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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by cascadebaby

  1. Thanks for the welcome, I love beer, espeically micro brew/ imports. I'm a Wheat Beer fan. I live pretty close to the cascade brewing company.
  2. What's up! My name............well at least my name on here is cascade baby I'm 27. I'm a full time artist which means I work whenever I feel like it, or when I run out of money. I'm on here to relate with the AB community and to share my thoaghts. I'm an AB and have been into infantilism since I can remember. I started out wearing disposibles although now i'm more earth savy and wear cloth. FOOTPRINTS PEOPLE FOOTPRINTS !! peace love and soy grease
  3. I've been reading some interesting articles online dealing with the phycology of infantilism in adults. Outside of the AB community there is little to no understanding of the phycology of an AB. Usually it is thoaght of as a practice to avoid respondsibility. Although inside the AB community we have a first hand understanding. Many of us have a different story to tell though the underline reasons are the same. I read an article that I will try and reference later stating that infantilism is not a sexual fetish but a regressive tendency started at a very early age. I myself started to fantasy about being diapered at the age of four. I believe the reason for these fantasys is due to the fact that I was the youngest of three children and grew up around phycological abuse. When it was time for me to grow up I just held on to the one thing that I found most comforting and that was to be babied. (Simple) I believe that the media has exploited are lifestyle and turned it into a sexual fetish. Resulting in a confusing outlook for both AB's and the outside community.(not so simple) Thank you for your time
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