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Chapter 1 Caleb strolled through the forest, pokeball in hand. Today was the day, the 15-year-old mentally told himself, the day he finally, finally caught a pokemon of his own. Every other kid from the town had found one and started their journey years ago, and Caleb hated feeling left behind. A rustling in the nearby bushes alerted him to the presence of a pokemon. Stepping back cautiously in case it was dangerous, he saw a hypno slowly emerge from the greenery; Caleb smiled. “Wow! Talk about luck!” He raised his arm to throw the pokeball... only for something to catch his eye and distract him. It sparkled in the sunlight, and slowly began to move back and forth... back and forth... back and forth... Caleb slowly realized that the sparkling item in question was the hypno's coin. A part of him warned him not to look, that he'd be at the pokemon's mercy... but the more he watched, the more he questioned that voice. It's so pretty... so shiny and sparkly... maybe... maybe I should be at her mercy... I want to be at her mercy... I want to watch the pretty shiny sparkly coin and be at her mercy... Caleb didn't even register that he somehow knew the hypno was female. A smile slowly formed on his face as he sighed happily, relaxing every muscle in his body, his thoughts forming into a mantra repeated in time to the swinging coin. Back... and forth. O...bey. Back... and forth. O...bey. Back... and forth. O...bey. Back... and forth. O... bey. “Hyp... no... hyp... no... hyp... no... hyp... no...” Caleb's smile widened, too enraptured to realize that he, not the pokemon, was saying “hypno”. The mantra changed slightly as the hypno responded in a calm, soothing voice. “Hypno, no... hypno hyp hyp no, hypno hypno. Hyp hypno hypno!” To Caleb, the meaning was clear. <“Good job, little one... you're doing soooo good, watching my pretty coin. What a good boy you are!”> “Hyp... no... hyp... no... hyp... no... hyp... no...” Back... and forth... little... one... back... and forth... so... good... back... and forth... pretty... coin... back... and forth... good... boy... <“That's right, little one. Be a happy boy. It's silly-dum-dum time for you. You want to be sooo stupid and dum-dum, just a dumb little boy...”> Caleb could feel his intelligence slipping away, making him dumber and dumber. He was going to be very stupid indeed... and he couldn't wait. No more thinking, no more smarts, just empty-headed bliss. He'd be as dumb as a toddler. Back... and forth... little... one... back... and forth... Dum... dum... Back... and forth... little... boy... <“Aww, my baby is getting soooo stupid! Just a stupid baby... a happy baby... time to wet yourself, happy baby... you'll be soooo happy when you go pee-pee for mommy...”> No, not dumb as a toddler, dumb as a baby. Even better! Back... and forth... stu... pid... back... and forth... ba... by... back... and forth... hap... py... back... and forth... pee... pee... Caleb's pants quickly became utterly soaked as a near flood of pee came out, the sound hissing loudly as he sighed in utter happiness. He was happy because he made pee-pee for his mommy like a good little baby. <“Aww, my widdle baby made his first wetsy! I'll stop the coin and snap my fingers soon... when I do, you'll get your big boy thoughts back, but you won't be able to refuse anything I say, no matter how much you want to... and whenever I say 'silly baby', you'll be sooo stupid again...”> Caleb nodded, his smile not wavering. SNAP! “Wh... what? What happened?... Wait... I'm wet?!” Caleb tried to cover himself up in embarrassment, but a voice interrupted him. “Now now, babies don't feel shame! Take your pee-pee-pants off and be nakey for mommy!” Caleb suddenly realized that the hypno was talking, and he understood it. “No way—what?” His shock at his new comprehension was quickly eclipsed by how fast he was removing his clothes, tossing them aside until he was completely nude. He tried to cover himself up, but his body refused to do so. His horror only increased when he saw the hypno put the coin away and hold up something else: a very thick diaper covered in pictures of baby pokemon smiling happily in one hand, a bottle of baby powder in the other. “Good baby! Now lie down for mommy and let me diaper you!” His body once again obeying against his wishes, Caleb laid down on his back, the soft grass tickling his naked flesh as the hypno approached and covered his groin and butt with lots and lots of powder before putting him in the diaper. Its thickness was so great that Caleb knew he wouldn't be able to stand up, let alone walk. And yet, it wasn't uncomfortable... in fact, it was very comfortable... he shook off those thoughts as best he could. “Stop, I'm not a baby!” “Yes you are! You're just mommy's little baby! Aww, you look soooo cute!” “No, I'm a—” “Baby.” “I'm—” “A baby, that's right! What a good baby, you know what you are!” “STOP! I'M NOT A BIG BOY, I'M A BABY!” Caleb's eyes went wide as he realized what he'd just shouted, almost reflexively. The hypno just smiled, and with a wave of her hand, he felt himself floating in midair, suspended by her psychic powers. “Good baby! Time to come home with mommy.” Wearing nothing but a diaper, Caleb could do nothing as he floated helplessly along behind the hypno; as they passed through the forest, he tried to think of an escape plan... “Silly baby! You're too stupid and little to plan anything! And you don't ever want to escape from mommy!” A flip switched in Caleb's mind at the trigger word and the goofy smile returned. Heehee! Why would I want to run away? I'm happy to be sooo dum-dum! I like being a stupid dum-dum widdle baby for mommy! His cheer was so great he giggled happily like a baby, kicking his feet in the air as he floated along. Soon, they arrived in a clearing with a shimmering wall of light; passing through it revealed a large building painted in bright, soft colors, with a sign reading “Poke-nursery” above the door. The hypno walked in, followed swiftly by Caleb, who was soon deposited in a playpen. SNAP! Coming out of the trance once again, Caleb looked around, startled by his new surroundings. Strangely enough, he vaguely remembered something about his trance, though it was fuzzy like a fading dream... “Welcome to your new home, my sweet little diaper baby boy!” He looked up at the hypno, who was smiling warmly down at him. Before he could speak, she waved her hands, and he found himself shrinking down, his diaper shrinking with him. Though his appearance and physical age remained the same, he was now the size of an actual baby. Caleb didn't have much time to panic about this, as a few more pokemon approached; one was a hypno—this one male—accompanied by a miltank and a jynx. The male hypno smiled at him as well and spoke, and once again Caleb found himself understanding every word. “Hello, baby! I'm your daddy!” the male hypno said; gesturing to the miltank and the jynx, he continued. “These are your other caretakers, and they'll help us take good care of you! Meet Auntie Milk and Auntie Song!” The latter two cooed at him, talking to him in baby-talk as one would do toward an actual baby. Caleb had never felt more humiliated in his life, and blushed considerably... “Ah ah ah,” Mommy—no, the female hypno chided; “babies don't blush because babies aren't ever embarrassed!” He felt his embarrassment fading away rapidly, and was left not knowing what to feel about his current situation. His confusion increased as the miltank approached an picked him up, holding him against her udders. The miltank smiled down at him and spoke in a cheerful, playful tone, the kind meant for the smallest of infants. “Time for milkies, widdle baby!” No. That was a step too far. He shut his mouth tight and turned his head away, only to be pressed tighter against the udders. “Let Auntie Milk feed you, baby.” As the order came in, he found his mouth opening wide to allow one of the miltank's nipples to enter, and against his will he began suckling. To his surprise, the milk tasted good. No, not good; it tasted absolutely wonderful, and soon he found himself hugging the pokemon's soft, warm midsection tightly and suckling hungrily, eager for more. When one nipple went dry, he felt almost disappointed... until the miltank guided his head toward another. This time, he didn't hesitate, and in fact shoved his mouth onto the nipple with an almost desperate need. This process repeated until he had drunk from all four udders. The miltank then handed him over to the jynx, who cradled him in her arms like a baby. Caleb quickly realized that the milk had a physical effect on him; no longer was he lean and fit. Instead, he was chubby, his baby fat having returned. He squirmed in the jynx's arms, until she suddenly began singing, rocking him slowly back and forth as she did so. “Time to wet, baby boy! Time to wetsy-wet! All your shame and all your worries, you will soon forget, when you wetsy-wetsy-wetsy-wetsy-wet!” The song was soothing; Caleb had never heard anything so beautiful in his life. He barely noticed as he helplessly soaked his diaper, a loud hissing noise accompanying the swelling of the diaper. The hypno's earlier suggestion held on, preventing him from feeling embarrassed at the wetting... or was it the song? Either way, he felt absolutely no shame or worry at it, even though he knew he ought to be frightened. “Good baby,” the male hypno cooed, “time for a changie, then it's beddie-bye-sleepy-time for our widdle baby!” The jynx carried him over to a changing table, and the male hypno began to remove his wet diaper and change him into an equally thick one before putting a baby blue footed sleeper on him and picking him up. Caleb could do nothing as he was carried to a crib and laid down gently. He didn't think he could sleep at all. This entire situation was too much for him to handle. Then the mobile was sent spinning, a soft lullaby tinkling from it; this wouldn't have worked on him if not for the fact that all four pokemon began singing to him, the jynx's power amplifying the psychic effect on him. Caleb yawned heavily, and found himself laying down on the soft, soft material as a baby blanket was draped over him, and before he knew it he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
Preview to my Halloween story Called Carnival Fun! I have been working on this story for a while and have it almost finished. I hope everyone likes the preview and as Halloween gets closer I will post more chapters! Thanks! Chapter 1: Ashley looked around the daycare looking at all of the children running around in there Halloween costumes. She always loved Halloween the idea of going house to house trick or treating always made her feel so extra childish. She looked up at the clock seeing it was already 3 o clock knowing her friend Rachel would be coming to pick her up in an hour so they could go to the Halloween carnival together. She walked into her office grabbing her cell phone off of her desk and decided to call her friend to make sure she had gotten her costume for her as her phone began to ring. Rachel was combing her hair making sure everything was perfect for tonight as she saw her phone vibrating on her dresser seeing Ashley was calling her. She answered the phone saying "Hey Girl" as Ashley smiled saying "Hey I was just calling to make sure everything was still on" Rachel spoke up saying "of course, I am getting ready right now and should be there in an hour so be ready to go." Ashley began to get confused asking "How am I suppose to get ready without an outfit, it was your turn to buy our costumes." Rachel began to freak out telling her "I am so sorry I thought we were buying our own this year since we both live in different towns." Ashley looked up at the clock once again telling her friend "I will try to figure something out and will be ready when you get here, but you owe me one" as Rachel told her "I will get you back" as she hung up the phone. Ashley began to hear the front door opening and peaked her head out of her office watching as parents began making there way inside of her daycare. After watching all of the children leave she looked at the clock seeing it had all ready been 30 minutes and she would need to be dressed ready for Rachel. She began to scan the daycare wondering what she could do as she walked towards the nursery. She began scanning through the closet seeing the array of baby clothing as she placed her hand on a pink sleeper. She grabbed the hanger walking over to the large mirror and placed the sleeper to her body staring in shock seeing how much of a perfect fit it was. Ashley was a small girl she was 4"0 and weighed around 90 pounds which always seemed to leave her being mistaken for a child from time to time. She took the sleeper off the hanger and turned it around noticing the words across the chest reading "Mommy's Baby Girl" stitched into the sleeper. She stared back up at clock seeing she only had 20 mintues until Rachel would be here as she stripped herself out of her t-shirt and jeans leaving herself in just her panties and bra. She picked up the sleeper as she stared at the words on the sleeper seeing the word "Baby" as she turned her head towards the changing table and began to smile knowing she had a fun idea. Rachel pulled into the daycare parking lot and began to wonder why she wasn't already outside waiting for her. She parked her car right outside the front door and decided to leave her car running to go check on her friend. She walked into the front of the building and noticed a stroller parked with the hood down. She looked down at the bottom of the stroller seeing 2 feet on the foot rest wondering why Ashley didn't tell her she was bringing a child along with them as she walked around the stroller seeing a set of keys and a note. She read the note reading the words "Lock up" written on the note as her mind began to click and pulled the front of the hood of the stroller up and stared shockingly at her friend dressed like an infant. She tried so hard not to laugh and wondered where she would of got such an outfit staring at her friend clad in a baby sleeper and bonnet sucking on a pacifier clipped to her sleeper. Ashley looked up seeing that her friend had found her and pulled out her pacifier telling her "Twik or tweat" as Rachel began to coo at her friend. Rachel couldn't help telling her friend how adorable she looked and asked her were she had gotten her outfit. Ashley still in character told her friend "goo goo ga ga" as Rachel smiled asking her friend "So I guess I am stuck baby sitting tonight" as Ashley giggled behind her pacifier nodding at her friend. Rachel pushed the stroller out the front door making sure to lock the door behind her. She opened her passage door as Ashley tried to climb out herself, but quickly found a swat on her backside and blushed as Rachel couldn't help but laughing from the loud thud that came from the swat. She picked up her friend asking "I see I really do have a baby tonight diapers and all" as Ashley continued to suck on the pacifier nervously as she was placed in the front seat. Rachel pushed the stroller around to the trunk as she tried to fold the buggy up and began to wonder why it wasn't folding noticing a large bag. She pulled the bag from out of the bottom seeing her friend had come prepared seeing 2 baby bottles on the outside of the bag along with the zipper looking like it was ready to pop and placed the buggy and diaper bag into the trunk. She opened her driver side seat seeing her friend already buckled in to her seat telling her how proud she was of her for being so prepared for her and telling her how much fun they were going to have tonight treating her as if she was an actual child as Ashley smiled and began clapping her hands. Ashley couldn't help but notice the outfit her friend had chosen it was a basic nurses outfit complete with her own tiara. She thought about how much fun they were going to have tonight and pulled out her pacifier asking her friend "Its been way too long since we have hung out" as Rachel turned her head smiling at her friend telling her "It sure has" as Ashley smiled down at her outfit wondering if she had chosen the right outfit. Rachel looked over at her friend asking her "is everything alright?" as Ashley broke out of her daydream nodding slowly. Rachel always knew Ashley was a bad liar and knew what to do to get her to tell as she pulled into the parking lot of the carnival. She parked her car and unbuckled her seat belt and immediately began tickling her friend. Ashley began laughing as hard as she could begging her friend to stop as she told her "that maybe dressing up like a baby wasn't such a good idea." Rachel began to smile telling her "Your thinking too hard about this and need to relax" as she gave her friend a playful pat on her diapered crotch telling her "just have fun" as Ashley smiled placing the pacifier back into her mouth watching as Rachel got out of the car. Rachel pulled the stroller out of the back of the car setting it up like her friend had it and grabbed the diaper bag sticking it underneath. She opened the passenger door up and scooped her friend up into her arms as she walked towards the stroller as people began to walk by cooing at Ashley telling Rachel how adorable she looked as Ashley blushed wondering if she looked that much like a real baby as Rachel placed her into the stroller. Rachel began to realize how much everyone really saw her as a baby and took her bonnet off the top of her head so people could see her face and stuck it in the outside flap of the baby bag as she walked towards the carnival. Ashley looked up at Rachel wondering why she took off her bonnet and turned to see that they were walking towards the carnival. She looked around seeing everyone from town was here even noticing some of her charges were here with there parents running around in there costumes as they made there way to the entrance booth. Ashley looked up at the entrance booth instantly seeing one of the parents from the daycare it was Ms.Davis. Rachel walked over to the desk telling the woman 2 tickets please as Ms. Davis stared at Rachel telling her baby's get a hand stamp as she walked over to the front of the stroller instantly realizing who was inside as she gasped saying "Ashley?" Ashley stared up at the woman as she sucked on the pacifier nodding as Ms. Davis began to coo at her telling her how adorable she looked. Ms. Davis couldn't believe what she was looking at as she told Ashley that her little Margaret was in the carnival daycare and would be tickled to see her teacher dressed this way as Rachel smiled down at her friend who was beginning to feel very embarrassed telling the woman "I am sure we will bump into them some time tonight" as Ms.Davis waved good bye as Rachel pushed her friend towards the rest of the carnival. Rachel looked around seeing all of the attractions wondering what they should do first as the words hypnotism caught her eye from a booth at the very end. She spoke up asking "Baby do you see whats in front of us as Ashley looked up seeing the same booth reading hypnotism across the sign as she pulled out her pacifier telling Rachel "you know a person really cant be hypnotized?" as Rachel laughed saying "will see" as she walked towards the booth.
Rosie stood nervously in front of a strange door in a strange hallway. There was nothing outwardly strange about them. It could have been any other apartment door in any other hallway, but the reason she was here was certainly strange.She had taken it up on a whim. A single offer, coming to her from someone she had spoken too online but had never met in person. After years visiting a... strange... community online, speaking to people without seeing them, even making art for it, she had been offered a chance to actually try living it. The person's name was Samantha, and they certainly had a lot of similar interests, but it was still frightening. She didn't really know this person, did she? How well can you know someone you've never seen before? Do online meetings and relationships count the same as in person?On top of that, she was here to play the sub. It was a role she she was always interested it but didn't even discuss as much. Almost every discussion she had and every drawing she made had her playing dom. She knew this would be difficult, having to let someone take control of her for a change. Not only that, but the plan was meant to be a surprise. She had no idea what was in store for her, it was all Samantha's decision. That was all part of it, and they had similar interests, but it was still frightening. She closed her eye and psyched herself. She could do this. Just turn off the dominant side, and let someone else take control. At least if it turned bad she could always ask for it to start.Holding her breath, she knocked. The door was almost immediately answered by a tall, athletically built blond haired woman. Rosie, herself almost 6 feet tall, wasn't used to having to look up at another woman. Rosie stared at the woman's arms, hoping whatever the plan was didn't involve a lot of spanking. This was definitely a woman who could make that hurt, and definitely one who would have no problem dominating over someone."Rosie?" the woman asked, and Rosie nodded. The woman dragged her in by the arm, closed the door and locked it. She looked Rosie over, examining her wavy brown hair and shorter, broad hipped build. She smiled and tapped her nose. "Hehe your just as cute as I expected," she smacked Rosie on the butt, making her yelp. "Perfect for what I have planned."Rosie blushed over the treatment. It was... sudden, she thought. She tried to back up a bit, then mentally checked herself. She was here to play sub, she told herself. This was the sort of treatment she could expect. "Ummm... thanks. Are you Samantha?""Yes, that's right dear. Good girl!" Samantha patted her head."Uhhh... thanks. So what are we going to do? Are we going to just start, or talk a bit first?" Rosie was trying still play the role of submissive while making sure the boundaries were kept."Oh, don't worry, you'll see soon enough." Samantha began dragging her further into the apartment. Rosie's instinct was to pull away, but she let herself be lead. They passed a well stocked kitchen, a cozy living room with several couches and a television, and went down a white walled hallway into a bedroom. The bedroom was large and spacious, with a queen sized bed, bookshelves, and paintings on all walls. Once they were there, Samantha turned Rosie to face her and examined her again. She looked at Rosie's black jeans and button up shirt. "Hmmm... we will have to do something about those clothes. Far to mature, and the want-to-be rebellious look isn't good for you." Rosie gaped at her and couldn't respond. Instead, she was pushed onto the bed. "Now, wait here a moment little one. I need to get some things ready.""Alright," Rosie said. Samantha's tone gave no room for argument, and the anticipation of what could come, along with her clear control was exciting, she was sat nervously, a pit forming in her stomach. What did Samantha have planned? Samantha left and closed the door.After a moment she haired footsteps in the hallway. Wait, she thought, how many are there? Suddenly her nervousness turned to pure anxiety, even fear. How many people where there? She didn't know there was more then one, she hadn't agreed to that. She opened her mouth to argue, but was interrupted as the door burst open, and Samantha stood in followed by two other girls, each holding articles of clothing.Rosie didn't have time to fully process what was happening before they had grabbed her. "Hey... what are.... no!" She said as her shirt was forcibly removed. She had agreed to be submissive, but this sudden invasion of her privacy was still shocking. She struggled, but was held tight, and felt her arms being pulled into a pair of sleeves. She barely had a chance to comprehend what was happening before she realized she was being tied into a strait jacket. Her arms were pulled behind her and secured."Hey, I said.. MPHH...!" she was silenced as something was shoved into her mouth. She gagged at the bitter taste, and realized it was a bar of soap. Samantha was moving it back and forth as the other girls strapped her arms behind her back. Her mouth filled with creamy white foam as she shoved the bar into her mouth again and again."There, that will wash out any more naughty words," Samantha said. She then took the bar out. Rosie gasped, and the foam dribbled down her face. She tried to speak, but found her mouth was filled again. This time it was a pacifier that was tied into place behind her head. It filled her mouth completely to her throat, forcing her to swallow the rest of the soap, and turning her protests into incomprehensible mumbles. "What was that?" Samantha said. "Something you don't like? Well just tell me, and I'll be sure to stop," she laughed, and Rosie glared.Now that she was tied and silenced, the Samantha's two friends lifted Rosie's feet into the air, forcing her to her back on the couch. Rosie tried to kick and pull herself away. "MPHHH!" she shouted at a sudden, sharp pain on her backside. She looked to see Samantha standing over her with a long black paddle. She wondered what she had gotten herself into. Playing sub had seemed so exciting in theory. Even now, part of her was eager to keep going. But this much pain and control was so foreign and coming on so quickly. She was overwhelmed with emotions, and struggled not even knowing if she wanted to leave or stay.She was spanked again. "Now now, that's enough of that," Samantha said. It was pointless anyway, Rosie found the two girl's grasp was unbreakable, and Samantha simply moved on.The next thing Samantha grabbed was the one thing Rosie had expected from the start, but now stared at nervously. It was what she wanted for months, but by far the most embarrassing part yet.Seeing the frightened, humiliated but excited look in Rosie's eyes, Samantha smiled. "Yes, I'm sure this is what my baby wants, isn't it? She's just been lying to us, to everyone, with her naughty big girl clothes, posing as an adult, posing as a professional, pretending to be mature... we all know it is a lie, don't we?" Rosie stared, and Samantha smiled and lifted the object into the air. It was a large, thick diaper. It was white but with a pink, flowery panel on the front, with letters proclaiming the wearer "Princess," and a design that let everyone know that the wearer wasn't a real adult, but simply an overgrown, adult baby. It didn't look like an adult diaper, but a baby's Pampers made in a larger size. More then that, it was a sign that her last shred of adulthood was gone, that even the most basic levels of control and maturity were forcibly stripped from her. It meant she couldn't even be trusted to use the toilet, and if that was true, what could she be trusted with?Rosie cringed, helpless as Samantha powdered her and placed the thick pamper underneath her. She felt the thick padding go up between her legs and close on her, then get tapped securely on. Samantha then pulled the strap of the strait jacked underneath the diaper and attached it on either side, leaving her locked inside her humiliating, childish garment. The other two girls put pink baby booties on her feet, then stood her up. She was made to face herself in a mirror, and sulked. Even the straight jacket seemed to have been made on the similar theme, with a pink and white design consisting of flowers, babyish drawings and "Princess" written on her chest, along with a skirt of fabric around her waist that made it look like a tutu while leaving her diaper fully exposed. She thought of her own image of herself- serene, powerful, in control- and tried to compare it to the baby she saw staring at her in the mirror. This is what she wanted, she reminded herself, though part of her wondered why. She closed her eyes and told herself to just listen to what Samantha wanted, as she had agreed to.Samantha came up to her smiling, and seemed to smile even broader when she saw the defeated look on Rosie's face. She attached a collar to her neck, then a leash, and brandished the paddle in her other hand."Now, come along my little princess, and be a good girl. Its time to meet some more friends."Friends?! Rosie thought. There were MORE people!? She tried to pull away, but was forced forward by the leash, and the pacifier turned any argument into mumbles."Whats that? Remember, if you don't like something, just tell me!" Samantha said, then laughed.Rosie simply followed. The abnormal bulk of her diaper felt odd between her legs, and made her waddle. Rosie had tried the thickest adult diapers she could find, but this was still a surprise. The only thing she could think of was Snuggies waddles made with a custom design, but that still didn't seem to cut it. Perhaps Waddlers with a thickening pad, she thought. Whatever it was, it was clearly designed to be intrusive, and it worked. The strap of the straight jacket added to the feeling, making it feel thicker and stiffer and pressing it against her. The diaper crinkled loudly, and was hot and heavy, but at the same time soft and, in a way, comfortable.Rosie was pulled into the living room, which was now full of people. They all cheered and laughed at once as she entered, blushing. Some were people she had seen before, acquaintances from work or people she had run into, but most were strangers. There even seemed to be other fetishists there- a woman in a black leather full body suit held on a leash by a man in a suit, a blond haired boy who sat whimpering on a woman's lap while wearing a diaper and dress and suckling a pacifier, a girl in a bunny outfit with ears, and others. The attention, however, was all directed at Rosie."Awwww she's so cute!" a stranger proclaimed."Yes, I agree. She was an excellent choice.""Just look at her blush! She is sooo embarrassed haha. I wonder if she's wet already?""Oooo imagine her look during her first diaper change."Samantha quieted them with a have of her hands. "Now now, we will get to that. First, we need to prepare our baby. Now, Rosie, you may be wondering what this is." Rosie nodded, humiliated and terrified. "Most of them are my friends. We've been looking for someone just like you to be our new baby girl. We already have a baby boy and others, so we needed you for a new playmate. We meet from time to time for... fun." She smiled at the word, leaving it open to whatever Rosie could think of. "The others are people you knew who were open to the idea. We like to have a few people our subs recognize on the first night. It adds to the... fun... and ensures people will know about your new lifestyle."She continued. "Tonight, Rosie, is all about you. This is your initiation, then you'll be part of our group. Remember, if you don't like it, just say so," she laughed.With that, Samantha grabbed the leash right by her collar and gently pulled her down. Rosie shook her head violently, making as much noise as the pacifier would allow. This was too far, she thought. She'd agreed to play sub, and would have, but did not agree to have other people. She wanted out.Samantha, however, ignored her pleas. She made Rosie crawl, much to the delight of the audience, and sat her on a plank in front of the wall facing outward. "This here is something that is going to help you be a good baby. In a little while, all your naughty arguing will end," she said. She threaded leash through a hoop on the blank Rosie was sitting on. Next, she felt it pulled down underneath her and between her legs, then upwards. It was attached to the wall above her, forcing her into a kneeling, head down position from which she couldn't move.Rosie glanced around, struggling even to keep her head up, and tried to figure out what was going on. The people were smiling at her, though some of the obvious subs stared at her nervously and with pity.Soon Samantha was in front of her, holding a pair of headphones. "Now now little one, don't worry at all," she said soothingly. "Mommy will take care of everything. Just listen to this, and everything will soon be better." With that, she placed the headphones on Rosie's head, and hit a button.
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Hiya everyone! We wanted to expand on the Dependent universe from our stories: Dependent and Renee's Regression. In particular, we wanted to address the adorable hypnotic bunny that helps turn all those naughty grown ups into adorable little boys and girls. We have also written a few captions on our Patreon about Brilliant Bunny Brainwash as well, so that's a thing! ~~~~~~~~ Premise: Dr. Maddie Rourke - head science officer of the Dependent program - spends her days turning grown adults into helpless babies. But this time, she’s the one under scrutiny. If Maddie wants to keep her facility open, she has to pass a government inspection. Disclaimers: hypnosis, identity death, diapers ~~~~~~~~ Brilliant Bunny Brainwash By: Sophie & Pudding Charlie Melrose woke up in an empty white room with no door. He wore only a set of light blue hospital scrubs, the kind that were easy to come by and easy to throw away. He stood up on shaky legs, wandering from one wall to the other. The floor and walls were made of a hard, rubberized foam. He seemed to be completely alone, but for an overhead projector, a dark glass window, and a bracelet on his right wrist. The simple medical band read ‘Charlie Melrose’, with a barcode beneath it. But this was the first time Charlie had ever seen that name before. In fact, this was the first memory that Charlie ever had. With sudden swiftness, part of the foam wall slid inward, creating an opening. Charlie watched nervously as a woman in a white coat - a clipboard in hand - and a man in a business suit walked inside. "Wh-who are you? Where am I? What's going on?" Charlie had an instinctual urge to be afraid. After all, the woman was eight inches taller than him, and the man was greater than a foot! They loomed over him with an oppressive presence. The man in the suit - a black suit, with a pin on the pocket - turned to the doctor. "So he doesn't remember anything?" he asked. "You know, it's funny to think about how obvious this must sound,” the doctor spoke warmly, “but memory is about 85% of the cause of resistance. Depriving the patient of that memory leaves a void longing to be filled - and we're more than happy and capable of filling that emptiness with a new sense of self and identity." The doctor chewed the end of her pen cap for a second, and then motioned to the patient. “Other than memory, we change some physical characteristics along the way, too; you know, to create a sense of disconnect." Surely enough, Charlie couldn't have been more than 4'8. "...what are you talking about?" Charlie said with frustration, balling his hands at his sides. Somewhere, deep in his stomach, there was an anger building. But it was secondary to his fear. "Why am I here? How did I get here?! Who are you?! Who... who am I?" "Fascinating," the man in the suit said under his breath, taking in Charlie's appearance. So small, so weak. And not a single memory? His mind churned with possibility. The woman continued, as if it didn’t matter at all what Charlie was saying. "Isn't it? Even now, memories won't form quite right without a special tone that plays in a frequency that only he can hear. It ensures that after this, they don't remember any real details. This conversation? He'll know it happened, but in ten minutes he'll be unable to remember much about it." "WHERE AM I?!" Charlie shouted. Anger was overcoming fear. He took a step toward the doctor, forcing himself to ignore the difference in height. But despite Charlie's protests, the doctor and the man in the suit continued their conversation without him. "It's a remarkable concept," the man said, "if it works." "Ohohoho!" the doctor laughed, loosely crossing her arms over her chest. "If it works, he says? Mister Secretary, we've been producing high quality output for months now. So tell me, what are your true reservations?” The man in the suit - Mr. Emery Noland - took one look at Charlie in annoyance and turned on his heel. "Pardon me if I'm not willing to discuss such things with one of them in the room." And with that, he left the doctor and Charlie alone. Charlie stared at the open door in confusion, then at the doctor. Dr. Maddie Rourke, head science officer of the Dependent program. The program that had singlehandedly saved the United States from revolt and rebellion. Charlie tried to follow Mr. Noland out the door, making his way past the doctor and toward the exit. With a sigh of irritation, the doctor retrieved a little whistle from her pocket and blew on one end, sharply. Though the whistle made no sound, Charlie dropped his arms to his sides and stopped moving altogether. "You're about to wake up,” Dr. Rourke said to him. “You don't know where you are, or who I am, but you're scared, Charlie. You suck your thumb when you're scared. Go lay down." Maddie hurried after her guest. * * * * * Mr. Noland stood in front of the two-way mirror, looking in at Charlie. He was adventuring from one end of the room to the other, nervously biting his thumbnail. It seemed he had no idea where he was. Dr. Rourke joined him in front of the mirror with her arms crossed. "This institute is a great victory for the United States," Mr. Noland said to her, though he didn't take his eyes off Charlie. "Because of the Dependent program, the political reforms have had no public opposition. For the first time in decades, the U.S. is a leading revolutionary. And that is thanks to you." Mr. Noland could sense Dr. Rourke's frustration, but it was assuaged by his words. "I am not a scientist," Mr. Noland continued. "I don't know how this stuff works. But there are more and more reports of relapse every month. It's my job - as the Secretary of Homeland Security - to ensure that the people are safe. So please, walk me through your process." "Of course, Mister Secretary." Dr. Rourke, who hated titles, nodded in contrition to her guest. "I won't be able to show you the process in real time - it takes a few weeks - but perhaps I could show you to some of our other patients instead.” "That's a wonderful idea," Mr. Noland said with a polite smile. Dr. Rourke led the way down the hall, toward another door, and into a deeper wing of the institution. On the way, Mr. Noland asked some questions of his own. "So how is it that you make... Charlies, so to speak. A foot shorter than before, no memories of their past lives, and able to hear frequencies we can't hear?" These were staples of the Dependent program, things everyone knew. But how they came to be: that was still a mystery. Those were questions that could only be answered at the highest level of secrecy, and certainly not out in an open corridor. Maintaining professionalism, Maddie thought about the best way to answer. "Without going into too much detail, Mr. Secretary, we run a particular type of culture lab off premises. We cultivate a biological agent that reprograms cell information. The short version: we are able to revise the genetic code for growth, but in reverse.” “That’s possible?” Mr. Noland asked, astonished. Most of Dr. Rourke’s science went over the Secretary’s head, but he could follow along in layman’s terms. They had developed a reverse-growth formula, so to speak. "The process of physical change is…” Excruciatingly painful? “decidedly unpleasant,” Dr. Rourke continued. “At first we used pain relief medications, but the required doses were causing… problems. So we instead sought to remove the experience from their memory after the fact. As it turned out, with some pharmacological intervention, we were able to trigger a complete memory shut down.” More-or-less, the ordeal was so horrific that they'd suppress it; the team here at the Dependent Program simply ensured that their entire lives would be suppressed at the same time. Dr. Rourke led Mr. Noland into a new room, littered with computer monitors and stacks of paperwork. On the far wall, another two-way mirror looked in on a woman. Early twenties, brown hair, glasses. Tiny. Another Dependent. "This is Bettie, she's been with us for..." Maddie looked at the chart by the window. "She's been here for one week. Tomorrow she's going to be joining the Nursery, so today is the final day of her solitary processing. She's quite well developed; the proper groundwork is laid for group conditioning." Charlie was the outcome of physical treatment: a biological agent that altered his chemistry, a memory-enhancing drug that burned away his memories, and an implant in his ear that allowed him to register sounds no one else could. Bettie was the next step, so to speak. But... "What do you mean by groundwork?" Mr. Noland asked. "How is she any different to Charlie?" Well now, that was a loaded question, wasn't it? Dr. Rourke thought, amused. But her answer was rehearsed. “They require some solitary training to learn who they are, some key facts about who they were, and to ensure there's no lasting impact from the treatment. Bettie won't remember solitary by this time tomorrow, when she wakes up in the Nursery, but she has some level of awareness of who she is, and what should be embarrassing for her." "Fascinating," Mr. Noland said again, under his breath. He looked through the mirror at the woman, sitting quietly against the wall with a nervous stare. "But why does it matter? Why does Bettie need to have a level of awareness? Can't you skip this stage?" Mr. Noland - a government employee... always ready to cut corners. "Think of it like this," Dr. Rourke explained patiently. "If Charlie didn't know what an adult was, or what a baby was, then how is he to decide which one to be? Bettie has all the knowledge of society and norms deep inside her, but none of the memories to support them. It's a foundation all Dependents have, so they don't act unpredictably." "I suppose that makes sense..." But from here, on the other side of the glass, Mr. Noland saw no difference. Dr. Rourke pushed her glasses up and smiled, deciding to give him something more his speed to be impressed by. "Let's go in and talk to her." * * * * * Bettie looked up from her spot on the floor as the wall slid open. That same doctor came in, but this time a man was with her. She stumbled to her feet. "Hello, Bettie," the doctor said. "This is my friend, Emery. Can you say hello?" "H--" Bettie quickly recognized the thumb between her lips and pulled it out. Her cheeks burned a gentle pink as Mr. Noland watched in awe. Already, he could see such variety in her. Charlie was a broken record - asking questions, trying to piece together a broken puzzle. But this girl... she seemed as if she had the edges assembled and was just fumbling for the middle pieces. "Hello," she said to Mr. Noland, with something vague in her voice. Irritation? Or worry, maybe. She had such a wide spectrum of emotion. "Why were you sucking your thumb?" Dr. Rourke asked her. "What? I... uh." She looked down at her thumb, and Mr. Noland could see her brain working. Piecing it together. She was sucking her thumb. Why would she do that? Because... "Bad habit," she said shyly. Now Mr. Noland understood. This foundation Dr. Rourke was talking about: it allowed Bettie to create her own sense of self. All the information and actions that were fed to her by the Dependent program, she assimilated into her personality. It was... remarkable. Dr. Rourke did her best not to let her air of smugness become too suffocating. Government men like Emery Noland were no different in any country, any role: bottom line, bottom line, bottom line. Well, this was a showing that she knew damn well he couldn't downplay. "Bettie, can you tell Emery here about yourself?" Dr. Rourke asked. Bettie looked nervous, but she forced a smile all the same. "Sure! Uh... well, my name is Bettie Chamomile, I'm from..." Her mind churned to think of the name of her home town. Or even the state she was from. But she couldn't remember anything before this room. Quietly, she bit her lip and shrugged her shoulders. "Nevermind that, I guess..." Mr. Noland watched with intrigue, eyes bright with possibility. She had so much personality. So much identity. And not a single fact about her life. She wasn't a robot or a doll; she was human. How was that even possible? Only through the Dependent program. "It's not that important to know where you're from right now, Bettie, you just focus on feeling better, okay?" Dr. Rourke would have to explain that, too, but not in ear-shot of her current patient. "Come along, Emery, you can play with Bettie later." Once they were outside Bettie’s room and the door slid shut, Dr. Rourke felt comfortable enough to explain. "Focus on ‘Feeling Better’ is an important tenant during this phase, to help smooth over any fears or questions about not knowing things. We never tell them something is wrong, we never tell them what the process is here, we just keep that vague statement as gospel for moments of confusion." "I have to admit," Mr. Noland said with contrition, "this is a remarkable institution. I thought this place would be like A Clockwork Orange, or some dystopian novel. Something I wouldn't truly believe in. Of course, I've seen the results: Dependents all over the country are happy with their caregivers. But seeing it now..." He was so impressed! "Please, Dr. Rourke, what comes next?" "You may call me Maddie, if you'd like," she said. "Maddie,” he parroted. “Alright." Maddie motioned to a door to the right of the control room. "This is the television studio; we produce all of our own programming here for the Nursery phase. I'm sure you've heard at least a little about this stage of the process, no?" "Brilliant Bunny Brainwash," Mr. Noland said with a chuckle. "It's the number one rated television show for Dependents. Every single one of them walks around with their stuffed bunnies like the world would end if they let them go. Whatever marketing scheme you pulled, you did a great job. This facility must make millions in sales alone." "Ah, yes. Marketing." Maddie couldn't help but stifle a laugh, a private little chuckle of her own. Yes, the program was funded 35% now by the sales of merchandise licenses, but the key components of the process were actually provided for free to the Dependents. "Bunny is actually one of the most important elements to the process, Mr. Noland. Would you like to learn how?" "I would love to," he said with a smile. "And please, call me Emery." The two had moved past formality rather quickly. But this would be a long day, and they could save time by moving past each others' titles. "So this Bunny Brainwash character is actually a part of the Dependent program?” Emery asked. “It's not just some TV character?" "That's correct.” Maddie opened the door into the production studio, where they were greeted with more monitors and computers. "We have three studios producing content: one for Dependents in the Nursery Program, one for the public viewing, and we have a third that covers the overflow, as well as producing some limited works in other languages." And this was important. "The process of conditioning becomes one of longevity, recovery, relapse. The brain is an amazing thing, Emery, and the workload required to do even annual reinforcement programs for Dependents would have been prohibitive at best. So... we created an icon. An attachment. A brand. And through the Brilliant Bunny Brainwash brand, we're able to ensure a constant stream of reinforcing content." "That's remarkable." Emery looked onward at the screens, different visuals of a cartoon bunny with mis-matched eyes. One blue, one pink. The bunny liked to perform magic tricks, and each episode was a different situation the bunny would resolve or escape from using magic. Though Emery had no interest in a Dependent of his own, he knew enough about the program from secondhand exposure. "I have to ask, for a friend. She insists Bunny Brainwash is a girl. Is that true?" "Well, Bunny has no defined gender," Maddie explained. "It's important for marketing; the Dependents can give Bunny whatever gender they want." "What about the voice for the TV program?" "Well, the program is silent. Only a Dependent can hear it. If you are so curious, you'll have to ask one of them." Constantly, Emery found himself more and more impressed by Maddie's wit. "It's one of the reasons I think that you being here is without merit, too,” Maddie said rather coldly. “Any relapse or cause of unrest in the Dependent population can easily be controlled by our programming. Think of it like..." What was the best way to put this? "Like pushing an update for your phone. If there's any bugs in our work, we can patch our products," which in this case meant actual human beings, "on the fly." Emery didn't like the idea of his visit being 'without merit', but he understood her point of view. So far, the Dependent program was working, even if it had a few bugs. By the end of the day, he hoped he wouldn't find any glaring flaws in the system. “So, what exactly does Bunny Brainwash do here?" Emery asked. "You said the Nursery programs are different to the television ones?" "The human element actually turned out to be the weakest link in the Nursery - early Dependents would come to resent the staff, which led to difficulties in training. But now their days are split between playtime, integration with the other patients, and six episodes per day of Bunny. Because we have constant medical supervision, we can subject them to longer, more intense episodes - about ninety minutes each. The at-home episodes are about eight minutes.” "So by subjecting Dependents like Bettie to so much Bunny Brainwash, they... become babies?" Emery asked, skeptically. "Pardon my lack of applause, but that seems unlikely. Even without memories, they wouldn't just give up their adulthood so easily." "It's not so simple, Emery,” Maddie went on. “They are placed in an environment with those already in various stages of development. This gives them a subconscious notion of what is supposed to happen to them, even if they don't quite figure it out consciously. Then they're allowed only age appropriate mental stimulation, punished for deviation and praised for adherence, and then... yes, an important part of the program is their sessions with Bunny. No single avenue of reeducation works as an island, but with a combination of our techniques, the process speaks for itself." "Still," Emery said flatly. "I understand your methods on the surface, but what is so special about a television program that only Dependents can hear?" It wasn't that Emery himself didn't believe in Maddie - or in the institution she worked for - but that he didn't feel like he had a full picture. "I'm not sure I understand your skepticism, Emery - how about you tell me how I can help you to better understand the process?" Maddie smiled with an air of mischief. "I could have it arranged that you get your own implant, and then you can listen to Bunny for yourself?" Emery gave Maddie a hard stare and the cute doctor laughed it off. "I'm only kidding!" But Emery wasn't laughing... "Perhaps you could explain these programs a little further?” he said. “What makes them work? What do the Dependents hear? Why do they listen? Why do they care? Can't they just walk away or ignore it? It seems so... exploitable." And exploitation meant risk. Emery Noland didn't like risk. Maddie sighed and went into the technical details: “There's a frequency spike at the beginning of each broadcast, and at each two minute interval, that invokes a dopamine release to a Dependent - they don't walk away, because they're literally addicted to what Bunny has to say to them." That was the simple version. "The programming for the in-house episodes covers the basics of their new lives; that they're babies now, that they wear diapers, that they use them and always have. We build excitement and pleasure into basic things; matching colors, staying within the lines, playing hide and seek and winning. All these responses already exist in most everybody, we just bring them back to the surface." Maddie studied Emery's face and knew that her explanation wasn't enough. With a sigh, she opened the door to the hallway and motioned onward. "If you need a demonstration, I'm sure we can arrange it. Let's go." Emery nodded his head and followed Maddie out of the Brilliant Bunny Brainwash studio, down the hall, and toward the Nursery. * * * * * "This is Angel," Maddie explained, gesturing to a girl who was seated on the floor in the middle of a room with pastel colored walls and soft carpet. She looked like she might have been 30-something long ago, but didn't look anywhere near that age now. "She came to us in Phase 1, before Bunny. She was a repeat relapse; we had to resize her twice, and the facility had her in extensive therapy to try and break down her resistance. That was before." She couldn't keep pride out of her voice. "Now, she's completely pliant,” Maddie explained. "We just got her back yesterday, and look at her. Look at her eyes, look at that innocence, that naiveté." And it was true; her eyes were glossy and faraway, and she was focused intently on the screen on the furthest wall, occasionally giggling at the animated, yet silent, bunny. Mr. Noland knew a bit about Phase 1 - the original Dependent program. In some subjects, it worked perfectly. But relapses were so frequent that the program was nearly shut down. It was too dangerous to the public. Then, Phase 2 rolled out and relapses dropped significantly. Emery watched the girl as she watched her show. No matter how Emery and Maddie moved about the child's playroom, Angel didn't look away from the screen. A weird static hummed through the room. Like a hiss from a radio, or a buzz from a television. But quieter. Almost silent. Emery stuck his finger in his ear and wiggled it. "You're sure this can't affect us? Only the Dependents can hear it?" "I'm absolutely positive," Maddie said with confidence. "If it would affect us, Emery, you'd know it - I'd be in a messy diaper and you'd be sucking your thumb." She laughed, but he didn't seem to see the humor in that. "Our nursery staff are exposed for many, many hours a day without any sort of impact on their cognitive well-being. The hypnosis scripts themselves are rather benign to begin with, but to a Dependent, with their other changes, their need to fill that void of self? It feels like it's their own thoughts." "...that makes sense," Emery said, feeling a little more at ease. The humming must have been from the screen or something, because the second the program stopped, the humming stopped as well. Angel blinked at the empty screen, looking forlorn. Her head was filled with new, quiet ideas, locked deep in her mind. But she couldn't even remember what they were. She didn't even remember what she was watching! She turned around and nearly jumped to her feet in surprise, finding the two adults looming over her. Her eyes grew wet with fear and she started to cry. "Angel.” The girls never remembered Maddie's name, not by the time they were flushed into the nursery for processing. Angel, though, was a special case - she'd been in and out for a long time, her head was a mess of ideas and concepts. She'd been incontinent by Dependent standards for a long time, but her higher sense of self didn't get broken down by that. She knew Maddie's name, though, even when crying and hysterical. That was why Angel wasn't put out into the nursery proper. "Do you want uppies?" Maddie asked. Angel's tears subsided for a moment as she looked at Maddie's face in recognition. After wiping the water off her cheeks with her fists, she nodded her head and raised her arms. Maddie bent down, cupping Angel beneath the arms, and pulling her onto her hip. Dependents were lighter than normal adults - akin to that of a big child. A woman like Maddie had no problem holding her in her arms. "I miss'd you, Ma-dda!" Angel whined, pushing her face into Maddie's hair. Her speech was infantile, high pitched, and incapable of pronouncing certain syllables. All part of her training. But Angel never seemed to notice. Sharing a knowing look with the ever-curious Emery, Maddie brushed one lock of Angel's hair back and spoke back to her in a sing-song manner. "Oh you did? But I bet you barely noticed I was gone at all, silly little Angel! And you had so much fun with Bunny, didn't you? Have you been good for Bunny? Maybe if you keep being good, you'll get a visit from Bunny, too, and they'll stay with you forever and ever." Angel's eyes lit up like Christmas lights in a midnight suburbia, casting bright reflections across the untouched snow. It was so pure, so complete, that even Emery was staggered by her expression. "I wan' see Bunny!! Pwease, Ma-dda! Pwease! I be da best girl! I will, I will! I do ev'ry ting Bunny says!" She was so adamant, so sure of herself. Her heart raced in anticipation. For Bunny to visit her... it was a dream come true! And in her excitement, her diaper grew warmer and wetter. "Well, I suppose we'll just have to see if Bunny thinks you've been a good enough girl, huh sugarplum?" With a kiss on the forehead, Maddie set the girl back down on the floor and offered her a rattle from her pocket to play with. Discretely, she gestured to the door for her and Emery to leave. Angel looked at the rattle with bright eyes, shaking it in her fists as she was plopped down in the center of the floor. She put it to her lips and sucked softly on the plastic, then shook it again and giggled. Before she could notice, Maddie and Emery had slipped out of the room. "She's perfect," Emery said, when the two were alone. By the tone of his voice, he was beyond impressed. He would have to think up a whole new word. Astounded? Amazed? "A model Dependent! And what are her chances of relapse this time?" "Close to zero, but the human brain is a pretty resourceful little worker bee so I never say anything is 100% certain when it comes to that." Although, Maddie noted to herself, if Angel did relapse, or if she was putting on an act? It would be the longest con ever played. "She's such an interesting case, too,” Maddie went on. “Heavily religious values, and unwavering faith that things are going to turn out for her in the end. Her family is excited to have her back; they haven't seen her in years. We do good work here, Emery." Five years ago, Emery would have never thought something like this was possible. But now, seeing it with his own eyes... he let out a sigh of relief. "I'm just happy that the future of our country is in such good hands, Maddie." But there were a few more things he had to check off on his list. "I still need to see the Nursery you spoke of earlier. And I need to know about the specific contents of the Brilliant Bunny Brainwash videos. Just the facility ones." "Absolutely." There was actually a room for beta testing playback, where the files would be listened to - in full - by facility staff in proper audio format. Were there side effects to that? Well, obviously. But they were minor and non-persistent, and no staff member was allowed to multiple rotations without sufficient time off to ensure no lasting changes. Mostly, the programs were listened to in order to find issues with pacing and flow, to take notes on redundancy, check for tenses, anything that could break the immersion. This was an important step. "Come with me,” she said. “We'll visit the testing room." Emery followed Maddie down another hall, into a new area of the facility, where the floors were solid concrete and the high ceilings had no tiles. The first room on the right said "Testing" and an "In Progress" light was turned off. Maddie opened the door and led Emery inside. There was nowhere to sit, no headphones, nothing of the sort - just a lightbox on one of the walls, like a teleprompter from a studio set. "You'll hear the audio playing,” Maddie explained, “and you can read along with the script. It's important that you don't chase the white rabbit, and that you don't allow yourself to become comfortable. Understand?" "Wait, what?! You mean, you just play the files like... without any protection?" "Your mind is your protection," Maddie explained patiently. "You aren't broken down like the Dependents. You aren't helpless to this. To you, it's like listening to an audiobook." "An audiobook that can turn me into an infant," Emery snapped back. "Even if some of the messages seeped through," Maddie sighed, "they are temporary at best. A day, maybe two. We have staff do this all the time. Including me." "I still don't like it..." Emery knew how powerful this place could be. He didn't want to find himself at its mercy. "You're the Secretary of Homeland Security, Emery, do you think if something happened to you that there wouldn't be consequences? I wouldn't be allowing you to listen to the programs if I thought there was any risk of permanent harm." Emery crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. Maddie was right. If anything happened to him, this facility would have hell to pay. She wouldn't have suggested it if she wasn't certain. So with begrudging resignation, he nodded his head. "Alright. Let's do it, then." There were sub-tones at first, barely audible and imperceptible notes that played in ascending and descending patterns, like raindrops on a glass window pane. They were easy to follow, easy to chase, drips and drops that were just sounds. And maybe they were words, too, maybe they'd become words? Or maybe they always were. The teleprompter didn't show anything other than the word [Induction], though, and didn't seem to be scrolling. Maddie had heard the inductions dozens of times, and she knew that fighting it was just a matter of focusing on the word on the screen. Emery, meanwhile, had closed his eyes - a rookie error. Maddie snapped her fingers a few times and Emery opened his eyes with a start "What? Huh?" "Don't close your eyes," Maddie said seriously. "Don't listen too closely. Just read along." Maddie pointed to the teleprompter, just as it clicked away from the word [Induction]. Emery nodded his head in understanding and tried to take the experience more seriously. The last thing he needed was to wet his pants at work... Little one, you're lost. You're lost and you can't find your way. The world all around you, the place unfamiliar. You can't find the path back home. The sky is unfamiliar, and the air smells all wrong. Little one, you're lost. You're alone and you're afraid. It's like the world opened up and you were swallowed. You can't remember where home is. And you can't tell is from was. Little one, you're lost. Your thoughts don't make any sense. You're hearing them out loud. They're outside your head. Help them find their way back in. Little one, you're lost. A flower, a butterfly, a river, a bunny. Soft and white with pretty colored eyes. You've always loved bunnies. You follow and hop and dash behind. Little one, you're lost. Follow the pretty bunny. All the way home. Deep underground. It smells so lovely here. Little one, you're lost. The ground is soft and the air is sweet You sit with the bunny, you listen. The words are soft, and you want to hear. Lean in closer, lean in and watch. Little one, you're lost. You're such a good child Never anything else. Your thoughts tell you lies. But Bunny is honest. Little one, you're lost. Bunny knows best. Bunny knows your thoughts. Bunny knows the way. Follow Bunny, always. Little one, you're lost. You crave cuddles, you need the touch. You crave love, real love. You must be good, always good. You're small and frightened, alone. You don't want to be alone. You need Bunny. You crave Bunny. You hear Bunny, you feel Bunny in your head. Follow Bunny. Deeper deeper, tumbling down, chasing Bunny. Deeper deeper, turns and bends, holding Bunny. Deeper deeper, you hit the bottom, Bunny tells you truths. You're tiny, you're a child, you're Dependent, you can't do it. You're too little for that. Too little for worries. Too little for work. Too little for dreams. Too little for choices. Without Bunny, you're nothing. Little one, you've found yourself. You're not lost. You just forgot who you always were. The teleprompter turned off and Emery felt a fuzzy sickness in his head. He looked away from the teleprompter and leaned against the wall. The voice... he thought for sure it was a woman, but on recall, he wasn't entirely positive. It spoke softly, like a lullaby. It begged him to close his eyes, but he knew better. He was lucky that Maddie was here... "Are you alright?" she asked him, looking a little worried. "Yes, yes. Fine. Just a little dizzy." She smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "That'll pass in a few minutes." And a few minutes later, sure enough, it did. Maddie handed him a glass of water and he drank it all at once. Emery finally stood upright and took a deep breath. "Well, I was clearly wrong to doubt you," he conceded. With audio alone, he had reacted. What would happen with video? Or if he were in a state like Angel or Bettie? "That's a Level 1 Program,” Maddie noted, pleased that such a basic demonstration had been enough. "You can imagine the combination of this with the real life feeling of loss and loneliness we impart." "Yeah," Emery said with a sigh. "How long was that file?" "Oh, uh... ninety minutes? But that sample clip was about six minutes long." "It felt like ten seconds," Emery said. "Yes, that's common. Here, I'll show you one more." "Oh, uh... I don't think that will be necessary," Emery said with a nervous smile. Even now, he couldn't completely remember what the teleprompter had told him only minutes ago. "I trust you won't have any issue writing your report?” Maddie asked seriously, and Emery nodded his head. In honesty, Emery was curious about the other Bunny Brainwash files. Was that how they encouraged Dependents to become incontinent? But the risks far outweighed Emery's rewards. “Come on. On the way out I can take you on a tour of the Nursery. I do need to warn you though, if you haven't been around babies in a while, you might want to hold your nose." Ah, yes, doctor humor. Maddie led the way into a wing with a large sign: "NURSERY". Maddie swiped a key card on the wall and a set of double doors unlocked, leading the way into the nursery proper. Immediately, the both of them were met with the smell of fresh baby powder and the sounds of loud babbling. There were thirty adult-sized-children, or was that child-sized-adults? But only two facilitating staff, who were wandering around. The whole room was huge, maybe the size of a small warehouse. In the center, taking up most of the space, was a massive steel-enforced plastic fence, five and a half feet tall and bolted into the ground. Emery himself could only barely rest his arms on top of it, and he knew intrinsically that no Dependent would ever be able to climb out. The floor was made of soft colorful foam and the walls were stenciled and decorated like a nursery. Emery could only imagine how huge this room must look from the center, where the tiny adults would wake up. "This is one of six nurseries in this facility,” Maddie told him. “We want to expand further so we can process more at a time, but obviously that rests on your signature Mr. Secretary." Hint hint. "There's a kind of method to the madness; we arrange them in a circular shape so that the newest nursery intakes wake up nearby to the most senior... as it were. It helps promote a circular nature of development and mentorship." "Can we go inside?" Emery asked. "Of course!" Maddie approached one side of the fence. She scanned her hand on an embossed panel, which seemed to unlock a concealed gate. "Before we go in, just remember that a number of these Dependents are a day or two from leaving. You gotta just think of them as kids." "Yeah, sure." Emery followed Maddie into the oversized playpen and the gate clicked shut behind them, locking them both inside. Sure enough, most of the boys and girls were wearing nothing but a t-shirt and large white diapers. Some had booties on their feet, and some had skirts or dresses, short enough to peek underneath. A few were sucking on pacifiers, a few others drinking bottles, and a lot of the longer-haired adults had their hair in pigtails. But the one thing Emery didn't expect was the smell. As they passed a boy playing with trains, a thick stink surrounded him. "Oh wow. Someone needs a change, huh? Should you notify the staff?" "Not right away," Maddie explained. “For a Dependent, diaper-usage is a non-event. It's normal, and if we made a big fuss of their incontinence then it would draw attention. For those new to the Nursery, we do make a bigger deal of it to help the aspects of their new life become very apparent; otherwise the facilitators will do a sweep every few hours and get everybody changed." Emery whistled and shook his head. Poor boy, he thought. But he was a traitor, after all. He got himself into this mess, quite literally. So Emery continued through the playroom until a girl ran up to him. "Hi! You wan' pway dolls?!" Without asking, she pushed a doll into his hands. "I'm sorry, cutie," Emery said down to her. "But I have to go to work. He handed the doll back and ruffled her hair. In response, her bottom lip started to tremble and tears filled her eyes. "What Daddy Emery means, Scarlet," - Maddie, of course, knew every patient’s name - "is that he would love to play with you, but he can only play for a few minutes this time. Now, how about you go dress your dollies up for when Daddy Emery is ready to play? There's a good girl." Scarlet ran away with excitement to go find some clothes for her doll. As she ran, she waddled from foot to foot, coping with the massive diaper between her legs, poking out from under her dress. Even from here, Emery could see the sagging yellow padding. "She'll forget about you in a minute," Maddie explained. "She'll be too busy picking out clothes to remember why she's doing it in the first place." Just then, a quiet tone rang out through the entire room, echoing off the walls. Emery looked up in confusion. "Bunny Brainwash is starting," Maddie told him, pointing at the three different TVs around the room. "Do they all show the same episodes?" Emery asked. "We used to do it that way, but it took a long time. So we came up with a new solution.” While she spoke, Maddie led Emery around the room, to one of the televisions. Already, boys and girls were racing to the TV areas. “We upgraded their hearing implant to recognize a wider range of frequencies. We decide which ones to turn off and which to turn on.” Which meant... "So we can broadcast five different levels of programming and when we're ready for a Dependent to move to the next level, we send a signal and they can no longer hear those high band frequencies." "So, you're saying all the episodes of Brilliant Bunny Brainwash are the same, except for the audio?" “There are different videos, of course, for variety. But they aren’t that important,” Maddie confirmed. "The video is there to help with the trance, but a lot of Dependents close their eyes after the first minute or so." Similar to the way Emery himself had, in the testing room. One or two Dependents were arguing: “Where are we going? What’s going on?” But their fellow inmates grabbed their wrists and dragged them to the TVs all the same. Then the TVs clicked on at the same time and the cartoon bunny moved about all three screens in sync. There was no sound, but for a light static in Emery's ears. "Do you hear that?" he asked, looking around the room. "You're experiencing a minor side-effect of your earlier session,” Maddie said simply. “Our ears can all hear what's happening in the transmissions, but they discard the audio without processing it. Don’t worry so much." And that meant the million dollar question: "So, will we be funded for another term?" "Huh? Oh. Uh..." Emery fumbled around in his pocket for his phone, opening up a document he had saved the day before coming here. A checklist of the stuff he needed to review, questions that needed to be answered... tons of formalities, really. He read through the page ten or fifteen times, never quite aware that he had started it over. Maddie waited patiently with a smile for nearly ten minutes. "I believe I have everything. But, I, uh... would like to review a Dependent that is leaving today. Just to be sure." "Absolutely, Mr. Secretary, wait right here." Maddie didn't expect to be right back, of course, because all of the Dependents in the Nursery at this moment were busily engaged with Bunny Brainwash. But Emery seemed quite entranced himself, glancing at the screen from across the room. The poor man - honestly, under Phase 3 of the Dependent Project, he'd never pass the assessment test; he was so susceptible, so vulnerable, so looking to be guided. Emery wasn't sure how long it had been. The TV program clicked off and the static in his ears disappeared. The adult babies sat around sucking their thumbs, curled up on the carpet, and pushing messes into their diapers. Emery took a few steps away from them and turned around toward the entrance, almost bumping right into Maddie. "Hey! I was just coming to get you," Maddie said with a smile. "I have a Dependent for your final review, if you'll follow me." * * * * * "Emery, this is Selphie." Sitting across the table was a cute girl with her hair in braids and pretty purple glasses. When she smiled, she revealed a set of pink and blue braces on her teeth, too. A special request from her Caregiver, Maddie presumed. It wasn't uncommon. She was building blocks on the tabletop, swinging her feet that barely touched the ground. "It's nice to meet you, Selphie," Emery said with a smile. Selphie gave a shy wave and hid behind her stuffed rabbit. It had been a long time since she was around a man so big before. In the playpen, all the grown-ups were girls! But he seemed nice, so she muttered a quiet "hewwo". "Is this your bunny?" Emery asked. Selphie nodded. "Where did you get him?" "Iss a girl," Selphie said with a pout. "Of course, of course! I'm sorry about that. Where did you get her?" “Iono." Selphie answered, shrugging her shoulders and stacking one pink block on one blue one, while cuddling her bunny under her arm. “Is Bunny, I always hadded Bunny..." Maddie watched on, proud as punch over the quality of her project. "All the Dependents are given a bunny to go home with," Maddie explained. "They have subliminal messages inside them, that repeat the lessons they've learned here. They are also programmed to be the most important thing to a Dependent - if Selphie left her bunny at home, for example, she would probably have a total meltdown." "Is it okay to talk about this stuff in front of her?" Emery asked. "She knows what she is," Maddie assured him. "Isn't that right, baby girl?" "Uh huh!" Selphie smiled brightly, though it was clear she hadn't been paying the slightest bit of attention. "Selphie," Emery said to the overgrown baby. "You wear diapers, don't you? Is that weird?" "Nuhuh, need diapees." Selphie nodded, giggling and coming out of her shell a little bit. "Otherwise haff lots axydents uhhuh." Maddie filled in a little more on that. "By default, they're not ashamed of their need for diapers; it's very normal to them from their perspective. Sometimes we get requests for them to be ashamed, or shy, or humiliated, and we can accommodate that, but Selphie is pretty textbook." "Tessboo!" Selphie parroted, giggling again. "Requests?" Emery asked. "Some Caregivers are looking for a specific kind of Dependent. Some want very young, infantile babies. Others more mature toddlers. The core tenants are the same, so it's no different to us. In reality, the difference is exactly one audio-file in post-treatment." "And how do you decide who is a Caregiver?” Emery asked. “How do you assign them?" "For a lot of the patients it comes down to who's willing to take on the role - it's a big responsibility, and we don’t yet provide Caregiver programming. So we need to do vetting the old fashioned way, and not everyone is a good match." And some Caregivers were those who checked their Dependent into the program in the first place. Lovers. Family members. Jilted ex's... "Well. I guess I've seen everything I need to see then." Emery patted Selphie on the head and stood up, looking at the doctor with a smile. "I see no reason why you can't continue doing things your way - it seems to be working. And as an American patriot, I'm grateful for your service to our country." "Of course, Emery. See to it that the papers are signed properly, and we get our funding so we can move into Phase 3, won't you?" He blinked in recollection, and then quickly nodded his head in agreement. * * * * * Maddie saw Emery out of the facility and watched his state-issued car pull away down the road. She leaned against the open door with a proud smile, before her co-worker - Meg - snuck up behind her. "So, how did it go?" she asked. "I think it went quite well," Maddie said brightly. "And he has no idea?" "Not a clue." Maddie took one last look out at the street as Mr. Emery Noland's car turned out of sight. "We won't be having any further trouble from Homeland Security." [End.] ~~~~~~~ Thank you for reading! Please Like, Comment, and check out our Patreon!
My character in this story is a young (college age) girl Who is struggling through life, and not doing too well. She goes to your character (a hypnotist, bartender, florist, masseuse) and asks them for help. You decide that what's best for her is to give up responsibilities and become your baby girl, and so hypnotize her to respond to verbal triggers to make her helpless and fully dependent on you. Slowly you add more and more triggers, to make her act like a baby, wet herself, possibly mess herself, forget how to talk, forget how to walk, and other things to make her more babyish, and more dependent on you at your command, or perhaps even the commands of others.
- 2 replies
- hypnosis
- domination
(and 1 more)
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The Calibeen saga is a series of stories - Audrey & Staycee, Lottie, and Velvet - that follow the events of a correctional reformatory, intent on making the worst people into the best. In as little as a year, patients leave the institution with a 0% reoffender rate. But how do they do it? These stories can be read in any order. Lottie Velvet Audrey & Staycee was one of our first stories together, and it's widely considered our best work. It delves into the structure of the Calibeen institution and everything that goes on there. Pudding is always so imaginative and extreme, but A&S really showcases her ability at world building. And I did a pretty good job with the plot: mysterious, dark, intense, and includes a LOT of diapers! A&S is an all-in-one package for a hardcore diaper story, and we really hope you give it a look! To adhere to DD's story regulations about underage characters and sexual situations, this version of A&S is censored a little bit. There's a few flashbacks wherein a main character is only sixteen. As writers, Pudding and I know "sex" and "sixteen" pretty much go hand in hand, but we understand and agree with DD's decision to distance underage and ABDL content. Our story integrity is not above the integrity of the community. For this thread, we worked hard to remove the offending scenes while still preserving the complicated themes in play. Any time we censored content, you'll see "~~~CUT~~~". Filling in the blanks isn't that hard. But if you are curious nonetheless... A complete, uncensored version of the entire story can be found HERE! Thanks everyone for your constant support. Leave comments! ~Sophie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUDREY & STAYCEE by: Sophie & Pudding PHASE THREE Part I: The First Day These rooms were so much more… me. No brightly colored walls, no wallpaper, no white furniture. Just a beautifully decorated room with a light blue accent wall - a bit lighter than my color - and adorned with furniture complimenting the white painted wooden canopy bed. I knew I'd be sharing it, but it was still so spacious - at least twice the size of my room as a Second! I peeked into the closet, finding two sets of clothing - my blue and someone else's yellow. I fiddled with the drawers, looking through the makeup and nail polishes, of hair bows instead of ribbons, barrettes, and so many beautiful things. I was so eager. Phase Three would be so much better than One and Two - no diapers, no babysitting. I was finally grown up, on my way to a better life. I wasn't sure when my conditioning would start, but I was eager to purge myself of some of the more annoying habits, like how I still sucked my thumb. But my thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and a beautiful auburn-haired girl walking in. I quickly climbed off the bed, bouncing over to meet her. She was a few inches taller than me, but it wasn't uncommon - I was always a short boy. "Hi, I'm Audrey. I guess we're roommates." "Uhhuh." I flopped down in the canopy bed, eyes taking in the bedroom in awe with a wide smile. This was so much lovelier than being a Second! I expected it would be, though. I mean. As Seconds we shared the same rooms we had as Firsts, we just got to be in charge. Adelaide had been a wonderful First; she'd actually been eager for the process and had ranked first in her group to graduate, which had left me without a First for much of my time as a Second. But I was okay with it! It just gave me more time to focus on being the best. I liked to be the best. I was a very competitive person. "I'm Staycee. Whatcha in for?" Firsts mostly didn't talk about what they'd done; probably out of shame - I was that way, anyway. Something about the time I'd spent with Adelaide just really opened my eyes, though; no matter what happened now, I'd never be that person, never be capable of those things ever again. So why be ashamed? Retelling the stories now were just… well… stories. I was a good girl, now. We all were. The girl - Audrey? - she was absolutely darling, a big smile and hopeful, optimistic eyes; I couldn't work out if she'd had any adjustments in Second beyond the Softening - she didn't have the telltale needle pricks by her ears, though, so I had to figure it was just natural beauty. And that made me smile. "I robbed a bank." It was my standard tell-tale lie. I didn't want to lie to Staycee, but I also didn't want to get into it - it just made me sad and it was supposed to be a happy day. "Or tried to rob it, anyway… if I'd robbed it, I wouldn't be here." I liked Staycee. She was… something else. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it was almost like she loved this place. No one loved this place - not unless they made you a Zero first, and I still believed that was a myth. "That's really cool! Did you wear a stocking over your head and carry a sack with a dollar sign on it? Where do you get those, anyway? Is there a bank-robbing supply store?" I flashed a cheeky smile and pulled her hand into mine. "I like to hold hands. You'll have to get used to that. Adelaide - she was my First - and I pretty much never let go. The Headmistress says its a side effect of detachment in my life before, iono though. Maybe." My time here was a little different to the others; it seemed like I was seeing the Headmistress significantly more; she'd check on me, ask about my progress, deliver my rewards personally - I thought that was normal until Francesca (one of the other Seconds) told me she hadn't even seen the Headmistress outside of her color ceremony. Speaking of which. "Nice color, girl. Wow. That's gotta be the prettiest blue I've ever seen." I nodded happily, fiddling with the hem of my dress. It really was beautiful. "I didn't pick it. I mean, my Second was always a "be your own person" kind of girl. So she'd dress me in tons of colors. And when I went to my ceremony, I had no idea what I wanted. But the Headmistress just gave me this one. And I love it, I really do. Strange I'd like a blue… I like your yellow, though. It's sunny." Sun. I was almost sure I'd forgotten what the actual sun looked like. Still, Staycee could serve as my pseudo-sun until I got out of this place. I gave a sideways look and smiled curiously. "You know that's exactly what happened with me, too? My Second told me she hated it as a name, but she was naming me Staycee nonetheless. And spelling it weird, too. Es-Tee-Ay-Why-See-Ee-Ee. See? And then she didn't have any influence on my color, either; the Headmistress assigned me my yellow though and it just felt so right. Like getting a dress you always wanted for Christmas, and having it fit amazingly. Except, well, I don't know what that's like. But it's how I imagine that to be like." I sat up on the edge of the bed and took another closer look at Audrey, smiling contently. "You're easily the prettiest girl here. I'm glad we're roomies." "Uhhuh." So maybe I wasn't as special as I thought… it was probably a common thing, now that I thought about it. Not every Second would have such an attachment to color the way I did - I meticulously planned the color of my First. And I guess everyone else just got a random color they'd love. How did we love it, anyway? Was it profiling, or did they add that in Hypno as well? This facility always made me feel cold whenever I'd think about it in such terms, and goosebumps would rise on my arms. Two more Phases, and I could leave for good. As a new person. "I don't suppose you know what we're supposed to do, now?" Firsts were always orchestrated by Seconds, and Seconds remembered how they were orchestrated by their Seconds. But this was Staycee's and my first day in the Phase Three wing, and we had no idea what we were doing. One of the big differences we were privy to as Thirds; one I'd noticed when I came in, in-fact, was the presence of the little digital clock on the bedside table. "I don't know for sure, but I do know it's fifteen minutes before meal time and I bet nobody else has considered that. Come on, let's get dressed and find the lunch hall." It was something that the Headmistress had told me with that smile of hers that always seemed to have something just beneath the surface of it; like her words had seventeen different meanings if only I'd listen - she told me that I had control over who I was as a Third. And I think that meant something. "We have control. As Thirds. Over who we are and who we become, whether we become cute little geeky introverts or social butterflies, whether we accept being average or strive to be the best. Whatever we aim for, they'll help with - if we wanna be the best, they'll help us be the best." I picked a blue pleated skirt and a pretty buttoned blouse off the hanger and handed them both to Audrey. "So let's be the best." I nodded my head, taking the two pieces of clothing from Staycee with small concerns. I didn't really care about being the best, but I didn't like being punished, either. I remembered when I was a First how tragic my life was when I misbehaved, even in the slightest. If getting to the lunch room first meant I wouldn't get in trouble, then I was all for it. But still, the outfit in my hand held another concern. Two pieces… I'd never worn a two piece anything. Dresses, nighties, all that from One and Two were a single piece of clothing. They probably go on just like boy clothes, Audrey. "Um… can you turn around? So I can change, I mean." "Really?" I smiled and shook my head, my hand slipping into the girl’s and squeezing it. "You've showered in front of other people, had your diaper changed repeatedly, been dressed and undressed and probably spanked publicly. You've had the Softening, had your physical at the end of Second - how're you still shy?" I laid the clothes down on the bed and motioned to the girl, my sparkling blue eyes shining with happiness. "Come on, off with your clothes. I'll dress you myself." Though my tone was firm and certain, there was also a particular playful affection to it. Like we were already best friends. My cheeks lit up and I looked down at my feet shyly. "It's… different." I wasn't sure how it was different, but it certainly felt it. I was a girl now - it was something I'd come to accept in Phase Two. I conquered my fears of change, and this was the new me. I didn't mind that I couldn't be Colin anymore, I really didn't. But shame was still an evident factor, even as a girl. And part of being a girl meant not having a penis, and thusly, I found it to be a big part of my shame. Since talk of Phase Three and independence, I'd already decided not to let another soul see me naked. I was a girl damnit, and I wasn't going to let anyone think otherwise. "I can change, Staycee. Just pleeeeease turn around..?" Was I asking? "And what if I want to see you change? I'll let you see me change." I would have anyway - the facility encouraged openness especially within pairs and while I didn't know how it worked for Thirds, I was willing to bet it was something still rewarded. But I wanted her to be comfortable around me; it was known even as Seconds that Thirds had the longest program. I didn't want things to be weird and awkward between us. "You know when I was a boy, I'd never change in front of anybody. I was just never comfortable with my body. Most boys aren't, anyway. But I wanna be the kind of girl who can change in front of her friends, the kind of girl who isn't ashamed of her body. Don't you, too? You're already the prettiest girl here; the only thing that could make you more gorgeous is the confidence to know it and show it." I wasn't the prettiest girl - firstly, I paled in comparison to Staycee - and I certainly wasn't going to try to pretend I was. I was nice looking, I knew that, but all the Seconds had been by the time we left Phase Two. I was just another girl. "I just… I don't like people seeing me in my underwear, alright?" It was one of the drawbacks of panties - they showed everything. I remembered my first week in them, back as a Second, and how I actually missed diapers. I was always so confident around my First when I had my nighttime diaper on, but I'd never let her see me in underwear, even if they were padded. "Ohhh…" I smiled in realization and in one smooth motion I lifted Audrey's dress off and tossed it on the bed, leaving her topless and just in her pretty blue panties. "Okay. Audrey. Come here." She was skittish and shy and reluctant as I pulled her over to the mirror and stood her before it; I knew what she was conscious of and I was determined to show her the truth. "You're a girl here." I motioned to her head. "And here." And then to her heart. "These things make you a girl. A head full of compassion and a heart full of love. Nothing else matters. Some girls have small boobs, some have big. Some have wide hips, and some narrow. Some have long hair, some short, some have button noses and some don't. Some of us like yellow and some of us like blue, and I'm sure some people like those other colors, too. And you know what? Some girls?" I put my hand on the front of her panties - it was a bold move and probably not something she was ready for, but I also wanted to show her how normalized these things were. "Some girls have an outie and some girls have an innie. But we're all girls. A head full of compassion and a heart full of love. That's it. Now look. And tell me what you see?" I motioned to the mirror. Discomfort. That's what I saw. A very, very uncomfortable girl. I turned away from the mirror, my cheeks on fire, hurrying over to the bed and fiddling with the Audrey-blue skirt. I very quickly pulled it up my legs, covering my blue cupcake panties, and zipped it into place around my waist. So much for the ‘no one will see you in your underwear’ plan. Staycee looked a little upset with my reaction, so I turned away from her shyly and slid the blouse over my arms, buttoning it up over my budding breasts. "You're never going to be happy with yourself until you understand that simple truth, Audrey. But you'll get it, I know you will. You're a smart girl. Wanna know a tip until then?" I was already in front of the closet, picking out my own clothes as I spoke. She was cute. Really cute. But she didn't get it; she didn't get what I'd got in my first week as a Second. She didn't get that they didn't make you a girl here - you did. And if you didn't accept it, if you relied only on what they gave you… you could never be happy. I'd help her, though. I slipped into a pair of tight yellow shorts and smiled. "Trust me." Trust her? The girl who just stripped me when I'd said no? Yeah - really the one to trust… ugh, this was going to be a really long Phase. I finished dressing myself, deciding against using hair ties despite my interest out of fear of getting in trouble - I didn't know the rules yet. Staycee, conversely, put her up in a ponytail without a second thought. I bit my lip, shaking my head. Not worth the trouble. I still looked strange in the mirror, though, and it took me a long time to figure out skirts aren't supposed to sit at your waist, but on your hips. I hiked it up a bit and smiled pleasantly at myself in the mirror. A proper schoolgirl. "You'll be marked down for hair, and for not wearing lipgloss - look?" I motioned to the vanity where there was a veritable array of glosses. They obviously expected us to wear it as Thirds. "Here." I pulled two hair ties off the vanity and took the brush, motioning to the bed. "I think you'll look really cute in pigtails, and they gave us hair stuff so it's expected of us. Come on, we've only got a few minutes." I motioned to the bed, and also scooped up a cherry lemonade lipgloss off the vanity as I made my way over. I bit my lip and shook my head. "We can just wait for orientation. We won't get in trouble if we didn't know! And if we weren't supposed to touch it yet, we might get in trouble anyway… it's safer not to, Staycee." She'd already undressed me today - I wasn't about to let her get me in trouble, too. So I moved away from her and the bed to the door, standing in the open doorway. "Are you coming or not?" We got to the mess hall a few moments following and I smiled in delight as we sat down at the table ~ a very different sort of table to the previous phases; more like a school cafeteria now. The Headmistress smiled from the podium at the end of the room and it was no secret why ~ we were here first. I reached my hand underneath the table and squeezed Audrey's excitedly. "Here she comes. Smile." The Headmistress and I knew each other quite well. Beyond her giving me my color on my second day, she personally oversaw most of the changes in my career at the institution, like my punishments and my Phase changes, and often would casually give me ideas on ways to improve. I didn't like her - she was, after all, the person who kept me prisoner - but I didn't hate her, either. It was hard to hate a woman who never broke the rules. I knew what was expected of me, and all she wanted was for me to be good. I learned that early on. I gave her a kind smile as she approached, walking through the lunchroom style tables and joining us across the table, standing behind the other bench. "Hello, Headmistress." "Staycee, as predicted you've excelled on presentation, punctuality and ~ as a wonderful bonus ~ you're already sitting in Third Standard style. Well done." The smile she gave me, the praise and that warmest of glows that went along with it... it was worth every bit of meticulous detail. She turned to Audrey next and pursed her lips. "Oh child, I had higher hopes of you. Untidy hair, no lipgloss and sitting like a First in a full diaper. You will do better, wont you? For me?" "I… uh… yeah… yes, Headmistress…" She walked away and I felt my whole body sulk into the table. I put my arms down and rested my head on them, looking away from my roommate. Like a first in a… oh! I very quickly closed my legs and bit my lip. How was Staycee sitting? I wanted to look, but that would let her know I was copying her. I wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction of being right. "Knees together, ankles apart. Like a child, see?" I leaned back and motioned beneath the table ~ Audrey had been marked down and I figured by the way she snapped her legs shut that she was trying to improve. "It's okay, you know. We're here to learn and that means little mistakes. They'll never punish you if it's an actually mistake. Just if you knew better and still screwed up." More girls were starting to file in, sheepish and apprehensive ~ the speech would begin soon. "I don't need your help. I'm fine. And what do I care if the Headmistress didn't think I sat perfectly? Doesn't matter to me…" Though, through my time here, I was smart enough to know that it did matter. I was never trying to impress the woman, but there was a distinct correlation with my screw-ups and my punishments. It was best to keep the woman happy. So I slid my ankles apart just a little, my knees still together, slowly in hopes Staycee wouldn't take notice. I still wasn't looking at her - I had my attention focused on the Headmistress at the podium and the other girls filing in. "Girls. Please take your seats ~ I know you're all hungry and anxious to begin your new Phase, and the sooner we get done here the sooner your new lives begin." A quiet swept over the room and the Headmistress begun. "Welcome. All of you. To even make it to Phase Three is such a triumph in and of itself. You've faced trials and hardships, learned how to adapt and survive. And you've all become such wonderful young girls. But there are many challenges ahead, many struggles still. Like wavering saplings reaching gingerly for the sun, your life now is what you make it. Your graduation depends on you. Your attitude. Your dedication. Your desire to be someone to be proud of. You will be scored and rated on every aspect of your life from now until the end of Phase Three. Every. Single. Piece. Will decide who you become, and how soon. And each day, an example will be made of she who wishes not to excel. A reminder to always be your best.” That got my attention and I quickly sat up at the table. There were three other girls on the other side of our table, across from Staycee and me, and all of them were looking at the Headmistress with equal attentiveness. Actually… there were a lot of girls. At least fifty. That was five times the Seconds we had in our wing. I shook my head and looked over at Staycee, whispering as not to disturb the Headmistresses' speech. "So we can leave early if we're good?" Less time in Phase Three just for being cooperative? "It's not quiet like that." I didn't want to be caught talking with the Headmistress at the podium, but I also wanted to answer the question. So I talked. Very, very quietly. "You get… scored. Like she said. And those with good scores graduate earlier. They never tell you what your score is, so you gotta always be at your best. Always." The Headmistress left the podium now and the chatter began around us, carts being wheeled in with platters of food. Real food. Ish. One had a pile of cheeseburgers! I very quickly grabbed for a plate of chicken, putting some onto the plastic plate in front of me, again in my blue. Oh, real food! As a Second, I got to eat things beyond the milky baby bottle from my first phase, but it was always the same five things. Chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, tatter tots, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and SpaghettiOs. We'd always get one fruit alongside each course, and we'd always get a cookie once a week. It grew tedious very quickly. I grabbed a burger, next, and then a brownie off a tray at the end. I looked around the lunchroom at the other tables - all with different food. Was I allowed to get up? Better be safe… "You'll be scored on your figure." I took one solitary burger and a handful of carrot sticks and apple slices from the neglected plate in the center of the table. "They give you all the means to indulge, but it's one of the things they measure on. So pace yourself." Looking at the variety of foods available to my poor tortured-by-boredom palette, I thanked whatever powers that may be for the fact I'd discovered that little piece of truth in advance. And even though I had, holding back the urge to gorge myself was… exhausting. One burger. Lots of veggies and fruit. I rolled my eyes and dove into the chicken first, eating hungrily. Oh, and it was so well prepared. It was strange having the cafeteria of fifty people so quiet - just the sounds of cutting and chewing. I guessed social elements weren't really as important as food. I sipped the glass of chocolate milk - CHOCOLATE MILK! - and smiled happily, my head in my arms again. "Such a good meal… I like Phase Three a lot." Audrey made it abundantly clear just how little my advice meant to her, but I resolved to stay strong. Someone had helped me, before. And now I wanted to help someone, too; Audrey fit the bill. She was just so stubborn. I gingerly chewed the burger - tiny little bites to make it last - and watched all of those around us. I didn't know when the weigh-ins would be, but I wasn't going to risk it. "You know, I haven't led you wrong yet, have I? This is a test of willpower and temptation. They make us into pretty girls and pretty girls have self control and restraint. It's a life lesson. Makes sense, right?" "I'll eat less for dinner." They'd probably made everyone skip breakfast today for the phase changes - they did take a long time, after all. Phase One to Two took an entire week - learning to take care of Firsts and learning the rules. Phase Two to Three, though, was oddly simple. I went into a room, was given new clothes, told very few rules, watched an hour-long program about the "individuality" and "creativity" building that Phase Three offered, along with it's goal to promote social development. It was a bit too after-school-special for me, though, and I found myself horribly bored. Regardless, no breakfast meant a big lunch. "As you wish." I smiled simply to myself and took a bite of celery. Would it kill them to have peanut-butter? I decided to bring it up with my next meeting with the Headmistress. "It's exciting, isn't it?" Advice didn't seem to pan out, so I resorted to small-talk. "I mean. Scary. In One and Two we knew what was expected of us. And now this, where we don't really know a thing…? It's pretty thrilling. What're your plans when you get out?" "Not really scary. Just be good. It was pretty simple." And when I messed up, the Headmistress was quick to correct me. Sit with knees together, ankles out. And when I got back to the room, I'd have to do my hair and put lipgloss on. It was really very simple, actually. "When I leave? I don't know. Can't go home - not like this. My sister would tease me so bad." I smiled, but a stone fell through my stomach… I'd never see my family again… "My family disowned me. Like. Actually, legally so. They have a restraining order, too. Isn't that all sorts of messed up? I mean I get it ~ with what I did? But still. Really harsh. I don't much know what I want now, but Phase Two really brought out my maternal side. Just wanna take care of someone. A child, or someone who just wants me to show them everything will be okay. That's why I try to do good here, because the sooner I'm out? The sooner I can find my special someone." I had a sort of wistful tone in my voice as I spoke, my inflections airy and my gaze focused on a particular light fixture. "I have this dream, sometimes. About this girl I take care of. She's a criminal and we're on the run, hiding in hotels and working where we can. And she relies on me so much. And I take care of her." I looked down from my fixation on the ceiling and bit my lip shyly. "She can't talk. Not except to me. When anybody else is around, she's mute. She needs me and trusts me, and just to… to feel that? Wow. I'm rambling, aren't I? I'm so sorry." "Well, when you're out of here, you won't be running." I wasn't sure how that fit into her dreams, but it seemed like a bonus. "I mean, you'll be able to find your someone and take care of them normal. Like, in one place." I wasn't a very profound girl, though - I never was as a boy, either - and I suddenly felt like my words were particularly useless. "I can't talk, sometimes. I mean, it's really just one guy. The Hypno tech when I was a First and Second. I have no idea why. I just can't get a word out around him. Which sucks, because Hypno scares me a lot… I wish I could ask what he was doing." I bit my lip and played with the edge of my empty-except-for-crumbs plate. "But Thirds get a new Hypno tech, so it'll be fine." She was opening up to me a little more now and that made me smile ~ looks like small talk was the answer. "Why can't you talk around him?" It seemed the wrong thing to ask so soon, though, so I followed up with an easier thing to manage. "Hypno used to scare me, but it's like a roller coaster ride for me now. I get on. I'm not much sure what happens. And I get off. I don't really think its changed me any, but isn't that the point? Not to know? I sometimes wonder what my old friends would think of me now. They'd probably rape me..." Now there's a sobering thought. I shrugged my shoulders and kept drawing circles on the cafeteria table, the plastic plate pushed away. Some people were still eating, and it didn't seem we were allowed to leave yet. It was probably on a timer. After all, we had social interaction here. It differed so much from the dining hall as a Second. "I don't know. I mean, I just can't. I try to talk and… nothing happens. Maybe it's something they did to me - maybe I was being annoying one day." But Hypno started on day two, and I didn't get in trouble until day three. I shook my head in confusion. It was always an anomaly, and I'd decided long ago not to bother with it. It was probably that man in particular. "Which man was it? The tall one with the glasses, or the tubby one who always smelled of lemon lime & bitters?" It was strange for me to say that - I didn't actually remember what that smelled like. Just that once upon a time I'd made the connection with the man and that memory had stuck. Across from us at the table, two of the girls had already started babbling like high-schoolers and it became apparent just how much a bonding experience real food could be. "I don't like the one with the glasses. Creeps me out. Like he's fantasized about one too many pretty little sissy boys." "Mine was tubby… but I don't know what that smells like, so it could be someone else." I still had my head down, though I was looking up at Staycee, now. Conversations started up around us but they all seemed like white noise to me. "I liked him. He was sweet. He'd always smile and talk even though I couldn't talk back. All the staff here are really nice. I guess it beats prison, huh?" Then again, in a lot of ways, it really didn't. But since I'd gotten out of Phase One, I was much less bothered. "Tha's…" I paused for a moment and tried to remember the technicians name. "Vel-… no, that's stupid. Uh. Oh! Oh! Edgar, right? I think." I smiled happily - as the Phase's continued inexorably, memory was becoming more and more a commodity to be held onto. At least for me. It was the same for everybody, though. "This place really messes with your memory, huh?" I actually felt an ache at the sides of my head for a moment, like little needles stabbing… and then it passed. "I guess…" There wasn't a whole lot to remember about the facility - the rules were very clear and everything else would likely never leave me with how humiliated I had been. But it did seem like I'd been here forever when it had only been a six months. Maybe that's what she meant. The doors to the hallways opened and some of the girls got up to leave. I climbed off the bench I was sitting on and followed behind them, Staycee a pace behind me. I found myself a little lost in thought as we wandered back to our room, but by the time we got there I was my usual peppy self. "So, Audrey… you must have been a gorgeous looking boy to turn out as pretty as you have." It wasn't like me to be flirtatious and I s'pose it wasn't even flirting, per se. Just observation, Admiration. "Were you gay? I mean, before?" It was a rarer thing for it to happen, but I couldn't imagine this girl ever having been a boy who chased after the fairer sex. I frowned and crossed my arms, walking past Staycee to the vanity and picking out hair ties. I probably shouldn't have been so offended, given I was wearing a schoolgirl uniform and putting my hair in pigtails, but I really was. "No, I wasn't gay. I've always liked girls." I was a pretty nice looking boy, I knew, but the amount I'd changed in six months surprised even me. Then again, Staycee would never be mistaken as a boy, nor would anyone else in this Phase. Still, there was something particularly beautiful about Staycee. She was just… a better girl. By the time Audrey replied, I was laying down on the bed on my stomach, cradling my chin in the palms of my hands. "Well, you're going to make an amazing wife for some lucky girl out there." I pursed my lips and looked thoughtful. "They made me like boys. It was one of the criteria the judge put in place, because I can't be trusted with girls. Made the families really happy, you know? So they skipped due process and made me like boys. Well. Not boys specifically, but their… bits." My cheeks were glowing now and I laid my head on my arms. "It sucks, too, you know? Because I really do adore girls." "That sucks…" I really did sympathize. This facility had taken so much of Colin away, and so much of Audrey was manufactured. I wasn't even sure any of me was left… "Oh… look." I grabbed a paper off the vanity and held it up for Staycee to see. It was a schedule. And with a clock, it felt like a whole new system. I glanced over the paper and read aloud. "Lights on - 6am. Breakfast - 8am. Class A - 9:30am to 11:30am. Lunch - Noon. Audrey - Hypno/Staycee - Class B - 1:30pm to 3pm. Staycee - Hypno/Audrey - Class B - 3:30pm to 5:00pm. Dinner - 5:30pm. Lights out - 9pm." That's complicated… "Um… Disclaimer - classes differ depending on the day/week/social structure. Follow the attached chart for room numbers…" "Oh!" I peered over the shorter girls shoulder at the timetable and glowed with a smile. Structure. Order. Oh, things felt so much better already. "It's all so strange. I mean, some parts of me just crave the rigor and structure of Phase One. But a bigger part of me just wants to spread my wings and embrace all this. I mean, what's it even mean? Classes differ on social structure? It's all so vague." My tone had started to sound almost… desperate by the end and I frowned, falling back on the bed. "I just wanna do well…" "Well… it's fifteen minutes until our first class. Or… your first class. I have Hypno." I looked down the list with a blissful smile. Hypno wasn't structured. Hypno rooms are as follows > Name list > Number. Done. Staycee and I had the same Hypno room, it seemed. "Your is… um… week one, Monday…" Monday, right? Yeah, says so on the clock. "That's this column. Punishment day, normal day? I guess… normal day, right? ID starts with…" I felt sick to my stomach. This was like the spreadsheet from Hell or something. "I think… 322. For you. And 308 for me. But you might wanna double checks yours. It confused me…" "Uhhuh…" My voice was vague as I lay there and gathered up my thoughts, then sat up with the best smile I could manage. "Make sure to tell me all about our Hypno tech when we catch up, okay? I like to know people. It's how I stay good at this stuff. I watch and listen and know." It was my thing, and it made me smile to know that it was. Nobody else paid attention like I did. "What do you think the Hypno courses are going to be, as Thirds?" Conversation. Small talk. That kept things normal. Can't get freaked out, Staycee! It's competitive, now. It's important to do well, not just to pass. I shrugged my shoulders and stepped away from the vanity, my hair in low pigtails, as would be proper. "I have no idea. I guess I'll be able to tell you in an hour and a half, huh?" Then again, I never remembered any of my Hypno sessions. It was more like falling asleep. But maybe I could ask. After all - I'd have a new tech. "Only thirteen minutes - I should go and try to find this place. See you back here after class." "Ah, yes. Audrey. Please come in." The man who answered the door after three small knocks was a tall, lanky man without much expression to his long, drawn face. Thick-rimmed glasses framed dark green eyes that sat sunken into eye-sockets just a little too deep, and his voice wavered between deep and scary-deep every few syllables. He waited for the girl to enter the room and closed the door behind her with a sharp click, his long thin lips pulling into the faintest hint of a leer as he watched every little footstep the girl took. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. "Nice to meet you." Did that come out? I opened my eyes at the tall man in front of me, smiling down, though he said nothing. No "Nice to meet you too." I sighed and tried again, but like the first time, no words… no sounds. So it wasn't just Edgar. It was all Hypno techs. What the hell sense did that make?! I gave a small wave instead and fiddled with the hem of my skirt. The quiet girl sparked a particular interest in the man and as she fiddled with her hemline, he stood over her and addressed a chart that had taken its place in his fingertips during his approach. "No need to be frightened, hypnosis is nothing to be afraid of. In-fact, I quite adore it. Don't you, pet?" He motioned to the chair in the center of the room. "Please do sit." What are you going to do? What is the Third hypnosis about? But still, no words, and that meant no answers. If only I had a pen and paper… but the idea of reading and writing was wiped out of me in One. Before Three, I knew they gave me the ability to read back, but I wasn't sure about the writing thing. Still, I took my seat in the chair and looked up at the headpiece. Always the same headpiece. Still, this session was a half hour longer than Phases One and Two… The man leaned over Audrey and fiddled with the head-set, gently pulling it down closer to her head before stopping and looking into her eyes with his very deep-set sockets. He stared at her for entirely too long to be comfortable; his breath smelled of stale cigarette smoke and coffee and as his eyes bore into the soul of the girl in the chair. "You're quite beautiful, you know. Perhaps the most beautiful girl I've seen in this dark, empty place." They were words with the potential to be wonderful, deep and touching… but they simply weren’t. "You're a very quiet one, aren't you? Perhaps there just aren't any words worth passing those pretty lips of yours." It was one of those compliments that just… couldn't help but come across as off-putting. There was nothing wrong with the words, or even the inflection and delivery. It was just him, just the way it was obvious that he meant these things despite the fact he was talking to a sixteen year old girl with the mind of a ten year old. I nodded my head. What else could I do? I tried getting comfortable in the chair, but it felt so foreign to me. It was the same make, the same model, the same everything, but not the same chair, and not the same tech. I wondered if hypnosis could even work with a tech I didn't trust - and it wasn't that I didn't trust this new man! He was just… new. New people take time to get used to, right? "Relax now, pet. You're tense. There's no need to be. Hypnosis is a very intimate experience. Very special. Relax now, and let me take away all those fears and worries." One hand had gently slipped around Audrey's and the other was reached up, bringing the headset closer to the girls pretty head of hair. He was close to her; probably inappropriately so. But there was something in his cold eyes, something that wasn't there before. A little spark. An interest. The visor came down over my eyes and the next thing I knew all the light was gone. The voice of the Hypno tech was gone, too. I felt a small cold chill come over me as I thought about what this was: my first hypnosis of Phase Three. Anything could happen, now. Who I was could be rewritten the same way they'd rewritten me in Phase One and Two. And the worst part was, I'd never know the difference… The Headmistress had been very specific with her plans for Audrey and Staycee: that it would be dangerous for the two of them to express a romantic interest in one another. That the establishment of such could lead to side-effects the facility would rather not address - particularly in Staycee, who's dreams had already become an issue. It had therefore been made abundantly clear to the hypnosis technicians who would see them through Phase Three, that the standard conditioning for Thirds - which compelled each and every Third to express romantic interest in their room-mate (pairings that had each been chosen for specific reasons) was not to be applied to either Audrey or Staycee. And yet, now, as a result of a clouded moment… that very program was running through Audrey's headset. The technician watched her as she sighed and twitched, the reflection of the bright lights on her face illuminating soft delicate features and as the session continued… Audrey began to smile. The technician smiled, too, not at all aware of his mistake. Still, without the same mistake being applied to Staycee… how bad could things be? Hypno sessions were always so obscure to me - no matter how many times it happened, it still always felt like I'd fallen asleep during a movie. The machine was lifted off my head and I looked up at the man with the glasses. I'd been under that helmet so many times that the dizziness that frequented the Hypno processes had left me entirely. Still, I remained where I was for an extra second out of sheer ritual. What had he changed? The dizzy look on the girls face was always his favorite part of this job; that dazed look as a pretty little thing accepted the fact that their mind had been violated, penetrated and taken by force. Any brute could force himself upon a girl, but it took a very special kind of man to taken ownership of her mind. He shook his head and the little smile faded away as he helped the girl from her chair. "How do you feel, pet? Perhaps you should head back to your room and lay down, no?" The usual focus questions; drawing attention to the room-mate, observing reactions? They went unasked. After-all, the technician hadn't realized his mistake. Still, the writing had been written on the walls and it was only a matter of time before the programming took hold of the poor girl before him. "Hurry along, now." I nodded, still in a mild state of bliss, and wandered out into the hallway. It was at least fifteen steps before I realized I wasn't going the right way. I came back into the bedroom a minute later finding Staycee half-undressed, in only her panties and… a bra? I very quickly turned around, my cheeks lighting up. Why was I shy? I'd changed diapers before! "Um… hey. How was… um… Class B." Class B, right? According to the schedule, that could be anything. "It was really fun!" My voice was bright and airy as I fussed over clothes in the closet and turned back around, standing with my knees together and my hands on my hips. "Lookie? First bra. What do you think? I don't really fill it out yet and it's padded, but they said I will." And I had to pause because that notion made me really happy. "I'm really super excited. The class was on proper layering. Like. Putting together outfits and stuff. I mean, the first half hour was everybody being sized for our bras and…" Audrey wouldn't turn around, though, and I pouted a little. "…hey! Come on. Look. It's my first bra, I want to be fawned over!" "Uhhuh…" I felt my cheeks get hot as I approached Staycee, being particularly careful not to look at her chest. But her underwear wasn't a good idea either, so I focused on her toes. Did we get to paint nails sometime in this phase? "It's really nice… super happy for you. Probably getting mine next class, huh? Oh, next class!" I looked at the time - we were both back fifteen minutes early! That meant 45 minutes until my Class B… "…I really should… um… get ready. Redo my hair or something." Why was I so flustered?! It was just Staycee. "Hey…" I took a step forward and cupped the girls cheek softly, directing her gaze up to mine with a little smile. I didn't know where the sudden surge of maternal care had come from, but I was knee-deep in it now and it wasn't like I could stop. "You okay, pretty girl? You seem shaken. Did something happen in Hypno? Did you have Edgar?" I couldn't imagine Edgar actually making her as physically skittish as she was at the moment; he was really a sweet guy despite the evidence to the contrary. So why was she so shaken? "Um… nuh uh…" Her eyes were really lovely… but they were the same as my eyes. The same as everyone’s eyes! Why didn't I find everyone else's eyes so pretty?! I shook my head and pulled away, and then the feeling of her skin not on mine made my stomach sink. I bit my lip and quickly went to the vanity, taking out my pigtails and trying again. "Um… had… the guy with the glasses. He was nice. I mean, he complimented me a lot, which… I guess isn't so weird." I always got compliments here, even as a First. Penelope couldn't even believe I was a boy. A little wince came to my mind and I frowned at the thought. "He flirted with you? Gah. He's so creepy! You're sixteen and he's like a thousand years old. Ew ew ew ew!" I hoisted myself up to sit on the vanity, looking down at Audrey with a smile on my face and nothing on but underwear. "Are you okay? Did you tell him to go to hell?" She didn't, of course; we knew better than to bad-mouth staff, but still. I would've wanted to tell him that. And that's enough. "Couldn't talk. I hate that. Something they did, I'm sure. But it's whatever…" I made absolutely sure not to look at Staycee, keeping my eyes on me in the mirror, adjusting my pigtails, then taking them out again, then starting over. "He's not that old… maybe forty something. And he wasn't flirting. It was just a compliment. Like when I say you're beautiful…" I felt my cheeks heat up and I had to force myself not to break eye contact with myself. "It's not flirting…" My voice had absolutely no confidence, though. I bit my lip and looked down at the girl trying desperately to focus all her attention on her hair with a cheeky little smile on my face. "You think I'm beautiful?" The color that flushed through her cheeks was more than enough answer, but hearing her answer with that pretty little voice of hers would be even better than the blush. And I really liked blushing girls. "Uhhuh…" I tied my hair in pigtails in complete silence, and again, pulled them out. I had already tied one back up when I froze, looking at myself in the mirror. "Oh crap…" I frowned and looked down at the vanity in front of me, grabbing one of the lip glosses. I went to Hypno without it? And after the Headmistress told me specifically… I sighed and smeared as much as I could on my lips, clearly smearing it all over my skin, and tied the other pigtail up. And how did you sit in the chair, Audrey? Like a Third? She was panicking and that caused a little more of my maternal feelings to show as I slid down off the vanity and leaned in close, running my thumb along the outline of her lips to clean away the excess gloss. "Quality, not quantity. Put it on right in as few motions as possible. Like this." I pursed my lips and applied the gloss, one smooth line for each lip. "Then you purse, like this, and then use the edge of your thumb-nail to clean up any excess." I demonstrated those steps and looked down into her brilliant blue eyes. "And you're pretty gorgeous yourself, sweets. You know. For the record." "Uhhuh…" I was transfixed. I didn't know why - she'd put her lipgloss on in front of me once before. And still, the way she… I shook my head, my cheeks burning up, and resumed looking at my feet. What was wrong with me?! She was so uninteresting before… before Hypno? Was this a change they made? I made a mental note to check if I started feeling this way with anyone but Staycee - maybe in my Class B. Oh, no… I'd have to watch everyone else get fitted for bras! I couldn't feel like this with that many people! Ugh! What was wrong with me?! "You look really pale, Audrey. Come on, come lay down. We got like… twenty minutes, right?" I took her by the hand - subconsciously lacing my fingers into hers like I did with the girl in my recurrent dreams - and led the girl over to the bed, pointing with my free hand. "Lay down, come on. I'll sit up next to you and make sure you're up for our next session. Trust me?" I flashed a smile with teeth that had been wonderfully whitened some time during Phase One and in the warm light of our bedroom, it was pretty apparent just how perfect my skin was, too. Almost like a doll. I kept my eyes closed, but I didn't sleep. It wasn't right. They couldn't mess with my head and make my stomach feel weird and make me dizzy and… and it wasn't fair! After Class B, I would stay and ask to speak to the Headmistress. She was always willing to talk to me. I'd tell her whatever they did I wanted it gone. I didn't like it. I just felt so… so anxious. Like at any minute something could jump out of the wall. So I kept my eyes closed and counted silently until Staycee nudged me. I passed a casual smile before hurrying out of the bedroom, giving a wave and dashing down the hallway. It took me a minute of leading against the wall to get my heart rate under control, and it was only then I realized I didn't know what room I was supposed to go to. Ugh… "Hey!" The chipper voice came from a girl with a mess of bright blonde curls that flowed down over her shoulders. Like everybody else, she had sparkling blue eyes; but unique to her were patches of freckles on her cheeks that almost shined when she smiled. "You lost? I'm Aimee. I know, I don't much like it either but my Second was kind of a ditz and had no imagination. What's your name?" "Um… Audrey…" I looked back down the hallway, my room out of sight. Staycee had probably left - it was safe to go back. Still… "I'm not really… lost. I mean. I don't know where I'm going. Gotta get my chart from my room. It's that way." I pointed with my finger, but still, my feet didn't move. "Come on, I'll come with you. What've you got now? I've got Class B. Whatever that means." The airy flow to the girls voice could've sounded dangerously Disney-esque if not for her properly formed and varied inflections; she actually just sounded… happy. But happiness wasn't unusual in Phase Three; by the time most of us got here we were pretty content with the direction we were taking. Still, Aimee managed to carry that happiness with an amazing level of authenticity. "Yeah… um… okay." I led the way down the hall and Aimee followed behind. I knew she had Class B as well, but that didn't surprise me. From what I'd gathered, Class B would be a very different thing for different people. As I suspected, when I made it back to my room, Staycee wasn't there. I let out a small sigh and went over to the paper. Audrey… Week one, Monday… normal day… ID number… I bit my lip and looked up at Aimee. "It's this one, right? 383?" "Yuppers. Looks like we got a class together." She looked over at the vanity and fingered the lipgloss most recently used, before turning around with a smile. "Is she pretty? She's got a good taste in lipgloss." It was an obtuse question, but nothing seemed particularly obtuse coming from this girl. She just had a radiance about her. I pinned the sheet back onto the vanity for safe keeping and slipped the lip gloss Aimee was fingering into my skirt pocket. I wasn't sure why… "She's… she's really pretty. I don't know how. I mean, I knew the moment she got here, and even at lunch and stuff… there's just no one in this whole building as pretty as her. I bet she's prettier than Fourths!" I felt my cheeks heat up at the way I was talking about her and suddenly felt really foolish. "I mean, I don't know how she does it…" The blonde girl smiled knowingly at the girl with a cheeky grin. "Sounds like somebody has a crush. Prettiest girl here? Prettier than me?" She batted her eyelashes and pursed her lips. The answer was clear, though; for everything Aimee had going for her… there was just something lacking. Something Staycee had, a certain flair to the way she carried herself. A spark. That was a good way to put it. A spark that shone so much brighter than any of the conditioning. Something only Staycee had. And it was almost... magical. A crush…? I very quickly shook my head and my cheeks got hot. "No, no, no! It's not like that! It's… it's… just… I'm saying how it is. She's pretty. And I don't mean to be mean or anything - you're pretty too, but she's… but it's not anything. It's just true. It's not like that, I swear…" The silence that followed was dreadfully awkward, though, and I realized how frantic I sounded… "Don't we… um… have to go to class?" The clock already flashed 3:32. "Shoot, yes. Come on." Aimee took off running down the hall; she didn't know much about how all this worked but she did know that being late wouldn't do at all. The clock in the classroom read 3:35 by the time the two girls got there, and it was obvious from the two empty chairs at the tables that they were the only ones who'd been late, too. The woman at the front of the class stopped talking and the class hushed. "Audrey. Aimee. So nice of you both to join us. Class, Audrey and Aimee are of the belief that they have more important things to do than come to class." She turned to the two of them and frowned. "Sit. Be quiet. And if you're lucky, you'll both be given your first bras today." The classes were very small. I counted ten girls along with Aimee and myself. That meant there were five of these classes that took place… though I wasn't sure how that worked with Hypno involved. The woman at the front of the room talked a lot and it was all about clothing. Clothing was never something I was very interested in, even as a boy. The way I saw it, if it was something in my color, I'd wear it. Simple as that. Then she started calling people to the front of the room and, right in front of everyone, the girls would take off their blouses or respective dresses. I thanked whatever God was watching me that I wore a two piece outfit that day. But it was like the teacher said… Aimee and I might not get our chance. After all, she started at the front. "There is nothing that defines you as women more than your breasts, girls. Only the most special of visitors will see below your waistline, and only if you so choose. But your breasts make you a woman. They're on display at all times, they're the defining characteristic that sets you aside from the boys you all once were." Aimee actually looked stressed over the idea that she might not get her bra, and it was with great relief that she was called up next, along with Audrey. "Know that from this point onward, you are girls. You are more girl than you have ever been and more girl than you ever will be. With this simple garment, with the undeniable truth of your breasts… you are girls. And everything else beyond this is merely dessert." She finished fastening Aimee's bra and the blonde girl lit up in a smile that was bright even for her. "Your turn, Audrey." Unlike the others who received garments in simple white… Audrey's bra was blue. Her blue. And it was very obvious from the moment the woman lifted it off her desk. "Are you ready, Audrey?" I was a little concerned, looking back at Aimee as she slid the pinafore back down her body. Her bra was white. Everyone’s bras were white. Even Staycee's bra was white. And mine was blue… "Uhhuh… okay…" The woman helped me into the bra in front of nine other people, fastening it behind my back, and allowed me to put my blouse back on. I'd never felt so uncomfortable… "Audrey, each other girl will earn their bra in their own color. You've been selected by the Headmistress to be the first to do so; to help inspire the other girls." And it was clearly having the desired result… nine pairs of eyes looked enviously at Audrey; the girl who got to have a bra in her own special color. It wasn't resentment or upset… it was out and out envy. Aimee pouted and puffed out her cheeks. "Miss, how do I earn my peach-colored bra?" The woman smiled and looked at Audrey, then at Aimee. "One more of you will earn your color by the end of todays class. So everybody try extra hard. Now, sit down. We have a lot to cover, girls." I… was first? I took my seat, again, at the back with Aimee in complete disarray. What did I do? Or was it randomly chosen? I did get my color on only my second day, so maybe it was related to that. Still, I was late to class… I didn't understand this. Still, it wasn't worth arguing over - I was picked. I should be happy. So I was. I smiled proudly throughout the entire class as the students did their best to impress the teacher before us. Aimee wound up being given her peach-colored bra by the end of the class and by the thing things had come to a close, there were ten more girls in the world who understood the fundamentals of layering, color contrast and matching, and complementary fabric texture. "Who knew there was so much to learn? I wore flip-flops and jeans with a band tee before. Never even considered any of this." Aimee was bubbly, though; she got her bra and as far as she was concerned that made her pretty special. "I'll walk you to your room, but then I gotta go find Lali. She's my roomie. It was really great hanging out with you, though! Make sure to say hi to that cutie of yours for me, alright?" "Uhhuh." I made sure to give Aimee a complimentary goodbye and a heavy congratulations on her bra - though that seemed like the strangest thing in the world if you really thought about it. Aimee left me alone and I wandered into my room. No Staycee. I wandered to the mirror and looked at myself. The bra really did a lot. I mean, it only brought me to an A cup, even with the padding, but still, it seemed so… different. I had curves now. I didn't look ten anymore. It wasn't clear to me exactly what time it was, or how long Audrey had been in the room by the time I stumbled in and collapsed on the bed. But she was here. And now I was. And I felt intensely dizzy and exhausted. "Dun' get it… never felt so bad after Hypno…" I rationalized it to being the longer session, but my vision was blurred and my temples ached and I just wanted the room to stop spinning. Because if it didn't… I might've thrown up. And it was such a pretty bed. I managed to look up for long enough to see Audrey across the room and I smiled. "Pretty bra… your color, right?" "Huh…?" I looked down at my top and my cheeks burned up. White blouse, blue bra. Looks like it was a good thing you were paying attention in class, Audrey, because this outfit wouldn't work without a white under top. I quickly went over to the closet and picked out a camisole, then unbuttoned my blouse, slipped it on, and buttoned it back up. Much better. "So Hypno wasn't good? Sorry to hear…" I still had my back to my roommate. "Head feels like its going to explode…" I pulled a pillow over my head and squeezed it tight, emerging a few moments later to add in. "Come lay with me? Make it all better?" Despite the fact that I was dubious about the healing qualities of cuddles, I was still ready enough to believe in the magic of faith healing when it came to Audrey. She was still facing away, though, fidgeting with her blouse after having slipped into a cami to hide the lines of her bra. I bit my lip and the strange anxiety feeling filled me up again. Lay with her… well of course I was going to lay with her. It was my bed, too! Though this time, unlike as a Second, we each had our own pillows. I climbed in bed, over the covers, and put my head down next to Staycee's. My heart was racing… why hadn't I talked to the Headmistress about this?! Because it wasn't them… I didn't feel the strange anxiety with other people in class. Not with Aimee, and Aimee was so nice. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. What the hell was this…? It wasn't something I'd ordinarily have done, especially given how negatively she'd reacted to my being pushy earlier today… but I rolled over and draped one leg over the girl next to me and cuddled up close to her chest. It wasn't anything intimate, really: just comforting. A friend thing. And she was my best friend, after-all. "Did your head hurt this bad…?" My voice was quiet and contemplative, as if my words might disturb the comfort of us both. "Nuh uh… felt fine the whole time…" It wasn’t entirely true - I felt fine until I got back into the room. But it wasn't the hypnotism. It was Staycee. But it couldn't be Staycee… but with her cuddled close, her forehead against my cheek, her arm and her leg draped over me… I felt my cheeks burning and my heart racing. Maybe she wouldn't notice… if I asked the Headmistress, maybe she could tell me. Maybe she knew - she always knew everything. "You're… anxious." Despite the churning in my head, I managed to sit up and after a half dozen blinks, I even focused my eyes. It was shameful that the only reason I knew so much about her responses was because I used to sedate girls against their will. But this was at least a noble use for the knowledge. "Your heart is racing. And your breathing is off. And your speech is difficult." I crawled up next to her and placed the back of my hand against her forehead. "You're a little warm, too. What's the matter, pretty girl? Let Staycee help. What's got you all flustered and upset?" I shook my head, crawling out from under… but no, I didn't move. I was frozen? No, that couldn't be right… but with her hovering over me, her smile, her eyes, her hand on my forehead, then on my cheek, I felt the walls breaking down. I couldn't move. I didn't want to! And still, my heart rate increased so badly… what the hell… "Um… not… upset, I… just like… um… with…" What was I saying? What was the question? "Come on, prettiness. You can tell me anything." One finger ran up the girls cheek to her hairline and I brushed an errant bang out of the way, looking down at her with the same blue eyes she had. Eyes I'd come to be proud of having. "Is it something that happened in class? I notice your bra is in your color. And I'm sorta jealous. Was it that? Is that why you're upset; the bra thing? Because it's so cute…" My head was still swimming and I'd have been lying if I could claim to be able to even discern the color of her bra anymore. I was fading, and I knew it. But a few more minutes… just to make sure she was okay? I could do that. I couldn't shake my head… couldn't even think of a word to say. I wanted to explain the bra thing - she seemed curious - but somehow those words were lost on me. She was so close… and she smelled so sweet… but the next instant, she was closing her eyes and falling asleep next to me. And I was broken from her trance. "Hey, Staycee? You there? Hey, wake up!" But she wasn't budging. I quickly ran out into the hallway, looking right and left for someone. I didn't know the layout well enough… so I ran. I ran down the hallway knocking on all the doors until someone came out that wasn’t dressed like a twelve year old. "Staycee passed out. Or… or maybe fell asleep. But I can't wake her up!" "I'm fine… I just didn't eat very much at lunch, and you know… we didn't have breakfast." The woman who stood by the side of my bed looked concerned, but not entirely unconvinced. She looked at the worried-and-pacing Audrey and smiled. "I'll go and get you two some food brought up. Take good care of her." The woman left us and I sat up as best I could, looking sheepishly across at Audrey. "Sorry… must've fainted. I'm not sure what happened. Must be the food thing, right? I really didn't mean to worry you. Who was that, anyway? Was she a nurse, or just admin?" I shrugged my shoulders, sitting on the edge of the bed in complete discontent. Between my worry and the anxiety in my stomach, I felt altogether dreadful. "She was just a woman at one of the doors… I didn't ask her name or anything." Still, the food thing made sense. Staycee had so stubbornly eaten only one burger at lunch, and she'd probably skipped breakfast. I smiled a little and put my hand on Staycee's hip. She was under the covers now, though, and it made things easier. "I'm glad you're okay… scared me a little." "I really didn't mean to. I'll eat whatever you tell me to eat when food gets here. You can be in charge of me. How's that sound? Your own little Staycee-doll to feed and take care of?" I meant it as an encouraging statement, but Audrey looked away, biting her lip. "Uhhuh… okay…" I wanted to. I didn't know why, but I wanted to. Why would I want something that made me anxious?! It didn't make any sense! Still, I'd agreed, and that was that. The woman never came back, though a cafeteria worker brought us each a plate of food. I guessed it was somewhere around dinner time, so it seemed we'd be missing the get-together. As instructed, I fed Staycee her food. I ate the burger off her plate and instead fed her my chicken with a plastic fork. It was serene. The chicken was really lovely, and for the entire time I didn't even think about my figure. With the food gone and my dizziness along with it, I reached up and put my hand on her cheek. "Thanks for taking care of me. Nobody really looks out for anyone here. It's why I wanna help you. So thank you, Audrey. You're a doll." We didn't stay up late. We turned the lights out just after dinner and Staycee drifted very quickly off to sleep. Unfortunately, I didn't have the same pleasure with her cuddling so close. It wasn't until exhaustion beat out my anxiety that I managed to follow Staycee’s lead.
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I was asked to re-post this - and was flattered - here's chp's 1-3 Mary Had a Little Lamb My office message light was blinking when I returned to the office; I punched in my code, and my boss’ voice came on. “When you get in, come see me, I’ve got a lead for you.” I tallied up a couple orders, submitted them for credit approval, handed in some copy instructions to the production team and headed for Frank’s office. “Whatcha got….? New car dealer want to spend 10k a month?” “I don’t know actually, this was called in and the lady asked for you specifically.” And he handed me the paper with his notes on it: Jessica Redenbacher, her phone number, and semi-vague listings of “male or female, and stress reduction.” I started to ask questions, but his cell rang, and he waved me off. I walked back to my office and sat. Call-in leads to a radio station are like scratch tickets – usually a losing venture – but you never know. Jessica Redenbacher? I pondered the name, thought “popcorn” and sighed – picked up the company phone and dialed her number. “Hello?” A bit of hub-bub of noise was muted but noticeable through the phone. “Jessica? This is Steve Anderson, from W_ _ _ Radio, I understand you asked to speak with me?” “Well yes! Thank you for getting back to me so quickly, and excuse the noise, let me get to my office.” “Where are you?” “I’m at Marshall’s here at the Mall…..I’m the manager…. There that’s better.” She only hinted at what she wished to market, and we set up a time to meet at the store, before she began her day at ten. I wrapped up my day, got presentation / first-time info together for our meeting in the morning, headed out to the 99 Restaurant for a few drinks with co-workers, and that was that. Thursday broke cold and close to snow; I dressed a little sharper than usual, since I was meeting a lady who DID ask for me personally, and headed over to Marshall’s and went in through the back-bay doors as instructed. Jessica was in her office, I knocked and we met. I’d love to say she was 6’ tall, and a lingerie model. She wasn’t; Jess was about 5’5” with green / hazel eyes and brown hair, a nice “rack” in front, but her body was well on its way to plump; when she smiled broadly it was easily spotted that a molar part-way-back on the right side of her mouth was missing. “Hello! Thank you for coming, would you like some coffee?” “Sure,” and we walked to a small kitchen area, where the K-cups and coffee materials were found. “What did you wish to advertise?” “My dad gave me a pretty-good sized check for my 30th birthday and told me to “do something with my life.” So, for almost the past two-years, I’ve been working on my master’s at night in Clinical Psychology and have come up with a Series of three Relaxation DVD’s as part of my graduation project.” I groaned (silently) – I was correct – this was going to be a waste of time; maybe I can talk her out of it. “Many national companies are way ahead of you on that scale,” I sipped my coffee as we walked back, “the amount of money you would need to invest to own a top-tier share of the mind is semi-staggering.” She nodded. “How much?” Oh Christ – decision time – local-direct clients reward the HIGHEST commission rate, but also take up a LOT of time – which is usually better spent hunting down car dealers… “For an adequate share of the market in morning and afternoon drive you’d be looking at around $4,900 a week, for a minimum of sixteen weeks.” “Can you bill me weekly?” W-T-F……….? This Jessica-lady wants to plunk down around $75,000 to sell a DVD? “What is the name of this series?” “I haven’t named the series yet – but Mary Had a Little Lamb is the first DVD.” “You’re kidding me.” She nodded no. “The second one?” “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” I stared at her. “You’re still not kidding are you…” She again nodded no, and continued to look at me. “And the third – is what? Three Blind Mice?” She smiled that one-tooth-missing-grin, and said “it’s called “Old McDonald Had a Farm.” “Has anyone used this, so I can I create a testimonial ad, and bring you business that way?” She nodded no again. “You want to spend five grand a week, to market a Relaxation CD-Series which you have not named yet – but whose DVD’s are called Mary Had a Little Lamb, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Old McDonald, which no one yet has tested, in February when the “resolution-solution ads” have already begun massive well-funded campaigns as of January first..??! This time she nodded yes. I know sales reps are supposed to just take the money and run – but I had to ask: “Why?” “My Dad was right – I should do something with my life, and being the manager at a Marshall’s clothing store my age isn’t it. So the degree and the DVD-success will start my climb.” “Ooookay…” So I got out the paperwork, we put together the campaign from February thru May, got a credit card number, and made an appointment to go over the copy facts with her at a later time since it was getting toward ten a.m. “Do you have a copy of the CD so I can listen to it, and take pieces off of it to create a :60 commercial?” “I do – but the Master is at the house, and can only be listened to there; I cannot possible risk losing it.” “Jess, I really don’t like to do that – I don’t know you, and you don’t know me – and it’s not a good situation for a salesperson to be in.” “I won’t be at home, and the player and disc is in the basement. You’ll be alone, and when you have enough info, just call me, and I’ll come back to lock up.” Against my better judgment I said “okay” and, I took the address and agreed to meet up with her tomorrow morning at 8:00 in Lincoln. “If this credit card doesn’t go thru, I will need cash.” She nodded, and I went back to the station counting up my ten percent(!!!) commission on the $78,400 order I just signed. The credit card went thru and my day was very grand indeed. KA-ching. Her house was a one-story with an almost finished basement where a new recliner and new sofa, still covered in plastic faced an okay sized older TV; the carpet looked and smelled new, and two doors and an open entry way interrupted the sheet rocked walls. The drop-ceiling looked new, and the painting was about two-thirds done. Against one wall was a table with Diet Pepsi bottles, and a partially finished jigsaw puzzle. The DVD and the case, and the remote controls were on the coffee table in front of me, along with a pair of earphones. “Didn’t know I needed to bring my cans,” and I grinned. “Cans?” I pointed at the headset – “in my business, we call those “cans” and every jock has his or her own set; I used to be on air, back in the day.” She smiled, and nodded, “I remember.” I stopped – and looked. She nodded again, and smiled, “you were great.” Pause. “Unless you worked the third shift, or a kook, you should have been asleep – like ninety percent of the city was.” I unpacked; pen, notebook, snack, lap-top and cell phone, removed my coat and looked at her. She jotted down her phone number on my notebook and said, “Call me if you need anything, and please let me know when you are finished.” I nodded, and with that she walked upstairs, closed the door and was then gone. I flipped the DVD cover around, and it was nothing earth-shattering; no notes, no reviews, no comments, just Mary Had a Little Lamb, 37 Minutes, and Relaxation for mind and body. One hour tops…and I’m outta here. I put on the DVD player, walked over to the unit, put in the disc, walked back to the sofa, brushed some dust and paint chips off the plastic cover, sat down, hit play, put on the cans, picked up paper and pen, and waited. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb little lamb, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow…and … The screen came on and the song continued, and I watched, and listened. The clock on the player said 8:49am; my paper was blank, and the pen was still in my right hand, and the sofa was warm from my body heat when I woke up. What the hell? This tape is soooo boring that I dozed off? Shit – this isn’t going to be a winning ad at all… I sat forward on the sofa, jotted down Mary had a little lamb?… stopped writing, hit play again, and looked at the screen and looked for copy points…and the song began again… Mary had a little lamb, little lamb little lamb, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow…and… It was now 9:34; I rubbed my lips, took off the headphones and looked at my notebook – nothing except the lyrics and the word which looked like “water.” Disgusted I walked over to the table, took a Diet Pepsi, unscrewed it, (lots of caffeine maybe??) and shook my head. I went to my cell, answered the two calls that had come in since eight a.m., and sat back down with a grumble. Got everything set again, put the Pepsi in my left hand took a big swig, swallowed, looked at the pad of paper on the table, leaned over the pad, hit play and con-cen-trated… At 10:29 the Pepsi bottle had dribbled on the carpet a bit, my lips were again wet, I got up, put the bottle down, wiped my cheek, and made my way to the three doors to look for a bathroom. Door one was a furnace room with boxes, bags, and water heater too. The open doorway led into good sized room housing a washer/dryer with a laundry rack, table, lamp, and a deep whicker chair one would see on a nice patio; next to it were sewing stuff, knitting needles and yarn in a basket, on the opposite wall was a door (for this room?) on sawhorses being painted, its hardware removed; the wash room was brightened by the light streaming in from the little basement window. The third door was a bathroom in mid-plumb, and thus unfortunately not ready to use. I groaned, went back out into the basement, up the stairs and……the door at the top of the stairs wasn’t locked – but it didn’t open either. It was if something had come loose inside of it, and the knob just turned and turned and turned. S - - T!! Now what??? I went back downstairs and looked for something to pee in??!! The washroom turned up nothing but a stack of towels, various detergents, and cleaning products. No buckets, not even in the furnace room. Maybe the Pepsi bottle? Unfortunately I had to drink the entire Pepsi bottle before filling it back up again…. So I did that, and on my knees, squirting carefully into a 20-ounce plastic container, holding the head of my penis up against the bottle spout, while kneeling over a towel, I filled the bottle back up……and then it was full, but I wasn’t empty.…. I put kept my right hand on my dick to clench of the flow of urine, and gently put the bottle on the table; sighed, and knowing what-I-had-to-do-but-couldn’t-believe-I-had-to-do, picked up the towel and began to pee into that. When I had slowly wet the towel and drained myself, I put the towel on the corner of washer, got the cap to the Pepsi bottle and sealed it, and looked for a place to hide the full bottle. I found an old Stop and Shop plastic grocery bag in the furnace room, and put the bottle in that and put the bag next to the sofa to take home with me when I was through. I still didn’t know how to tell a client that I wet her towel. I looked at the DVD Case which sat on the coffee table – and in my mind - mocking me. It was about 10:50… I walked around the room… grabbed another Diet Pepsi, and answered a phone message that had beeped in on my cell, plus responded to two texts, and checked my e-mail on my phone. Why boot up the computer – nothing to freakin’ write yet…You loser… The second bottle was half drained – my stomach growled and I was upset I had only brought a snack, I should have been gone by now. I debated calling Jess, but didn’t wish to admit defeat, or question my stamina. I put the cans back on, and hit play. At 11:46 I realized I was sitting on the couch, my lips were wet, and so was my chin. At 12:39 I was sucking on my pen. And my bladder was pushing a bit again. I took the pen out of my mouth, and stared at it, clipped it to my shirt pocket. Ripped off the earphones, turned off the DVD player, and stared at the almost empty notebook paper in front of me. I wasn’t relaxed – I was kinda frustrated with my abilities. I finished the soda, and then went thru the steps again, except this time when I unzipped my fly kneeling over a new towel, and before grabbing the empty bottle I noticed something different. I was erect. Not TAH-DAH-look-at-me-erect, but a pretty good start on a chubby. I smiled, at least I wouldn’t have to move my foreskin out of the way to pee this time, and proceeded to slowly fill up the bottle, and then complete the release of urine into another towel, which I held up and around my testicles. After peeing I was supporting a very full erection. Stood up, looked at my flagpole, shook my head, put the towel IN the washer, capped the bottle and pulled up my underwear and pants, painfully zipped up, and brought the Pepsi bottle out to join its other buddy in the plastic bag. At 3:54 I had finished my third D-P, and was jumpy and edgy from sixty ounces of caffeinated soda; there were three wet towels in the washing machine, and I had small drool stains on the right collar of my dress shirt. My balls ached a bit, and I was just plain angry at the semi-waste of a Friday sales day. The only saving relief was the $78,000+ order had solidified my entire first quarter, and it was only mid January. This was going to be a banner year for old Stevie I thought. I took a break from deciphering this DVD and returned calls; one was from Jessica, wondering if everything was okay? I checked e-mails, and tried to come up with an ad outline to discuss with my client who was concerned enough to call me. By 6:27 I “woke up” from my ump-teenth viewing and the results were no different, except there were now four wet towels in the other room, and three urine-filled bottles of soda cooling in a plastic bag near my computer case. I was hungry, and very upset that no useful ideas were coming my way. I took off my earphones, clicked my “soggy pen” to my shirt, and gently stroked my penis through my dress slacks and stared at the blank TV. “Are you okay?” People usually say they “jumped a mile” – well, I didn’t jump a mile, but I was so startled I’m pretty sure I cleared the plastic-covered-sofa by a quarter of an inch. Jess was standing on the stairs behind me, looking down. I looked up, and hoped she hadn’t seen me touching myself; I covered up with a throw pillow and turned my head to look back and up at her. “Great, great, sorry I didn’t hear you come down.” I stood up, and exchanged the pillow for the DVD case; “quite a DVD you have here.” She continued down the stairs and beaming she exclaimed “oh thank you, I’ve worked on it for many months now, what kind of ad are you creating?” She powered off the TV and player. My bladder pushed some more. “Umm, Jess, can I use the bathroom?” “Sure, you know where it is.” “Uh, no – I never got there.” She stopped, looked at me, and away from the jigsaw puzzle… “What?” I explained about the door, and she apologized twice, and quickly gave me directions…I took the stairs two at a time….with Jessica following, as I turned the corner into the bathroom I heard her testing the cellar door knob over and over. My erection had calmed a bit (fear??), and I urinated and flushed, and found Jessica in the kitchen, and I sat at the counter. Her back was to me, as she was cleaning something off the stove, and I looked at her – and then out of the darkened window over the sink, on the window sill was usual items of a potted plant, a small framed photo, and a drying wishbone from some past-eaten bird, a pacifier and a baby bottle. I stared at the bottle. “Are you hungry?” Pause. “Steve, are you hungry?” She was now looking at me, and tried to follow my eyes. I looked away. “You have kids?” She made the connection, laughed and said, “no it’s my sister’s son’s stuff – they were here over the New Year, and left it behind. I keep it here as a reminder to ship it back along with a stuffed toy he left behind too, and – as you can see – I keep putting it off……” Pause. “Are you hungry?” I was, but wasn’t going to admit it, and just wanted to get home, and dispose of those three bottles of pee. “No, thanks I’m good.” She moved from the sink to the fridge, and started singing…. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb little lamb, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow…and … I wanted the bottle…or the pacifier. I just wanted that rubbery nipple between my lips as if my life depended on it, but thankfully my legs didn’t give away my needs, and so like any proper sales professional I guess I took my pen and sucked on that…..because at some point I realized that Jess was staring at me, and smiling. “You okay? She grinned…. “Ya know, that’s a pretty lucky pen…” I refocused my eyes, wiped my chin, and put the pen on the table. “I’m, I’m sorry, must be a little tired. Let me go get my stuff, and get out of your way.” “Do you want to drink out of the bottle?” My head snapped around and my legs stopped from heading toward the basement door – “what?? Why would you say that?” Jess tilted her head, and said “because some people like beer out of a glass, and some don’t mind the bottle?!” And held up a Miller Lite, and again tilted her head. *Sigh* “A bottle is fine, thanks.” I went downstairs, gathered my stuff, glared at the DVD player, picked up my plastic bag of “Pepsis,” my computer, checked my coat pocket for the phone and keys, and then donned the jacket, but kept it unzipped. “I’m going to put these out in the car, and warm it up too, okay?” She nodded, held the door, and when I was done she was at leaning against the counter sipping her beer, and I rejoined her on a stool. “How did it go today? When can I make my first million?” Silence. “Jess – I got nothing, all I know is that something is making me doze off, and I’ve even drank all your Diet Pepsi, which I’ll replace.” She waved no, but I kept going, “I really think you need to get another rep, and I’ll have Tracy, or Jeff or… I only remember Jessica opening her mouth……. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb little lamb, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow…and every where that Mary went, Mary went… I stared at the rubbery plastic nipples and began to suckle my Miller Lite. This time Jess was mopping my shirt and jacket with a towel, and I smelled like a brewery when I came back around. Her chest was inches from me, and I stared at her nipples, with my crotch in a very happy state. “Can you please try to tackle it one more time tomorrow? Maybe a good night sleep and another go at it? For me? For my dad’s faith in me? For my financial future??” I wiped my mouth, apologized for the sixth time, got up, prayed my coat was long enough, and said – “What the hell, do you work tomorrow?” I usually did paperwork on Saturdays, but I was pretty embarrassed. “No, I’ve tomorrow and Monday off – so you can come in any time. “I’ll be here after the gym – around nine thirty.” “And I’ll be sure to leave that basement door open, you poor man holding it that long, I’m so sorry, you should have called me.” I started to say something, thought better of it, and with that I apologized again, went out the car and noticed it was very warm, and that it had been running for about 25 minutes. Where the hell did the time go? Minutes later Jessica had found the wet towels, sniffed them and smiled, and started a wash; then went back upstairs and brought down five more towels and set them on the table. Then she sat down and began to knit; when the wash was completed she transferred them to the dryer, and moved the safety pins out of the sewing stuff, and placed them in clear view. Mary Had a Little Lamb was now close to a deep seeded cog in Stevie’s mind…but tomorrow was the key. She smiled, touched herself, and thought.. If this holiday weekend goes as planned, she’d have her deposit back in under a week, and Mr. Anderson under for a lifetime… She went up the stairs humming the nursery rhyme – making sure to keep time with the thump-thump-thump of the wet towels in the dryer. Mary Had a Little Lamb – Day 2 I made the gym at the usual time, but the work-out was anything but – I was not into my routine because my head could not comprehend what happened yesterday. Here I was one-sixty-second commercial away from a $7,800 commission check and I had only come up with Mary Had a Little Lamb, a jacket that smelled like beer, and a nice case of “blue balls.” I shaved, showered, put on jeans and a station long-sleeve denim logo shirt, and headed for Jess’ house. I brought a six-pack of Diet Pepsi bottles to replace the three I drank and my own cans – hell; something had to do the trick. At 9:53 I was back down on that now familiar couch, and Jess was off in the far corner painting the sheetrock. On the coffee table was a sports bottle of Gatorade, and there were others over next to the puzzle. I looked at her backside and groaned silently, now I’ve got an audience to see me fail. I put the DVD back in the machine, adjusted my earphones, and hit play. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb … Mary had a… It was 10:45 and I was dazed, drooling and a little confused, the sports bottle in my hand was nearly empty. I looked around the room, and she was still painting, and NOT looking my way. Thank goodness. I straightened up, walked around, and muttered to myself….and dreaded any kind of “how’s it going?” question… Jessica meanwhile dared not look at Stevie – and silently prayed about this next run through, this was make or break, so as soon as he was “under” she was going to leave the room. I walked to the Gatorade, took a new sports bottle, sat back down, gritted my teeth, and hit play… Mary had a little lamb, little lamb; little lamb … Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was… Upon hearing the sucking noise of her happy man-child Jessica put down the roller and crawled as low as she could so to not break his vision with the madly flickering TV screen and scooted up the stairs. The DVD player said 11:32, my collar was damp again, and my bladder was giving me messages. I got up, and looked for Jessica; “Jess?” I pseudo-whispered… “Are you down here?” Hearing no reply and being led by a nice erection, I ignored the stairs leading to the main floor, and thus the bathroom, silently walked to the washroom, took a clean towel off the stack, dropped my jeans and underwear around my ankles, leaned back against the wall and peed into the towel bunched up around my groin….in big thirsty spurts. I had a goofy grin on my face and a full flagpole below my waist. I stroked it lightly, then pulled up my undies and jeans re-did my belt and slowly zipped up over a good bulge. I put the towel in the washer, grabbed another Gatorade, and slinked back out to the TV, and then smiled. I WAS beginning to relax, maybe I can write this commercial after all. Ka-ching! I put on the still-warm earphones, hit play, and let Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb … take me where I wanted to go – peeing in a towel while holding it around my cock. Jessica heard the sucking and slurping sounds and crept down the stairs, and crawled to the laundry room holding her breath…..she spotted the wet towel in the washer and silently yelled out a big ‘YES’…… Crawled back thru the basement, being sure not to look at the TV screen, and went upstairs, got the baby bottle and pacifier and brought the pacifier to her bedroom and the put the bottle on the Gatorade/Puzzle table, and began to paint again. At 12:27 I stirred awake, and had a nice chubby going on, but spying Jess, I simply went to the table, and reached for a Gatorade bottle… “You know, if you try something different, the results may be different.” I looked at her, and she nodded toward the baby bottle. I shrugged and said – “nothing gained, nothing lost.” I filled the bottle from the Gatorade bottle, capped it, went back to the sofa, leaned back, spread my legs, patted my crotch and hit play. My little-man needs to be rewarded… Timing her crawl to the mid-point of the DVD where the urge to suckle was winding down and the urge for diaper-play was beginning to kick in, Jessica came over the couch, kept her head low, below his bottle and arm, but near his lap, undid the belt, zipped down the fly, and pulled the head of his penis barely above the fold of this underwear, wet her fingers and began to stroke him. Very little time passed and she felt his cock begin to expand, his breathing/sucking rate increase and then finished her masturbation thru his underwear…. smiling as Steve’s grey briefs grew very damp and warm….re-dressed him and snuck back to her painting. I woke up, and I knew something was different. I was v-e-r-y relaxed and my balls didn’t hurt anymore. Looking at Jessica’s back, I slid my left hand down and checked my underwear…it was sticky and warm, and yes – I had cum. Nice load too. I sat there thinking – After a day and a half – I was finally relaxed, and the only difference was no Pepsi, and drink out of the baby bottle. “I’m going to clean up, and get something to eat, do you want anything?” “No, I’m good – I’ve got my protein bars.” Jess took the roller and paint up the stairs and I was left alone. GOOD!! If I did something different this time, would I get another orgasm? I got up off the couch, tip-toed into the wash room, reached for another towel, this time folded it, dropped my pants and underwear around my ankles, waddled over to the wall, and brought the terrycloth up between my legs, and pinned it against the wall with my butt, pushed my stiff member into the towel, closed my eyes, and peed. If I act more like a baby would I get another orgasm…? At 3:50, Jessica, having monitored the towels in the wash go from bunched to now properly folded, awarded him with another explosion of semen; and then crawled over to the jigsaw puzzle. The DVD player said 4:02p when I smiled a goofy smile, and without checking to see if Jess was looking my way or not, put down the baby bottle, unzipped my pants a bit, and looked down on gooey underwear. Jess giggled. “Everything still there?” “Yeah, everything’s great – I think I’ve climaxed.” “That’s GREAT, you must be relaxed if your body can do that; are you ready to write my commercial?” “Ummmmmm….I think I need to study this DVD some more…” I was pretty hooked. Jess smiled and nodded. “Okay, you’re the professional. Can I fill up your bottle for you?” I nodded, and she went upstairs filled it up, and brought it back down. At a little before 6:00p, I was leaning up against the wall in the wash room, with a terry cloth diaper held in place by safety pins and peed and peed; urine dripped through the cloth and dribbled on my pants and underwear at my feet. “Hello – Steve?” Oh shit… I tugged at the diaper pins… “Steve – are down here?” She walked extra-extra slow to give him time…Jess had a good idea what was going on. I got the diaper pins undone, but pricked my left finger in the process, put the soaked towel in the wash, waddled to put the pins back and pulled up my underwear and pants when I heard her come around the corner. I was facing the little window and looking as hard as I could out to the dark night….trying to buckle my belt….. “What are you doing?” “Ahhhhhhhhhhh….trying to see if it started snowing yet – haven’t been upstairs in a while” (who was I kidding – I hadn’t been upstairs since I got here)… I strained harder to peek at anything against the street lights up and across the street. No rain or snow was visible. I turned to her, and she was smiling a small smile, and her head was tilted…as she noticed my penis area was wet and hard. I sucked my left finger, and a small taste of blood assaulted my tongue. “Are you okay, did you cut yourself?” “I’m fine” I mumbled… “I’m cooking meatloaf, are you coming upstairs?” PANIC! NO – I JUST PEED IN A CLOTH DIAPER COMPLETE WITH PINS…I NEED ONE MORE DVD VISIT – I NEED ONE MORE DVD VIEWING… I WANT TO CUM AGAIN… “Can I watch the DVD one more time?? I think I found a thread to build your commercial around…” Thread – Steve you fuckin’ genius – great word… Jessica grinned a full tooth-missing-grin, and said “no problem, I’ll have some wine and turn down the oven.” I followed her back into the basement, when she reached the glass-covered coffee table, she scooped up the empty bottle, and went upstairs…panic began to set in, until she walked back down the stairs and handed me it full of milk. “We’re outta Gatorade – you’ve been a thirsty sales rep.” Jess smiled, kissed me on the cheek, and walked back upstairs. You know – she’s not that bad looking…a few pounds off, a visit to the dentist…not that bad… Great rack… I hit play, sucked on my bottle – before the music ever started – and prayed/hoped/wanted/needed the relaxation tape to do its job on my prostate and penis…. At 7:05 I was one frustrated mother-fucker. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN... I limped/lumbered upstairs with a full bladder, and very blue balls, peed in the toilet, and sat at the kitchen counter. “Do you want a beer?” “Do you have vodka?” Jess nodded, and poured me a nice sized amount, and added ice. We ate dinner, watching Jeopardy, and Miss Redenbacher was pretty smart…by 8 or so, we made some small talk but I really wanted to go back downstairs again, and dive into Mary Had a Little Lamb, but I probably should go home. “You’ve got to work tomorrow, so I should be going, I want to thank you…..for…” Jessica picked up her phone, hit the screen and Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb…Mary had a little..... It was going on 9 when I knew I had to go to the bathroom, and Jessica was inviting me to spend the night. I went the bathroom with a nice erection, peed, flushed, washed, thought about my horniness and came out with Jess in an extra-long Peyton Manning Colts jersey. “That’s a little dangerous in Patriots country.” She grinned, “we’re from Indiana – sorry.” If I could get her to sleep I could sneak back down and watch the DVD again. Jess, I tell you what – I’ll sleep on the sofa downstairs, and you can…” “I’ve got a better idea, you sleep in your clothes on top of the comforter, and I’ll sleep in my jersey under the sheets and comforter; that way we’ll be together, but not together.” I glumly agreed, and I borrowed a toothbrush, brushed, took off my shoes and belt and laid down on the left side of the bed. And thought of peeing in towels. Jess got in under the covers, killed the lights, said goodnight, and leaned over and to do something on her nightstand. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb … Jess waited for ten or twelve seconds, felt Stevie begin to thrash around looking for his bottle, scooted up further on the pillows, reached over with her left arm, pivoted him onto his side facing her, hiked up her jersey, and guided his mouth to her left breast; She leaned her head back against the headboard and soaked in the wonderful feelings coursing through her body; she gently kissed the top of Steve’s head as his suckling became a content and steady pattern. As the tingles in her body continued, she reached down with her right hand, found a very happy penis and stroked it through his jeans. It was 11:30 my balls ached, I had a wet spot on my shirt and my bladder was kinda full. I carefully got out of the bed, went by the bathroom, headed downstairs guided by nightlights; and spotted the washroom entry-way dimly lit by the street lights or the moon coming through the window. Scared to be caught, but too horny to care, I grabbed the last remaining towel, got two pins out of the plastic tray, went over to the wall dropped my pants and stained underwear to my ankles, folded the towel into a triangle, brought it up between my legs and her hand touched my arm. S – - T! I froze, I started to say her name, when she reached for my hands and whispered, “Let me help you.” In a state of shock, I held one side of the terry-towel / diaper while she pinned the other, and my heart continued to race, but my penis certainly didn’t care. She came around me brushed its swelling head and pinned the other side. “If you’re going to pee, you’d better push Mr. Happy down a bit.” I did just that and leaned back against the wall…she leaned against my front and with her hands down near my groin. Her belly and breasts touched me all over. “Go ahead.” I closed my eyes, sighed, and did just that J…urine surged into the towel, and our right hands both felt the towel grow damp and warm. When I was done I had a very stiff flagpole, and she slowly slid down my legs and kneeled on my pants. Her left hand covered my right hand and joined me – as I / we lightly stroked my dick thru the towel. I made an effort to get back to the sofa, because that’s where the magic always occurred. Her right hand grabbed my knee and she shook her head. No, do it here. I want to watch.” And under the cover of almost darkness, lost in a sea of warm testicles and lust, I stroked myself, my left hand cupping a full mass of wet towel. “Aim for my mouth.” And with those words, I came. Recovering from my orgasm, I found Jess dabbing at herself with her jersey and then removing it to dab at my legs and the carpet. “I’m, I’m sorry; I just don’t know what…” She silenced me by kissing the lower insides of my legs and whispered – “let’s get you out of these dirty clothes.” My pants, shirt and cum-stained underwear, joined her equally messy garb in the washing machine; she unpinned me, and the last towel was added to the pile. She added the detergent, started the machine, and put down the pins. “Let’s go to bed.” Both naked, she led me upstairs, I started to get on top of the sheets but under the comforter, and Jess just stared at me. Realizing that I did look pretty foolish, I lifted up the top-sheet too, and slid onto a very comfortable and deep mattress. It felt wonderful, and in a sleepy / post-sexual release state, kissed her on the lips and said “I think that DVD really does work, I’ve never been so….” Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb … This time, as Stevie sucked on her left nipple, Jess rewarded herself with a powerful orgasm, and felt wave-after-wave of shivers and tingles. After a while, she reached for the pacifier, broke Stevie’s suckling, and gave him the Nuk. She donned a robe, went out thru the mudroom into the garage, popped the trunk and took out a sleeve of adult diapers and a blue diaper pail. Carried them back into the house and down into the basement. She stopped the washer in mid-cycle and placed all the diapers where the towels had been before and put away the safety pins into her sewing stuff. Wouldn’t need those anymore… On the way back thru the basement, she ejected Mary Had a Little Lamb from the player and put the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star DVD on the glass coffee table. Grabbed the other DVD box, and went back to join her man-child in bed. Standing naked at the side of the bed, the nursery rhyme still playing “his siren song” she looked down on the pacifier sucking man; felt her nipples harden again and slid into bed. Off went the speaker on the smart-phone, his sucking slowly subsided. Spooning with Steve, and very content to have this man in her bed, she didn’t even mind the nice-sized puddle of drool under her left shoulder. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star When I awoke Jess was fully dressed and the clock said 7:02. “Hey sleepy head, how do you feel? “I feel pretty good, but,” I rubbed my jaw a bit, “my jaw feels a little tender. Maybe I’ve been grinding my teeth?” I looked her over – loose clothing where needed to hide her stomach and caboose, nice shoes and panty-hose to show off her legs which weren’t bad, and a hint of cleavage and proper make-up. Her eyes danced. “Do you want the good news or the bad news?” I chose the latter. “The washer started making horrible noises last night, so I stopped the cycle, and thus you’ve got no clothes to wear.” I sat up and stared. “What’s the good news?” She sat on the edge of the bed, “the good news is that I work at a major clothing store, and I will bring you home some clothes tonight.” “…and in the meantime…?” “In the meantime,” she walked to her chest of drawers and pulled out some sweatpants and jerseys; “I’m sure with my extra padding above and below the waist, you’ll have enough room to fit in these.” I groaned and nodded. She asked my sizes, and I gave them to her. “What did you think of my DVD? Can you write the ad?” I sat and pondered the question… “So far all I know is that the DVD makes me thirsty, time goes by in a blur, and if all goes right, I can end up with an orgasm.” I looked at Jess, and she nodded, and smiled – “is there a market for that?” “I’ll make it a priority.” Jess came to the bed leaned over, and I tilted my head up, and we had a soft, no tongue kiss; “I’ve got a truck to inventory, and I’m on the floor til 6:30; would you be a dear and take me out to dinner tonight when I get home?” Remembering that tomorrow was the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, I agreed. “I put your stuff downstairs, so you’re good to go. Now make me a million-dollar ad.” I smiled and gave her a thumbs-up, and with that she departed the bedroom and noises were heard as Miss Redenbacher made her way thru the house, and into the garage, and was gone. I was alone. YES!! I took a shower, but finding not one bath towel in the house, I dried myself with a couple dish towels. Did the “big job,” brushed my teeth, donned a pair of sweat pants – which fit thru the waist, but were too short on the legs, and a T-Shirt from some long ago walk-a-thon. I found cereal and milk and listened to the news; checked the missed call listings and noted that Mom and Dad, and my girlfriend Lisa had called between eight and ten last night. Great, talk to them later. I put the bowl in the dishwasher and hoofed it downstairs. It was warm – very warm. Jessica must have kicked-in the electric baseboard heaters. I plugged in my cans, turned on everything, filled up the baby bottle with the blue water in the pitchers, went to the coffee table threw my notebook on the floor (Notes? I don’t need no stinkin’ notes), grabbed the DVD and cringed. Where was Mary Had a Little Lamb? I want to climax again. I looked high and low and could not find the first DVD; I scrambled for my notebook and dialed Jessica. “Steve, is everything okay?” Music was heard from the car radio. “Ummm, yeah – I, umm, No, I can’t find Mary Had a Little Lamb, all I’ve got is the Twinkle Twinkle DVD…” ess laughed, that DVD you have starts with Mary Had a Little Lamb and continues the relaxation process with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star…. Okay?” (THANK GOODNESS!) “Oh, okay, okay – that’s great; see you tonight, and don’t forget my clothes.” She promised she wouldn’t and hung up. Jess put the phone back in her bag, hiked up her skirt just a bit and touched herself there. On her mental shopping list she added “one pair of pantyhose” because her cotton in-seam was soaked. Back in her basement the DVD cover was just like the previous one – except this one said VOL 2 and 62 minutes. I went thru the motions, settled onto the sofa, leaned back, sucked on my bottle, and hit play. And at 8:51 I woke up with an empty bottle, drool on my chin, a few belches and burps and the need to pee. Never thinking about going up the stairs, I marched into the washroom, and saw the diapers. That’s right – no towels. I opened the washer, and the cold dirty water stared back at me. A diaper? That’s a pretty big step. My bladder pushed some more, and my penis wanted to comment too – so thinking with the little head, and not the big one, I picked up the heavy adult diaper, pulled down the sweatpants and underwear and placed the “V” of the diaper over my erection and peed into it. I made a silly smile and giggle, and then put the partially wet diaper in the blue trash can. I waddled back to the coffee table, picked up my bottle, finally pulled up my underwear and sweats – filled her nephew’s (my??!!) bottle, skipped/floated back to the couch, put on my earphones and hit play. Maybe this time I’ll get an orgasm. It wasn’t to be – just another trip into my diaper-room, and another partially wet diaper was placed into the trash can. In the middle of my third viewing my brain was getting weird messages……you-need-to-pee-you-need-to-pee-you-need-to-pee-you-need-to-PEE-you-need-TO-PEE-you-NEED-TO-PEE…YOU-NEED-TO-PEE…YOU-ARE-PEEING-YOU-ARE… I refocused, the TV was blank, the bottle was empty, and I had a growing wet spot on Jessica’s pants. NO! I clamped down as best I could, grabbed my dick to stop the flow of urine, and hoofed it around the corner. Spurting some more before getting my erect dick into absorbent material, I let loose a torrid stream, and sighed. I stepped out of the sweatpants and was left with white socks and a baggy T-shirt. I looked at the diaper in my right hand. If you try something new – maybe something different will happen… I walked back into the basement – happy that it was warm, filled my bottle up with more blue liquid, put on my headphones, and sat on the diaper with the wet part under my ass and the dry part over my penis. And hit play. It was a shade before Noon and the bottle was empty, and the diaper was full. Droplets had run down so a small stream of urine was in the fold of the sofa. I gazed at it, and slowly took the T-Shirt off, picked up the soggy diaper and mopped up, grateful for the plastic that protected my client’s new purchase. My dick was very very happy. I ate a protein bar, looked at the wet diaper on the coffee table, and then at the TV. I deposited the third diaper in the pail, got out another, repeated all the steps and this time - sat in the warm thick diaper and pulled it up around me. I did NOT use the tapes – that was for babies – and I was a sales rep on a sales call, trying to write an ad!! At 1:15 I was soaked, and burping, and unfortunately farting a bit as my body tried to get rid of gas built up inside of me. At 2:36 I was into my fifth diaper – wet, warm, and pretty full. I tucked my left hand down between my legs and squeezed gently, and rubbed gently, and squeezed and rubbed, and watched pre-cum ooze on the head of my dick. At 3:44 I put on the diaper the entire way, tapes and all, leaned back hit play, and prayed for an orgasm to relieve the sexual tension I was engulfed in. At 4:49 I couldn’t take the diaper off. My fingers and thumbs didn’t do what my brain commanded, and the warm wet white bulge (around my bulge) mockingly looked back at me. I went to the DVD case, grabbed it and read it…… I grabbed the DVD case? My hands DO work…. I gazed down and again tried to remove my diaper – and my hands swayed and twitched but did not do any good what so ever. I dug out my cell, and while rubbing my dick ensconced in the warm-slick material, my right hand held onto the phone and prayed Jess would answer. “Hello, Steve? You okay??” “When are you coming home? I need some help.” “Oh my goodness – what’s the matter?” Silence. How do you say what I have to say…? On the other end of the line, Jess waited…and smiled and said a small prayer… “My hands don’t work.” “If your hands didn’t work Mr. Anderson – how could you dial the phone? Look honey, I’ll be home in…” “I NEED YOU TO HELP ME GET OUT OF A WET DIAPER.” YES – she beamed… “Well, if I correctly remember diapering my nephew – I believe you just pull the tapes back…” “I did, and my hands don’t work – they work on everything else – but not the diaper; can you please hurry…??!! I don’t know what the matter is, and it’s rather weird, and rather strange, and my privates are starting to itch, and… I am not relaxed but am worried…and I’m freaking out…” Sensing that panic was starting to creep into her little guy – Jessica Redenbacher did what any good mommy would do – she got her baby a bottle… Mary had a little lamb, little lamb little lamb, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow…and everywhere that Mary went, Mary went… Hearing the happy sucking noises on the phone, Jess broke the connection, and walked to her office; on top of the bag of clothes she purchased she wrote a note “rash cream, wipes, bottle and powder,” and proceeded to call her District Manager to see if she could leave early. At 5:15 I was burping and farting like crazy, my bottle was bone dry, and my lips were a bit chapped; I sloshed over to the second pitcher, filled my bottle back up. I hung over the back of the sofa and tried to make myself burp some more. Realizing that time somehow passed faster when watching her DVD’s I put on the phones, glumly hit play, touched my not-to-be-relieved-erection, and woke up at 6:24. Jessica was looking down at me, and I looked at her, the diaper was saturated, the plastic of the couch was damp, and I said, “help me please.” She took a towel out of her Marshall’s bag, and spread it on the coffee table, gestured me to it, and I plopped down, spilling more pee. She pushed me back, so my bottom was at one end of the table, and my head, barely fit at the other end; she looked down, ignoring the tent in my groin area. “Now what’s this about your hands won’t work?” “Look, I go to pull the tapes off the diaper, and…….” My hands worked just fine thank you. The tapes gratefully let go, and my privates were damp, a bit pink, erect and clearly visible for all to see. “Nice erection. If you wanted to play, you could have just said – Jess, I’m horny and thinking of you, can you come home early? You didn’t need to make up a my-hands-don’t-work and practically scare me to death; I set a Rhode Island speed record driving home, and my D-M had to go in to lock up.” “I swear my hands didn’t work.” “Whatever, let’s get you cleaned up.” She pulled the diaper out from underneath me, rolled it up, walked it into the washroom did a low-five with the diaper pail, added it to the growing stack; picked up a clean disposable, came back out to the coffee table and proceeded to put diaper rash cream, and powder on me, and tape me up. Somewhere between embarrassment and sexual desire, I allowed myself to be put back into the diaper. “I’ve got some calls to make,” and she put the cans back on my head, filled up the bottle, grabbed the now two empty pitchers, handed me the bottle, and hit play. I came to at 7:46, I was hungry, the room was empty, and my diaper was fairly full. I sat up, pulled at the tapes – and my hands wouldn’t work again. W-T-F….? Off came the earphones and I waddled up the stairs pretty damn fast; Jessica was sitting on her bed, in just a long jersey, and pantyhose. She was on her cell, and she stared back – soaking in my panic, as I stood there almost naked, with just a droopy diaper, a pair of socks, and an erection. She ended the conversation and took off her jersey. Her breasts were exposed, and I was too… She cooed “Have you been a good boy today?” I nodded. She got off the bed and slowly walked toward me; I didn’t know whether to look at the crotch of her pantyhose, or the two magnificent melons coming my way. “If I go through your little blue pail – will I find any gooey sticky diapers?” All I could do was shake my head NO, and burp. “Then someone deserves a reward,” and with that she led me back to the bed, laid down on it, and bade me to get on top of her. “Pull one tape off the top of each side, so your penis can come out and play.” This time my hands worked again, strange - and I did what I was told. She reached down, and playfully pulled the diaper up tight around me, forcing me to ‘skootch’ up onto her stomach, and said “fuck my tits.” And there, on a cold Sunday evening, Jess cradled her breasts into a fleshy tunnel, and I slid on a warm-wet-diaper up and down her belly, thrusting for all I was worth. It felt AWESOME, and I came all over her and them. Once my breathing had slowed, I looked down at her and she up at me. And then - as any proper sales professional would do, I slid down her body, over her soft belly, ripped her pantyhose at the crotch and satisfied my client. Due to the hour we ordered pizza in, and washed it down with laughter, kisses and beers. I even drank out of the baby bottle. We brushed our teeth, she offered to diaper me for bed, and I declined. We tumbled into bed kissed and spooned, her breasts against my back; I fell to sleep, very relaxed, and pretty happy. Later in the pre-dawn hours, Jessica uncoupled carefully, grabbed her iPhone, and pushed a button….Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, how I wonder where you are, up above the world so high… She let the song play through and crept out of bed as a stain of wetness spread out around Steve. She went to the basement, started the washer up again, counted all the wet diapers, and put a not-so-wet-one on the (outside) top of the pail; and then went into the back basement to bring the sleeping bags clearer into view. Returning to the washroom, she put the wipes, the powder and the diaper rash cream on a small ledge in the washroom, just away from the door on the sawhorses. Got scissors from her sewing kit and cut the tags off his new jeans – extra baggy on one pair, and tossed them in the dryer, and did the same with his button-down shirts, and a packet of underwear. Put in a couple dryer sheets and began that cycle. Added the coffee-table-towel into the hamper, moved back upstairs, and then washed the baby bottle, and let it dry. Back in the bedroom the song had long finished playing, and Steve was damp, and still asleep; she smiled, touched herself, and went to wake him up.
First and foremost, thank you @Selpharia - author of the amazing "Of Capes, Cowls, and Cuddles" sci-fi epic - for sponsoring this story. Her interest in our work enabled and inspired Pudding and I to create this wonderful tale. The fact that Pudding's main character in Nightmare Asylum and Selphie's main character in C3 have the same name is purely coincidence! Or is it? *evil laugh* Pudding and I called this story 'Spoopy Nightmare Asylum' for like three months, so it's only fitting that Nightmare Asylum is the official name. I might be a little slow to update this one through because we literally just finished it and it has a ton of editing that needs doing. Anyway, I hope you like it! Disclaimers: diapers, wetting, messing, hypnosis, little, regression ------------------ Nightmare Asylum by: Sophie & Pudding 1.) ”A haunted house?" "No, dummy, a haunted children’s asylum from like old movies. You know, back before kids were drugged up all the time.” On the one hand, it was hard not to be interested, because we were both studying children’s psychology at the university, Ria and me, but on the other hand it was hard not to be disgusted because we were studying children’s psychology at the university. "You're not chicken are you? I mean I guess I can go and ask Cat Stone if she wants to go with me instead? You know that lil' closeted rug muncher's wanted to spend time alone with me for, like, ever..." I didn't like girls. Ria did. I didn't have a crush on her, but boy did she have one on me. And okay, I was a little manipulative. So? "Don't even say her name!" It wasn't that I had anything against Cat, it was just... well, she was prettier than I was. I hadn't quite let go of my high school self-consciousness issues. "Fine. You want to go into the stupid asylum? Then let's do it. I'm not afraid." Though I was notoriously afraid of everything. Bridget, on the other hand, wasn't afraid of anything. It was so annoying sometimes! And so sexy other times... Wahaha. Bridget strikes again! Calhoun Gardens wasn't even that far away, either, so the biggest issue was just waiting for it to be dark enough to be scary. Ria wanted to leave early, so we stopped at a Wendy's on the way to waste some time. Sometimes I felt like our movements with one another were a game of tug-o-war, or the world’s most childish game of chess; always trying to outplay one another. But we'd known each other since Freshman year, and had been untouchably close ever since. We just had... a dynamic. "Are you gonna eat your potato?” I waved a fry at my best friend, eating the way I usually ate: like somebody who'd never been an ounce over 130lbs despite a horrendous diet of fries and Mountain Dew. Genetics, am I right? "No, you can have it." I'd barely ate anything on the ride up. We were parked outside the gates of the building - tall and looming - and the sun had gone down twenty minutes ago. I was so nervous that I could feel it in my fingertips. There was a sign on the gate - readable even from here - that said "Keep Out". "What if we get caught? We'll get arrested. This is breaking and entering. We'll get expelled." "We're not athletes, you dummy, and we go to a state college; our behavior outside of school hours isn't some media spectacle." I rolled my eyes. I wiped my hands on a moist towelette a little too obsessively - because eating food with my fingers was somewhat of a breakthrough that Ria had manage to make with me in the time we'd known each other, but I still didn't like messy hands - and balled up the Wendy's bag to toss in the back of the car. "Okay it seems acceptably dark and spoopy outside now. You got charge on your phone?" I regretted that this wasn't the 1980's where we'd have flashlights and cool stuff like that, because everything we needed was on our phones. "Or, or, or! We could say we went in. And you know. Not go in. I like that plan." "You really are scared, huh?" Bridget sighed. "And here I thought it was sort of sexy, how you were willing to go into the scary dark asylum..." I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest, feeling warm inside. Damnit... "Let's go," I mumbled. Hahah! Bridget: 1. Ria's sense of realistic fear: 0. "Alright, let's go." When we got out of the car, Ria fumbled to lock it and I watched her, frowning. "Who's going to break into our car, you ditz? A ghost? Besides we might need easy access to the car if we're being chased by deranged spirits! She frowned. And quick like a bunny, I scampered up over the heavy iron gate that blocked our path. "There's a hole in the fence..." she quipped at me, as I landed, and I stuck my tongue out. "That's less dramatic. Come on!" I opted for the hole in the fence. I was never a very good athlete and that gate was awfully high. Once we made our way quietly across the parking lot, we came up against the side-entrance to the building. The asylum was huge - at least five stories. It took up half the block. "There is no way we are getting in. Everything is boarded up." I turned on my heel and started back toward the car. "Oh well, we tried!" "Yeah, I mean, I guess there's no way in." With a grunt of effort I pulled up the doors to the basement, angled against the side of the building, and waved my hands at the ensuing staircase down into the bowels of the sublevel. "This is so cool, can you imagine what went on here? I'm really curious. I bet it was horrible, though, and that makes for angry ghosts. I hesitated at the entrance. "Stop being a baby. Get down here." So I followed Bridget into the small, dark sublevel of the facility. I didn't even know how old this asylum was. But hysteria must have been a pretty big thing, right? Oh, I should have paid more attention in my psychology class... I fumbled for my flashlight on my phone. "Really? Selfie Light 2017? Don't you have any apps on your phone that aren't for taking your own picture?" I shouldn't tease, honestly, because Ria had the kind of confidence-issues in her appearance that few girls would ever muster, even at our age, and it did nothing to offset how much of a nervous nellie she was in every other area of her life. But hey, taking pictures helped her, right? "Hey the stairs are wet, be careful." That clumsy girl could trip over a strong breeze, so I was amazed we made it down to the bottom in one piece. The only problem was... "Ew..." We were standing in like two inches of stagnant, smelly water. "I am not going any further." "Stop being a baby," Bridget reiterated, but I shook my head. "These are new shoes. I am not going in there. No way, no how." "Then leave your shoes behind." "And step on a rusty syringe and die of poison?" I refused to go down the bottom step, even though the water didn't look that deep. "It's just water, and the sooner we get to the stairs to go up, the sooner we'll be out of it. And look it's not very deep so that means there won’t be any water upstairs, right?" I was pretty good at seeing the positives in things, almost annoyingly so, but she puffed her alabaster cheeks out in defiance anyway. "I'll piggy back you." Which I'm sure would go just fine given the fact she had four inches and twenty-five pounds on me, but hey, I was trying at least. "I don't need you to piggy back me!" I sighed and looked down at the water. Ugh. What else could I do? I'd have to wash my shoes the second I got home. I slowly put my foot down in the mucky water and followed Bridget through the dark corridors. Where were the damn stairs? It was hard to see, even with the flashlights on our phones, and to make it worse the ground beneath the water wasn't exactly smooth either. "Hey, look!" Stairs, at last! But as we got closer there was something just past the stairs... Troubled Patient Wing. We both stared at the doors with the faded paint and brass plaque, and shared glances. "Well we can't not go in there..." "Yes we absolutely can't!!" I went right to the stairs and got my feet out of the mucky water. Already I was regretting this trip. All it needed now was a spider or a ghost or a zombie child. I brushed the cobwebs off my jeans. But when I looked back behind me, Bridget wasn't there. Uh... "Bridget...? Bridget? This isn't funny... where are you?" "You have got to see this." Ria just about jumped out of her skin when I put my hand on her arm, and she shook her head quick as could be. "I promise if you don't want to stay when you see it, you can go, but you have to see it." She frowned. I grinned. I made sure I won. And just like the first time when I'd pushed through the double doors into the Troubled Patient Wing, things changed. There was plush red carpet beneath our soggy feet. Lighting. Soft music. A warm and inviting atmosphere. Like we'd stepped into a totally different place. ----------- The first five chapters are up on our Patreon! Please consider supporting us!!
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Chapter 1 You lay sprawled, legs resting open naturally to either side of your wet diaper. Cold slender hands slide to take a firm hold of your soft wrist cuffs to transition them with a click to the locking clips by your shoulders. This was standard practice of all households enrolled in the program; although for you, it was almost unnecessary of course since by now you’ve learned it’s better to lie still. A pacifier nurses in and out of your mouth as the first tapes are ripped free by the practiced hands of your Civil Caregiver. Today Sammantha appears in no rush. You feel the diaper lowering, slowly, coaxing you to look at the yellow patch between your legs. Your cheeks burn and you look quickly back to the side to ignore the knowing look on your Caregiver’s face. A wipe is dropped dismissively before a hand joins it. A firm hand gathers your ankles and lifts them to reach any wetness that spread to your bottom. A few moments of loud crinkling follows until the brush of your newest diaper is under you. As the first light tap of cool powder begins, the doorbell rings. Samantha pauses mid-shake, the powder bottle hovers poised above you as she seems lost in an internal debate. You were clean and safely strapped down so she didn't see the harm in leaving you. She lowers your legs to either side of your diaper and sets the powder aside to answer the door. “Ms. Withers?” The voice reaches the nursery and you can glance far enough to see a man in a dark suit and tie standing on the doorstep politely removing his hat. “I’m here for a routine inspection of your charge. May I come in?" "Oh, yes of course!" Samantha beams, eager to show him inside. “I’m sorry if I don't shake. I was just dealing with a very full diaper!” Sam was always completely hygienic with your changes of course, but couldn’t pass up the chance to be a little showy. “That's impressive considering Y/N's age and short length of time sentenced to your care." The inspector said, referencing a file and clicking his pen to take note.Samantha excitedly ushers him to your nursery. You still lay dusted with powder caught in the middle of your diaper change. Seeing the man enter, your knees instinctively crunch closed in your concern for modesty. "Nuh huh!" Sam shakes her finger storming right over to you. ”You know that's a no-no! Even when guests arrive. Open!” Sam spanks you, so suddenly and so hard, you flinch against your changing straps and tinkle a little. Samantha despite a fair amount of strain can’t keep her composure and breaks into a fit of giggles at your toddler-befitting accident before grabbing a wet wipe to drag down your front again and dust the spot with another quick cool puff of powder. The inspector nods approvingly. "She seems very far along." he observes, noting the time and incident. “Now, before we go any further. I need to see more evidence of her regularity." He crosses the few remaining steps inside the nursery to inspect your diaper pail. "...My goodness.” He pauses peeking at the taped bundles inside. “Does she really need changes this often?" He sees your used diapers are almost filling the pail to the brim. Undeterred, he begins counting the number of times you've failed to keep clean, tallying each used pair in his notebook before praising the healthy ratio of wet to messy diapers he sees. "That's right.” Your Caregiver gleefully adds with a self-satisfied smile. “She needs her diaper changed after every nap or bedtime; she fills them right up. Doesn’t even notice not even when she's messing." She grins. "Incredible work," the inspector mutters writing that down in his notes as well. "Now what about when she's awake?" "I'm so glad you asked.” Sam intoned with a pompous air and smile. “She ends up having accidents, like you saw, wetting them mostly. I always give her more than the recommended number of chem bottles and fiber feedings so she’s almost always ready to let go. I know it's not strictly necessary, but I just love catching her in the act. One time, I was cradling her in my lap for her bottle feeding, and I could tell she was struggling, so I gave her just the tiniest of presses, and the little girl completely let go! She was wetting her diaper so heavily against me, I wondered if it was even going to hold it all! Speaking of which...” She eyes you trapped on the table. “Let me finish up her change before she might make a mess." She tuts over to you on the changing table and makes a big show of pulling up her big girl's diaper, once so defiant, now being wrapped up in a disposable. "Then can see why you've chosen the thicker variety." the man observes over your caregiver’s shoulder while she readies your diaper’s tapes. "Oh my yes. I can only keep her in the most absorbent overnights." Sam says securing the tapes over your crinkling diaper’s bulk as if to demonstrate. “She is just such a heavy wetter and her messes need somewhere to go." She pinches you, finishing up the last tape seal with a rub. "But I do love how these diapers still come in the little baby prints. Don't you? She really does look like an overgrown baby this way. Yes she does. Yes she does," she coos and tickles you. "And what a good baby you've been! Waiting quietly while the grown ups talked. You didn't even fuss for your paci." "And how is the progress there?" "Let me show you." She deftly procures your pacifier from where it had fallen and slides it between your resigned lips. They see you suckle tentatively at first, then more prominently and Samantha's grin widens. She leans in, praising her well-trained suckling baby, pressing a hand strategically into your diaper's noisy thickness. She coyly steals a glance at the inspector for his reaction. Needless to say, his eyebrows are high with appreciation as you fidget and turn to hide the heat building in your face. He clears his throat. "Well, I certainly have no further questions." He states tidying up his materials. "Ms. Withers your work here is outstanding. I am recommending you for a higher position in our efforts, and I'm sure our director will want to meet with you," he adds confidently, tucking your folder away and donning his hat. "Oh pish posh." Samantha says bashfully still idly groping at your softly rustling diapered crotch. “Simply following the prescribed number of spankings and dirtying of diapers have gotten us to this point, Mr. Inspector." She smiles. Chapter 2 - A Teaching Moment Locked in your car seat and thickly diapered for what was becoming a lengthy road trip. Your binky rattled with each curious suckle watching the scenery speed past. Your head bobs and eventually the blur of trees lulls you off to sleep. You awake hours later, groggily lifting your head to feel cool air against your thighs and the probing rustles of Samantha’s fingers checking your diaper. She had pulled the car into a rest stop and was leaning through the opened back door for your inspection. "As expected...Come on honey let's get you a new diaper and that stinky one changed.“ You’re confused and burning withshames, but she simple repositions your clothes over your used diaper and unbuckles you from your car seat. Your packed diaper bag is already waiting for you by the curb. She takes your hand, but your head shakes ever so slightly. "...Are you telling Mommy no?" She warns. You nervously look past her again at the crowded rest stop full of proper citizens happily picnicking and enjoying the springtime sun. But one more stern look from your caregiver and you slide yourself out from the car. She walks you past the chatty vacationers towards the public restroom, swinging your packed diaper bag over her shoulder and tugging you along in tow, waddling and struggling to keep up. Some onlookers paused their conversations to snicker at your pacifier and your struggles to walk some even outright laughed noticing your loaded seat was most likely to blame. Samantha drags you inside the woman's restroom to its designated diaper changing counter. She unfurls one of your Issued changing mats to place your mushy pants on top of. She babytalks gleefully proudly pulling down your outergarments, and opening your diaper to reveal your mess. "Phew. I'm glad we stopped when we did or this would have gotten ripe honey. You're also so soaked!" Your cheeks flared. It was still so difficult to accept you were filling your diapers without any indication, but only while you slept! She pushes your legs up to your chest causing your hips to rock back off your dirty diaper to remove it. She dumps it neatly into the restroom's fragrant pail, then gets to work cleaning you up with wet wipes. "That's it honey." She coos. "Just lay still so Mommy can clean all your poopy peepee..." She takes her time. Each chilly stroke longer than the last; slowing even further when people start to enter the public restroom, hoping they’d take notice. "My my." An older lady sneers noticing you on the counter with diapers and dirty wipes. "And here I thought they could control themselves." "...Oh no.” Sam chuckles finishing up her last clean swipe. She holds up your next massive diaper for the woman to see; its rounded thickness hangs open bottom heavy in the air. ”See how much protection she needs? And they get put to good use, believe me.” Sam whisks the diaper beneath you, shaking her head like a put-upon mother accepting potty training was never going to happen. The lady puffed with patriotic pride. "See to it.” She sniffed haughtily before thanking Sam for her service and taking care of her own business the grown up way while Sam continued your change with practiced precision. She was just finishing up arranging you bottoms-up for powdering when another woman approached. "Excuse me...” She began. “I couldn't help but notice...I've been thinking of volunteering for the cause myself. Do you mind if I lend a hand with the rest of her diaper change?" Happy to oblige, and eager to recruit Caregiver potential, Sam agrees wholeheartedly. She dusts a few light groupings of powder onto your waiting bottom before passing the bottle on to your babysitter-in-training. “See? Nothing to it. Just sprinkle some more of her baby powder onto her bottom...” Sam prompts waiting for the woman to begin. "...Just like that! You're a natural! You can add a little more powder if you want. Yes, yes, unfortunately for her, that is a small case of diaper rash. We've been on the road so it's hard to change her when she needs it. Go ahead and add lots of powder to keep her dry. Perfect! Now use your hand to rub it in...spread it out evenly...her little bum-bum is so soft all powdered up, isn't it? Now, I'm going to lower her down onto her diaper." Your powdered bottom is soon cradled in soft padding and Sam arranges your legs to allow plenty of room to work. "She's smooth?" The woman asked inquisitively as she fiddled with the baby powder. "Can you imagine if she wasn’t?" Samantha smirked, wiggling one of your lazily hanging toes. "With the amount of poo-poo and pee-pee this one can squirt out, her changes would take hours!" Dustings of powder tickle down with their giggles and side laughter, adding a thin fragrant coating between your legs. You do your best to ignore it, but cool teasing fingers spread the powder all over your diaper area then you hear loud crinkly rustling, and feel the firm press of your newest diaper pulled up tight. "Now we keep it nice and snug. Oh, no pun intended!" Samantha giggles. "These are adult Snuggies diapers. I'm so glad they make them for us. I find they work best for her." A few more giggles and sticky adhesives were required before Samantha finally helps you sit up, crinkling all the while against the counter as she takes your binky. "What do you say now sweetie? Oh, what was that...?” She cups her ear. “I'm sorry dear we couldn't quite hear you. Shouldn't you say something about your diaper? Remember? Use your words..." Finally you just break down and say it. "That's right!" Samantha cheers patronizingly. "Your diapey is all nice and changed thanks to her. We appreciate your gratitude." She returns your binky, pulls up your pants, and takes your hand thanking the woman herself and exchanging contact information before walking you back out to the car. Chapter 3 An industrial complex looms from your vantage point in the rear car seat. The car pulls up to a security gate and a guard steps out to meet you. Sam hands him her ID with a smile. He moves to check the back seat, and upon seeing you, smiles wickedly, hands your authorized CG her ID back and waves her through with a respectful salute. You feel the squish in your pants from your long trip and watch nervously as the car pulls into a parking space. You had fought the urge for as long as you could. You had your wits about you and so could fight, but one miss-timed bump in the road had left you gasping as you sprayed into your thirsty diaper. Sam knew those sounds well and had simply smirked into the rear view. Samantha gets out the of the front seat taking your diaper bag from the passenger and comes back to open up the door to unbuckle you. She keeps a firm grip on your hand as she walks you through large automatic doors and up into a reception area. "Ms. Withers, Welcome!" a beaming young professional greeted with a file folder in hand. She crouches down condescendingly to you. “And who is this? Y/N? They thought she'd be more trouble..." She teased suggestively with a knowing smile back up to your 'Mommy.' "Oh no trouble at all." Sam waved off the compliment. "In fact do you have a place where I can change her? She's always wet after her naps." "You've perfected that technique?" The receptionist asked with a hint of surprise. "She's only a few years younger than you...” She looks down, flipping open your file. “It says here she's soiling her diapers as she sleeps while under your direct influence. I must say, Ms. Withers, your progress is unprecedented." "It's the least I can do." Sam simpered. "It's my civic duty after all, and I've been working on ways to make it happen while she's awake too. That's what her types really need. Sure she can have accidents from what not, but it's more beneficial when she doesn't realize her diaper is, how we say, growing right out from under her.” She grinned down, shaking your hand a little at your shared, but obviously one-sided joke. ”I know certain treatments have been proposed,” she continued, “but I find we as the Caregivers lose too much control over them that way as well. It's so much better when the baby gets commanded. Isn't it honey?” She taps your hand. "I eventually want to be able to snap my fingers and I see her diaper droop, but I understand her kind have been a stubborn nut to crack and we are still a ways away from that ideal." The receptionist smiles. "And that is precisely why we've called you in today, Ms. Withers. We're hoping you can bring new innovations to our program. If you would just follow me,” she holds out her hand. “I'll lead you to one of our examination rooms where you can change her." A maze of stark corridors followed then a steel door was unlocked with the beep of a keycard to reveal a brightly decorated examination room obviously designed to embarrass bigger babies. ”Feel free to use the diapers provided.” The receptionist indicated the stacks. “And of course any of the changing supplies." She added Sam got right to work after expressing her thanks by unceremoniously tugging you up onto the room’s padded table for a change. Just as your nearly leaking diaper was being brought down the receptionist gave a little wave by the door. "Bye bye, Pottypants." She giggled. “Be good for Mommy, okay? I'll be back to check on you in a little while." Quick Note: I was considering reworking this to be a third person story. I'm happy to hear ideas! I almost always edit a few parts after posting.
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- diapered reader
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I posted this story before but that glitch messed it up so I have to repost it. but I also decided to go through and fix a lot of mistakes I had in this story so her is the fixed version. It was a chilly Saturday morning, The sun just barely peeking out behind the trees. Not a cloud in sight. Such a Beautifull day to be in school detention. As we pulled into the high school, I found it really weird to look at it without all the kids running around. Granite Hills School (random school name) was a medium-sized school with nothing much to it. The only thing the school is well known for is that 4 years ago it was one of the worst high schools for bullying, high pregnancies, and dropouts. Then one day they hired a disciplinary teacher, and everything was fixed. Being freshmen, I haven't yet seen the teacher myself, and for some reason, no one ever wants to talk about it. As we pulled up to the front of the school, we were greeted by a tall 6-foot blond girl. She didn't look much older than me, and I guess she was a senior also in trouble. “Excuse me, when will the teacher be here?” my dad asked the girl. “That would be me, I'm Mis.Mare the disciplinary teacher,” she said with a smile. To our shock, both dad and I got out of the car to shake her hand and apologize for not knowing. “It's no problem it happens all the time.” she then looked over at me and gave me a smile. “So how does this work exactly. Does Sara have to come here every week? Or….” my dad asked wanting to know how long I would be punished. “Ow no for what she did today will be all. Mostly she just has to finish her test and anything else she might not have finished.” Mis.Mare told him before handing him a couple pieces of paper. “This is everything you'll need to know, and I would ask you read it as soon as you can.” he nodded in agreement while she looked back to me. she then gestured for me to follow her into the school building. As we walked through the empty halls, she leads me to a room labeled D-1. Walking in I saw that it was the size of a small class and looked like one except for the one desk in the middle of the room. “Why is their only one desk? Aren't there more students coming?” I asked. “Nope, you're the only one,” she told me as she walked to her desk and held up a folder. I walked over to sit down. After a moment of silence, she turned around and began writing on the board. 1 finish test. 2 punishment/lines As she wrote that I thought back to yesterday. All I did was not go to my math class and played on my phone in the girl's bathroom. I didn't even know we were having a test until I was caught. At least my punishment is writing lines. “Before we start I want to ask if you have any other homework you would like to do while you're here?” She asked, and I shook my head no. “ok so here's how it'll work you after you finish your test you'll have your punishment, lines and then you can go home.” she told me with a smile as she handed me my test and a water bottle. The test wasn't hard and besides Mis.Mare leaving for a few minutes to check something I was done within 40 minutes. “Done already?” she asked as she picked up both my test and empty water bottle. Throwing the bottle away she placed the test into the folder. “Ok then now please come up to the desk please,” she asked me, and I did. I guess she's just going to give me a pen and a sentence to write. Mis.Mare then picked up the folder off her empty desk and put it into a drawer before asking me to lift out my hands. When I did, I heard a click and felt a cold metal on my hands and realized I was just handcuffed! “What the hell!” I yelled as I tried to get away from Mis.Mare but she just gripped the handcuffs harder and pulled me over her desk and looped the handcuffs into a lock leaving me lying on the desk with my legs kicking over the edge. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!” I screamed, but she shoved something into my mouth and strapped it behind my head to silence me. “I told you earlier after you finish your test its punishment, lines and then you can go home. This is your punishment before your lines.” this bitch said with that same simple smile as if this was the most normal thing in the world before walking behind me. I tried to kick her, but she just grabbed my legs and moved them before she grabbed the sides of my pants and pulling them down to my feet. I tried my hardest to do something, to kick her but she just pinned my legs down by putting her foot on my pants keeping my feet stuck to the floor. “What cute undies you have,” she said as my face blushed beet red. SMACK! I screamed as loud as I could when this woman smacked my bare ass. But the sound was muffled by the thing in my mouth. “That's 1 for ditching class,” she said. my tears started flowing as she raised her left hand and smacked my left butt check this time and I screamed again. “1 for playing on your phone during a class period.” Mis.Mare went on from there with each lousy thing I did. Again and again. By the end, I was out of breath and worn out. Mis.Mare walked around her desk and opened a cabinet before looking at my red teary-eyed face and gave me that same smile. “The worst is over, just going to give you some stuff to help the pain,” she said as she took out a paper bag and went behind me again. After a few moments and hearing some rustling sounds she quickly pulled my panties down. I began to squirm again until I felt a cold hand on my butt. “This is some special cream to stop the burning.” she told me before squirting moor cream on me and rubbing it in.” I was so embarrassed, but at the same time, I had to agree that the cream was soothing. I soon began to relax a bit, or as much as I could in this situation. Until I felt something weird as Mis.Mare started to poke my butthole and quickly slid a finger in, and I bit down hard on the thing in my mouth. “Ow so tight. I know exactly what will work,” Mis.Mare said as began sliding her finger in and out and looking into her bag for something else. When she finally removed her finger something bigger was put in. “good girl, that plug fits you perfectly.” I have no idea what she did next, I could feel that she put something fluffy on my butt and wrapped it around my crotch before taking a marker and writing something on it. She then started sliding my foot out of my pants and underwear and sliding something else up my legs and over the first thing before I heard a click. Mis.Mare then picked my clothes off the floor and walked back in front of me. Still, with that smile, she folded both my pants and underwear and placed them into the bag before taking a stapler and stapled the bag shut. Then with a marker, she wrote ‘for daddy’ on it before setting it aside. “Great! your punishment is over!” Mis.Mare said with an excited tone as I just glared at her. She then undid the gag, and I now could see it looked like a big pacifier? She then held up a set of keys in front of me. “Now be a good girl, and I'll use this one to let you out,” she said to me. “Fuck... you.” I panted at her, but she kept smiling. “I'll let that one go just this once after what just happened,” she told me before she grabbed a key and undid the handcuffs. The moment she did I jumped to my feet and tried to run to the door, but with the combination of the buttplug and a bulk between my legs, I quickly tripped and fell down. “What the!” I yelled as I spun around to look at what was between my legs and my brain couldn't comprehend what it was at first. “W-wh..” “It's a diaper, Sara. Something all bad kids get here.” Mis.Mare said to me as she watched me try to take it off but couldn't as it had some type of cover over it with a chain and lock. “That only comes off when you are done with your lines,” she told me. I tried to yell at her, then decided to leave, but the door was locked. I wanted to call the cops, but my phone was in my pants, and she just put them into her cabinet and held out a pen. “You can try whatever you want, but you're not leaving until I get my lines. ‘I will be a good girl for mommy’ 100 times.” she told me as she sat back in her seat, that stupid smile not leaving her face. In the end, she was right I couldn't do anything. So I waddled my way back to the board and began to reluctantly write my lines. I had just finished writing 28 linens when I felt a major cramp in my stomach. “Can I use the bathroom!?” I asked Mis.Mare. “You may use the bathroom when your lines are done. I promise.” Mis.Mare told me, so I continued. I tried my hardest to focus on my lines but I kept getting those cramps every few minutes, and I had to stop until it passed. Once it did, I tried to write faster making my handwriting sloppy, but I finally covered the entire board and Mis.Mare began counting the lines as I bent over with another cramp. “So close but that's only 97. What bad handwriting,” Mis.mare told me. “But it's close enough. Please let me use the bathroom!” I pleaded. “Nope, I said 100 and since you can't do it the first time let's erase it all and start over,” she told me as she held out an eraser. “NOOOO!” I screamed. “Please, I'll do anything just let me finish!” I pleaded with her as tears began streaming down my face. “Aww with a face like that it's hard to say no. Ok, I have an idea. Be a good girl for mommy and come here.” she told me. I was in so grateful I didn't even bother to correct her that she wasn't my mommy. I walked over to her, and she spun me around. I heard a faint CLICK before she turned me around again and pulled the plastic covering off revealing the big white diaper I had on. “I'll make you deal.you can either start over on the board, or you can be a good girl for mommy and finish your 3 lines on your diaper,” she told me before standing up and walking away. I looked down at the diaper and began to writing ‘i will be a good girl for mommy, I will be a good girl for mommy, I will be a good girl for mommy. On my diaper. Once I was finished, I looked up at Mis.Mare who now held out a pink skirt. “Good girl! Now let's get this on you and let you relieve yourself,” she told me with her smile, and I couldn't help but smile back as I let her help me get it on. It was a cheap skirt and it just barely covered my diaper. I was so glad it was Saturday so no one could see me like this as we walked through the school. As soon as we got to the bathroom, I reached for the door, but it was locked. Suddenly a massive cramp hit and I fell to my knees clenching my stomach. “It's ok. The school is closed, so all the bathrooms are locked but don't worry. You'll be able to go soon.” Mis.Mare told me before reaching out her hand. “Now be a good girl for mommy and take my hand. I did as I was told and she helped me back up before leading me by the hand to the front of the school. I could see out the door and see my dad's car already waiting for us as I began to whimper. “you're a good girl. It's time to go see daddy. Be a good girl for mommy.” Mis.Mare said as we walked to the car and my face was bright red. My dad rolled down the window and looked at us. “How did it go?” he asked. “It was perfect. She is almost done.” Mis.Mare told him Wait almost? What does she mean? “Ok I'll wait.” he told us as he took the paper bag with ‘for daddy’ on it from Mis.Mare. “Be a good girl for mommy and put your hands on the car.” Mis.Mare told me with her smile, and I did what I was told. She then got behind me to lift up my skirt and slide her hand into the back of the diaper and grabbed the butt plug. I began to whimper more before she whispered in my ear. “You're going to be a good girl from now on. You won't tell anyone about what happened today. You're going to feel really good soon. And if my baby girl wants to feel better then, be a good girl for mommy and use your diaper.” she said and pulled the plug out. My eyes went wide and misty as everything I was holding in was now coming out! My legs began to buckle as I squatted down as everything come out as I started moaning from the pleasure of releasing it all. Without realizing it, I began to let go of my bladder as well. I was squatting on the ground shaking when Mis.Mare opened the back seat door and helped my trembling body into the car and helped me get my seatbelt on before looking me in the eyes. She then started rubbing the front of my pee soaked diaper sending a shiver up my spine. “If the baby girl wants this again then be a good girl for mommy,” she told me. I had that same smile she had as I said “Yes mommy.” part 2 I had Sara place her hands on the car as I lifted up her skirt revealing her diaper and ‘time bomb written on the back. I then slid my hand into her diaper before whispering in her ear what to do and pulled her plug out. I quickly put the plug into a plastic baggie before placing it into my purse as the little girl succumbs to her please. Once she was done I helped her up and into the car but not before fixing the skirt up to show off her full diaper. I had to fight back a tear when I heard the girl call me mommy because I knew she was entirely under then. I watched the car drive away before I walked back into the school thinking of what will happen to Sara next. As soon as they get home, her daddy will follow the instructions I gave him. The first is to leave her in the diaper for a few hours. If she weren't broken by me, this would help with the punishment, if she was, well this will be a fun experience for her. Next would be to make lunch and give her the chocolate I added into the bag before getting her clean and giving her clothes back. Agin if she wasn't mine she would just get more humiliation, but if she was then, they might start to get a fetish for it. And lastly another diaper. Eather as a punishment or reward. Either way, it doesn't matter. I walked into the room labeled D-2 and into my office. It was a beautiful place I created for myself as I sat down at my desk and opened Sara’s folder before turning on the baby monitor next to me. Over the monitor, I could hear my little girls playing happily in another room. Back to my paperwork I began writing down my session with Sara and started giving her marks. She was a good kid, easy to punish, and while hesitant at first came around real quick. I wrote a few more things before I the folder away. I then looked up at the photo of a strawberry blond girl wearing very revealing clothing and I couldn't help but think back to 6 years ago ************************************************* I was the 2nd child in my family of 8. My mother was the type to have a man get her pregnant before forcing them to pay for the kid and doing anything she could so she wouldn't have to work. Including breaking her own leg to try to sue a small company. Between my siblings and me we all never really got along. Most of the time it was just found for yourself. The school was no better. People knew about my family and liked to call us trash. It was like the pot calling the kettle black, as most of the school was trash. The classes were just full of fucked up people. If you were nice you were bullied, if you were rich, you were pampered. If you were ugly you were abused, if you were hot everyone wanted in your pants. Most teachers here quit after just a year or two. It's incredible the school could even function. The only good thing in the entire school was just one teacher. An old army vet named Mr.Hobson. He didn't take shit from anyone. Always ready to put people in their place. He was the math/PE teacher. His class was the only safe haven in the school where the bullies know they couldn't mess with him. During breaks he let us stay in his class just to get away from them. He was a great teacher until Alice Young transferred to our school. She was the very definition of hot at the school. Tight body, big chest, dressed like a slut. From what I heard at the time was that she was raped by a teacher and they moved here to get away from the memories. The truth is that she was fucking a teacher for better grades and was caught. She claimed it was rape and everyone believed her. Even though she was a junior, she began to rule the school. It was just before the second half of school that we got a progress report that showed what our grade was and a possibility to improve it before the final grade. My classes were decent, mostly C’s and B’s though I could work in history a bit more as it was a D' I didn't really care and neither did my mom. Alice Young’s grads, however, were different. Every class she had were A’s except two, math and PE both at F’s. Everyone knew why she flirted with or manipulated all the teachers except Mr.Hobson. She couldn't accept not getting what she wanted, and at the time her own daddy was starting to restrict her a bit, so she decided to get rid of them both. A week before grades came out the school was in an uproar. Alice Young came to school all beat up, her dad was arrested, and Mr.Hobson never came back to school. Alice tricked her dad into thinking Mr.Hobson beat and raped her so he would kill him. She then told the cops it was her own father that hit and raped her and that he killed the old man for giving his daughter terrible grades. It was just so sick and twisted what that girl would do just to get her way. I didn't go to school for a month after that. I couldn't stand that school anymore, and my mother and family didn't care. It wasn't until I heard that Mr.Hobson family was selling his stuff did I decide to finally leave the house. Mr.Hobson had a lot of random things he collected over the years, too much for his kids to really keep. So they gathered the ones that had memories and a few valuables and sell the rest. Looking around I could see stuff from everywhere he was stationed. It wasn't until I noticed a small box did I ask heat it was. It was just some old puzzle box he got in Japan. He always said it was magic and that it would only be granted to those who opened it. I got it for $5. It's not like I thought I was actually magic but it was cool looking, and I wanted something to remember Mr.Hobson. It was 3 days later that I figured out how to open the box. I was so excited that for a moment I actually thought I might see the magic! But instead, it was just an empty box. I know I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, but I still made a little wish. ‘I wish I could change people. It was a few weeks later that I finally discovered my new abilities. By this point, I had been missing a lot of schools, and my mom didn't like me lazing about the house. We got into a fight about being lazy, and she stormed out of the house when I told her ‘just get a job and support your family you lazy bitch!”. The next day for the first time ever she stunned us all when she said she had a job interview. At first, I couldn't believe it, and over the next few weeks, I began to work on my new powers. I have a type of hypnosis. Depending on the age and gender determine how I can manipulate people. For adults are the easiest. Their minds are full grown and don't change as much. However the younger you are the harder it is to get you under and takes a bit more reinforcement. When I finally realized this, I decided it was time to get a little bitch back. I was still learning how to control my powers, but I came up with a plan to do both. As soon as I got back to school, I convince the school to let me work on my grades and catch up. With that out of the way, I began my research on Alice and finding out everyone she’s ever dated, for how long and why they broke up. She dated anyone with power and used them until they were useless to her. Mostly she goes after the caption of any sports team that has the spotlight on them. It didn't take much to manipulate the track team, and before long I had them all under in a matter of days. Next, I began to date the lowest man on the team, Eddy. I was made fun of for a while for being trash that cadets a loser. That is until he began to get better. I merely made him focus and work harder on track, and if he were up against other members of the team, they would sometimes let him win. After a few weeks, I was dating the star of the track team. A zero to hero story, And Alice could see it. Alice then began to put pressure on me to leave him or flirted with him to break up with me. And each time I would tell her ‘you're not woman enough for him’. Eventually i “caught” them making out and pretended to be heartbroken. But I knew I finally won, and all I had to do was watch. Thanks to my reinforcements she wanted to be woman enough for him while he just argued with her that she was just too immature and preferred a woman that was into his kinks. It took a week, but he finally texted me a picture of her peeing her pants for him. This went on until the end of school. By now Alice was utterly in love with him, and she changed a lot. She wore less revealing clothing and instead of being a bitch to everyone she could only be at his side. Everyone thought she had finally changed, that she finally mastered. Nope. She just in lust. The clothing change is to hide the pull up she now wears and she stays so close to him is because he has the remote to the toys she’s using. It was here he told her he was ready to see her as a woman, but first, she had to do something. *************************Alice pov****** It was late at night, but I met Eddy in front of the school. I had a bit of a waddle as I walked up to him wearing a big coat. “Did you do what I asked?” he asked me. My face was bright red, and I was panting a bit as I opened up my coat revealing my almost naked body. The only thing I had on was a diaper, a pacifier wrapped around my neck, and a faint buzzing sound could from the diaper. I tried to lean in for a kiss, but he just stopped me by placing the pacifier into my mouth And told her not yet before taking my coat and leading me into the school. He leads me into a room already prepared for us. Bed, an ice chest and a box that already had some of my favorite toys. Eddy led me to the bed and began taking off his clothes. I was now getting very excited as I tried to remove the diaper Eddy stopped me saying again not yet. He then started kissing my body and play with my breast. When he finally stopped, he began to untaped my diaper. By now I was panting so hard the pacifier fell out of my mouth. He then had a good long look at my naked body. Especially at the toy buzzing away getting me ready for him. That is before he told me I wasn't ready I then began to freak out. I didn't want to stop here! I wanted him to finally go all the way, and I started to plead with him. “Fine, you just have to do one more thing before you're ready,” he told me, and I cheered. He then went over to the box and pulled out a blindfold. Telling me to wear it until he says to take it off. With no way of seeing him, he took out my vibrator and replaced it with an even better one. “That'll keep you occupied until I'm done,” he told me, and I began to tremble with pleasure. I could hear him messing around with something, and I was getting excited. I then decided to start playing with my clit when my hand was smacked away. “Not yet,” he told me. Party pooper... After a moment I felt a nozzle go into my ass and I jumped when the warm water began to fill me. This wasn't my first enema, but it still felt odd to me. “Hands behind your head,” he told me before playing with my breast again while the enema fills me up. When the enema is done, I can feel my stomach bloating a bit. Eddy rubs it and calls me a good girl as he pulls the plug out, and I immediately want to go. Instead, something cold was inserted. “What is that!” I ask. “It's an ice butt plug. The warm water in your tummy will melt it in 2 minutes,” Eddy tells me. He then lifts up my butt, and I feel him put a bigger diaper on me and tape me up. “Are you ready?” he asks. “YES YES IM READY!” I yell just wanting it to be over so we can finally start doing it. “Ok open your eyes,” he tells me, and with a big smile on my face, I remove it to see a flash of bright light. “AWWW she's so precious!” I hear a girl's voice as I blink away the flash I look up to see my boyfriend's ex standing next to him with a camera in one hand and his dick in the other. “Wh-what?” I asked my brain going 60 miles an hour before the girl jumps on top of me pinning my hands to above my head. “It was so fun to watch you play the big girl, but I think it's time you know he never saw you as a real woman,” she says with a smile on her face. “b-but I am a real woman!” I yell at her as I try to get her off but to no use. “Do you remember what I told you a long time ago”? she asked as I looked over to Eddy as he masturbates right in front of me. “ you're not woman enough for him, now enjoy your diaper for mommy.” she said as Eddy turned my vibrator on full blast! No, no! This can't be happening! The vibrations make my entire body shack, and I know it’s only a matter of time before I cum. I don't even notice that mommy got off of me as I grab the front of my diaper. It feels so good that I can finally cum! My body arcs in the air as waves of pleasure wash over me. ************************mommy's pov******************* I watched as both eddy and Alice had their orgasm and Alice fall back to the floor twitching while the back of their diaper began to expand. She even started to moan even more. I knew right then I broke her and took another picture. It was here that things began to change. To start, I had my mom become a better woman by having her get a job and take care of her family. I also made it so my siblings would never become what our mother was. Plus I made one of them into a bed wetter just for fun before I moved out. Alice Young was in the news as she ran away from home stealing her boyfriend's car and leaving a video of her confessing her crimes. Her father was released, and Mr.Hobson’s name was cleared entirely. During that summer the school was being fixed up, and I threw in a few ideas to add since I became the new disciplinary teacher. With my powers, I could possibly rule the world, but I decided I wanted to help it. I wanted to turn this shity school around and make everyone a better person while also adding a bit of my own fun to it. Eddy moved on with his life and forgot everything he did involving Alice and me. I hear he even went to the Olympics not too long ago. I kept this picture of Alice on my desk to help remind me why I do what I do. I smiled at it than I received a buzz in my pocket. I received the message ‘is she ready?’ it asked. ‘Yes, come pick her up at 3:40.’ i replied. Over the baby monitor, I can hear one of them wishing, and I know just what was happening. I sighed and get up to check on the babies. I leave my office and into D-3 that had a staircase leading down to my home. Once I'm down there, I could see my bad baby Alice on top of baby Bobbi.
A commission written recently that I very much enjoyed and I hope you all enjoy as well! This first part has been available on my Patreon page for the last eight days and the second (4,500 word) part is posted on there right now. So if you want to continue reading this story immediately you can do so on my Patreon (otherwise you will have to wait a week for the next part): https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 For $5 you can get one week early access to all of my stories (I aim to post a story update once every four days) and for $10 you get the above plus access to a number of stories written exclusively for Patreon subscribers. A huge thank you to everyone who supports me and reads my work but an extra big thanks to: DannyDazzler, John, Diapering Daddy, Lb Iceland, Eric C, Paul E, Kevin H, Mr. Smileypants, Tom H, Sterling W, John S, Ryan, Jens B, Zachary U, Thomas R S, Matthew S, Pierry L, Matthew, John D, Emmanuel S, Henry C, Bob, Michelle G, P, Kent J, Frank S, C Dom, Scott S, James B, Ben F and P74_1986 for their continued support. It means a lot to me --- The Internship By Elfy Katie sipped on her cup of coffee as she opened the newspaper straight to the jobs section. She didn’t care about tensions in the Middle East, she didn’t care about the latest celebrity divorce, she just really wanted a job. She NEEDED a job. Katie sighed as she saw all the usual stuff. Cleaning jobs, construction jobs and everything else that the recent college graduate considered beneath her. It wasn’t that Katie didn’t respect those jobs, but she had just got a college degree and had spent the last couple of months fruitlessly looking for work that put her new qualification to good use. The small, blonde woman shook her head as she looked through the classifieds and felt the familiar feeling of disappointment. Katie really needed to find something soon, her Mom was insisting that if she was going to stay at home that she had to contribute to the household income. Just as Katie was going to give up looking she saw one advert that caught her eye. A small advert in the bottom corner was talking about a very short term contract with a relatively large sum of money upon completion. All it said was that it would last for five days at the most and you had to stay on site. It was something at least, Katie thought, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have some time out of the house and to return with some extra money. The advert gave very little idea as to what the job was for. It just said it was an “Internship” that had the chance to lead to further work. If Katie had been in work, she would have ignored the vague advert but she was desperate enough to give the listed number a call. “No time like the present…” Katie said to herself quietly as she grabbed her phone. Dialling the number, Katie heard the phone ring just a couple of times before being answered by an older man. “Hello?” The man said as he answered. “Hi, my name is Katie.” Katie replied, “I saw an advert about an internship in the newspaper. I’m quite intere-” “Oh! Good, good.” The man interrupted Katie, “Why don’t you come right on down.” “Right now?” Katie asked suddenly feeling rather flustered. “No time like the present!” The man replied eerily echoing what Katie had said before picking up the phone. Katie grabbed a pen and wrote down the address of the place she was to visit, thanked the man on the phone, and started immediately filling a bag with some changes of clothes and other necessities. She scribbled a quick note telling her Mom what was going and that she would call her later and ran out of the front door. Thankfully her car came with built in satellite navigation that she was able to use to guide herself on the half an hour drive across town and out into what felt like the middle of nowhere. She was just thinking that she must have put the wrong address in because there was nothing here but fields when a large warehouse started looming large in the distance. Katie felt a small pang of nervousness as the building got closer and closer. She started running through possible scenarios in her head, answers to questions, reactions to tasks. She really had zero idea what was coming and so didn’t know how to prepare. Turning into the car park, Katie drove slowly across the gravel path and up to the front of the building. She pulled into a spot near what seemed to be the entrance that had a sign for “Guest Parking” in front of it. Katie took a deep breath to steady her nerves as she stepped out into the bright sunshine. She smoothed out her clothes a little bit and got her suitcase out from the backseat. Katie looked around the car park and frowned a little at the fact that there seemed to only be one other car parked up. It looked very expensive and must belong to some executive or something. Katie looked at her shabby old car and kind of wished she had given it a wash at some point. “Where is everyone?” Katie said quietly to herself. It was Monday morning. 10am to be precise, this car park should be full of people working. What kind of internship happened at what seemed to be an empty warehouse in the middle of nowhere? Katie turned to face the building again and felt a slight chill run down her spine. There was something quite eerie and spooky about being at a seemingly abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. The warehouse looked well maintained and fairly modern, the grass and flowerbeds outside the entrance even seemed to be well maintained. The building gave the impression of being a modern and busy facility that inexplicably had no one there at this moment. Shaking off the sense of foreboding and remembering how much the pay check was needed, Katie turned to the entrance and started walking towards the glass doors in front of her. She put her hand out to push the door open but just before she touched it she found the door swinging open on its own. Katie stepped into a mostly white lobby area. There was an empty desk against one wall with a large numberless clock behind it. Opposite the desk was a glass table with a collection of magazines on and some large, white leather couches. The lobby was very still and silent. Apart from Katie’s footsteps there wasn’t a single sound in the high ceilinged room. With no one at the desk, Katie walked tentatively over to the couch. She pulled her bag behind her and sat down. Almost exactly as she touched the very comfortable seat there was suddenly a buzzing noise followed by a male voice. Katie jumped at the sudden intrusion into the stillness. “Katie Adams, please come through.” The voice boomed out of speakers that must have been hidden in the walls. Katie jumped back to her feet, quickly rounded the glass table and approached the desk. She had hoped someone would be there, or maybe there would be some instructions for her to follow. She wasn’t really sure where she was supposed to go. “W-Where do I go?” Katie asked. She didn’t know if there were microphones to pick up what she was saying and she spun around looking for a door or something she had previously missed. As soon as Katie finished speaking she heard the sound of a key turning in a lock and some squeaky hinges. Squinting down the long hallway opposite the entrance, Katie could see a door at the end of the hallway swing open slightly. With no other options, Katie started walking towards the door. She assumed that even if it wasn’t where she was supposed to go that there might be someone that she could at least ask what was going on. As Katie walked down the hallway she started wondering whether this was all part of the interview for the job. Maybe this was some kind of test of her initiative or problem solving skills. If that were the case, she hoped she was doing a good job, she didn’t like the idea of being tested without her knowledge but she disliked even more the idea of failing such a test. When Katie reached the slightly ajar door, she carefully peered around it before tentatively pulling it open. The room was rather small with just a table and chair in the middle of the room and a mirror against one of the walls. On the table was a black plastic bag and on top of the bag was a small note, a typed out message addressed to Katie herself. “Good morning, Katie.” Katie read, “To start this process you will need to get dressed in the clothes in the bag. There are no cameras or other recording equipment in this room, your privacy is secure. Please leave your current clothes and any belongings in this room.” Katie was perplexed but she upended the bag and let the clothes inside spill out over the table. As she sorted through the different items she wondered why this was a requirement, there didn’t seem to be anything too outrageous in the bag. A skirt, a white button up shirt, a red and blue striped tie… Katie suddenly realised that what she was looking at was basically a school uniform. Was this some kind of sick joke? Was the person running this place some pervert? Turning to the door she walked through to enter, Katie’s first thought was to just walk out but she almost immediately had second thoughts. Maybe she was over reacting, it was a uniform but it wasn’t necessarily a school uniform. This place was strange, was it that unlikely that they had an unconventional dress code? “This job better be worth it.” Katie muttered to herself and, after glancing all around the room for any obvious signs of a camera, she began undressing in the small and cramped room. She felt very vulnerable when she had removed her clothes and she did not hang around in getting dressed in the new outfit. It all fit her perfectly which she found strange. The skirt was a little short but long enough to not be obscene and the button-up shirt and tie completed the look. Katie looked in the mirror and was rather surprised at what she saw. She really did look so much younger when dressed like this, she was transported back to her own school days as a teenager and had to shake herself a little to remember she was a graduate looking for a job. With no other options, Katie stepped back through the door and out into the hallway. She glanced around at the still deserted building and then stepped out closing the door behind her. As requested, she had left everything she had arrived with in the small room. Just as Katie was wondering where to go next she heard a creaking coming from round the corner. She walked to the end of the corridor and peeked around the corner to see another door hanging slightly open in the otherwise abandoned hallway. Katie was still considering that all of this may be some kind of test so she didn’t wait to be told to move, instead she used her initiative and started walking along to the new room. When she peered into this room she was rather taken aback to see it was laid out like a classic elementary school classroom. “What the hell!?” Katie exclaimed as she slowly walked inside whilst gazing at the strange and unexpected room. After she had taken a few steps inside the pseudo-classroom, Katie suddenly heard a creaking and the door that she had entered through slammed shut. Katie ran back and grabbed the handle to try and wrench the door open but found it stuck fast. It was locked tight and there was no way she would be able to prise it open on her own. Now this was definitely getting weird. “Please sit down.” Came a sudden voice behind Katie causing the girl to spin around. Katie’s mouth flew open as the door at the other end of the room opened and in walked an older woman. Katie squinted, something seemed off with this person, the way they moved it was almost… Mechanical. Katie gasped as what she thought was a person turned to face her. The face was not that of a human but a robot. A shiny metallic front with two piecing red lights where the eyes would be. A speaker was behind lips that didn’t quite move normally and a face that didn’t move an inch. It was the eeriest thing Katie had ever seen. She could hardly believe her own eyes. “Please sit down, Katie.” The robot repeated as it stood in front of the white board at the front of the room. Katie just shook her head slightly and turned back to face the door. She pulled on the door in fear and still it wouldn’t budge. She was scared and just wanted to leave, screw this job! “I said sit!” Katie felt a plastic hand on her shoulder that turned her around. “No!” Katie cried out as she kicked and wriggled trying to free herself. The robot teacher would not be denied and she wrapped her impossibly strong arms around Katie’s waist. Katie was carried to a seemingly random seat in the middle of the room and placed in the chair. She tried to escape but the teacher held her down. “Naughty girl!” The robot chastised Katie who suddenly felt something wrap itself around her ankles. The robot backed away and walked back to the white board. Katie immediately tried to get up again but quickly realised her legs were now restrained against the chair which itself was fastened to the floor. “What are you doing? What’s going on!?” Katie cried out. She could feel tears in her eyes that she tried to blink away. Panic began to set in very quickly. “I’m going to teach you.” The robot replied dispassionately, “Did you bring a pen?” “Wha… No…” Katie said confused, “Wait… Is this a test?” “Didn’t bring your own pen? Are you sure you are in the right classroom? Maybe you would be better off with the younger children.” The robot said as it made the mechanical steps back to Katie’s desk with a bunch of papers in its hand, “And yes. This is a test.” Katie looked down as the teacher-bot placed a large stack of papers on her desk. The top page had the words “Basic Educational Test – Grade 7” in big red letters. A pen was placed next to the stack of paper and the robot turned towards the front of the room again. “You have one hour.” The teacher said as it sat down at the desk. It stared at Katie and never moved. It was spooky in the extreme. Katie was going to ask what she was meant to do but the thought occurred to her again that maybe this was part of whatever internship process she was now going through. Besides, this was a test meant for young teenagers, surely Katie could breeze through it. Since she was trapped in the seat anyway, she picked up the paper and turned to the first page of the test. Katie could feel her heart rate slowing down as she took some deep breaths and she tried to calm her frayed nerves. Katie read through the opening question and furrowed her brow. The question was almost incomprehensible in its complexity. It was some crazily long equation with more letters in it than numbers. Katie had done a degree in English Literature and this math was way out of her league. This was supposed to be a test for young teenagers but these questions looked like they belonged in a post-graduate course. Katie flicked through multiple pages and found that the questions only seemed to get more and more complex. “I… I… Can’t do this.” Katie said as she felt her panic rising again and she looked up at the robot in the corner. The teacher stood up in its mechanical way and picked up some more papers. It walked around the desk and over to Katie’s seat. “Maybe this is more your speed.” The teacher said with a clear condescending tone. The robot picked up the previous test and dropped a new one in front of Katie. The robot walked back to the teacher’s desk and sat down again. Katie shook her head slightly in confusion about everything that was happening. For the first time she really looked around the room. A large window against one wall was allowing sunlight to stream inside and providing a lot of natural light. Outside the window was just empty and flat desert, no sign of anything other than a few small plants. The interior of the classroom was just like a school that Katie would have attended years ago. As she shifted in her seat she was reminded of the restraints holding her ankles to the chair, that was the one obvious difference between this classroom and the ones Katie remembered… That, and the robotic teacher of course. Katie turned over the first page of this new test and was almost insulted by what she saw. Instead of the advanced calculus and algebra, now it was simple sums that any small child would be expected to know. “What’s going on here?” Katie asked, “If this is some kind of test for the job… I can’t do really complex math but I can do better than this.” “No talking during the test, little girl!” The robot teacher said with a slightly angered tone, “You have been nothing but trouble since you arrived.” “But…” Katie felt victimised. She had no idea what was going on and was still just trying to keep herself together. “Shh!” The robot teacher said causing Katie to close her mouth. Katie wiped a tear from her eye and sniffed but did as she was told. She picked up her pen and meekly started answering the questions. She tried to distract her distressed brain by doing the sums on the paper. It’s amazing how when you are feeling so overwhelmed, doing something so simple can just consume your mind. The sums weren’t hard but they were extremely boring. Time ticked by at a snail’s pace and Katie found herself almost drifting off. For an hour Katie found herself torn between sleepiness, confusion and embarrassment about what she was made to do. She cursed her own timidity that stopped her from resisting harder. She still thought this could all be some kind of test about pressure situations or something and she was doing her best to stay composed. “Time’s up.” The robot said rather suddenly causing Katie to jump. Katie had been almost asleep when the robot suddenly spoke up and she quickly put her pen down. She closed up the papers and watched as the teacher walked over to pick them up. She hoped that maybe now she would get some answers but the teacher just took her test papers and turned around again. “Is that it?” Katie asked tentatively. “That is the end of the test.” The robotic teacher said as she placed the test papers on her desks. So Katie was right! This had all been a test. Katie smiled to herself, she was glad she had stuck it out and maintained her composure for the most part. She sat and waited for the leg restraints to undo. She expected some man in a suit would come through the door and explain everything to her, maybe shake her hand and let her know how she did. It really was a very strange way of testing potential applicants though; it must be a European method or something. “So… Can I go?” Katie asked when nothing had happened for a minute. “No.” The teacher stated simply. “Ugh… Can I use the phone then?” Katie asked as she slumped in her seat slightly. She was telling herself not to get angry, “So I can let my Mom know I’m OK.” “No.” The robot replied. “Why not?” Katie asked as her irritation started rising. “You were informed that the process is around five days long.” The robotic teacher said, “No contact with the outside world is permitted during the process.” “What is this?” Katie muttered, “A prison?” The door at the front of the classroom opened and the leg restraints withdrew. The teacher stared at Katie with her unblinking face and raised her arm as if to show her the door. “It is lunch time.” It said dispassionately, “This way please.” Katie stood up and walked reluctantly forwards. The door she had entered through was still shut and sealed so she walked to the front of the room and slowly walked out of the door in trepidation. She could hear the mechanical footsteps of the robot behind her. The corridor only had one door at the end of it so Katie made her way forwards and towards it. Katie just couldn’t get over how truly surreal all of this was. Where was everyone else that must normally work here? Why did it seem set up for so many people when there was only one person here? What was all this for? There were just so many questions that Katie could hardly believe this wasn’t all a dream. The fact she was told she wasn’t allowed contact with anyone made her really concerned though. Pushing open the door, Katie found herself walking into a fairly large cafeteria. There was a bunch of long tables with chairs to the sides of them. A red rope showed where the queue was supposed to be and with the robo-teacher breathing down her neck she followed the rope, grabbed a tray and walked up to the counter. Behind the counter were more robots, almost exactly identical versions of the one that had been trying to teach her and she shuddered as she looked around at them all staring at her. Tentatively, Katie held out her tray to the canteen machines. The machine closest too her took the tray and shovelled a large ladleful of a strangely lumpy mush on to a plate that was then placed on the tray. The tray was passed down the line of the robots who contributed a small amount of vegetables and a couple of slices of bread to the tray. The last machine added a small apple juice box with a straw on the side. Katie took the tray back and looked down at it with a mixture of disgust and revulsion. The food looked anything but appetising, she wasn’t even sure what the lumpy mush was supposed to be. Katie looked around at all the empty seats in the room before taking one at random and sitting down with her tray in front of her. She poked the creamy mush with her plastic fork and tried to imagine it was something a lot more appetising. It wasn’t easy to do. Katie looked to the side of her and saw all the canteen robots were staring at her. The one that had been with her in the classroom was standing a little way behind her. The way they stared at her made Katie extremely uncomfortable. As Katie considered the food in front of her and thought about not being allowed to make contact with people outside the facility she felt a deep sense of foreboding. This was not a good situation, the idea of this being a test was increasingly disappearing and being replaced with the idea that this was some kind of sick experiment. Acting on impulse, Katie stood up. The chair she was sitting on pushed behind her slightly as she looked around at the sinister faces that were staring straight back at her. “Please sit down, Katie.” The robot closest to her said. It took a menacing step forwards. “To hell with you!” Katie shouted. Picking up the chair she had been sat on, Katie threw it as hard as her small body frame would allow at the machine. The chair hit it square in the chest and bounced off, it staggered backwards slightly but didn’t fall. “You are being unruly.” The robot said without a hint of emotion. Katie looked around at the machines around her and realised that taking down one of these things would be very difficult, taking down all of them would be nearly impossible. The robots were advancing on her slowly. It was clear they wanted to quell the threat and they were slowly trying to surround the young woman. Looking around the room, the only exit that Katie could see was the one she had come through in the first place. She took off towards it, running hard and fast she wanted to find an exit and wanted to find it now. To hell with the money, there was something really weird about this place and Katie needed to leave. The only door Katie could find was the one that lead to the horrid classroom. Remembering the door at the back of that room that went to the lobby, Katie hesitated for a second and then shoved the door open. “What the…” Katie began running through the classroom but slowed and stopped in the middle of the room. Katie knew that she had come back to the same room as before, there were no other doors to go through after all. So why was this room so different to the classroom from the morning?
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Hello, all you lovely people! Recently, one of my ABDL sisters brought to my attention a site for ABDL hypnosis and I wanted to share it with you. The site is called "My Little Lullaby" and it is a site where you can buy lots of different trance recordings and even order custom tracks. The tracks follow the same kind of suggestive messages you find in meditation recordings and the like and are meant to encourage ABDL behaviors you would like to have more often. I have bought the two free ones, "Sleep Like a Baby" and "Forever Young" and also purchased the "Diaper Wetting" one to see if it would help me with the mental block I often have when I need to go potty during my little time. I am very pleased to report that they both worked like a charm! The "Sleep Like a Baby" one had me down for the count like magic, and I woke up feeling very little. I was so impressed that I tried the "Diaper Wetting" one right after waking up, as I had to go potty and even though I tried lying in bed it wasn't working. This is pretty common for me, as I need to be upright to actually pee. It annoys me in little space because it just doesn't feel right to me. So I listened to the diaper wetting track and after it was over, still lying down, I relaxed and was able to wet myself right in my bed! I was ecstatic! I'll be listening to this track every time I have little space with the hopes that soon I will just be able to wet myself regularly into my diapers! The one selling these tracks, Ember, has the softest sweetest voice, and each track comes with boy and girl variants so you are being directly addressed by the gender you identify with as a little in any circumstance! I cannot recommend her enough. After being burnt so much in the past on piss-poor hypnosis tracks, here's one that really works! If you're looking for good hypnosis files, please check the site out! http://mylittlelullaby.com/
Usually with commissions I don't start posting them here until the story is completed but the person I am writing for requested I post what I have written so far so I shall do so This is a re-write of an old story. The original story is here: http://thesissysnursery.blogspot.co.uk/2008/07/my-brother-ritchie-chapter-1-problem.html?m=1 Unfortunately I am not sure the author of the original, if anyone knows then let me know and I will edit it in here. This is a commission and if you are interested in a commission then feel free to send me a message. --- Subliminal Baby By Elfy “But mum, everyone is going on this trip.” Steven whined. He stomped his foot on the floor like a child much younger than himself, at 18-years-old he was a little too old to be having a tantrum but he couldn’t help himself. He was sick and tired of being told no when his older brother, Ritchie, was always told yes. “Steven, a skiing trip sounds very dangerous. I don’t think it would be a good idea for you.” Karen, Steven and Ritchie’s mother was sitting with her children at the dinner table. The three of them had just finished eating and Steven was telling her how much he wanted to go on this school trip, it had been the same every evening for the last week. “Mum, I’m not a baby!” Steven said throwing up his arms in frustration, “All my friends are going. I’m the only one who hasn’t handed in the permission slip.” “If you aren’t a baby then maybe you should stop acting like one.” Karen shot back. Ritchie, who had otherwise been sitting quietly, let out a bark of a laugh. He knew that his mum was overprotective of Steven and he found his little brother’s frustrations very amusing to watch. Ritchie was everything that Steven wasn’t. Steven was small and unassuming, Ritchie was bigger and had much more sporting ability which made him very popular around town. Steven, on the other hand, was much more at home alone in his room working on his computer. “Shut up, Ritchie!” Steven yelled across the table. “Steven! Don’t shout at your brother.” Karen said warningly. “Tell him not to laugh at me then.” Steven said banging his hands against the table and causing the cutlery to rattle. “If you are going to keep having a tantrum like a baby, I’ll give you a spanking just like one.” Karen warned. Steven was dumbfounded at the injustice. Ritchie was trying to keep a straight face but his shoulders moving up and down betrayed how funny he found the situation. When Steven saw this he felt his anger rising again. When Karen looked away for a moment, Ritchie mouth the word “baby” at Steven. Steven lost control of his emotions, he reached back and went to swing at his older brother but as he tried to bring his arm forward he felt someone grab him tightly. Caught off-balance he was pulled around the table and into the lap of his mother. To Steven’s shock and horror, his mother easily held him in place with one hand whilst with the other she started spanking hard. Ritchie stared across the table wide-eyed and open mouthed as his younger brother was spanked at the dinner table, he could barely contain the laughter that he felt bubbling up inside. Steven willed himself not to cry as his mother rained down blow after blow on her son. He was in shock as much as anything else, the spanking wasn’t too hard and it didn’t hurt a lot but the surprise of suddenly finding himself in this position stopped him from trying to stop what was happening before it was too late and his mother had gained a firm grip of him. “You do not hit your brother!” Karen said through gritted teeth, each word was punctuated by another smack. She didn’t seem to see the irony in punishing her son with spanking as a way to tell him not to hit others. Through eyes clouded with tears, Steven caught the eyes of his brother and could see the amusement in his face at the predicament Steven found himself in. Steven balled his hands into fists as he fought to keep himself from crying openly. The spanking wasn’t particularly painful but it was very embarrassing, especially when he was trying to argue that he wasn’t a baby. Just as Steven felt his composure slipping the spanking ended and he gingerly picked himself up. Without a word he turned and headed away from the kitchen, he was upset and filled with anger at the injustice of being punished when his brother got away completely free. He didn’t want to stay in the dining room with his family because he was sure he would do or say something to get him in even more trouble. He stomped straight out of the room and to the stairs. Halfway up he paused when he heard a sound from the kitchen. He heard his brother laughing. He had half a mind to run back down stairs and go for him again but he just about controlled his emotions and instead would look for a subtler way for revenge. With tears in his eyes he and a face red from the humiliation of the scene in the dining room Steven stamped up to his room and slammed the door closed. Steven’s room was dominated by the large computer against the far wall. Steven had always been very interested in technology and was very well versed in both software and hardware, he spent most of his time fiddling with his computer in one way or another and was known at school as being rather nerdy. To the sides of the computer were shelves full of books and magazines, most of them technology related but also some fiction books as well. Steven walked over to his bed and gingerly sat down. His stinging rear end caused him to wince slightly as he reached to his bedside table and grabbed a can of coke which he opened and drank from. Steven was generally quite healthy but his one vice was coke, he couldn’t resist the sugary drinks. Placing the half-empty can back down he picked up the computing magazine that he had been reading before going down for dinner and he started reading again. It provided a good distraction from all the problems he was dealing with and he felt himself slowly relaxing as he read about various graphics cards and processors. As Steven read through the magazine he came across an unusual advert on the back cover. It was an advert for something called “Covert Subliminal Software.” Steven read the page with interest, he assumed it was a scam but something about the advert kept attracting his attention. He started to form an idea in his head, about using the software on his brother, what better way for revenge than making a message that forced Ritchie to do something embarrassing? Only a little thing though, he wasn’t cruel, he just wanted to teach Ritchie a lesson. Steven was broken from his ponderings by a knock on the door. He walked over and swung the door open to reveal Ritchie, he stood several inches taller than Steven and had a very self-satisfied smirk on his face. “What do you want?” Steven asked coldly. “I was just wondering if you needed tucking in tonight? Maybe have someone feed you a bottle?” Ritchie said in a mocking voice, he could barely stop himself from cracking up. “Get lost!” Steven growled through gritted teeth as he slammed the door. “Don’t throw a tantrum, baby!” Ritchie called through the door before laughing to himself on the way to his bedroom. “We’ll see who is a baby…” Steven whispered to himself. He walked over to his computer, went online and visited the website for “Covert Subliminal Software.” After hesitating for just a second he clicked “buy now” and was told the software was on its way. Steven smiled evilly to himself as he came up with the perfect plan for revenge, as soon as the package arrived he would show his family who the baby was. For a few days afterwards nothing of note happened. Steven kept mostly to himself as usual and made sure to wake up early enough to be the first to check the post every single day in the hope of seeing his package. Time did not diminish his want for revenge, if anything his need to get back at his brother only increased as his brother kept making thinly veiled comments, Steven simply kept his cool and waited. It was five days later when Steven looked through the mail as it was pushed through the letterbox and found the package he had been waiting for. It was instantly recognisable and Steven was glad to have got to the package first otherwise awkward questions may have come his way, the picture on the box showing a person in a chair and someone swinging a watch in front of them certainly would have caught the eye of Steven’s family. Steven had done a lot of research on the power of suggestion in the last few days. He knew the stereotypical picture of someone swinging a pocket watch and saying “you are feeling sleepy” was not how this stuff worked. Steven rushed back to his room with his parcel and ripped it open as soon as the door closed. Taking a drink of his cola he quickly read the pages of the instruction booklet and found that setting up these secret messages would actually be surprisingly simple. The instruction manual said to keep the messages short and easy to understand, shorter phrases resonate in the brain much easier and would be planted a lot quicker. Steven was still quite sceptical of the whole idea of subliminal messaging but the software was surprisingly cheap and it was worth the risk of investment because if it did work it would be the best revenge he could possibly get. Steven waited, he did some brief setup of the software on his own computer, it was surprisingly easy to set up and Steven suspected that even if he knew nothing about computers that he would be able to get it to work. He waited for his brother to leave, he waited for an opportunity to sneak into Ritchie’s room and set up the software. He was very impatient, he had a new toy to play with and having to wait before he could use it was almost intolerable. Finally, a few hours later, Steven saw Ritchie walk past his door with his coat on and a bag slung over his shoulders. As Ritchie walked past he saw Steven watching him and Ritchie paused briefly to give his younger brother the middle finger. “Going out?” Steven asked. He ignored the rude gesture and hurried over to the doorway as his brother walked away. “Unlike you, I have a social life, so yes I am.” Ritchie replied. Steven just nodded but as soon as Ritchie turned his back, Steven let out a devilish smile and ran back into his room to grab the USB stick that contained the subliminal software. Listening out for the sound of the front door closing he hopped from one foot to the other almost unable to contain his excitement. As soon as Steven heard the door close he practically ran to his older brother’s bedroom and straight over to his computer. Ritchie’s computer was not as powerful as Steven’s but it was just good enough to run Ritchie’s favourite online game, a first person shooter that he spent a lot of his free time on. Steven quickly logged in to the machine, he had guessed Ritchie’s password quite easily months ago, rather predictably it was his girlfriend’s name Linda. Steven logged in and immediately booted up the new software. He looked through the menus and adjusted a few things to his specifications. He clicked on the box that said “Message:” and after a moment of thinking Steven typed in “You are very thirsty for cola.” Steven chose an innocuous message at first, he wanted to test the software with something that wouldn’t cause any damage if it went wrong. Steven knew his more athletic brother never drank sugary drinks, but it was well known that Steven loved them. It would be a good test of the program’s power. He pressed enter and moved the software into the correct folder so that when Ritchie played his game that message would be flashed at him at quick intervals. It would be so fast that Ritchie wouldn’t notice it, but it would leave an imprint in his brain. Steven quickly turned the computer off, took his USB stick and retreated back to his bedroom. Now it was a case of waiting, he had to wait for Ritchie to come home and play his game. Steven, knowing it would be a while before that happened, loaded up his own game and began playing. Steven paused only to drink from his large cola supply as he passed the hours. He was impatient and hopped from one game to another, nothing could sustain his interest for long. Eventually he heard the front door open and close before hearing loud footsteps coming up the stairs, past Steven’s bedroom and to Ritchie’s own bedroom. Steven felt so excited, he was nervous as well as he sat in his room waiting to see what was going to happen. He wanted to run to Ritchie’s room and watch, to see if it was working, but he knew he had to act as normally as possible. If Steven started hanging around Ritchie’s room, then Ritchie would realise something was up. It was a full two hours, just when Steven was preparing to give up on the software working when there was a sudden knock on his bedroom door. Steven’s heart skipped a beat as he walked over to the door. “Yes?” Steven said as he opened the door to his brother. Ritchie had strangely wide eyes and he was salivating quite a bit. “Yo, this is a bit weird but do you still have that big stash of cola in here?” Ritchie asked. He was not acting like he normally did, there definitely seemed to be something weird going on. Steven was secretly elated. This was incredible! An act that was totally out of character for his big brother, an act that can only possibly have come from the suggestion of Steven’s subliminal software. “Yeah.” Steven said as he fought to keep his internal smile from showing. “Could I have some?” Ritchie asked. He smiled slightly but Steven got the impression that if he said no Ritchie would push his way in and take a drink anyway, he had a look in his eyes that suggested nothing would keep him away from the drink. Steven leaned over to where his bottles of cola were and picked up one of the smaller ones. He handed it to Ritchie who quickly unscrewed the lid and started drinking deeply from the bottle. Steven was shocked as he watched his brother, who didn’t like sugary drinks, drink the whole bottle in one go. When Ritchie was done he lowered the bottle from his mouth and let out an incredibly loud belch. Ritchie looked strangely content, a little trickle of cola had spilled out the side of his mouth but otherwise he looked normal and happy. Steven was quite unnerved by what he saw. “Boys! Dinner time.” Mother shouted from downstairs. It broke the awkward silence that was developing. Steven took the initiative and handed another bottle of cola to his brother before they headed downstairs. Dinner was quiet that evening. Steven spent a lot of his time watching Ritchie who took multiple liberal gulps of the cola. He had become like a fiend for the stuff, it was as if he couldn’t get enough. “Cola? That’s not like you.” Karen said to her older son. “I’m just really thirsty for it.” Ritchie said as he took another drink. That night Steven took a little while to get to sleep, he was thinking about what to do next. The subliminal software clearly worked, Ritchie had taken yet another bottle of cola with him to bed. There was no answer as to why that was happening other than Ritchie was successfully being manipulated. Steven decided that tomorrow he would change the message. The next day he would put his actual plan into action. It was time for revenge on his older brother, not to mention he didn’t want Ritchie drinking all of his cola!
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I think I would prefer playing this through notes, so please message me if you would be interested.
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- Diaper Slave
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So, I've been looking into the 12 month program, and one of its main points is to look into hypnosis mp3s and listening to them to get your mind used to the idea of bedwetting and incontinence. I looked through the forums and found that people assumed he was referring to EMGs tapes made pre 2005 (stuff like Curse Bedwetting and Instant Wetting). I tried them out last night and.... They're absolutely awful. I don't want to seem like a tech snob, but there are just so many small errors he makes that take me out of what he's saying. Each time I feel like I'm getting into it, there's a dog in the background, or a heater turning over, or he records twice in completely different settings. And even then, his extreme repitition and telling you how to feel kill the mood. I've used hyposis tapes for other stuff, and I've seen hypnosis work on me. But EMG is horrible. Does anyone have any suggestions for better hynotists or better tracks?
I know that this is an subject that has been discussed many times and the majority seem to feel that downloaded hypnosis