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Everything posted by ric2

  1. From the album: ric2

  2. I was wearing a nappy one day, and felt a strong need to go, I had to get changed to go out so didn`t really want to make a mess. Suddenly I sneezed! and the rest as they say is history..... I needed a pretty big clean up! Good job I was wearing a nappy Ric
  3. Hi, I think you will find there are other girls out there who like diapers/nappies. I have talked to one or two, and they like pooping too. I found my teenage years really difficult, mainly because I did not accept myself for wearing nappies, it took until I was 28 before that happened. Now I just accept that this is the way that I am, and like myself for it and enjoy wearing and using my nappies. btw I am not into the baby side, and also really enjoy pooping. Ric
  4. I can often meet up in London Ric
  5. I am based near Bristol, but travel to Cardiff and London frequently Ric
  6. Hi Aleia, It certainly is! I really like it, but unfortunately it is not me! I am trying to upload some of my own photos into my gallery space, but cannot seem to do it... any clues? Ric
  7. Thank you Sarah and Tigger. I cannot speak for anyone else, but in the situation I am in at the moment, I have very few people to speak to about nappies, so when the opportunity arises, I tend to speak about nappies! i am also hopeless at meeting people socially for the first time, what to talk about etc etc, so thank you for some clues. My interest is mainly to try and understand myself a bit better, and by talking to other like minded people that can help. As you say it is important to remember we are all human beings, with feelings, emotions and everything that goes with it. Hopefully speak somemore Ric
  8. Hi mooglelove, Yes everything seems good now!. Thank you for your help. Can you tell me how to upload some photos into my gallery? I will get the hang of this one day! Ric
  9. Clean up for me are wet wipes and/or shower (not always possible if out!) It helps to not have too much hair as this makes things more difficult. sex in a dirty nappy sounds great, but you would need a very understanding partner! descretion is important. If I am driving, I will poop, if I am on the train I won't, so that I don't cause discomfort to other people. ric
  10. I`m sure this must have been asked before, but what would your dream nappy look/feel like? Nappies are pretty functional things, but they should look good too. Does anyone have any style views, or images of how they want them to look? Ric
  11. ric2

    New Here

    Don`t chop your leg off what ever you do!! i have also wanted to wear nappies since about 4 years old. i realy struggled through my teens, trying to accept myself, binge bust cycles and all those sort of things. I eventually accepted myself when i was 28. Told my sister and then girlfriend, both really accepting. Never felt happier. I am 40 now, so the internet was not really around for me at least, so discovered others like me after that time. its great you have come to terms with nappy wearing so soon. i hope you continue to enjoy them and discover more about yourself. don`t tell people if you dont feel comfortable with it. i`ve always found that opportunities will present themselves. Ric
  12. Had an interesting chat with the cashier yesterday, when I had to buy some emergency supplies, the nappy was full, i was 100 miles from home and no spare... oops! Had to make do with some Kendalls, which seem alright so far. i usually use Tena super slips, which are difficult to buy over the counter. My usual pharmacy is in Bristol, but i was in Plymouth. I asked the lady for some tena slips. She looked at me very blankly and said I would have to explain. So I then said they are like an adult nappy. Oh she said, and then produced a list and samples, which was very useful, as I have never worn kendalls before. She then mentioned that she was recently told off for calling them nappies. i have also been told off for calling them nappies, and they were for me!. You would have thought she would remember that they are supposed to be called slips, if a customer had told her off! Bearing in mind that I was wearing a very full nappy, which must of had at least a slight odour, she then asked if they were for someone in the family, so I said no, they are for me. I then asked her for the best way to get out of the town. In my fairly extensive experience, I nearly always ask for nappies in a pharmacy, all the attendants have been very polite and as helpful as they can. Ric
  13. My efforts of wearing a tena maxi, or a tena super stuffed with half a tena super seem very tame to you guys. However I do use the tenas for everything when out. A fully loaded super certainly makes you waddle! Tried some Kendalls today, seemed quite good, what do others think? In the past, I have gone out in Towels and bin liners (before I discovered adult disposables) They can be pretty bulky Ric
  14. Dear All, I am not a girl, but hope you don`t mind me adding a post. I wear my normal clothes, and my normal underpants(tight fitting briefs), which keeps the crinkling to a minimum. In the summer and today, I wore my shirt out, so the top of the nappy could become visible in certain circumstances, no issue with noise, and people don`t seem to notice. I pretty much always use supermarket toilets to get changed, even with very poopy nappies. Its interesting when someone is in the cubicles next to you! I wish the tapes would come undone slightly more easily. Ric
  15. i was out driving for work today. It was particularly good, as I could just relax, and poop without making a conscious effort. I ran out of my usual Tena super slips, (only took two with me, and things were very active today!) so had to get some Kendalls super plus. Never tried these before, but they seem very good so far. Ric2
  16. I guess this is where having the choice is helpful. Decided to wear a nappy (tena super medium) to a work meeting today, which entailed a 4 hour train journey through London and then back again. The Tena worked for over 12 hours, as I did not get a good opportunity to change (and did not drink huge ammounts). I normally poop at some point (on the way back, usually when I want to), but because of the tight timescales etc it was not appropriate... trains were packed etc. Wearing the nappy was useful because I did not waste time using the loo! When on my own or with a knowing friend I will poop, I will also go in public, as long as the space is not confined and there is somewhere to change. Ric
  17. I agree with the psychological pull, because it is so great with me, I first had to come to terms with it and accept myself for who I am (which meant accepting wearing nappies, which took until I was 28); once I had done that, I felt so much more free. I was then also able to talk about it to selected friends, relations etc. It is also the reason I still struggle trying to balance the nappies with my married life. Ric
  18. How do I get my personal photo to show in the side panel, each time I post? Thank you Ric
  19. Its a very thought provoking piece. I guess that I dont want to broadcast my "DL ism" from the roof tops, but would like to be able to talk, or wear without too much hassle. In fairness, most people I have spoken about it to, have been positive, and accepting (with one exception). Although my wife cannot deal with my nappy wearing, I do have a good friend who I can talk to, and also wear in his company (under my clothes). Ironically, my wife has spoken to various of her friends, and they are OK too! My friend say he can see a noticable change (relaxation in me) when I am wearing nappies. Over the years I have tried to analyse why I am attracted to nappies, and have on many occasions tried to give them up (binge bust cycles etc). For me it comes down to accepting that it is part of me, and also I do enjoy wearing and using them. Work could be an issue for some, and I do take my hat off to Angela, who seems to have integrated her life choices, needs and work together so well. So more widespread acceptance could allow high profile people to be more open. An AB/DL convention could be interesting, but I would have difficulty explaining where I was going to the wife! Ric
  20. i have often gone days wearing nappies, and regularly wear them out, but generally i get to a point of not wearing them again for a while. Bizarrely, whilst i find nappies very relaxing, I normally cannot sleep in them. Does any one else have that experience? ric
  21. Hi Diapered Witch, You make an interesting point. Unfortunately life is not that easy. I have only had two serious relationships in my life. I told both partners early on in the relationship. I told my first partner after watching a channel 4 programme about fetishes etc, and there was one episode about adult babies and nappy fetishes etc. This went well, and she was really very supportive of it, recognising it helped me unwind etc. as my job at that time was quite stressful. she was the first person I told. Part of my deal with myself, for accepting that I enjoy and want to wear nappies is endeavouring to be truthful about it. When I first met my wife, I told her within 1 week of us first going out, so that either of us could pull out if uncomfortable with the situation. Her response is typical for her, which is to be accepting of it and making light of it... "is that all?" sort of thing. So everything seemed to be fine. At that time, because it was a new relationship etc, I did not have any real desire to wear them, and my wife did not ask any more about them. As the relationship has gone on, so it has become clear that it is a taboo subject, and more importantly it reminds my wife of events in her past, which has nothing to do with wearing nappies, but alot to do with men and little children. This is a very unfortunate association, and I do not wish to aggrevate painful and powerful memories any further. This led to me trying to give up, but has ultimately started to lead me back to a life of deception, which is not what either of us want. The solution is difficult, because I do not want to give up nappies for myself, but for my wife, and this leads to resentment. ric
  22. Hi ricky, Balance is the right word. I can wear out and when away etc, but its going back to the the guilt, deception, and risk of lying, which I want to get away from. Do I feel guilty? yes (due to the deception) Can I do without? sometimes I cant talk to my wife about it and hence cannot come to a compromise The nappy only option is not very palletable The no nappy option is very difficult to achieve! Ric
  23. Hi boy Ricky, I agree that it is vital to accept yourself as you are. it took me 28 years to do that! It becomes a challenge again when your significant other cannot accept it as part of you. ric
  24. i guess for me its about being discrete, I am a DL, so wearing out is not a big problem, because virtually no one notices (or cares). because I cannot wear them around my wife, wearing them out is virtually the only option. i have told girlfiends, my sisters and my step brother, and a director at work, but its all quite abstract, you are not standing in front of them wearing nothing but a nappy, so my experience so far is that friends and most relatives (I would not tell my mother and step father, not because they are not loving or caring, but because I don`t think they would understand) are fairly accepting, because it does not affect them directly. With girlfiends and wives, it is a different matter, because they have to live with it. If you are lucky, you have an accepting partner, unfortunately my wife does not accept it which leads to tension. I would not really want to be filmed, but would do an anonymous interview, and maybe a named interview in time. As previous people have said, I would not really want to be filmed in normal sexual acts or in my normal underwear either! if directly questioned, I would and have discussed wearing nappies etc. I think one of the most bizarre things is that you can be wearing a messy nappy (and normal clothes) and go into a supermarket toilet carrying a clean nappy and baby wipes, and no one will notice! ric
  25. ric2

    What's In A Name?

    I can sympathise with that. My wife calls them thingies, and my "problem" Ric2
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