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  1. Short Story Five seconds… Eyes wide, she shook her head, desperately pleading with the clock to speed up or to break or miraculously just disappear. Four… Tears burst from her eyes, dribbling down her cheeks mixed in with her running snot. It was supposed to be right this time, she was supposed to be free! She was a big girl! Really she was! If only she could just convince her. Now, crawling around the room, her bum wiggling in the air, she was aware of how ridiculous she looked. Hell, she was practically humping the carpet. Libby didn’t think she was going to make it. The potty sat over there against the wall- pink and sparkly and locked up with the stupid chain. Three seconds now. Her face crumpled, unable to stop the flow of tears as she pleaded to whatever God up there not to let her fail. If she could hold it just a few more seconds then this would all be over. But Libby already knew it was too late. Having held it in since lunch, she drank from her bottle every hour like a good girl, gaining hundreds of streamers and bringing in the money acting like the little baby everyone wanted her to be. Three months, she had been stuck here in this oversized nursery fit for an adult sized baby. Sickeningly pink and filled to the brim with frilly outfits and dolls and toys, it would be an actual child’s dream room. However for her, it had quickly become a never-ending nightmare. Back in October, she’d seen the beautiful woman at the bar and Libby had been the hooker, just looking for an extra buck or two. Libby had spotted her a mile away, flashing her Cartier watch nursing a glass of red wine. Lean body, olive skin, and dark cascading hair… everything about her screamed money! Italian! At the time, she’d thought it strange how such a beautiful woman could be so alone. But that’s exactly what she’d been hoping for and Libby was been stupid enough to fall for her trap. Absolutely smashed off her face that night, easily she went home with her. They had sex, she demanded the money - which she almost got - but then she didn’t. With her panties on the ground, kneeling over her on all fours, the woman hadn’t even felt her bladder loosen until a warm pool of liquid had formed beneath the two of them. Surprisingly the woman wasn’t mad and that’s what confused her. Her comforter was probably worth hundreds by the looks of it. Libby told her to keep the money for the mess she’d caused, eager to get away, but the woman had had a different proposal- one, if she’d been in her right mind - would have turned down. Heck, she didn’t even know her name… and still didn’t. Now, staring at the timer, with one second left, it was all over. The floodgate opened. Starting with a few tiny dribbles, it just became heavier until she couldn’t even attempt to hold it in. She was so close! The timer went off and the camera blinked red, the invisible audience watching in silent anticipation. They could see her but she could not see them. Libby had become all too used to the feel of her hot piss splashing and filling up the absorbent padding. Squatting with her legs spread at the camera, it not only gave the best view to the viewers but was the most comfortable. This way it wouldn’t splash up her back or leak from the sides. It was embarrassing she even knew that but if she wanted to stay sane, the girl had to do whatever she could to survive. Now, hanging her head in shame, the sudden flood of dings throughout the room was music to her ears. It was the sound of money rolling in. People paying to see her debased and humiliated like this. Everyday there were different requests that people would pay hundreds, sometimes even thousands to see her do. If she was able to follow through, that meant treats were in order. However some tasks were meant to be impossible yet that didn’t mean she still didn’t try. Mommy promised once she paid back her debt for peeing in her bed and was able to go a whole day without wetting and messing her diaper, they could talk about letting her go. The girl welcomed the money and the embarrassment if it meant freedom in the end. But of course, once again, she’d failed. Libby knew though that she had, stupidly and drunkenly, agreed to this on her own free will. Who was she to complain? ooOoo “Muffin top, were you a good girl for Mommy and all of her friends?” It wasn’t even a moment later she heard the jingling of keys and the beeps of the code on the other side of the door. Mommy was always watching and waiting and ready to step in at every moment. She was a famous live-streamer, Libby had come to find out, and popular in the fetish world- was that even the right term to use? “Mommy!” She whined in a light and airy tone. Her voice had taken on a new timbre, becoming delicate, weak, young. She’d perfected the voice so much, always talking in it, she wasn’t even sure if she could go back to her old one. There were eyes and ears everywhere and she could not afford to break the role or else Mommy would tan her hide faster than she can blink. Lifting her arms, smiling painfully bright, she’d mastered just what the woman wanted and if she wanted to get out of this soaked diaper, she’d act her damn ass off. “Mommy wet!” She squealed. Popping the pink sparkly paci into her mouth from off the ground, suckling obediently, she didn’t fight the intruding fingers poking down the back and sides of her diaper. “Oh, yes you are! Was my little cupcake not able to hold her pee pee for the potty? You know you get potty time every several hours. You aren’t supposed to actually use your diapees, silly!” She bopped her on the nose. Her face burned red, stomach churning in humiliation at this beautiful woman dressed in a skin tight black dress and perfectly curled hair. Blue eyes sparkling in amusement, she knew exactly what she was thinking. Why would any beautiful woman like her go for a naked diapered adult baby who couldn't even hold in her own pee? Mommy called her Muffin Top because her belly was like a, well, muffin top, pooling over. It grew bigger everyday as did her thighs grow in thickness and face turn round. She used to be skinny. She used to have a body to kill for that any woman would chase after. Now? She was just her mommy’s little Muffin Top. What good would that get her in life? She couldn’t help the tears, as they started up once again and Mommy loved the tears. “Oh, baby,” she cooed, lifting her from the soft carpet cradled in her arms. Her hand cupped her bottom, every squeeze emitting a loud and wet squelch. “Mommy knows how hard it is trying to be a big girl but some people are meant to be little. Some people are meant to use their diapees and wait for their mommy for changes. Isn’t that right, baby?” “No!” She whined. “Big giwl! I, a big giwl!” With her face pressed against her large soft bosoms, in all honesty, she didn’t feel very big at the moment. Throwing a tantrum would get plenty of money from those watching (everyone loved a brat) but that’s not what she thought about. Turning and tossing her head, blonde pigtails swinging every way, Mommy could only giggle, watching the over-grown child prove her points exactly. Slapping her tender thigh, admiring the jiggle, immediately that caught the attention of the Little. Cringing at the painful sting, only then did she quiet down. “Answer me this baby.” She enquired. “Do big girls have tantrums? Do they wet themselves in a diaper? Do they crawl around naked suckling on a binky?” It was all rhetorical and the diapered girl had no rational response. “Since the baby has proven she’s too little to wait for the potty, I think it’s best she stays in diapers for the time being.” The only reason Libby could never hold in her pee pee was that she was always loaded up on bottles and mommy liked to change potty time and make her squirm. There were always some obstacles designed for her to fail. It just wasn’t fair! While she’d stupidly agreed to this, she felt herself begin to slip more and more everyday, forgetting that she’s not actually a baby. It was all pretend. Fake. She was an adult. Twenty-eight years old. College graduate. She did not need a stuffed elephant to help her fall asleep and she did not enjoy suckling on her strawberry flavored paci or getting dressed in pretty clothes with matching dolls with matching diapers. Don’t even get her started on the lack of control, putting on a show like a circus animal for thousands of internet people! “There’s no need for tears, sweetie.” A hand patted her back, bouncing her up and down. She suckled, quickly and rhymically taking too much comfort in the silicone object. “Now, you’ve gone tinkle but no stinkys! No diaper change is set without number one and number two, and by the size of your big belly,” she couldn’t help but jiggle her milk-filled pouch, “someone’s got a big poo to get out! Can you do that for mommy?” Did she even have a choice? The girl could only blink with tired eyes, her stomach actually feeling familiarly hard. “User Sissyboy and User Twinkletoes have bet five hundred dollars that little Libby can’t handle three enemas! Let’s see whose right, hmm? Can you go poo poo for mommy? For the streamers? Be a good girl, oh yes you can! You’re mommy’s stinky girl!” Placed on the changing table, her legs kicked out spastically. Involuntary laughter burst from her chest - high pitched giggles - as strawberries were blown on her pudgy tummy and Libby knew, at this rate she’d never be out of diapers. OoOoo A/N: I just thought I would post a short story in the meantime between writing the other stories. I know I’m so slow with updating so I just wanted to give a little something extra
  2. Hey everyone! So this is my first story. I am actually a barely popular ABDL artist and I post most of my art content here: Hottogurugan (Comms Open) (@hottogurugan) / Twitter I usually do normal ABDL art, and I've only recently gotten anywhere close to good, and I rarely post new stuff but I'm working on getting more output. I am also collabing on an abdl game with another artist. But that's not why I'm here. Though I mainly draw diaper girls, I have a huge soft spot for Md/Lb and femdom dynamics involving diapers. Women putting boys in their pampered place etc. etc. I just have never had an idea that struck me as something I wanted to draw. So as a fun experiment, and after brainstorming with some fellow ABDL/MDLB writers on tumblr, I decided to write down a story idea that has been sifting around in my head for at least two years or so. The idea is not entirely original. There is a CYOA on Writing.com called 'The Colony'. The premise was that a Communist Matriarchy had been established on some space station. The women ruled the station and kept all men in diapers. No man was allowed to be potty trained and all had to obey female authority. One of the story avenues let you be a young man who was headed off to college in this strange matriarchal society. Needless to say, I fell in love with the premise, and I even tried to contribute to it myself. However, I did not like how the collaborative CYOA provided zero narrative control to any individual author. I was fascinated with exploring the idea of this society, and following a young man as he broke out from his parents only to eventually find himself ensnared in the matriarchy's web and succumbing to the authority of a new 'mommy'. Some of the writing was of....... subpar quality. Some of the story routes had entries that seemed like purposeful derailments by trolls, one literally ends with an entry that simply reads, "??????????". Can't exactly go from there without disrupting the flow. The story is sporadically updated, but individual authors never seem to contribute more than once. I have tried to get in touch with the original author, but after two attempts at contact, and four years of no reply, I assume he has abandoned his account and the story itself. As such, I have decided that I would take the premise and write my own story based on it. In order to avoid plagiarism, I am completely changing the names of characters, places, and even making some of the few plot points presented in the original CYOA differently. I am only taking the premise, and my own rendition of the first part of one of the story avenues presented originally, beyond that, this is my own work. I simply wanted a creative avenue that was under my control in which I could explore the world set by such a premise, the people who live in it, and the ideology of the ruling matriarchy. I hope you all can enjoy my take on this premise, and I hope you all come along and follow me for what may be the first of possibly many stories. Disclaimer: The author of this work does not follow or endorse any of the ideologies described in this work of fiction. All mentions or opinions expressed in this work do not reflect the authors own opinions. The opinions of characters in the work do not reflect the author's, and only serve as vehicles to further the plot or help in characterization of the characters involved. This is erotic fiction first and foremost, none of the ideas represented are meant to be taken seriously or advocated for in the real world. Our story follows Raymond, a young man who finds himself attending university in a strange society where matriarchy is the ruling ideology. In this society, men are kept as partially infantilized adults with the legal rights of toddlers as they are cared for and commanded by an all-female elite. Raymond must navigate his way through this strange culture until he completes his pilots' certification, and he is determined to escape the society with his dignity and continence intact before the female web of the matriarchy fully ensnares him? Things become even more complicated when he meets the love of his life in this strange place. Will our hero escape or be made into a loyal pamper-packer at the behest of female authority? A Radical Equality Chapter 1: Arrival “I am not wearing that!” “You have no choice, it’s the law.” In the room stood three figures. Two women and one man. The man, an average student in his mid-20s, sat on a medical table in a brightly lit backroom resembling an examination room. A traveling case and a backpack lay at his feet. With his arms crossed, he glared defiantly at the two women who stood just barely above him. The two women were of different professions, both at least a decade older than the man. One was dressed as an office professional, her blouse had an emblem stitched to her left breast, with the word “IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS” embroidered just above. On the right breast, an ID card hung from a clip in her breast pocket. The other woman was a law officer, her faded navy-blue uniform barely disguised the silhouette of a Kevlar vest. The tools of her trade were clasped onto her duty belt. Her left boot tap-tapping in an annoyed cadence. Even those both women were physically smaller and less intimidating than the man, they stood as if they were the authorities. They gave off the impression of two stern schoolteachers trying to subdue an unruly toddler. In their minds, that was exactly what they were doing. “Listen, you can either be mature and wear the diaper or we can arrest you and have you deported.” Said the immigration woman. “Oh, and if you do decide on arrest, you’ll still get diapered. Prisoners don’t have potty privileges.” “But that’s ridiculous! I was never told I’d need to wear…. one of those.” The man replied. “The diapers? You said you were here on a student visa, right? Did you not read the rules required of males living on this planet?” In truth, the man had read the rule sheet, but he thought it was a joke. He also didn't even bother to do much research on where he was headed, otherwise, he would have known of the strange rules he would be subjected to, and the puffy garments that would replace his normal boxers. “I…. I read the rules.” He said, “I just thought it was a joke? Like, you can’t seriously require all men to wear those things, right?” “Diapers, and we do. It's one of the foundational pillars that our society rests on, and I am simply asking you to respect it, young sir." “Stop talking to me like I’m a kid!” “Stop acting like one then!” “I’m 21…” "That doesn't mean anything. Here, you're legally a child still. And with that attitude, you might as well be one!” The room fell to silence for a moment. She was right. He knew she was. He felt childish, being told by two authoritative women that he needed to put on a diaper. His cheeks were flushed red from the emotions he was feeling. Anger and embarrassment. Angry that he was so stupid to not take the pamphlet seriously and embarrassed at having to go through the ordeal. He found himself in this situation because he had no other choice. No other university accepted his application. He was intelligent, but a terrible student, and as such his grades were lackluster. He originally tried to make it as a dockworker on Earth's Intergalactic Trade Station, but after two years of that, he decided it wasn't the type of career he wanted. But being exposed to the spacecraft he unloaded cargo from, he got the idea that maybe being a space pilot might be a fun job to take. So, he decided to try his hand at one of the many credentialing institutions in Human space. The issue was, that only a select handful of institutions offered classes. Spacecraft piloting was necessary and high-in-demand profession, but companies were always particular about who could become a pilot, and a certification in a specific space quadrant meant where you got certified is where you would work. But none of the larger and well-known institutions would take him in on account of his lazy performance in high school. Until one day when he received a strange email from a university, he had never heard about. He didn’t remember much of the email, nor did he even try to pay much attention when he was reading it. All he remembered was something about “communist matriarchy”, “a particular way of life, and "revolutionary culture'. But he mostly paid attention to the "reduced board and tuition for off-planet male students" and the “Spacecraft license classes offered”. That’s what got him here, a college degree and at a cheaper cost somewhere away from his parents? He couldn’t pass it up. If only he had known, he might have held out for somewhere else before submitting his application. “I am going to ask you one more time.” Chimed in the office lady, breaking the silence. “Will you submit to a diapering, or will you continue to be fussy and require us to send you home?” The woman crossed her arms and looked at him with a stern expression, awaiting an answer. The policewoman’s tap-tapping increased in rhythm. The young man paused for a second, he wanted to say ‘just send me home! I’m going back to Earth.’ But his subconscious stopped him, he knew deep down that if he went back, he might not get another chance to get a certificate and license. Maybe, just maybe, he could cram courses as much as he could and get out as soon as possible. Maybe wearing diapers for a year or two wouldn't be so bad, was it? He didn't necessarily have to use said diapers, and this station was built from a prefab, so there had to be a men's room somewhere hidden away he could use. This was his chance, he had to take it. He took a deep breath and let his arms fall to his side. “Alright, I’ll wear the diaper.” He said, “I guess when in Rome.” The office woman’s expression changed from stern disapproval to a pleased smile. She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out some items before returning to the medical bench. “I’m glad to hear that you’re big enough to take the easy way, I was worried Miss Roland here was going to have to cuff you.” “I would prefer not to, makes my job easier when they behave.” Said the policewoman. "Oh, I bet it does. Alright, young man lay down on the bench and I'll get you changed." “Whoa, hold on. I can change myself just fine!” The stern and disappointed expression returned to the woman’s face. "I'm sorry, but in addition to having to wear diapers, you are also not allowed to change them yourself. Lay down on the medical bench and I’ll get you into your diaper.” “No way lady! That’s weird! I can put it on myself.” “Officer Roland please restrain him.” The man found himself being pushed down by the officer with more force than she had been able to use. She must be on enhancers. "What the- “he retorted as he fell back on the bench. Cop lady quickly restrained his left hand with a medical cuff, and the office woman quickly went around the other side and cuffed his right. They were quick from lots of practice with this exact scenario. With only his legs free, the young man began to squirm and lightly kick them about. “Hey, get me out of this! You can’t- “ “If you don’t stop moving your legs, we will have to restrain those too. Calm down and just let me change you!” “No! Let me out you bitch!” he cried back. “Suit yourself.” Immediately the women set about restraining his legs. The police officer had no issues restraining his leg, but the immigration lady needed help. But after a short struggle, his legs were restrained as well. He was about to let out another expletive but was interrupted by a soft, rubbery object being forcefully inserted into his mouth. “Spit that out and I’ll have to tie that around your head.” He wanted to spit it out but decided against further restraint. It was also somewhat soothing to have in. What was it exactly? The office woman began to make her way back to the cabinet while Officer Roland stared over the young man like a hawk. The Office lady returns with a pair of razor-scissors. “I’m sorry but since we had to restrain your legs, the only way to get your pants off for a diaper change is by cutting them up.” She then gave a quick snip-snip with the scissors. The young man didn’t want his pants cut up, but this was the fate he chose. He squirmed up until the point of the woman removing his belt and readying the scissors. He knew better than to be unsteady around those things. It took several cuts to get both sides of his pants undone. No longer held together with thread, the woman slid the pants out from underneath him, leaving him mostly exposed except for his underwear. The woman held up the scissors with a disgusted face after seeing his gray boxers. As if she were offended by being subjected to seeing them. She positioned the scissors to begin cutting the undergarment. “Now hold still, otherwise there will be a bad accident.” Saying that, she began to cut the boxers, both ends now lie open. She removes the underwear from underneath the young man, whose face goes beet red. Holding the underwear out, somewhat in disgust and curiosity. “Why do you off-world boys even wear these? They don’t offer any protection and they don’t look comfortable. If I left my boys in these, they’d make a mess all over my carpet.” She tosses the cut-up garment into a trash bin. “You won’t need those anymore mister.” She turns around to face her charge, with a wide grin on her face. “Are you ready for your first diaper mister grumpypants?” The tone of her voice and mood noticeably changed, as if a switch had been flipped in her hand. Or maybe to try and signal to him that he is now in her good graces. She wanted him in those diapers, not his big boy undies. She pulled out a bottle with lotion inside and squirted it onto her hands before rubbing them together. She went for his crotch, and he began to squirm in reaction to this strange lady rubbing his groin. “Stop squirming little guy, it’ll go faster if you stay still.” The woman was surprisingly professional about rubbing lotion on all of a man’s junk. The young man on the other hand was flustered as one could be. This was the first time a woman had ever given him the attention of this sort, and it was while he was restrained and trying to put him in a diaper. By the end of the lotion rubbing, he was a blushing, embarrassed mess and could barely come up with a thought. The woman retracted her hands and turned around to grab something else. Turning back to face the man she holds up a thick white object, which the man immediately recognized to be an unfolded diaper. The woman’s smile beamed at him, it was a happy smile, but he still found himself intimidated. “Time for your first diapering little boy!” Beamed the woman before unfolding the diaper. The unfolded diaper surprised the boy in just how large it was, it had to be as long as the woman’s torso, and it couldn’t have been less than half a foot wide in the middle. She slid the enormous underwear beneath him and adjusted its position under him. She pulled the front of the diaper over his crotch. “Shh, such a good boy for keeping still. I’m proud of you.” The woman cooed at him as if he were a toddler while she pulled the diaper's wings over the front. The tapes made a distinctive sound as they were secured onto the landing strip. The woman pulled back after the diaper was fastened onto the man. “All done! Good job for calming down, I bet you feel much happier now that you’re properly padded up, huh?” Cooed the woman, the cop on the other side of the bench gave a quick chuckle at the sight. The young man just sat in silence, too flustered from the events to react to anything. To him, the diaper felt bulky and soft, if tightly secured. It was surprisingly comfortable for what it was, felt almost like a pillow between his thighs. Both women began undoing his restraints, once his arms and legs were free the office woman helped him sit up on the bench and the police lady sat next to him. "Now I know you must be flustered by what occurred and feel like you've been punished enough. But your behavior from earlier is simply unacceptable. Around here you are to respect and obey female authorities, your little outburst is simply something you'll need to learn to control. I understand this is your first time on our planet, but you simply must learn to follow our rules if you wish to stay here. As such, to help you learn, Officer Roland here will administer a light spanking to you.” Her words were practiced and professional, she does this routinely. The young man was taken aback by her threat of a spanking. But before he could reply Officer Roland grabbed his hands and forced him over her lap. His thickly padded behind was now exposed prominently to the air. He popped the pacifier out of his mouth and yelled. “Let go of me!” He now couldn’t see the woman who had been administering his defeat for the past hour, but he could hear her tone change in her voice. “Sigh You just don’t learn to stay quiet, do you? Officer, how many spankings do you think are in order?" “I’d say at least 20 ma’am.” “Make it 30.” The young man began squirming and yelling in protest. 'This is an injustice!' he thought to himself. And he continued to writhe about. He felt another pacifier being inserted into his mouth and a strap tightening around his head. He could no longer vocalize his distaste for the actions being done to him. He feels a hand grab his chin and rotate his head. The office woman rotated his head, so their eyes meet. “Welcome to Estrea little boy.”
  3. I’m a 32 year old mommy to a 31 year old diaper lover. We are both new here looking for other mommies to share a caregiver evening with together. He introduced me to his love of diapers a few years ago and since then I’ve grown to love his diaper shakes, twerks to all my favorite songs. I love watching him grow in his diaper especially when he’s shaking his cute butt for me in his favorite diapers. Most of all I love that he likes to make me so proud by trying his bestest in everything diapers. Recently we’ve been wanting to share this fun with other mommy’s in our area and we’re hoping for a fun mommy’s night where we can give us all a little diaper strip tease, twerk and just have fun! We are looking for other mommy’s in the Edmonton area who enjoy diaper lovers and would want to share an evening of wine, dancing, and some fun laughs.
  4. Well, it's the beginning of a new year and since I always want to give me ABDL lovers exactly what they want, I wanted to ask you for video ideas. I have done this type of content for so long and I love it so much, but I feel like I have hit a roadblock of sorts. I always play the mommy domme role, anyone here want to give me any ideas? I love hearing from you and only you can give me the insight and knowledge. Every detail matters and nobody knows those details like you
  5. Chapter 1: Mommy's Brat It was late Tuesday night and Nathan was waiting patiently for Mommy to come put him to bed. Nathan was a little and usually regressed anywhere from 2-5, mostly on the lower side of that scale. He was 27 years old about 5'7ft, he is clean shaven with big beautiful brown eyes and short brown hair. His body type was more on the athletic side enough that he could catch a glance from any girl, That was until they noticed his Mommy checking his diaper. Nathan was a little bit of a brat when he wanted Mommy's attention and this time was no different. Behind his light blue paci a devilish grin appeared on his cheeky little face. Sat on the bed in his Lil' Monsters Onesie with his dark blue shortalls over it he gently sucked on his paci when an idea popped into his head. Hopping off of his bed he removed his shortalls and removed the tapes on his soaked diaper. Rolling up his soggy padding he slowly tip toed over to Mommy's dresser. In the dresser he found one of his last remaining pairs of big boy underwear, he was only allowed to wear these on special big boy occasions. Grabbing the pair of Pikachu boxers he set them on the bed so he could clean himself up. Not only is he not allowed to wear big boy undies with out permission , he is also not allowed to remove his diaper on his own. After wiping himself clean he began to slide the boxers on. Once he had them on he replaced his cute shortalls and strapped them up. Placing the diaper in the trash he returned to the bed playfully kicking his feet and sucking on his paci. Lexi shut off the shower her slender long legs stepping out, she began drying herself. Wrapping the towel around her petite body. Reaching for a hair brush she started working on her hair, she ran the brush through her long wavy brown hair taking a moment to admire herself in the mirror. She admired her perky A cup breasts, turning to the side a little to look at her toned bottom. Once she was nice and dry she bent down and slowly slipped on her black bikini style bottoms before sliding on her sexy black robe. Heading down the hall to the bedroom she reached the door and entered their bedroom “Hey Baby! Have you been a good little boy while Mommy was in the bath?” she asked softly. Nathan's cheeks turned a deep shade of red as they always do when he sees Mommy in her robe. “Yes Mommy!” he said not even trying to hide his cheeky little grin. Lexi walked over to the bed and playfully ruffled Nathan's hair. “Can you lay down for Mommy so she can change you bum before bed sweetie?” she said as she leaned in gently laying her baby back, this caused her robe to open slightly revealing her cleavage slightly. Laying back with Mommy's assistance he let out a little giggle thinking his plan was working, little did he realize Mommy's always know when their little's are up to something cheeky. One look at Nathan and she could tell something was missing under his shortalls. Gently removing the straps she slowly started sliding the shortalls off of him. Once she noticed the waist band of his boxers she looked at him with stern eyes. “My my my little one, what do we have here? You know your not supposed to be wearing these without Mommy's permission. What happened to your diaper Baby Boy?” “Um...um Mommy it disappeared I don't know what happened.” he said with a cheeky giggle “But look Mommy see I'm a big boy, I'm dry and everything see!”. Mommy looked at him sternly again “Oh? So you think your a big boy now? I don't think so little one why don't you let Mommy get you in a nice bedtime diaper?” she said in a stern Mommy tone. Nathan was loving every second of this interaction, little did he know Mommy had other plans . “No! Mommy I'm a big boy and big boys don't need diapers.” Nathan replied with sass. Lexi knew exactly what Nathan was up to, this was something he did when ever he felt deprived of attention so she already had a plan in mind. “ Oh is that so little one? Do big boys still wet their beds every night?” She asked very Matter of fact tone. “I don't do that Mommy! You just watch I could keep these dry all night cause that's what big boys do! Besides Mommy your the silly baby who still wears diapers.”. Lexi let out a soft chuckle and shook her head “Oh you silly baby your so confident so why don't you make a little bet with Mommy?”. The cheeky grin now bigger than ever on Nathan's face “Okay Mommy your on!” he replied. Patting Nathan's head she laughed again. “There is no taking that back little boy so be sure your listening to Mommy. You will wear your big boy undies to bed tonight since your such a big boy and since you say Mommy is such a baby you can diaper me tonight. However when you wake up wet in the morning and Mommy wakes up dry you will do exactly what Mommy says all day tomorrow. Now on the off chance you do wake up dry and Mommy wakes up wet it will be Mommy who has to listen all day. Do I make myself clear?”. Nathan's face was bright red he had got away with it or so he thought “Yes Mommy!” He said showing off his cheeky grin.
  6. #Post No. 122/ July 25, 2019 It is all in the books. It is. Trust me, I know most of them. Doing things seriously, with some scientific background is all you need for a happy life. Structure is key for anything to emerge. This is at the core of most contemporary scientific theories, be it in psychology, sociology, management, whatever. Most mommy doms, and as far as I am concerned most daddy doms, make adult baby play dependent on the needs of their partner. I mean much is all dependent on the needs of your partner, I guess, when he or she wants to be treated like a baby. But most make the mistake to let their babies decide when it is happening, where it is happening, how it is happening... If he/she has all the right to enforce the baby play, then it is somehow past the point, right? Being a mommy or daddy means that you make decisions and control whatever is happening. This is my firm belief: Being in a happy MDLB or DDLG relationship only works when both are involved to the extent that it is naturally given by the roles the respective partner takes. Can a baby make decisions? Well, no. Can a mommy make decisions? Hell yeah, it is what defines her role. It is as simple as that. Adhere to this simple thought and you create structure and this is the point where both of you are getting involved. Because mommies and daddies can explore aspects and sides of their babies who may not even have known themselves. Believe me: As soon as I took the role of a mommy seriously and as soon as I provided structure, things got really interesting for both of us. It became a dynamic which unfolds in our daily lives and offers new experiences every single day. I cannot stress enough how much I enjoy being part of this dynamic and how fascinating it is to explore when I push the limits of my boy in our regular plays. Speaking about pushing… I think this is what my baby boy just did in his Pampers… Gotta check before it smells – sorry for the short blog post this time, the next one will be longer, I promise. Stay structured. Talk to you soon. - Mommy Sarah #mdlb #ABDLstructure #scientificABDL -------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 “Alright, baby boy, say good night to everyone and then we get you tucked in”, my mommy says before putting out my pacifier and rushing me into the living room of our apartment. I mean, of course, my girlfriend says that but that doesn’t make it much better, right? Also, technically, it is my apartment, but let’s discuss that at some later point. The loud crinkling noise of my Tykables overnight, “hidden” under my childish looking pajamas, appears while I am being marched through the living room. Well, at least I can walk and do not have to crawl. “Good night, aunty Steff”, I say to my mommy’s older sister. “Good night, baby boy. Sleep tight and I am so excited that we go on vacation together tomorrow”, Stephanie smiles as she gently pads the backseat of my diaper. “Good night, Brad. See you tomorrow.”, I obediently say to Steff’s boyfriend, a few years older than my mommy, but still a few years younger than me. “Good night, Tom, see you tomorrow. I will make sure that the girls make their vacation plans not without us. You can count on me”, he replies, trying to sound as casual as possible and, thankfully, not making any attempts to pad my bum or make any other gestures to emphasize my infantile state. “Steff, can you open up another bottle of wine please? Take the white one in the fridge, I will tuck Tom in and be right back with you guys”, I hear mommy yelling into the living room, while she follows me in our bedroom. “Sure! But take your time. Brad and I will check Google Maps for the fastest route tomorrow.”, Steff yells back. “Besides, can we take Tom’s car four our trip? I think his BMW is the biggest one, right?” “Yes, sure… considering that his Pampers will take most of the space, it is only fair.”, Sarah yells back. “Or what do you think, baby?”, she asks me rhetorically. I nod my head in shame, still embarrassed by her speaking about this so openly. “Now get under your blankies, little one!”, Sarah commands as I crawl in the oversized crib that is positioned at the feet of the double-sized Boxspring bed that was originally meant to accommodate both of us. “Assume the position, Tommy.” Once I am in the crib, I lay on the stomach and, as expected by Sarah, I stretch out my arms and legs. Once Sarah got her hands under the blankies, I feel a few hard smacks on my hard tights. “Baby, I will repeat this only once. Assume the position”, I hear Sarah saying and I understand the resoluteness in her words. I obediently bend my legs and arms such that I lay there like an exhausted bug or, as intended by my mommy, like a newborn. “That is a very good baby”, I hear Sarah cooing while she checks my posture and fondles the backseat of my thick diaper. “You know, baby, it is very important that you keep this posture while you are asleep. I will check on you later. Now hush, I will go to the adults, ok? I will leave the door open a bit and we will be quiet ok?” “Yes, mommy”, I mumble through my pacifier. “Good night, baby boy, and I am so excited for going on vacation tomorrow. Sleep tight now.” “Good night mommy”, I respond well aware what she wants to hear from me. “Such a good boy you are. Mommy loves you. Now sleep tight, baby.” Sarah switches off the lights and leaves the room. Shortly after, I find myself sucking on my pacifier and looking through the bars of my crib. Some light from the hallway shines in the room and I can vaguely hear Sarah, Steff and Brad having a joyful conversation in our living room. Of course, Sarah will go to bed at some point, switching on the lights of the room and making some noise. But at that point, I will be deeply asleep because this is what I have been trained for. I cannot help but being amazed about this whole situation. An adult man, successful management consultant for tech companies, being diapered and tucked in by his girlfriend who he happens to call “mommy” and obeys anything she says… and, this may be important to note, I am 32 and she is 24 years old. Recalling that I just said good night to her sister and her boyfriend –he is 27 and he is 28 years old– visibly diapered and in my nighttime attire, sounds extreme and humiliating. And it certainly is. It is humiliating, actually. Trust me, this is way beyond what I expected to happen when Sarah and I together three years ago and I told her about my adult baby fetish. Don’t get me wrong here. Strictly speaking, I was never forced to do anything. In fact, I have let this happen all the way down because I have been enjoying every moment of our exotic relationship. But the thing is, this all happened gradually, one little step after another. But she kept pushing and eventually, this is the situation I am now in. To better understand this, you need to be aware of two crucial moves that Sarah, my mommy, made from early on. For one, after diapering me a few times, she started to insist that she was also able to be involved and discover her own fantasies. She said, quite literally, that she does not want to be object of my fetish but that she wants retain “subjectivity”, make her own decisions and bringing in her own ideas. This is when she started to grow into the mommy role because from one point to another, she was not listening to my desires but she developed hers as well. My desires were coupled with her actions, and by gradually intensifying our baby play, she kept me in a state where my arousal continuously grew in different directions. Furthermore, she connected my fetish with her psychology studies, which she will be finishing soon. Starting in the second semester of her studies, she started to pick up something in her studies - say some theory - and relate it to my training. Take, for example, what happened just before when she tucked me in. A few months ago, she would start reading about a theory called “embodiment”. I am not a psychologist, and forgive me if this sounds a bit simplistic, but the basic idea of embodiment is that body movements are inherently linked with the development of mental capacities. Thinking and acting are related. They co-develop or co-emerge. Sarah became fascinated by this theory and started to apply this to our relationship. “See, it is as that: acting and moving like a baby, in a physical sense, will help you to get into the right baby mindset. This means that in addition to crawling you will now start to sleep like a typical baby – on your stomach, legs and arms spread apart and slightly bended.” This is just one of many examples where she would enforce some new routine into my daily baby life. In anything she does, Sarah is extremely consequential and pursues her ideas as long as she thinks they are useful. “There is nothing as practical as a good theory”, she would always wink at me after a while once she observes that some of her idea starts to take effect. “Baby, wake up. Baby, wake up!” I hear mommy’s voice becoming louder and angrier. It must be in the middle of the night and I am struggling to open my eyes. I see Sarah who just got ready for bed. “You know why I am waking you up, baby?”, she calmly asks and pulls out my pacifier. I look confused, intuitively checking if my diapers could have leaked. “Ok I give you a hint”, she says and gives me a few smacks on my inner thighs. I immediately realize what she means. “Now, baby tell me what the problem is and why I needed to wake you up. I want you to explain the reason and reflect on what happened.” Still drowsy, I am looking at Sarah. “I had my legs together while sleeping but they should be spread apart, mommy.” “That’s right, and why is this so?” “Because babies have their legs spread apart when they are sleeping, mommy.” “And…?” “And… I am a baby and I need to sleep like a baby” “What a smart little boy you are. Now, come one, spread those legs a little more for me. That’s right, baby. Such a good little baby boy. Now, open your mouth for your paci and get back to sleep. Good night, little one.” “Good night, mommy”, I muffle through my pacifier. I get a glimpse of her gorgeous body, dressed in her short night pants and her nipples shining through her loose tank top. Oh god, she looks sexy and I carefully press my fully erect member against the frontside of my thick diaper. But I know very well that I am not allowed to do any naughty activity without the explicit consent of my mommy. Sarah gets under her blankets and switches off the light. I make a mental note to remain in my sleeping position before I drift back to sleep.
  7. Erica and Jim, and Karen and I have been friends for a long time. Our families go to the park together with their children, celebrate holidays together, and only live a few miles from each other. Erica married Jim right out of high school and they have been married for 6 years, while Karen and I have been married 3 years.One summer during our high school days, Erica and I dated a few times. One time, Erica had me over when her parents weren't home. We decided to watch "Happy Gilmore" together, and then headed into town. During the movie, it became evident that Erica was willing to get physical that afternoon. However, I did not take advantage of the situation, as I was nervous. After a few dates, we decided to go our separate ways. Neither of us had any regrets about this decision until a few years later.The summer after we both graduated, Erica and I got a job working together. Erica was then engaged to Jim and I was single. We were both very happy, and the relationship between us was strictly friends, and neither of us wanted different. That summer, she and Jim got married, and I began dating Karen.Several years passed as I went away to college, married Karen, and eventually graduated. Erica continued to work at the same place, while her husband was making his career. Erica and Jim had their first child while I was in college. Erica decided to stay home with the baby, and that was when my feelings for her changed.It was a fall Friday afternoon, and Karen and I were driving back from our apartment at college to our parents' house for the weekend. Karen decided that we should stop by Erica and Jim's new home. We pulled into the driveway, walked onto the porch, and knocked on the door. Erica answered the door holding her 3-month old girl, and she was visibly frustrated. The baby was crying, and she said was nursing her when we came to the door. It was then that she sent my mind and hormones racing. She looked a lot better than the last time I had seen her. Her breasts had grown astronomically, but she still had a small frame. Erica looked fantastic! She was wearing a maroon shirt, one with hidden flaps on the sides for easy nursing access. I knew all about this, as I had a great interest in these sorts of things. She let us in and showed us around the house, but I don't remember anything she said, as my mind tried to picture her breastfeeding the baby.Karen knew about my fantasies before this encounter, and she had role-played them with me several times. But, she really didn't like this role-play, so I didn't push it too often. I definitely didn't tell Karen my feelings for Erica that day, nor have I since then.After I graduated from college, my wife and I moved back to where we grew up close our family, and, of course, close to Erica and Jim. After a year or so of renting a house, we finally purchased a home in October about 5 minutes from them. It was perfect in more ways than one. My wife had our first child, and he had just turned 1 when we moved into our new home. Karen breastfed him for about 6 months, but never let me taste any of her milk. It was OK with me, as we were still very sexually active.We both agreed that she would stay at home and raise our children while I worked on my career. This gave us the flexibility that we both desired, and we enjoyed our lives very much. It was that flexibility that allowed my wife to spend 2 weeks in December vacationing with her family down south while I stayed home alone and worked. She had done the same thing the year before, but this was the first time she left me alone in our new home.She had been gone a few days when I received a call from Jim."Hello," I answered."Mike, this is Jim. Erica and I would like to invite you over for dinner Sunday afternoon, with your wife being gone and all. Sound OK?""Sure," I said, "I could use a home-cooked meal. Two o'clock OK?""Sounds good," he said.This excited me very much, as it always excited me to see Erica. She just had their second child, and looked better every time I saw her. Her breasts had gotten big again, and she didn't gain as much weight with her second child as she did with the first. Our relationship had become strange lately, as we often avoided conversation when we saw each other. I just thought it was because I always fantasized about her, and talking to her only made it worse. I could never read how she felt about me. She probably would never speak to me again if she knew the thoughts that I had about her. Regardless, I couldn't wait for Sunday.I knocked on the door at 1:55 with much anticipation and nervousness. I had been with Erica and Jim many times, but not without my wife. Also, I knew Erica was breastfeeding, and merely the thought of that sent my mind racing."Hi Mike," Erica answered the door. "Come on in."I walked in and handed her the pan of brownies I had made for dessert."Thank you," she said, and carried them into the kitchen. From the kitchen, she said, "Jim got called in to work; I guess it's just going to be me and you. Is that OK? I told Jim I was going to call you and let you know before you came over, but I forgot."Are you kidding? Of course it was OK with me, I thought."Well, maybe I should go, with him being gone and all.""Oh, I am sure he doesn't mind, besides, I could use the adult conversation.""Alright, if you insist", I said smiling.At her request, I sat down at the table and waited for her to set the food on the table. As she leaned over to set the tray of lasagna on the table, I took a glance down her shirt. She lifted her eyes, and I looked back down quickly. She was wearing a button-down short sleeve shirt, and appeared to also be wearing a nursing bra underneath. It appeared to be the one with a snap on each shoulder that opens the cups for easy access for the baby. Now my mind was racing as I began to fix my plate, and luckily, the table was hiding my erection.During dinner, we made the usual chit-chat about our kids, work, houses, families, etc. I didn't eat much nor contribute much to the conversation, as all I could think about was maybe getting a glance down her shirt again. Just then, a cry came from the baby room."I guess the baby's up," she said, and ran upstairs to attend to him. She picked up the baby and brought him downstairs. "I think he just needs to be changed," she said, and proceeded to lay him on the living room floor to change his diaper. I watched her change him and thought about how lucky he was. She picked little Jimmy back up, sat on the couch, and began to soothe him to get him to quit crying."Why don't you come sit on the couch and watch some TV?""OK" I said and turned on the TV.About 10 minutes passed by, and the baby was still crying. "I guess he's hungry. I'm sorry, but I have to feed him. Would you do me a favor and hold him for a second?""Um, sure," I said, taking the baby.She then positioned herself on the couch, grabbed a blanket, and laid it on her shoulder covering her chest. She reached her hand under the blanket, and appeared to unsnap her shirt."OK," she said, "you can bring him to me now." I gave her the baby, and she laid him in her lap, put his head under the blanket, and began to nurse him. Erica tried to downplay the situation by not looking at the baby while he was breastfeeding, but I couldn't help taking glances over at her."Karen breastfed David, right?" she said."Yes, she did."After a few moments of awkward pause, I noticed Erica was blushing as she was jostling with the baby. "I'll be back in a few minutes, I'm sorry," she said, and carried the baby upstairs.While she was upstairs, my mind began wondering what was going on. I couldn't believe she was feeding him right here beside me, I thought. God, how I wanted to suck on those breasts for her. I went to the restroom down the hall to calm my nerves and to let my erection subside.When I came out the restroom, she was sitting back on the couch. I sat down on the recliner on the other side of the living room. I noticed her squirming, and could tell that she was in some discomfort."Is everything OK?" I asked."Well, it's just that the baby is not eating enough, that's all""Oh, is that why you are in pain?""Yes, Jimmy just fell back asleep after I started nursing him. It's just frustrating, I guess.""Oh", I said, starting to blush."What's wrong, Mike?" she asked."It's nothing, Erica, I should get going"."Come on, we're good friends, tell me what's on your mind. Please?"After some deliberation, I told her my innermost thoughts about her. After all, I had to know how she felt about me so I could quit fantasizing about her. Thinking about her was tearing me up inside."Well, I have been thinking about you a lot lately," I started."Oh?" she said quizzically."Yes, I have, and I think I should just lay it all out for you to get it off my chest.""Go ahead, I'm listening.""It all started a few years ago when Karen and I came over after you guys just moved in this house. Your daughter was just an infant then, and when we knocked on the door, we interrupted your nursing her.""Yes, I remember", she said."Well, I have always fantasized about a woman breastfeeding me and treating me like a baby, and when you said you were nursing her that day, I could not get the thought of you out of my head. It had been a while since I had seen you at that point, and you looked amazing. I was very excited when you guys invited me over for dinner, because I thought I may get a chance to see you breastfeeding little Jimmy. Anyways, I am glad I finally got a chance to tell you how I feel."I could see Erica was shocked to hear all of this. "Wow, I had no idea you had these thoughts about me. I'm very flattered. Honestly, I have had thoughts about you too. I noticed that when we see each other, we avoid talking. I have always been attracted to you physically, but I didn't think that you were. I never really wanted to stop dating you, but I knew that's what you wanted."At that point, you could cut the tension with a knife."Well," she continued, "I will help you if you will help me. My breasts hurt really badly, and it sounds like you can help me get the excess milk out."I couldn't believe what my ears had just heard."Yes, I can and would love to, but I am a little nervous. You'll have to tell me what to do," I said."Come over beside me on the couch and sit down," she said. I moved over beside her and waited for what was next. She looked into my eyes, and started slowly unbuttoning her shirt. With the undoing of each button, I could see more and more of her massive breasts, which were covered by the white nursing bra. When she got about ¾ of the way down her shirt, she said "OK, now lay down on my lap on this pillow". I turned my body and laid my head down into her lap and looked up into her chest."Is baby ready to nurse?" she asked."Yes!" I said, very excited that she was playing into my fantasy.She then opened her shirt, revealing that bra that I had been dreaming about for so long. Her breasts were popping out of the bra; she must have been a 40D. She tucked her hair back behind her ear and reached for the snap by her right shoulder, smiling as she looked at my eyes. She unclipped the bra, and slowly brought the flap down, uncovering the most beautiful breast I had ever seen. She then grabbed her breast, and directed her nipple towards my mouth."It's time to eat, baby. Now latch onto my breast and suck real good."With that request, I was off. I latched onto her breast and sucked for a few seconds until the milk starting coming out. It tasted so good, and this moment was so sensual that I closed my eyes. Her breast was so full and hard, that some of the milk dribbled down my chin."Mmm", I moaned."Baby was so hungry, huh? Now you drink from mommy till all the milk is gone, OK baby.""Yes, mommy," I answered as I took a short break from sucking. As I latched back on, I could tell she was enjoying it too as she made a few sounds.I nursed from her right breast for I guess about 5 minutes, but it seemed like an eternity. When there was none left, I unlatched from the breast."Mama, this one's dry, I think I need to nurse on the other one.""OK, baby, hold on" she said.She began to reposition herself, when I stopped her."Hold on. I have been such a good boy; may I unsnap the other side?""Yes you can, baby," she replied.I sat up from her lap, swung my left leg around her body, and now was sitting in her lap facing her body. I unbuttoned the shirt the rest of the way, and pulled it away from her body. Then, I slid the shirt off of her shoulders and tossed it onto the floor. The empty breast was now hanging out with the full breast still cupped by the nursing bra. I then reached my hand to unsnap the flap covering her left breast and slowly pulled it down. I went face first into her full breast and sucked some of the milk out."Baby, mama needs her bra off. You just lay down and mommy will take it off", she said."Mama, can I take it off for you?""Sure baby, but let mama take your shirt off." She pulled my shirt off and rubbed my chest and body with her hands.I leaned forward and pressed my bare chest against hers and wrapped my arms around her. I found the hook, unfastened her bra, and pulled the straps forward off of her shoulders. She took the bra from me and tossed it on the couch. I laid back down in her lap, and began to drink the rest of her milk."Mmm, mama likes baby breastfeeding" she said as she rubbed my face with her hand. Then, she reached down and rubbed my stomach. As I continued to feast on her breast, her hand reached into my pants and she began to rub my cock."Baby so big", she said."Ohhh" I moaned as she unzipped my shorts and caressed my balls. I then grabbed the dry breast and began to massage it."This one's almost dry too," I said, "what should we do?""Follow me", she said, as we got up off the couch. She zipped my pants back up and put her shirt on unbuttoned. With my head still spinning from the best 10 minutes of my life, she grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs.As she led me down the hallway, we stopped at the baby's room. She opened the door and led me over by the changing table."Come on, it's time to put a diaper on baby. Now get up on the table."Without hesitation, I hopped up on the changing table. This was a little difficult as the table was only about 3 feet long. The table was topped with a pad, and I laid down on my back on the pad. She reached down and grabbed a diaper and began to unfold it. She leaned over me and removed my shorts and underwear."Spread your legs", she said, "I've got to put a clean diaper on you".I spread my legs and rested them on her shoulders as she prepared the diaper."Lift your bottom, baby" she said. She then put the diaper under my ass. She pushed my hips against the pad as she pulled the diaper over my penis. "I have a couple of special diapers that I keep for special occasions like this. They are big enough for adults, but have the sticky tabs like baby diapers. I also cut a hole in the middle for your penis."She pressed the diaper against my hips, and pulled the diaper tight by fastening the sticky tabs. "Baby's all done. Now you have a clean diaper.""Thank you mommy", I said and hopped off the table."Now, let's go to the bed", Erica said, and led me into her bedroom. "Mama needs to finish nursing you".I laid down on the bed on my side, and she laid on her side next to me. She pulled back her shirt again, and I latched on to her breast."Finish nursing and mommy will play with you." I nodded as I was enjoying Erica's big mommy breasts. She reached down and played with my cock as I breastfed."OK, I think we are done nursing. Now let's take care of mommy." With that, she stood beside the bed and took off her shorts and underwear. She got on the bed, reached behind my head, and placed two pillows behind my neck."Just lay back and let mommy take care of everything, baby""OK, mama" I replied and laid my head on the pillows.Erica then pulled off her shirt and tied up her hair."Mama's gonna suck on you now."She moved down to the end of the bed, got on her knees on the floor, and began sucking on my cock with the diaper still on. I closed my eyes as she started sucking slowly. She then rubbed her nipples against my penis, dribbling some milk onto my diaper."Uh, oh, baby's diaper is wet now. Let mama take it off." As she wrapped her mouth around my penis, she slowly undid the tabs of the diaper and rubbed my sides. She removed her mouth from my penis, and proceeded to pull off the diaper and toss it on the floor.She moved onto the bed, stood up on her knees, and lined up her vagina with my penis."Mama wants daddy now," she said as she slid my dick into her vagina. She rode up and down, up and down, up and down."Harder!" she yelled "Harder! Harder! Harder! Here cums mama!! OHHH!!! OHHH!!! OHHH!! We both screamed together as we climaxed together.When she finished, she laid down beside me and rubbed my chest as I sucked on her breasts some more."Thank you, mama. Don't hesitate to invite me over for supper." This was a story I copied and pasted years ago. I can't recall where I got it. Hope everyone enjoys and if the author shows up and wants it to go down, please let me know.
  8. Just a baby boy looking for a big. Newer baby so may need a strict hand. Open for anything so Doms welcome. Find me on KiK at Jbeds83.
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