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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by abrichiebc

  1. Anyone in the Spokane area that would like to meet Saturday, May 16th for a MUNCH in the afternoon. Perhaps later in the evening we could head downtown to the torchlight parade then maybe some diaper changes afterwards.
  2. Did anyone get this message after filling out the registration form? Since we are committed to online security and privacy, particularly with regard to children, we cannot accept your registration. Thank you.
  3. You are very close. I was given some information about Wellness briefs and some competitors. The Mega CareLine and Dry 24/7 were made in Israel. The wellness brief used to be made by a company in Europe, but I believe they have switched over to the same Israeli manufacturer as Dry 24/7 Wellness and Uniquebrief have the identical website.
  4. Have you found anything out there riflemanjon? Ultrapampers : that pic is from the Wellness diaper co.
  5. I believe you have the Breathable briefs and not the Extended Wear. The Extended wear diapers come 18 to a bag in medium and the breathables 24 to a bag per medium. Check the bag . This info is right from Attends website.
  6. Those are no doubt the Classics which are no longer made. They replaced those with the Breathable brief with the cloth outer and velcro tab. They are not very good for someone who is active like mentioned further in this forum. Like stated, the tabs break and do not take a flow very well and distribute it through the diaper. I personally use them as a stuffer inside another plastic backed one. Although I got two cases of them cheap on EBay, oh well...
  7. Like Payal said, you are protected withthem as long as they see money in the persons PayPal account. Obviously she has taken the cash from the sales from that account. One thing to consider when using PayPal is to check the persons creditibility, what is the feedback rating. It is totally unfortunate that this style of doing business has taken place and have put alot of people in loss of funds with no recourse. I have a freind who is also in the same situation, but he sent her cash in the mail and to this day has not received anything.
  8. So where exactly do these diapers come from ? I thought they would have come more to the case than 60. They are a good diaper, especially overnight use for heavy wetting. What is final cost at 69$ delivered?
  9. Sounds top me like you need to get new roommates. For one, they should not be opening your mail that is addressed to you. I believe in the US that it is a federal offence to tamper with US mail that is not yours? It is totally within reason to offer to pay for the shipping, and you send payment either by e-payment or by post to the seller. When the seller receives the payment, they send the article. I don't think you have the right to come on the board and start name calling because you have shit ass roommates that you are worried about snooping into your mail.
  10. Well, he got $102us for it. Whom ever won payed $4.64 per diaper.
  11. OOPS, replied to wrong post. What kind of diaper is that, is it adult or baby diaper? Where did you get it and where are you from?
  12. What kind of diaper is that and where did you get it from? Is it an adult or baby diaper?
  13. I too have used cloth diapers for many years here. Mine are mostly rectangular flat prefolds in flannel and birdseye. After wetting the diaper, place it in a pail with water with either vinegar or peroxide, this will help with odor and as well whitening. I use my washing machine as my diaper pail. You can use bleach on diapers, but sparingly, use it on about every 6th load or so or when you notice that they are discoloring or turning grey. Never use fabric softener as it leaves a film on the fabric surface which will inhibit absorbsion. LLMedico has a good selection of plastic pants both solid and prints and good prices. Always follow the manufacturers instructions for care of plastic pants. Most of them you can put in the dryer on low heat or air dry without damaging them.
  14. I know that you can either send private message or mail if you click on the persons profile. In the list on the left you scroll down near the bottom. But like you said, whether the messages go to prvate mail is another issue. I have tried this option as well and have yet to get responses back.
  15. Is there anyone here in the area that likes to camp on the weekends? We could get together and camp as a group somewhere anywhere from West Kootenays, Cranbrook-Kelowna to the Okanagan, Penticton-Vernon. Let's get together and hang out near the water in our diapers and tents.
  16. HI, I live outside the US but am very close to the Colville, Spokane areas. I can travel to these cities in less than 2 hours. I would like to be able to meet up with others in the area for diaper fun.
  17. Why do people post they have items to give away and then they disappear from the face of the earth and never reply to posts from people who are interested in the items they have ?? If you are never going to return to the site or check messages, why bother wasting the time to post you have items here to give away ? Makes no sense...
  18. Hey diapered, How much do you think it would cost to have them shipped over here to Washington state, 99114.
  19. abrichiebc


    I have tried e-stim this year, bought a small ( 9v) Tens unit from the classifieds. It works with reusable gel pads that stick to your skin. You certainly have a collection of accesssories for yours. Did they all come with the unit at the garage sale? Where have you bought them ?
  20. I know that the site for ordering Bambinos is quite new, but I am not quite sure just how organized the person is that is filling the orders. If you want some detailed information on it, why not contact Bambino directly. If by chance you know someone who may have a postal box in the US south of Vancouver, it may be worthwhile to have them shipped there and pick them up. I am sure you will save some money as well.
  21. Here is a photo of the cloth pull on diaper. Gabbys Baby Giggles print Asking $35 LUVS size 6, 73 diapers $25
  22. Have you given the thought that the room theorhetically does not belong to you? The room really belongs to your parents and legally they have the right to enter the room at any time they want if they feel that there is a need to. If they thought perhaps you were hiding anything illegal or perhaps your behaviour was strange in the last little while, it could have given them the motion to search or as you say, cleaned it. Although you are correct that you do deserve personal privacy and the right to privacy of your personal possessions. You have to look at whether you pay rent, or room and board to your parents. If you do, then maybe by a slim chance you could by rights have a lock on the door. So unless you do this, your parents have every right to enter at any time they feel they have the need to. As long as you live under their roof, you have to abide by their house rules. Maybe you should sit down and discuss the matter with your mother or father and show them how you feel about them violating your privacy.
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