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Battle Mage

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Posts posted by Battle Mage

  1. This was wonderful. It was light, yet had just enough of the more serious coming-of-age tale to make it really interesting. Moreover, it is well written! That is so amazing given some of the stories that are written these days.

    5 stars!

  2. I'd rather not say it here in public. No offense, but I don't really know any of you well enough to be comfortable saying it yet.

    But...yeah. I'm here for a degree in Institutions and Policy (it is a combination of Political Science, Economics, and Psychology)

  3. lol, i was referring to the table top game...

    you go to a baptist college?

    I didn't even know that Warhammer had a tabletop game. (I'm too cheap to actually buy the games, so I rely on friends who have the games)

    Um..... we used to be baptist, up until around '03, but we're still fairly baptist-oriented.

    Um, only certain styles. I don't like sci-fi based RPGs. Pretty much the only RPGs I play are fantasy-based. (Neverwinter Nights, Oblivion, ect...)

  4. Again, I love your work! I can completely relate to the: AH! JUST ONE MORE ROUND!! mentality that Mimi developed during the game. Ah, the memories it evokes..... :D

    Thanks for the nice comments guys (still waiting for some ego-stroking questions though :P )


    Pink... how are you so brilliant that you can write such a wonderful story? :angel_not:

  5. I have not tried Vanguard, again because it requires (according to the box anyway) a monthly fee :crybaby: , and I am opposed to paying anything after I have already bought the game.

    By warhammer, are you refering to the recently released Warhammer Online, or to the single-player strategy games? I have not tried the former, again because of the fees :crybaby: , and I am hoping to buy the latter very soon (soon being defined as "before I turn 19).

    xDiapergirlx, I apologize for my apparent lack of enough nerdiness for you. ;) Please allow me to rephrase. I am considered very nerdy given that I go to a small, private, formerly Baptist college where no one has even heard of D&D.

  6. It isn't completely turn based. It has a system called Active Time Combat or somesuch. Anyway, it feels far more real time than turn based. It isn't the typical, "my people all move, their people all move, my people........"

    Yeah, 7 is very good. One of the best games around in my opinion

  7. Thank you for another wonderful chapter! I must say I enjoy the difference in how the mother and Mimi view the removal of the panties. That difference really works well to show the same event can have radically different intrepretations given the circumstance of the viewer.

  8. Hi, Battle Mage,

    Doctors consider it unusual for a boy to revert to bedwetting (technically secondary nocturnal enuresis) at 11-12. Your case proves with incontinence there are no absolute rules. I am sure your doctors also are fascinated that as you matured your bladder control improved so much. Did any of your doctors discuss the reasons for you starting to wet?

    With girls a certain percentage can be normally toilet trained for many years and then start bedwetting at puberty. Modern research suggests a hormone situation and also changes to body shape, similar to why women often start to wet while pregnant, then again at menopause. The more typical pattern with boys would be to have delayed toilet learning. In boys the approach of puberty generally tends to improve bladder control.

    Of course physical injury can damage control, as can certain kinds of sports. Classic with women is riding horses.

    So Battle Mage, could you tell us more about your wetting history and how yoy manage your wetting?

    Sure. I talked with my doctor a few months after I started wetting. At first I brushed it off, thinking it was just a slight sickness or something. After a month/two months, my family figured it would be best to just get it checked out anyway.

    He ran a few tests, asked me about my diet, what I drank, when I drank it, ect... His response was that he had no friggin clue why I'd started wetting. He was able to rule out some of the more unpleasant possibilities, ie: uti. He said that the best he could do was to offer me some medication that might make it stop, and then give me the usual "don't drink too much close to bed, make sure you go right before bed, maybe consider waking up in the night to go, ect..." advice.

    He wanted me to come in there every 3-4 months so they could run more tests, but... he'd ruled out anything that could cause me serious harm, and we couldn't really afford me in there that often with tests, so... we ignored that and just let him bring it up anytime I'm in there for something else.

    Personally, I can gurantee that it is not due to a physical injury. I'm :pizza: ... not :boxing:

    And I can't really think of anything that happened emotionally to cause it. I mean, a friend moved away, but we still kept in touch (to the point that, 6-7 years later we're still on the phone at least 2x a week, and we Yahoo almost nightly) so it didn't scar me that badly... I don't think.

    I used the medication for about a week, then stopped because it was giving me killer headaches.

    The "don't drink and always go" advice had already been being used.

    I cannot accept the waking up in the middle of the night. It takes me forever to go to sleep, so that would completely ruin the entire night's sleep for me.

    So we continued to use the goodnites that my parents had bought me initially, and limiting my fluid intake. That continued until about the time GN's went 'trim,' which is when they started leaking on me, so we switched to adult diapers.

    I hated the GN's when I wore them, and I hated the adult diapers when I wore them, but I really didn't have much choice in the matter, so I slowly started to accept them. Eventually, I accepted them to the point that I'm on a site like this.

    Anyway... a couple years ago, I was looking (yet again :( ) online for a way to cure it, and saw a site advertising cloth diapers for adults. They sounded really comfortable, so I convinced my parents to order me a few (along with the plastic pants). I really liked them, so I continued to use them until I moved off to college.

    (Oddly enough, it was the thickness that made them so comfortable to me. It was almost as though it was the clear, "I'm not even bothering to pretend that I am something I'm not" of them that made them comfortable. I know that was one thing I despised about the GN's. They pretended to just be regular underwear, but they clearly are different.)

    Now that I'm in college (with a roomie wou probably wouldn't appreciate my wet diapers sitting in the room until they get washed) I'm back to adult diapers with a booster in 'em to make sure they don't leak. Yes, he knows about it. I told him over the summer (never met before) just because I wanted to give him some time to find a different roomie if this would create problems. He's....as okay with it as someone who isn't a wetter can be. He gives me some privacy when I change, and doesn't mention it anyway.

    It has slowly decreased though (after the initial increase). I started out at about 6-7 times/week, and it has slowly decreased to about 1/month

  9. I side with you on the monthly payment thing. If i'm paying like sixty bucks for a game already, the monthly subscription isn't worth it.

    I play everything but sport games basically. My favorite series ever was Kingdom Hearts and I have been actively waiting for the next installments... but they'll be for handheld.

    My current favorite would be Guitar Hero since I just got World Tour. I still have the final song on both GH3 and World Tour to beat, then I finished every GH game.

    Other than that, Resistance is my shooter. I don't have enough money for 2 right now, but hopefully by the holidays...

    I own all the next gen systems by the way.

    Brawl is my favorite for Wii. It's basically the only reason I still have a Wii.

    For the hack and slash genre i favor Gauntlet Legends and Champions of Norrath.

    I can't get into the whole MMO scene. It occupies too much of my time. I am one of those people that "need to be the best". That's impossible in an MMO unless you start when the game comes out.


    I will say that I can't get in to the music games (Guitar Hero, Rock Band, ect...). They just hold no real appeal to me.

    I also only own a PS2 and a laptop, which kinda limits my choices. (Meh, I think I still have a GBA and a N64 in my closet somewhere, but...)

    I've heard some very good things about Gauntlet.

    Ever played any computer-based games? Or Final Fantasy for the PS systems?

    Have you done much on the PSP? I've been looking into getting one, but.... it is so expensive! :crybaby:

  10. you get a lot for the fee you pay you can down load a 10 day t test copy if you want then go to the world many play on here and play with other ab/dl if you want to try

    frost mage

    raid healer

    marksman hunter

    I know, and it looks like a really good game, but.... I can't bring myself to play any game that wants a monthly payment.

  11. Bah, I've had worse intro's! :D Thanks, both of you!

    Sweet, what genre of games do you play Baby Sophie?

    I refuse to play any game that requires a monthly fee. It just seems wrong for me to pay to buy the disk, and then have to pay to use it, so I've never played WoW.

  12. Yeah, I guess I need to be on this list as well.

    I started wetting the bed when I was about 11-12, and it has continued ever since, though it seems like is has nearly stopped now. I've only wet once in about a month, so... :D

  13. ...so.....HI!

    Yeah, I'm a gamer, college student, bedwetter, D&D addict, and political junkie. I just joined for the heck of it....okay, mainly it was so I could comment on stories, but... :D

    Really, I just wanted to say hi so I could honestly say I'd introduced myself.

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