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Posts posted by Skywolf

  1. I never said anything about her not being hot, or that it was wrong, or anything. What I stated was if you want to be taken serious, then you don't need to add stuff like that in, and you don't need to keep mudslinging and using words like you do.

    You wonder why people go after you? Seriously, look at what you say, and how you react.

    The only reason I "came out of nowhere" was all the crap that has been going on in these topics. Obviously you don't really take everything into play concerning my topics. You are personalizing this, making it all about you. Look at my post, and look at my original one on poll-atics. Neither one was aimed just "at you". I combine everything into one post, instead of spamming the topic. I don't need to make multiple posts on the same topic when I can cover everything on 1 post.

    The post of mine above has replies to 3 different people, not just you. The one on Poll-atics has replies specifically to 2 people, as well as some general stuff that a few different people had brought up over the time, and I was voicing my opinion on it.


  2. Who are you and who invited you? This is funny because this is exactly how it started with Vic except with Vic I had simply posted for him to chill out, stop namecalling, and stick to the politics which of course he didn't. Now all of the sudden this clown wants to hop in trying to make fun of my age all of the sudden? I am no fanatic for a cause nor am I trying to overwhelmingly push a Republican agenda. I am discrediting everything Vic says or does with fact. Sky, I don't care at all what you think of me or anything so go away, why are you trying to start a fight with me? I am not going to flatter you by gettin into it with you. Democracy should always be practiced first, if the other party is unreasonable then you must defend yourself. I tried democracy with Vic but he ignored it; however, you are going straight for the fight.

    Have a good one Sky,


    P.S. You people make such a big deal about freedom of speech right, so why are you attacking my freedom to curse especially at people who used language at me first and just don't seem to get presented and proven fact.

    No one invited me. This is an open topic. You don't own this topic, so it would be nice if you would stop acting as if it was so. I have seen much more name-calling and bashing coming from you than from anyone else on this board. I also wouldn't "make fun" of you age if you showed a little more maturity.

    Most of your posts consist of bashing, and not a whole lot of "fact". You bash everyone who disagrees with your posts. Every time someone posts links to videos showing factual documented evidence, you brush it off with "I'm not wasting my time with that", yet you expect others to buy into your side with all your posts of "factual evidence". Its a two way street bud. You want people to consider your "facts" you have to consider theirs as well. The videos "How The Towers Fell" and "Zeitgeist" are both American made movies, which contain FACTUAL evidence that you can find yourself. They just compile it all together.

    Wikipedia's article on the Patriot Act is kind of a joke, and I really can't believe you cited it as a decent explanation. Have you ever read through the actual Patriot Act, and gone through all the previous Acts that it amended?

    This is a topic on a diaper lover/adult baby forum, not negotiations between two bickering countries, so I don't really see your statement as valid on here. (Democracy should always be practiced first, if the other party is unreasonable then you must defend yourself.) If you insist on using this reasoning, then everyone else on here has the same right, yet most don't get as blatantly outraged as you do. The keep it relatively civil, with a few snide remarks here and there.

    Oh, and your freedom of speech thing? Here's a lesson for you. Your freedom of speech isn't worth a thing on here. It is a privately owned site, and therefor are not subject to the First Amendment. On top of that, this site is registered to Amsterdam, therefor the First Amendment doesn't even apply to this site :)

    I'm not going for a fight with you, DL88. I am merely trying to open your eyes to your actions. I do love how you neglected to answer my questions to prove your credibility. I openly stated mine, so where is yours? I doubt you will answer though because you said you were done with this topic. Be safe and hope things go good for you in your future.


    P.S. Kudos Freta and Vic, I liked most of your last couple posts :)

  3. What is this with people blaming the president when he was in FREAKIN' FLORIDA when it happened????

    And there's no way in hell the towers were taken down by a "controlled demolition", cuz there were people in the damn buildings! The only demolition people who would take out a building while people were in it (who have no idea anything was gonna happen to them) are TERRORIST MURDERERS!!!!!

    Oh, wow, Bush was in Florida!! That immediately proves him innocent!!! NOT. He doesn't have to be at the scene literally pushing the buttons to be the one who did it.

    In this day and age, anyone can be bought out for enough money. So don't say the only ones who would rig the buildings would be "terrorist murderers." Explain to me your reasoning on why Building 7 fell.

    I shall post, once again: http://blip.tv/file/306082/

    Our teacher (hottie blonde)

    All of you "truthers" that are claiming it was an inside job should be ashamed of yourselves! THOUSANDS of INNOCENT AMERICANS died that day for no reason.


    Hmm..first part of you post shows where your maturity still lies.

    Second part shows how little knowledge you truly have of patriotism and our responsibilities to this country. We have the duty to always question our government, and events in this country that the government half-asses its explanations about. Those who don't question what happened are the ones who should be ashamed. Yes, thousands of people died, and their families are suffering from the loss as a result, which is WHY I won't give in. They deserve the truth, and the people who are responsible should be brought to justice.

    If you think Bin Laden did it, then explain to me this:

    1. Why was Bin Laden never indicted for the 9/11 attacks? He's been indicted for every other terrorist attack he has done, but why not the largest attack in US history?

    2. Go to the FBI website, and go to its most wanted international terrorist site. Check out Bin Laden. All the other stuff is there, but the 9/11 attacks are not. Interesting, eh? Want to know why its not there? Not Enough Evidence.

    Your third part is exactly the type of thing I brought up on poll-atics. Try using some respect for others. It will go a long way. I mean, damn, if you are like this in real life, you will have an aneurism by the time you are 40.

    I love how it's ok for McCain to say it but Obama cannot. Palin is a fuckin' unexperienced cunt. Yeah. I said it. Now what? Lord help us all if McCain gets elected and dies in office. Funny how this country murdered JFK but not one attempt has been made to take out Bush........

    Actually, there was an attempt, but both were idiots and failed miserably


    The first one was just random shots at the White House

    The second one wasn't stateside though. It was in the country of Georgia. The guy threw a grenade at Bush during a speech, but it didn't go off

    A) Alaska sucks. It's a Frozen Tundra most of the year. Any meathead who chooses to live like that I compare to a retard and seriously needs their noggin' checked out. Can we say"Ted Kaczynski"?

    I think you need your noggin' checked out. What do you have against people who live up there, or the state itself? I am going to go out on a limb here and assume you live in a large city or something. Personally I'd love to move up to Alaska. I'd be surrounded by wilderness, and away from true kooks (city dwellers who wouldn't last 2 days in the wilderness). Alaska isn't all that bad...

    Hmmmmm..........The town she was mayor of has 7,025 residents. There's a tough job! :roflmao: And as I've stated before,the state has a population of 600,000 people!!!!! WHAT FUCKIN' EXPERIENCE???? Giving a stern talking to 7-year old Tommy Smith because he stole a 5cent piece of Bazooka Joe from The Tradin' Post ISN'T experience. I'll bet you $$$$ to doughnuts Mrs.Palin wanted to burn all those books for the sake of the poor,poor children of Wasilla. She can't even handle her own kids going out and getting knocked up yet she thinks she knows what's good for other people's kids?

    Now, I don't support Palin at all, but I will say this: You make it sound like its so easy to be a Mayor of a small town/city. Its MUCH harder than being a mayor of a large city. You know many people, and any decision you make is going to directly impact people you know, and you will have to live with them hounding you about it all the time. It is a LOT harder to get things done as a Mayor of a small town/city.

    And as far as her daughter getting pregnant? It happens. Teens are rebellious, and get more so as time passes. Personally I think she can take her "abstinence only sex ed teachings" and shove them you know where. But as I said, kids are going to explore this stuff. Their bodies start telling them to when they are 12-13, and nowadays, many are starting earlier than that. You need to educate kids on this stuff so they don't make those mistakes, and end up a statistic.


  4. The trouble is these kids don't know how to use them, and in most cases don't even know what the safety catch is.

    This is one of the biggest reasons why gun crimes/injuries are so much higher in cities. Kids think its cool to have a gun, and don't understand the full consequences of guns.

    If you look at gun injury/fatalities between urban and country areas, urban areas have a much higher rate. People in the country are brought up understanding how guns work, and how to respect the guns.


  5. In reality, you only have 2 choices, McCain or Obamination. McCain is the lessor of 2 evils. I really like his VP pick. She should be president! Palin is certainly more qualified to be president than Obama.

    Spoken like a true slave of the media and government. This is the type of attitude that keeps piss poor choices for presidents in the house (as well as the house, senate, state and local governments).

    We are spending money now because of a war. Saddam had yellow cake uranium. Saddam was in the process of constructing a nuclear bomb. Attacking Iraq was the right thing to do.

    If you want to talk about security, for exactly seven years, there has not been a repeat of 9-11.

    The economy has never been in recession! There has yet to be a quarter that the economy did not grow. The Bush tax cuts kept the economy afloat. The high price of oil is hurting everyone. Oil is expensive because of world demand. Again, Obama does not want us to recover our own oil. For that reason alone, he should not be president.

    Keep drinking the Kool-Aid bud.

    hmm...no attacks in 7 years...I wonder why... I won't even go into that subject ;)

    ALL PRAISE BUSH!!! *sarcasm* What do you think of his "Patriot Act"? Its the most unpatriotic piece of garbage ever passed.

    And as for you, DL88...

    I'll be nice and take out the "religious" in religious fanatic. You are still a fanatic, without a doubt. Try reading what you post, and what you say. You are truly a fanatic. Typical 19 year old. Calling people fucktards and such will only lower any respect anyone has of you and anything you say. The way you rant is reminiscent of a Southern Baptist Preacher (no offense to any good southern baptists here).

    fanatic - (noun) - A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

    What's your profession? What's your Major/Minor in college? How much do you truly know about our country, the government, and its history? I'm sure an answer to this would go a long way to determining your credibility to even post what you do. Surely experience isn't it. I apologize from the bottom of my heart if you mentioned it in one of your previous novel long rants, I must be BLIND and missed it. (actually, these questions should apply to everyone in here)

    On another note: Oil prices are controlled by the futures market. Oil companies determine how much to put on the market. While yes, their quota's affect the prices, that only goes so far.

    Oil Future prices are determined by: Supply, demand, natural disasters, instability in countries that supply oil and the regions they are in, and the most important one: Greed.

    I am not opposed to free market, or Futures, but I don't really care for the fact that the price I pay at the pump is determined by men in suits who buy oil that they will never take possession of, and then sell it for a profit to someone who likewise will never take possession of it.

    As far as the economy is concerned, we ARE in a recession. Nationwide unemployment is put at 6.1%. Most of my state is much higher, including a city now at 11% unemployment. I am one of the unfortunate who can't even get a minimum wage job as the market is so bad.

    Oh, before anyone start blasting me that I don't know what I'm talking about, that I'm a FUCKTARD, or some other colorful remarks, I will tell you right now. I do my homework. I don't watch "News Networks". They are a waste of time. When they spent a month covering almost nothing but Anna Nicole Smith's death, I lost all respect for watching them. I search independently on the internet, looking at both sides of issues and headlines. Yes, many of the things I read or watch online come from "News Networks" but I don't have to sit and watch what they want to shove down my throat when they want. I watch C-Span and C-Span2 daily. My major is Political Science, and my minor is Economics.

    I believe I am more than qualified to take on these debates, between my knowledge, and also that I have the ability to keep it somewhat civil, without slinging vulgar words at anyone who disagrees with me, DL88. You want people to respect, or even listen to your opinions? Then grow up, and start acting a little more mature. Maybe someone needs their diaper changed and a time out.


  6. I have a few. I keep a loaded 20 gauge under the bed ;)

    Those of you who think we shouldn't own guns...well...one of these days these guns of mine will be protecting your ass. Wait and see.

    It is a constitutional right to have firearms. You can say it refers to militia only, but if you look at the US Code, any adult male is automatically considered militia.

    You can say that the police will protect you, you don't need guns to protect you. There are rulings going as high as the Supreme Court that the police are not required to "protect" you, that they are there to investigate crimes once they happen. And how are you going to call the police anyway when an intruder has you hostage because you had nothing to defend yourself with? They will do whatever they want to you.

    If guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns. Most criminals don't usually buy guns legally. They buy them on the black market. I have no problems with registration and licensing, but I will never, EVER agree to any laws that infringe on my right to have firearms.







  7. :excl: Pick your poison. McCant or Obamination?

    You have to vote or lose the right to complain. I cannot vote for a person that will impose any sort of gun control so I have to vote for McCain as the lesser of two evils since my home-boy, Fred Thompson is out.

    The above statements define the true way to "throw your vote away."

    Why must everyone be so convinced that "Democrats" or "Republicans" are the only way to go? To choose the lesser of two evils? I say to hell with them both. They both abuse the constitution, and as of late, both have abused the national deficit. Republicans have put our national debt at over 9 trillion dollars (thats $30,000 per person in the US). Do you think democrats will do any better? I don't think so.

    No thank you. I'm probably going to go for Bob Barr.



  8. Hey mister SkyWolf!! That's like EXACTLY what i've been saying all along. That it doesn't matter really, and it's not like we know anyway, so people are generally making too big of deal out of it. So dont group me in with the dramatics.


    I don't recall grouping you in it at all :)


  9. Ron Paul should be president! That Obamination makes me want to puke.

    Paul is a true American patriot who supports our Constitution.

    Obama is a left wing hard core Communist.


    And...Aleia, one question... WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?


  10. It could possibly be the fact that you want to feel more accepted for what you do, but aren't willing/brave enough to come straight out about it, so you are hoping that they will find out and initiate it.

    Just my possible take on it.


  11. Internet is serious business.

    Give it a break, all. You have no proof as to whether its real, or if its fake. And what is it to you if it IS fake? Absolutely nothing. Is it going to destroy your life? no.

    Personally I'm enjoying reading into his posts. I saw a topic a few minutes ago about how everyone they knew had left, and someone said they heard a rumor that people have been heading off to diaperspace.com . Well, if this is how people are treated on here, I certainly understand why.

    Go drink some more kool-aid


    P.S. Kudo's BabyThorp for having the courage and will to post stuff like this :)

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