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  1. Hello Again! I would like to present my follow up story to "Sally's Got a Brand New Baby Sister" and the further misadventures of Baby Cindy! This one is for all the mud butts out there. I see you. I love you. Please Enjoy! 💖 Chapter 1: Baby Cindy’s Very Stinky Saturday Morning Baby Cindy, a 20-something year old dressed in a frilly pink baby romper, was waddling through the most lush courtyard she’s ever seen, like something out of a hand drawn Disney cartoon. Surrounding Baby Cindy were Cinderella, Belle, and Rapunzel. Three Disney Princesses frolicking with her through the spacious backyard of a giant Princess castle, “Come along Baby Cindy” Rapunzel called out to the big baby, trying her best to keep up with her extra padding. Belle and Cinderella slowed down and held onto Baby Cindy’s hands as they all trotted along. “Oh my goodness, Can it be?!” Exclaimed Rapunzel, the Princesses and Baby Cindy stood in front of a towering fountain in the center of the courtyard, it was large and pushing out brown goop up into the air into a big pond. “It’s a chocolate fudge-y fountain!” squealed Belle. All of the Princesses walked up slowly and pulled out little silver spoons from their Princess clutches. Rapunzel scooped a dollop of fudge and brought the spoon to her lips and into her mouth. “This is delectable!” she exclaimed, covering her mouth while talking with it full. Baby Cindy approached excited but cautious, she wasn’t allowed to have anything that rich without permission from Mommy, but the Princesses wouldn't stop a big baby like her from a special treat. As she approached the edge, leaning in for a handful, she lost her balance and plopped face first into the massive pool of sticky warm fudge. Getting chocolate all over herself, she looked up at the Princess’s, All of them giggling but cooing at her mishap. “Baby had an oopsie!” Laughed Cinderella as Baby Cindy sat back up, getting strangely comfortable sitting in the mushy mess. Her paci dropped out of her mouth as she shoved a big handful into her waiting mouth. As it entered her mouth, she didn’t get the taste she expected, what she got was a lot stinkier. Baby Cindy groggily opened her eyes, her first sight being a still mobile with rainbow stars dancing above her head. She looked to her side into the dark nursery, she could see light peeking through her blinds. It was early in the morning, around the usual wake up routine for Baby Cindy, lying in a polyester Tinkerbell sleep shirt, an exposed diaper bottom, a pink sleeping bonnet and her favorite princess tiara pacifier. Sally, Baby Cindy’s “big” sister, was lying still inside a sleeping bag on the floor beside the crib. Every Friday night, Sally would join Baby Cindy in her nursery for a sleepover. Her presence made Baby Cindy smile, she rolled onto her belly and felt a squish against her bottom. She sniffed the air again and was able to surmise she had taken a nice big poopy in her sleep. Her exposed bottom half showed a discolored rear with the large load resting inside her huggies. Baby Cindy began to whimper, her cold and mushy behind wasn’t as comfy as when it had been fresher. Baby Cindy sat up in her crib onto her knees, her head popping out from the top of the bars. Baby Cindy started to bounce up and down on her cot, making fussy sounds behind the paci she kept between her lips. She kept up her docile temper tantrum, building to get her sisters attention. Finally, Sally let out a big yawn and opened her eyes, a pungent odor immediately entering her nose as she turned towards her big baby sister whimpering from the crib. “Oh my gosh sissy, you’re really poopy.” she held onto her nose and got out of the sleeping bag, wearing her own footie one piece, to tell their Mother, who had begun to hear the commotion over the baby monitor. Sally returned to the nursery with Joan, the girl’s Mommy, in tow. Wearing a satin purple robe and matching slippers, “Oh my gosh how did you two sleep in here last night?” Mommy chuckled as she approached the crib and nudged Baby Cindy around to get a peek at her behind. Her bottom unsubtly displaying the mess inside, “I think Baby Cindy ate a little too much hot fudge Mommy.” Sally also giggled, still holding her nose and smiling at Baby Cindy, still watching from the crib. Despite the smell, the two were certainly used to the diapers of a big baby. “Didn’t I warn you that it was too rich for her tummy?” Mommy rubbed Baby Cindy’s back, making her feel a little better. The previous night, Mommy had promised Baby Cindy and Sally some ice cream after they were good while Mommy got her work done that afternoon. Sally was served a hot fudge sundae and Cindy got plain vanilla while strapped in her high chair. Baby Cindy was jealous of her sister's sundae and Sally pleaded for Baby Cindy to get some hot fudge, doing her best to be a good sister, and Mommy caved. Sally asked Baby Cindy to let her know when to stop as she poured the fudge onto her ice cream, the hot fudge covered everything and Mommy warned that there was too much on for her sensitive big baby tummy to handle. But the girls didn’t listen and Baby Cindy literally got her just desserts. She bounced around the walls with her sister the remainder of the night until she fell asleep to Sally reading her a bedtime story during their sleepover. Leaving Baby Cindy to enter dreamland and the pamper packer factory. Mommy opened up the crib and gave Baby Cindy a kiss on her forehead as she crawled down. “Smelly girl” she chuckled as watched Baby Cindy slide onto the floor and made a b-line crawl over to Sally, wanting to give her big sister a “Good Morning” hug. Sally cooed and opened her arms to the big baby, trying to hold her breath as best she could. “Good morning Baby Cindy” she patted her baby sister’s back and let go to hold her nose again. “Sorry Baby Cindy but that diaper is stupendous stinky!” Sally said as she backed up a little next to Mommy. “Sally! What an impressive word!” Mommy exclaimed as she picked up Sally and gave her a squeeze. Baby Cindy looked up at Mommy and Sally from the floor, their giggles and nose holding becoming a moment of bonding for the ladies of the house, making Baby Cindy blush behind her smile. “I think it’s too early for me to face that diaper, How about you go watch cartoons and I’ll start breakfast, I’ll change your sister a little later.” Mommy suggested as she carried Sally out of the nursery. “But Baby Cindy looked a little uncomfy before,” Sally asked, looking up at Mommy. “She’ll survive, if she doesn’t sit with losing her potty training, she’ll wanna stay in diapers forever!.” Mommy smiled back at Cindy as she closed the gate to the nursery.“Hehe, I think that’s too late!” Sally giggled as she gave Baby Cindy a last wave before making her way downstairs. Mommy chuckled and followed behind, leaving Baby Cindy to her own devices. She took a seat from her crawling position and felt the mess press against her smooth, plump bottom. A relaxed grin stretched behind her pacifier as she turned her attention to her toy chest on the other side of her nursery, crinkling and smushing across the soft pink carpet. Baby Cindy had spent so much time with a hefty load pressed against her butt, the smell bothered her much less than anyone would expect someone her size. The smell had become a sign of comfort at this stage in Cindy’s babification, a blunt reminder of her demoted status in the household and one that excused her of all responsibility. Something she realized she didn’t mind. The nursery itself was given a Lilac-mahogany wall air freshener to fight back the odors, but the faint scent of a full diaper pail was always fighting that freshness. Baby Cindy saw one of her favorite stuffed toys on the floor by the chest. It was a lime green and pink caterpillar with little beads inside that made it rattle. Its soft plastic facial features were a favorite for Baby Cindy to nibble on at times. Baby Cindy crawled towards a corner of the room occupied by a pile of stuffed animals and toys. She flopped into them like a big pillow. As she played, Baby Cindy felt the push of her mess from inside her diaper. It was soft but still firm, staying mostly intact snugly against her cheeks. Baby Cindy lied gently hearing Mommy turn on some gentle baby music. The music gave her a new sense of calm. Suddenly the nursery music switched into something more poppy and sweet sounding. Mommy had put on a playlist of Baby Cindy’s favorite nursery rhymes to change up the vibe in the nursery. Baby Cindy started to crawl out of the stuffie pile, shaking her padded booty. With such a relaxed lifestyle, Baby Cindy has gained a thick layer of baby fat and then some. Mommy had to think of creative ways to help get Baby Cindy some exercise while keeping her lifestyle unaltered. The answer was nursery dance parties! Baby Cindy got on her feet and was bouncing to the catchy jingles Mommy queued up for her. Shaking her messy bottom around the room, The room shook from all her big baby energy being exerted in the second floor nursery. Baby Cindy had her poopy pampers bouncing for 10 more minutes when Mommy finally got upstairs to find her baby girl on her feet, unlatching the baby gate and clapping with the beat. “Shake that diaper, baby girl!” She giggled, approaching Cindy, holding her squirmy hips and giving her diaper a peak from behind before wincing, “Alright baby girl, let's get you cleaned up before breakfast.” Baby Cindy toddled obediently to her changing table, climbing up with the help of a stepstool, readily prepared for another standard diaper change. Mommy opened the messy girl’s diaper and took a deep breath and said, “Let’s do this!” She used a good number of wipes wrestling Baby Cindy’s mess down into the diaper and giving her girl a clean bottom. She worked her way up to Baby Cindy’s soft pen-is, wiping it clean. The dirty diaper was wrapped up tight and neat, dropping into the changing pail. Baby Cindy was changed into a fresh Tykables Unicorn with a heavy dosing of powder. “There’s the clean baby girl we all know and love!” Mommy cooed as she tickled her tummy and helped her down from the changing table. “Let’s go eat some yum yums” Mommy said rubbing her tummy, giving Baby Cindy a butt patt to exit the nursery and scoot down the stairs. She crawled into the kitchen, with Mommy close behind. Mommy made scrambled eggs and bacon for Sally and herself. Baby Cindy was served oatmeal, mixed with some applesauce, letting Baby Cindy feed herself today. With a “Mommy’s Hungry Girl” bib tied around her neck, Baby Cindy ignored the pink spoon beside her and scooped a big handful of oatmeal into her mouth, dribbling down her chin and getting all over her hand. Sally giggled at her sister’s messy eating while she used a pink fork. Mommy couldn’t help but laugh at Baby Cindy licking her fingers all grubby, “My my we have a messy baby on our hands.” She quipped as she took her empty plate in the kitchen sink. She started wiping off Baby Cindy with a wet paper towel as Sally put her own plate into the dishwasher. “Hehe, Katies gonna get Messy Baby Cindy today at her party.” She giggled with a devilish glee. “Don’t jinx it Sally! Your cousin Katie will flip if we bring Messy Baby Cindy to her birthday party!” She played up her pleading as she cleaned up Baby Cindy, who sat in her high chair fidgety around her face wiping . “I don’t know Mommy, I can just feel it” Sally prophesied. “Are you sure you’re not just smelling it Honey?” They both giggled and helped Baby Cindy step out of her high chair. “OK, I’m gonna get cleaned up, can you take a shower and get yourself ready?” Mommy checked in with Sally, “and then you can help me with your sister?” Sally nodded up and down as she walked into the living room, Baby Cindy instinctually crawled behind Sally and sat beside her. “Baby Cindy needs morning cartoons! She can watch them while we’re getting ready!” Sally called out to Mommy. “Ok, but she’s going to sit in her bouncer too.” Mommy agreed as she strapped Baby Cindy into her bouncer, hanging above her playpen in the back corner of the living room. Baby Cindy was secured and started to bounce up and down with delight, feeling like she was in her own little theme park ride.. Giggling as her toesies barely touched the padded floor of the playpen. “What do you wanna watch Baby Cindy?” Sally giggled as picked up the remote and went through all the smart tv streaming services. “Cocomelon!” Baby Cindy called out behind her paci. Mommy laughed at the request of her “eldest” daughter. But she was also impressed by how fast Sally was using the remote buttons. But Mommy had to object, “No no no, I can’t listen to that anymore. That’s a Messy Baby Cindy show. We need a Clean Baby Cindy show” Sally giggled and nodded in agreement, still shocked how much Cindy likes the most baby show she’s ever seen. “How about Bluey?” she asked the bouncing baby, who bounced up and down, nodding happily. “Bluey is a good choice.” Mommy agreed and gave Sally a head scratch before exiting the living room to go change, trusting Sally to take care of the rest. Sally switched to Disney+ and started to play Baby Cindy a Bluey episode. “Enjoy Baby Cindy, we’ll help you get ready when we’re done.” Sally put down the remote and skipped out of the room, leaving bouncy Baby Cindy to her show. Baby Cindy smiled swaying above the floor as she watched Bluey. She laughed and lightly babbled as she got investment from the characters, in the few stories she could still follow. As she bounced up and down, Baby Cindy could feel her tummy sloshing around with a familiar cramp, making a familiar rumbling sounds like the previous night in her crib. Baby Cindy immediately started to grunt and make pushies like always when she got that feeling. Which led to Baby Cindy marking her second poopy diaper of the day and it wasn’t even 10 AM. She felt the softer mound mush around her bouncy bum. Baby Cindy got a whiff of that freshly produced smell and giggled with glee a little, no one around to see. Bouncing and turning her attention back to Bluey, she laughed at the cartoon and her pacifier slipped out her lips, dangling across her tummy. She took drooly paci and shoved it back into her lips, bouncing around in a state of bliss in her mucky butt diaper.
  2. Miu Nakayama, (played by Robehouse), is a typical eightteen year old fashion sense smart Japanese student who has not yet decided on a career, which is becoming more and more common in Japan recently, though such students are still way outnumbered by others who already have dreams of what they want to do.
  3. I travel a lot for work. Different hotels, different cities, often a night or two each. Sometimes I remember to bring diapers - really makes sleeping in a strange bed much easier, and since I'm in my room alone there's no problem changing when I want, using if I want, etc. (vs. being at home around the family where it's a bedroom activity). The problem can be twofold, though: I typically wear good disposables (Molicare, Bambino, etc.) but have a big bladder and can flood sometimes, which leaks out the back or around the legs, wetting the bed. Or, if I'm not diapered (especially if I have been previous nights), I may wet the bed thinking I am (I don't do this at home, though)... completely soaking it. I *hate* leaving a room like this, but don't know what to do. It's either never diaper when I'm out (wah!), or always diaper when I'm out (not always practical, especially if I'm packing for carryon only. Thoughts? Experiences at hotels (especially if you're staying multiple nights and wet one night)? And how common must used diapers in the bathroom trash can be? I should probably start leaving tips for the maids when I've diapered...
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