousy as the women accepted the glass, giving Master a hug and kiss before turning to stalk towards her prey. With knees quaking, and that horrible feeling he had watching the girl he fancied at school kiss another boy swirling around his stomach. He wussed out as he could no longer watch what the Domme was going to do and stared at a spot between his heels. They could be no more than twenty paces apart but for the sissy it felt like an age. He continued to look down seeing his new dress with little more than a belt width of lace ‘skirt’ to cover the princess covered diaper. The shame hit home like a sucker punch and a tear rolled down his face. Then he saw a shiny black boot appear below him. He tried to keep looking at his spot, but he couldn’t help but turn up to look at the fearsome Domme “You want this don’t you fuck nugget.” The Lady Angelica laughed, holding the glass up to the baying horde. Broken and pussy whipped the sissy baby nodded, even thrusting his hips towards his icy fate. “Ok fairy gurl. In 3...2.........1.....................................Now!!!!” The water was so cold he froze for a moment before he wet himself again. Sadistically she poured the water around his groin to the loud cheers of the crowd. The ice flowed from the glass, the clinks as they hit his sissy clit inside its metal prison like cymbals as the throng cried out with laughter. With a dramatic twist of her wrist the glass emptied into the already wet diaper. The water pooled under him as the multiple layers of the three diapers he wore struggled to contain the freezing liquid. As the sissy baby shivered from the icy water, he screwed his eyes shut as his sissy bump painfully tried to push against the walls of its tiny prison. The humiliation stoked the miniscule remainder of his masculinity. The ice made a loud crack as the final chunks hit the metal cage, sending little waves of pleasure through his tiny dicket. “Now… get off my stage, you loser.” the lady crowed, flicking an unprotected thigh with her cane. The sissy ran to her Master sobbing. Some of the water was now trickling down his thighs and the lovely warmth and sissy bliss from wetting in such a humiliating way had been replaced with a cold, clammy puddle. Master took hold of the sissy collar and led him from the stage and its illuminating bulbs, back to his throne off to the side in the relative darkness and safety. In an act of ‘sadistic kindness’ the sissy was allowed to sit rather than kneel on the hard floor. The diaper squelched like a soggy towel thrown against a wall as the sissy gratefully sat. Master held the sissy’s head against his crotch and gently rubbed the pansy's hair. Then the latex-clad cat girl returned with bottles of hot milk put down next to sissy baby Lottie’s soggy diaper, before scurrying off again, stage right. Master’s New Toy The sissy was happier now that he was not currently forced to go on stage. Rather, he sat uncomfortably in the soggy mess holding the warm milk he had been given. The plug had been removed and he had gratefully drunk down five bottles of the sweet tasting drink after a few hours without anything to drink. Master came back from the stage and took what was the last of the six bottles from his hands. Master held the teat out and pointed to the teat. The sissy squealed in delight as he was fed the drink like a farmer feeding a newborn calf, all the while Master rubbed between his shoulder blades. The sissy cooed like a newborn enjoying the attention. His little pee-pee was pulsing away as it dribbled his weak ‘sissy goo; into his dipee, happy in his own world. Meanwhile Master watched the stage intently, as a Dominatrix showed off her whip skills on a very well built and enthusiastic slave boy. As the kinksters on stage finished and took their applause, Master stood. His finger curled around sissy baby Lottie’s collar’s D-ring and the man gently raised the spaced-out sissy to the stage. The mix of humiliation, attention, plus the six bottles of warm milk, made the passive man a little sleepy and offered no resistance as he submissively followed his owner. The crowd watched in anticipation. The last act was up and the curtained area had to be shown off now. As if a silent message had been passed amongst them, the taunting and insults to the sissy was stopped to keep the airhead in his sissy space. The sissy enthusiastically knelt dead centre of the stage at right angle to the crowd. The sissy only watched Master as he walked around giving orders to Numnutts and another equally huge and practically naked man as they hauled a large, glass object onto the stage. The tube was the size of a steel oil drum with a metallic ring on the open end and an odd pipe connected at the bottom. The glass was thick and polished so not even the tiniest streak or blemish marred its surface. The two men attached chains to the top of the glass tube as Master started to speak. “Old friends, and new friends, I hope you all enjoyed the lovely displays of skills and talents my guests showed off so far this lovely evening. But,” Master pauses briefly to build suspense before continuing “your most humble of hosts is here to show off a new piece of equipment.” The screens all flashed to a new display of a flat, grey, concrete pit. The lights shone bright as the multiple cameras gave many views of the empty hole. Many in the crowd started to whisper in speculation at what the purpose of the hole, and what will happen to the lucky victims to become tonight's main event. “I know it's not impressive to look at,” Master continued, as the glass tube was lowered in the hole. “But I’d like to think that, despite being a cruel and sadistic bastard, I also want to fulfil fantasies for my slaves. And, of course, all of you.” This caused a nice cheer from the crowd before Master continued. Master gestures towards sissy baby Lottie “Now, this worthless waste of masculinity here loves when I degrade him and dehumanise it.” The change from ‘him’ to ‘it’ was noticed by the sissy and only made his horny- and milk-induced haziness that much worse as more sissy goo leaked into his now very, very full diaper. Master went on “To the point IT has the importance of a pebble on the beach.” The sissy smiled in its sissy haze, oblivious to his surroundings at this point. “The other thing is, the dumb cunt loves the idea of being a toilet. This has been growing for ages. It built a toilet box that locks its head inside and then it can be pissed on.” The screens showing the small device and the sissy head locked inside the wood box with a toilet seat on the top. “It's not very comfortable for me to use, however. It just didn’t work for me. However, while using the pathetic loser’s attempt, I did get the idea for this!!” Master, with the elegance of a master magician, pulled the curtain aside with a dramatic yank. The crowd gasped in unison as the tube was lowered into the hole revealing an ornate and beautifully crafted throne. Master walked over to the sissy and, with an evil grin from ear to ear, he stared down at the sissy and loudly shouted “PUT THE SISSY IN THE TUBE!” The audience erupted in laughter, gasps of surprise and more than a few horrible insults, the words blasted away the sissy’s haze and looked up in fright. “Mas..s...s..ster” he stuttered as the realisation dawned. “Yes, cream puff. Time for you to have your wish as being a sissy piss pot.” He laughed as the men easily lifted the sissy over to the hole. “What a sorry excuse for a man you are. Many would draw the line at the dress. Or the heels. Some might stop it at the make-up and hair removal. Others when made to make out with random strangers, or stop before they get huge cocks to fill their holes with cum, as they let these strangers use their body. Others would at least attempt to deny how much of a diaper-wearing, Cock-sucking, Piss-drinking, ass-eating, loser they are. You, my faggoty-ass pansy, shook me with the ever-lowering depths of depravity you try to reach to please me.” The sissy’s eyes watered at the harsh truth, and the pangs of shame as his pee-pee was twitching inside its cage as each humiliating secret was revealed to the cheering crowd. Already feeling the horrible burn of shame, he still obediently put his hand next to his ankles and helped as much as he could to allow the handcuffs locking his wrists and ankles to be placed on. The sissy mumbled “thanks” to Numnutts as the mountain of a man removed the gag strapped around sissy’s face. The lights in the pit were blinding, at first, as the large men lowered him into the tube until his heeled feet were resting on the bottom. Helplessly he looked up seeing the heavy throne moved into place. The glass of the tube vibrated with the metal frame clanging into place. As a fearful clang echoed around the concrete walls. The crowd watched intently at the screen showing the quaking sissy squirm. Master was whispering to one of the stage hands, who then rushed off stage. The waiting sissy was visibly getting more and more nervous, as he awaited his fate. A New Low? “Ladies and Gentlemen!” Master started to work the crowd. “I do hope you have been enjoying all the free champagne our hosts kindly supplied.” The clinks of glasses and roars of approval from the balcony was heard over the applauding crowd, even by the quaking sissy deep in his glass prison. “My fellow degenerates! Please welcome… Mz Cleopatra .” The crowd's applause reverbed in the tube. The sissy starred up knowing whatever happens next, he probably won't like, but will still flood his diaper with the watery mess his unmilked and very full sissy sac produced. Just as the thought crossed his mind, a face menacingly glared down at him. Between her forefinger and thumb, they were holding the leash from earlier… the one that was attached to his tiny clitty cage. The one he had peed on, and had been inside his messy diaper. “Urgh you’re filthy, freak.” the Amazonian dominatrix from earlier sneered. “You ruined this, you filthy cock-sucker with a worm sized dick. You will pay for that.” Numnutts took the leash, reaching in to clip it to the sissy’s collar. As the giant man stood, he offered the leash handle back to the latex clad Domme before turning to pull the curtain closed. Mz Cleopatra stopped the large giant from closing it and turned her back to the crowd. To the delight of the audience, the dark-skinned beauty lent forward and arched her back as she slowly rolled her latex dress up to expose her juicy behind and sexy white thong covering her wet snatch. Fully embracing the spotlight, the Mistress wiggled her incredibly well-toned bum before slowly peeling the designer thong down her powerful thighs. With the grace of a ballerina, she turned on her skyscraper heels, lifting her arms aloft to the generous whoops and whistles as her thick and bushy pussy was exposed to all the onlookers. She skillfully walked backwards to the throne and daintily sat down on the face of the terrified captive. Artfully, and dramatically, she wrapped the leash around her gloved hand, holding the sissy just millimeters from her soaked love pot. “Try not to cry, sissy” she taunted, yanking hard and mashing his face into her pussy. Holding him tight, she wriggled against the sissy’s face smearing pussy juices over his mouth as she felt his nose work its way into her ass crack. “Take a deep breath, sissy. It's rare that a poofter should even be allowed near my perfect booty.” The sissy could see nothing but flawless ass as he took a huge arid breath through his nose. He couldn’t be more than a centimeter from her rosebud. "You could live off that aroma, right sissy?” she mocked, laughing heartily as she felt the sissy grind his face up and down in the affirmative. “Open that mouth and stick out your tongue. If you dare close it before I flush by tugging on the leash twice…” Sissy understood the implied threat. Off to the side, Master watched with an evil smirk as Cleopatra pulled the sissy’s face even tighter to her pussy, forcing the sissy to arch his back into a painful bowed position. The sissy twitched as his mouth awaited the warm bitter liquid, as drops of pee began to trickle out of Mz Cleopatra and drip on his face. A few moments later, the tiny drops became a stream, which came too much for the sissy to hold in his mouth as it started to leak from the corner of his mouth and started to soak into his new pretty dress and pool around the sissy’s frilly stockings at the tube’s bottom. Mz Cleopatra was getting hot from the crowd cheering her on and feeling the worthless sissy squirm against her wetness. From the corner of her eye, she could see the sissy bent over in chains on the screens. A huge smile grew on her face as she watched her golden nectar run in multiple little flows all over the sissy’s face. With the fire in her love box getting to explosive levels, she couldn't help but to grind down on the pathetic worthless white boi’s face. Using her free hand, she put on a show for her frenzied audience and played with her impressive breasts before trailing down to her throbbing clit. “Fuck that's mmmm” the Domme screamed as her body rippled with electric pleasure as she ground down on her clit and cranked on the leash, forcing the groaning sissy even tighter to the thrones seat allowing her to ride faster and faster until she screamed, her body shaking in waves of orgasmic bliss. She slumped back in the chair, momentarily dazed from the orgasm ripping through her. Master waited a beat then coughed at Numnutts who gently touched her arm and pointed to the leash held in her death grip. “I don’t think we need to worry about the poor sissy cumquat losing brain cells.” she laughed, releasing the leash. The sissy squealed as his soggy, padded bum slapped down into the decent puddle that had formed in the tube. Despite knowing what he stared down at was the puddle of pee soaking into his stockings, as the strange mix of Mz Cleopatra ’s cum and piss trickled down his face adding to stains on the pretty dress. Yet, his sissy riddled brain clamped his mouth tightly remembering the instruction from his superior. He sat staring up showing his mouth closed tight, holding its precious load awaiting the ‘flush’. “Sissy” a voice bellowed into the glass prison. The sissy jumped in fright before peering up through Mz Cleopatra ’s thighs at a bearded figure above him, as another stream of hot piss blasted him in the face. He scrunched his face up, feeling the arid liquid plaster every inch of his face. “Hey, Mz Cleopatra, Yank the pitiful thing’s chain will ya? Its face going blue.” The bearded man said, playfully aiming his impressive phallus before finishing his piss on her still dripping cunt. “You dick” she shouted at the laughing man walking away. “Mother fucker” she fumed yanking on the chain ignoring the relieved sissy finally drinking down the tangy and arid mouthful. Without demand he raised up on his knees, tongue out-stretched, yearning for more degradation. His pee-pee now seriously suffering from how much his chastity cage was restraining him. “You have a use, sissy white boi” Mz Cleopatra exclaimed “As toilet paper!” With an enthusiastic gusto, the sissy jammed his head between the bowl and seat to force his face as close as possible, licking all over Mz Cleopatra ’s musty snatch. His brain had gone, drifting into the out of body state of bliss of sissy space. He could feel his tiny sissy bump continuing to leak into his already sticky and sodden mess of a diaper. Happy with the sissy’s pussy shine, the Domme pushed the lapping tongue back down into his glass container and walked off. Leaving the sissy to serve the quickly-forming queue of waiting people. Close to the Edge The crowd had now broken up, with the many dominants using their subs on the equipment around the main hall, and many more in the rooms along the side. While the many screens around the den of debauchery had switched to the kinky scenes in the private rooms. Up on the balcony the box containing the sissy’s wife, Master’s other full-time slave, had been secured to a pillar. With little more than a slight gesture from Master, two hooded minions pulled the nails from the front panel of the crate and removed it. Inside, slave Naïve was tightly bound with a half dozen wooden inserts laser cut to match the curvy subs form and leave her pinned in place. Master reached into the box with his gloved hand. His fingers traced around the edges of the heavy metal cuffs, bra and belt locked on her body. As his fingers travelled around her body the slave girl pushed her body forward yearning for his touch as her pussy dripped with need. “Oh Master” she whispered around the small ball gag in her mouth, as his fingers brushed against the grill covering her outer lips. “Does my slave pig want to come out and play.” Master replied, his voice like dark velvet. While pulling the gag free from her lips. “Mmmmmmm” the bound woman moaned “Please Master. Please punish me. Make me scream for you. I need you to make me black and blue” “But you have been such a good piggy, slut Naïve. So much better behaved than your pansy of a hubby.” He replied as he reached and unbuckled the blindfold of the hood she wore. “He is barely a spec next to the m…...” she trailed off as the blindfold was removed and the harsh light momentarily blinded her. She blinked rapidly, unable to move her hands to help. As the blinding light faded away, she was left with just the huge main screen, showing her bloated and useless sissy hubby kneeling in the brightly-lit tube. The once-new and glossy dress now clung against the pansy’s pasty white skin. The once gloriously poofy, virginal white shoulders were now a pale yellow, matching the inadequate wearer. The little of what was the skirt still poofed out somewhat. However, it, too, was now a pale yellow and actually managed to somewhat cover the sodden and swollen diaper, which was forcing the sissy’s knees as wide as the thick glass of the narrow tube would allow. The camera zoomed in showing a beaming smile on the sissy’s face behind a mask of ruined makeup and piss-soaked hair. He managed to happily splash around in the pool of pee. Poor Naïve turned bright red in shame. Despite their complicated relationship she did love and care for the dumb fool. Still, he looked like he was paddling in a kiddy pool. Not a bound fairy faggot, in a tube filled with pee from who knows where. “Boys. Take piggy whore to the medical examination room.” Master called out, giving a creepy wave to his slave as the crate lid was pushed in place and turning her world black again. Mz Cleopatra sat up in the balcony, one of her submissives knelt beside her. His head bowed in deference as a cup of tea rested on his up-turned palms. She loved the view staring down as people below mingled and watched as the leather and latex clad hunters played with their provocatively dressed prey. Only a few of the room screens remained blank as their occupants decided to keep their kinky play to themselves. But, the rest showed everything. From naughty schoolies being spanked by a teacher in a simple tight pencil skirt, all the way up to a pair of feminine bodies, clad in gorgeous lingerie being fucked by both fake and real cocks as they hung helpless from the ceiling. Her mood changed as she looked up to see the pansy bitch fairy playing happily. She tutted in disgust as the subby tea holder looked up to see his Mistress shook her head, utterly annoyed that the sissy was enjoying himself. “Wait here.” she commanded as she stood. Her adoring slave contorted his body to hold the cup as high as he could while straining his rubber clad body to press his gagged mouth to her spiked heels. “Good boi” she praised walking towards the room this evening host was playing.“Fuck. Fuck, Fuuuucccckk” Naïve shouted. Her body arching and straining against the thick leather straps tightly bounding her to the examination table. For once Master kindly left the blindfold off, allowing her to see the pair of hooded minions mauling her large udders. One was sucking on her nipple so hard he was able to pull on it painfully, while his fingers squeezed and pinched her soft flesh. The other identifiable person was practically chewing on her other nipple and breast. She could feel the sting from the multiple bite marks covering her tit. “Oh my God, oh my God.” she squealed, feeling the strain as the clamps bit down then stretched her pussy lips wide. She strained her neck to see over the minions playing with her tits to see what was happening as she felt a cord being tied to each toe and her poor pussy lips being pulled further apart. “Let's test” she could hear Master talking to someone. She strained her neck to try and see more of who else was there, when her evil Lord and Master lashed a cane against the sole of her foot. Before the scream could leave her lips, her foot jerked in response to the sharp hit. As her toes clenched, she could feel the cord bite into her sensitive skin and pull on the petals of her twat. Turning the yell of pain into a strange gurgled moan. Another blow slashed her foot causing another yank on her now throbbing cunt flaps as she could feel her snatch glistening with fresh signs of her excitement. “Owww” she screamed as a new set of teeth marks appeared on her skin. Stoking the fire in her molten hot sex as her owner started to run his fingers down her soles. Using her toes to pull and stretch her throbbing labia. “Master…. Master.” she called “I am soooo close. It's been so long. Please can I have one orgasm Master. I will gratefully accept any punishment you extract from my worthless body. Please Sir I beg you I am so very close. “I am ‘fraid not, but I have plans for you tonight Ms Piggy. And I need a bright and willing slave. Not a lazy old porker whose had her fun.” “Master, you know I will always be ready for you to use and I will perform flawlessly. But I am so very close. I feel ready to burst” “Naïve. You know better than to continue this childish begging once I said NO, and in front of all these people.” he swept his arm up in dramatic fashion to point out the dozen or so people watching through the window and the open door. No matter how often she had been exposed and degraded in front of what must have been over ten thousand people it still made her squirm in shame as the humiliation made her drip faster than a leaky faucet. “Who here thinks my fine piggy slave deserves an orgasm.” Master exclaimed as if a ringmaster hyping up the crowd. “How long has it been now my needy cock sleeve?” “Eleven months, two weeks and a day. Master.” she replied her body shook against the thick leather as if angry at the lack of release. The almost temper tantrum-like reaction brought a roar of laughter from the crowd. “My poor sweet slut.” Master admonished. “This is what I would expect from that unexplainable pansy you married. Not a fine subby sow like you.” Before she could reply her body twisted and bucked as a lightning bolt of pain exploded as the leather tongue of Master’s crop lashed down on her poor defenceless pussy. A second then third followed swiftly as the trapped slave could only cry out in pain. Yet the crowd could hear the increased squelch as the crop smacked down on a wetter and wetter cunt. Naïve eyes slowly closed as she drifted away back to the dreamy place, she felt her body and mind almost split in two. The hot pain took the breath away leaving her body trembling in fear of further strikes. But her mind knew she needed the deserved correction. She needed more for failing her Master. In front of others no less! The voice in her head desperately wanted to call out to ask for more, had grown so loud she bit down on her tongue to remain quiet. Her body tensed sensing something close, but was the soft touch of a gloved hand as Master gently rubbed her cheek. She leaned into the soft touch of Master. rubbing her head against the hand like a cat enjoying some head scritches. Her body contorted to rub her sopping wet cunt against Masters fingers as he teasingly rubbed about her outer lips. “I have some bad news, my little porker. I must go for now. However, I promise you will not be waiting too much longer before I use you again. Be a good girl and you will get your reward.” Master said the words slowly as he gently pushed two fingers in and out her cunt. “Cool her off minions and get her ready for later. Don't forget to wipe her, and clean the room, medical room clean!” The hooded figures rose away from assaulting the stunned woman’s tits and nodded. Watching as the event host stuffed his fingers into Naïve’s mouth. Who instinctively licked her own excitement from the PVC. Leaving the minions to their task, Master walked to the bar getting himself a tea. He gave a side eye to the gorgeous dominatrix as she slid on a stool next to him. “What I do.” he quipped at her sour expression. “The fucking loser is enjoying its self” Mz Cleopatra said, bitterly, pointing to the sissy still in his own little world with a giant dopey smile on his face. “That he does. Ain’t it cute?” “I would think this would be upsetting you, at least a little bit.” Mz Cleopatra said almost in an accusatory way. “Let the poor fool enjoy it for a bit. More fun when I ruin it.” Master replied, with a wink and knowing smile. “Ruin it?” Mz Cleopatra replied, with an inquisitive look. Master nodded, paused to think for a moment, and then said “You know what, no time like the present, Let's give the people a show!” Master then signalled for the minions to approach. Setting Up The sissy’s eyes were closed as he enjoyed one of his fantasies coming true. He swirled his bound hands around, revelling in the still-warm liquid around him. Enjoying every moment, it lapped over his bare thighs. The drying pee on his face filled his nostrils with a bitter arid smell keeping his sissy bump straining away making his already full diaper come even more delightfully sticky and damp on the outside as it was on the inside, as the pee soaked into it. Suddenly, a loud ‘pop’ sound startled the poof. The bright lights now appeared to be turned off and, like that, a sense of dread washed over him. After a moment of silence in the darkness the golden pool of piss suddenly felt colder. The dress was now clammy and gross as it clung his skin. Looking up, the light was all but blocked out. Worrying him more were the new sounds of heavy objects being moved around. The curtain being closed around the throne and the sudden arrival of a team of minions working on the main stage attracted those milling around the main floor. A large covered item was wheeled on stage as some minions armed with power tools got to work behind the screen. “My friends” Masters' voice rang out over the Tannoy system. “I do worry about you all. Seems many of you lost faith. Like that’s all I would do to the poor, worthless, maggot-dicked cream puff in its natural home down in its pissy hole. No, no, no....” Master paused as the minions dropped the sheets covering the device. “Fuck me” one voice rang out over the newly silenced crowd, as they stared at a huge vat of golden liquid! The huge vat sat on a flatbed with fancy iron metal struts securing it in place. Underneath the large motors with thick rubber covered cables and various other impressive looking tech started humming in anticipation of its greatest show. A handful of minions appeared as if some choreographed routine and hoisted the large hose from the top of the tank, into the air to connect with a huge valve previously hidden in the darkness above the stage lights. As some minions linked up the thick hoses, others wheeled out elaborate looking dentist chairs. Each having obvious stimulation devices and fucking machines built in with cut outs in strategic locations and a dozen thick straps hanging free. Others worked to add chains to kneeling posts facing the tank each with a gag attached to a tube that ran up to the tank. A paniced squeal could be heard from behind the curtain but was quickly drowned out with the sounds of power tools and the clang of metal on glass. The whirl of the tank shaking to life instantly distracted the crowd as the bottom of the tank illuminated giving its potent contents a vibrant glow. “OH, yes. I always have a plan B. So, just in case my lovely guests didn’t drink enough to fill the sissy’s piss tube, I got a donation from… ‘alternative’ means. It does seem I over-sourced though. If any subs or slaves are looking a little dehydrated, please do feel free to offer them a free drink!” As the minions finished attaching the various cables and power to the Frankensteined chairs a platform was erected with a large whipping frame dead centre. From the four corners of the whipping frame, shiny new manacles hung awaiting the unfortunate soul being held in place. With the constant thud of his cane Master strode across the stage floor, oozing a showman's confidence. “Thank you to my fine minions for your work tonight. You have surpassed my expectations as usual and, as such, I hope to give you a special treat later. But, for now, it's on with our show. Bring her out boys” Naïve fell back against the thick, rough wood of her travel crate as the whole thing rocked back on an angle before jolting forward. The experience had her unnerved as normally the dozen slates would have been locked in place. The wood panels were so well made and secured her so firmly in place, Master regularly placed the box upside down and left her for hours. Without warning the box stopped and was hauled upright. Naïve barely able to put her hands out in time to stop her crashing into the lid. She scrabbled back to jam her back against the wood as she heard the crate lid being prized open. The darkness was broken with the crack of the top of the crate springing forward as the nails were yanked free. She could feel the instant heat as the piercingly bright lights of the stage blew the darkness away and blinded her so much, she pressed her body tighter against the safety of the back wall. “Hello pet” Masters deep velvety voice whispered. “Time for your reward.” The brass of the leash gleamed a rich bronze colour in the bright light as the gloved hand reached in. Subconsciously she raised her chin giving free access to the collar locked around her throat. The familiar click of the clasp being closed and the pressure on the back of her neck increasing as the chain was pulled taut. Normally Master would have her tied or at least hooded before bringing her on stage, but here was the first time she had to face the public as the willing slave girl she deep down knew she was. Still, she faltered at the first light tug on the collar. She leaned back, glancing up unsure if she made a painful mistake. Before she could look down, he was back at the edge of the box. His finger curled around the D ring as his gloved hand shot up but rather than strike it stroked her cheek. “Come now girl, You’re ok. It's ok.” he whispered as his finger closed around the ring and gently led her out. “I promise nothing bad will happen.” Naïve felt the fog drop and her body take over. She offered no resistance as he led her to the odd-looking chair. As he stopped, she dropped to the floor sitting like a good pupper. As he gave a speech about how the chair and all its hidden goodies worked safely, she allowed it all to drown out as she slipped into her happy place. The peace so great she risked leaning on Master’s leg and slightly rubbing her head against his knee and earnt a literal pet on head. “Sit up,” Master ordered with an added tug on the leash. Naïve quickly bounced to her feet before following his direction to daintily hop onto the chair vibrating with excitement. But when Master continued to point out how to use the device rather than using her, she gave an audible huff and pout much to the crowd's amusement. Master rolled his eyes at her antics, “Let me show the fun stuff,” he announced, grabbing a clump of her hair to guide her into place as she squealed and scrabbled on the slick leather surface to follow him. With a hard tug she placed her head into a curved padded area firmly holding her head to look straight ahead. Naïve purred with pleasure and closed her eyes and relaxed her body. As strong fingers pulled her arms up above her head, she could feel the tingling in her pussy get stronger as well as the butterflies in her tummy speed up. The click of the padlock closing sent a little shiver of excitement down her spine. From just a little wriggle she could tell her arms were shackled in place loving how her arms were stretched. A click near her ear made her flinch before feeling straps either side of her elbow securing her arm locked in place. She tilted her head as best as she could to see the bar holding her elbow at a right angle. Moments later her other arm was secured the same way leaving her deliciously helpless already. She could feel her heart rate increase and the wetness between her folds grow quicker as thick wide leather belts were strapped tight above and below her large breasts. Before she could test how much the silk feeling leather would yield, a third belt was cinched tight. Naïve felt her breathing slow as a serene calmness flowed over her. The leather dug in around her hip making her squirm in excitement as the helplessness made her pussy tingle with anticipation. The hapless maiden bit down on the inside of her lip to stop a huge moan as her legs were roughly grabbed by two sets of hands. With little care, a latex wearing Domme and leather-bound Master pulled her legs apart and held them into the surgical steel of stirrups. Two thicker straps were wrapped around the top of her thighs, above and below the knee as well as the middle of her shin. Allowing little more than the most minute of movements. “So open and ready” she heard someone murmur. The fog lifted as she could see the unidentifiable human forms beyond the lights staring at her bald snatch, covered in the proof of her excitement. Her shame turned her skin a bright pink as the thought of her old teachers at the catholic school calling her every humiliating name under the sun echoed in her memories. “The chairs are open for all” Master called out not looking at the crowd, instead looking at his female pet squirming in the chair. The heat of the public exposure radiating off her entire body. He pulled off a glove and ran his nails across her exposed skin. He trailed from just above her soaked mound all the up to her neck where he locked a metal shackle around her collared throat. “So beautiful and so ready for me,” he whispered in her ear. “My trained plaything ready for my touch, my torments, my tenderness.” He continued, as he added an elastic strap with attached padding into place effectively wedging her head to look straight ahead. He watched the moment of panic as she pushed against the thick foam, before leaning down to gently kiss her forehead and stroke the back of his bare hand on her cheek. “My pet piggy ready to be pleasured” he grinned, his eyes dancing with mischief watching as her eyes grow wider and glassy as all the twisted and deplorable thoughts swam around her head. Master turned his head to get the nod from trusted Doms who had set up their own subs in the other chairs that all was safe. With a spin on his heels, he turned around to face the audience. “Now, all my newest designs are set up and their not-so-willing victims are ready for the game.” The dynamic host paused, spotting Kitten standing close. Reaching out he grabbed the girl by the ponytail from the top of her latex hood dragging her to the front of the crowd, signalling for her to stretch out her arms and resting the large laptop on her forearms. “Be a good PC stand, girl” he growled before addressing the crowd. “Believe it or not, this… thing is the wife to the piss pot of a sissy we have left in his tube”. Some of the audience members gasped, others giggled. “This is how this works.” Master continued. “These chairs have lots of contraptions, toys and various other devices to give our lovely subs and slaves a great time, or a very bad time. But in honour of the slave wife's service and obedience for over three hundred and fifty days since she was last allowed to orgasm! Tonight, there will be a competition.” The crowd started to hum in excitement as several dominants were whispering their desire to win as the prizes at these parties were legendary. From custom outfits costing thousands, to rare expertly made whips, too even getting access to the top floor of the church itself. While the crowd took in the surprise, Master clicked some commands on the laptop and the vat rumbled to life. With a roar of approval, the lights in the pit came to life and illuminated the unaware sissy as all the pipes started to fill very quickly with the golden nectar. “To win the top prizes all you need to do is simply get as many orgasms as you can from your subby toy as possible. I can feel the glares from those with chaste partners. Fear not, you can simply find and challenge another pairing with a chaste partner, and we have another prize for the longest to resist.” The crowd started clapping and shouting so loud Master had to bang his cane on the floor several times to regain order. “Here is the best part. Hitting the foot pedal beside each chair after every orgasm has been achieved, the piss princess receives a special prize.....” Danger! The sissy blinked hard against the harsh lights that had suddenly come back on. He could hear a commotion above, but could only see the dark grey of the tube… and none of the sounds made sense. A new sound was getting louder and the faint sound of the crowd grew and grew. Just as the realisation of what the sound was, a torrent of stale, cold piss hit sissy like a truck. There was so much, and the torrent so violent, that the sissy froze, almost unable to breathe as more and more cascaded down. Up on the stage the pansy’s wife screamed out, her lungs burning from the electric wand stimulating her poor and abused clit. Above her head she could see the poor poof in the tube and the look of worry broke her heart. She had tried to hold out as the wand electrified her pussy as the thick rod stretched her pussy wide. Still her body betrayed her the dirty word of Master in her ear as he twisted her nipple and she convulsed as the first orgasm in nearly a year exploded from her. The warm glow from the release of countless fucking's, hours of edging so close, the ache of denial and just the daily teasing and humiliation that made her mound so wet when had taken to carrying several spare knickers to work. The thought of that joyous moment as her body tensed up ready for Master to pull away and leave her dry. Then the whisper she waited a year for and the hill crested as Master pushed hard and she nearly blacked out. As the wash of bliss finally drifted away and Naïve became much more aware of what was going on around her. The screams and moans of her fellow slaves were followed by cries of joy from dominant voices. On the screen she could see her sissy boi of a hubby being drenched by a large bucket’s worth of piss. Naïve was torn. On the one hand, she knew that in future the pansy would be rubbing his huge teddy’s massive rubber dick thinking of this moment for years to come. On the other, she knew the humiliation and feeling of degradation of Master turning a fetish up to a hundred or adding a twist to add something you never thought about, and how it can feel all too much at the time. As memories from the decade of servitude flooded her mind, she failed to notice Master’s return. In the tube, the sissy slumped broken again. The pool of pee had now grown up to his waist. The pretty skirt of his dress now floating in a perfect circle out from his body. His diaper was now completely drenched and expanded so much his scrawny legs were forced out at awkward angles that had started to get uncomfortable. and difficult for the sissy to stand. Every time he heard that whooshing noise from the garden hose, it would make some masochistic part of his brain forced him to raise his own face to take the first seconds of the blast full in the face until he couldn’t hold out any longer and would move to breathe. Once it stopped his head would drop. Tears formed in his eyes, yet his bump was trying to get harder than it had ever been within its cage. His not actually hard sissy flesh pushed into the metal bars of its cage, making sissy acutely aware how pathetic he was, only making his feeling of humiliation worse, which only made his arousal greater. Then the whooshing would return and he would raise his head again. Crowd Interaction Master was impressed with Naïve’s resolve. He has expected the woman to have given into her desires more. With the vat now half empty. He only managed to extract four orgasms from the slave girl. Glancing up he could see he currently ranked fifth on the leaderboard imposed over the video showing his pathetic sissy bitch piss bath was barely up to his arm pits as he did a telltale twitch. “Here you are holding out for that worthless little faggot. While he is right now leaking that watery sissy juice into a diaper.” Master taunted the bound woman as four fingers made slapping sounds against her raw pussy. “Mhmmm,” was all the slave could muster. Her body was covered with a sheen of sweat as her body convulsed from the fingering. “I am going to force my entire fist in your pussy and if you don’t cum, I think I will put you in the tube too!!!” Master promised. With a wet plop his thumb forced its way inside her puss. “”Ughhhh” she responded. Her breathing getting rapid as she felt Masters large hand thrust up and down deep inside her as it grinded on her special spot. Her brain was so gone she could only babble nonsense as her exhausted body surrendered to the overstimulation and let out a groan as her body twitched randomly as a fifth orgasm rippled through her body. Master stepped on the peddle and watched the screen to see another torrent of pee wash down on the sissy face, making Master grin. As he turned his attention back to his fem sub, he noticed Lady Ash. The well known local evil lesbian dominatrix. Her trademark blood-red hair showed her Irish ancestry and fiery temperament. She marched on stage, dragging her sub to the whipping frame. You could see her anger as the red head shouted at how disappointed she was with the slave's performance. As the domme locked the poor girl into the manacles and cranked the begging sub body into a taut spread eagle. Master caught the eye with a friend of Ash and gave a head nod towards the women thrashing the girl. “I told you not to let me down” she screeched “You’re dead last in the number of orgasms.” Master slowed his fist fucking as he watched the Domme continued to admonish her sub, her whip now dangling from her hand. The slave girl hung limply in her bonds. Multiple angry red welts visible against the girl's pure white skin. He picked up the powerful vibrator from its hook and held it against his subs inflamed clit. Ash’s friend approached her. Gently taking the whip and calmly talked to her. The Irish beauty’s temper seemed to go away. She hugged and unlocked her slave. Master continued to watch as he gently teased the still blubbering Naive, feeling he could get another orgasm from her as the painfully looking pussy sucked his arm deep inside her! Distracted for a moment he looked up and could only laugh as Ash was locking the feeding gag to her unfortunate slave, who was already locked to the short kneeling post. He could see half a dozen were now attached as his minions kept having to change out hoses to allow the growing number of people forced to watch the tank of liquid as the clear hose filled with its tasty treat. A guttural groan brought his attention back as he could feel the girl staining her body to get any movement on his embedded arm. He used a finger to flick her swollen bean and fucked her hard as the girl wriggled in pain. Master continued this pattern over and over. He could feel the heat from her mount grow hotter and hotter as the broken women quivered as the waves of pleasure and pain started to overlap and meld into every nerve ending fizzing with energy. With practiced precision he continued to repeat the fucking and flicks quicker and quicker. Building her up to the point she was like the last car on a roller coaster. You're sitting far enough back that as the front car stared down at the drop you were still the other side unable to see what was to come. After a last flick she pushed the small bullet vibrator on max and held it to her battered clit as she used his entire body to smash in and out of her pussy. The squelching of his hand slamming in and out filled his ears as Master continued. He could hear his sub start to take short gasps of air as her body suddenly froze as spasms of pleasure crackled through her body. The lurch of the coaster cart suddenly being violently yanked over the crest of the hill and then a plunge into free fall. Master stood up and wiped his arm clean, stepped on the foot pedal to signal another orgasm had been reached, then quickly freed the girl. With the aid of a minion, he carried her limp body to his throne where he held the girl tight. Stroking her head. Allowing her to return from the intense experience. As he cared for the slave girl he watched in bemused fascination as a new slave was secured to his crazy idea. One male sub has his little dicklett in the vacuum pump. The machine worked up and down the man's unimpressive member over and over as the slave shook his head, gritting his teeth as his poor balls had been already milked dry. A pair of Dominatrixes were happily pointing and laughing at his efforts. Another guy was using the collection implements teasing his slave’s skin with the silk, satin and fur coverings, as his pinwheel ran over her tender areas. As the wheel made its way the girl shuddered and writhed as her senses overloaded as the heavy leather hood took away her sight and sound. In a pair of his Frankenstein chairs a challenge was on. Two Dommes lubed up the horse-sized strapons‘ hanging from the massive harness to support the dong's huge length and girth. A minion dropped his arm and Dommes actually took a huge stride forward to impale the defenseless ass pussies in front of them. As the ladies impressively kept an incredible pace as one fucked the ass of a pretty and tiny sissy, as the other ploughed a large Thor-looking sub. Behind the chairs he noticed a pretty blonde strapped to a cross. The girl’s moans were getting louder as her Dom beat his pretty sub. With no warning the Dom yanked his leather shorts down and began to plow his impressive cock into her dripping pussy. The large screen flashed as the leaderboard updated and the sissy took another dunking. The chaste leaderboard showing a mistress he didn’t know. But they had won many battles as she had double digit wins and five point lead on anyone else. A small cheer went up as another sub gave up and orgasmed as the powder puff got another golden shower. “Did I do good?” Naïve asked. Her voice low and respectful as she felt her body return to normal snuggled in her Masters arm’s. “You were fantastic, I hope you enjoyed.” Master replied, his usual bite in his voice gone as he gently stroked her naked form. “Your slave pig is tender but happy, Master!” “Sound time for Mrs Piggy girl to earn her next orgasm,” he whispered. His voice making her shiver in anticipation “I look forward to it.” she purred in reply. Grinning, Master grabbed his bag of implements before taking the slave by her collar and led her back on stage. Walking past the human laptop stand he took one of Kitten’s pigtails in hand and marched the pair to the raised platform. Ordering the now kneeling Kitten to warn him if the sissy were to drown! Pulling his leather gloves tight, Master took Naïve's right arm and pulled it up to the manacle set up in the centre of the frame. At a little over five foot three the small slave girl had to stretch her body up to her max height, feeling the weight of the steel as it closed shut. The sound from the lock closing sent a warm feeling to her abused pussy. The second lock left her body straining as arms pulled up high. Bending down he forced a pair of ballet boots on the slave's feet. The immovable metal plate in the boots forced her to point her toes down into a position a ballerina at the royal society would be impressed with. The huge heel added some support as she gripped the manacle chains in a death grip to keep her balance. “Oh, thank you Master” she breathed happily, as her arms were pulled higher and the boots were placed into groves on the platform. She was so happy the supports kept the boots on the floor without flailing around, she didn’t stop to think about the odd setup. Leaning down the evil sadist entered a code into the laptop activating a program. He rose from his crouch and firmly grabbed the slave girl's neck. At first, she tensed up before melting against him as he circled his fingers three times to signal it was him. He scraped his fingers down the soft skin of her back and grabbed her big fat ass cheeks. “My piggy looks good when covered with my marks,” he whispered in her ear, before biting down on neck four times leaving a trail of marks down her neck and collar bone. “Please Master. I need a whipping for begging like my loser husband,” she whimpered, feeling herself wilt under his touch. I have a new game my good little piggy.” Master started, the softness now gone from this voice. Just the pure confidence and control that made her wet on the spot remained. “If your boots leave those little grooves your poor little poofter of a hubby will have a shower. The longer you keep your boots still however!” Master hit a switch in his pocket and the boots let off a shock into the soles of the hanging meat. With a yelp of shock, she yanked her feet up, leaving her hanging from the chain. She could hear a huge whoosh as the pump let forth a torrent of cold piss into the tube. She could see in high definition as her hubby looked up and the pee rained down. Seeing it not stopping she quickly wriggled her boots back into place. Selecting a pair of her heavy floggers and with a quick stretch of his back muscles. Master started whirling the floggers around fanning the multiple thick tongs of leather before they smacked down with a wonderful thud against Naïve's bare skin. As he moved, Naïve would rise up on her tiptoes releasing more and more piss into her sissy husband. After each blow Master would glance to the screen then back to his slave as his floggers rained down in a rhythmical beat. He watched with glee as each short sharp burst of pee would spurt out right into the degraded sissy face. Adjusting his stance, Master moved closer to Naïve, taking a crop from the pile of toys. With a flourish, he rained down blows as he, in turn, played with the slave’s dripping cunt. The faster he whipped, the more he finger fucked. The slave raised all the way up to the points of her toes as her body thrashed, from the mix of the crop and the stimulation of her throbbing sex. As Master tormented her, feeling her body on the edge, he watched the screen as the tube was now getting very full and the sissy’s face had turned to fear. The sissy was starting to panic before the large eruptions of golden liquid now turned to a constant stream quickly filling up his glass prison. In his mind, he knew even a lowly sissy like him wouldn’t be completely ignored… Master would surely not let him come to harm, right? Still, the pee was coming in alarmingly swiftly, now reaching up to his chin. “My friends, my friends.” Master said yelling from the platform. “Look at my useless sissy baby.” The crowd cheered seeing the sissy no longer slumped down but having to drink the old stored pee he was made to swim in. The thick curtains opened and the crowd yelled and shouted abuse louder, which the sissy could now hear. The sissy visibly turned red hearing the chants to “DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!.” As he slurped up more and more pee. Inside the tube the sissy could hear the chants urging him on to drink, but also the cruel shouts of “fucktard,” “ass licker” and then “wussy piss-drinking fairy-boi faggot” suddenly came through loudly, hurting most. Still, he couldn’t stop lapping up the pee to “save” his worthless hide. Finally, it seemed, the torrents of stale pee stopped coming in, and the sissy drank just a little bit more to allow him to be able to get the pee down to a level where he could breathe. No sooner had the sissy brought the pee down below his mouth so that he could breathe more easily did he hear the booming voice of his Master. “Hey cream puff,” Master called from on top of the throne. The sissy starred up, straining as much as he could to be away from the pee while looking up, whimpering in embarrassment. Another sissy, dressed in an outfit almost as ridiculous as the one sissy baby Lottie was wearing earlier was spun around and forced to sit down. The newest to use the throne wasn’t wearing panties. Only a micro cage, smaller than Lottie’s own cage, with a huge baby blue ribbon adorning the top. “This has to be the most ridiculous panty waist effeminate prissy cuck I've seen. It makes you look positively ‘hunk of the year’ with his girly figure and cock sucking lips. But, even this waste of a Y-chromosome wouldn’t be seen dead in a pool of week-old piss and lap it up for others to record.” With that, the new sissy’s ribboned clit began peeing on que, covering the Master’s sissy baby with a tiny stream of weak pee. Still, sissy baby Lottie opened wide, drinking the sweet boi-juice as he suddenly quivered from the huge sissygasm that this new level of humiliation brought on. Hung Out to Dry Time ticked slowly by for the poor sissy. The lights inside his personal pit of shame had been turned off, leaving him only able to see from the residual light coming from above. Sissy was cold, wet, and quite literally stinking of piss. Now and then the dim light from above would darken followed by a fresh stream of pee being added. The sissy, dutifully, opened wide to drink as much as possible. Master had noticed the odorous smell getting rather bad. The cart had been removed, although the sissy's wife and several other slaves remained bound in various devices on the stage. Each showing the results of the night’s debauchery all over their satisfied bodies. Then, the sound of sissy squeals attracted a few braver souls to watch as Numnutts showed off his strength by finally fishing the squealing, soaking sissy out of his pit, before unceremoniously dragging the disgraced former man out the back of the former church with the cries of “Fag”, “Sissy” and “Poof” ringing in his ears. Master followed the pair outside directing the larger man to take the sissy out to the flagpole. To the sissy’s further distress, he could see yet another new and rather odd contraption hanging from the pole. “Please, Master. I will do anything. Please, no.” The sissy babbled fearful of whatever evil idea his Master had in mind. “Do shut up, you fairy. You know as well as I do that you will do anything I say, and your twisted gurly-boi brain will love it. Now, Numnutts, give the thing a good rinse with the hose, it smells like a urinal after a rugby club’s new year's party.” Numnutts merely nodded and walked off to get the hose. The sissy dropped to his knees crawling in the dewy grass towards his owner, before bending forward and started to lick the superior man's boots. The warm evening air filled with Masters hearty laugh, over the pathetic sound of a lapping tongue on leather. “I don’t know why I always think the next humiliation or degrading act I do will be the one that makes you stand up and say no. But you take it all like a lowly bitch. I use your wife as my toy and I think 'this will be time.’ But no, you willingly help me no matter how perverted or painful the act. Now you are licking my boots, like the broken runt of the litter. A man would walk off. A real man might try and hit me for all I have done. But you, and that slag of a wife, take it all. And, to top it all off, the nicer I am the more you hate it.” Master roared with laughter again as the sissy blushed redder than a fire engine. Even so, the sissy did not stop shining the boots until Numnutts returned with the hose. “Good man. To prove to sissy baby Lottie what a waste of a Y-chromosome he is, stand him next to the pole.” None too kindly, the man grabbed the shivering sissy and frog marched him to the pole with a huge slab of a hand holding the back of his neck. “Now sissy baby Lottie, the faggyest fairy in town, put your arms up and spread your legs nice and wide.” With a tear of shame in his eye, the sissy followed the order, staring straight at the floor while the hose started to stiffen as the water rushed down the inside of the long, green tube. The sissy flinched as the icy water rained down over him. His jaw clenched in concentration as he willed his arms and legs not to move as Master’s ‘muscle’ attached what looked like something you use to clean a car with on the hose nozzle, and with a huge grin stepped forward. Scrubber The sissy looked down at a spot beneath him as he had been trained to do. He concentrated hard to ignore looking to see what Master and his minions were laughing about. Instead concentrating on the spot on the ground as the training had been left burnt into the sissy’s brain. The history of experience: from hours of standing next to his wife, when they were both in humiliating outfits that still left their naughty parts exposed to anyone who glimpsed into the front window of their house. For six, long hours the pair had been made to stand and forced to stare at the camera on the floor. The clever software was set up to track their eye movements. Even blinking too long would trigger the electric shocks from the fist-sized and shaped plugs that had been crammed into their asses. That day had been difficult, but it still contained one of sissy’s favourite memories: following that training, kneeling at Master's feet, sissy was able to do nothing but stare at his owner's boots, he had spent an hour polishing to an army level of shine, showing he had learnt the lesson. The reward of not only praise and pets, but a hot slice of Master’s pizza each, for both not activating the shocks for the last of those six hours was still a treasured memory. The happy thought was interrupted with the feeling of the stinking sissy dress being peeled from his hairless chest. Then, a coarse brush was scrubbed over his feminine chest. The sissy whimpered, not daring to look away from the spot even as it was blocked by the large boots and bare legs of his tormentor. Each swipe from the brush brought a new higher pitched wail from the sissy as Numnutts deliberately would make sure to somehow scrub around every sensitive area. Leaving it for last, but still manages to constantly catch and swipe his puffy and sore nipples as well as the tender flesh between his legs. The man continued, with the sissy having to bite down hard on his lip in order to not scream out, and every muscle in the sissy’s neck tensed so hard it was as if they would pop out of his skin trying to keep his head bowed in submission. Still, the scraping between his inner thighs felt like Numnutts’s was removing layers of skin with each violent and grinding stroke of the brush. With an annoyed grunt, Numnuttss smacked the sissy’s burning flesh to spread his legs wider. Quaking with fear, the sissy had to will his legs to obey and slightly crouch to give unprotected access to his worthless sissy bump and tender areas of his crotch. The large guy grunted, again, an evil smile lighting up over his face. The sissy couldn’t help but screw his eyes up as the brush was placed against his sissy parts. Then, like the end of a hyped movie, the brush moved across the skin delicately, even lovingly. The bristles weren't pleasant but, after the abuse they had delivered to the rest of his body, it was like a massage. Though, as soon as the sissy visibly relaxed, the horny man struck. One meaty hand grabbed hold of the sissy’s hair while he angrily brushed the sissy’s withered egg sacs fast and hard. The poor sissy screamed out in pain, his legs buckling under him leaving him hanging painfully by the hair in Numnutts’s iron drip. “Hey, twat bag!” Master shouted out. “If you damage my sissy, rather than it bent over for your cock, it will be enjoying your tongue instead.” The sissy’s Owner strode over to check on the weeping sissy now crumpled in the sodden dirt. Numnuttss bowed in deference trying to help the poor creature up. “You dumb oaf.” Master spoke coldly as he cuffed the large man around the ear. “Go get the washing line! Seems the pair of you can't even manage simple things without screwing up.” Master squatted down and gently checked the sissy over. “You’ll live” Master decreed. “Now get up and into position MY SISSY.” Master said giving the contrite Numnuttss a death stare as the sissy gingerly stood back up. “Good gurl sissybaby Lottie.” Master said gently rubbing the sissy’s back. “Now, kiss the brush!” The sissy quickly lent forward to kiss the instrument of his previous torture before looking at Master. “Were you ever a man, baby dick?” “No, Master. I was born a weak-willed failure to serve a powerful man like you.” “Suck it up” Master sneered as he took the brush and finished cleaning the sissy himself. What A View After a thorough scrubbing by Master, sissy baby Lottie was still left a sobbing mess. While taking much more care than the brutish Numnutts. Master’s use of the stiff bristles still scrubbed every single millimetre of skin. The sissy’s hairless and moisturised body now glowed a healthy pink in all but a few places, where the heavy-handed brute’s efforts had left angry, red blotches. “Daylight is a wasting.” Master said, pulling the sissy from the muddy puddle he was standing in. To the amusement of some of the minions who had joined them outside, the sissy was spun this way and that. The stinky dress pulled back over his head before being made to bend and arch to show off his sissy body more as Master pretended to check his property for damage. The sissy felt Master deliberately kept him bent over, holding his ass cheeks wide for what felt like an age sapping the little dignity he had left. With a huge slap to the sissy's ass Master growled “Keep that ass spread wide.”, then grabbing the sissy’s ear before leading him to the flag pole while the sissy kept his butt cheeks held wide. “Turn round and stand straight, fag. arms up.” Master demanded The sissy obeyed, part of him glad his arse was given some rest from being held so wide open. The sissy did nothing as he felt Master pulling thick straps around his chest and waist. Then, painfully, Master pulled another thick strap under his crotch, crushing his poor sissy eggs while forcing his thighs apart. As Master pulled and secured his wrists to something beside the sissy’s head, a hidden figure fitted spreader bars between his knees and ankles to hold them open. With a final pair of straps over his shoulder, attaching to the chest strap, Master gave each strap a final tug to ensure the sissy was snug. Each strap now really pressing and cinching him tightly in the harness. “Raise the pissy puff ball” Master ordered. The sounds of grunts filled the air, then the sissy felt his arms raise. Suddenly, the humiliation kicked in. Whatever raised him, yanked him off the ground, only for him to bounce. Just like the kinky baby he longed to be. The air got cooler and the village came into view as he was hoisted higher. A pathetic bouncing sissy baby for all to see if they just looked up. All he could do was gently bounce up and down feeling the tears sting his eyes as his aching balls swelled in the tight confines and dripped more sissy juice. Cucked again As the sissy gently bobbed up and down in the adult bouncer as two minions hoisted him high, the remaining of Master’s minions filled out onto the patio joining the few personal friends invited to stay behind to enjoy the debauchery. The air was soon full of laughter as they saw the fairy ascend to his perch, his body going tomato red in humiliation. The small crowd watched as the sissy baby reached the apex, his squeals from the harness constantly crushing his egg sack on each bounce growing fainter as he rose higher. They quickly grew bored and soon two guys and a girl were tied to the trellis as a Master and Mistress couple thrashed theirbuttocks and backs. Another group had pulled out puppy gear and were happily running around the grass, and explored the gardens, while a huge body builder type “dog” chased and conquered his puppy prey. As the puppies ran around, a cat-girl and cat-boi nuzzled together on a patio table as one minion was busy placing another minion in pony gear. The final, smaller, group were surrounding a cute trans girl suspended from the thick gazebo support beams. The talented Mistress teasing her toy as she discussed finer points of technique with a Master, While he was tying other minions to various parts of the ancient wood structure. Finally, from high up and through the pain of his bouncing, the sissy saw his wife. She was kneeling at Master’s feet, her body slightly slumped against Master’s leg, as the man petted her like one might a demanding pet. A bright pink straight jacket was binding her arms in place. But the chest panels were removed, allowing her large breasts free. The glint of the early-evening sun showed two sets of nipple clamps and he could just make out the weights hanging and pulling her udders down. The constant bouncing made it hard to focus, but he could make out some marks on her bare thighs. The sissy could just about make out that she had that spacy, high look she had when in her happy space. The sissy watched Master chatting to a lady dressed more like a demon than that of a traditional Domme. Though, the sissy baby Lottie was more interested in the sissy kneeling at the Domme’s feet dressed in a bright pink maid’s dress, with so many petticoats the bottom of the sissy’s delectable bum was visible even from bouncing high above. As the pair of betters spoke, a minion was summoned and quickly grabbed a few friends. The first to return carried a bucket of ice with a bottle of something expensive as she skillfully juggled several glasses. Behind them, minions carried a bench and two of the see-through “fuck tables”. Lottie was well-acquainted with those fuck tables, having spent many hours inside the mean device over the years. The “fuck table” was simple. The top was removable, allowing an occupant to be placed inside. Their mouth would be stretched around a rubber ring-gag also attached to the table side. The ring was designed to stretch to accommodate anything that was pushed through and thick enough to stop any teeth catching on flesh. The “occupant’s” thighs were then strapped to a ratchet device and their ankles attached to the built-in manacles on the table's legs to stop involuntary kicking. Then the occupant is simply lined up with the rear opening with the top then locked back into place. This leaves the sub tightly secured and, thanks to the box being made from a thick clear glass, easily on display. Plus, there are the added benefits of being a usable table and with nothing more than a simple click of the ratchets the sub is open and available for sexual use. With a squawk of protest, the sissy was easily manipulated into the first box with just a pause for the pretty silk knickers to be removed. The poor boy’s face was barely visible with the rubber tube firmly between his teeth and the frills of his dress and petticoat being stuffed in around him. Shapely feminine legs encased in fine silk stockings were locked in place leaving the sissy helpless to his fate. He would only be able to feebly knock on the glass as his garbled begging was muted very quickly as a man slid his large cock into the front hole while his Mistress placed her glass and bucket of sparkling wine on top to continue her conversation with his own Master. As the Dominatrix continued her talk about best way to fuck with a sissy, Master was fitting Lottie’s submissive wife into the other “table”. The slave girl had eagerly opened her mouth and deliberately wriggled to the point of mushing her face into the glass wall to take as much of the rubber tube into her mouth as possible. As she wriggled forward, she never broke eye contact. “One trained fuck hole.” The Mistress said, seeing the pure devotion on the slave's face. “She’s a nasty little fuck whore. Though, with the maggot-dicked sissy in his adorable baby night dress sharing her ‘bed’, it's no wonder a nasty cum-dump this one became for some real men cock!” Master exclaimed as the curvy slave-girl moaned loud enough for the sissy, from his high perch, to be able to hear and his ears burnt in shame. Before Master secured the married woman’s thick thighs into the awaiting restraints, he paused, then he started to pinch the bound woman’s clit. Master continued to pinch and flick the subby’s defenseless bean, his gloved hand gently started to slap the moaning subby’s bare lips already slick with her excitement. Master continued to slap, steadily increasing the force until the moans slowly turned to muffled groans of a sub in a heady mix of pleasure and pain, muffled by the tube in her mouth. With each slap, Master watched the pussy lips grow puffier as the pinkness turned red. Happy with his work, Master stopped the slaps and pinching. With a wet 'plop', he forced a metal, egg-shaped vibration unit in, allowing the water-proof cable attached to the unit to hang free. Master attached a small control panel, adjusting the setting on the simple turn knob from ‘high’ to ‘low’, checking it is working before leaving it on a low, continuous hum. In the box, Naïve’s mind was swimming in emotions but found each was hard to concentrate on. The feeling of tightness from the jacket immobilising her arms, to the glass box restricting her further. The taste of the rubber ring stretching her jaw had the sterile taste of cleaning wipes and her own drool starting to form around it. The egg in her love canal was worse than the throbbing waves of pain from her pussy. It was far too tame to do more than just make her frustrated and needing cock. Her thought stopped as she felt cold steel against her now-puffy lips. The gag forced her to look up and forward, but just the touch from the rigid surgical steel brought the memory of the times Master had shown her pussy in the mirror. The pain from the bands of steel digging into her poor tender labia. In the mirror, they had turned a dark crimson and even the faintest touch sent sparks of pain up to her brain then straight to her clit, making her crazily excited. Master was, again, gently rubbing her lips, agonisingly tightening to a quarter of a turn too much for her to take. She took long, deep breaths willing her legs wider, not wishing to add a pussy whipping like what happened the first time he touched and her legs slammed shut. By now she had learnt to spread wider forcing her pussy towards him. She gargled a cry of thanks as, this time, he didn’t wait and tease more as he tightened the outer screws until the inner clamps met. Leaving her poor pussy lips caught with the now ultra-sensitive ends touching together. The jolts of pain from the two lips rubbing against each other turned to a greater yearning to be fucked hard. It was a burning desire. She could feel the straps locking her legs together and she started to mew. Everything felt connected and spacey as every button seemed to be pushed, yet sweet release to enter her even greater highs was needed. The laughter around her rang in her ears making her face burn in shame, yet she still wriggled and strained in her bonds as she offered her available holes for use. With both occupants of the fuck tables secured and open, the remaining minions went to town. The sissy was immediately about to be spit roasted from either end. A guy from behind pulled a butt plug the size of a fist out of the sissy’s peachy ass cheeks. The guy paused for a moment in wonder at the size of the plug before tossing it aside and shoving his Coke can sized dick inside the captive fairy. As Master and the captive fairy's Mistress shared tales of humiliating and degrading their sissy toys. Another minion stopped thrusting and pushed his nine-inch monster deep into the bound “man’s” tight throat. The minion convulsed as a month’s worth of built-up tension was released with a giant moan of satisfaction. “Miss Marsha. This is one super tight bitch.” “She has her uses for sure.” the Mistress laughed. “Be a dear and place a bucket under my husband. While he knows he must not spill, the dumb air-head does go a little cock crazy and can forget to drink his reward.” The minion took his dick out of the sissy, bowed his head, and fetched a glass bowl. Upon returning, he had to manoeuvre around an impatient minion who had taken his place and was enjoying the sissy's long and talented tongue lapping on her pussy. As the table sissy was being thoroughly used beside her, Naïve was already shaking as she tried not to orgasm as permission had not been given. Ignoring the slave's turmoil, a well-endowed Dom was slamming his long cock deep into her mouth. The slave worked her tongue around the head before it was pistoned back in hard and deep. At the other end, a petite minion was destroying her ass with an obscene horse cock-shaped strap-on. The thing was close to fourteen inches long and looked even longer on her tiny frame. “I'm going to screw you so hard you’ll be walking bow legged for a week. Then my huge cock will be going down the sissy’s throat before I fuck him ten ways from Sunday too.” the minion hollered, slapping the ass of the helpless wifey. “I think that will make my sissy jealous!” Master roared with laughter as the minions slammed their love meat home over and over bringing Naïve to a bone-shattering orgasm. “I think the poor thing had another orgasm so soon.” the Mistress laughed. “I don’t remember it asking for permission. Do you Marsha?” Master asked the giggling Domme. “I don’t think the poor thing is capable of articulating the day of the week. Still rules are rules.” She replied. “I don’t think wifey had a chance to taste your marvellous whips?” Master pointed out to Marsha. “Very true.” Mistress Marsha replied, “I would gladly remind the slave of its place and to teach it not to embarrass a fine gentleman such as yourself.” Inside the box Naïve had come back to Earth from the toe-curling orgasm and listened in terror as the sadistic pair discussed ideas of what could be done for penance for her shameful disobedience. Still, the talk of whips and welts made her head swim with delicious thoughts of her poor body being flayed and bruised. As a new cock pressed against her rosebud, she groaned in excitement. Her body buzzing with exhilaration as a thick penis split her open, as she drooled uncontrollably while a pretty blonde waggled a huge slick fake dick in front of her face. Solid Ground For hours, the sissy endured the constant bouncing. Each bounce crushed his tiny sissy sac inside the thick leather crotch strap. Each bounce he stared down watching a seemingly endless stream of people using his wife’s ass and mouth. Each bounce, if he looked up, he could see the gawking faces of people not quite sure what they glimpsed from above the old church roof. Each bounce being able to hear his Master’s degrading comments clearer. Each bounce the now-cold evening breeze chilling him in his pathetic sissy outfit. Then, a sudden lurch as the bouncing device was slowly lowered. As he reached the floor, the chimes of the newer bells from the town hall rang out for eight pm. The sissy stood and offered no resistance to the minions. The masked figures swiftly removed the harness and freeing him from the evil bouncer and handing him a pair of frilly undies. He looked around seeing the results of the Tops invited to the private after party. He focused on his wife, now drenched in sweat from the serious fucking destruction she endured. The air was thick with the musk of the drying cum coating her legs leading up to the shiny base of a butt plug between her bruised ass cheeks. He knew how tired and hot she must be from the multiple times he had been locked inside. Your jaw ached from the hard rubber holding you wide. Your face was sticky from the drool constantly pooling around your chin as all you can taste is the mix of plastic and lots and lots of cum. The sissy wanted to run to her and release her. Hug her and make sure she is ok. But the thought of Master’s look of anger, annoyance or, weirdly worse, of disappointment was enough for any thoughts of chivalry to quickly flee away as he felt his cheeks turn pink as he wet his new pink girly panties. “For fuck's sake, you worthless waste of skin.” Master said. His fingers pinching the bridge of his nose in disdain and exasperation from owning such a feeble thing. “Pissed yourself again. I can tell by the gormless and vacant look on your face. I was going to let you rest and have your wife ride my new toy. But you have shown, yet again, how even in the simple task of standing still you can’t help but show what an impotent and inept ‘man’ you really are.” Master turned on heel barking at two minions playing with another sub to bring the sissies and slaves. He offered his arm to the delectable Mistress Marsha. “Always the gentleman.” she laughed in reply and the pair walked back into the church arm in arm. Clean Up on Aisle A.. Inside the church, more guests continued their play as a thumping music track played from the hidden speakers. The two sissies were dragged by a female minion gripping their upper arms tightly. The pair remained silent keeping their eyes down in submission, having to concentrate not to stumble in their sissy heels. “Strap the sissy to the side facing the wall.” Master demanded before continuing to whisper to his friend. “Sorry Sir” the minion stammered, “They are both sissies?” “I am obviously talking about the useless one.” “Errrr” the minion started but the hard look from both Tops shut her up. Pausing for a second of indecision she forced the sissy maid to his knees and shoved the sissy baby to the rack. The device seemed to be a simple frame of iron bars in a grid. The sissy baby rested his back against the bars. As the minion pulled the first leather strap tight just under his armpits, he couldn’t help but to swell in his cage. As more straps were added around his chest, tummy, and above his hips, he started to whimper as his little peepee was getting so excited it was pushing hard against the steel. The minion worked fast, adding straps around the sissy’s wrists and more above and below each elbow before adding another around the sissy’s upper arms, tightening both a notch too tight. She ignored the whimpering pansy as she knelt. As she was about to start immobilising the legs, she noticed the sissy gyrating. She peaked under the short skirt seeing the swollen and red bump through the wet knickers. The Minion peered around the sissy seeing Master was chatting away. She took a moment to pull the sissy's wet panties to the side. The excited ‘manhood’ was so small she felt a pang of sorrow for the wife currently laying at Master’s feet, if this is what she had had at home. She ran her fingertips over the sensitive flesh pushing between the iron bars of the chastity cage. The sissy meowed in excitement from the soft fingers on his painful bump. As she moved her hand the sissy strained against the thick leather strap. He then had to hold his breath so as to not make a sound that would let on to the fact that he gained erotic sensations from his neglected failed manhood. “This is for interrupting my fun” the minion hissed, yanking down hard on the cage before pushing it between the sissy’s legs. The sissy bit down on his tongue to stop the howl of pain as his little thing was pushed back between his legs like the most extreme of drag act tucks. The minion forced the sissy’s thighs together, trapping his locked sissy bump. She quickly strapped them together, forcing the leather so tight it dug into the skin. After adding more straps around the sissy’s ankles and knees leaving him totally immobile, the minion bowed before the Master “Sir, I have finished with the straps. What else may I do to assist you, Sir?” “Very good, girl. You can go have fun. I will finish up.” Master stood back to allow the young help to dash back to her own fun. Sissy was in more discomfort than when in the bouncer. His bump was now an awful ache as his bonds refused to yield to his feeble attempts to free his sissy wiener. “Stop fidgeting, fairy boi” Master said with a loud slap to his face. “If you were any kind of man, you would have put up a fight all those years ago. So just stay still and be a good bitch.” Worried he had shown his Lord and Master up, the sissy willed himself as still as he could. Master ignored the sissy and slipped a padded object behind the useless sissy’s head. “It's a modified head restraint they use in car crash tests.” Master explained to the Mistress who had come over for a closer look. “How clever” she replied, seeing how the lower half was pushed over the shoulder and fastened tight around the sissy’s neck forcing him to look straight ahead. The top half was strapped over the forehead and under the chin, locking the sissy’s head in place such that the device held the sissy’s head perfectly still. To finish it off, the sissy’s nose was held shut with nose pegs. The sissy remembered seeing swimmers on the tv use such pegs. “Grab your sissy maid for the next part, if you would.” Master said to Marsha Master took a piece of metal that looked like a stool, but with the seat sloped down to the floor from the rack. He locked it in such a way that it connected to the bar protruding from the metal frame. The Mistress grabbed the worried gurl via her attached lead and directed the maid to stand ready behind the rack. “She needs to sit down?” Marsha enquired. “One moment” Master replied, pressing a button. For sissy Lottie, he struggled to hear what was going on with the padding gripping his head making it hard to hear. Then, everything twisted as if a chair fell backwards. He closed his eyes in terror as he lurched backwards. The clang of metal against metal would have certainly made him pee in fright if his poor bump wasn’t being crushed between his thighs. He could hear voices and opened his eyes as he heard a popping sound, only to see the frills of a petticoat lower towards him. A second to late it dawned on the sissy what his fate was, as the feminised maid sat on his face. The sissy froze in place, very overwhelmed with everything he was experiencing. There was still discomfort from the overly tight straps and ache in his sissy eggs being pulled so tight between his clamped thighs. The layers of petticoat along with the heavy satin of the sub’s poofy dress made it all but black and made the air stuffy and filled with a strong odour of sex. With a rustle of petticoat, Marsha reached under her maid’s dress and with an audible ‘POP’ that was so loud many partiers paused, and look up at the screen showing what was occurring, to see what might have happened in the room to make such a sound, with a screen inside the room showing people in the main hall looking at them, causing the simpering maid to burn a right red in humiliation. Even from under the petticoats, sissy baby Lottie could hear the people laughing from the rest of the ex-church and cringed as he was now so used to being the object of the crowd's derision, he presumed it was for him. Distracted by the powerful stench of fresh cum, sissy baby Lottie squealed in surprise as suddenly the rack tried to self-right, shooting his face up and deep between the maid's cheeks. With his face wedged deep in the gaping boi pussy, the sissy baby was overcome by the powerful odour of man seed. His little manhood twitched in its cage as he felt the still-warm spunk from the maids well fucked ass drip onto his face. The sexual frustration encompassed his body as he wanted nothing more than relief from the many months of constant chastity. “Dumb, worthless sissy. Start licking, you dumb faggot” Master roared, twisting the sissy’s nipples hard and crashing the sissy back down from the thoughts of his own sweet release back to his rightful place of pleasing all others. With a timid lick the sissy baby’s tongue snaked upwards, tasting the mixture of multiple men's salty love cream. As his tongue moved slowly into the male maid’s abused and stretched fuck hole the quivering feminized husband started to wriggle, pushing himself down harder on the sissy baby’s face. Master grinned as the sweet moans of the Maid grew and he started to gyrate on Master’s bound toy’s face. Master wasn’t going to let the sissy maid off that easily and just lay back and enjoy. Master selected two identical devices, passing one to Marsha. The Domme looked over the elegantly simple device. She placed the ring of metal against the sissy maid’s tiny A cups. From the ring, a tall loop of metal stuck out holding the nasty jaws of a clover clamp. The clamp was locked on a threaded rod, allowing the clamp to be both raised and twisted independently. “I must get a pair of these for a client. I will enjoy using them on her as her boyfriend watches on.” Marsha said. “It's the first time the sissy baby fuckface had the pleasure of experiencing them. But the slut over there ‘loves’ them.” Master replied as Naïve cringed remembering its cruel bite and the humiliation of how much it turned her on, as the two dominants laughed at her reaction. “Ladies first.” Master conceded. Watching as Marsha held the device tight as she used her fingers to stimulate the sissy baby’s nipple. Her long nails teased the flesh around the nipple before she went back to gently teasing with her fingers like she was stimulating a lover’s manhood. “Oh Mistress” the maid lisped “please do more of that. The sissy’s tongue is mmmm...” the maid trailed off into some intelligible gibberish as he practically vibrated in pleasure. “Let's see what this does to the sissy” Marsha exclaimed pulling the soft titty flesh up as she opened the jaws of the clamps. Under the dress the sissy baby panted openly as he felt soft fingers suddenly tease his sissy titty. Each soft pull and tweak drove his tongue to search out more of the real men's ejaculations left in the maid's boi pussy. He could still taste what felt like a pint of the yummy sissy treat and feel more coating his face from when he must have hit the other guy's sissy spot as a river of cock cream rushed down and his face. as even more spunk flowed from the maid’s ass filling his mouth so fast, He could not swallow it quick enough. As some poured from the sides of his mouth, the sissy maid convulsed again as another load drained out, coating the sissy baby’s face dripping down into his hair as the tight bondage left the sissy immobilised. Without warning, the fingers stopped. The sissy baby moaned in frustration into the ass crack; his face was deeply wedged. Panic started to rise as the finger now pinched his titty flesh firmly. The sissy stopped his licking as his tummy churned with a sense of dread. The jaws of the clamp snapped shut onto his sissy breast stimulated sensitive flesh, the sissy howled. The tight bonds easily held him down as much as the sissy wanted to dislodge the source of the pain. The tears burned his eyes as the initial pain drifted away and the dread rose as thick strong fingers pulled and mauled his other nipple. Twist to go Faster Forced to lay back and take it, the sissy baby could feel himself enter a deeper headspace. His thoughts were muddy and hard to hold onto, as every nerve in his body became hypersensitive. From the muscles straining to thrash around from the pain. To the sticky feeling growing in his crotch and the pleasurable squeezing of his nipples as it was pulled up and then the pain as the teeth of the clamp bit down. Master and Marsha watched in delight as the sissy just stiffened from the pain flowing from his clamped teats. Masha teasingly grazed the tips of her manicured nails up and down the sissy’s bare legs seductively. As Master traced the edges of the devices with his gloved hands. “She’s stopped” the maid squeaked disappointedly. “She?” Master stared at the maid. “This is an object for me to use for MY amusement. It’s not a she! It is a thing.” “I am truly sorry, Sir” the maid whimpered in fear, refusing to turn and risk a peak towards his owner. “You better give the crowd a show, Krissy, or you might find yourself as the balls in a game of Roshambo.” Marsha replied. Her eyes twitching in anger. “I will be the best for you Mistress, I promise, I will dance and moan and show what a dirty slapper I am for you, Goddess.” he lisped in desperation as the memories of two beautiful women taking turns kicking his little balls flooded back. “Marsha, be a dear and give the sissy some encouragement” Master smiled pointing to the sissy baby’s eggs and closing his fist like it was a claw. Marsha nodded in understanding. With the tips of her nail’s. Marsha teased the sensitive flesh of the sissy’s stubby like penis painfully pushed against the metal. The more she teased the more the sissy visibly relaxed to the point a moan was heard from under the petticoats. With perfect timing Marsha started to close her claw. Slowly but firmly pushing her nail’s together digging into the caged cock. In time with the dominatrix, Master turned the screws of the mediaeval-looking device, making the clamps raise up, pulling the sissy flesh up into the device’s cups. “I hope you can hear this faggot,” Master said, aimed at the sissy baby, “but unless sissy bitch Krissy is writhing like a porn star riding a 12-inch dick, we are going to hurt you more.” Master twisted the device around his captive’s sissy’s breasts, twisting his already straining nipples. The sissy cried out at the shooting pain in his nipples and ‘clit’ as he tried to struggle in the bonds. His need to obey and please still overrode the pain, as the Master’s words broke through the sharp pain. With massive effort and concentration, he forced his tongue out and desperately lapped, twirled and everything else he could think of. As the ass smothering his face started to gyrate, the sissy baby felt the pain subside. He pushed harder than he thought possible to stretch his tongue to tease the sissy’s sweet spot. The moans were getting louder as he felt the maid begin to vibrate in joy. The awful pain in his bump was replaced with the constant teasing of the Domme's talon, milking him of his weak watery sissy cum through the bars of his chastity cage. The horrible twisting of his nipples had stopped, replaced with the slow pulling that Master favoured. He could feel his nipples throb in pain from the crushing clamps yet the slow pulling sensation was making him shiver in pleasure. Giving up his body for use by his superiors caused all the sensations into a drug hit to his brain making himself feel floaty. Until, suddenly, an eye-watering pain shot from his nipples, feeling them twist. He quickly picked back up his pace hearing his whimpers lost into the ass crack in which his face was lodged. A Rest... The sissy was spent. His tongue and jaw ached from the seemingly endless lapping he had been forced to produce. His poor sissy stub throbbed in equal amounts from the torment of the talons teasing just the right spots and from the burning stabs of those talons impaling tender flesh. His nipples were nothing more than a dull ache. The twisting and pulling had continued, manipulating him like he was a machine. Twisting his nipples to speed up and relaxing to slow down. As such, they had drawn out the desperate powderpuff’s desire to empty his very blue balls. From the wriggling on his face and the very unmanly squees of joy emitting from the hairless weakling the sissy baby hoped the maid was close. His tongue was so dry after licking at the sissy’s special spot for so long. Any time he had felt he got the sissy close his poor nut sack got a squeeze. Any time he slowed down his poor bump got the talons. With what he hoped was a final effort he pushed up hard using everything he had to really grind down on the sissy pleasure spot. Sissy baby Lottie lapped and rubbed fast and hard as he could to finally be rewarded with a super high-pitched squeal of joy and the feel of watery sissy cream dribble down into his hair. He kept licking just in case but slowed down as the femboi shuddered with yet another high pitch squeal as the sissy maid’s final sissygasm spread joy through his body. Unlike a real man's explosion of hot and thick cum, it was more like a leaking faucet that would occasionally sputter as the sissy juice dribbled out of the chastity device before the maid crumpled towards the floor. With the male maid’s slow collapse to the floor in orgasmic bliss he slid too far no longer holding the frame and its sissy prisoner down. With a scream of fear the sissy was violently flipped up, as the rack snapped itself-back upright, accompanied by another sissy squeal as Krissy was bumped off the stool to land on the floor face first. The onlookers gasped with concern at first until the dopey sissy giggled and sighed as he flopped to the floor drained dry for the first time in years. As his Mistress’s shiny designer heels filled his vision, he weakly pressed his lips to the red leather. “Oh, Mistress that was so wonderful...” he lisped dreamily “Now you had a lesson in pussy licking. You better do a better job than earlier, or you will be in this fool’s position.” Marsha barked, grasping the sissy by his arm and dragged him towards a private room. Master chuckled, knowing the maid was still in for several hours of hard work. Master then walked back around to stare at his own pathetic excuse for a Y-chromosome. “You, yet again, prove what a lowly worm you are.” Master sneered, looking at the sissy who had a face smeared with cum. “Still, it can't be denied that you did manage to bring that fairy to a literally knee trembling orgasm. So, I finally found a use for you. And even a fuck-wit like you can't make a total embarrassment of themselves, strapped to my new rack.” “I'm trying my best for you, Master. I really am. I am really sorry...” the sissy quickly babbled until silenced by Master just raising his hand. “I don’t want to hear more of your sissy drivel. I would gag you, but the ladies tell me you actually have decent technique with your lips. So, no crying, whining, or complaining. If I hear as little as one complaint, I will give you to the rugby club to act as chief sweaty ball cleaner again!” The sissy nodded in reply, trying to hide the huge smile on his face as he remembered the over forty men forcing him to lick clean every single sweaty beefy man before spending the night locked to the broken urinal. “Probably be a while before anyone is in need of your services.” Master started, pushing the rack back down to be sat on. “Come here you cheating slapper” Master barked at the kneeling Naïve. “Hurry up” he growled as she struggled to her feet with her arms still restrained in the straightjacket. With a great deal of strain and grunts of effort the well-used slave managed to stand up and quickly dashed over to her beloved owner. Master reached and pulled the plug from her ass then quickly shoved her down on the sissy’s face. Master watched for a few minutes, enjoying the look of humiliation all over Naïve’s face, as her sissified husband was so enthusiastically eating strangers’ cum from her well-fucked ass. While she was unable to stop herself loudly moaning as his talented tongue hit all the right spots. The noise was loud enough to bring people over to see what was going on. “I can't have a slave cunt sit around.” Master said, reaching into his bag pulling out a pair of nipple clamps, each with a thick and heavy shot glass attached. “You fetch me a bottle of vodka and rum. Quickly now!” he ordered a nearby minion. Naïve closed her eyes as she could feel Master grabbed her breast and snapped the clamp down on her nipple. The slave girl could feel her toes curl from the rubber-coated metal snapping shut and had to bite her own lip to stop from screaming out. “You're my brave slut.” Master whispered in her ear. As the warm touch from his bared hand rubbed the back of her neck. “Only you can do this for ME. I know you hate me hurting your nipples but for ME you will do anything cause you’re MY cunt, MY pain slut and MY toy.” His words made her needy pussy practically glow red as each word lit fires of arousal . “YOU want me to place this other clamp on and show off the magnificent breasts of the toy I own.” Master continued his voice low and seductive. Naïve could only nod in agreement. “That’s my good girl” Master whispered as the slave pulled her shoulders back, as much as the jacket allowed, pushing her large breast out. The hand on the neck continued its rhythmic massage of her neck as he deftly and gently closed the second clamp down. Naïve melted into the pain. She wanted it to show Master how much she adored him and that she didn’t own her body. Master did, and she couldn’t show him up. The thought was too painful. “Ask the nice boy to fill the glasses with the drink he so kindly fetched.” Master whispered. “Thannnk Yooou kind Sirrr. Pleeeeease fill my titty glaaasses with drink.” she croaked. “Louder!” Master growled, his hand moving from massaging her neck to firmly grasping a handful of hair as his other hand reached between her legs. “Please fill my titty glasses. Please, Sir. Please!” she begged. “Shout it so all can hear.” he commanded! Master yanked her hair back and slid her forward on her weak willed husband's face. His strong fingers forced her to look up at the celling as his finger slipped under the device clamping her pussy shut to grind on her raw clit. “OH, PLEASE FILL THIS HUMBLE CUNT’S TITTY GLASSES. I BEG OF YOU. FILL THEM UP TO THE BRIM SO IT HURTS MORE.” Naïve screamed, feeling the shackles of inhibitions start to fall away. The minion carefully poured vodka into the first glass; A gasp of pain stuck in her throat as she felt the increased strain. The minion switched to the rum and filled the other glass as Naïve lost herself to the freedom of being an owned slave. Naïve sighed a small cry of “OH” as Master let go of her hair and the hand stopped teasing her and grabbed her ring on the front of her collar pulling her up and on her feet. Holding the collar with an iron grip, he pulled her up onto her tip toes before lifting the rum glass and downing it. Taking a leash from his bag he clipped it to the slave girls collar ring. Keeping his grip tight on the ring and still looking his piggy in the eyes, he demanded. “Grab those bottles and follow us.” The minion meekly picked the bottles as he watched the sissy flip up with a yelp of surprise. Noticing the Host disappear into the crowd, the flustered minion grabed the bottles and quickly dashed after the Master and slave as the rack was pulled back down for the sissy to clean up a new client. The minion was almost jealous as the hot blonde started to grind on the sissy’s face. A Reward? The party had raged on throughout the night. The sissy had remained strapped to the device for nearly ten hours before Master had plucked the sissy from his bindings and led the wobbly pansy to a private room. There, Master commanded the sissy strip before releasing the spacy Naïve from her straitjacket. Once the pair were naked, he put them in a large bath and gently cleaned his well-used toys. The pair were well aware of some of the more unpleasant devices he had used to clean and punish the owned couple in the past. Thankfully, this time they must have done well as the soft sponge and warm water felt divine on bruised and grimy skin. "Only forty minutes to make the pair of you look presentable again.” Master mocked as his submissives dutifully looked at the floor. They both knelt on the now-wet tiles, knees spread wide and their hands upturned and held a centimeter above their thighs. “Sissy Baby Lottie is so sorry Master.”The pansy whimpered. “I hope we performed adequately for you, Master. Please, correct us if we failed” Naïve added in that dreamy way when she was still in subspace. “For once, you performed well enough. I have no need to punish you, even if you both remain useless ninety nine percent of the time.” The pair bowed their heads further. The shame turned their faces and necks red. The clacks of Master’s cane on the floor made the pair shiver, as he walked towards them. The metal tip of the cane clinked against the sissy’s metal cage as he stopped close enough that each slave could stare down to see their reflection in the polished leather of his boots. Neither daring to move, let alone to look up, not wanting to annoy their Master. The silence was broken by a thud on the floor. The pair could not control their natural reaction as they stared at a fluffy, white towel between them. “I need to go sort something out next door. You will dry yourselves and I expect every last inch of this floor to be bone dry when I return. “But there is only one towel” Naïve spoke, quickly clamping her mouth shut. The girl shrunk into a small ball as she sensed the looming presence of Master bending down as his gloved hand rested against her left cheek. “I'm glad you can finally count that high by yourself.” Master replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he patted her cheek condescendingly. “I could find you a mop I suppose. Would you like to try and dry your hair with a mop?” “No, Master. Please forgive your loyal slave girl. It will not speak out of turn and without thought again.” “My dear girl. You are just not capable of such a promise. But if you remain silent unless you answer a direct question, I will not punish you.” Naïve instinctively went to reply but thankfully she noticed her husband shaking his head ‘no’, saving her from a simple mistake. Master roared with laughter seeing the pathetic pair. “You might be a pansy puff, but at least you still try your best to protect your wifey” the man grinned, his eyes boring through the poor sissy. “Oh, yes Master. sissy baby Lottie is the most pathetic thing on the planet, but sissy baby Lottie does not want either of your slaves to waste your precious time punishing us when we can't help being so dumb.” “With those suck up skills, I can see why you're such a talented cock sucker. I will be back shortly and I expect you both dry. The floor, too.” Master finished turning heel and leaving the room. Once they heard the door lock shut the sissy grabbed the towel and started to rub his wife dry. “Than...” she managed to get out before her sissy hubby clamped his hand over her mouth. “Shhh.” he whispered. “Master may have cameras. We had such a delightful bath, let's not ruin it.” Naïve rolled her eyes in response. Sissy baby Lottie was a worry wart, but it was the kind of thing Master would do then bring it up weeks later. It was odd for the sissy to ever take the lead, but he quickly used just the edges of the towel to pat themselves both dry. Naïve dropped to her knees licking the water from the tiles as sissy baby Lottie squeezed as much water from his hair into the tub and then used the damp towel to dry the bath. After he rubbed down the entire tub including the taps and fittings to a sparkle he neatly laid the towel out and got to helping his slave wife lick the floor dry. Dress Up As the slave couple lapped up the remains of the water, sissy baby Lottie couldn’t help but stare at his wife's large tits swaying beneath the curves of her tummy leading to her bare snatch. Her plump bum showed both new and old welts along with a mix of small bruises starting to form. What worried him was the sight no longer had an effect on his sissy bump. No woman did. But any dick bigger than his tiny thing, made him salivate and want to show how good he was as a cock sucker. The telltale sounds of Master’s cane tapping on the hard floor warned of his imminent arrival. The pair quickly checked for any last remaining droplets before dropping into the wait position. Each sub knelt down their backs and thighs straight. Each crossed their arms behind their backs, each hand grasping the opposite elbow. Their heads bowed, picking a spot on the floor to fixate on to resist the urge to look up as the door opened. “Spotless! What a shame I do enjoy correcting my piggy and the cream puff. Well keep this up might even let you pick a treat when we eventually get back to mine.” Master replied with a mix of annoyance and pride that he was unable to find as much as a single droplet anywhere. “Kitten? You useless gimp! Where the fuck are you?” Master shouted looking into the attached room. The young slave girl shuffled in. The rubber suit from earlier hugged her tiny body, but now a matching hood was locked in place under a large collar forcing her head upright. A large penis gag was forced deep in her mouth, the drool was starting to leak from the corner of red lips, the same shade as the suit she wore. From the wide metal waist band locked around her waist chain ran to her limbs. Anyone looking close to see the chains threaded through a large O ring on the front of the belt, with one chain linked between the metal cuffs around her wrists as another ran down to link to a solid bar. The bar was barely 10 centimetres long and at either end it was locked with large old fashioned brass padlocks to the metal ankle cuffs. A chastity belt sat over the tops of her hips and angled down to the plate that covered her sex. To finish the look off the thigh bands around her thin thighs were locked together with chains running up the side of her legs to the chastity belt. The final set of bands were locked above the elbow with a chain pulled tight between them making any movement she made with her limbs pull on another. Naïve felt a little sorry for the pretty little thing as she shuffled in. She herself had been in the same outfit and bondage. To walk you were forced to crouch and lower your head as you could only take small awkward tottering steps, so you didn't stumble and risk falling flat on your face. She remembered having to bend her wrists inward as you strained against the bicep cuffs to allow you to carry the silver tray. Fortunately for Kitten it was not the wine and glasses she had nearly dropped but a pile of white satin, that she presumed was for the poofter beside her. Painfully slowly the gimp hobbled over and knelt down. She presented the tray up to the very miffed host. “Why do I talk you up. These two failures of humans move quicker than you!” Master sneered, picking the pile of satin and hose from the tray and dumping it in front of the sissy baby. “Cream puff. Get dressed, slap some makeup on and be ready when I am back!” Master demanded, his boot under the crotch of the rebuked woman who couldn’t help but grind on the steel toe caps despite the belt stopping any stimulation. All in the room knew no threats were needed as failure would be something very unpleasant. The sissy glanced at the pile and recognized immediately as the lingerie he wore on his wedding night. He glanced up and from just the look on his owner's face made his tummy lurched like he flew over a hill. Then his cockette started to twitch in anticipation as the sissy wished the ground would swallow him. “Come on, slut. Your holes are far too loose for anyone to get any joy from you tonight, but I do have a use for you” Master growled, yanking the chubby slave from the ground and started to lead her into the attached playroom. “Gimp! Follow the cane taps this time and do hurry up or you will take the place of your girlfriend in the worm suit!” Master barked out his orders with a stern look at the sissy. As everyone left the room the sissy knelt for a minute as he tried to convince himself Master was playing with his head again. The sound of the door lock snapping shut made him jump in fright. He stared down at the sizable pile of bridal satin and lacy frills, All of it the incredibly over the top underwear Master picked out for his wedding. He still remembered the heat from all the layers of underwear in the pale pink ladies suit he wore with a matching pink tie and ladies shoe. By this point most of his family were shocked he was marrying a woman. With a sigh as his little nubbin pulsed with thoughts of the private reception they had after the family had been shooed out the building. He started with the silk seamed stockings with the lacy tops and the pair of frilly garters. Each with a bow detail with a silk pansy detailing, Master was very ‘subtle’ at times. The long line garter belt was a pain to get on as it was so tight and ran from his natural waist and ended with twenty garter tabs, each with a tiny pearl covering on the clasp. It was made with bridal satin but was the most dull of the pieces with no additional decoration, Just required the sissy to breathe in and pull the stiff piece in place. The panties however! It was no doubt Masters' devious design with a talented seamstress who worked magic to create such a sissy overload. The waistband felt tight on his older body as the gathered ruffed and the pink lace skirt detail stretched more than he would like. The sewn in bells still tinkled their delightfully humiliating tune as he tied the side bows tighter so the knickers stayed in place and layed perfect. The sissy twisted his body to check the heart shaped hole in the back of his satin panties lined up with his pussy hole. He could still see the lace around the openings were still frayed and worn from the multiple cocks that used that hole over the years. He still loved the hot pink pair as he turned around to pull his caged “cock” through the matched heart shaped hole on the front. He pulled the panties up tight feeling the bells he added around the lace leg holes to fall free and add to the comic noise. Not even halfway through sissy baby Lottie thought to himself as he pulled an adorable satin bag over his cage, wincing as he realised his little dick barely filled a third of what it had on his wedding day and it was laughably small then! A tear filled his eye as he tied the ribboned opening tight with a big floppy bow. The pansy smoothed the bag out seeing the words “Sissys Big Day” embroidered by his own hand in the pink thread he had chosen in excitement with his sissy maid of honour. The once virginal white satan and the baby pink lace around the opening also showed some cum stains, none of which were his. Lottie reached down to pick up the strips of ribbon that created the ‘bra’. Not that any woman would wear the baby pink satin with its cute organza ruffle edging. The sissy studies his reflection as he pulled the bra over his shoulders. Ensuring the ribbons lay flat, with no twists, and the back bow was straight with the bow tails hanging down. The ruffles tickled his skin as he fitted the triangle of ribbon to frame his tiny sissy tits. While the thought of being seen wearing it mortified him, sissy baby Lottie loved the look. Where the ribbons met each other a pink bow had been sewn over the top. As he closed the bra and straightened yet another bow, he noticed how on his wedding day there was the slightest of swells on his chest. Now he was getting close to an A cup!!! Lottie bent down to pick up the corset. He lovingly stared at the still white design, and if you looked closely you could see the fairy princess pattern in an off white cream colour. His fingers traced the pattern. It had been a gift from his ex-girlfriend who had left when his dressing and love of the sissy lifestyle had been found out when she had found the hidden door behind his bed and the treasure trove of womens clothes and a few cheap sissy dresses. Master had insisted she be invited and was very keen on being asked to be a bridesmaid. Thankfully he accepted a humiliating task to avoid and just had to accept the humiliation of just inviting her and offering to buy her an outfit of her choice. Much to his shock she not only accepted, but turned down the free shopping trip and introduced him to her new wife. It had been nice and the gift had left him bawling his eyes out in the food court of the local shopping centre all those years ago and still made him tear up now. Wiping away the tears the sissy grunted as he tried to fasten the corset closed before finally panicking about time and was messing with the laces when the sound of the door handle brought a sense of dread. “For fuck sakes you worthless faggot. Is it that hard to get dressed now? Maybe I should just dress you everyday too?” Master said exasperation clear on his face. As the sissy shivered in excitement at the thought of the humiliation. “Sissy baby Lottie is very sorry Master. The corset didn't fit and…” “That is because your a soft pudgy faggot. Give me that.” Master replied, snatching the corset from his hands and easily undid the knots. The annoyed host spun the sissy around while pushing him against the wall in a swift motion. His hands groped his exposed ass cheeks making the sissy coo in delight. With ease Master buckled the corset closed before working the laces until the corset was snug. Twisting the laces around his hands Master yanked hard pulling the steel boned garment tighter around the sissy. Lottie could feel the familiar sensation of his ribs protesting as the loverly feel of the satin corset pulling tighter and tighter. Sissy baby Lottie grunted as Master stuck his knee into his back and tugged the laces trying to get the corset to fully close. He tugged this way and that before giving up and tying the laces off leaving the sissy with some Victorian era waist as the corset crushed his waist down to the point where Masters giant hands could almost encircle them. The sissy took slow, small breaths loving the way the corset was pulling him in to give him such a girly figure in the mirror. Lottie could feel his little peenie start to pulse as he thought about being dragged to bed by his owner and begging to be well and truly fucked when his butt exploded with pain as Masters cane lashed across his buttocks. “You're so vain and airheaded, Maybe I should find someone who wants a human doll. Least when you gaze gormlessly into space you can be useful.” Master sneered, pulling the sissy upright before pulling a mask over his head. “No time for make-up sissy baby boi. So have to use one of your girly masks.” Master pulled the silicon mask over his head, lining up the eyes and pushing the soft rubber tube in his mouth and forcing the edge to snap behind his teeth. As the sissy held the mask in place feeling the sticky inside glue to his face. Master laced the mask closed before fluffing up the built-in wig to hide the closure. The sissy looked at the mirror to see his face now with the look of a low class hooker. The sissy had been given multiple female masks and each had been painted by a drag friend of Masters to give different looks. As per the sadist’s wishes, this mask the drag queen had made it look as trashy as possible. Dramatic over the top pink and red eyeshadow with lots of glitter were framed with feminine eyebrow arch and with a thick layer of eye shadow with an added flair to resemble the typical eye liner of Cleopatra. The eye lashes were double layered to give more volume and had been curled to give an exaggerated look especially with the full glittery candy pink lips. Sissy baby Lottie stared at the image staring back in the mirror. It gave her a very blow up doll appearance with a glittery hooker look and the rubber in her mouth keeping her lips stretched into an ‘O’ shape ready for any cock. “Put those gloves on and leave the peignoir. You don't want your mothers robe ruined now do you?” Master smirked as he towering over the now bright red sissy from toes to his neck. Where the mask gave the sissy a dumb airheaded sex bimbo look. “Maybe time to get those huge udders to match your piggy slut of a wife. Don't you think so?” Agast the sissy struggled to do more than stammer in a weird lispy gutteral voice through the rubber ring “If Master thinks so Sir I will of course be delighted to have a pair of sissy titties for you.” As thoughts of how to explain to work why the guy in the corner with the strange dress sense and a secret personal life now has massive tits! “Stop dreaming about all those bikinis you can wear on the beach cock sucker. Time for you to have that fat sissy boi pussy destroyed!” the Dom laughed as he grasped the sissy’s gloved elbow and manhandled him into the next room to meet his fate! Living Sex Doll The old church had been renovated so many times for its original use. Anyone with a keen eye could see the changes in stone where additions had been made to increase the size and height of the once modest village church. Once taken over by Master and his cohorts for monthly fun the third floor had been added. The much vaulted third floor had been built at much expense and only those with a specialist eye could see these newer sneaky changes to the stoneworks from the outside. Its exclusivity meant you were a trusted member to even be invited to the highest floor to look around the beautiful rooms and the treasures inside. Few though knew about the corridor behind the rooms. The secret warren of the minions and how many a plaything or piece of equipment could be brought in via the hidden lift. Finally at either end sat an oval shaped room with a washroom outside. These were the playroom for the elites, their ‘guests’ and the minions' reward. At the North end was the Purple room. Here was the Sadists torture chamber. Stocked with unique toys and equipment to bring even the most strong willed submissive to their knees. The Southern end was the Red room. This was a large playroom, with couches and comfy chairs lining the walls with a more simple set of equipment in the centre and the one sissy baby Lottie was pulled into. The living sissy sexy doll quickly followed his Master for once, not stumbling due to crazy heels or fumbling around in the dark due to a blindfold or hood. So unused to it he was able to fully absorb the kinky scene around him. He could feel his little cock strain as his eyes darted around to see scary Lady Ash and her friend spanking and fingering a pair of very happy minions. Another four minions were tied together to make a seat for a large BBW as two minions pleasured her large tits exposed from her top. Two of the puppy boys and a puppy girl had been strapped into bitchsuits and were being teased by a Dom couple. Multiple chairs had been used to bind a minion in an odd art display next to Mz Cleopatra whose two sissy boys had been tied in a sixty nine position and fought the tight ropes to blow each other. Her male slave’s tongue was burried deep in another woman’s wet snatch as a guy fucked his ass as he was giving hand jobs to two others! Mz Cleopatra was longing in her chair as a pretty trans girl bounced on her huge strap-on. As Master pulled him past the amazing sights the Dominatrix cat called, “Can a sissy bride doll wear white? Or was it pink and it‘s just that cum stained?” “Cleo you say the kindest things” Master quipped pausing to allow the small crowd around the goddess to have a giggle at the pathetic male. “I would love to stay and chat but I have my own fun to be had after I deliver this sissy dolly to her date for this evening!” Master smirked, giving the audience a wry smile before storming off as the sissy waved goodbye awkwardly, unsure what else to do. As he turned he cringed as he heard the loud booming laughter following his patheticness. Passing a few people lounging in the chairs watching the show, sissy baby Lottie finally walked past the collection of kinky fun to finally see what Master had in store. The sissy froze in place, unable to move as the image burned into his memory to haunt his nightmares and tease his daydreams. Dead centre was a decorated spanking bench. The padded top had sashes of white satin hung around the edges. Where the satin met the bench, a large white bow had been added that held the white silk sheet that covered the padded top. The wooden legs had been wrapped in ribbon, even the chains had been wrapped to hide the metal. The usual thick black cuffs had been replaced with a gleaming pair of new white leather cuffs. They had been lined with pink fur that matched the colour of the lace detailing and the buckle leather. Master had even arranged for the red wall to be covered with a white sheet and flowers added to frame the sissified bench. On the right side were two of his sissy friends. Both had made up with simple makeup and a pretty headdress of white flowers in their matching pink wigs. Large rubber ball gags had been strapped into their mouths and latex posture collars’ locked around their throats. The ball and collar were both in a baby pink to match the identical satin gowns the pair wore. Each was a sissy's dream to wear with the poofy shoulders and cinched waists. The skirts were a big circle of poof with a lacy hem. Each dress was laying over a Victoria era hoop underskirt visible through the front of the dress where the satin had been replaced with a clear plastic. Everyone could see the sissies’ matching pale pink stockings and garter belt. Each with added bows and lace. The pink platform heels and hot pink toenails peeking from the open toe. Each sissy’s panties had been rolled down into a stretched mass of satin, lace and more bows. Revealing each sissy in a flat chastity cages with a bow tightly tied above their swollen sissy eggs. Sissy baby Lottie instantly noticed all the small things others would surly overlook. The little heart shaped locks on the sissies' dress and shoes. The rings on the collars were heart shaped and not circles. The large hooped earrings were the same as a pair he owned. With “COCKSUCKER” in the centre. The bows on the back of the heels hiding a chain to the floor, Also the pink poles masked by matching the flouncy frocks colour on which her friends were impaled on hard dongs. Finally, that look of abject humiliation of being trapped and displayed as the failed cucks you are. From a view of frilly dresses, tiny cocks and ultimate sissification on the right handside. On the left was the bizarre. Kitty knelt in a full gimp suit with the metal cuffs, chains and chastity. Now she wore a hood over the catsuit’s built-in one, the dark purple latex contrasting with the long built-in pigtails in a blood red. Even from several paces away the sub girl’s brilliant baby blue eyes had that slight glazed look of someone surrendering to their submission. But next to her was the ‘worm’! The unidentifiable person lay on the floor dead straight as if strapped down tight to a board. A hard shell covered the head leaving nothing, but a circular hole over the wearer's mouth as the only feature on an otherwise glossy black surface. Their body was hidden under a tube of heavy and thick rubber. Around the neck opening, sissy baby Lottie could make out the industrial packing wrap and black duck tape against the grey of what looked like a rubber catsuit. So entranced with the scene before him he just followed Master in a daze as he pulled him to the sissified bench. The silk of the topper was a nice feeling on his bare upper chest but also being so different than how it would usually feel it gave the sissy an odd chill down his spine. “Look at the pretty heels the piggy slut got you.” Master said as he locked the sissy baby’s wrists into the white cuffs. “I had her use your bedazzler to add all those crystals.” The sissy noticed movement but rather than his expected wife was Mistress Grace, whose husband was currently dressed as a sissy bridesmaid behind her. In one hand she held the leash to her slave girl. As usual the girl was hidden under a pink hijab with only the hint of her collar displaying her name of ‘Pussy Licker’ visible. Hanging from the BBWs fat fingers were shiny white stripper pumps that twinkled in the overhead lights. Rather than haphazardly placing the crystals, his wife had given it a beautiful starfield pattern. The shoes constantly twinkled in multiple places including up the nine inch heel and to cover the four inch platform. The ankle strap had been covered with a ribbon tied off in a large bow at the back. “Pussy Licker, help our dolly into her fuck me pumps.” Mistress Grace ordered her loyal pet. The slave gently took the shoes before shuffling over to kneel in front of the sissy. With nothing but gestures she got the sissy to use her shoulders to balance as she squeezed his feet into the pumps. As she remained kneeling she aided the wobbly poof next to the bench giving a little snort as the sissy grasped the edge of the bench in a death grip. “Good carpet muncher. Now strap the useless creature down and save our host’s back.” The covered slave bowed down to her owner before scurrying around each leg of the bench securing the sissy down tight. Sissy baby Lottie could feel the humiliation, excitement and a sense of shame being dressed as he was ready for her Masters cock. He stared straight at the bulge in his tailored suit trousers feeling the drool start to pool around the mask opening. The satin lined straps across his back left his body arched against the bench top, With the three straps holding his legs locked straight and wide apart. Along with the massively high heels, his boi pussy was pushed up and displayed like the needy bitch in heat he was. He could feel the little satin bad already getting damp in anticipation. “Is my girlie boi ready for a good fucking?” Master asked innocently. “Please Master. Please destroy me in front of all your friends.” The simpering pansy struggled to beg as the rubber ring made his sound more faggy than the most lispy of pantywaists. As he found himself to stop pushing down on the smooth silk and forcing his butt higher as his horny brain started to wiggle as much as his bondage allowed. “What about your pig of a wife?” Master inquired, his green eyes boring into the sissy as he whimpered feeling his bump pulse against its metal cage. “Nooooo.” he moaned “Please, please I need it. Please, please, I've been such a pathetic useless sissy for you. I have done it all.” “You dumb Barbie doll. He meant, shouldn't your wife be here?” Grace shouted in frustration before quickly covering her mouth and waving an apology to the host glaring at her. “Thank you for your input GRACE, I am sure this idiot would have got there eventually even if he wants to be fucked while dressed as a poof” Master chided taking an elastic strap from his pocket and linking the back of the mask to one of the straps across his back. The strong elastic pulled his head up forcing him to arch uncomfortably to look ahead. With effort he found he could lay back down but it took effort and concentration or he snapped back. He moaned as the elastic pulled him back once again as Master deftly stepped to the side, leaving the sissy to have a new memory burned in his brain! Straight in front of him knelt his wife in some of Masters favourite bondage equipment. A harness of rope bound her large breasts and held her arms behind her in a reverse prayer tie. He could see the rope was dug in tight to her breasts and how her arms forced her to kneel with boobs thrust forward and back straight, a position he had seen her in many times. This time it was the large dildo gag strapped in her mouth. He knew the gag with the front eight inches protruding from the front with another four inches of the fat dong stuffed in her mouth. He watched as she thrust her face into the dripping hairy snatch of a naked lady he didn't know. As she pumped so hard her neck muscles were visibly straining she awkwardly humped the ass of a trans girl locked into a bitch suit with a pup hood hiding her face from the sissy. He could only watch as his wife double fucked the people before her as behind another bound girl was sliding on the huge double end dildo forced in each girls ass. The world shrunk down as the sissy could only stare dead ahead. He watched so intently he recognised the cock locked into the strapon harness Naive wore over the top of the stainless steel chastity belt. The silicon phallus was the huge imitation horse one Master had gifted them for a wedding gift. The thing was at least sixteen inches long and the ridges stretched you so wide it felt like you were ripped in half. “Gawff” the sissy mumbled as he realised that his wife and her ‘friend’ were using the the christmas present his wife had opened at her family gathering. Master had however labelled the gift as being from her hubby, nearly getting him kicked out with least his father in law ready to kick his ass. A loud shouting and Master fitting something around his head snapped him back from his space out. Instantly feeling the warmy sticky feeling he knew the sight of his wife used as little more than a mastabation aid had caused him to cum. “Why am I so pitiful?” He thought to himself as he watched the women climb out the sex swing and gave his wife a head pat before using a crop to encourage the bitch suited girl to scuttle away as best she could on her elbows and knees. Glancing back he found his wife staring at him. He could only imagine what she must think seeing him dead centre in this fetishist's wet dream! He could see her eyes grow as she took it all in. Before she realised she was being stared at and their eyes met, but only she looked away. Her body turned a bright pink. Before she could turn back, a woman dressed like a demon from some R-rated horror movie dragged what looked like the married minions behind her. A set of talons grabbed the terrified piggy slave head up and impaled the woman onto the dildo watching her slide down until her toes reached the floor. “Fuck that boy’s ass and pleasure that slut’s cunt. I expect both to be worn out by the time I return.” The demon lady demanded before turning heel and marching off, no doubt to cause more mischief. The sissy's little cock twitched in excitement at the thought of watching his wife when the clack of a cane caused the sissy to immediately strain to find his owner. When he finally managed to pick him out walking towards the sissy his tummy went into free fall. Master was not alone. Numnutts was walking behind the sissy’s superior, with a smile so large everyone could see all his teeth. Although the only thing the sissy could concentrate on was the fact the giant had lost his trunks!!! Promise Delivered “As promised for being a good little boy for your fine owners… You have precisely one hour of fun. Nothing permanent and do not break my fuck doll. It might be longer still before your Mistress lets you out to play.” Master dictated to the man mountain making the sissy squirm and leak pre-cum from the objectification. “Sissy baby Lottie,” The authoritative voice made the sissy meekly look up to his Master. “I expect you to be willing and participate in the certain destruction of your pussy. Do not disappoint me!” Master said before turning his head in the direction the sissy was facing. “You too Pig fuck machine.” Master glared at his slaves before grabbing the gimp and pulling her towards an empty section. The ‘worm’ seemed to sense where the gimp went and slowly pulled their lower half up until their knees were close to touching their chest. After a slight pause it pushed their head forward to inch across the floor to the amusement of those around. The Sissy’s focus quickly changed as his head was yanked to come face to face with Numnutts’… nuts. With nothing more than a grunt and using whatever Master had strapped around his head to manoeuvre him. Sissy baby Lottie quickly got the message and started to lap the weighty and very full balls. Each had a strong salty taste of sweat and a bit of tang from the cologne filling his nose with a spicy scent and strong musk of a real man. With a loud plop Numnutts log smacked down on the cream puff’s forehead as the large man pulled the sissy forward to the very limit of the straps. The sissy squealed in protest as the large finger invaded his mouth. The large digit checked the rubber ring holding his captive mouth open in a slutty O shape. No sooner than the finger was pulled out Numnutt’s popped one ball in and then the other stuffing the mouth with a pair of salty balls the size of walnuts in the sissy baby’s mouth. Lottie could feel his cheeks stretch as her face pulled tight to his black body. Even through the mask he could feel the thick cock pulse. For a few moments the sissy remained still as the man rubbed his dick up and down the silky smooth mask before his bear paw-like hand slapped his ass. Taking the hint the pansy desperately started to swirl his tongue over the hard balls. Another slap prompted him to start to suck on them like a sweetie in his mouth as the man continued to just rub on the mask. Sissy baby Lottie could feel the heat and pulse rise and these eggs almost started vibrating in his mouth. He closed his eyes and waited for the explosive orgasm as the man paused ready. But instead Numnutts quickly yanked his manly balls from his mouth and put the end of his beer can sized cock at the entrance to his face. With a grunt and a light slap to the face the sissy quickly stuck out his tongue and licked the yummy black cock like his life depended on it. His tongue swirled around the tip and then he strained against the straps to reach as far down as he could manage. In the middle of the fifth time of swirling his tongue around the head he felt two strong hands grab the back of his head as the cock slammed in, down his throat. In a blind panic the sissy started to struggle as he felt his throat struggle to accept the thick black cock so deep. With a gurgle of protest his noodle arms thrashed against the cuffs. Despite his body screaming to bite down the sissy proudly opened wide and was rewarded by Numnutts pulling out. The sissy snorted and coughed as he tried to catch his breath. After a few moments of silence as his body gulped up huge lungfuls of air he heard multiple people laughing at him. The thickness of the mask acted like horse blinkers making him unable to make out who was watching, but when the jibes started he could only cringe knowing his wife was so close and probably agree what “total embarrassment of a man” he was. The emasculated pansy hung his head from the shame, causing another smattering of tittering for what felt like a lifetime for the pansy. Then as if by some silent cue the watching crowd went silent. The sissy could feel his tummy churn as a sense of foreboding washed over him. Numnutts made it worse as the living mountain grabbed the controlling device and mashed his face into the bench top hard. The more he squealed and wriggled the firmer he was held down tight! In the silence the sissy could feel someone was behind him. Screwing his eyes shut he could only whimper in fear. Whoever said ‘not being able to see was better’ lied!. His mind spun through a hundred of things that could happen. With even the best of results making everything but his sissy bump freeze in fear, as his tiny dick strained for freedom. The pulsing rubbing against the cage bars made him strain more. Feeling a gloved hand gently touch above his stocking top made the sissy freeze. He could feel it move up toward his ass. The poofter could feel his heart beat so hard and fast it echoed in his ear. A second hand gently squeezes his other buttock. The sissy melted as the hands soothingly massaged his bussy for a second before gently prising his cheeks apart. The sissy let out a fretful wail, afraid of what was going to be be shoved in his fuck hole. The feeling of degradation each time of being violated felt so indecent he could cry. It never took that long before the discomfort and embarrassment would fade as his huge sissy spot would be rubbed and he would turn into such an exaggerated whore from a bad porno. He couldn't help but moan, pant, and beg as he would buck and thrust back to be used harder. Afterward, used and spent, he would cry from the frustration of being denied yet again and from the memories of the sinful acts he had done and enjoyed. “Get on with it!” a voice yelled out, snapping the sissy back to the now. As her brain tried to place the voice the one thing she didn't expect poked at her sissy hole! The velvety tongue made soft little flicks at his entrance as the sissy swooned and let out a muffled sound of pleasure as a wet spot started to grow on the satin sissy cock cage cover. Tentatively the tongue poked inside. The tip tickled as the walls of his oh so sensitive hole. Pausing for a moment and then it worked round and around in huge circles, stretching open the well worn boi cunt. The sissy buzzed with pure pleasure feeling the tongue push deeper in and flick around. The teasing was delicious and easily the most horny he had felt while being defiled. His legs quaked as his little baby dick leaked more and more as he tried in vain to push back and get the sweet invader to go deeper. The bliss of being pleasured made his toes tremble in the ridiculous heels and he moaned like a cheap whore. The chatting around him felt distant and not important, he could vaguely hear something a voice in the back of his head screamed to pay attention to before a stinging slap to his face crashed him back down to his situation. As his vision cleared he was staring at the thick black cock before him. “You dumb cunt” an unfamiliar voice menacingly growled at him. “Do you want this yummy cock or should I get a much more deserving cumslut enjoy it.” Feeling his boi cunt continue to quiver in bliss, the little shred of masculinity left demanded he lay back down and enjoy his deserved pleasure. “Please Sir, Please fuck this lowly cum loving cream puff’s mouth!” he lisped, a tear ran under his mask as his masculinity died a little more as it screamed what a failure he was. The laughter rang in his ears as he stretched wide as could as the massive cock shoved in until the sissy nose was buried in a mess of thick dark hairs. A meaty hand grabbed the back of his head as the other used the handle to pull his head to just the right position. The poor sissy let out a mix of a whimper and a coo as the tongue licking his pussy found around his special spot turning his dumb sissy brain to mush. With nothing but a grunt of warning. Numnutt’s started to ram his cock into the wet willing face hole. His strong hands holding the sissy's head still despite the squeals and attempts to pull away as he pushed his fat dick so far down the poof’s throat several of the women were pointing and whispering about the visible dick going so deep it nearly reached the collar at the base of his throat. Promise Fulfilled The sissy struggled to breathe as he felt the huge heavy balls slap his chin again as the huge black cock once again filled his mouth and throat. No training had prepared him for such a monster trouser snake to use him so thoroughly and reduce him to nothing more than a mere object. The thought made his lil ‘clit’ squirt more sissy pre cum. Lost in his thoughts he didn't notice one of the women chided “Get on with it or you will be the one licking it clean!” Pussy licker let out a wail in protest as two women grabbed the sissy’s pert ass cheeks and pulled them violently apart as another stuffed the slave's head into the powder puffs’s ass and aggressively pistoned her head in and out. Feeling the tongue suddenly switch from gently teasing his naughty spot to suddenly grinding fast and hard into his fuck hole as the huge man held his dick deep in his throat made the sissy stop and shudder as the waves of anal pleasure hit the fear and panic from having to squirm on the dick like a fish stuck on a pole. A new grunt emanated from the man ravishing his throat. He held the sissy in place who could see stars as he took raspy panicky gasps for air. Lottie struggled and wriggled before finally the thick fingers let go and the sissy slumped to the bench with a huge splat coughing as the black snake pulled out glistening with drool. Looking forward he could only watch as his wife used the dildo gag locked in place to to fuck the pussy of a women who had to be in her seventies. He watched with a morbid fascination as the mature woman used liberal amounts of her crop and shout “DO it better you worthless cunt.” As the sissy stared, his wife got the odd feeling of being watched as her body cried out for a break as her neck was cranked back and forth by the nasty and vile women taking more pleasure in leaving welts with her nastier crop than the tiring effort she did to pleasure her pussy. The constant pumping of her hips to fuck the person under the swing had grinded down to just long slow thrusts as the person behind her would buck in time to mash their asses together as the anal intruder would push in and out enough far to little to give and real pleasure but enough to do more than tease her. She wanted nothing more than to stop everything and hump her botty friend, but like a good slave she carried on with her orders. “This thing is fecking useless. I’ve had more excitement watching parliament.” the vile women sneered as she walked off. A tide of anger washed over the exhausted girl as she could see the old crone interrupting Master’s fun and speak to her. “What a cunt” she grumbled through the gag as even with the woman half away across the room she could see her juices gleaming in the lights from her tummy to her knees! She didn't want Master to spot her staring at him. Able to look over to see what her husband was enduring, she saw a fully clothed girl being dragged from behind the sissy loser. Mistress Grace's friend slipped out of her tight skirt and shoved the girl against her wet snatch. Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull as she noticed the giant and his fat dick bouncing obscenely in front of him. The size of the dick transfixed her. It looked as thick as her wrist and easily nine inches long. The thought of being filled by such a cock after years of denied real dick she felt jealous as the bull lined his dick to the target. Staring at his wife, he sissy watched his wife fixate on something. Then, like a jolt of lightning, the realisation hit him hard in the face. She was watching Numnutts. And, from the way she was now staring right through him, he must have been behind him. He mewed in fear, wriggling his ass as much as he could. “Nuuuughhhh” he cried out fearing he would be ripped in two. A warm paw-like hand tenderly rested on his back and the sissy froze totally still. He screwed his eyes shut and prayed that someone would save him. Destruction “I think my Harold would sooooo love to see this up close.” Mistress Grace called out clapping before releasing her humiliated hubby from the pole impaling his boy pussy. She dragged the kneeling sissy over to the rear of his friend as the huge cock slowly pushed its way in. “Stop whinging, you cream puff faggot. Harold has been sitting on something just as big all night and you don't see him acting out.” Grace taunted as she sissy’s arms thrashed as much as the cuffs would allow as it felt like someone was inserting a tree trunk in his asshole. As the pain reached its peak the sissy baby squealed for the intruder to be removed. His panicky panting and wiggling combined to make him gyrate on the sensitive cock head making the man mountain groan in pleasure. “Just how my slaves should be. Sexually used for pleasure of their betters.” Master ridiculed as he walked up. Naïve quickly lowered her head in deference as sissy baby Lottie face was buried deep into the silk. Numnutts had started to rock his hips as he gently fucked the sissy pussy, each time getting deeper. “My poor Piggy has to watch yet again. While her hubby is buggered like a cheap whore.” Master taunted holding her head to watch, His boot tapping against the plate covering her soaking wet snatch. “Don't worry about the hag. The woman is just a royal cunt. You did good. Now fuck this desperate girl’s asshole for me. I need a rest.” Master sat down in the swing pushing the asshole of a cute girl into Naïve face. As Master relaxed in the swing yelling at Numnutts “The clock is ticking” followed very quickly by very loud slurping. Naïve had to use the dong protruding from her mouth to flip the latex skirt of the schoolgirl uniform up and over the armbinder holding arms so tight that her elbows were just millimetres apart. Numnutts heard the call and not wanting to miss his chance of a non ruined orgasm he grabbed hold of the sissy’s hips. His hands were so huge he had to force them between the sissy’s hips and the wedge. Unconsciously sissy baby Lottie arched her back more pushing his pussy up as if inviting to be fucked hard. Gripping down hard he reared back before slamming his cock in full as far as it would go. The sissy;s head snapped back as the elastic pulled him up. His brain shut down, unable to take in the view of his Master and wife with a pretty trans girl as the pain from his pussy being split in two took over. On the fourth try she finally was able to flick the shiny material up and over her back as the woman and was rewarded with a view of the bottom of her pert ass. Nicely framed by the jock strap style latex panties she wore. Naïve could tell the tall girl was way too high with her knees locked and ass high before stretching down to pleasure her Master. With no other choice she used the dong to gently slap at the pink thighs until she spread her legs wide enough the sissy’s wife could reach and was ready to start when her sissy hubby screamed aloud before it morphed into a guttural moan. The sissy gibbered through the ring gag of the mask. The sounds were nothing but a mix of grunts and screams as Numnutts started to thrust his achingly hard cock in and out faster than a supercharged V8 engine piston. The sissy and Numnutts started to grunt in time as the huge rod was grinding on his sissy spot making his tiny nub spew his sissy watery cum into the satin bag. He winced in pain as the cock finally bottomed out. The giant was deeper than all but Master’s most evil of toys he would use on his slave couple and when away have the pair use on each other. Numnutts paused taking a breather as he enjoyed the feeling of the sissy desperately trying to fuck himself and get the gliss of his sissy spot stimulation as the thick straps left his attempts at nothing more than just a light rocking doing little more than frustrate him more Seeing the sissy’s face drop into a dreamy sissy bliss, Naïve realised the faggot was enjoying being fucked. An evil pang of jealousy pounded away in her skull. It wasn't fair the poof got to enjoy Masters cock. She hadnt been fucked properly in years and never by a real cock. Usually Masters wicked toys or a strap on wielded by the huge butch lesbian from her old job. The whole day she had been seeing hubby get pleasure in all kinds of ways. All she received was multiple forced orgasms to the point of immense pain. Then, suddenly, the humiliation of hearing a random person pleasuring her owner, mixed with burning pain from the multiple orgasms teased from her earlier. Along with the feel from the cold steel against her burning hot pussy light a fire of passion and rage. With a flurry of movement and powered by frustration. Naive hit a third wind and hate fucked like the devil himself. She felt her face and groin slap into flesh with such force it sounded like a drum. Each thud drove her on as her ears filled with an orgy of sex making her body tingle with sexual energy. “Tick Tock” Master called out. Hearing the words Numnutts flicked up a gear and changed from the long strokes to now a frenzied fucking of shorter quicker thrusts. The sissy moaned “nur nur nur” as his whole body bucked as the bull fucked him so hard it felt like his pussy was a risk of being shreaded. Then it was like a divine intervention happened and the grinding on his sissy spot was perfect. His body started to shake as waves of orgasmic pleasure flowed through every nerve ending. Sissy baby Lottie whimpered as was so close to a mind melting sissygasm as his view of his wife was blocked. Like the twist in a bad movie, suddenly standing between Lottie and his wife was his boss from his day job… and her husband. His dick was long and very, very hard. It shined from the coating of juices coving it as it was pointed at his face. “Been told to try the sissy and piggy bitch by that lovely gent.” his Boss pointed to his owner with a huge smile on both their faces. Despite wanting to look away, his Boss maintained a perfect poker face. Leaving the poor pansy unable to tell if she knew it was him under the mask or not. Feeling his tummy swirl with fear, the guy grabbed the handle and dragged him over his cock. The slightly arid taste had to be from his boss's love juices. The sissy realised feeling his face warm and froze as his head swirled with thoughts of what might happen at work. Numnutts was getting close and with an angry grunt he pointed to the sissy’s face indicating the other guy should fuck deep as he could go. The sissy let out a whimper as his body turned a deep crimson as his Boss’s hubby wrenched on the handle as he thrust his cock deep as he could pushing his cock into the sissy throat. Seeing the fun, Mistress Grace and her friend practically threw their own husbands over the bound prissy and hiked the skirts of the ridiculous dresses out the way. Before ploughing their husbands’ ass pussies with some very impressive strap ons. Feeling the new weight of the fellow sissies on his back as his face and ass pussy were abused, the sissy zoned in and out. That blissful sissy space only interrupted as the cock was held too long in his throat. Or when Numnutts would thrust so aggressively the sissy would squeal out making the other guy push even deeper to silence him. “You close bro” the man vigorously slamming his face hole yelled out. Numnutts just nodded his head and the pair quickly pumped in and out so quickly the sissy felt the two were sawing him in half. Numnutts started to make some strange noises before crashing down on the three sissies as he shoved in deep one last time and coated the sissy’s innards with thick coils of cum. To the sissy’s embarrassment he screamed out as an orgasm flowed through him. His body then went rigid before twitching under the weight of the sissies and the crushing weight of Numnutts. With his mind swirling, feeling like he was very drunk, tired and unable to sleep. His very dry mouth suddenly tasted cum as his Boss’s other half painted his tongue with his salty love juice. The Men recovered quickly and left as the Mistresses continued to fuck their own sissy partners over the slumped and spent pansy. Sissy baby Lottie could feel the cooling cum from toe curling pleasure from an amazing orgasm as drool started to run down the mask as he was so tired he couldn't move his head. The taste of another man's cock cream and the numb ache in his bum brought on the shame of being used as a cum dump. He could just about see and hear as people walked off and the quiet mutterings became harsh barbs and jibes at his expense. “See Piggy. This is why you are a locked up pain slut. No way you could pleasure all those men.” Master laughed as his swords burnt deep in his slaves. “A pair of worthless shits. But you at least managed to not disappoint me so I will have to find another to feel the sting of my toys tonight.” Master pulled the gag from the wifes face before dragging the dirty slave girl to the back of the bound husband. “Im worried the sissy is such a failure of a man he might actually get pregnant so clean him out. Gracie, please be a dear and lock the two in a cage when you’re done. I think Kitten and the Worm need a good beating.” Grace gave a thumbs up before continuing to plough the ‘bridesmaid’. As Master paused to gently squeeze the back of both slaves' necks before moving back into the party. Both slaves could not stop smiling as they knew the squeeze’s secret meaning. 10 am The soft light of mid morning lit up the entrance to the church where Mz Chleopatra stumbled over the Master's sub couple. The woman chuckled as she walked in a slow circle around the pair in matching short white dresses with navy blue polka dots and wide sashes tied with a big floppy bow. She could see the edge of the poofy blue petticoats and matching white knee socks and shiny Mary Jane shoes. They even had their hair in matching braided pigtails tied with navy blue and white ribbons. While strange to see a woman wearing such a bizarre outfit it suited the pansy puff ball rather well. The strange thing was both wore World War Two replica gas masks, altered to be locked on with tiny padlocks. Stranger still was the tubes from the masks running behind them to a fairly large plastic cylinder strapped on each of their backs and providing a handy place for handcuffs locking each subs arms behind their backs. “Morning Cleo. You forget something? I need to lock up?” Master asked, appearing from a side passage. “Nah. Was just coming to say bye when I stumbled across these two rejects. Very pretty outfits for a four year old. But what's the backpack for?” Master chuckled. “Well the pair really loved being degraded all the time. Well maybe not love? But they have odd fetishes. So I filled the tubes with stuff and that's all they can smell in the augmented masks.” Cleopatra started giggling as the unmoving drones stared straight ahead. “That's brilliant. Do I dare ask?” “You can. The Masks have some fun tech in them meaning they can't see or hear us right now. In Piggy’s tube a fair few of the ladies offered up their dirty panties. Nice start to her chaste year. The sissy has all those dirty diapers he used. So the pair will have a horny and shamed filled ride home.” the sadist winked at his friend. He walked out tapping something on his phone and the pair scrambled to their feet and quickly dashed out the door as the Doms followed chuckling….
  4. Hey everyone, finally getting the time to write again. This is a commissioned short story, though as discussions continue in the background, the plot is getting deeper and more complex than our originally planned 10 chapters will allow for, so who knows when it’ll be done. Insert obligatory mention of my Patreon here… Anyway, have fun with this one. There’s a little inspiration coming from The Handmaid’s Tale, except without all the rapey murdery stuff. Fear gripped Penelope Russo as she stared at the paper on the wall. Seven years she worked at Donatello, never missing a shift, always coming in to cover other people, and her name wasn’t even on the new schedule for next week. Since the day she graduated high school, she’d waited tables there, while other girls came and went. How could this even be happening?! “Tony wants to see you in his office, Penny.” Jacky Phillips tapped her on the shoulder, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. The girl was barely twenty, but they became fast friends when Jacky started working there. Well, more than friends on occasion… friends with benefits? But that was behind tightly closed doors, not spoken of at work or anywhere else. The look on Jacky’s face confirmed what Penny already feared; this wasn’t going to be a good conversation. Jacky gave her a quick hug. “Good luck, hun.” “Yeah, thanks.” Dejected, she walked through the kitchen, up the stairs, and knocked on the general manager’s door. “Come in!” the low voice boomed behind the door, with that signature Jersey-Italian accent thick through it. She opened the door and stepped inside. “Penny.” He shook his head. “Penny, Penny, Penny, what am I gonna do wit’ you?” “Tony, please, you can’t…” “Look, you’re a hard worker. You’re polite. You make sure everyone’s drink is full and their food gets out hot. But I’ve told you over and over, the guys have expectations. Parents bring their boys in here looking to get them hooked up. You know this. I know this. And the big boss knows it too, and he says I gotta let you go, because you won’t do it.” “But Tony!” “You need a man, Penny. You need to be home making babies for your man. Not here turning into an old spinster. The customers complain, they want their waitresses to be friendly. And young. And the girls, they flirt until they find a guy that clicks, and boom, I’m hiring a new one because she went off and got hitched.” “Spinster, Tony! I’m twenty five, not fifty!” “When did I hire you, Penny? You were eighteen. Most of these girls that I hire, they’re fifteen, sixteen. That’s what the customers want to see, young girls they can pair up with their teenage sons to make grandchildren for them.” “But Tony…” “Penny, look, I know what you are. Don’t worry, my lips are sealed. But it’s not my world, Penny. I just gotta live in it. Back in my grandfather’s day, no one would even blink over someone like you, but since the religious kooks took over, I mean, what’re you gonna do?” Penny struggled not to cry as Tony’s words cut through her. All throughout school, she and every other girl was drilled about how the most noble profession and honorable profession for women was being a mother and wife. Only the Barren went to work, because the fertile were needed to keep the population growing. But as much as she tried to like boys, or at least to tolerate them, she lusted after other girls. Boys, they just wanted to squash her tits with their meat-hooks and then hump her like a dog until they were spent. Girls went out of their way to make her feel good, touch all her special places the way she’d touch herself when she thought about them. The dirty, dirty thoughts she had. And she hated herself for it. “I just… what am I gonna do, Tony? As long as I’m making eggs, they won’t let me work in the factories or go to college or anything! This is all I got!” “I wish it didn’t have to be like this, Penny. Maybe try being nicer to the boys at another place? Maybe suck it up and get hitched what they expect of you? I don’t know. Maybe…” He leaned over and got much, much quieter. “Maybe I know a guy. Maybe he can get you some of those sticks, you know what I’m saying? Maybe you make a phone call or somethin’.” He slid a piece of paper across the desk with a phone number on it. Penny shuddered, but took the piece of paper and slipped it into her purse. One of her “girlfriends” in high school tried to get hold of the “egg-breaker sticks” - injections you could take that would turn you up as infertile when you went to the clinic to get harvested every month. But they were as illegal as heroin and cocaine. A cop showed up for her at school not long after that, and no one ever saw her again. “Th… thanks Tony.” She hung her head, and he stood up. “I wish you luck Penny. You’re a good kid. Take care of yourself, huh?” She stood up as well, taking his outstretched hand and shaking it weakly. “I’ll have your last check ready for you on Friday, okay?” “Sure.” “Hey. Maybe… maybe in a few months, I might be needing a front of the house manager, eh?” Her mind reeling, Penny trudged back down the steps and out the back door, speaking to no one on the way. Tony’s words burned at the back of her brain. Why? Why’d she have to like girls? Why couldn’t she just be normal and find a husband and have a happy life surrounded by kids? It would have been so much easier than what she’d been through since high school. She thought about the phone number he gave her. God, if she got caught, she’d wind up disappeared like that kid Sarah! But if she didn’t get caught, that was her golden ticket! All she needed was to turn up empty at the fertility clinic three months in a row, and she’d be reclassified as a Barren. No more pressure to get married, no more being a waitress and getting groped by horny teenage boys while their parents laughed about it. She and her little circle of special friends would still have to keep quiet about their little get-togethers, but no one really cared about what Barrens did with their free time. It was only illegal for boys - If a man lie with a man as a woman, it is an abomination, was how the verse went. Girls, well, society thought it was shameful, but the Coalition couldn’t find any biblical justification to outlaw it. But first she had to at least try to find another job. Even if she could get the sticks, she had to keep her rent up long enough to make it three months…
  5. Hi there! This is a diaper prison story that I've been working on. It's supposed to be about a country that imprisons wealthy criminals in diaper prisons that include spankings and paddlings. More information about the complicated themes in the novel can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65185502 I have about 10 chapters written, and am working on posting them here over time. Content Warnings Extensive Forced Diaper Wearing (Wetting/Messing) Extensive Public and Private Humiliation Extensive Corporal Punishment and Bondage Extensive use of the themes of fear, shame, guilt, and dread Some consensual sexual slavery/servitude themes Occasional Sexual Themes Occasional Sexual Intercourse ***I do not condone any of the events or themes in this story, and do not intend to glorify or advocate that anyone conduct their life in this way. Nobody should model any sort of erotic behavior on the events of this story.*** -------- Tonight’s entertainment would be small, but that still meant it required every minute of Gillica’s day. It would require: Sweeping the inner foyer. Priming the Topiary promenade from valet dropoff to the main door. Scrubbing and shining all the windows of the Eastern and Western facing facades of Bisgrave Manse. Dusting all interior surfaces in the Hargrave room as well as the Opiante battle memorial room. Checking every piece of the ‘azure blue’ china set for imperfections and assembling it for the kitchen staff. And so much more of the long list of what was expected of her, and her fellow slave Penelope, every single day. Densen Polliver, the majordomo of Bisgrave Manse, son of the former majordomo of Bisgrave Manse and also grandson of the majordomo of the very same Manse, in the time when the Opiante battle memorial room was called something else, came to wake her up. He entered the slave quarters not yet wearing his uniform for the day, and flicked on the switch. Gillica woke up immediately with the light, and was already wide-eyed by the time Densen Polliver was undoing the locking mechanism on Penelope’s cage. Once Penelope’s cage was open, the slippers of Densen Polliver appeared by the entrance to Gillica’s cage, and he squatted down. He ignored all he saw as she stirred the cover off of herself. His sole focus was on the padlock. As soon as it was undone, he swung the door open and rose with a groan. Without a word, he closed the door to the slave quarters behind him, the only sign that he was there being the bright overhead light and the fact that the cage doors now swung open. -freedom- Penelope sighed above, rocking the stacked cages. Compelled by powers even Penelope would not tempt, she made her move, and Gillica knew to let her step out onto the small shared floorspace of the quarters before crawling out of her lower cage herself. The cage doors were oriented perpendicular to each other, such that Penelope could step down out of hers and Gillica could crawl out of her own at the same time, but Gillica had long ago learned that Penelope didn’t like that at all. Where the majordomo’s slippers had been, two pale and bare feet stepped onto the tiled floor. A moment later, a diaper fell with a splat between the feet. It was wet, though from her place down in her cage on the floor, Gillica could see that it wasn’t as bad as the one she herself had woken up in. The feet moved away, stepping across the tile floor with just the sticking sound that skin makes on cold surfaces. The feet walked to a table built into a wall, and now Gillica could see all the way up Penelope’s waist. The slave who slept above her, slave-one, found a container on the table and pulled out a square moist cloth. She drew it across her bottom, one cheek then the other, and then through her buttcrack. Another rectangle came out and she got the inside of her thighs. Another came out and she dealt with her frontside. These too, Penelope dropped on the floor when she was done with them. Still, Gillica knew better than to stir. Slave-one then hauled herself out of sight, onto the table. The sounds that came, the sounds of tearing, of a bottle hitting the top of a table, of the grunting and breathing of a woman dressing herself while laid down horizontal, were all immensely familiar to Gillica. They were sounds that had been her night and day for almost a decade, and figured to be sounds with her a lot longer. Or forever. No, not forever. When Penelope’s body re-appeared in her view, her bare legs now facing away from the table instead of toward it, and her groin now covered in a new, fresh adult diaper, Gillica knew that it was time to flip over on her stomach and make her way through the mesh door of her cage. Her back didn’t hurt when she stood, but the tile was cool and her head was a bit cloudier than it had felt when Densen Polliver had first turned on the lights. It didn’t stop her from predicting what Penelope wanted, though. Gillica’s discipline-a hard acquired skill of survival-took over for her, and she made her way to the table where Penelope stood. Penelope allowed her to pull herself on the table and lay her head down on the cushion. At least there was a cushion. She wished she could sleep here instead of on the mat on the bottom of her cage. Then her knees would not ache and she would not always have a persistent bruise on the top of her head. It would surprise some to know that the cage was not the worst place she could remember sleeping. It would also surprise some, perhaps even more, to know that it was worse than where she had slept most of the last decade. Penelope was wordless as she got to work. There was nothing to say between them. Penelope was slave-one and had at least the right to wipe herself. Gillica didn’t even have that right. It was a strange thing to think of as a right, and now and then it occurred to Gillica that, in this case, she was the one being served by the slave of higher rank. But it never felt that way. It was not supposed to seem that way. It was not that way. Gillica wore what she had been put in until someone put her in something else. What made it the way it was was the real and credible threat of what would happen if Gillica upset that order of things. That’s what made Penelope’s role of sliding a wipe between Gillica’s own buttocks, and another down her shaven vagina, the role of privilege. The slimmest, most minuscule form of an edge anyone could have. The only sort of edge that Penelope had over anyone, anywhere, except maybe those still living behind the bars of Stenton. Penelope could be caged by anyone in the household at any moment, could be ordered to undress, and could be ordered not to dress at all. She was above no task in the Manse, and not even in public were the paid servants of the Bisgraves or the AG Bisgrave herself required to bestow any dignity upon her. And all the while, prison loomed over Penelope. Four more years of servitude to Bisgrave, four more years of proving that without the watchful eyes of guards and cameras and the impossibilities threatened by steel and cement, Penelope could learn her new place in the scheme of things. Until then, cages and diapers. Until then, only one small island of autonomy; the right to change herself. And until then, one small land-grant of privilege. The right to make Gillica squirm. The diaper change was quick. Penelope was far less interested in Gillica’s cleanliness than she was her own, and that was fair. Gillica would require Penelope’s assistance many more times before the day was through, and the Bisgrave’s gave slave-one no credit for the additional labor. Quick and without tenderness. Gillica was clean and dry, and she hopped down off the table herself. She adjusted the tapes of her diaper, a small comfort nobody begrudged her. Penelope would expect her to clean Penelope’s piss-covered wipes that had been dropped on the floor, to ball up Penelope’s diaper by the cages where she had unceremoniously ripped it off, and to of course deal with Gillica’s own bloated and sodden mess that now lay discarded on the table. Gillica got to work, and washed her hands in a large sink-basin that appeared to be a holdover from when the slave quarters might have been a gardner’s storage room. Perhaps from before the north-side greenhouse was built. All that they would wear around the house was a maid’s apron. Black with white frills, tied around the back but covering little else. It was the same apron as the regular servants, the paid servants, save for that the paid servants had the choice of dress pants or dresses underneath. And dress shirts, of course. The men wore tuxedos, of course. The women were expected to pull their hair back and affix a white bonnet there as well, and this included the slaves. The apron did not cover what was most humiliating in her outfit, and anyone looking at her backside could not only see her diapers, but how much she had used them. But at least the gown covered her tits. Well, from the front at least. Everyone knows what I am, Penelope had observed once. So I like the freedom. They’re the ones diapering me, so I don’t care if they’re forced to witness it, referring of course to the stipulation that she must wear them, and not the fact that it was her own hands that performed the task for her overlords. Perhaps because Gillica was not just forced by Bisgrave to wear one did she feel differently. Perhaps it was the torture of finally having access to her undergarments, but still being prohibited from tampering with them, was what made her miss those ratted orange jumpers. “No matter how bad it is, just remind yourself of how much worse it could be.” Gillica tried to remember which cellmate had said that. It seems like something Saathia would have said. Out of self-pity, though, and not out of any attempt to comfort Gillica through one of those more uncomfortable nights. Densen Polliver had the list, ordered with numbers and expected time-to-completions on all of them. By noon more than half the list needed to be done, and if it was not, they would be permitted only one of those viscous smoothies instead of any actual lunch. “And dinner too,” Penelope asked, holding the paper. “And dinner too. You will both be expected to support the wait-staff, though you are not to be seen in the dining hall, nor heard. Is that understood?” Both slave-one and slave-two voiced their understanding. “I will remind you that the attorney general will be entertaining the Mayor of Stenton herself this evening. The usual retinue will not be in attendance; this is a private gathering. The wait staff will be in their weekend attire to accentuate the leisure of their meeting, and the menu will be adjusted according to the Mayor’s expressed desires. After dinner, the Attorney General will retire to the Opiante Room with the Mayor, where they will enjoy cocktail service by myself, with you two in-support in the ready-room. “Why not one of the servants?” Penelope asked. Densen Polliver’s hairy eyebrows twitched, annoyed that Penelope had pre-empted what he was trying to say. “You will be in attendance to offer personal testament to the rehabilitative power of Mistress Bisgrave’s criminal justice system, if required by the attorney general. You will execute this duty with the appropriate humility and exuberance expected of you and expected of any woman truly committed towards putting their lives of crime behind them.” Penelope reddened, but said nothing. Then Densen Polliver was gone. He was off to trade his slippers and nightgown for his tuxedo, and to shave the graying scruff off his neck. The slaves were permitted to eat, and were allowed to do so in the slave hall, where a large bench occupied a narrow ante-chamber between the kitchens and the rest of the servant’s quarters. Like Densen, the servants wouldn’t be ready for a little while, and Penelope and Gillica used this time to find food from the kitchen and occupy the table-on opposite ends-in the brief and blessed time when nobody would begrudge their presence. It was smart to eat in less than 10 minutes, and Gillica would eat faster if she could chew the dense protein bar any faster. And even with a thick adult diaper on, the servant’s bench was hard against her bottom, as if it joined with the Manse and all of society in prodding her to begin her work. In prison there was nothing to do. Now there was too much. Gillica started with preparations for the real servants. She washed any straggling dishes, she organized the fridge and made sure that their breakfast materials; milk, cereal, bars, vegetables, were in ample supply. She found the folder of servant orders and bulletined them to the board, making sure that each corner was square. She didn’t hate them. Not all of them, and those she did were for reasons of their own. They had their part to play. And Gillica…she had… She had hers. “Penelope, I’m wet already.” “I don’t fucking care.” Densen would paddle Penelope if he overheard slave-one say a think like that, and not just for the language. But if Gillica told on her, she’d get asked herself why she didn’t mark her wetness on the bulletin and cage herself to wait for a servant to send Penelope to take care of her. And there would be no answer to that, and they both would be paddled, and Penelope would have it out for her. So Gillica left Penelope to iron the servant suits, which they would not need until the mid-morning, and set herself to start on her list as far from the other servants as she could. Any that saw the growing yellow down below would order her to her cage to await Penelope, and give her no credit for falling behind on her chores. Ordered to her cage for soiled diapers too often, and she was spanked. But falling short on her tasks meant even surer and more frequent discipline. Gillica had learned that it was not a choice for her between winning and losing, but between losing, and losing harder. It wasn’t fair, but when she answered to someone who was on parole herself, who was herself one of the very bottom human beings in all of Shamuria and yet still wiped Gillica’s ass, it was all the lot that Gillica could expect. Gillica, wet, went out in the cool morning area to trim the hedges. It was almost a perfect temperature for her attire, and felt even better when she got down to work on the long line of green bushes. Trimming into a basket she went, ensuring that the bellies of the five-foot bushes were all uniform and that no leaves sprouted out like little branch boners. It was refreshing outside, and the smell of the sliced branches overpowered the smell of stale piss that had wallowed in the slave quarters since she and Penelope were caged for the night. When her basket was full she carried it across to the compost at the north Greenhouse, careful to not overfill it so none of the sliced branches tumbled onto the lawn that had been cut just yesterday. If she left any on the lawn and it was seen, a servant would hear of it and tell it to Densen, who would find which of the slaves took care of it, and bring a branch of considerably more heftiness and meanness upon her rump. A basket only could hold the branches from two of the hedges, and in total there were sixteen hedges to clip. Eight times she waddled across to deposit her clippings into the compost. Once she had addressed them all she walked carefully through them to make sure that she had not missed a spot. She clipped a few more times, and then took her basket back to the compost a ninth time and then left it there, happy to have finished one of the more involved tasks of the day. As she was returning to the Manse, which loomed tall and shadowy from the north in the morning sun, one of the delivery vehicles rumbled down the gravel path between the hedges. She stood out of its way, mindful of the submissive posture expected of a slave-servant. Hands at her back, head down. The delivery truck rumbled on, and whether the driver had seen or cared about her or not, she couldn’t tell. By now her diaper was heavy with urine, and she knew it was yellow all the way up the back. It was no good denying herself water and coffee in the morning, and she hadn’t tried that since prison. No servant would do anything but order her to her cage, even the nice ones, but Gillica’s list was extra long, and working was worth the risk. Sometimes the servants forgot to log her sinful pee in the ledger of improvement. Attorney General Angelina Bisgrave was not just her mistress, was not just her once-upon-a-time top jailer, and was not just Gillica’s punisher-in-chief. She viewed things more expansively. She viewed herself as something of a maverick and innovator to Shamurians, a mold cut from the stock of the Americans. She was all those things, mistress, jailer, and punisher, as well as goddess, granter, and mercy conditional. But over and on top of all these things, Angelina Bisgrave viewed herself as correctional. There were eleven servants who were servants and not slaves of the Bisgrave Manse. Ten of them served the eleventh, the majordomo Polliver, to whom the two slaves also served. In the evenings, the slaves also served the servants, tending to their dishes and their occasional needs. It was not uncommon for Polliver to add the servants linens to the list of responsibilities that the two slaves had to handle, though most days one of the servants themselves handled the accumulated laundry of them all. The servants preferred to keep the slaves out sight. It was better to keep the smelly diaper-bound slaves on tasks that couldn’t contaminate their own spaces and autonomy, however meagre they were. They would send them on tasks into the town for personal errands. Some snacks from the grocery, some envelopes from the post-office, or something for the Manse that was needed. Any servant could task her if the slaves were not still working through their daily bill. Finish the tasks too late, and get punished. Finish them too early and get sent into town without even an apron to cover her breasts. There was no winning. This became easier to handle once you accepted that you’d already been defeated. You will execute this duty with the appropriate humility and exuberance. Instead, it was Boris. The shimmering of his braces flickered through his smile. His coarse orange hair was unkempt, and if Densen Polliver found him he’d order him into his quarters to comb it. He probably already had, but it was a losing battle. Boris’s hair was as untamable as he was.being handcuffed, Gillica had seen the back of Yara’s diaper bow outwards as her slave’s laughter turned to pleading. They’d gotten Yara on a checkup violation, something about skipping parole meetings. There was a long court proceeding where Yara accused Gillica of preventing her from doing her obeisances to her overseers. That was the only court proceeding that Gillica had won, and Yara was sent down to prison again. But not, Yara celebrated on the day of her release, for as long as Gillica would be sent down. Not nearly. Gillica wondered what happened to Yara. Probably back in front of a court again, she figured. She didn’t wish ill will on many. Not even on obnoxious Penelope and her persnickity lording of the slave quarters. Pick up my piss cloths, shitter. It became easier to handle once you accepted that you’d already been defeated. But she did at least hope for discomfort for Yara. Maybe not all the way back to Stenton Prison, though that felt inevitable for that idiotic woman who would have fought Gillica off if Gillica had not kept her chained. Maybe just a harsh patron. A real upstanding elite who was unimpeachable and unyielding. Someone like Mistress AG Bisgrave. A real correctional. Gillica knew the servants were buzzing about the Manse now. Bisgrave had arisen and left in her car, driven by one of the servants, and they’d crunched up the gravel road while Gillica was emptying her bucket of twigs. She could see them in the windows, through the steam that came out of the western wing’s smokestacks, indicating that the labors of meals were well underway. Their maid uniforms, complete with dresses, flitted through the windows. Wet, with a diaper that felt not just wet up the back but wet in the front too, Gillica headed back into the servant quarters to get the window cleaning supplies. She’d get her outdoor window cleaning done before one of them spotted her and caged her, so long as she could get in and get out without one of them noticing. She entered the side door, which took her through the living quarters for the servants. It was a hallway of dorms, and the newer ones slept two to a room, while the more advanced servants slept alone. They would be empty at this time, Gillica guessed, and this morning she guessed correctly. Her diaper was sodden and sweaty, and she wanted out, but it barely registered as discomfort. Paddlings were discomfort. Wetness and itchiness were life. At least it wasn’t stewing underneath the old fabric of an orange jumper. At least she wasn’t in the cage. Yet. Her guess having paid off, Gillica only had to cross the main area of the servant quarters, take a left, and open the closet. This was the danger zone, as by being in the closet and by facing the closet, her rump was facing the whole openness of the main area, including an open angle into the kitchen. The number of times a hey, slave! Had come to her when she was in this closet was innumerable. It was a gamble, and the last three consecutive days had seen her go from closet to cage. Being soiled at this closet probably got her caged 75% of the time, no matter what time of day. Those were good odds. All of her other chores took her into the main living areas, and into the teeth of the rest of the servants. She looked both ways from the living area hallway, saw nobody, and made her move. She opened the closet, honed in on the extendable mop and the washbasin. She found the adjustable squeegee to stick on the end of it so she could reach the highest parts. Footsteps. There was no winning. This became easier to handle once you accepted that you’d already been defeated. Exuberance. You know what, a cage is a place I belong. A cage keeps me where I belong. A cage reminds me of where I’ve been and it doesn’t let me hide from where I’ve been. It’s not a box. It’s transparent, and by seeing through it they can see right into me. Onto what I’m wearing, and what I’m really worth. The footsteps continued, and Gillica picked up her bucket and stick and headed back to the living quarters. She waddled crazily now, carrying her supplies and all of her pee. But she made it to the door without a shout from one of the servants down the hallway, without any of the servants stepping out of one of the bedrooms to see the worried face she wore. She wasn’t worried about leaking. The attorney general she called her mistress, Angelina Bisgrave, the one who ruled her world, the one who sat on a throne of discipline that Gillica ministered within far below, had access to the best sort of diapers. PGV3000s, which Gillica worked out long ago meant Punishment Garments, Version 3000. They were designed to hold, because they were designed to become as uncomfortable as possible for the wearer before causing a problem for those that lorded over the wearers. Leaks hadn’t been a problem for her three years at the Manse. They hadn’t been a problem all throughout prison either. Only on her last night in jail, the night before they put her on the Ferry of Justice to take her where she belonged, to the cage within the cage within the cage and the true start of the life she deserved, did she make darkspots on her bed and jumper. The piss just kept coming that night. Uncomfortable it became, and the ever-tropical weather of Shamuria began to take its effect. Cleaning the tall windows that lined the facade was difficult work, and it splashed soapy water down on top of her (the soap and water she was able to get from an outdoor shed hidden behind some bushes on the far side of the Eastern grounds.) Her bonnet was sprinkled, and now and then a dollop of soapy scum got in her eye, and she bent and struggled with the hem of her gown to dry it out. She had to get her back and hips into the scrubbing, and the curled up posture of her cage-bound sleep came to haunt her. The stamina in her legs bailed on her quickly. The rhythmic pumping of her thighs to reach the highest parts of the window made the bloated diaper swing between her legs. Still she worked, moving her bucket down the row of windows when each one was finished. By the end, Gillica resolved to cage herself. Her body ached, and she guessed it was barely ten in the morning. She leaned the mop handle against the wall of the Bisgrave Manse, walls that were made of large stone blocks, and felt herself. Wetter than she had been, more than could be accounted for than just sweat. The cage was calling. The cage lurked around every corner. She packed up her equipment. She took the bucket and dumped its contents on the leafy floor of the palm grove that flanked one side of the grounds. She took the squeegee off and threw it in a trash bin by one of the sheds. It was covered in a brownish-green grime typical of the seaside tropics. Yara used to complain about that muck all of the time. Browner than my cocksucking diaper, she would curse. She brought the bucket and the pole back to the closet, and this time, the servants didn’t fail to notice her. She didn’t bother to tell them that she was going. She simply said. “Yes sir.” The servant who saw her had been sitting at the servant table, taking a quick break with the newspaper. He saw her come and and as soon as she turned her back on him, he barked at her. He was one of the mean ones. Male and eighteen and clearly the communist type, despite his role as a servant. At least what Bisgrave does keeps them in check, was something she’d overheard him say in the servants quarters. Them being her kind, them being the wealthy who were wrong. He relished humiliating Gillica and Penelope, finding any opportunity he could to take them leashed and in just diapers and sandals to the town. Never thought it’d come to this, up there in your villas, all high and mighty. Did you? Over and over again he’d make her respond. “Yes sir, I didn’t sir. But I’m glad sir. I need it sir. I was wrong sir. You were right sir. Whatever you say sir. This is my place sir. Humility is a lesson I still need to learn sir, and I appreciate your patience with me sir.” You will execute this duty with the appropriate humility and exuberance expected of you and expected of any woman truly committed towards putting their lives of crime behind them. “What are you doing, look at how much piss is in that thing,” he said, setting the newspaper down. Another servant, an older one, entered in from the kitchen, looked at Gillica, shrugged, and continued to the living corners. “What are you thinking? It seems like your disgusting ass likes it.” “I don’t like it, sir. I’m still learning responsibility sir.” “I think the cage is right for you then!” “I agree sir. I’m going to my place now.” Oh, how the little man enjoyed it. Boris was his name, and his teeth were still in braces and his hair was all mopped. She walked herself into the slave quarters, aiming herself for the cage. She wanted the cage. Earlier she thought to approach her day with a mind to minimize the amount she took the paddle, but now she hardly cared. She was so tired, and her cage was calling. Penelope could take an hour to filter down and wipe her pussy, and thus absolutely doom her from finishing even most of her chores, but at least her legs could rest. As she entered the quarters, something stirred next to her, and she saw that it was Penelope, on her back where she had been earlier. She was changing herself, and this time her diaper was far worse than Gillica’s. A pile of stained wipes grew to cover the open mess on the diaper. Gillica didn’t even flinch. This was life since the day they came for her, when she found herself with cold steel on her wrists, when Yara bricked herself because she knew she was going back. Penelope looked at her, and then returned to her work. Her neck craned down her navel to observe the work cleaning the shit off of her ass. There was nothing to say between either of them. “Don’t just fucking look at it, get in your cage and wait for me, you useless idiot.” Wordlessly, Gillica did as she was told. Even the thin mat and blanket felt comfortable on her aching muscles. She watched Penelope’s progress, knowing that the job of packing the dirty diaper up and bringing it to the disposal a few yards away would be her job. “Are you shitted?” “No,” Gillica answered. “Goddamn it,” Penelope answered. “You’re going to make me wipe your cooch all fucking day aren’t you?” Gillica didn’t answer. “You know. In four years. When I’m free of all this, I’m going to come and buy your ass off Bisgrave. You know I still have an estate, right? I’ll have enough if she’ll sell you. She’ll be tired of you by then. And then I’ll get back at your shitty ass. I’ll make it so miserable on you that you’ll finally learn to clench that wide open asshole you have.” Both of them were required to use their diapers. Penelope’s requirement was a legal one, a stipulation for all former occupants of Stenton prison who were still on parole. Parole was not a post-punishment phase, it was a reintroduction phase. Penelope had to exist in the world while being seen as the least of it, the base and mean denominator of all of Shamuria. If she tried to escape her new role in things, if she was ever found clothing herself more than ordered, or if she was found using a toilet, she’d risk trading her steel mesh cage for a concrete cell again. Some owners were lenient, Gillica heard. The top cop of Stenton was no-nonsense. Correctional did not mean forgiving. Gillica’s reasons were simpler. Finally, Penelope rolled herself off the table, a new fresh diaper taking the place of the old one. Gillica once again understood her queue to get to work removing the detritus of the old one, doing her best to avoid touching any of the shit that her fellow slave left behind. She balled up the diaper, taking care that all of the soiled wipes were contained within it. She used the tapes to wrap it into a ball, a technique she’d learned from countless prison guards ages ago. She carried it like nuclear waste over to the bin, stepped on the foot locker, and deposited on top of her and Penelope’s overnight briefs. Then she washed her hands in the bin, and began to undo her gown, while Penelope re-did her own. On the table once again, Penelope stood over her and got to work. Gillica felt the tapes of her PGV3000 come undone, exposing her pussy once again to the brick walls of the humble slave quarters. She tried to relax on the slab of the table, lowering her head and letting Penelope’s grunts and taps instruct her on whether to raise her legs or lower them. Just then, the door opened. It could only be a servant, and Penelope dropped the cold wet cloth she had been drawing through Gillica’s buttocks to face the door at attention. Gillica turned her head on the slab to see who it was, but she did not feel that, in this position, her movement was required unless it was Bisgrave herself. And Bisgrave herself never came down here. Instead, it was Boris. The shimmering of his braces flickered through his smile. His coarse orange hair was unkempt, and if Densen Polliver found him he’d order him into his quarters to comb it. He probably already had, but it was a losing battle. Boris’s hair was as untameable as he was. “Got bad news for you idiots,” he said. “Penelope. The domo just came by, and I told the domo that I caught you taking a dump in the Opiante room. He’s very displeased.” “Did you tell him that I was profusely sorry, and the need came over me and I couldn’t get out of the sacred room in time?” “You know he doesn’t care. He expects more out of his slave-one.” Gillica could feel the rage coming through Penelope, a quivering anger that threatened to rise up from her ankles into a fighter’s stance that would culminate in a savage punch to Boris’s askance teeth. And a trip back to Stenton prison, should she actually punch, and stripped of the small rights she had over Gillica, no matter how she begrudged them, and the cruel inevitability of the dock. What was more, Penelope had obviously tried to shit herself in the Opiante room on purpose, as a sign of disrespect. Gillica could see right through it, and could see that Penelope’s rage was half-directed at herself and the fury that her act of defiance had ended in capture. No room codified the brilliant patriotism and public service of the Bisgrave genealogy than the Opiante room. It was a room Gillica had heard of, and an event Gillica was very familiar with, long before her life changed and they came for her. The pride and joy of the Bisgrave family, the Bisgrave estate, and the Manse itself. At least when Gillica was caught soiled in there, there was the defense that she couldn’t do much about it. Penelope had no such defense. “I’m sorry sir,” Penelope said. She hid her anger well, but Gillica had known Penelope longer than Boris did. They’d overlapped at Stenton Prison, and Gillica knew the stance and tone of someone obeying a haughty guard. “I will accept whatever the majordomo deems necessary to correct my behavior.” “He said to cage yourself.” “I will do it gladly and await his further instruction, sir,” Penelope said. She turned briefly toward the cage, and then stopped. “Sir, should I finish changing slave-two?” Boris’s face expanded into a wide grin. He looked at Penelope, and stared at her from sandals to bonnet. “No, slave-one. The domo made it clear that your caging should be interrupted for nothing. I’ll finish with Gillica,” he said. The room was silent for a moment. The quivering anger that Gillica had observed in the twitching of Penelope’s calves, in the sway of the inches-deep padding of Penelope’s pristine white diaper, gave away. The anger was displaced by a stunned stiffness, stunned, like a small rodent paralyzed as the wheels of a mighty vehicle bear down upon it. Gillica’s pussy felt cold there on the slab. “Yes sir,” was all Penelope could say. She said it stiffly, and she didn’t look at Gillica. Instead she turned on a heel, exposing her diaper to the two of them, and walked toward her cage. Gillica could tell it took all of Penelope’s effort to hold her head high. Boris watched her go into her cage, and then stepped forward and found the key on a loop on the wall, and addressed the lock. Penelope was on her knees, her head bowed, her eyes staring blank out at the door to the slave quarters, as if hoping that by somehow watching, Densen Polliver would not arrive. “And you,” Boris said, coming closer to the slab that Gillica still laid on. “How far along in this change are you?” “Slave-one just started, sir,” she said, to the scruffy-headed eighteen year-old. “Alright,” he said. He looked over her nakedness like a starving man viewed a five-course meal. If it was left to the servants to deal with Gillica’s diapering, it was generally one of the older, more established ones. Never in his short tenure had it fallen to Boris, the newest and youngest of the group. Gillica wondered if he’d ever touched a vagina, or touched a woman at all. He seemed to know how it went, though. He found the wipes and got to work. He was not mindful of their coldness against Gillica’s skin. To his credit, he did not linger on her pussy, as she expected (and would have tolerated, no, would have enjoyed). Penelope treated her sex as if it were poisonous, even though Gillica knew for sure that Penelope had succumbed to the allure of tenderness during her incarceration. Gillica had no aspersions that her piss-covered pussy was romantic. She tried not to think about love at all, anymore, but sex was hard-coded into her body. The only way men touched her anymore was on a changing table, and her mind had learned enough to crave it. Even if the guards had discovered her sharing many cots in lockup, searching for the same tenderness that Penelope had sought, it was men she wanted, and it was changing tables where men found her. Even eighteen year old servants like Boris. “I always wondered why you chose this,” he said as he wiped the piss off her groin. “You’re not under threat of prison anymore,” he said. There were many answers to that. But Boris supplied his own. He took a wipe and held it up, showing to Gillica that there was more than pee, but less than poop on it. “Now I understand,” he said. Yes, you dolt. At least you know the difference between a pissed on pussy and a moist one. And no. It’s not for you. It’s just that your hand is male. You’re not Penelope, that’s all. And it’s certainly not why I swear myself to Attorney General Angelina Bisgrave! But she could do nothing but mutter a ‘yes sir,’ to him. It was a damn shame that she could not for a moment relish the cowing of Penelope before stumbling further into her own humiliation. She tried to distract her mind as her legs went in the air and he dealt with her asshole. Penelope. Penelope is in for it. Maybe I’ll be wiping her ass again, as it was for the short while after she arrived, until she stole that job from me. Maybe the shoe was soon to be on the other foot. Maybe her station was rising in the Manse. It didn’t matter if where you rose wasn’t high, it did matter if where your rose was as high as you deserved to go. There was something to be said for that. “You’re not out of the woods either,” Boris said, finding a fresh diaper for her. His words crushed her out of her brief reverie, and back into the disgusted awareness that his motions on her privates felt good. “You cleaned the windows, didn’t you?” If there was anything that could dry her pussy up, it was that question. She would have squirted for the mop-headed fool if it meant he could never have asked it. “Yes sir,” he said. “Well unfortunately, you’re going to have to do it again. You left streaks, big ones, on every window.” “I understand sir,” she said. Streaks, what streaks! Was this a joke? Her muscles cried out in rebellion. Cage, I just want to crawl into my cage. I thought it was going to be just me and my nice little cage! “The mistress herself came back in her car and was outraged. All of the servants will have to work extra hard to pick up the slack from the both of you. She wants you to give the windows another shot, and if she isn’t pleased the second time when she personally inspects them…” Boris shined his braces once again. This time, his fingers did linger as he spread lotion on her crotch. She felt herself moisten again. Felt his strength and imagined his cock. It had been so long since she’d felt a cock go inside her. She didn’t care who owned the next cock, she’d fuck it if she had a chance. But to feel like this in this context was torture. “Yes sir,” she muttered, again. “I will do the windows again, and accept the Mistress’s judgment,” she said. All she felt was a warm, rushing sensation. A pooling, trickling, splashing one. Boris yelped and stepped back in surprise. Gillica sat up to see a fountain of piss exiting herself onto the opened and formerly dry diaper that Boris had been preparing for her. “Disgusting, pathetic. Idiot. I can’t believe this happened to me on my first time!” Boris said, examining his shirt to see if she’d gotten pee on it. He continued to inspect himself, cursing and sputtering under his breath every time he found her urine on his servant’s uniform. Gillica laid down her head on the slab once again. There was no winning. This became easier to handle once you accepted that you’d already been defeated.
  6. To Mary, who sat suckling her thumb in her newest prison, life seemed simple. you listened to the higher classes of furries, and obeyed when they gave orders, so you got food pleasure warmth and shelter. It was a good life she had, with her master Phillip, but he had been ordered to move nearer to the northern Lights alliance, rather than stay In Unityia. ANd Mary couldn't go with him. so as his property, she was part of the estate sale. She sat, listening to the market bustle around her, and tried to breathe softly, easily, calmly. Phillip had been so kind, he had changed her diapers as soon as she had wet them and he only required her to mess her diapers in the night...during the day, in his usual lenient manner, he had allowed her to actually use a bathroom for her messy accidents. But this market around her brought down the realization that she was, in fact, a diaper slave. just a little fox in her diapers. She knew better than to talk to the Market manager, she would be punished. she was supposed to act like any of the other possessions, like the couch or the range, silent and useful. Mary could see a woman across the yard from her, a tall panther, who had been pointing at Mary and talking to one of the market directors for over half of an hour. Mary turned away from her, trying to wiggle her bum at some of the nicer looking people, old men who she didn't think could spank her if they tried, and young women with children, who knew what it was like to have real babies. but none of them looked at her seriously. she didn't know how much she was being sold for, but it must have been high. according to her slaves' contract, it should make her proud that it was so high. But mary had never been good at Being a Diaper slave. The Panther woman continued to haggle, as a storm cloud moved in. the tents set up over the soft items like couches and painting would keep them dry, but Mary was considered waterproof. She only wished that her diaper knew that. as the soft rain started to hit her skin she enjoyed the cooling effects after yesterday's summer heat. it was hard sometimes to look as cute as she was supposed to, but that made some people drool even harder. her thoughts were interrupted as the door to her cage opened. two strong arms pulled her out, and presented her to the Pather woman. Mary spoke first "Hello Ma'am, are you purchasing me?" The panther smiled and nodded her head "Yes, little fox, I am. but first we need to test your obedience. tell me, how long have you been a slave?" "fifteen years ma'am. I was sold when I was six" Mary responded, shifting uncomfortably on the hard market tiles, slid with rain. annoyingly, her diaper was starting to sag with the water weight. The panther nodded, then looked at her notes. "Unfortunately, it looks as if Sit Westburton, Your master Phillip, and previous daddy, was rather as laxidasicle with your training as he was with his militia and his finance. so let's test this, shall we? As your first order, I want you to fill that diaper for mommy. immediately" Mary blushed as she moved from a kneeling, to a squatting position. the pee came first, hot and fast, hissing into the front of her diaper, making it sag and discolor. the mess was harder, she pushed, and it slowly came out, pushing into the seat of her diaper, forming a solid, squishy mass as her diaper ballooned out. Mary was panting like a dog, her long foxes tounge loolling out. her conditioning making the diaper filing a highly erotic and stimulating experience. as her diaper continued to sag and discolor, the Panther shamelessly began to rub her own clot from the outside of her pencil skirt. it was one of the perks of being an alpha, since the change had taken place. that kind of behavior was outlawed in lower slave castes, and certainly would have never been allowed in The pre-change Human society. Mary moaned as she tried to push out any more, but there was none left to evacuate, and the panther walked around behind her, gently bouncing the mess in mary's diaper up and down with the toe of her high heels. "I'll take her for the price we agreed upon, and her entire Nursery stock. around how many diapers did her has in reserve, and what condition..." Mary stopped listening as the panther absent-mindedly handed her a vibrating wand, and gestured towards Mary's bulging crotch. mary HATED to pleasure herself while she was messy. but..but.. she couldn't disobey her new mistress/mommy, not on the very first day! So she pressed the head of the wand against her wet padding, moaning openly as she went up and down with it, groaning as her hips bucked, and inwardly screaming at herself for enjoying it so much. as she climaxed, she fainted into the arms of one of the guards. as her eyes were covered by darkness and she fell into sleep, the panther woman squatted down and said "good girl"
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