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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

baby vinny

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Posts posted by baby vinny

  1. ok, I make 25# a week of diaper waste and that is aprox 30 diapers that would take 4800 diapers and 160 weeks for me to create that much i am not one to be mean but that had to reeeek i feel sorry for the old lady but i feel some of the blame falls on the daughter for not checking on her mom at least three to four times a year or having someone check on her.

  2. I have allways had trouble knowing my value. My neighbors say i can fix anything and alot of time do it for free. since i am on disability for bipolar, i often feel useless since i cannot hold down a job. It's not that i don't love working i get stressed out and have mania spells ( where i stay up for days) i found that my ab side is very relaxing, and when i go into mania i have to but my diapers on thicker and keep my nuknuk with me for the calming effects. and when it is all over i have my baba and go to sleep

  3. if you can you will need supositories x 3 lots of tape and several diapers. first you will but the pacifier in your mouth do not remove it excent for eating and drinking from a baby bottle. second insert the three supositories into anus, if can not get supositorys find away to give you seelf an enema but if you do an enema youmust use dish soap with cold water (have fun with the cramps) do not let ann out until fully diaperd in the first foru diapers. lay down ontop of first diaper put it on go around the top of the diaper covering the tapes. cut slits in to first diaper put on three more diapers in same way cuting slits in each to allow urine to seep to the next you will wear these dipers until they leak and then you will remove the top three diapers leavint the messy diaper on you will then replace those diapers with five new diapers on top of the poopy diaper the poopy diaper is to remaine on until the three days are up. that should give you a really nice nappy rash that should last several days. while on punishment you will write an essay on why you like pot and post it to this forum. you are required to to have a baby rattle taped to one hand to remind you why. you can only drink from baby cups, sippys, on baby bottles. you should drink six bottles a day for those three days but if you want to change you better drink alot more. after the three days you are not allowed to use any kind of rash cream or skin protectant before hand either. you will also give your self ten wacks with a belt on the third day after removing all the diapers. have fun naughty bay it can only get worse the next time

  4. i have done a review on these for dailydiapers.com i haven't had them leak at night but once thet was i had had half a gallon of water before bed and left my wet diaper still on. all my diapers leak when i get lazy. the velco is strong so whne you pull it off some of the cloth fibers pull lose.

  5. I finaly recieved hte two cases of tena strech ultras. i tell you what it is nice being to fit in a medium diaper again. they have one tab on each side that has a 1 cm wide strip of velcro on it. they hold at leats on full morning flood and some. these are cloth backed and i have started to fall in love with cloth back as that is what i use starting around age 10 as the baby diapers had sstarted going to a cloth back but still had tha sticky tape and a plastic landing zone. the only thing that could make them better is if a mommy was pitting them on me

  6. are they clothe of plastic backed. i notice when i where the new depends fitted briefs ther cut into to my dangly thing. if you are using a clothe backed try to wear a plastice backed for a couple days to see if that helps. it took lots of time for my legs to get use to the clothe like outer

  7. ji recently signed up for a personalized delivery plan through hdis. the will bill you with the shippment and give you two weeks to pay for your products. there offer a limited line of reusables. i order there reassure.and have liked them. the do swell up. i have always wore at least two diapers at a time no matter what brand. i would recomend hdis if on a tight diaper budget. for two cased of 72 it cost 138.00

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