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  1. William Montgomery-or “Bill”, as he practically insisted everyone call him-seemed to believe he was meant to be in charge. He was a brat, who tended to behave as though he already owned the business, refusing to defer to anyone regardless of how experienced they were. If something didn’t go his way, his subordinates would have to back up and cover their ears as he started another one of his infamous “rants”, yelling and making demands at the top of his voice. Today was no different. He came in with his usual attire-a black suit jacket and slacks, white dress shirt underneath, a red tie-and sat at his desk. If someone dared to mess up-a poor young lady spilled his coffee the millionth time he asked her to bring it to him, a man filed something incorrectly, and god forbid you don’t call him “sir”-his face would flush a deep, angry red and he’d stamp his foot on the carpet. He’d open his mouth, and then the yelling would start and everyone in the office would need to cover their ears. This was how things were done; Bill made demands, and people gave in to them as soon as he started to raise his voice. It was only natural that they do this, he figured; only natural that his ranting and yelling get through to his weak subordinates. It was proof he was in charge, and the fact that they couldn’t do a damn thing about it was all too amazing, a rush of power that had him acting arrogant. The man was completely unaware that, on this day, everything would change. His father had died several days prior, and while he had been pretty broken-up about it, he was mostly excited. He’d finally get his spot in the company, finally get to prove his worth to the man who’d always insisted he wouldn’t be good enough to get the spot. When someone knocked on his door, he muttered something under his breath and called out, “Come in!” in an annoyed tone, slumping in his chair as he was want to do.
  2. Aizawa Shouta’s brother had helped him set up a nursery for his troublesome younger brother, a bratty kid who stubbornly refused to keep his clothes dry and kept taking them off. He was too old to keep lying about himself like an infant, he was already ten years old, and no matter how much he whined and complained he would be getting punished. The custom baby clothes were a bit larger than he thought, as were the diapers(more infantile than he thought was necessary), and he thought the locking clothing was a bit much but John assured him that it would be fine. He arranged a babysitter for his brother and their baby brother, someone who seemed pretty eager to help. Unbeknownst to him, however, his brother John decided that Aizawa would be the baby instead. John entered his older brother’s name-Aizawa Shouta-as the name of the ten-year-old who needed to be treated like a complete baby because he couldn’t keep his Pampers on like a good boy. He put his own name name down as the “big brother” who needed less attention but still had to wear Pampers. Now all he had to do was wait for the babysitter to arrive, and he could make sure his dear old “big brother” could get taken care of like the big baby he was. John’s older brother had shaved a few days before, so his face was baby-soft and round. That coupled with his short stature, big blue eyes, and pouty little lips made him look as though he really was just a kid. Aizawa was even wearing an oversized outfit like usual, his fingertips barely visible in the too-large sleeves, so he looked like he was playing dress-up.
  3. Aizawa Shouta was not the type of man to make mistakes. His younger brother, on the other hand, was always causing trouble for him; the boy never shut up, and constantly whined like a kid. Lately, his brother had not only gotten himself fired from his job but also started messing up the house he now lived in. Now that they were living together, he assumed things would be different, but they weren’t. So today he was online, filling out a form requesting a babysitter for older kids or adults who were too irresponsible to be looked after on their own. Shouta already stocked their guest room with a crib, a changing table, and the thickest, most babyish adult diapers he could find. There was a high-chair, a bottle big enough for his brother, and even baby toys strewn around the room. He bought locking diaper covers and babyish onesies that would lock as well, along with locking mittens so his brother wouldn’t be able to use his hands. He decided to make a few rules to follow. 1. Make sure he is always double or triple-diapered because he tends to have big stinky accidents at night and in daytime. He will try to convince you he doesn’t need diapers, but don’t listen to him: he has to wear them or he’ll make big messes on the floor. 2. He may look mature, but you have to make sure to lock his diapers on him with locking panties and make sure he wears locking clothing/mittens to bed just in case he tries being a bad baby and taking off his diapers. 3. Make sure the baby acts his age! No wearing big-boy clothes or eating all by himself, he’s too little for that. Absolutely no bathroom privileges! If he tries going to the bathroom, make sure to lock baby in his stinky diapers for the rest of the day so he knows he’s already wearing his potty. 4. Give him bottles before and after din-din. He might try to fuss and say he’s too big for bottles, and if he does, just feed him them anyway. Make sure to burp him after, he gets gassy. If he gets fussy and he’s already had his bottles and his din-din, give him a pacifier. 5. Do not let him go outside on his own or let him order you around. He will try to convince you he’s a big boy, but he’s not. Make sure you stand your ground and treat him like the little baby he is. If you do go outside, he must hold your hand or be carried because he is not big enough to go all on his own. 6. Feel free to punish him as you see fit if he isn’t wearing his diapers or baby clothes when he answers the door; he knows better, he’ll only have big, stinky accidents if he’s not dressed. He must be wearing his diapers at all times. No exceptions! He is a very frequent wetter and messer; he has proven he will not keep his big-boy clothes dry. His crib is in the guest bedroom, along with his changing table, diapers, and baby clothes. 7. Make sure the baby doesn’t try walking anywhere or leaving the house; he’s just a baby, it’s dangerous outside for such a little boy. 8. He can only crawl on his hands and knees because he’s just a baby; if you catch him standing or trying to walk after you diaper him, feel free to give him a spanking or some corner-time for being such a bad boy. If he’s good and crawls for you, give him some yummy chocolate milk as a reward. Little did Aizawa Shouta know that, in his tired daze, he put his own name in place of the name of his brother and then fell asleep.
  4. The idea is this: my character gets fed-up with his brother’s immaturity. When they’re left home alone for a while, he takes his chance and fills out an online form for a very strict babysitter and outlines many possible punishments/humiliating, babyish treatments for the “baby”. Unfortunately for him, he accidentally entered his own name in place of his brother’s, and now he’s trapped with a strict male babysitter who won’t take “no” for an answer.
  5. WHat is the MOST punitive diapers anyone have ever had on? Has it produced a waddle?
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