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Everything posted by Gennie

  1. Gennie

    A > Z

    I would hope NEVER to see an exploding plushie...of any kind, and why Tig would think Peter would post that is beyond me. Furry Foxy Gary
  2. Levi's 501 Button Fly Denim and Toy Story Goodnights, the perfect combination of style for today's hip young man! Gary
  3. Wow, for a guy, you really *DO* look like a girl. Now all we need to do is get rid of that... Gary
  4. Gennie

    A > Z

    I thought sissies were allowed to wear tedd.....oh, wait, wrong thread. Darby Doggie http://www.toysrus.com/product/prodpop.jsp...&totCount=0 Gary
  5. Gennie

    A > Z

    Plushies, as in BEAR....Teddy Bear??? Gary
  6. No Kitty, not all of them. On the other hand, some are total and complete F^&*in' Morons! Gary
  7. No, you can't. It's too unbelievable to even comprehend. My thoughts and prayers also go out to those affected by this ... what do you call it? A tragedy? A Horror? I don't know. What I do know is that there will be some sort of knee jerk reaction which will cause a whole bunch more issues, and never actually get to the root cause of the problem. What is the world coming to? Gary
  8. Gennie

    A > Z

    Dolly, the rules are as follows: Your own words. While I chose a category of gem stones, many gem stones, to both the working woman and the working man *are* unaffordable. Hence, it is appropos to the subject, while maybe not a gemstone, it applies to them. Correct me if I'm wrong, and when you do, please change the original instructions for the game. (and no, I'm not upset or angry. ) However, if you would like, I'll change it to 'Unakite.' As for 'W', White Spinel. Gary
  9. Kitty, not all boys are dumb because they come up with the wrong answer to a math question. For instance, if you asked me what 8x3=, the first answer into my head is 32. Obviously, that's wrong, it's 24. However, in the period on less than two hours, my father so screwed me up, for my entire life, by trying to make me figure out what 8x3 was, and what 6x4 was. I can get the 6x4=, that's easy. However, I couldn't see the relationship. From that less than two hours, every time I think of that, or am presented with that question, I immediately come up with the wrong answer. By the way, I was doing multiplication tables when I was four or five, and that's when this happened. Think about when *most* kids learn them. Gary
  10. Gennie

    A > Z

    ...and many are UNAFFORDABLE to the working man. Gary
  11. Guess I'm going to need to stock up on clean diapers and wipes for Moogies...and a gas mask! LOL Gary
  12. Dowwy, yous makes a cookies fow mees? Awwww, tanks yous! Mees gibs you big big huggies. Jenny
  13. Gennie

    A > Z

    Moonstone (Lapis Lazuli...the spelling is this way on the sites I checked... was also the genetically altered female clone of Lazarus Long from the Robert Heinlein novels) Gary
  14. Okay, imagine this. "A WHILE LATER THE MAN BEHIND THE DESK REALIZED THE ROOM WAS ONLY $25, SO HE SENT THE BELLBOY TO THE 3 GUYS' ROOM WITH $5." IF the clerk sent five one dollar bills, then he was in error. He SHOULD have sent $1.66, $1.67 and $1.67, the $1.67s going to the two men who *would* have paid 8.33, and the $1.66 to the man who would have paid $8.34. Since none of the men actually paid that, it didn't matter, really who got what. The Bellhop must not have realized the mistake. If he gave each man only $1, and kept the other two for himself, then he ripped them off. They were ripped off for about sixty-seven cents each. Sixty-six cents times three is $1.98. The two $1.67's would have made up the two cent difference. G
  15. There never was another dollar. The room was $25. Twenty five, divided by 3, is 8.3333333333 repeating. So, two of the guys should paid $8.33 and the last one should have paid $8.34 to make it $25. The men were mischarged at a rate of $30. So, there is a $5 difference. If you divide the $5 by the three men, it comes to $1.6666666 repeating, which if you add it to the 8.3333333 gives you 9.9999999 repeating, or $10. Hence, had it been properly, each man would have been given $1.67, and one of them got $1.66. At that point, the clerk would have not had any money left over, and hence, there is no missing dollar. Simple arithmetic. Gary
  16. Gennie

    A > Z

    Iolite (rarely in gem form, but it does happen...and yes, I looked it up! ) Gary
  17. It's rather easy, actually. The men DIDN'T pay $9 for the room, they paid $10. They all should have been refunded $10, and then split the $25 three ways, for $8.33 cents apiece. They were ripped off. Gary .... where are my hugs???? <VWEG>
  18. Gennie

    A > Z

    Thank you, Kitty, for passing on the opportunity to pick the subject. Gemstones. Amethyst Gary
  19. Gennie

    A > Z

    Okay, let's try this again.... Is this supposed to be board games, internet games, or something like NINTENDO (which is my word) Gary
  20. Somehow, since I'm not going to back in diapees until next Friday, I think I'll stick with the Pepperidge Farm Milanos I have. No 'tinkies for mees, pwease! Gary
  21. Gennie

    A > Z

    Ursula (thanks TigTig!!) Gary
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