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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Accept - Turn Me On Bunker Boys - Vegeterian Terror Defender - Labour Liberates
  2. lately different kinds of 'groups' can't identify with religion since the main religions from their point of view do not allow things. In this case especially transgendered&gays who are damned by most of the main religions would naturally come up with contra arguments. They believe that they believe in nothing which is quite wrong. if they believe in atheism they still believe in something, just like christians to god, the moslems to allah or the jewish to jahwe.....please forgive me if i do not talk bout other main religions.... odd discussion really since no one would change the point of view of each other. You really can waste your time with arguments bout philosophy and deeper philosophy or have the best arguments - from your point of view of course. It wouldnt change a damn bit at your discussion opponents, especially in case of religion. Religion, however, is something you like or you dislike. There ain't any middle way through. The god of the atheists is that there is none
  3. Wehrmacht - Drink Beer Be Free Wehrmacht - Beermacht Wehrmacht - Shark Attack
  4. have a smoke (no of course not! gras ROFLMAO i´d suggest pot) and a good nite then
  5. I have had and sometimes still have similar problems sleeping. it doesnt matter though if i wet myself or stay dry overnite while sleeping. In your case i´d reduce the amount (volume) of drinking the last 1-2h before going to bed first. too keep your bodies water-household ok drink what you need but way way earlier. well that'd be first try anyway and i wouldnt expect it to work imidiatly. if first does not work too well i´d try a few drops of valerian tincture each time about 0.5 hours before i go to bed. It kinda helps the body to calm down. since it has a rather bad taste it is better to take it with sugar or like i do in a cup of camomile tea. a 3rd way could be like this warp your mind self hypnosis stuff. it is tough to learn but pretty useful in many cases. by the way here in germany it isnt called self hypnosis but 'autogenes Training' since you dont hypnotize yourself but practicing your mind doing things you want your body to do. if i have really bad times all 3 together helping too but mostly one of the 3 is enough. none of the these working imidiatly , even not the valerian since body is rather unsused to it. valerian is a herbal plant from which a tincture is made. hope that helps anyway since i only can tell what i found to help on myself cheers from germoney
  6. well you all know Pampers i guess here in germany after about 30 years since pampers came on the market it already is a word where even a verb and an adjective have been built up from in some german regions people already use ' I have to pamper me' (verb) instead of 'i have to diaper me' . or like in 'Now you are nicely pampered' (adjective) instead of '.....nicely diapered.'. for example the nurse of my mother always did and she is slightly over 60 now. The word Pampers itself is regulary used for the diaper too. The german translation of diaper, diaper, diapered like above is '(die) Windel', '(jemanden) windeln' and 'gewindelt (sein)' if someone is interested in the translation. a cellphone is a handy here. dunno who came up with that but today a lot of people here think it is the english word for some odd reason. I guess the industry here thought a cellphone IS handy so some marketing chiefs decided on that name rather than the pretty unspeakable and unrecognizeable cellphone (in german at least).
  7. if i´m really interested in a text (book, newspaper article) i read , i´m simply that far away that i does not recognize anyone around me. it is like day dreaming but still fully reading and understanding what i read. currently i´m practicing both , reading and doing a conversation again. well interesting books there are a lot, but conversations with totally unknown can be interesting as well, interrupted or not. especially if interrupted by a nice lady btw, i´m not sure how much you know on german army this time but a tip would be getting at least the biography of General Guderian or Guderians book 'The Modern Tank War'
  8. Eleanor Rigby - Ethel The Frog (cover version of beatles) Children Of The Revolution - Paul Di'Annos Killers (cover version of t-rex) Am I Evil? - Metallica (cover version of diamond head)
  9. *cranks up Tierra Santa and Viper Brazil tonite
  10. I´m very sorry to hear this. I mean that personal things have such an impact. Anyway I never met you in chat , i think so at least, but i wish you the very best that this seemingly personal things going not too bad and that you find your way back sometime when the stress has settled. I have been in such phases often the past few years . How you will ever decide later on, I wish you all the best Cheers, Andy
  11. Just got my copy lol .. it took long enough haha well, who awaits something like in the 80s should run and abide the album. it could be some kind of powerslave or seventh son... part 2 and way beyond. the whole album is surely on a high level but it has nothing above. to me personally it is like Demon's Blow-Out LP atm, I put it to the cupboard in 92 and found it again in 2002. but then it kicked my ass away and i was damn amazed on how I could overlook such a perl for such a time. Demon still is one of the most underrated bands these days although they exist about as long as Maiden
  12. Happy Birthday Kitty ....*me sings with Peter........'Happy Birthday to you....'
  13. if ya on about taboos the böhse onkelz are ya choice. currently playing Böhse Onkelz - Wir Ham' Noch Lange Nicht Genug ......full thing through.... .....Eine dieser Nächte , die viel zu schnell zu Ende gehen....
  14. Top Notch of german speaking music always have been Dimple Minds from Bremen and Böhse Onkelz from Frankfurt, of course chart positions never stated that compared to Die Ärzte and Die Toten Hosen. well aside from this i found a band from Frankfurt, Germoney doing great in mixing up punk style & Motörhead. They are called 'V8 Wankers' . i only can advise you to grab stuff of em
  15. to yourself you never get the crinkle sound away fully. you´ll always hear it if you want to hear it. Others usually dont hear it. As stated before little kids could though. I once got a trowser to a training-combination. as some kind of inner sleeve it hat another very thin trowser sewed in whith little wholes. in this training trowser i never heard any crinkle of my nappies as hard as i tried to recognize the crinkle. looks like it was some kind of noise absorbent lol
  16. In Germoney there is at least one law against providing 'diaper porn' in videos, if they are lend to the 3rd party (end user). Still you can buy em videos though after being checked on your passport ID. At the age of 18 you are legally grown up here anyway, with some few exceptions though. Yes there is. It is commonly known as a law against too hard hardcore porn. As the user you are allowed to buy such pictures but not to lend or giving em away for free anyway (here in germoney). Funny thing aside was a TV station here who gave 2 girls each 50 DM to play soccer in nothing but diapers at Berlins main mall. I guess a video of it is still available somewhere over the net.
  17. Get Böhse Onkelz stuff instead. oomph and rammstein are the top of crap coming from here
  18. I´ll get it soon since i already earn money again and don't have to live from social aid by state . Another hint for the europeans here. VH1 and VH1 classics (european telly) bringing damn nice band reports bout albums and damn long shows with videos from classic hardrock to up to date heavy metal
  19. Helloween - March Of Time Dimple Minds - Alkoholiker Dimple Minds - Hausfrau Dimple Minds - Emergency (Motörhead cover) Dimple Minds - Blau Auf'm Bau
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