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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by happyindprs

  1. Who is really medically incontinent? Yes I realize many are born this way or were in car accidents or had spinal cord injuries that caused them to lose their bladder or bowel function. However the vast majority of ab's and Dl's are also in the same boat. I began wearing diapers when I was eleven years old and went full time once I left home. I am fifty-five today and I have been wearing diapers all of my adult life. Someone posted here that we are all of our gourds because we like to wear diapers, not quite true, most of us have just accepted that diapers are a way of life for us. Ask any long time adult baby or diaper lover how many times they have given up wearing diapers, tried to quit and have thrown out or given away all of their baby / diaper stuff. Now out of those ask how many of them have really been able to quit them for good. I know the odds of this are slim to none. i spent years off and on going through the binge and purge phase, trying to give up wearing diapers. I sought counseling several times and never got the help I thought I needed, One day I quit looking for answers and accepted the fact that diapers are a major part of me. They chose me as much as I chose them and are forever entangled in my life. I cannot give up wearing diapers anymore then any of you with medical incontinence. I am dependent on diapers as much as you are. A previous poster stated that some people have contemplated suicide because they lost bladder / bowel control, well this has crossed many of our minds as well. In my opinion, the medically incontinent are much better off than your fellow ab/dl's. At least you know why you wear diapers. For people in our community, we have struggled for years wondering why we are attracted to diapers. It's certainly is easier these days to find sites such as these for support and understanding. For me and the over forty crowd, our attraction began way before computers and websites and we for the most part were or felt all alone. So to those of you who feel we are all off of our gourdes, please give us some of the same understanding that you are seeking.
  2. I haven't camped in at least two decades. however I have to sisters that retired in Northern Wisconsin. It's a four and a half hour trip to Eagle River from my home in Brookfield WI and one I make at least twice a month for long weekends. Everyone up there knows I wear diapers so it's no big deal although I still don't walk about in just a t-shirt and diaper. There truly is no better experience than to wake up to quiet, fresh air and a view of the lake from my bed. In addition to the view, it's an everyday thing to see loons, bald eagles and deer. The past two years we have had several visits of mama black bear and four cubs, quite a site. So I may not camp in a tent but I can relate to the sights and sounds all have mentioned.
  3. and then they wonder why no one posts
  4. As the title of this website implies, Just how many people here really do wear diapers on a daily basis?
  5. Just curious if any members here wear adaptive clothing, for example, shorts or pants with snaps in the crotch to aid in easier diaper changes. I am a DL an am considering just this. I know of at least one manufacturer that can hide the snaps so they are not readily seen.
  6. I think I found the problem. The tapes were not attached in the same place as the rest of the diapers, making it fit entirely wrong.
  7. Today was just like any other day. I woke up took off my wet diaper, did all the morning stuff and put on a fresh diaper for the day. For some reason it just didn't fit right and it didn't feel right either. I was constantly re-adjusting it throughout the day to no avail and I just had to put up with it that way. Has this happened to anyone else?
  8. Ok here is my two cents worth. I went to a "therapist" back in my twenties. In fact I went to see several over the years and it really did some good for me for one reason only. I was finally able to talk to someone about my diaper desires and didn't have to keep it bottled up inside of me, the rest of it was a total waste of time and money. I found it particularly funny that anyone that finds out you like to wear diapers will tell you that you need help and that you should see a therapist. I found that almost all of the therapists I went to see were more screwed up than I was. Three of them were writing books and just got off listening to what I had to say. None of them offered any real help or hope and once the insurance money dried up told me that my desires to wear diapers was too embedded in my head that three is nothing that can be done to change that. Take my advise and love you you are. Accept what makes you tick, tell some friends or family if that will make you feel better and you already know will accept you. Skip the therapists and surround yourself with people that like you no matter what.
  9. We can all remember our first contact with diapers and what age we were when that happened. We remember the excitement, and the confusion as well. Have you views changed over the years in relation to your diapers? I will go first as I brought the subject up. When I became attracted to wearing diapers, it was pure energy. Everything was new and I couldn't get enough. Each and every time I could put a diaper on was exhilarating. I remember the thrill and the confusion as well. I loved the security and comfort I felt with wearing a diaper but I was saddened because there was no one to talk to about this. This was before computers. I will admit to all today that when I first got into diapers, I was a full blown adult baby. I had bottles and pacifiers, diaper pins, vinyl pants and everything a real baby needs. My girlfriend played my Mommy and we played many a baby game. Now, oh so many years later, I am still wearing diapers full time. I consider myself a diaper enthusiast. My first love is for cloth diaper and plastic pants but my current active lifestyle works better with a premium disposable diaper. I am married, approaching thirty-two years to a most understanding and loving Mommy. My dresser is caulk full of my diaper essentials as well as a walk-in closet. I am on a first name basis with the FedEx driver as she brings a case of diapers every month. Although my wife no longer participates in baby games she is still my disciplinarian when needed. I wake up every morning in a soaking wet diaper. I do what everyone else does in the morning to prepare for the day with the addition of baby powder a disposable diaper, a booster pad and a onesie and head off to work. I may not get all excited like I did when I first started but I still love the feeling that only a thick diaper can give me. I swear I am much more happy wearing diapers than if I could only do it once in a while.
  10. happyindprs


    A cat-o-nine tails will do the trick but must be applied by and experienced whip handler because you can get really hurt in short order. Someone who has the experience can leave you well marked with lots of raised welts that will last for many days but will not do permanent damage. Also try caning if you want lasting marks. When my wife canes me, the resulting welts are visible for several days to a week
  11. Yes I fit into this category. I am whipped by my wife on a weekly basis, usually Friday or Saturday night. I am always getting caught doing something wrong and even on those rare occasions when I was particularly good, she will still whip me for good measure. I lay across our bed with pillows under be to raise my bare butt in a more vulnerable position. My diaper is pulled down and kept there in case I pee. and my wrists and ankles are put in restraints. My wife whips me with a rattan cane and a wide leather strap.
  12. Let's see if you go to buy diapers and a re nervous because you think everyone is going to be staring at you,well then all of this is true as well: You go in and pick up a laxative, everyone will know your plugged. If you go buy(women) tampons they know it's your period. The list can go on and on. No one cares, everyone is into themselves. If someone does stare or look at you or even makes a comment, and no one will ever say it to you. I had one clerk in all the years I had been buying diapers in public ask me if these were for me and she worked in the medical supply store that I frequently shopped in.
  13. I picked up a Penthouse Variations magazine in the late seventies and there was an ad for DPF. It was an eye opener to say the least and for the first time I was not the only one with these thoughts. DPF and Tommy really helped me through those early confusing years and I for one will be forever grateful to him. What DPF was in the end was tragic but it gave us many years of hope and understanding. Come to think of it. I was a member of DPF before personal computers! I am fifty-five now and still happy in diapers.
  14. Now it retrospect I agree with what you were try to say. Many if not all of us at one time or another have taken this journey trying to figure out why we are unique like this. Hey I grew up in a family of five and I am the only one that still wears diapers. It has nothing to do with height, weight, size, demeanor or environment and yet it has everything to do with it. When I began wearing diapers I was still in grade school at a "private"school. The environment was controlling, strict and no one stepped out of line. I was shy, had lost my dad to a heart attack when I was six and didn't feel I fit in any where. I was wetting both my pants and my bed wet into my teens. For me, I am sure many factors triggered my need to feel safe and secure and for obvious reasons "dry." Some times I think you can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. If you are still searching for answers, the best place to be is here where at least you are on common ground and have the support and understanding we all need.
  15. I guess Brighteyes was trying to come to grips about his involvement with wearing diapers or being treated like a baby. Although it appears he searched his entire childhood for triggers or causes that made diapers attractive to him, in reality he is only grasping at straws. No one knows why we are this way, we might think we know but is speculation at best. I think it is much wiser to look forward than to look back in most situations and especially when it is related to the abdl lifestyle. Be happy with who you are. Celebrate that you are unique. Enjoy life with or without a diaper and move on with your life.
  16. I have posted pictures of myself on several websites over the years. I know I did it mainly for the fact that all we ever get to see are pictures of diapers or from diapers on down. It gets really boring after a while. You can always tell the girls that are being paid to wear diapers for a photo shoot and those that are for real. The paid one's are always in full view. Maybe I freely post pictures of myself because I'm tired of keeping everything a secret. More importantly I am truly happy with who I am, diapers and all. The only regret I have from the past was not starting early enough, but then a gain the internet was not created by "Al" yet! The only thing that has back fired on me was many years ago, I posted several true life experiences on a site. I added my email and home address as a matter of record and not to have it displayed for all the vanilla people to view. Well it was posted, revealing letter, name address and phone number. Take my advise if you are truly happy with yourself than who cares.
  17. I am a DL but I find adult baby clothes to be down right practical in the real world. I found someone on the internet over a year ago that would alter adult pants or shorts by putting snaps along the inseam, allowing faster and easier diaper changes. The best thing was that it was hard to tell they were there unless you really looked at them. Does anyone know where I can have this done?
  18. thanks I feel better now knowing I am not the only fifty something here
  19. Hi to all, I have not posted in quite a while. I believe DD should add a new group to its forum. I don't have the perfect name for it right now but perhaps someone else might. I was looking over some older posts tonight and some people think this site should be available to the twenty somethings and that's it. Well if that is the case then there should be a different group for people such as myself in the over twenty somethings even perhaps the over thirties or so. All I can say is that I have been wearing diapers all of my adult life and even before. None of us remain twenty something but most of us remain attracted to wearing diapers, cloth or disposable, adult babies or diaper lovers, etc, etc. any thoughts for or against will be welcomed
  20. Yes I am a 24/7 diaper wearer and thank you to everyone that commented. I'm not too sure of the cold water on the razor though. I never tried that but I would tend to think that a cold razor would cause more drag and thus more irritation down there.
  21. I just started shaving my diaper area again after a ten year absence. I am looking for tips to what are the best methods to use or how often I need to shave, etc,etc. I currently shave every morning while in the shower with a Bic razor and shower gel. Ater I towel off I apply an ample amount of baby lotion to the newly shaved area.
  22. I have a diaper pail in my bathroom and every morning I throw them in the washer then dryer in the laundry room right outside my bedroom door.. During the summer I love to hang them outside on the clothes line. I just love to entertain the neighbors
  23. I have dealt with urinary incontinence since age eleven. I too am a DL. You are not alone and not a freak for having theses thoughts or desires. You are stuck wearing diapers for the rest of your life and being an adult baby or a diaper lover just helps us cope a bit easier. I know that if there is one place where people like us can go for a sympathetic ear and understanding, it's websites like this. I knew I first became interested in wearing diapers when I was eleven, although at the time I didn't know why. Well it turns out that I did know why, I just blocked out the bad memories for all of these years. I had a long talk with my Mother this passed weekend and I found out that I had bladder issues that go way back into my childhood. My issues are two fold. immature bladder and emotional, mental and physical abuse by a few teachers in a private school I attended as a boy. I was not molested sexually but I did live through quite a few nightmares just the same.
  24. if you are going to be wearing Depends use a booster pad to suck up the flood. Depends are at best a poor attempt at protection. quote name='Kari' date='11 March 2010 - 04:32 PM' timestamp='1268346758' post='285420'] I have a friend that runs a route at night that sometimes takes her away from a public bathroom. She knows well about my "diaper tenancies" be it for "DL" or practicality. I can make it to the potty but it better be nearby, or I'm wetting whatever I'm wearing. So far, she still squats in the snow, but she did ask me to leave her one if she ever found the urge. I was coming back this morning and I guess if they (Depends) aren't checked and/or adjusted regularly, the are no better than plain undies. I had a sudden urge to flow, and panicked a little. First I let out just enough to take the pressure off and think up my next move. I will try to use a bathroom if one's around, but I was not near any. So I settled back while driving to do a "slow flow". I thought it be all contained and didn't even think about it till I got home. Then I realized, there were those two obvious wet spots on either side of my butt. Is this common, or am I wearing them in some way wrong. It's embarrassing going from the car to in your house with wet butt-cheeks.
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