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  1. Well, I came up with a story in the psych ward I stayed in for a lot of June (and I was admittedly inspired a tiny bit by @LittleFallenPrincess's Monstrum series, but in a different sort of way than hers; do check out her stories because they are absolutely fantastic): a story about humanity and Weres (Werewolves, Werehawks, Werebruins, Weretigers, and Weregators) co-existing after a long tumultuous period...for now. Of course, something has to change. As a notable WARNING: there are a lot of mature themes in this story - bigotry from antagonistic forces, first and foremost; this is a modern take on Jim Crow/HIV panic for Weres when it comes to humanity (and some Weres believe in Were-supremacy), and to be respectful to the subject matter, I will not skimp on just how a society of humans and Weres has that underlying tension and real life problems, so consider this your only warning on that. Adding on to that, politics. There is political stuff in this: one of the MCs is a pro-Were politician who wants to enact change for Were-rights. Quite simply, I have no intention of insulting parties on other sides. I don't do that with stories because I don't wish to offend, but quite simply, the politics cannot be avoided, and I promise not to inject my own political views into this story. Granted, it's difficult to be objective when it comes to stories; we all suffer from that, but I will do my utmost best to avoid any issues and avoid offending. As far as other warnings, police brutality and corruption is prevalent (given the Jim Crow style hatred for Weres), there is a notable case of domestic violence and domestic sexual assault hinted for a character, violence, and sexual themes. I promise to give warnings at those points; I have not ever skimped on a warning before, and I promise not to do it now. There's also language (up to "fuck"), but if you're reading one of my stories, that's a given. About critique, feel absolutely free to tell me what I'm doing wrong; in fact, I encourage it with all my heart! I want to publish this under my pseudo penname in books for AR/AB stuff, and in order to publish without mistakes and errors, I absolutely need to know what I've done wrong. If you can't find anything wrong, then tell me what you liked, please! These things make me a better writer. I'm not soft when it comes to critique, and I'll always listen to it. Thank you in advance! Now, on to the show: - Chapter One: The Meeting - The alarm of the clock blared in Stephany’s ears, and a soft groan exited her lips. Eyes still closed in defiance of the brand-new day, she fumbled in the dark before slamming her hand on it, only managing to turn it to a radio station. She opened her eyes and hit the clock again, this time turning off the alarm. She noted with sorrow that her nighttime…misadventures had not improved with time. Maybe a doctor could help…if a doctor would help. “It’s Saturday,” she mumbled, ripping off the tabs of the saturated diaper. “The hell could be so damn important on a Satur-” She froze, remembering just what was so damn important on a Saturday. “Aw, hell!” Stephany did a quick shower, barely managing to scrub the affronting smell off of her. Then she threw on an outfit that did nothing for style: a T-shirt without a logo and jeans with the zipper halfway done before kicking on a pair of sneakers, not even caring about the loose laces. It was haphazard, like her frizzy red hair, her green eyes rheumy from sleep. “Fuck me, I can’t be late to this,” she groaned, rubbing her eyes and stuffing her purse full of her crap before exiting into a dreary April morning in Seattle. She noticed the two Weres almost immediately. Weres. The bane of her fucking existence. Yeah, humanity and Werekind did not get along, hundreds of thousands of years of tumultuous skirmishes evolving into a tentative peace. These two were Werewolves, but there were four other types: Werehawks, Weretigers, Werebruins, and Weregators, all of them looking quite animalistic…with the exception of Werewolves who alone could try to hide amongst humankind. “Hey, babe,” one of the Weres crooned while the other let out a wolf whistle. “You got time to come with me, right? We could have a great time together, you and I!” “Go away,” Stephany growled, hugging her arms together; she deeply regretted not bringing a jacket to fend off the drizzle from the sky. “C’mon, don’t be stingy, baby,” the other one said, crowding around her, sniffing her hair. She grabbed both of his hands, and with ten simultaneous snaps, the fingers of the Were were broken, and he let out an agonized scream. “For the last time - and I’ll give you two simple words to follow: Fuck. Off!” she growled, her eyes blazing with rage. The uninjured Were grew pale. “You…you’re a-” “Yeah, I fucking am,” she snarled, baring the fangs that had gone unnoticed by the other Weres. “Last chance to fuck the hell off.” “Fine, you fucking bitch!” the injured Were whined. “I bet you suck in bed anyway!” The two left, and Stephany sighed. It sucked to be a Were. A normal person may have been confused. Being a Werehawk meant one could fly! A Weregator could submerge themselves for long periods of time! Werewolves were masters of disguise and could run forever! Werebruins had outstanding physical strength! Weretigers were stealthy and powerful! What was so bad? Everything else. Every little thing, from the inability to eat anything other than meat; the restaurants, hotels, and apartments that had blazing neon signs saying, “No Weres”; the various anti-Were laws that seemed to pop up every day that crowded Weres into the worst neighborhoods and forbade them from doing so much as owning anything other than certain properties or have anything other than certain jobs; hell, the discriminatory attacks and the inaction from the law to prevent the humans from attacking Weres. And that wasn’t even getting into Were biology. The way that Stephany was turned - a single one-night fling with a Werewolf - created a burning desire to feed, a constant hunger that could only be undone by turning someone into a Were herself - and even that was temporary at best, a screaming ache in her stomach that was making her think of doing something incredibly stupid. So, she was going to a meeting of Weres to discuss her new life. Just fucking peachy. Stephany ignored the stares as she walked through Belltown, the worst area in Seattle, ignored the mothers shielding their children, ignored the men with itchy trigger fingers. She just continued to walk to the seediest part of Belltown until she arrived at the large establishment that was her destination: The Crewe Club. It looked fairly nondescript for a bar, with only a neon sign showing the name. The windows were dark, shuttered, and obviously reinforced; a sad necessity, given the large number of firebombers that struck pro-Were establishments. She let out a sigh and opened the door. The interior shocked her. It was almost gothic in design, with beautiful stained-glass designs close to the windows, a mesmerizing chandelier, lamps with candle lights above every polished wooden table, with plush seats making the atmosphere downright cozy. The bar itself was also well-lit, showcasing every liquor bottle, the various cocktail options, and the food items for both Weres and the rare human who chose this bar to eat and drink at…not that many humans would choose to go here. Behind the bar was a Weregator with a large gray beard spilling down to the top of his chest, his toothy snout protruding and greenish scales shining. He was cleaning glasses, one after another. “Can I help ye?” he asked in a very deep Southern drawl, not even looking up from his latest glass. “Looking for…” Stephany showed the Weregator the meeting card she had been given, “...Weres Anonymous?” “Only humans and newly-turned call it that,” the Weregator said bluntly. “Ain’t nothin’ ‘bout us that’s ‘Anonymous’. But I can tell you’re newly-turned.” “How?” Stephany was confused. “The smell. The uncertainty. The fact that ye look like ye just jumped out of bed. You’re tryin’ to make a deadline. Don’t worry, kid; they ain’t gonna start without ye.” “Where can I find the meeting spot?” “Downstairs.” The Weregator jerked his head at a door she hadn’t seen. “Thank you, Mister.” “Just call me ‘Clay.’ Everyone does.” “Thanks, Clay.” Stephany let out a sigh, walked to the door and opened it. A dark, winding hallway with stairs greeted her. Her night vision, being a Were, was solid, seeing shapes of objects as clearly as if they were in daylight. She grabbed the railing of the stairs, taking it one step at a time down the meandering staircase. It seemed to take forever, and she wondered how Weres that were in wheelchairs could get down here. Then she nearly ran smack dab into another door, this one barred shut. She knocked on it. A deep feminine voice answered, “You newly-turned? Clay told us to expect you.” “Yes!” Stephany squeaked. “Well, come on in; we don’t bite.” The newly-turned Werewolf opened the door to see the largest Werebruin she had seen in her life. The Werebruin wore a simple T-shirt and jeans, and the smile on her furry snout was kind. “Welcome, welcome,” the Werebruin rumbled, the look in her rich brown eyes filled with mischief. “I’m Nora, Nora Villanueva. I hope the walk wasn’t too far. What’s your name?” “Stephany Mercer.” Stephany shook Nora’s hand, which enveloped hers like a child’s. “Welcome, Stephany!” A huge Weretiger woman entered the conversation, her voice as perky and bright as her pink T-shirt and skirt. “I’m Zora Villanueva. Nora’s my lovely wife.” Zora’s whiskers on her striped face twitched excitedly, the look in her amber eyes warm. “Now, make yourself at home, please.” Stephany looked around the room, the aromatic smell of raw meat tickling her sensitive nose. It was quite large and well-lit with scented candles. There were comfy couches to sit on, only one of which was occupied: a nervous-looking male Werehawk sat there, and he shrank away from her - visibly flinching - when she walked over to him. Her voice was filled with confusion as she asked the couple, “Did I do something wrong?” “Oh, Dane’s new, like you,” Nora explained. Stephany had a feeling that Nora wasn’t being entirely truthful, but she let it slide as she sat on a couch. “We’re going to talk about so much, but don’t worry; it’s all to help.” God, is that really it? I don’t need any help; I just want a fucking cure! “So, how were you turned, Stephany?” Zora asked gently. “I don’t think you deserve to know,” the Werewolf growled, a dangerous hint in her tone. It was embarrassing to her, it- “Fetish-site?” Zora asked. Stephany’s wide eyes obviously gave the Weretiger all the proof she needed, as she continued, “That’s how most are turned. Some assholes use those sites to lure in vulnerable people, and-” “I’M NOT FUCKING VULNERABLE!” Stephany snarled, before a wet feeling on her bottom- NO! She was peeing all over the couch, her jeans utterly soaked, and she started to sob hysterically, burying her head in her hands. Not fucking vulnerable, my ass… She felt a gentle hug from both sisters and, to her shock, Dane as well. “I think you’ll need to see a therapist as well as us,” Nora said gently. “Don’t worry, they’re quite nice, they’re knowledgeable about LittleWere physiology, and...” Stephany barely heard the words, lost in her stupid embarrassment, the outing of her fetish, wishing she was someone, anyone else. I HATE being a Were. Why?! Why me?! --- Well, that's that for the first chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed~
  2. Hi, I would like to start a roleplay, where my character Vivien (if you prefer me to be a female character) or Steven (if you prefer me to be a male character) is in charge of regressing your character. So in essence we have a caretaker (me) and little (you) situation. We can keep this going for a bit, but eventually I want to switch Vivien into becoming a baby girl as well. We can either end the roleplay at this point or I can introduce a new character to take over the caretaker position. If you want we could also reverse the roles, which would make you the caregiver at this point. The main things I want from this RP are: 1) Making cummies in diapers after messing them (Yes, I'm really into that) 2) Vivien either getting stripped from her caretaker position OR accidentally regressing herself The tags give you an overview what I would like to have included. There is no need to have everything that is listed included. I hope that you're interested. Feel free to write me a private message if that's the case!
  3. My character is Katy, which will end up becoming an adorable and cute baby girl. Making lots of poopies in her thick diapers. Your character would be represented by Charlotte (temporary name for now). I would like for Katy to have a very nice and caring mommy. Breastfeeding later on would be great, but is not a must. The more infantile Katy is handled, the better. At the same time I want a very loving and caring atmosphere. Teasing is ok, but please no spankings. One spanking would be ok, but what I want is positive reinforcement. Version 1: The story takes place in the DD. Katy is an Amazon streamer that likes to showcase Charlotte, a Betweener which she babies. Request from her viewers come in for Katy to watch the regression show Naomi and Oliver. Slowly Katy starts to have infantile cravings as her viewers help her with donations to become an adorable baby girl. At the same time Charlotte starts getting more control. Eventually taking over the channel and renaming it into "Regressing Katy: How to turn an Amazon into an adorable baby girl" After only slight resistance, Katy gives in and actively supports her transformation into a baby girl. Fully embracing infantile bliss, she gives in to Charlotte acting so nice to her. Version 2: Katy is a big abdl and works as a researcher on a new kind of regression medicine. Each day she comes home to her apartment, where she lives together with her sister Charlotte. Usually Katy diapers herself after work and fills her diaper up to capacity, masturbating in her soiled garment. Smuggling out some of the regression medicine, she plans to use it on her sister. Charlotte notices though and doesen't swallow the pills when her sister gives them to her at night. Giving the regression medicine back to her back sister, Katy starts regressing more and more. She realizes this way too late, because she always fills her diaper voluntarily each day. The regression medicine will permanently get rid of her toilet training and will slowly turn her mind into a big baby. Eventually Katy discovers that she became a baby, but at this point it's too late -- Charlotte forcing her to continue taking the medicine now. At the start shocked, Katy quickly gives in to infantile bliss, becoming the most adorable baby girl.
  4. I'm new to this role play forum and hope that this idea from me is interesting for someone. Feel free to message me or directly write your response as the head nurse. I didn't give her a name yet, so you can choose the name of the character your playing Concept: Vanessa is the chief of a regression center. The regression center is used by the state to reform problematic individuals. The regression center uses a drug, which makes the patients more receptive to subliminal messages that are used to slowly strip away their adulthood. To make the changes permanent reinforcement training is needed, which is provided by the nurses working there. There are different levels of regression, depending on the sentence. After reaching the desired regression level, retraining starts. Depending on the person this retraining can vary quite drastic, some cases never make it and become free for adoption as adult babies. Vanessa takes advantage of her position to regress her clients often more than necessary, using devious methods. Even the employees are not completely safe from Vanessa. There is a rule that if an employee at the regression center has an accident (like wetting themselves), they must undergo regression and then retraining themselves. The level of regression depends on the severity of immaturity shown in the incident. Vanessa is a diaper loving enthusiast, but nobody knows at work. She is quite small and that caused others to make fun of her, but she kept those nurses in mind and the payback was very sweet. She loves envisioning herself in the roles of the patients at the regression center. She gets off from bringing others into diapers and then replaying the whole thing in her mind, but from their perspective. Over time she started using diapers more and more until she completely stopped using the toilet, even for pooping. As she got more confident over time of not being found out, she became complacent, allowing the head nurse of the regression center to find evidence of her deeds. In the following week Vanessa noticed that the big stature of the head nurse starts to evict new feelings in her. In her latest dream she envisioned herself cradled in the strong arms of the head nurse, wearing a wet diaper. It felt very comforting. The next day she involuntarily had a little accident Infront of her, but her diaper discreetly absorbs it. The head nurse always dreamed about putting Vanessa into diapers and adopting her after she fails the retraining, but her dream seemed out of reach. As the head of the regression center Vanessa could never end as a patient, right? After finding a fully loaded diaper that belongs to Vanessa, she sees a chance. In the following week she manages to collect proof of Vanessa misusing her position in addition to her soiled diaper. Now she is ready to make Vanessa a patient of her own regression center. The head nurse is confident that with a little help, Vanessa will fail the retraining and then she can be adopted by her. Start: I just had an accident, so embarrassing! I quickly mumble an excuse and head to my office. My face quite red not only from the loss of control, but also from being aroused. With quick steps I reach my office and close the door behind me, making sure to lock it so no one can enter. Only I have a key. I feel so hot right now and I can feel my bowls are churning for release. I know that I could use the private toilet of my office, but I already know that I will not do. The last time I used a potty is already more than two weeks ago. Slowly getting more into my infantile persona I think, “Now I always wear my potty with me.” I start to undress myself, freeing myself from the adult clothes until nothing but my slightly soggy diaper remains. The thought of my first real accident makes my kitty even hotter. I can worry about it later, right now I`m so turned on by the fact that I didn’t purposefully wet myself. I quickly get my hidden toys: I pink pacifier that I plop into my mouth, a frilly onesie that I quickly change into and the big vibrator for my pleasure. Now fully prepared, I turn on the pleasuring tool and bring it to my diapered kitty. I love the slight tease through the fabric of the onesie and my fluffy diaper. Getting deeper into my role, I release a couple moans, muffled by the pacifier so nobody can hear. Envisioning myself Infront of the head nurse in my current outfit, I start to squat down. I turn the vibrator to a higher setting and start pushing. I feel so little, so immature, just like a baby, as I helplessly fill my diaper with a grunt. As the stinky mush starts to pile up in my diaper, I come closer to my release. The diaper starts to tent out as I finish depositing everything inside. I even pee again a little bit. Just as I finish pooping the feeling of release takes me over the edge and I come in my diapee. It felt so amazing, that I didn’t even notice how my office door unlocked. As I come back to my senses, I see the head nurse standing right Infront of me, a smile on her face as she states …
  5. Officer Clarissa woke up to a feminine voice calling her name, "Clarissa, wake up sweety. It’s time to make a nice big present for mommy!" With a slight startle, she wakes up fully, becoming aware of the restraints holding her in place. Her own handcuffs bind her arms to two corners of the bed she is laying on, while ropes bind her feet to the other corners. She feels nude and spots all her gear laying at the side of the bed. As she tries to move, she hears a crinkle and notices the thick diaper she is wearing. With a glare, she looks back to her captor, a humanoid figure with pink skin, red eyes and prominent horns on the head. Shocked, she realizes that it is a demoness. The bouncy breasts and feminine body proportions are a clear indicator. Startled she thinks, “What is a demoness doing here? Any form of stable demons in our realm is a class 3 breach at minimum. Way more than my pay grade!” As if the demoness can smell her fear she reveals a wide grin, showcasing two rows of needle-like teeth. Continuing in a seductive voice, “Don’t be afraid. You are not in danger or we wouldn’t have this conversation right now.” She gives Clarissa a moment to process and come to the same conclusion. Her worry is replaced by uncertainty. The demoness doesn’t look that big, being around a head shorter than herself, but demons are known to have extreme strength, resilience and agility. They are also able to use mana for different kinds of spells, which make them so dangerous. “Okay, stop. Pull yourself together Clarissa. Think about your training!”, tell Clarissa silently herself. The first step is trying to classify the kind of demon. It can’t be a wrath demon, or she would be already dead. Gluttony also doesn’t makes sense with this slim body. Hmm … From the appearance she would guess that the demoness could be a succubus, which would make her a lust demon. At that thought she notices a pink tail appearing from below. It has a heart-shaped tip and quickly crawls closer to her head. She tries to defend herself, but the restraints keep her in place, but as the tail reaches her it just pats her softly on the head, while the demoness asks in a bit of an irritated voice, “Hello, hello. Someone there? Everything ok?” With a slight stutter, officer Clarissa answers, “Ye … Yes! I just spaced out for a moment. Are you a succubus?” This seems to amuse her captor, as she spots another grin while answering, “We have someone clever here. I’m called Lily by the way. You’re guess is wrong, but quite close. I’m a subset of the aspect of lust, but I specialize in something unique. As you may have noticed you are wearing a fluffy, comfy diaper. Just know that I get what I need when you use it in the right conditions.” That makes sense and explains Clarissa’s current predicament. She still doesn’t feel very well, as she just woke up after being knocked out. She needs to use the toilet but has a premonition about how this will go. Let’s not think about this for now and try to remember what happened before. She was about to check up on a hint that they got via phone. The Office of Magical Affairs gets a lot of calls from concerned citizens who misclassify perfectly normal events as magical. On top of that, there are fun calls that aren't meant seriously anyway. The combination of these two facts doesn’t allow the agency to send full teams to each reported location. Therefore, officer Clarissa was sent alone to do the checkup this time. When she arrived at the location, she rang the doorbell and announced her presence as per protocol. Then everything went haywire. Only milliseconds after the door opened something grabbed her and pulled her deftly inside. She doesn’t remember what happened after that. That should bring her to the current situation. With a bit of anxiety, she asks Lily, “What's going to happen now? What do I have to do in order to be released?” With an innocent smile, Lily answers, “As I said earlier you will make a nice big present in your diaper for mommy to clean up. I know you probably don’t want to do it right now, but I have just the right motivation.”, turning around 90 degrees she continues speaking in a soothing voice, “Come here, Peter. It’s time for your show!” Around the corner, a big baby crawls towards Lily. Wait, it’s not a baby, it’s an adult! He wears a frilly pink dress with red ribbons and suckles on a big strap-on pacifier. With each step, some crinkles emanate from his thick, white diaper. The same one Clarissa is wearing right now. Lily waits patiently for him to come closer and then stops far enough away so officer Clarissa has a good look at what will happen. With a mischievous grin, she removes the pacifier and then asks, “Who’s my good baby boy?” Peter answers enthusiastically, “Me, Mee!” With a satisfied grin Lily asks next, “And what do good little baby boys do?” “They do what mommy Lily says!” “Yes, they do. Now show your new baby sister how to make a nice big present for mommy!” “Yesth mommy! Hnnnrrg!” Splisssh! Clarissa watches as the front of Peter’s diaper starts to change color, while she starts hearing more noises. Pbbplrppt, Shplrt, Flrrpt! The relief and bliss on Peter’s face as he loads up his diaper is horrifying to Clarissa, while deeply arousing for Lily. As the poopy logs start to enter his diaper, the demoness turns him around for a better view. Now Clarissa can watch a bulge grow at the back of Peter’s diaper, while he starts to moan in pleasure. The diaper expands as the mess being pushed into it keeps piling up. All the while Lily praises him for doing such a good job while touching her own needy, demonic clitty. While Peter finishes soiling his diaper with quite some noise, Lily takes her now slick fingers, “You see, everything my body produces makes humans quite horny.” and inserts them into Clarissa’s diaper. As Clarissa feels the touch, she notices a certain heat and tingling slowly building up afterward. Changing her focus back to Peter, Lily commands him, “Lay on the floor in a changing position.” The adult baby complies immediately, squishing the contents of his diaper as he gets into position. With a winning grin, Lily opens the infantile garment, releasing quite the smell in the process, commenting, “Aawwww, my baby made such a big poopy for mommy! I’m so proud! Let’s get you your reward!” Peter beams all over his face, looking so pleased as if he has accomplished a big achievement, while he lies there in his excrement. His dick standing erect in the open diaper, coated in his still warm urine. Lily places herself over the steaming hot mess, slowly lowering her pussy over his member. Just a moment before making contact she stops with a wicked grin and with a hissing sound she starts to pee all over Peter’s erect member. His diaper caught the golden shower flowing down his genitals. The demoness doesn’t empty her bladder, just giving a quick shower, before retracting again. Only moments later the smell in the air starts to change. It’s hard to describe and Clarissa can still smell the mess, but her body stops categorizing the foul smell as something repulsive. After making sure that Clarissa will not be bothered by the smell of Peter’s mess anymore, the demoness folds the front piece of the diaper back up and around Peter’s cock. Then she starts sliding it up and down, simultaneously eliciting a squishing noise. Eliciting satisfied moans from him. Squish, Squish, Squish! Lily watches with a predatory gaze as her baby boy comes closer to orgasm. Inlaying her voice with magical energies, she starts speaking to Peter again, “You are my little baby boy, who has problems keeping his diaper dry. Whenever you get excited you lose control over your bladder, going pee-pee all over your fluffy diapee.” Baby boy Peter gives no resistance at all to the magical words, absorbing them like a diaper as they take hold of his mind. As this is accepted as his new truth, they settle in deeply, pushing out more parts of his maturity. The demoness hungrily absorbs this maturity, devouring it, so it will not return. Therefore, making the change permanent for the little baby boy. At the same time as his maturity goes bye, bye, he comes, spurting his load right into his infantile garment that Lily is rubbing over his member. It could be said that he has a literal mind-shattering orgasm. This is the way Lily works and with each sticky her victims make, they go further down their infantile paths, from which they will never return. After Peter blew his load, Lily closes his diaper again, telling him that he will be changed later. For now, he can enjoy the afterglow of his orgasm in his warm diapee. After taking him away, Lily has quite aroused herself. Diaper demons like her, enjoy the activity themselves. Therefore, the sly demoness can’t resist diapering her own sexy tushy, before going back to her newest catch. The feedings always make her a bit drunk, releasing her inhibitions and making her do more kinky stuff. She will have to make some stickies in it soon. Maybe after she is done with Clarissa here. She seductively licks her lips, before reappearing. As she goes over to the bed, she notices that Clarissa’s face has a bright flush by now, as the officer starts getting into heat. With another mischievous grin, Lily crawls onto the bed, positioning herself right over Clarissa. “My, my, what do we have here? A little baby girl in heat? Let mommy help you with that!” Starting to caress Clarissa’s breasts, the officer can’t resist releasing a moan from the pleasure. Clarissa grits her teeth, while vowing in her mind, “No, don’t give in to the temptation. Stay strong Clarissa, you can do it!” At the same time, worry comes up, as her bladder is near its capacity, threatening her with stings to release the pressure. As if on cue, Lily’s hand wanders over to her tummy, starting to gently apply pressure. The demoness watches with glee as the desperation in Clarissa’s eyes increases. It’s like music in her ears, when finally Clarissa’s resistance breaks with a whimpering sound. Hiiisssssssss! The officer starts wetting herself. A golden stream enters her thirsty diaper, splashing around and making it nicely warm and squishy. The relief feels sooo good. Clarissa didn’t know that going pee-pee can feel this good. Unwillingly she embraces the feeling, slowly coming closer to her orgasm. But before she reaches this height, the stream stops and the binding prevents her from pleasuring herself. With a pathetic moan, she protests, before being shushed by Lily. The demoness looks deep into her eyes, “Good job Clarissa! You see, that felt really good, didn’t it? But I want you to go one step further. You know what I want, right? Make me happy and I might even consider letting you go …” Clarissa thinks about the offer, knowing that she will likely not be able to free herself. But in the end, she refuses. Demons are not known to keep their word. Even if, as Lily has worded it she could keep her forever. The demoness replies, “Wouldn’t be fun if you gave in so easily.” She turns herself around so her diapered tushy is right Infront of Clarissa’s face, before announcing, “Feel the power of my secret weapon!” The demoness starts to grunt, as she starts pushing out her magical poo-poo from her demonic tushy. Pffrt! A first fart announces what is about to come. Then the first log starts to enter Lilys diaper. Clarissa watches mesmerized how the diaper starts expanding right Infront of her. With a couple moans Lily continues soiling her infantile garment, just like a baby. Rubbing her clitty through the front as she does the deed. A sickly sweet, magical scent starts to emanate from her poopy, instead of the foul smell of human excrement. This scent is Lilys ultimate weapon, turning even the hardest cases into diaper humping imbeciles. Finally with a loud "Braaapp" sound softer, mushier poop marks the ending of Lilys pooping session. The demoness loves the warm slimy feeling, as the diaper presses her mess against her delicate pink skin. She wiggles around a bit and touches the bulge she created to give her poopy a nicer spread inside her diaper, before standing up again. Now each of her movements is accompanied by a squishing sound, as her poop is pushed around. She stopped rubbing her clitty, even as she is close to an orgasm. She knows that it will be so much better, when done at the height of her feeding. Maybe she shouldn’t do it, as she just fed from Peter, but she wants to reach new heights. Knowing that Clarissa is now enraptured by the sweet smell permeating the room, she undoes the bindings of the officer. As Clarissa smells the sweet scent her arousal increases tenfold. Her little kitty now dropping wet. Her rational thoughts become more clouded as her primal desires increase. She just has to push, giving in to the pleasure. Without actively noticing she starts rubbing her diapered pussy, releasing a sweet moan between the squishing sounds. Lily comes closer to her ear with glee in her eyes, whispering with her demonic powers, “Concentrate on my voice Clarissa.” The officer can’t resist the magic compulsion and listens as if in trance. With a vile grin Lily continues, weaving even more magic into her voice, “Repeat after me: I, Clarissa, am a little baby girl. I’m a good little baby girl who loves wearing her diapers. Only grown-ups are allowed to take off my diaper. I’m too little to know how to properly change my used diapees.” Clarissa starts repeating in her lust-induced trance, the magic taking hold of her mind as she says the words. Lily looks her newest acquisition deep into her eyes as the defiant look in them is replaced by happiness and love. The big hurdle is overcome and Lily speaks the new truths of her baby girl directly to her mind, “You are so little, you have no control over your bladder. You constantly dribble your pee-pee into your beloved diapers. You love the feeling of your warm and squishy diapers against your skin.” As Clarissa goes deeper into the rabbit hole, the awareness of her bladder completely vanishes. Lily knows that her time is running out, but she has a good feeling and tries to go for the grand prize. She gathers the last of her energy reserves and hopes that it is enough, “Using the toilet is for big girls and not for you. You don’t even know how to use them. Always remember that the toilet is scary and cold, while using your diaper calms you down, as it is the right thing to do. When you need to go poopy you just squat down and push everything out into your waiting diapee.” Lily used all of her power, but she managed to finish. There are still a lot more lessons for the future, but this is amazing progress for now. After Lily spoke the last words, there is a vacant look in Clarissa’s eyes, a bit of drool running out of the corner of her mouth as the magic takes full hold and Lily gets her meal. It is sooo much and she is already feeling so hot! Lily’s pussy is dripping wet inside her own comfy diapee. The demoness gives her some time to let it all sink in, carefully applying more of the sweet scent emanating from her own diaper around her newest catch. Making sure to not disturb the changes taking place in Clarissa’s brain. After about a minute later the former officer starts moving again. She waddles a couple steps, her diaper crinkling and she is reminded of her current status. Just like before her hand wanders to her diapered crotch, squishing her soggy diaper against her needy kitty. Squish, Squish, rumble. The new adult baby is reminded by her tummy that she still needs to go poopy. She knows that she wanted to use the toilet, but as she thinks about this idea only a feeling of dread comes up. Why has she ever considered using one? Baby Clarissa doesn’t understand why she wanted to do this, she doesn’t even know how to use a toilet. She thinks a bit more and remembers what she is supposed to do. Like a good baby girl, she squats down, Lily watching her closely as she does so. Then with a grunt she starts pushing. With puffy cheeks she looks quite cute as she does the most infantile act with Lily watching in satisfaction. Hnnnnrg, Pfffrrrrpt! She pushes out a first fart, filling the air with her foul smell, but she is far from done. Prrapt! Braaapppp! The next sounds announce the steamy hot load entering the backside of her diaper. The warm slimy feeling spreading in her diaper is amazing and her kitty feels all tingly, so she masturbates the front of her diaper even faster while continuing to soil her infantile garment. One poopy log after the next enters her waiting diaper, tenting it out to a nice bulge. In the same amount as her diaper fills up, her arousal increases. “That’s my good baby girl! Push it all out!”, encourages Lily in a motherly tone. Clarissa answers with a deep grunt, needing some effort now to keep pooping, as the space starts to run out in the backside of her diaper, forcing the mess slowly towards the front. Her breathing becomes faster and faster as she comes closer to climax. Lily notices and whispers into her ear, “Show mommy how much you love your diapers!” Clarissa convulses in pleasure as she comes hard in her diaper, spewing lewd juices all over the soggy padding, as her diaper trustfully catches her infantile orgasm. At the same time she finishes soiling herself with one last squelching sound from the other end of her diapee. With a wide grin Lily praises her even more, “Good girl, you made such a good job! Mommy is very proud of you!” Baby Clarissa basks in the praise and the afterglow of her amazing orgasm, showing it with a big dumb grin, drool still running out of the corner of her mouth. Just like a good baby girl. But Lily isn’t finished yet, using the momentum she gained she uncovers her full breasts and guides her baby back to the bed. Clarissa follows the little prods by her mommy, her full diaper emits clearly perceptible squishing and squelching sounds from the movement, as the contents are moved within. The warm slimy feeling pressing against her skin feels just right and having used her diaper properly made Clarissa quite calm. It feels just so right, as if this is the natural state, she should always be in. Without noticing Clarissa’s thumb wanders inside her mouth, suckling on it like the infant she just became. Lily watches with a knowing grin and positions herself on the bed, together with her new adult baby. Taking Clarissa’s head into her lap. Lily own diaper crinkles a bit as she sits down on her own mess, but she doesn’t care. Just as little as her new baby girl does about smushing the contents of her diaper. After Clarissa put her head into Lilys lap, she is mesmerized by the full booby in front of her. Again Lily encourages in a soothing tone, “Time for your reward baby girl. It’s time for milkies from mommy. Open wide darling.” Clarissa does as she is told and latches on. She feels so loved and protected in mommies embrace, starting to suckle without a care in the world. Immediately she is rewarded with a sweet taste as her mouth fills with the heavenly nectar. Closing her eyes in absolute bliss as she drinks in big gulps. But not only Clarissa has a good time, as Lily also enjoys the feeding quite much. The diaper demon is so high on the maturity she leeched from her newest acquisition that in combination with the current stimulation, it’s too much and she loses it. Psshhh! Lily loses control of her bladder, wetting herself like a baby. As she breastfeeds Clarissa, her own diaper expands in size, while changing its color. Growing warm and squishy just like Clarissa’s diaper before. That makes Lily sooo horny and she starts touching herself, making the same squishing noises as Clarissa before. Her new baby girl opens her eyes and looks surprised at her mommy, which is having a small accident herself. She stops feeding for a moment and asks, “Did you went pee-pee just like me?” The question increases Lilys arousal to unknown heights as she starts to embrace her darkest fantasy. Lily is completely overwhelmed from all the stimulus and releases a high pitched moan from the pleasure. She doesn’t even notice that she subconsciously starts to impart her voice with magic just as before. Her magic reserves having refilled quite a bit from all the maturity she leeched from Clarissa. As in trance Lily answers with her horny thoughts, “Yes, I just went pee-pee in my diapee like a good little baby girl.”, in her clouded mind state she remembers what she just said earlier to Clarissa, repeating a couple of her commands, “Yes, I’m a good little baby girl who loves wearing her diapers. I’m too little to know how to properly change my used diapees.” With every sentence Lily comes closer to orgasm. She is sooo close. In her haze she thinks to herself, “Just one more humiliating sentence, which Clarissa will probably forget anyway and I can make my own stickies!” With renewed determination she finishes with, “I’m so little that I have no control over my bladder!” As the magic settles in place, Lily experiences a mind shattering orgasm herself! As she comes in her well used diaper she falls back-first onto the bed. This time involuntarily devouring part of her own maturity with a big dumb grin, drool running out of the corner of her mouth. Her thumb finding a way into her mouth, while baby Clarissa crawls over to continue nursing from her breast. Authors note: Lily is not the first diaper demon, getting so high from overfeeding that she gives in to her urges and starts feeding of her own maturity. Its kinda her instincts taking over and making her deepest desires come true. Deep down she wants to be the same as her victims, helplessly filling her thick diapers while having the best orgasms of her life. Clarissa on the other hand is an adult baby now. She did go further then Lilys programming, as she sunk deep into little space. But this is only temporary and the only permanent changes are the ones induced by Lilys magical words. What do you think how this development will proceed? Lily got a taste of her own maturity now and it was way better then any mortal one she ate before. Will she be able to control herself or will she sink deeper into infantile bliss? What about Clarissa, will she be able to stop further regression?
  6. When an IT engineer at RegressCo gets hold of his upcoming evaluation, he tries to find a way to adjust the standards by which he is assessed… with unintended consequences RegressCo - Fudging the Numbers Jack sighed as he sat down in his cubicle. Frustration was visible on his forehead this morning, wrinkling all the way down to the end of the hyenas muzzle. He’d been dealing with ridiculous queries all day, tickets from everywhere from Research and Development to Payroll. How they managed to break so many pieces of equipment and crash simple pieces of software was beyond him. RegressCo needed to get a better handle on enforcing some best practices, the entire IT department was at full capacity and the tantrums people threw about them were audible from three floors up. This time, it was easy to see the cause. Some new intern in HR hadn’t been given a sippy cup and his laptop keys were now stuck firmly in place from the apple juice that had worked their way between them. Thankfully, it was an easy fix, a little careful application of heat and cotton buds and soon everything was clicking away like new. “Now, let’s give you a test run” the hyena whispered to himself, pressing the on button. Rather than the normal start-up screen, the laptop flickered for a second before showing a clear and organised desktop, spreadsheets and documents neatly placed in specific sections. “What? Did this kid not log out or..” It was then the hyena spotted something that made him stop before hitting the start menu. A document mixed in among others. “Jack Crowley - Yearly Assessment - DRAFT COPY” Great. He’d known that was coming up at some point. Still a few weeks away, but definitely in his near future. He’d been at RegressCo for just under a year, his three month probation had come and gone and he’d been officially inducted into a little clique of workers who were still with it enough to make it to the toilet six months in. This place was a minefield, he’d learned that just by reading the various manuals covered in crayons and big red warnings saying “DON’T DRINK THE MILK”. Once you’d stepped in the wrong place at the wrong time, that was it, your name went on the potty chart and your assessments went from formal and boring to a desperate attempt not to be distracted by the colours on your bosses tie. He hovered over the icon, leaning back in his chair. If he read this, he’d probably be breaking a rule somewhere. Fireable? Maybe, he certainly wouldn’t look good on the next version if he was found out… But no one would know right? He opened up the document, skimming through its various sections. His face scowled, dropped, then contorted. None of the notes had been put into “corporate” speak yet, most were still in their raw forms. “Compared to other staff members, standards of work completion have recently dropped... Sees some work as unnecessary... misses deadlines... incapable of working to the standards expected in the company” This wasn’t good. It was really not good. Not a firing, but definitely a talk down. And company evaluations at RegressCo that involved a talk down had a tendency to result in demotion to “potty by the desk at all times” “This is ridiculous…” he whispered to himself leaning back in his chair. He looked over the spreadsheets in the bottom corner, eyes wandering over their file names. “Potty and Toilet Tracker - Q1” “Employee Character Reference Contact Details” “Timesheets - Break and Lunch Monitoring - Q1” All neat, all clearly labelled. Wouldn’t expect less from a straight laced intern in HR with more time to do busy work than anything useful. “Incapable of working to the standards expected in the company…” he tapped his legs, biting on his bottom lip “What standards are they talking about…?” He clicked on the Potty Tracker. Sure enough, everyone in the company was listed there, each one with a status drop down menu. Each of those were known to employees anyway, but it was clear this was the one area Jack was, at least, in the clear. He looked over the list of his colleagues in IT. His manager was listed under the third rung of the ladder: “PAUL FRY - Bathroom privileges, pull-ups required” A thought popped into Jack's mind. These were all a matter of public record in the company. If he lowered the visible standards of those assessing him… ************************************************************************************************************* Paul Fry grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the colourful kids tables in the kitchen. The cheetah had got used to this, regression for him was - as he liked to put it - “childs play“. Sure it was annoying for a while, but more often than not he woke up one morning back in his double bed sprawled out with a ripped diaper down his ankles. Then it was just shower, bathroom and back to the grind before the next time he got this small. Five years of it tended to give you a sense of it as it was happening and he’d had enough experience to keep himself stocked up with supplies. Potty training was just another system he had to learn in his IT Consultant position, like any other, and now he just went through the motions each… He stopped in his tracks as a warmth spread through his crotch. His eyes shot to his pants, the apple dropping from his hands in shock. His paws shot to his front, feeling the plastic of the pull-up underneath them expanding as his bladder emptied completely. “I… what the?” he pulled at the front of his waistband, checking the damage. Sure enough, the designs had faded, he’d not even felt it coming. This wasn’t normal… “Hey Paul! You ok there?” he looked round and up at his co-worker. Doing his best to shake off his shock he smiled weakly “Heh… yeah just errr…” “Having a bathroom break?” the cheetahs jaw dropped “Oh come on, it was obvious a mile away” “I… I am not!” he clenched his fists and stamped his foot on the floor. Wait… that wasn’t… “Ok geez… wait… you’re...” The cheetah felt strange. Why couldn’t he unclench his fists? Why did he feel so wound up? He tried to focus on breathing, trying to relieve the sudden tightness. His tail had gone straight, his legs were bending… “Oh… Oh no!” His co-worker fanned his nose dramatically “I’ll err… I’ll go get the nurse Paul. Try not to sit down” The cheetah felt tears coming to his eyes as he patted the back of his pants. But… he was potty training... ************************************************************************************************************* Satisfied with a little adjustment to his managers training progress - the drop down box now helpfully stating “Incontinent - Diapers Required” - Jack started skimming through a couple of the other spreadsheets. It couldn’t hurt to make a few additional adjustments here and there to get him through this, it’s not like they’d be permanent. They’d probably just blame simple clerical error and leave it at that. He wasn’t even logged in, so these wouldn’t appear as his edits. His mouse hovered over one particular spreadsheet, his mind finding another puzzle piece clicking into place. “Employee Character Reference Contact Details” A devious idea entered into Jack's mind. He looked through the list of staff members. There was his name, his mother listed as his emergency contact (being single wasn’t out of choice, so they were the best option) but he quickly found what he was looking for just below it... ************************************************************************************************************* “Hey Richie! Need a hand with those boxes?” Richard looked up and pressed the “Open” button on the elevator as the fox ran in next to him, his fennec ears perking up as he heard his friends gracious offer. “Yeah, that would be great! Seriously, I have no idea why the head of HR needs all this stationary. Can’t he just, I dunno, not eat his crayons every week?” The fox laughed “Oh come on, he probably just spills his bottle on everything and needs to replace it” As the elevator doors closed, Richard leaned against the back of the wall, checking his phone for messages. Sure enough, his wife was checking in on him at work, as she always seemed to. “Urgh…Janet” “Hmmm? Trouble in the Forrester household?” Richard shook his head “Nah, just getting the old “Are you sure you’re ok in work?” spiel. She cares a lot but man she can be…” His phone went off again, another message from her had popped through this time with a picture. “Come on kiddo, I know you’re there! You left your lunch at home silly!” The picture made Richard raise an eyebrow. She’d taken a picture of a kids lunchbox, adorned with cartoons and primary colours. He’d never seen it before in his life. “Oh wow, that's your lunchbox?” “NO!” Richard snapped back at the fox, immediately feeling a blush of shame come to his face for responding that way. “Hah, right, of course not.” Richard growled a little under his breath as he started to respond “Where did you get that from?! Great prank Janet, but I’ve got my lunch back in the office in my own tupperware” The elevator stopped at another floor. Richard began apologising as those outside looked disappointed at the pile of boxes taking up all of the space. “Sorry! I’m sure there’ll be another…” He stopped for a second as the door closed. Stifled giggles were coming from all of the staff. The fox burst into laughter as soon as the elevator started up again. “Richie you might want to take your pacifier out before you talk” What? “I don’t have..” he immediately felt his tongue smacking against a rubber teat. His eyes widened, looking down at the offending accessory that had found its way into his muzzle and pulling it free. It bounced off his chest as the clip that was attached to his shirt pocket caught it on the way down. “What the heck…” He felt his phone go off again. Grabbing at it he looked at the message that had just come in from Janet. “Oh you silly bee, that’s not yours! You should know better than to lie to mommy! I bet you couldn’t even do it without having your pacifier in, you always do that just before you tell me a fib!” Richards jaw dropped. Whatever was happening this was not how he’d expected this elevator ride to go, even as it reached its final stop. Whatever, he’d solve it once they’d unpacked everything, Janet acting strange was the least of his worries. “Ah, Richie!” The jackalope had been waiting for his delivery just outside his office “Glad to see you again, loving the new pacifier, Janet get it for you?” “I… errr…” “Just teasing” he took a small craft knife out of his pocket “Let’s just check the first lot…” he opened the tape of the first box the fox handed down to him, pulling open the cardboard sides. “Looks great! Oh, Richie!” He pulled out another box from inside the delivery, this one adorned with babyish designs “This is for you! Janet called me and asked to order this in. I have to say I think a lot of us are very jealous you have such a lovely mommy” he chuckled a little. Richard could barely keep his jaw off the ground “WI-FI BABY MONITOR - KEEP TRACK OF YOUR LITTLE ONE ANYWHERE!” As his phone went off again he shoved the pacifier back in his mouth and ran back into the elevator... ************************************************************************************************************* Jack couldn’t help but giggle to himself as he made the changes. Richie had always been funny to watch around his wife, a quick change to make her his “Mother by Regression” was far more fitting anyway. When they called for his character evaluation it would change the questions - “Does Richard need regular nap times”, “Does Richard prefer cloth or disposable diapers” - certainly lower his expected standards a little… and by extension the company average. He glanced around again. He was on a roll at this point, in for a penny in for a pound on the whole thing. “Timesheets - Break and Lunchtime Monitoring - Q1” Well… one last little edit would do for now… ************************************************************************************************************* Henry sighed as he leant back in his office chair. He had no idea where Jack had got to, the hyena must have been stuck in a side office working on equipment or something. The IT department was on a skeleton crew at the moment, Paul was at lunch and Jack was, well, not particularly useful at the best of times. He leaned forward, adjusting the booster seat under him a little. Being a field mouse came with a mixture of pros and cons in this place. He had all the accessibility items he could ever need for someone his size, but he did wish they weren’t all in primary colours. He glanced at his watch. Paul should’ve been back from lunch by now, and was delaying his own. “Guess I’ll go grab him, probably got stuck chatting to one of those cats down in accounting…” He made his way out of the IT office and down the hall. There was a little bit of commotion going on, a few of the girls were giggling outside the kitchen. He caught the word “accident” as he came up to the doorway. “What’s happening? Did I miss…” “Oh Henry dear is it time for your feeding already?” He looked to his right to see the head of catering, a large and motherly bear, walking towards the entrance, her apron stained from trying to persuade some of the regressed staff members to eat the veggies their caretakers had asked them to provide. “Is Paul there, he’s…” The mouse yipped as he was suddenly lifted off the ground the bear hoisting him on her arms “Now now dear, don’t worry, your bottle is ready and waiting to go in the warmer as always” Henry’s eyes widened as he looked up at his captor, squirming in her arms “Wa..wait! What are you doing?! I don’t need a feeding, I’m not regressed!” The bear gave his tummy a rub with one of her large fingers, her fur sneaking between the buttons of his shirt, untucking it and causing the mouse to squirm around it. “Ssshhh, I know you're not regressed silly, but that’s what’s on your lunchtime chart isn’t it! It’s alright, we’re always happy to oblige, no need to be embarrassed” He went to open his mouth to complain again but before he could, the bear started to rub his tummy again. It was relaxing and calming, far more than he’d like to admit. He felt himself mewl a little as he heard the beeping of the warmer finishing up what he could only assume was about to be his next meal. “Now Henry, don’t worry, Mama Bear is gonna let you finish this up and then you can have your nap ok?” Nap?! He didn’t have naps at lunchtime he… Before Henry could finish that thought the teat of the bottle was shoved unceremoniously into his mouth. He couldn’t help but swallow the warm milk that started to flow into his little maw, it’s taste washing over every part of his mouth. “There we are! See, no problem at all. Your manager was in here a little while ago, the poor kitten had a bit of an accident. Guess something is going round in IT?” Henry wasn’t really focussed on her voice. He just continued to nurse, desperate to get the experience over with so he could… “Oh dear!” Henry's eyes went wide. The warmth of the milk had flowed down into his stomach, but a different heat was now running down his suit pants. “Goodness me, guess someone needed to make a bit of room huh? Not to worry, this bear’s seen much worse. But I don’t think you’ll be able to stay in those pants…” The mouse tried to pop the bottle out of his mouth to get out some sort of explanation, but the paw of the bear was keeping it firmly in place. “Now, where are those diapers…” ************************************************************************************************************* Jack grinned from ear to ear. Adjustments to lunchtime rotas and meals took a little time to get ready, so by the time of his appraisal, he’d be the only one making himself his own lunch there. Henry would have to have bottles for a week or so before they made that correction, but it would be funny watching him try to explain it to a diapered Paul... Satisfied with his adjustments the hyena saved the relevant documents. That was it for the day, no need to go completely overboard and bring too much suspicious behaviour to the attention of HR. They liked to track these things, and going too far could mean IT could get a permanent changing table in the office. He shuddered at the idea… Still, he couldn’t help feeling like he needed to edit his own document just to be sure. It had been pretty harsh after all. He had to be careful and remove something specific. Removing everything would be obvious. Scanning down the list of bullet points he saw one he could very easily get rid of “He’s noted to be a clumsy member of staff. Motor control that of a child at times, recommend sippy cups and bibs at lunchtime as a precaution” That was bull, but he knew that would be the sort of thing he’d find particularly annoying if any of that was acted on. He selected the entire line and deleted it before moving the mouse towards the close button Except it didn’t get there. It span across the screen, slowly moving its way across the taskbar “What the…” It must have crashed, he thought. The next thing to do in this situation was to bring up the task manager and… His fingers clenched into fists, preventing him from even doing that. Panic spread across his face as he felt his legs push him away from the desk and start to move of their own accord, pulling him to the ground in a crawl. “What… what’s happening?!” he shouted out loud. The empty office didn’t respond, but his arm seemingly did. It slapped against his muzzle, feeling like he’d slept on it for days. His jaw opened as well, licking at the end of his fist and drooling round the back of it. Before he could try to regain control, his thumb had firmly lodged itself inside, his body seemingly desperate for the oral fixation. The hyena felt tears come to his eyes as he fell onto his back. The image of Paul coming in to find him like this was too embarrassing to think about. If he could just get himself back to his feet he could… “Hey do you have my laptop ready yet?” ************************************************************************************************************************************************** If you'd like to read more of my work, please visit www.patreon.com/DaddyWuffster I post three 3000 word stories a month there. You'll get two on the $5 tier and 3 on the $10 tier! Plus if you subscribe on the $10 tier you'll get one of them (voted for by Patrons!) as an audiobook!
  7. Hi!! I've been like super inactive for...half a year Lol I was wondering if this is the right place to post this but are there any people interested in doing rp in discord? Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but id love to do to rp on That! Preferably 1on1 and I'm not looking for anything nsfw meaning no sexual content please!!! I like to be the little and mental ar. Thanks!! Reply or pm me if interested at all!! ♡♡♡♡
  8. Rosie cringes as she receives her grades back. All the circles in red ink and underlines all trace around her paper with a big "SEE ME" at the top of her page.
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