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  1. ? Matilda the Bear By Horatio Husky Commission for ArtMckinley Chapter I. Matilda inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as the night air of the forest filled her spirit lungs and nostrils with a sweet, damp scent. The leaves and branches crunched satisfyingly underneath her large foot paws as she walked along her usual midnight stroll, the bottom of her dress billowing beneath her but above the dew covered grass, keeping itself away from its moisture. The being had dressed herself in a maternal looking apron on top of her dress, resembling the image of a motherly caretaker from decades past. She always had a habit of taking a while to catch up to modern fashions, and enjoyed staying a little behind in the times. Her figure was still intimidating despite her motherly appearance, long brown hair, a towering height of well over seven feet, and as with most females bear spirits she bore heavy set breasts and large arms and legs. As a spirit, however, she wasn’t bothered by her appearance, and fully embraced her largeness with a positive personality. Not to mention, she had other worries than how she looked. Her concerns were with the locals and their relation to the forest, keeping sure that each stayed where they belonged and didn’t bother each other too much. That’s when the car with its brights on and music blaring decided to park by the side of the road bordering the forest, her ears perked up, and she followed the source of the noise. Goodness me! If this is Tom again getting home late and drunk his wife isn’t the only one that is going to have strong words with him, she thought to herself annoyedly, remembering how one of the locals had a bad habit of drinking and driving, and how on multiple occasions she had to nurse him back to health herself. The distinct smell of booze was in the air as she approached, her sensitive nostrils picking up a few other choice scents as she drew closer. Are those teenagers out again sleeping with each other away from their parents? Goodness me the youth today truly are shameless! At last she stood next to the car by the passenger side window, she leaned over and peeked inside. Much to her horror, the scene before her was uglier than any she had seen before. Covered in sweat and runny make-up a girl who looked to be in her early twenties lay in the driver’s seat, her breath reeking of alcohol as she moaned to herself loudly, her right hand stuck in the front of her pants working its way in and out of what Matilda presumed to be her unspeakables. Several black highlights were present in her dirty blonde hair, and she was clad in what was in Matilda’s opinion, “Scant, modern rags.” “What do you think you’re doing, young lady? Do you know what time it is? And goodness gracious, do you have any idea how naughty this behavior is! Drunk and touching yourself in the middle of the forest, tsk tsk. You do know that it's a school night and the squirrel kids have to be up bright and early to go to their nut-gathering classes! And don’t even get me started on the birds and worms!” The young woman started at first, turning to gaze at the forest spirit and narrowing her eyes, having difficulty focusing on her blacked out state. Suddenly comprehension dawned on her incapacitated state of mind, and she let out a yelp. “BEAR! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP THERE’S A BEAR OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!” She fumbled with her keys to get them into the ignition, but Matilda was too quick for her. “You’re not going anywhere tonight young lady, you’re coming with me!” Before she realized what was happening, the bear had walked around the front of the car, opened the driver’s seat, and gently extricated the young lady from her car. Cradling her gently in her arms, she entered into a brisk walk back into the forest towards her home, the young lady blinking and trying to come to her senses while the world spun around her. “L-let me go! I don’t want to be eaten! W-why are you talking anyway… What are you… You’re a bear!” The young woman’s words slurred, which only added to Matilda’s disapproval, “Your behavior is absolutely inappropriate, young lady, a fine thing such as yourself has so much more potential in this world. Ladies like you should be in school learning to make the world a better place, not ravaging through drink and self-indulgence! And if not school you should be finding yourself a husband or wife! This really doesn’t suit you.” The young woman was now utterly confused. Why is this bear talking to me like she’s my mom? Did somebody slip something into my drink and now I’m hallucinating? Before long the party of two had arrived at Matilda’s cottage, a humble looking abode with smoke coming out of a chimney in the back and a comfortable looking porch in the front. “Let’s get you cleaned up now and perhaps something warm in your stomach, if it can handle it. How does that sound, kitten?” ‘Kitten’ blinked her eyes, unable to believe what she was seeing. The inside of the cottage looked nothing like she expected it too. They hadn’t entered a one room building like she expected, but they were now standing in the front hallway of what looked to be quite a large house. As her blurry vision cleared slightly, she saw a staircase leading up to a second floor, and several rooms connecting to each other on the first floor including a kitchen, living room, and what she presumed to be a dining room. “How… What… Wh-” “Hush now dearest, we need to get you cleaned up and in your crib! It’s way past your bed-time.” The young lady was now utterly confused, and almost completely convinced that what she was experiencing was either a hallucination or a drunkenly induced dream. “I’m never drinking again…” she muttered to herself, rather unconvincingly. “Well that’s a start at least! There’s plenty of other things I’ll be training out of you, but that's the one that’s definitely near the top of the list!” After wiping her foot-paws on the rug near the front of the door and locking the door behind her, the bear carried her charge up the stairs of her home and turned a corner, leading them into a white, spacious bathroom. Patterns of smiling ducks, sailors, and beach animals decorated the walls, and a large bathtub in the corner decorated the interior of the bathroom space. Before she had time to marvel at how clean and pristine the bear kept the place looking, Kitten found the bear was now tugging at her clothing, stripping her down naked. “What are you doing!? D-don’t take my clothes off!” The bear stopped for a moment, a patient expression on her muzzle as she set the girl down on the counter. Adopting a chiding tone, she explained, “Now now little one, I can’t get you cleaned up if you’re still wearing all this icky clothing! Not to mention they’re not fit for somebody as pretty as you. Be good now!” She shook her head, still protesting, “Stop touching my clothes you stupid bitch, I told you I didn’t want your help!” Suddenly the world shifted and turned almost upside down. Before she knew it, she was lying stomach down in the bear’s lap. “What are you- OWW!” Whap! went Matilda’s paw as she spanked her charge’s now exposed behind. She cried out, much to her own surprise as tears poured down her cheeks. Matilda tutted under her breath and continued to rhythmically deliver punishment onto her kitten’s behind. “Now look what I have to do, I don’t like giving spankings but you have simply given me no choice. I bet your mother would not approve of the potty mouth that you have developed either!” At this point the girl was now sobbing, snot coming out of her nostrils as the tears further smudged her already spread make-up. Matilda’s ears perked up, as she heard the human mutter and babble out what sounded like a pitiful apology. She quirked an eyebrow, and paused a little longer before she delivered the next smack on the quickly reddening cheeks of her charge. Well that was quick… She seems to be pretty malleable in this state… Hmm… Perhaps…? Speaking in a clear voice, she paused after her 19th spank and addressed the pitiful looking girl in her lap in an authoritative tone. “Now then, are you going to be speaking like that to Mama Bear ever again? Or do I have to show you more of what girls with potty mouths get?” Practically blubbering, the young woman shook her head and managed to stammer out, “N-no… I’m not going to s-speak like that to you again… P-promise!” She spoke, her words intermixed with hiccups and shaking sobs. Matilda realized that she was barely lucid as she lay completely still and limp in her lap, unable to resist the punishment that she had been delivering on her bare behind. She continued, maintaining the same dominating tone of voice as she further chastised, “I thought so! Drinking and touching yourself and staying out late at night, not to mention driving under the influence! You’ve been a very, very naughty girl and you’re going to get even more spanking if you keep this up! You’re lucky I’m letting you off tonight because you’re tired and probably are in great need of a bath and a good night’s sleep! Are you going to behave for me while I clean you up, young lady?” Nodding emphatically, the girl continued to sob and pant in Matilda’s lap. Matilda gently lifted her charge up and laid her head against her shoulder, standing up and supporting her underneath her bottom as she did so. “Now then, let’s get you cleaned up shall we?” Gently carrying her over to the bathtub she deposited her inside, turning the water on and tugging off the young woman’s shirt, the last of the clothing that she had been wearing. “Now, what should we call you?” Matilda mused to herself out loud, as she turned on the warm water and adjusted the girl’s body into a rough sitting position, pouring some shampoo into the water as it began to rise up around her legs. “Hmm… I think Annie would suit you quite nicely, don’t you think so dear?” Annie’s eyes fluttered in response, and she groaned softly, her brow furrowing in a contorted, pained expression. A second trickle sounded in the air, and Matilda quickly realized that her blacked out charge was now adding her own urine to the bathwater. “Goodness me! It’s a good thing we got you in the bath before you soiled yourself! We’re going to have to do something about that if you’re going to be sleeping on my bed sheets! Now, I should still have the nursery set up.” Turning off the faucets she drained the bath before turning on the hot water once more. Retrieving a large rag she dipped it into the steaming water and started to gently wash the girl’s body, holding her various limbs and taking great care that her washing felt soft and gentle. The bear began to hum a tune under her breath as she worked away, speaking softly and cooing over Annie as she washed the make-up from her face and dabbed at her sensitive bits, ensuring that she was clean from top to bottom. “That should do it, all squeaky clean! Let’s get you dried then.” She turned off the water and pulled the plug, letting the bathwater and soap suds swirl away as she picked Annie up and out of the tub, laying her down on a towel she had spread on the bathroom floor. Annie could barely comprehend what was happening to her as Matilda ruffled her short, tomboyish hair in a towel and wrapped her up in the one she was laying on. Satisfied that she was dry, the bear scooped her up, still wrapped in the towel and carried her out of the bathroom. Walking down the hallway she took a left before she entered a room that Annie thought must have been a figment of her imagination. It looked like a regular nursery, except every piece of furniture, toys, and even the diapers beneath the changing table seemed to be oversized. Annie blinked twice, her vision still blurry, and a singular thought bubbled up to the surface of her drunken mind, “I crashed my car, hit my head, and now I’m seeing things…”
  2. "You can't be serious, I can't work with him!" I yelled at my teacher. "Look, Eric, I know it sucks but what do you want from me?" the teacher asked. "You both were absent yesterday when the class picked partners." "But I was sick!" I yelled at him "that dumbass probably just skipped school again. Why should my grade be hurt because of that!" "Mr.Ward, I would appreciate it if you didn't use that type of language around me." my teacher told me. "And I'm sorry, but I can't make any exceptions. Now you can either discuss what you have to do with Mr.Allen or your grade will suffer." I'm just beyond pissed as I leave the school. Why did this fucking have to happen to me! My name is Eric Ward. I'm 16 and currently about to be sent to military school. Why? Well like a dumbass I decided to fuck around my last few years of school and barely passing any of my classes. Because of that, my dad thought it might be best to send me to military school. But my dad wanted to be fair with me. I could either get my grade up and pass this year with all B's to make up for my previous bad grades, or go to military school. And wouldn't you fucking guess, my teacher decides to have a class project worth 1/4th of our grade and we have to do it with a partner. My partner, as funny as it may sound, if a fucking wannabe punk! The stereotypical bad boy punk. The type of guy you find hanging around other dumbass's with nothing going on in their lives who spend most of their time hanging out and smoking or getting drunk. With nothing left to do, I figured it I might as well go find him and tell him what's going on. I know for a fact that he's somewhere at the school because I saw him around lunch however he still didn't go to any of his classes. As typical as it might sound I found him behind the school's gym smoking with his friends. "Hey, Steve!" I yell to my partner a few feet away from him and his friends. They all turn to look at me. I could see Steve in the middle of them. His hair was all messed up, and his clothes looked like they were worn for at least the last 3 days. But instead of Steve coming over to talk to me, two of his friends did. "What do you want?" one of them asked me. "I just want to talk to Steve. It's about our class project." I told them. The two of them just laughed. "Just beat it, he doesn't want to deal with any of that stupid shit." the same guy told me. "Ya, when has school ever actually helped someone." the other guy said as they started to turn around and head back to there group. "Hey wait I need…" I tried to say until one of the guys punched me in the chest hard! "We said beat it or well kick your fucking ass." the guy told me. My chest hurt and I had no doubt that all together I would definitely get my ass kicked. I take one last look at Steve before I walk away. I tried to rub the pain away from my chest as I heard the thugs just laughing at me. But I wasn't going to give up that easily. No, if I wanted to avoid military school then I needed to talk to Steve alone. So I for the rest of the day I followed Steve and his friends everywhere. The first thing they did was go to the closest gas station and somehow got themselves a pack of cigarettes. Next they went around all over town meeting with random strangers, getting certain things, and finally stopped at someone's house. I had to keep myself well hidden for nearly 2 hours before I finally saw Steve stumble out of the house carrying 2 cans beer. "See you guys tomorrow!" he yelled to his friends as he stumbled his way down the sketchy street. I slowly followed him, trying to stay a little ways back. I jump and hide as I see Steve turn around, but when I look back I saw him leaning on a wall and sticking his hand into his mouth. Why? I then saw Steve begin to puke all over the ground! It was so disgusting I nearly puked. Once he was done he stood back up and started to walk like normal down the street. As I followed him I watched as Steve stopped one more time to hand over the 2 cans of beer he had to some homeless guy before walking away. Why the heck would he do that? I wondered. Finally, we reach the edge of the sketchy part of town and Steve walked over to a door. He pulled out a key and unlocked the door before he went inside. This must be his house. I took a good look at it and saw that it was a crappy small house. Probably only 2 rooms, if that. That's when I see a girl leave the house and Steve handing her some money. "Thanks again, see you tomorrow," she told him before she left and Steve closed the door. For a moment I was nervous as hell about walking up to the door to talk. But just the thought of military school calmed me down enough to finally knock. I waited for a little while and knocked again. Finally, the door opened a crack and Steve looked out. "Hu? What are you doing here?" Steve answered as he opened the door a little wider. At least he remembers me. "My name is Eric, we take English together." I told him. "Ok and?" Steve said. "What do you want?" "Our teacher gave us an assignment yesterday, but because I was sick and didn't come to school our teacher paired us up together," I told him. "I don't give a shit," Steve said as he shut the door in my face. That piece of shit. I knocked on the door again. And again. And finally slamming my fist on the door before Steve answered again. "WHAT!" he yelled at me. "Look, you might not care about that class but I do. This assignment is worth ¼ of our grade and I need to pass it." I told him. "I just said I don't give a shit," Steve told me as he tried to shut the door again but I blocked it with my foot. "Move your foot!" "Look, if I don't pass this class then I'm going to be sent to military school. So I don't care how long it takes I will keep coming back and annoying the hell out of you until you help." I told him. Steve just glared at me. It was at this moment I realized what I just did, I just threatened a thug how could possibly stab me at any moment. Steve finally opened the door and grabbed me by my shirt before he threw me inside his house. "Wow wow wow!" I yelled as I turned around and watched as Steve shut and locked his door before walking over to me and grabbing my shirt. "I'm going to make this clear, I don't want you coming here," he said as he pinned my body against his wall. "I don't give a shit if you have to go to military school or not. But if I see you hanging around here again I will personally…" "Steve?" a small voice asked. Both of our heads turned and I saw a little 4-year-old in pull ups rubbing her eyes as she looked at us. "Wat you doing?" the little girl asked. "N-nothing Daisy. We're just playing a little." Steve said as he let go of me and went over to the little girl. "It's bedtime now, we promise to keep it down." "O ta," Daisy said as she walked away. She was about to enter her room when she looked back at Steve. "Steve?" "Yes?" He asked. "When is mommy coming home?" the little girl asked. "Soon sweety, now go to bed while the big boys talk," Steve told the little girl who smiled at him and went into her room. "Little sister?" I asked. Suddenly Sive grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me in close. "Don't you fucking say a word!" Sive said in a harsh whisper.
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