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Everything posted by PhilDL

  1. What exactly did "the talk" entail? For me to offer an opinion I would need to know what they know. Did you say you just like the feeling, did you say you have a wetting problem? Why did you tell them, were you caught, did they see you in a diaper? Finally are there siblings living at home? Phil
  2. Daily Di, how long have you been on Lexapro? I'm on 10mg per day. Any side effects? Phil
  3. I called Principal Business, the manufacturer of Tranquility earlier this year. I voiced my concern that they might be like other companies and go with cloth like. I was assured that they will not abandon plastic backed diapers. They have heard from caregivers expressing since the plastic makes it easier to slide on a bed it makes it easier for changes. I was told they have out or are working on a paperback but again the plastic is here to stay! Phil
  4. So here in my state of Tennessee, the Tennessee
  5. Yeah I'm sick of the pull-ups too. They have a purpose for light incontinence, I've used them sometimes for IBS. What pisses me off is some people {youtube punks} referring to them as diapers. I feel sorry for someone who has more than light incontinence because with the choices in stores of pull-ups and cheap store brand diapers, they won't be dry for long. I always look at it like this, at least in the USA, the population is getting older. I believe we will always have an outlet for true diapers. Phil
  6. I will always respect someones limits. I think what is more frustrating than getting a lady to accept this is trying to understand their lack of consideration for having someone in exchange doing household chores for them! It's like work. Most people hate their jobs and the customers, they deal with that crap for money. Phil
  7. Occasionally there are tape issues. After applying the tape I put a finger over the tape and one inside the diaper and rub to add pressure and build up some friction heat to help the adhesive. Also especially for bedtime, any diaper needs special consideration for proper diapering. Phil
  8. Since March I've been dealing with an ever increasing bout of depression. Having dealt with bouts of depression for 20 years this one had been the worse ever. Of course with a history, recent family problems and going on 14 months of unemployment I couldn't handle it anymore. Through out these days I was planning out my suicide. This wasn't something I planned on carrying out right away, I can't do it while my parents are alive but I do have all the details of my suicide plans worked out. Well at the end of last month I went to a new primary Doctor and told him of my deepening depression but not the suicidal thoughts, he gave me some samples of Lexapro. Finally after this weekend I'm starting to feel better. In just the past few days I've gone from feeling neutral to feeling more positive. During all this my only care were diapers. Diapers now as in the past bring my only joy. This morning I was lying in bed with a wet diaper and thinking this is at least one reason I want to live a long life, I want as much time to enjoy wearing my diapers! If I live to an old age in a senior living facility I will be happy having others changing me! Over the past 12 years I've been on and off many prescriptions. The only think that ever worked was Effexor XL. It had side effects, sweating and thirst, the withdrawal effects were terrible. My Psychiatrist said he had never seen such a bad withdrawal as he saw with me. This is why I was apprehensive to go back on meds. The side effect of Lexapro does seem to be sexual, even though my libido is still there I can't get an erect penis or ejaculate! So since I don't have a lady in my life I guess this is better than the debilitating depression. Wondering if others are dealing with depression? Phil
  9. I've been using Tranquility for years now. At bed time I use the ATN along with a Huggies size 5 overnite. This combo is just as good as a Molicare! I highly recommend them. The best price is at Magic Medical, http://magicmedical.com/trandisdiap.html The price includes shipping and discreet shipping. Stay away from Northshore Care, a case of Tranquility is 8 bags, Northshore Care will sell you a case with only 6 bags! Phil
  10. Well what they get in return is someone doing their tedious household chores, that's their compensation! Here's an example, I hate washing my car, if some lady said I'll come over and wash your car in her bikini because she wants to show off her tattoos or scarring. I would say sure I'll sit down watch her wash my car while she also gets me a refreshing drink. Now if she said after I wash your car I want you to grab a razor and etch my initial in her ass, then I would say no thank you. So this is the same I'm asking, I hate household chores too, all I'm asking is to be watched in my diaper as I clean for her, not to change me. Phil
  11. Thanks for the correction, another brain fart for today!
  12. I'm someone who is a diaper lover and a fan of BDSM, two of my three favorite fetishes. Here on Daily Diapers I heard about Fetlife a few months ago. It's a nice online social site that also has many diaper lovers too. In a local group on Fetlife, I posted an offering for free domestic services for ladies where they could have little to do in exchange. A few contacted me and I told them I wanted to serve them and clean their home in my diaper. Now in BDSM, diapers are known, in fact diapers are listed in purity tests. They are all for have free cleaning done. Once I mention the diaper they seem to balk at the idea. It's not like I want them to change me, just let me come over and clean in my diaper! Now I understand that we shouldn't thrust out fetish onto others but this is the BDSM community that is suppose to be opened minded. One of the ladies who responded is into scarring. In fact she has a picture of a fresh cutting on her ass where her Master carved initials! So why am I being treated like a Leper by people like this? I think scarring, piercing and tattoos are terrible. But if you are into that how can you treat a diaper lover like a social pervert! The difference is this, if they wanted to do this for me I wouldn't care if they wanted to show me their carvings but then if they wanted me to participate in carving then it's a different story just as if I asked them to change me. Phil
  13. Okay maybe I'm off on a tangent here but I have to comment on it here. It's sad that we have to start off by saying we're not racist, it pisses me off in this political correct culture which itself is racism! Let me stop here and say I've worked with many races other than my own. Many of those were friends and some were better workers than those of my own race. If you have trash in your neighbor of any race, I suggest that you set up a low key security camera and nail whoever is responsibly by bringing it to the police and follow through providing this to the delivery company and bring these people to small claims court. A few years ago someone was being rude and inconsiderate to a bride. When I first polity asked the person to move, they immediately became hostile and followed by calling me a racist and then had his gang bully me. I called the police, when they arrived I went up and first said to the cop that they are pulling their racism bullsh*t. The truth was that they were the racist. Many who were there with me consider my actions risky. I don't care, pull this with me and I'll give it right back!
  14. I contacted Babykins and my Protex, neither have a pant with a liner and and wick free bands. I guess there is no such animal! Phil
  15. Well in the morning I like sitting in my wet diaper! I use Tranquility ATN with a Huggies overnite, they hold a lot but as you wrote the pressure will cause leaking. The wick free pants work perfectly, I'm just trying to add comfort. I'll check out the other sites. I have a seat protector but it's easier to clean plastic pants than the seat pad. Phil
  16. Happy Birthday Repaid1! I hope you are getting many diaper related gifts today. Don't forget to spend the day diapered! Phil
  17. I'm looking for plastic pants with a liner and also wick free leg bands. I checked Fetware and B4NS, they don't have them. It seems that any pant with a liner doesn't have wick free. When I wake up in the morning I put on plastic pants to put over my disposable diaper. I eat breakfast and sit at my computer for a couple of hours. The plastic pants do the job and keep my pants and seat dry, but the plastic on the bottom of my thighs becomes uncomfortable. The liner type is so comfortable but cause leakage with the non wick free leg bands. Does anyone know if these combo pants exist? Phil
  18. Thanks babykeiff! Well I made an appointment with the Urologist on the 21st. The Primary Dr. didn't explain but his concern was cancer. Since I have the pain in the lower right in the front and back he's also concerned about the 2.0 cm simple cortical cyst on the right kidney. As of the Oct. 2008 CT scan there are no stones. Although the primary has many concerns he just seems to give me more questions than answers. He was going to get me the name of a surgeon for a review but he obliviously forgot all about it. Thanks, Phil
  19. Hence the problem, I have no significant other!
  20. The CT report reads "medium sized bladder is mildly indented by mildly enlarged 5.0 x 4.1 cm in the calcified prostate gland ... bladder wall thickening versus artifact due to incomplete distention"
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