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  1. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone remembers the first panties they bought? Not wore (like trying on a relatives or significant others) but actually went to a store or online and purchased. Id love to hear the details about the panties and the experience. I've been wearing panties daily for almost a decade and I love it. Here's the story of my first pair. It was my senior year of high school and had a part time job finally making my own money. I had wanted to wear panties since elementary school but was too scared to ask for them. I finally worked up the courage to buy my own. My parents were out of town so I knew I could sneak them into the house without issue. I went to the Ross up the road from my house and began checking the women's lingerie/pajama section. I didn't see anything I liked (everything looked to "mature" and boring) with boring neutral colors or basic polka dot patterns. So I went to the Girl's section and was almost overwhelmed my choices. They had plenty to pick from. I didn't know what size or style I wanted. I didn't know the difference between a bikini or hipster. I finally found one pair in the clearance pile that I immediately fell in love with. It was light blue with little smiling snowmen and snowflakes on it. And they were only 50 cents. They were a girl's size 10 and I was fairly skinny so I thought I could make it work. I went to the register and the guy behind the counter said "uhh dude I don't think these are your size haha" (it was in jest and light hearted) I panicked and said "ummm they're for school... we're doing and experiment in my psychology class... we're supposed to buy items we wouldn't normally buy. I have a friend who's buying tampons and another buying make-up...and we're journaling the data for our class" He laughed and said "alright well cool..I haven't ever been a part of a study...hope it goes well" I turned bright red as he handed me my receipt and ran out of the store. I got home and immediately ran to the bathroom. I tried squeezing into the panties. They were so tight I could barely move. I felt so embarrassed and stupid for not knowing what size I needed and wasting money on something I didn't "need". I modeled them for a few minutes in the mirror and then I heard our front door unlock. It was my grandma dropping off some magazines for my mom. I pulled my basketball shorts on and greeted her. So nervous about the tight panties around my waist. She left and I was so anxious I ripped the panties off trying to get out of them. I threw them in a dumpster down the street and wanted to cry because I felt so dumb. Fortunately, once I got to college and got another job and my own place I got more comfortable with my sissy side. My ex even help me pick out some pairs when we'd shop together. And I've never had another awkward experience with a cashier either. I try to go to female cashiers of possible and most don't say anything. Or if they do its just the standard "have a nice day" I even had one cashier at Justice say "those are super cute! I might have to get them too!!" So that's the story of my first pair I bought with my own money. Thanks for reading. Id love to hear your stories too (any memorable pair or persons you've come in contact with while shopping)
  2. I am try these out for the first time. So far very impressed. Good fit, have had 3 wettings for now. Still holding up. Has anyone tried these before? Would like to hear your thoughts on them. I have pics in the gallery.
  3. Hello, I'm Sertori and I'm sweet little girl I love being girly and sometimes boy I'm actually a sissy but I class myself a girl more than a sissy I'm hoping to meet nice good friends, even a mummy and daddy.
  4. Okay I personally choose bambino over AB Universe everytime. Don't get me wrong I like both a lot but I know which one might leak and which one can hold more. Bambino hands down wins! However ABU has some awesome prints and just now I checked out the site to see if they had any specials going on or anything and I saw these beauties up for pre-order! I have to wait until after this month to order them, but you better believe I will be buying at least 10 of these come January! I am so excited. These are cute, inexpensive, and something I personally have been wanting for awhile. These are a limited supply!!! www.abuniverse.com/products/abu-sissy.asp ORDER NOW! I am hoping and praying I get to order at least 10! *Important Note: This item is available for PRE-ORDER ONLY. This item will ship separately from any item(s) that may be purchased along with this item. This item is expected to begin shipping between March 11, 2013 and March 25, 2013. This initial production run is limited and may sell out during pre-order.
  5. My, my... Hello everyone, I have been ageplaying for a long time, and actually have a bit of an obsession with it in that it pours over into my real life. It's about time I came to terms with who I am. I've always used babytalk around my grandmother for example, and still whine and talk like that around her, because she raised me like a mother. I do the same around my real mother but my real mother is more like a friend because I don't really know her...:C I always get the urge to cuddle with people, but it usually gets me in trouble because no one wants to cuddle a 19 year old girl, it's supposedly like flirting. My name is Katie, I am a real woman, not transexual, not sissy here, I really am a woman. I have no problem with trans or sissies, but so far I've been worried that I'm one of the few AB's who are actually women. I am 19 years old. Bisexual. In a relationship, but so far my little AB secret has been kept in the closet. My boyfriend enjoys ageplaying with me online, but I don't think he realizes the full extent of it, that I like to ageplay in real life too. I have never 'truly' ageplayed with a partner in real life yet, but I am sure I would love to and look forward to it. I do not wear diapers except as punishment, and I do not enjoy scat. I may enjoy a little watersports, and may wear plastic pants but not if I have to sit in it wet! Gross. I mostly like to be a child, but since I was a real little girl I've always wanted children of my own to baby so I can play the part of the Mommy too. There are several reasons "Why" I am what I am, but I don't feel the need to go into it unless asked. My personalities: 1) Moonchild, or Katie, age 5 to 16 (most often, usually 6 to 10) 2) Mommy, age 35 to 42 (sometimes) 3) Little/Big Sister (sometimes) 4) Babysitter (rarely) I'm looking forward to telling my boyfriend one day, and that he will accept it and sometimes play the role of my Daddy for me. Because 'Daddy and his Little Girl' is my favorite kind of playship. Sometimes Moon will dress up real glitzy and girly, other times, she's a total tomboy. I roleplay online a ton, and I expect top grammar, writing, as well as commitment from anyone who roleplays with me or wants to adopt me. Sorry, but it's the way it is. :/ The only exception is if I were to play the part of Mommy and adopt a little one. In that case, baby talk is okay. I am an artist, writer, and game maker. I am a furry and love anime, games, and reading. I love adorable little girl clothes and the colors black, white, red and gray. Aaaand, that's it from me I guess. Now, a word from Moon! Hello everyone! My name is Moon, and I just know that I'm going to love it here soooo much. Big sister Katie told me that she looked around here for awhile and that everyone seemed so nice and fun that she just had to join! As for me, well, hehe, I just go where she goes! Heeehee. I hope you all are as nice as she says you are! : O Because I'd love people to play with me! Hmmm....I like my sippy cup a lot cause it has a unicorn on it and Big Sister always fills it up with the most yummy juice! Yummmmmmyyyy. I also like my stuffed animals, especially my stuffed sheep Bob. Bob. I love you Bob! *nuzzles her sheep* Hehe. My favorite color is blue and I really like horsies. My favorite thing to play with is My Little Ponies : D Ooooh...uh oh, looks like big sister says I'm talking too much! Time for me to go now, it was nice to meet you! *giggles* -Moonchild And from Mommy: Well, my name isn't really Mommy, it's Caitlin. Haha. It's very nice to meet you all. I've always wanted to baby things since I was a little girl myself. I don't particularly enjoy changing diapers, but if my little sweety needs it I guess I have to! Most of all, I like holding my little ones in my arms and rocking them back and forth. Sometimes, I'll rest my head on top of theirs and sing them a little song. I would never hurt my child, but if they do something wrong they'll be told so. Children are my specialty, and any child of my own would be treated with the utmost care. Just hearing them tell me "I love you, Mommy," or seeing them look up at me with their big eyes is enough to warm my heart for a long time. -Mommy
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