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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Posts posted by wetste

  1. Yeah the site was creepy looking back at it now... But i was a teen when i first found that site. A teen who was incon but was also starting to get sexual... Naturally nappies and masterbation were just what, happened. 

    I thought i was cracking up until i found that site. It made me realise i was normal and not a freak... 

    I contributed to the surveys and stories i actually at the time enjoyed the content... Along with the early wetset and DPF sites.   

    Would i agree with that site now... Absolutely not. But at the time it was all we had. Now we have an abundance of sites (here is my fave) and we are slowly becoming more mainstream look at all the accounts on tumblr, twitter, insta and even Facebook! 


    • Like 1
  2. Omg. Ive just turned 40 and over the last 12 months my penis has shrank to almost nothing when flacid and only a couple of inches when erect. Its now less than a hand full for my wife. We put it down to lack of usage (me being a cuck and caged) but maybe its something else... 

    • Like 1
  3. My boy who is 8 knows i wear nappies and need to use them.. He often helps me put my delivery away. 

    He knows its medical and that medical things are private to us as a family. 

    I'll never forget the first time he saw me wearing. He was maybe 2 and having a tantrum about having to wear a nappy to bed (he still wet at night) saying he was a big boy. I walked in wearing just a nappy and t shirt and told him he wasn't... And that there was no big deal in wearing a nappy at night.. He soon let my wife put one on him lol

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, rusty pins said:

    $2.50 a diaper?  What I saw was a package of 10 diapers for $42.  That works out to $4.20 per diaper.  Pretty expensive but I guess you could chalk it up to entertainment expenses.

    200 divided by a case of 80 is 2.50 each 

  5. So my wife is my also, my 'mummy' she kind of mixes up cuckold and hot wifeing. She sleeps with other men. She gets a good time and I think it hot af

    So ultimate fantasy to be in just a wet nappy in a cot unable to get out in the same room whilst she is having a good time 

  6. 53 minutes ago, Veggeto said:

    Part 11


    I awoke with someone prodding my diaper, I opened my eyes slowly and saw that mommy was checking my diaper. I let out a big yawn, signaling to mommy that I was awake.

    “Ah, is my little gi- boy awake?” mommy asked. I nodded, rubbing my eyes.

    “I just checked your diaper sweetie, and you are all dry! Good job!” Mommy said gleefully. 

    It seemed a little bit weird to me, I thought mommy would be happier if I had used my diaper.

    Although mommy praising me for keeping a diaper dry seemed way more infantile than I would have guessed. My cheeks, again, turned bright red. I crawled out of the crib, Hannah had already left the crib and I couldn’t spot her in the nursery.

    I looked up at mommy with a questionable look, hoping she could somehow read my mind.

    “No need to worry, Hannah is in the living room, watching her show,” mommy answered.

    I let out a sigh of relief, and followed mommy to the living room. 


    In the living room I saw Hannah watching tv, “Go on, join your sister, I will be making dinner,” Mommy said. I crawled over to Hannah, totally immersed in the cartoon. 

    “Hey,” I said while sitting down next to her. Hannah turned her attention to me, smiled behind her pacifier and pointed at the tv. “Bunny is my favorite!”  She yelled happily. “Which one is yours?” Hannah asked me.

    I looked at the tv for a bit, there were a bunch of forest animals, all of them playing around.

    “I guess the bear is kinda cool,” I said behind my pacifier.

    “I thought so, since you were dressed as a bear before,” Hannah said, giving a pat on my head. The tv didn’t really hold my attention, I sat there for five minutes next to Hannah before crawling to the kitchen, seeing what mommy was up to.

    Mommy was busying around the kitchen, cutting up vegetables, watching the pots and the pans that were on the stove. “Hey there, little one, what are you doing here?” mommy asked while quickly moving between the cutting board and the stove. “Is the tv boring you?” 

    I nodded, I crawled back on the carpet and sat down, rubbing my knees. “I will get you something to do before dinner,” mommy said. Mommy got two bottles from the fridge and handed them to me. “Here you go, you must be thirsty after that nap,” mommy said. “Be a good boy and bring the other one to your sister, okay?” I looked at my hands, each one holding a bottle. I looked at them with a puzzled look, How I am to crawl with two bottles?

    I looked at mommy, hoping she had an answer for me.

    Mommy looked at me puzzled, “What’s wrong honey boo?” Mommy asked me.

    I looked at my hands, “I can’t crawl like this mommy,” I answered.

    Mommy let out a laugh. “already that far huh?” Mommy asked me with a smile on her face.

    “You can still walk silly,” mommy said while she ruffled my hair.

    I was confused and embarrassed at the same time, why didn’t I think of that? Maybe it is because of my whole situation now, that I have become used to being a baby. Even in a few hours time, that I unconsciously didn’t want to walk. I tried to shake the thoughts out of my mind, and to focus on bringing the bottle to Hannah. I stood up and waddle towards the living room.


    I plopped down next to Hannah and gave her one of the bottles.

    “Thank you,” was all hannah said, while her eyes were still glued to the television.

    It was still the same cartoon that was on, but a different episode. 

    Instead of running around and laughing, they were playing hide and seek.

    I watched for a few minutes and turned my attention back to my bottle.

    It took me fifteen minutes to empty the bottle, between sips I looked at the tv, not really interested in it, but it was better than doing nothing. I dropped the bottle next to me and let out a big burp. I could hear mommy giggle in the kitchin, Hannah didn’t really pay attention to me, she seemed busy with something else than the tv. Her back was turned towards me, and her butt was floating inches away from the floor.

    “Hannah? Is everything okay?” I asked her concerned. She didn’t answer me, instead she let out a little grunt. “Hannah?” I said, reaching out to her. 

    When I touched her she let out a big sigh, “Aaah, that felt good,” Hannah said with some satisfaction in her voice. Hannah sat down and I could hear a little squish from her diaper.

    Hannah turned to me, “Yup, never better,” She said with the biggest smile on her face and faced the tv again. I wondered what was so great about peeing? Maybe she held it for a really long time? When I finished that thought the smell hit me, she didn’t pee, she pooped! 

    My hand quickly covered my nose and I inched away from Hannah. “Eeeuw!” I yelled. Hannah chuckled at my reaction.

    Mommy quickly entered the living room. “Is there something wrong?”

    “Nothing mommy, I just went poopoo, and Mikey don’t likey!” Hannah yelled happily while pointing at me. Mommy let out a little laugh, I was a little bit angry at Hannah, she could have at least told me she was going to poo! 

    “Aah Mikey, don’t worry, it is completely natural, your big sister is just teasing you,” Mommy said while patting my back. 

    “I would have liked a little warning,” I said with a bit of a sneer in my voice.

    “Cheer up Mikey! You need to make a poopoo too!” Hannah said while pointing at me.

    My eyes went wide, I looked back at mommy, “Do I really have to use the diaper for that too?” I asked her. “Of course, that is what they are for, aren't they?” mommy asked.

    “But what if I really don’t want too?” I asked mommy, now a bit afraid.

    “Do you have to go now?” She asked me, I shook my head. “Then we will talk about it later, when you have to,” Mommy said as she stood up. “But first, dinner!”

    Yay ?

  7. OK. I was sexully abused when I was 11. I started wetting the bed. The first time nappies were brought up as a subject was just before we were going on a trip to London. I already was interested in wearing as an Abdl. I jumped at the chance but faked a bit of resistance. My parents were worried about the hotel bed. 

    Anyway the only place they knew to get them was boots they were the worst nappies ever but nappies non the less. I remember being away the first night in the bath room putting it on and some plastic pants they had bought me. I came out wrapped in a towel as I was embarrassed. But my mum insisted on seeing it to make sure it was on properly. 


    From then on whilst living at home I wore quite freely and openly it made their lives and mine so much easier no waking up freezing cold and no washing every day. 


    I moved in and out of my parents from the age of 16 the effects of the abuse f*#ked my head and I went of the rails a little. Fast forward to the age of 21 I met a girl. Feel in love the first time I stayed at hers we shared a bed and I peed in it. I was deeply embarrassed but she just took it in her stride I explained everything and now 18 years later we're married have a house and kids and I still wear nappies. She's really into my abdl side and she's kinky as hell. Life's good 

  8. Never been to abc its too far. But i do help out at pride events. LBL and pick n mix in Birmingham. 

    You'd be more than welcome. And wouldn't be out of place and we're (all 70 to 120 of us each month! ) really friendly

  9. Bags. Supermarket bin swing bin liners. Baby wipes lidi and aldi. 

    Brolly sheets wouldn't bother. Washable bed covers Dunelm mill do a good one upto queen size. 

    Nappies forget eBay all drylife in the UK are sold initially by nappies r us. Go direct to them 

  10. On 3/25/2019 at 8:22 PM, Dessi said:

    Hi Guys,

    Bit of a novice when it comes to diapers/ nappies and I am curious what is the most thickest diaper one can purchase here in the UK.



    Hi I'm in the UK too. Check out nappies r us. They are the biggest abdl company in the UK. They do some awesome nappies. Thick go for the higher capacity stuff. I love thier own brand lil rascals as an ab nappy. But wear tena maxi and ultima for my 24/7 nappy. 

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