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  1. When The Hypno Kicks In By Horatio Husky Commissioned by AnnaNapps “Soft… Sqweh… Sqweh… Shee…” The lay rat on the lush mattress, wooden bars rising to form the borders of her simple crib. Coherent thoughts were long gone now, as she had succumbed fully to the hypnosis she had tried so hard to resist. Her mind had become a blank slate, all past memories, thoughts, and talents both learned and naturally gifted had been stripped away. They were gone, forever, leaving behind only the pleasant fog that enveloped her waking mind in a soft, flannel blanket. “Comfy… I wuv comfy… Comfy good… Good for whittle rattos… I’m whittle ratto… Smol…” The simple affirmation of her identity brought comfort to the rat, her limbs tingling and growing warmer as the temperature in the room rose slightly, altered by an unseen spell to ensure that her comfort was kept at the maximum level. Her setting was simple, only a crib and comfortable mattress to keep her company. The room is quiet, still, illuminated only by the last few beams of sunlight on a late afternoon. There was no need for there to be anything else in the room, other than the crib to hold her. Annie could not have escaped the room even if she was able to come up with such an idea. No, there was only the wonderful reality of laying on her back, in a soft bed, and feeling ever so happy to enjoy the delicate euphoria sustained by having a mind filled with nothing. “Baby… Goo’... Goo’ guwl… I’m… I’mma goow… Gurl… Baby guwl…” The thought of knowing that she was a good girl gave her immense pleasure, for she wiggled her bottom and tail in response to the personal affirmation. In her mind, she was a good girl, a good girl solely for the fact that she was laying quietly and obediently in her crib, where she was left to do just that. “Goow girls… Need big… BIG diapers… Goow guwls have… Accidents…” A delicate blush formed on the rat’s cheeks, a slight rosiness saturating the normally white fur with a pleasant pink color. Annie was indeed wearing only a diaper in addition to her pink t-shirt. There was a heart on the landing zone, and the rest of the pink and white padding had been carefully wrapped around her waist to ensure that it was a snug, secure fit. The adhesive had been magically sealed against her, though even now her paws remained too clumsy and uncoordinated to loop even a single paw pad underneath a tape. The cushion underneath her tushie was significant, lifting her up a whole two inches off of the mattress beneath her. Its front was robust, wide, and thickly layered. It rode up to her upper thighs. It was so secured and voluptuous in size that no matter what pose her body might be in as she rolled around, it would be able to catch even the largest of floods without a single drop leaking out. “Big… Poofy… Puh… Puh… Poopy… Goow girls go poopy in poofy…” She mused to herself, idly dragging a limp wrist down to the front of her diaper to give her front a weak squeeze. Annie had become enamored by her diaper ever since her brain had been completely washed. It was her favorite part of her wardrobe, always there, sometimes crinkling to remind her that she was safe, and perpetually ready to hold all the messes that inevitably dribbled out of her when she was not paying attention. And Annie could no longer pay attention. She squeezed her thighs together, held apart by a good foot and a half by the sheer bulk of the diaper. Had she been willing, she would find that she would no longer be able to walk with such an immense bulk. Crawling too would be difficult, but given just how cozy she was feeling laying on her back she had no intention of moving anywhere. No, she would stay put, where everything was easy-going and okay. “Good guwls… Piddle… Diapers hold baby princess ratto piddles… No puddles… Only… Soggy woggy… Princess… Pampers…” Annie let out a little accident, trickling out of her only to be eagerly lapped up and absorbed by her diaper. It barely put a dent in the total amount the undergarment could absorb, for she had many such miniature accidents throughout her hours of languishing about. She did not mind. In fact, Annie quite liked how the diaper felt after she had wet it, the warmth of her pee radiating back into her fur to remind her that it was okay to pee in her diapers. That was what they were for, after all, to keep her safe and comfortable as she lay in her crib. “I’m… Mah… Mommy’s widdle… Puddle princess… Goow girls… Are soggy guwls…” This mantra would often repeat itself inside of her shallow consciousness, eliciting a sense of reward and euphoria that sometimes caused her to pass out from the sheer force of good feelings. Using her diaper was her favorite part of the day, and she could not even control when she had to go in it. It was a happy accident, every accident, and waking up from her pleasure-filled dreams into her waking stupor meant only that she would be awake for yet more accidents for her to relish and gurgle at. “Make stimkies… Annie… Gotta go… Make… Stimkies… Gotta… Do pushies… Good guwls… Do pushies…” Annie could feel it, the tell-tale signs that her tummy needed a little bit more room for more treats that would cause her to drool onto her shirt. Though the rat had no capacity to remember just how many diapers she had gone through that day, this was her fourth. Whenever she felt the slightest inclination to mess herself, she did without hesitation. The lavish feeling of being unable to pick herself up, move about, or even adjust herself inside of the overwhelming thick diapers made it so she would remain laying in her mess. Whenever she pushed, her accident remained firmly underneath her bottom, the earthy scent rising up to meet her nostrils and triggering a conditional embarrassment response. She would feel self-conscious at first, messy and dirty, which would eventually progress into a state of quiet reflection. Lastly, she would grow a little upset, and small cries would turn into sobs until tears would glisten in the corners of her eyes. That was when there was attention brought to her, soothing words and warm paws would lower the bars of the crib to change her well-used diaper. Her bottom would be lifted, wiped down and powdered with a generous helping of powder. Her ‘special spot’ too would be worshiped with warm, wet wipes. She quite liked this part, though she could no longer understand why, it was just a pleasant feeling, and it always came with a final reward. A fresh diaper, snuggly diapered, serving as the finest pillow for her now clean bottom, only to be defiled and distorted a few hours later when she had yet another moment of weakness. “Hurt… Tummy ouchie… Gotta… Gotta… Go… Make pushies…” The rat emitted a grunt, scrunching her face and balling her fists against her chest as she raised her knees upwards. The accident came, her tail swishing to the side to allow for more leverage as several loud sounds of flatulence became muffled in the seat of her princess pampers. Her bottom distorted slightly, bulging outwards and then sagging downwards as she pooped. So came the torrent, a flood gushing into the front of her patiently waiting diaper front as she fully relieved herself. Annie lowered her legs, her weight back down on her now messy diaper as she heaved a sigh of relief. The warmth from her fresh accident comforted her, and she wriggled her thighs and hips inside of her used padding, relishing the sensation of having completely soiled herself. Words became lost, as her thoughts could no longer articulate her feelings. Only sensations remained, the last threads of her adult mind vanishing into the abyss never to be retrieved again. Good feeling… Squishy feeling… Warm feeling… I did good to poop my pants… Good girl. “Goo’... Guwl… Goo’... Guwl… Goo’... Guwl…” Only two words remained, the only two words that she needed, for they accomplished everything that she wanted. Annie only wanted to feel good, to supplicate her body and diaper with the affirmation that she was only a baby rat that used her diapers. It was sufficient, no greater desires or wishes came to her mind other than being changed into clean diapers to turn them into messy ones. It was her sole point of interest. Now, she guided her paw to the front of her diaper, groping and poking at the thick, sodden material as yet another jet of pee escaped her, filling it further. She felt the urine drip down her front, seeping down into the flattened cake of her messy accident and mingling with it. Like so much mud against her backside, she wriggled around further, soft gurgles escaping her mouth as the sensation of being in a thoroughly used diaper spiked her dopamine levels to obscene levels. She would never be free from this high, her body would now be fully dependent on using her diapers several times a day to remain functional. It was her only source of happiness, and what a bountiful source of euphoria and glee it was. She would lay in her crib, piddle and push in her diapers, and reminder herself that she was a very “Goo’ guwl” for all eternity. This was her lot in life now, and it had now become irreversible. “Oh dear, it smells like someone just left me a little present in their diaper.” Came the voice belonging to the large, plush lop-eared rabbit. This was the only face Annie knew, and the only one she saw. Enchanted with a spell and given life with magic, this stuffed animal remained inanimate in another room, rising only to feed, wash, change, and clothe Annie when she needed it. It was all the rat needed, spending her days laying in a crib with nothing but the sheer blankness of her mind to keep her happy. She hardly understood the words that came from the rabbit now, but she appreciated the soft tones that she used. The rabbit spared no amount of effort ensuring that Annie remained calm and well-behaved, keeping her well fed and hydrated to maintain the rat’s only purpose for existing in her nursery. To use her diapers, to love her diapers, and to be completely dependent on her soft, pink diapers. “Now then, let me wipe that poopy little butt of yours and let’s put you into a fresh, new diaper. Doesn’t that sound nice, sweetheart?” The rabbit cooed, lowering the bars of the crib before reaching forward to gently cup the bottom of Annie’s diaper. She continued, her voice slightly bemused as she shouldered her diaper bag and deposited it down on the mattress next to Annie. “Oh my, it feels like you really did a number on this one, baby girl. Now then, let’s see what surprises you left me this time around.” The nursery was then filled only with the sound of tapes being slowly ripped off, and the crinkling of plastic as her diaper was unfolded. The rabbit took her time cleaning Annie up, letting the rat enjoy her touch and the pleasant sensation of having her fur wiped. There was no rush, after all, for the rat’s fate was filled with only the inevitability of a diaper change. No cause for hurry, for Annie was never to leave the confines of her crib, standing in the dungeon’s nursery, for the rest of her blissful days. When the Hypno Kicks In [Comm].pdf
  2. Looking for a dom to do things with via text. It’s okay if you want to be incognito on who you are. I won’t share anything about my personal life im strictly abdl nothing specific but I want to be regressed I prefer hentai for “characters” if you’d rather that. I will do scat and piss but I won’t eat or drink i do story making in my spare time and lore for dnd and home brew models so I’m very descriptive about everything I do. I will do either irl stuff (preferred) or fantasy erp open to anyone and all the time! Don’t be shy you can reach me xbeelzebubx on discord add me anytime always open
  3. Hi all This my first story and is still very much under Construction. It was inspired by 2014 movie Lucy, book The Martian By Andy Weir as will as my own experiences and knowledge. This is only the start and I was curious to see what people thought. constructive criticism is appreciated. The Bracelet Ms. Elizabeth Williams sat at her deck. Trying to remember where her life had turned to shit. She had a master's degree in mechanical engineering and here she was being a secretary to a pompous asshole. Being a little it was hard to find a job in her field and had to settle on this shit of a job. The asshole in question was the CEO of the Fringe corporation Jason Glover, that specialized in advanced and experimental technology. She applied there as an engineer but he said she was too “ Too little to be playing with grown up toys” and put her in this position instead, mandatory 24/7 diapering was strictly enforced. She had to go to the company daycare to get changed and was told since she wanted to be a big girl she would know when she needed to be changed and if she did not then she would need to be permanently placed in the daycare. Was not all bad Trish would at least listen to her as she was changed. Today was like most days as Elizabeth rode the bus to the Fringe tower and as always, she had a short skirt on that showed the bottom of her diaper. Elizabeth hated it but it was the mandatory work uniform for her. She had been told it was for easy diaper changers but it felt like it was to humiliate and remind her she was just a little. Over top of her button up blouse was her security badge with “NOT FOR ADOPTION” in big red letting. At first she didn't think that would stop anybody. But recent events about the head of some illegal little trafficking ring getting a ruthless sentence, had made a lot of Amazons think twice before snatching a little off the street without a second thought. Sitting at her desk hating every minute of it. Her thick diaper lifted her but a good three inches off her chair. There was not a lot that needed to be done till she would need to get Jason for his monthly lab inspection and that was not for another hour. In the meantime Elizabeth just started to read the latest articles on the newest technology. Normally there would be no way in hell she would get her hands on this but a couple of the engineers in the lab had befriended her and would send her new papers as they got them. As Elizabeth sat there reading about new breakthroughs in Nanotechnology she felt the unmistakable feeling of her bowels roaring to life. “Fuck me” she said under her breath. See as there was forty-five minutes till she got Jason. She got up and headed for the daycare. The idea of being in a messy diaper made Elizabeth gag. She would normally wait till she was just outside the daycare before letting loose, it was not always possible but It saved her the embarrassment and disgust of being around Amazons as they whispered about how she really should “properly looked after ''. Pushing the door of the daycare open Elizabeth emptied her bowels into her waiting diaper. This was far for the first time she had done this but it still made her want to throw up. Looking up she saw Trish running around like always “I will be with you in a minute Izzy.” Trish said in an almost singing kind of way. As Elizabeth rolled her eyes “Looks like someone made me a present!” Trish said. “Don't go there today, not in the mood” “What has you suck in the mud? Look on the brightside Izzy” Trish said as she lifted her on the the changing table “You are going to the Lab today, You love the Lab” “Ya but I would love it more if I was working in it and not just going a stupid inspection like always and why dose everyone call me Izzy?” Elizabeth groaned “Quit being such a sourpuss” Trish told her opening up her messy diaper “We have a smelly one today, maybe I should just keep you here” she joked Elizabeth shot her a look of don't even think about it. “I'm just teasing” Trish said “It is so hard to listen to the engineers try to explain to Jason what they are doing when he has no idea, like talking to a child!” Elizabeth said “Come on now try to cheer up” Trish said finishing putting a clean diaper on her “Easy for you to said, I swear he only hired me so if I screw up he can send me to his nursery” Elizabeth said “Ok all done Izzy” said Trish “You know if that happened I would get to have you all day! With my over students, Would that be great? Maybe I should talk to him about it.” she teased. Looking over at one of Trish's “students” Elizabeth saw a woman her size, her spark less eyes sent shivers down Elizabeth's spine. She looked up at Elizabeth with a toothless smile and obviously full diaper. “I'm good, I really do not want to turn into one of your “students'” Elizabeth said getting her skirt back on, knowing Trish was only bugging her. “It is too bad you wore not a Amazon, you're smart, pretty and confident. You would have done well.” Trish said with pride “Thanks but the universe is asshole” Elizabeth said “Anyway I have to get going Thank you” “Bye Bye” said Trish Elizabeth made her way to the elevator looking at her watch, she was right on time to get Jason going for the monthly visit to the Lab. Walking up to her desk she hit the call button “Yes” said Mr. Glover over the intercom “Are you really for the monthly visit to the lab, sir” she said hating calling me sir “AA yes, I will be out in a minuter” He said “Just finishing up that paper work you sent.” Elizabeth was pretty sure Jason wanted her to be his baby, but for right now she was still his secretary and to help some of her friends in the lab she would send Jason a ton of pointless paperwork to slow him down and give the guys in the lab an extra couple of hours. Plus it was nice to mess with the guy that kept her in diapers but today that was not needed so they would be on time this month After a couple of minutes he emerged from his office “Come along little one we don't want to be late now” he said to Elizabeth She rolled her eye “Asshole” she thought in her head As they made their way to the elevator he asked “You have not made a poopy have you?” “Why does he always need to know if I need the bathroom, Its humiliating” she thought “no I'm clean” she said “That's a good girl, we don't want you stinky in the Lab.” he said as they entered the elevator Getting to Sub level 5 they entered the high security lab and found the chief scientist “Welcome to the lab” he said in a weird German accent “We have much to show you” As the scientist talked Elizabeth paid little attention, not because she didn't know what he was talking about but rather the opposite. They talked to the CEO like a parent trying to tell a little why the stove was hot. Dumbing it down as not to overly confuse the jock of a CEO. Elizabeth found a seat next to a workbench, trying to keep herself occupied as the scientist explained stuff she had already figured out 20 minutes ago. They talked about new super powerful computers and AI intelligence to advanced indestructible materials. New breakthroughs on controlling the nervous system and brain. She knew a number of these new discoveries would eventually be used on littles like herself by it would be at lest 10-15 years before they saw the light of day and she would see what she could do to help to slow it down. As she tapped her fingers on the workbench and held her head up with the other. She was unaware of a silver bracelet slowly working its way towards her. With every tap the bracelet got closer and closer. Till it was under her wrist. In one seamless move it transitioned from the bench and securely wrapped itself around her wrist. In side the brace the system started “Main system start up, please wait.....................system check complete. OS version 2.2.3 Beta Fringe Corporation All copyright reserved initiating..........initiating” “As you can see Mr. Glover, we have made great progress in the last month, would not agree?” the scientist asked as Jason nodded As the small group walked around the lab over the next 30mins and the scientists gave their presentations. Jason like always would be picking things up like a curious eight year old. “Umm sir you may not want to touch some of this, it can be very dangerous” one the scientists said “I pay you to think not to tell me what to do.” Jason said into the face of the scientist. As he slammed the beaker down. When it hit the counter top a small amount of liquid poured onto his hand and was quickly absorbed into his skin. After the last presentation Jason was feeling odd, as if fire was ripping through his veins. Feeling the need to take full control. His chill was dying fast and he started to see Elizabeth as nothing more than a little that needed to be looked after. “Yes, it all looks very good. I would like to know more about your research into what did you call it bio wear” Mr. Glover asked “AAaa Yes, That has come a lot way, and is almost really, It can be used for so many things like monitoring patients with a whole host of diseases or maintenance workers with inspections. It is unlimited.” The scientist said with pride like a dad talking about his child. “ What about controlling Littles?” Mr. Glover asked looking a Elizabeth sitting off the the side “Ummm well I guess it's possible, but I had not thought of that” the scientist with uncertainty “Exactly you don't think which is why I have you eggheads down here and the intelligent money making people upstairs, we have a number of lucrative contracts that would love this technology for littles. You once again make me rick!” he said, screaming at all the scientists. It spooked Elizabeth enough for her to stand up, as her sleeves dropped, hiding the bracelet. To everyone in the room it looked as if Jason had snapped. “Come on sweet I think it's time for lunch” he said as he grabbed Elizabeth's other wrist pulling her to the elevator. Elizabeth was still trying to figure out why Mr. Glover was acting like this all of a sudden and why he was being more ass them normal to the workers in the lab. Once in the Elevator Mr. Glover took her hand “Why don't we try Little Dougie's today for lunch?” He asked Little Dougie's was a fast food chain that had grown to cover every part of the globe. All little sat in highchairs and fed processed fast food type baby food, with the option if you asked right, for regression baby food. It was somewhere Elizabeth would never want to go near. “Hell no, I'm not some regressed little. I'm your employee and I'm not sitting in a highchair for lunch” she barked. Unbeknownst to her the brace on her wrist kept working. “Full scan of user complete phase one startup complete powering up external systems.......please wait charging......charging.........charging external systems online phase two startup compete quick startup complete phases three start up commencing evaluation of environmental hazards initializing time to completion ETA 44 hours 34 minutes 20 seconds warning.....warning detecting increased heart rate and adrenaline levels high stress detected. Scanning for immediate threats. possible threat detected arming system “Now now little one that is not a nice word to say, and you don't have a choice. We are going where I say we are going. Now be a good little girl and stay quiet” Mr. Glover said Elizabeth's heart was racing and panic spread through her like wildfire. She had always known this may happen but had hoped he would just get tired of her and leave her alone, but It looked like it was going to happen. She tried to think of something, anything to get out of this but she was too scared to the point where she pooped herself again. “Its smells like someone made a boom boom in her diapy.” said Mr. Glover “Its ok we will look after there after we finish lunch.” As the doors of the Elevator opened, Elizabeth's mind was racing “This is it! I'm done. I will be spending my days in Trish daycare as one of her drooling students. Come you idiot think of something!!” she thought as she was being pulled to the security exit. When one of the alarms went off. She looked up at the noises to see a very nervous looking little man that triggered the alarm “ok little man I'm going to had to search you” said one of the security guards The little man looked up and saw Mr. Glover and Elizabeth walk towards him. With a grin he shouted “You will never hurt another little again, Freedom to all littles!!!” As he dropped he coat to reveal a suicide bombers vest loaded with explosives. Before anyone could react he hit the trigger.
  4. What does everyone use if anything to make sure you fill your diaper to capacity? I chug about 32 oz. Of water and I like to use Sodium Citrate as a laxative. Guaranteed to fill and likely to overflow if not careful,
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