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  1. When I was little, babies and bedwetters often had a rubber sheet on the bed, usually a smooth ivory one like BABYKINS sells that covered the whole matress and had a very distinctive smell. We had one the last of which I saw was in the mid 1970's; it was never put on my bed, though. Also there ware those in shades of brown that had no stretchiness and had "pebbled" finishes. This was in addition to "diapers and rubber panties" Sometimes you would be threatened with being made to sleep right on the rubber sheet. Or, if Mama did not wish to have to change and wash the bottom sheets "all the time: Water is expensive [this was 10-15 years after the Depression, before fitted mattress covers,dryers were common and wrinkle-free fabrics] and I have work to do", she would put a smaller rubber sheet over the bottom sheet across the bed where your hips were or would put you to bed right on the rubber sheet. If your rubber panties let any of the wet onto the sheet, she would wipe it off or damp-wipe it and let the sheet air-dry as part of "airing out" the bed If you really had a problem and got the top sheet wet or she was "fed up with your antics [read 'laziness']", (rare) there would be a rubber top sheet And you did not want Mama telling anyone that you sleep on a rubber sheet or worse, between rubber sheets, Especially if you were a boy (as if little girls did not have any feelings)
  2. In the 1950's and '60's, it was not uncommon for a bedwetter to have to sleep right on the rubber sheet. Some parents thought that this would save having to wash sheets and that if the wetter slept right on the rubber sheet, smelling it and feeling it on her body, it would speed up nighttime training or even if the wetter could not help it, it would save time, work and money not having to xlean a bottom sheet since any pee could simply be wiped away with a damp cloth or sponge and that spot would air dry quickly
  3. https://www.babykins.com/products/rubber-sheeting At one tine, even as late as 1968, but mostly before 1958, the rubber sheet was the most used mattress protector for cribs and beds. This was so much a part of things that it was just presumed to go along with diapers and rubber panties as a unit. There were basically 3 kinds. a small brown one with a kind of pebbled surface that was not stretchy, a thin one of small size that was a kind of ivory with a hint of gray and a light ivory one that gave full mattress coverage. This last was more ubiquitous in the US, while, in Britain, it was a red one that is most well known. In the 1958 manual on what to do in case we were attacked. You were recommended to keep a good supply of this kind of rubber sheeting. This classic baby/bedwetter item that filled any 5, 6, 7 or 8 year old with dread, is what is sold by Babykins. It is 54" wide and sold in sizes 1 or 3 yds. However, there is a downside.If you order multiples, like say, two 3's and on 1, what you get is a sigle piece that is the total of what you order, in this case, 7 yards. It is up to you to have it cut into pieces the size that you wnat. However. This is the relatively thick light ivory material and is the same 13 gauge rubber that they make the panties with. So if you like the rubber panties, you will like this. When washed, which all things like this should be before use it does giet that iconic baby-room smell that a little girl or boy would try desparately to hide. This is the only such material that I have been able to find in full-coverage size. A- It could be much smoother
  4. For quite awhile it seems that Babykins was not selling rubber sheetin I inquired by email today and was told that they are I have yet to buy any but that will be done by the end of the week You can get at it be going to the searchbar and typing in "rubber sheet" Here are the stats on it "Premium medical grade 13 gauge 54" wide rubber sheeting made in the USA. Available in 1 and 3 yard pieces. Same rubber as our white rubber pants." I amputting this in Scoop the Poop as I intend to do the revuew in Products for RUBBERR PANTIES'R'US
  5. I got the 14 gauge ivory smooth rubber sheets from Babykins a fiew years ago. Now I need some new ones. One two metre and one 3 yd both by 56" or wider, 60" would be great for a ful bed or if you wish to tuck it in reaaly well, if you can get it. However I am told they no longer sell it by the yard/metre. That is a shame. NOTHING goes with cloth diapers and rubber panties better than the old-syle ivory full-coverage rubber sheets that had that classic smell. I am calling on all AB friendly vendors to see if they can get that material at a decent price. JK also had the same material in ivory, yellow blue and a littlek-girl pink
  6. I was recently at the Babykins site looking for rubber sheeting and found nothing, I was in the bedding dept
  7. As an adjunct to http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?showtopic=47519&hl= How many of you sleep or, as a baby or little, slept, directly on the rubber sheet or between two of them? This comes up because at one of the places I used to stay overnight and was diapered, I slept in the same bed as one of the girls and she was a bedwetter. Since I was diapered, it made sense to have us both in a bed with a rubber sheet. Since her mother did nto wish to have to deal with wet bedding, we both slept directly on the rubber sheet, which could be damp-wiped in the morning and disted with a thin layer of baby powder to keep it from getting sticky during the night
  8. BABYKINS RUBBER SHEET Babykins Products 8171 Seafair Dr RICHMOND, British Columbia, Canada V7C 1X3 665-BABY (2229) http://www.babykins.com ITEM: Rubber Sheet MATERIAL: Thick Smooth Rubber about 15 "guage" MEASUREMENTS: Sold in two sizes 2 yards and 3 yards, both 60" wide NOISE: RATING (with 10 being a rustle/crinkle fest fantasy). 5 COLORS: light ivory ; RATING: 10 PRICE: 2 yd @ $40 + $12 s/h. 3 yds @ $60 + $20 s/h PAYMENT: PayPal COMMENTS (LOOK & FEEL etc): As with panties, "babyishness" is often an issue here, for good or ill. There are 3 "classic" rubber sheets. 1. A thick light ivory, 2. a thinner light ivory with a touch of gray. They were stretchy, had a smooth finish and that familiar "rubber sheet" smell that was part of the baby's world and could fill a room. These were the ones that little ones dreaded being put on their beds and were a big part of the whole "diaper and rubber panty" thing. 3. a burnt sienna or dark brown one that had a kind of pebbled finish and was not stretchy. Sometimes, quite often, because it was easier to wipe any wet spots off the sheet than to deal with a bottom sheet. children would sleep right on the rubber sheet, dusted with baby powder, and the bed would be damp-wiped of any wet spots if need be and "aired out" in the morning before being made. Mostly, though a bottom sheet was put over this and sometimes a "draw shee" put under the sleeper Well the Babykins rubber sheet is that big light ivory rubber sheet. a pure classic and right at home for serious protection or as part of a chastizement regimen. The smaller one can be used as a draw sheet or put in bed with "baby" "just to remind her". Once you do the break-in washing and let it air out, it has that classic rubber sheet smell, just like the Babykins rubber panties to which it is quite similar and a good companion in a wetting control system. As such it is quite sturdy and durable. It makes an excellent item to put on the floor for playing or just sitting RATING: depending on your taste. 10: Reccomended for both usefulness and "babyishness"
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