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As the song goes; I get by with a little help from my friends.. Sorry for the mix up... I think I am in the right place now. When I finish the story THEN I will post it in completed stories... ? Sorry folks. Please enjoy! ~LTRID CHAPTER 1 “Jace! Wait up!” Jace turned around to see Gina, a girl from entry physics, run up behind him. Jace turned and faced her. “Oh, hey Gina. How are you today?” Jace asked as cheerful as he could be considering he just finished a three-hour exam that started at seven. “I’m good! But I am still having trouble with chapter seventeen…” Gina pouted. “I am sure that Professor Williams could…” Jace was cut off. “I was hoping that maybe I could sneak in an extra study session with you tonight?” Gina smiled flashing doe eyes to Jace. “I mean… I was kinda hoping to take it easy tonight… Today was my last exam…” Jace scratched the back of his neck. “Please Jace!” Gina begged. “You’re the only TA that makes any sense to me… Something about the way you teach just clicks for me.” Jace looked around trying to come up with any excuse to get out of tutoring tonight. “Tell you what!” Gina started seeing Jace’s apprehension. “My roommate is already gone for the semester. Why don’t you come over to my dorm instead of the library? That way you don’t have to be all professional.” “I really only get paid for the hours listed in the syllabus…” Jace replied. “That’s perfect! I’ll figure out a way to pay you for the study session and then you can come to my dorm!” Gina replied eagerly. “That is not what I…” Jace began. “Awesome!” Gina cut him off and grabbed his hand to write on. “My room is 28C, be there at five!” Gina winked and carried on her way, leaving Jace to think about what had just transpired. Jace had just wanted to spend the rest of the day relaxing; he had not had any time to himself for the last few weeks and stress was getting to him. He just wanted to play some video games and do some reading that did not involve college. Jace looked to his hand where Gina had written her note. 5PM 28C, Gina ?. But she dotted her ‘i’ with a heart. Jace sighed and continued walking down the hall. He did not like all the attention he had been getting recently. His first two years of college he was practically invisible; everyone saw him as the nerdy high school kid. But now that he is a viable option, girls he never would have dreamed to talk to are coming up to him. At first it was flattering, but as Jace became more serious with Amy he started seeing it more as an annoyance. He just wants to find time for himself and enjoy some peace and quiet. MSG: JESSICA WHEELING ‘You out of your exam yet? And more importantly do you want to get food? ~Jess.’ ‘Out of exam. Starving. Need to change first. ~Jace Windu.’ ‘☹ Amy told me that you two were working all week on potty training. She said that you were making such good progress too! Do you want help changing? ~Jess’ ‘No… And glad to see that Amy is telling the world about my potty training! ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Take a breath Jace… ~Jess.’ ‘Sorry… stress, hungry, tired… ~Jace Windu.’ ‘And wet? ~Jess.’ ‘Funny… ~Jace Windu.’ ‘It is one of my many talents! Was today your last exam? ~Jess.’ ‘Yes. Thank God! ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Awesome! We are having screwdrivers. ~Jess.’ ‘I just want to eat and go to my dorm… ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Too late! Ordered us food! Come to my dorm for pre-brunch drinks. ~Jess.’ ‘Ugh… Can I at least change first? ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Hell no! Change when you get here! You have sat in it this long already, what’s five more minutes? ~Jess.’ ‘Wow… ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Scoot that diaper butt! Drinks are awaiting! ~Jess.’ Jace put his phone back in his pocket. He loved Jessica, but she can sure be bossy sometimes. Unfortunately, Amy had been picking up this habit as well. Jace turned to head to the dorms instead of the cafeteria. His GreatNite sagging in his pants. CHAPTER 2 KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK “It’s open!” Jessica called. Jace opened the door and walked in. “Took you long enough!” Jessica jested. “Literally has been five minutes!” Jace replied, exasperated. “Hopefully, that is not what you say to your girlfriend.” Jessica said handing Jace a glass of orange juice. Jace laughed and shook his head at his friend. Jessica had a way of calming him down and getting him out of his head. He took a drink. “Jeepers Jess!” Jace said coughing. “What? You said today was your last exam!” Jessica replied with a smile. “This tastes like vodka with a splash of orange juice.” Jace said pointing to his drink. “You are not wrong.” Jessica said holding up an empty juice container. “More will come with the food.” Jace stared to Jessica holding up an empty juice container. He then looked to her glass and saw it was only vodka. For some reason, this scene was funny to him and he started laughing, causing Jessica to join in and laugh as well. After a longer than normal time of laughing the pair eventually calmed down. “I don’t know why that was so funny, but it was.” Jace said smiling wiping a tear from his eye. “I am just that funny!” Jessica replied. “Cheers!” They both drank their straight vodka, Jace suffering far worse than Jessica. “Do you have any exam’s left?” Jace asked grimacing at his cup. “Nope. Last one was yesterday.” Jessica replied, inviting Jace to sit on the bed. “Nice.” Jace replied, sitting. “How long are you going to stay on campus then?” “Till Friday, Kelly and I are driving to Lake Crescent for the holiday.” Jessica replied sitting in her chair opposite Jace. “Things getting serious with you two then?” Jace asked raising an eyebrow. “Ehh…” Jessica said waving a hand to brush Jace off. “I don’t want anything official just yet.” “Still spooked from the bitch that shall not be named?” Jace asked. “Yes.” Jessica replied blankly. “Well, I am glad you took my suggestion. You both will love the place; it gets beautiful in the winter.” Jace said, taking a drink. “You said that you and your mom went there right?” Jessica asked. “Every year.” Jace answered. “Are you going this year?” “Nah, Amy is meeting my mom for the first time, so we are staying home for the holiday.” “Now that is getting serious.” Jessica stated taking a long sip from her drink. “First girl I am brining home to my mother…” Jace said finishing his drink. “Will drink to that.” Jessica said holding her drink up to Jace before finishing it. “Good luck soldier.” “Thanks… I am hoping she will be normal.” Jace replied. “Who? Isadora or Amy?” Jessica asked. “My mother…” Jace replied. “Well, I am sure Amy will do fine. She has put up with me all semester.” Jessica said tapping her chin. “That we can agree on!” Jace replied smirking. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP Jace’s watch started going off. “What’s that for?” Jessica asked. “Ahh… Just something that Amy has me trying…” Jace replied sheepishly silencing the alarm. “Trying for what?” Jessica asked. “To keep me on schedule.” Jace replied. “On schedule for what?” Jessica asked. “It’s so that I get reminded to make it on time.” Jace replied. “Make it to what?” Jessica asked. Jessica started at Jace blankly. Jace was trying to find a way of explaining it without needed to say what it is. “I am just messing with you! Amy told me she started you on a potty watch!” Jessica smiled. “Oh, and you said you needed to change right?” “Yeah. I forgot about that…” Jace said embarrassed. “Hence the potty watch.” Jessica stated referencing to Jace’s watch. “You girls need to stop talking to one another.” Jace said, letting his body fall to its side, his head hitting the pillow. “Never going to happen!” Jessica said looking to her phone and standing up. “Food is about to get here. You change, I’ll be back in ten.” “I will be here.” Jace held a thumb up to Jessica. Jessica left her dorm leaving Jace alone on her bed. SEND MSG: AMY APPLEGATE ‘I am kidnapping your boyfriend for brunch today! He seems super stressed from exams, so I thought I would treat him. ~Jess.’ ‘Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Seriously, he has been in the library non-stop I have barely been able to see him. I will swing by after I am done with my exam. Starts in ten, wish me luck! ~Applesauce.’ ‘Good luck! Just so you know, daycare pick-up ends at 5! ~Jess.’ ‘That is too funny! Thank you for babysitting! ~Applesauce.’ ‘Anytime! Despite his general grumpiness he can be tolerable sometimes. ~Jess.’ Amy had stopped replying to Jessica. Jessica met the delivery person at the front door and grabbed the food she had ordered. She returned to her room. “Honey, I’m home!” Jessica announced as she walked into her room. “Jace?” Jessica looked to her bed to find Jace slumped over fast asleep in her bed. He still had his backpack on and everything. Jessica smiled noticing Jace sleep so soundly, she knew how tired he must be. She walked over to him and took off his backpack. She noticed the writing on Jace’s hand. “Gina?” She asked herself. Jessica knew that Jace would never be the cheating type, but still this was clearly a girl’s handwriting. She decided not to dwell on it, figuring he would provide an explanation when he woke up. “Aww, Jace… Dammit…” Jessica said looking to Jace’s crotch. Jace had wet himself while laying on his side and a small amount leaked onto his shorts and Jessica’s bed. Jessica attempted to stir Jace but to no avail. The mix of being over worked and the alcohol put Jace under deep. Seeing that she was not going to be getting her bed back any time soon Jessica went to work to get Jace changed for his nap. She rolled him onto his back and undid his pants, sliding them down little by little revealing his oversaturated GreatNite. “What happened to potty training?” Jessica asked rolling her eyes at Jace’s GreatNite. Jessica shook her head and walked to her dresser opening the top drawer revealing a Poof diaper that she kept from Amy’s sorority hazing, this one had hearts on it. She retrieved it and moved back to Jace. “Jace, sweetie please lift your butt up for me.” Jessica said in a gently sing song voice. Jace did not stir. “You are going to make this difficult, aren’t you?” Jessica asked. Jessica unfolded the diaper and lifted Jace’s legs putting it close to his butt. She then scooted it slowly inching it under him. Finally, she got it in place. “Don’t say I never did anything for you.” Jessica said looking at her handiwork. She ripped the sides of Jace’s GreatNite and slid it out from under him. She folded the diaper up between his legs and fastened it tightly. She got off the bed and grabbed and extra blanket tossing it over Jace. She went to eat her own food before it went cold. “I love you mommy.” Jace said still sleeping, talking to a dream. Jessica turned to look at Jace. She wondered if he knew that she just changed him or if he thought it was all a dream. CHAPTER 3 Jace awoke confused. He looked out the window to see that the sun was setting. “What time is it?” Jace asked. He looked around to see that he was alone in Jessica’s room. He shifted to stand up but felt a familiar crinkle between his legs. Jace pull the blanket back and say that he had been changed into a Poof diaper while he slept. This one had flowers on it; upon closer inspection Jace had found that several of the petals had faded. His stomach growled. Jace had not eaten or had a bowel movement yet today. “Dammit…” Jace cursed and fell back into Jessica’s bed. Jace looked up to the celling. All he wanted to do was read and play video games. Instead, he wound up in a girl’s bed, without her, in a diaper. Jace rolled to his side, his saturated diaper shifting with him. He grabbed his phone. MSG: JESSICA WHEELING, AMY APPLEGATE ‘Hey! You passed out and wet my bed! Had to change you while you were asleep. Figured a diaper would be best… Sleep as long as you want, I know you need it. ~Jess.’ ‘Meeting Kelly to celebrate exams being over at the sorority house. You are welcome to stop by, but I saw that you have a date at five… I will require explanations when you wake up. ~Jess.’ ‘Hello boyfriend! I stopped by Jess’s to meet her to go to the sorority house and saw you were sleeping. You looked so cute and I did not want to wake you, but you were almost soaked through your diaper, so Jess helped me change you before we left. Oh, and should I be worried about this Gina??? JK, but for real who is she??? ~Applesauce.’ Jace let his arm fell to his side with his phone in hand. He had a diaper change not once, but twice while he was sleeping. Jace cringed at the thought. He appreciated when Amy gave him diaper changes and even helped her when she needed it. But for him to be changed in his sleep felt so… familiar. Jace had been changed plenty of times in his sleep growing up by his mother or the several nannies/babysitters that she hired over the years, however, he had wanted to leave that behind when he started living on campus. He wanted a fresh start and wanted to work on finally potty training. Jace shivered. He had started to suspect that since his mother had never potty trained him growing up that he may never be fully trained. It was not a thought that Jace liked to dwell on. He rolled to his back and stared at the celling again. He felt his stomach in his chest, he was not sure why he was feeling this way. Maybe the stress was finally getting to him. Maybe he just needed to use the restroom. Or maybe he was starting to accept his lot in life, diapered and changed by everyone around him. He pictured Amy dotting on him how his mother had one done. Waking him up in the morning, feeding him, diaper checks, changing times. He enjoyed those times with his mother, but also enjoyed that Amy is a part of them now. Jace started to think that he was having an early life crisis. Or that he was at a conflict with himself. One part wanting to be the typical college guy and the other that likes to be babied every so often. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP Jace silenced his watch. He checked the time. “5:15!” Jace shrieked jumping out of bed. He had slept the whole day away and was late to meet Gina. He ran over and turned on the lights and tried to get ready. He was searching for his backpack but could not find it. SEND MSG: JESSICA WHEELING ‘Hey Jess, sorry I fell asleep on you. Just woke up. Gina is someone who asked me to tutor her in physics. Have you seen my backpack? ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Baby boy finally wakes up! DO you kno I gave you a diapy change twice today! Bad Baby! Very, very Bad! You were supposed to be going to the potty like a big boy! ~Jess.’ ‘Are you drunk? ~Jace Windu.’ ‘I AM CELEBRATING! ~Jess.’ ‘So… your wasted then? ~Jace Windu.’ ‘I am enjoying my youth! You should come out to join us!!! ~Jess.’ ‘Sure, maybe. But I promised I would help Gina study. Maybe I’ll swing by after. Backpack? ~Jace Windu.’ RING, RING, RING. Jessica called Jace. “Hello?” Jace answered. “Heeey!” Jessica shouted into her phone. “I have Amy here and we want to know what is up with this Gina girl?” “Oh, Lord…” Jace replied. “Boyfriend! Are you cheating on me?” Amy shouted into the phone, also sounding tipsy. “What? No! Gina is a girl from entry physics that I TA for, she wants me to help her study for her last exam!” Jace stated. There was silence on the line. “Hello?” Jace asked. “Hey Jace…” A male voice responded. “Barry?” Jace asked, he thought he recognized the voice as a sorority sister’s boyfriend that often bartends at the house. “Yeah, Jess started puking and Amy went with her to the bathroom.” Barry said. “Dude… it is like five.” Jace replied. “College life!” Barry laughed. “Future AA member!” Jace replied. “That too! Look I heard what you said, I will fill Amy in on it. She assumed it was something like that, but Jess wanted to mess with you. I gotchu covered.” Barry said. “Thanks. I owe you one…” Jace said. “Oh, do they have my backpack? It is black with blue stripes.” “You mean the one that has Jace embroidered on it?” Barry asked. “Yeah… That one.” Jace replied sheepishly. “They got it here. Amy said she was going to refill it for you or something but then they stayed here.” Barry responded. “Thanks… Alright, well let me know if I need to come get Amy. Jess is Kelly’s problem now.” Jace said. “Will do man. Be good.” Barry said. “You too. Thanks man.” Jace hung up the phone. Jace looked around the room for his pants. He found them hanging in the closet. He went to put them on and found that they smelt like pee. He just needed to get back to his room and change fast so these would suffice. Jace got his pants around his swelled diaper and left Jessica’s dorm. He hoped that he would not run into anyone and could just get back to change. He made it past the elevators. “Jace!” Gina called from the elevator. Jace’s heart sank. He tried to keep walking. Gina ran up to catch him. “You didn’t forget, did you?” Gina asked. “Nope, was just heading to my dorm quick to get into something more appropriate and then I was going to be on my way down to you.” Jace said. “Stop being so professional! You look fine!” Gina grabbed his arm and pulled him to the elevator. “We have important studying to do!” Gina pulled Jace to the elevator and shut the door. Jace heard his stomach grumble once more as the doors closed. CHAPTER 4 Arriving on floor three Gina pulled Jace to her dorm. Her hands around his forearm. “I am just down the hall.” Gina smiled pulling Jace along. “I believe you, but I can walk on my own…” Jace replied. “Right… Silly me…” Gina replied releasing his arm. “Hey Gina!” A girl called as they walked past a room with the door propped open. “Busy!” Gina called as they kept walking. “Get it girl!” She called from the room. Gina blushed. “Please ignore her…” Said Gina. “Did not hear a thing.” Jace replied with a smile. They arrived at Gina’s dorm and walked in, Gina shut the door behind them. Jace looked around and saw that Gina had prepared the room to be more like a romantic dinner than a study session. She had candles lit and a bottle of wine open with two glasses. “What is all this?” Jace asked, a bit taken aback at the scene. “Can I be honest with you?” Gina asked. “I wish you would!” Jace replied. “I am moving off campus next semester.” Gina said quickly. “Oh, why is that?” Jace asked. “My grades were terrible all year and I am on academic probation. My parents are making me get a job over break and making me move back home or they are going to cut me off.” Gina continued. “I haven’t been able to talk about it with anyone.” Jace could tell that Gina was genuinely upset over this. “I am really sorry to hear that. And I am sorry for asking… but why are you talking to me about this? Shouldn’t you talk about this with one of your girlfriends?” Jace asked. Tears started to swell in Gina’s eyes. “Hey! I am sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you!” Jace awkwardly touched her arm. “If you need someone to talk to… I am here for you.” Gina hugged Jace, pressing her face into Jace’s chest. She started sobbing. Jace looked around the room, not knowing what to do in this situation. He patted her on the back. “There… there… no need to cry.” Jace smiled. “I’m sorry… it’s just… I haven’t made any friends here… and I just wanted… I am sorry.” Gina pushed away from Jace and started wiping her eyes. “I should not have asked you to come over. Please, you can leave.” Jace was unsure of what to do. He wanted out of this situation, but he also did not want to underscore this girl’s cry for help. “You know what… You went through all this trouble… I guess I could stay for a glass of wine…” Jace stated. “You mean it?” Gina’s face lit up. “Yes, of course. I don’t have any exams left I can have a drink.” Said Jace. “You are an amazing human!” Gina squeaked running to the bottle of wine. “I am just doing what I can.” Jace gave a fake smile. Gina handed Jace a glass of wine and invited him to sit on her desk chair. Gina had rearranged her room so that her bedside dresser acted as a makeshift table. Gina sat in her bed opposite Jace. “So, why did you go through this whole charade of studying if you just wanted to hang out?” Jace asked sipping his wine. “I…” Gina looked to her glass swirling the contents. “Was planning on studying… But then I got the notification that I will need to repeat all my classes next semester.” “You are not going to take the exam then?” Asked Jace. “There is no way I am going to pass, so I was just going to say the hell with it.” Gina took a drink. “You should still take it. Treat it as a preview.” Jace said. “I’ll think about it…” Gina replied taking a drink. “So… what job are you doing over break?” Jace asked sipping his wine. “I am working at Dandy Daycare in Lake Crescent.” Gina replied. “Oh, I know that place well.” Said Jace. “Yeah?” Gina asked. “I thought no one had heard of the town before.” “My mom and I go every year over the winter holiday. She uses Dandy’s babysitting service.” Jace replied. “That is what I was hired for! I am working in their babysitting service.” Gina replied. “That will be fun! I always have a great time up there.” Jace said. “Really?” Gina asked. “Absolutely! The town is beautiful! There is a holiday market and a parade and even fireworks!” Jace responded excitedly. “Sounds like you have a great time up there.” Gina smiled. “I did, it is the place I think to when I want to relax.” Jace replied. “Maybe it will be that for me too.” Gina said sipping her wine. “I hope it will.” Jace smiled. The pair sat in an awkward silence for an extended moment. “I just wanted to have at least one college experience before moving back into my childhood bedroom!” Gina stated out of nowhere. “Random… what do you mean college experiences?” Jace raised an eyebrow. “You know… get drunk, go to a frat party, smoke weed, have a one-night stand…” Gina took a large drink. Jace took a sip awkwardly. “You haven’t done any of those things?” Jace asked. “No… this was my last attempt at maybe having one… or two…” Gina looked up to Jace attempting to be seductive. “Gina…” Jace started apologetically. “I am really flattered by all this, but I am seeing someone.” “Oh… I am… I’m an idiot!” Gina smacked her forehead. “Of course, you have a girlfriend, you are very attractive and witty and nice and…” Gina started to tear up again. Jace downed his glass of wine and walked over and sat next to her and put his arm around her. “Please don’t feel embarrassed. I don’t exactly promote it and you never know unless you shoot your shot, right?” Jace tried to cheer her up. “Yeah…” Gina replied sheepishly. Jace sat there wondering how long he needed to stay here before he could leave without being rude. Gina downed her glass of wine and set her glass on the table. She reached over and grabbed Jace by the front of his shirt and started kissing him ferociously. Jace tried to push her off him, but her grip was tight. “Please Jace.” Gina moaned, she started grinding his lap. “No one needs to know… Please let me have this.” Gina reached her hand down to Jace’s crotch and lifted his shirt, she started sliding her hand down into Jace’s pants. Jace jumped up, lifting Gina with him, and dropped her onto her bed. “What is the matter with you!” Jace said angrily. “I was just taking your advice and shooting my shot!” Gina replied. “I just told you I had a girlfriend!” Jace replied. “So? I thought all college guys cheated!” Gina said. “Yeah, well… not me.” Jace wiped his mouth with his wrist. “Come on, Jace… don’t you want me?” Gina said running her hands up and down her body. “Honestly, no. I just want to leave and that is what I am going to do.” Jace turned to the door. “Fine!” Gina yelled after him. “I bet you are gay anyway!” “Goodbye Gina!” Jace said walking out into the hallway. “Screw you!” She shouted as Jace closed the door. Jace walked quickly down the hallway back towards the elevators. “That was quick…” Commented the girl with the open door as Jace walked past.
If you could be small again and diapered by anyone famous (doesn't have to be super famous) who would it be? Also, what would be a stinky diaper scenario that would be your favorite? Perhaps one where you poop in the diaper at the line of the super market? Or maybe you hide in the morning after waking up to a mess in your dide. Whats your perfect stinky dide situation and how would you want it to play out?
- 9 replies
- diaper
- disposable
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