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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Amarion-Zero

  1. I sit down and suck on my thumb, because I felt free to do whatever
  2. "You'd rather be in chains than regressed?" She thought "No... You will do what I say" pulls out a gun and aims it at her head "or I shoot..."
  3. She than looks in her bag and pulls out a pink diaper "We have thought for awhile, and have decided to regress you, this way you'd still be unharmed when you surrender, and you can't do anything
  4. A guy named Ron read the bio, no work, food, and housing! This sounded great he filled it and and payed the fee, he got to the place and set down his stuff and sat down in class wearing a black shirt and a blue diaper
  5. She puts the blue pull up on me than pats my butt making me jump, than I hurry to put on my jeans before daisy got in
  6. Sternly walks into the room she was held in, it was underground and she was tied to a chair she is than greeted by a black haired woman saying "You are tied here for a reason, we shall use you to make the king surrender by putting a gun to your head... We could kill you at any moment, but we shall wait until your king comes here and surrenders, until than you shall be watched at all times, and shall not leave this room
  7. "A-alright...." Jason knew he wasn't a baby but also knew he shouldn't argue with his mother
  8. "W-What!" I say madly "Im perfectly capable of using the restroom when I need too...." He said getting less mad "if you have any respect for me can you wait until I actually have an accident or something.., than ill try it"
  9. Fixes up daisy a plate and goes up to check on her "Y-You ok?"
  10. D-Daisy are you ok? He said looking at her
  11. I stepped into the bathroom to check on daisy
  12. I decided to just let my new mom take care of daisy, but a little part of me felt like it was fault that daisy wet herself
  13. Good job! Hoping to see it continue in the future
  14. He just backs away not wanting to cause anymore harm
  15. He gets out after a minute or so and daisies bladder was about to explode!
  16. Still relaxes in there and decides to play with a rubber duck while no ones looking
  17. I-I'm gonna stay in here for a little longer! He says
  18. I still chilled in the bathroom and almost fell asleep
  19. He doesn't take it too kindly and proceeds to grab his jacket and jeans and leaves
  20. He really didn't know the school did stuff like this but thanks to his full diaper it didn't hurt much
  21. I decide to play with the stuffed toy since there was nothing better to do
  22. He blushes because now she could see his diaper and he proceeds to sit down and twiddle his fingers
  23. "Oh" he laughs a little bit to himself and proceeds to sit down on the mat
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