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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Frogboy

  1. frog-girl is buying a sewing machine and wants to make some frogboy sized snap-crotch tops!!! yay for mee!!! im thinking i might ask for one with turtles on the sleeves and a plain pastel colour body froggie
  2. Frogboy

    Baby Pride

    Yay!!! I'll keep a look out for you!!!
  3. i love this forum the mostest!!!
  4. i just wondered what you ab's say when you've pooped in your diapers. last night i was wandering around all diapered up. i filled my diapers but it kinda sneaked up on me and took me by surprise. i looked at frog girl and said "oopsie". she could tell by my expression what happened and she said it was very cute! i just wondered how everyone else tells their mommies/daddies froggie xx
  5. thats very very cool loopy!!! shame about the drop seat and no poppers!!! but its still awesome!
  6. Frogboy

    Baby Pride

    i saw the baby pride pin in the other thread. its very very cool but if i was to wear it for all to see then it will probably prompt some questioning from other people. the nappy pin is much more discreet and i proved that today, because i had my nappy pin on my keys and left them on the desk at work and lots of people saw them and one guy even picked them up but no one asked why there was a diaper pin on there. i doubt i would ever come accross a daily di baby in real life but its nice to know that you could all identify me if you saw my keys. i just figured it would be cool if we all had a diaper pin on our keys as a secret sign of support for the ab lifestyle and so that we all have the knowledge that we could spot each other when we're out and about, rather than trying to make a statement to society just my thoughts anyways froggie xx
  7. I thought of a few; Saggy Bottoms Bulkies Cherubums Regressies Squishy Bums Obviously these would be aimed soley at the AB market, a bit like Cuddlz (www.cuddlz.co.uk).
  8. Frogboy

    I Want One!

    its already in the usa. its me that would have to get it shipped overseas
  9. Frogboy

    Baby Pride

    well ive got my diaper pin proudly on my keyring. its a plain white one so look out for it! problem with wristbands and such is that you would need somebody to put in the money to make them and then sell them on. its a lot of hassle. a diaper pin can be bought for very little money and are widely available everywhere. plus a wristband invites questions whereas a diaper pin is very subtle. and if anyone asks why you have a diaper pin on your keys you can just say that its incase you split your trousers and need something stronger and safer than a safety pin. i like having a symbol of my baby pride and its cool that nobody except daily di ab's and dl's know what it means. its like a little club (to juniper) froggie xx
  10. What about Ringo Starr? Bedtime stories would be so cool
  11. Frogboy

    Baby Pride

    you know you wanna!!!
  12. Frogboy

    I Want One!

    hey juniper 3 months today i cant wait i will try and be the bestest little boy i can froggie xx
  13. Frogboy

    Baby Pride

    ello all... i was looking through some old threads and found one about wristbands for ab/dl's. somewhere in the thread someone talked about diaper pins on their keyrings/chain and i thought that this was a brilliant idea. it would mean other ab's and dl's would know that you are one but none ab/dl's would just think its a safety pin. im going to do it. i doubt i will bump into another ab or dl that i know of but i likes the idea of being able to identify each other! hugs to all froggie xx
  14. Frogboy

    I Want One!

    i'll be good i promise!
  15. Frogboy

    I Want One!

    Loopy there will be plenty of time to stop spending once you have bought everything you want! i know what it is but i cheated and looked on google so i wont post the answer as it will ruin the game for everyone
  16. its a slippery slope into ABism once you start down that road... i started out with just diapers then i sarted breast feeding then i got a paci now i want some t-shirts with the snap crotch to go over the cute patterned cloth diapers i want. who knows where it will end whilst i accept that some people are just dl, there definately a lot more fun to be had in the ab camp
  17. Frogboy

    I Want One!

    i was thinking look whos talking
  18. Frogboy

    I Want One!

    They do a cute romper in blue http://cgi.ebay.com/Adult-Baby-Pastel-Micro-Fleece-FUZZY-GIRAFFE-Romper-46_W0QQitemZ150375003136QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item23030c7400&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14
  19. Frogboy

    I Want One!

    http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=30696841 it's listed at £39.99 with $11.95 international postage!!! giraffes are the bestest animal ever!
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