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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Markley

  1. Markley

    Who Knows?

    Only my girlfriend knows....
  2. I know exactly what you mean.... My girlfriend tolerates me wearing diapers alot, but if I talk about it, bring it up in anyway, or she can see it, she still gets disturbed.... Even though she hears the crinkling sometimes, the "out of sight, out of mind" works well with her. I doubt she will ever have total acceptance, but she somehow knows how hard it is to stop wanting them, so she allows me to have my diapers in stock at all times. Best of luck to you, bro. Myself, along with mostly everyone else here feels your pain. Alot of us went through the same feelings and fears your going through. It should be alot easier to tell a long distance lover your situation though. At this point you guys are still learning alot about eachother, so anything could be said. Ya never know... Maybe she's just as deep in the closet as yourself;) You've already said that she told you, you couldn't weird her out.(I used to tell my girlfriend this when we were learning about eachother. I mainly said it because I knew it's hard to top wearing diapers, and because I enjoy wearing them, I've become alot more open minded towards any "weird" interests she could want. I kinda wish she had an interest worse than mine... lol) start with that as your conversational piece. Start taking turns sharing what you believe to be "weird" characteristics , but be honest, and hope she's being as honest aswell. She might mention something that strikes you as kind of odd.... which maybe a good thing. That maybe a good reason to trigger the Diaper Deal without a hitch;) Just hope that her "odd" interests arent as boring a lame as my girlfriend's.... It's hard to compare my situation to her sniffing candles in stores....
  3. I'm wearing a wet Medium Secure X-Plus Overnight Diaper, and Snoopy Pj pants. Doesnt even feel like I used it. I bought a sample pack from Secure, and My God, these Diapers are awesome! Compared to a Depend Max, these Diapers are Elite. They're a tad thicker than I would like, but they are so comfortable, and not as crinkling as the Depends. I like the front panel, and the 4 tapes, too. These Diapers are all I'll buy now. Just have to go through about 8 more Depend diapers first, and then it's off to Secures.
  4. I'm a 32, and have found that the Small/Medium Depend Maximum Aborbant Overnights fit very well for me. It says right on the package that they range between 26 to 41.
  5. Well, I just bought my third pack of diapers a few days ago..... And my girlfriend has been very cool about it. The past few days I have worn nothing but diapers, and she asks like its nothing. She even allows me to keep the Diaper bag on top of the bedroom dresser. and... my Lockheed Martin interview went well. I should be getting the call in a few weeks. Infact, I knew I would have gotten nervous during the interview, so to keep me calm, I wore a diaper during it.... Worked out well.
  6. Def Leppard: Pyromania T-shirt Starter Ankle Socks Black PJ pants with flamin' Superman S emblems. Depend Maximum Absorbant Overnights
  7. I'm seeing the question "why" alot. I have been a practicing Christian for a few years til recently, when I just choose to just block it out... I dont know why though. But it's been hard fighting it for me. Anyway, In the Bible it says that We are the Body of God. Each and everyone of us. And we were given the gift of free will. These two should not have been mixed, I admit, but we have no room to ask why as a Christian. Why have we allowed alot of things that has happened? I personally dont want God asking me the same question.... If I was t oask God anything personal, though, I would have to ask him why he made me so different. Granted, I like being different, but why do I always want to wear diapers, when there is nothing wrong with me?
  8. I only told one person. My girlfriend. After two months, she still finds it disturbing, but she has accepted that it is a part of me, and does allow me to wear a diaper in bed with her while we're sleeping, now. And just recently, she has allowed me to wear it pretty much whenever I want. The only draw back is that diapers are a very huge turn off for her, and as long as I'm in a diaper, I better not plan to have sex. Good source for Birth Control? lol But she usually tells me to put on a pair of boxers if she feels the need to want to "play with Moby" later. She still doesn't want to see them, but hearing it doesn't bother her much anymore. She just blocks it out in her head. I don't think I could tell anyone else.
  9. Diapers have saved me once about a week ago... I sleep with a diaper on, not because I need to, but it helps put me to sleep. Well, After I woke up I was just hanging out with my diaper on, when out of nowhere, I had a nice little fart cramp. Me being the gentleman that I am, I push the fart out... Well, to make it simple, it wasn't a fart at all. If it wasn't for the Diaper, my girlfriend would have killed me when she would discover that the bed sheets and matress needed cleaned. I was amased how well my diaper held up, but I was grossed out at the same time.... Shit is very hard to clean off your ass when it doesnt have anywhere to go....
  10. Thanks. The Aviation business has really been hurting. So I'm feeling alil ify about staying it. I hope the Business can pick back up soon.
  11. I wear the Overnight Depends. They have that plastic-like outer lining. I'm not a big fan of the cloth-like diapers for some reason. I've been wearing them alil more around her, and she's been acting like it's no big deal at all now. I think, she even cought me grabbing a diaper yesterday morning after I took my shower, and she didnt react at all from it. And I found out some very good non-diapered news.... I got a call from Lockheed Martin a few days ago. They want to interview me on the 4th. I'm very excited about this position, and I know I'm well suited for the job.... *crossing fingers*
  12. Maybe it is somewhat selfish, but its not exactly normal for someone who likes Diapers for the hell of it to just go out and tell their SO the momment they see eachother that he's a Diaper Lover, unless they really dont give a crap. Esspecially as a young adult. It's hard to tell someone you love that your into something they have never imagined you doing. Lets face it... It isn't the most well known and accepted interest in the world. For those who dont live in our shoes, we are infact strange. So being afraid to tell your SO for a long period of time seems normal to me.
  13. I ask myself why all the time, but my desire alwas seems to override it. As for what you said about this being our life, and no body elses, I have to somewhat disagree. I have recently been indulging in my Diapered Issue after coming out to my girlfriend whom I live with. When you do this, this isnt your life anymore. It's your's and your SO. Saying that you should not care what everyone else thinks jut so you can wear a diaper anytime you want, while living with someone you truely love, who happens to be indifferent about your situation, would be selfish. I try to look at it from both, mine and her point of view, because it's not always about me, and what makes me happy.
  14. Thanks for supporting me. She seems to tolerate it alil more. She was on the computer alil while ago, and because I wanted to, I just went and put one on. I'm quite sure she heard it when I walked back into the room, and she acted like it was no big deal. She seems to not be bothered by me going to bed with one while she's sleeping either. a few times she has even woken up and patted my ass. Looks like she might be getting used to it now.
  15. I don't actually "use" the diapers. I wear them to bed, because they help me sleep better. I'll also wear them when I'm just wanting to relax around the house. I'll actually hold in my "liquids" for alil while, but most of the time I'll just either slip the diaper down enough to do my business and pull them back up, or remove them altogether. When I do remove them, I just move back to my boxers.
  16. I wouldn't say that I need to wear them.... It's more of a compulsive disorder of mine or something. I don't really know how to explain it. I think she'd be able to understand it alot more, if I actually needed them for something.
  17. I'm really sorry to hear about your accident, bu at least it sounds like you've been able to make the best of it. I kinda feel guilty when I see people like you who actually needs to wear diapers, and the life that some of them put up with. Some enjoy it and don't care, some or so ashamed trying to hide it. Then here I am... I enjoy wearing diapers, just cause. Her issue with me wearing diapers isn't as bad as it was when I first told her about it, but she still thinks it's weird. She doesn't really understand why I couldn't just find an alternate that would give me the same feelings. Yes, but she understands the difference between everyday undies and diapers... lol I've always treated pretty good I think, but since we started talking about my issue, I have treated her like gold. After all the crap she has to put up from me and other stuff, I feel that its wrong not to treat her well. I showed this to her about a week ago. She read through everything I said, and after she was done, I asked her what she thought. All she said was, "it's still weird." She may never warm up to it. Though I seem to have sumed it up pretty good, I believe something else is missing. One question I keep asking myself is, "Why did I get so curious about what was in that diaper bag?" I weird myself out sometimes, and because the birth of my daiper issue is so foggy, it just makes me want to bash my head off a wall. Nothing against any of you guys, but wanting to wear diapers makes me feel like theres something wrong with me. What is it about this thing I'm wearing that makes me enjoy it so much? Yes it's comfortable, but why do I like the snug feeling, the padding between my legs, and the crinkling sound when I move? Why do I find putting on a diaper after work, the best way to feel asleep, and feel rested when I get up? Nothing else does it.... Why does it instantly put my mind at ease when I'm wearing one? I have never experianced anything that relieved stress as well as a diaper can. It's just so mysterious, and I may never know the answers. LOL, trust me. She hates how her pads feel. I have already had this talk with her. She will not wear one, ever. I don't think she really wants to truely understand why I enjoy diapers. ATM she just wants it out of sight, out of mind.
  18. Markley


    man, I feel for ya, dude. Last summer I broke my left tib and fib both, about 4 inches above the ankle, and for the first few weeks, it was a pain in the ass trying to go to the bathroom. I had surgery that required a titanium rod through the bigger bone, and three screws, then stilted my leg up and gave me an aircast, and crutches. Knowing what it's like to have to deal with a broken leg, your best bet would be to stay away from any pull-up.... Yeah. I had two lawn chairs. One to sit on and one to prop my leg on outside the shower. Didnt work out to badly, til it felt like my broken leg was settling on the chair, making it feel like it was bending...
  19. Thats what I'm wearing right now. Thats all I buy because it's easy to acquire, and they're cheap. I just bought a new pack today using the $2.00 off coupon you can print off from Depend's website. I haven't tried other diapers, but I enjoy these lot.... Don't ask me how well they hold up in wet situations though. I only use mine for personal comfort and sleep.
  20. *Edited 7-10-08* Thank you for your kind words. The Diaper issue will be hard to work out. So far it looks like things are fine, but I dont know what the future will bring. It will go one of two ways. She will probably never get over it, and I'll eventually have to stop wearing the diapers, period. or She may act like its nothing more than a pair of underwear, which would be really nice... Though I'm allowed to wear them, I still kinda feel like I'm not. But either way, my love for her comes first. If she accepts the diapers in anyway, thats nothing more than a plus. It just gets alil annoying having to remove them when she gets home sometimes... I seem to dislike having to take them off. Depending on what I wear, I cant hide the crinkling sound, and I know she doesn't want to hear that... She loves me in Boxers, and loves to snuggle alot, so I doubt she will ever accept me wearing them around her.
  21. I had already posted alot of this in the "Lifestyle" board, but this best fits. I just want to try to remember back as far as I could, and explain myself the best that I could. If you have already read my first post in the other thread, you may be reading the same thing with new additions. Lets begin... The same time I was born, my dad had joined the US Air force, so I was a military brat right off the bat. My mom just worked within the base at local fast food restaurants, and stores, just to bring in alil more money. Because of basic training and having to be out days at a time guarding and whatnot, my dad hardly spent time with me for the first few years of my life. In fact, he was in the middle of Basic training when my mom was in labor. As my dad grew higher in the ranks, he was able to spend alil more time with me, but my parents house became one of the most well known locations for parties within the base. So alot of times, I had spent alot of time as a young child playing with all my dad's cop friends, and members of his squad, or flight, whatever you wanna call it. 7 years later my dad left the Air force because of money problems, just wasnt making enough, and we moved back home. 7 years as a military brat, my interests where about Jet Fighters, playing Soldier, and wanting to do more adult things. I have seen alot of things that kids wish they could only see. I had lived overseas, my best friends were guys who were trained to kill. So moving back home into a civilian life, I wasnt quite ready for it as a child. Where we move back to, it's kind of a Redneck haven. So all the kids my age were into four-wheelers, hunting, etc. They all thought I was the strange one because I was different than them. Where they knew how to point and shoot BB guns, and 22 rifles, I knew how to disassemble M16s. They were drawing Power Rangers. I was drawing Jet Fighters, and fully armed Soldiers. They were playing football at the playground, I was dressed in full camo with toy guns, arresting and reading the kids their rights, and gettin trouble with their parents. They were talking about some amusement park, I was talking about Castles and Air Shows I've been to. You know the story..... Right off the bat, I was the outcast. All the kids made fun of me. You know how kids are in grade school. evil-minded brats who just want to point out every bad thing about you, and wanted to see others on the verge of crying. I started trying everything I could to be cool, and accepted by everyone. So I tried being funny, and whatnot. I became so focused on being accepted, I had let my grades slip, failing the third grade as a result. Obviously, the new group of kids I was around after that were even more rude, and mean. Falling behind just made things worse. I wasnt only different now... I was stupid and retarded.. Or at least thats what they thought. I believe my second year in the third grade was when my interest in diapers started. I remember we had someone come down to visit and had their baby with them. I was sitting on the couch watching TV, while my parents were outside talking to our visitor, and I happened to be sitting right beside the diaper bag. I started getting curious about the diapers that were in there, and eventually took one to my room. The Baby was a girl, so unfortunatly the disposable diaper was pink. That night I had put it on and it fit perfect. The feeling was unbelievable, and comforting... but the crinkling was so loud, I eventually got caught, and didn’t know it til a few weeks later. It was about every night after that I would put that same diaper on, obviously, it became stretched out, but I didnt care. Well, I got my report card soon after that and it was bad... After my dad had punished me, my parents sat down with me to talk about why I'm continuing to let my grades slip, and all I was able to tell them was that all I wanted to do was play. That threw my dad through the roof, and said something about treating me like a baby, found that diaper and threw it at me, saying something about how he should make me wear it to school, and if I continue to let my grades get out of hand, he would send me to military school. Lucky, the diaper was thrown away, and he never sent me to that school, but the grades didnt get any better. They believed that I had something wrong with me mentally, and took me to a psychologist. They also requested that I be put in a special type of thing at school for kids that needed the extra help. Both the Psychologist, and the teacher for the special class told my parents that there was nothing wrong with me, that I was very intelligent. My problem was, I flat out didnt want to do anything. I pretty much went through the remainder of grade school thinking my parents hated me, and I became more fixed on wanting to wear diapers, but I never told them. The next diaper I wore came in the 5th grade. Every year around Christmas, each class would have a party and gift exchange, but this year we had gag gifts. Well, my gift ended up being a diaper with tootsie rolls and alil yellow dish soap. Actually for a gag gift, I couldn’t ask for better. I made up a lie saying that I'm not throwing this away because I wanted to show my parents. I got home that day, and had sometime before my parents came home, so I tried it on. it was alil tight, but still felt good. I ended up working up a piss, so I went.... I didnt like that one bit. I grossed myself out, took it off, and took a shower. I hated that I had ruined that diaper so quickly. That was the last diaper I got to wear for the rest of the time I have gone to school. Throughout High school, I was able to control my wants for wearing diapers, mainly for the fact that I was older, and it was so hard to acquire anything. My dad was a school bus driver, so anything I did in school would get around to him somehow or another. So I just did enough in school, just to get by, despite still being picked on. Depending how bad I was messed with in high school, determined how much I wanted to wear diapers, so obviously, I had alot of days. but I would easily forget about it. After graduation, I had failed two classes, and had to take summer classes to get my diploma, which was embarrassing. I remember that summer I went on vacation with a bunch of my friends, and was doing homework at night while everyone else was asleep... Figures, the room I stayed in, happen to have a pack of diapers in there, but they were so small, I couldn’t fit in them if I tried, but that was quite a distraction, let me tell ya... I started getting that urge more and more each day it seemed like, after acquiring my first full time job working on cars. I started dating girls off and on around this time, so I started seeing the urges as a hassle, and a problem. Wasnt til after I started dating a long time friend of mine, was when the urges started to go away. A year later, I got the job of a lifetime working on airplanes, and she was in college. but working nightshift for 12 hours a night on airplanes became pretty stressful at times, and my urge started coming back. A year later the urge was so bad I actually when out one night, and bought my first pack of Diapers. Depend Underwear Super Plus Absorbency. I started wearing them alil but they werent much of a diaper. more of a cheap cloth-like pull up, and eventually threw them away. I later bought another pack of Depends. The Maximum Absorbency, and it became exactly what I wanted. The feeling was so comfortable to me. The crinkle was almost music to my ears. But my urge wasnt cured.. I figured if I actually started wearing them that it would become old quickly, and the feelings would go away, but they didnt. I just wanted to wear them more. This was a problem because my relationship with my girlfriend, who was still in college, was getting pretty serious, and if she found out I enjoyed wearing diapers, she would kick me to the curb quickly. One night, for some reason I started thinking of a way to maybe break the news to her, and decided to put one on, and visit her. Act like I was just going to mess with her as a joke, but really just wanted to test her. See how she would react. Obviously, her reaction was bad.... Told me to remove it, and never do that again. So after I have seen that she wasnt ready for this, and looked like she never would be, I stopped wearing them for good. Then one night last year I was at work, I had gotten into a sheet metal accident, and my left leg broke in two. I was off work for 4 months, but my leg had healed up so well from the surgery I was able to do alot of things before going back to work. Got the engine rebuilt and running in a project muscle car I have been working on for 7 years now. Got to do some camping, and spent alot of time with my girlfriend. But the urge was still there.... I just tried ignoring it. Wasnt long after I started back to work, and She started working after college, we eventually moved into an apartment together, and things became great together. Other than the fact that she was sharing my everyday car to get to work since I work nightshift, because her car broke down, all in all, things were better than we could have hoped for. Then my urges started getting to strong. Every time I had a stressful night, I wanted nothing more than to buy a pack of diapers, but I knew she wouldn’t go for that. til I eventually came out and told her about my interest. We were at Wal-Mart, and had to pick up some condoms while we were there. Where they keep that stuff, you can always see over your left shoulder all the Adult Diapers, and thats what I started looking at. Just to mess with with her, I joked about picking up a pack. Obviously she said no, and asked something along the lines of why I would want to... I said something jokingly about, "I cant help that its a fetish of mine." She found that pretty weird but nothing was said about it til we got home, and I explained myself. I told her about how I always wanted to wear diapers, but I wasnt into acting like a baby, or using them for what they were designed to do. I also ensured her that I wasnt into children... She knows where I stand when it comes to Pedos.... They all should be shot and hung. I told her that I didnt want to wear them in public, that it was a private thing. it is a turn on, but not something I want involved in our sex life. I let her know that I didnt want her involved in it sexually. I was very nervous telling her all this, and surprisingly she took it well despite being really weirded out about it. She just remained silent while I explained myself, because she didnt know what to say. I ended up asking her what she thought about me buying some. All she said was, "I don't want to see it, or hear it." The one-sided conversation was done. After I seen the way she reacted, I knew she didnt want me wearing them, so I dropped it. I didnt buy any, and I acted like nothing was ever said. I just continued to ignore what I now thought of as a major problem, and needed help, though I didnt know how to get it. well, I didnt know it at the time but she started doing some research online and started getting a better understanding about DLs. Then a few weeks ago,we got to talking about it once again. she started asking me a bunch of questions, and I answered them truthfully. She was understanding enough to let me buy a pack that day, and told me that if Im going to to wear them that she still doesnt want to see it, and doesnt want me announcing it to her. Ended up, I started wearing them nearly everyday when she wasnt home, a few times waking up with one on and come out of the room with her home. She didnt seem to mind it to much, so I figured she didnt have much of a problem with it. She ended up staying home one day after I got home from work, because of a storm that rolled through knocking the power out where she works. and somehow it was brought up about how I sleep better with a diaper on, and she told me that she didnt care what I did with them as long as I, again, didnt announce it publicly to her. I thought that was cool of her, and fell asleep with one on. but alil less than a week ago, I had gone to bed wearing one, and she came in later, and she got extremely weirded out about my wearing it. things go awkward quick. I desided this is only going to cause more problems so I threw them away. The relationship was far more important. So I went back to bed, while she stayed up. After I woke up we started talking about it again, and she thought that she had takin it wrong or something, removed the diapers from the trash, and put them away. She told me that she doesnt understand why she cant get over it, because she even knows that its not hurting anything. She eventually told me that the biggest problem she has it the image of her man wearing a diaper. for four years now, I have been that manly boyfriend who fixes cars, drives the hotrod muscle car, has a career working on regional jets, enjoys the outdoors... You know the rugged man. Thinking of me wearing a diaper just bothers her, and she told me that she shouldn’t think like that. I ensured her that I have always wanted to wear diapers, and that it hasnt changed the manly part of me. I'm still the same person, and she agreed that I was. So she started letting me wear them again. She seems to really try to be understanding, and supportive, but I can tell she's still having a hard time with it, which is understanding. At least now she doesnt seem to be afraid to talk about it, and joke about it. She laughs at me every time diapers are brought up in cartoons, movies, and commercials, because it seems like its been happening alot, like their messing with me. All in all, things seem to be going well. Sometimes it is alil annoying always wanting to wear them though. I thought after she let me buy my first pack, I wouldn't wear them as much, but it's been alot. I already went through the first pack, and as far as I know, she doesn't know about it. Trying to be smart about it though. I went out the other day to buy another pack, but before doing so, I went online to Depend's website, and printed off a $2.00 off coupon, just so I can save alil. I don't want this to add up in the bank, so she should be happy about that.
  22. I've been wearing this Depend Maximum Absorbant diaper for 6 hours straight, and will wear it for another 2 hours. After the ol' lady leaves for work, I'm putting on a fresh diaper, and hitting the hay. I bought these Diapers at Super K-mart.
  23. Well... my days dealing with Diapers have come to an end, Im afraid. After coming home from work, I'd stay up, and shoot the shit with my GF til she left for work. Thats when I'd put the Diaper on and go to bed. Before I started doing this, I have always had trouble sleeping, but when I started wearing diapers to bed, I would fall asleep in a matter of minutes. Well, a few days ago, I returned home from work, and waited for her to leave, when we got a phone call from her workplace. A storm had rolled through and knocked out the power there, so she didnt have to show up for work. We got to talking about how I seem to sleep better wearing one to bed, but since she was home, I wouldn't. She told me that she didnt care what I did with them as long as I didn't anounce it, or walk around with nothing but a diaper. So I went to bed wearing one. Woke up walked out of the bedroom wearing the diaper, shorts, and t-shirt, and she didnt seem to care at all. But had to change soon after that for work. Then yesterday, she obviously has the day off because it's the weekend, and was in bed. AS soon as I got home, I grabbed a diaper, shirt, and shorts for bed, took my shower, and went to bed with the diaper one. We snuggled for a few minutes, or so, and fell asleep. Woke up and it was the same story. She knew I had worn one, even came up to snuggle me, and rubbed my crotch area. She had to have known what she just touched, and didnt seem bothered at all. But.... this morning I get home early, because it was my Early Night at work, she was just getting ready for bed. (I forgot to mention that when she was very young, she used to get bad nose bleeds, so her mom gave her clothe diapers to put her face on when she goes to bed, so when she gets her nose bleeds, she wouldnt bleed on her pillows. But now she just sleeps better with one, which is totally fine. I have found myself doing the same a few times since we started dating.) She desided to stay up, and we ran to the store to pick up a few things, and when we came back, I deside I was going to bed, while she was planning weither or not to go to bed, or stay up. Well, Obviously, when I went to bed, I put a diaper on, and fell asleep. This when she came into bed, and noticed I had her clothe diaper, which she thought was cute, or something. I just gave it to her, and mumbled something about her having it ( I dont remember what I said, was still half asleep) Thats when she said that we have more if I wanna grab one. Without thinking I said, "Nah, thats ok. I already have one." Well, she didnt take it so well. Things got awkward quick. I told her I was sorry, and that I would take if off, but she said I didnt have to. But the way she said it, it was just so I didnt get upset. So I just got up, to grab my boxers, and she gets up to go to the bathroom. After I had changed, I could see she was still feeling to awkward about me wearing diapers, so I asked her if she would like for me to just throw all of em away, and just forget about it. All she tells me is that my feelings arent going to go away. But her body language was enough to make me feel like she had cought me having sex with my dad or something.... Obviously, I wouldnt, cause thats sick. lol So, I believe I'm done.... I threw them all away, and told her that I wouldn't love her any less than I did before this, and that I was more worried that she'd go away than I was about the urgenot going away. I would just deal with it like I have my whole life. I guess all I can say was, it was nice while it lasted..... Thanks for all your support and advice.
  24. I've always wanted to wear diapers but never wanted to be a baby. If you are just now getting the urges, it's hard to tell if you'll get addicted, but it may be a possibility. My urges grew almost out of control the first time I had actually worn a diaper, because it felt better than expected. Like AndB said, It's become more compulsive than addictive. As far as turning into an AB? I figure it just depends on the person. I'll be a solid Diaper Lover for as long as I continue wearing diapers. I dont even use my diapers for anything but to just wear em, like a pair of underwear. Other than wearing diapers every once in a while, I'm still the 24 year old wanna-be tough guy 24-7.
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