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Everything posted by naughty_baby

  1. lol, then you'll need diapers for real most likely.
  2. LOL! It would indeed turn into a water balloon and I'd fly around the street until I've eventually emptied haha. Oo scary thought lollll. Bethy where ya been btw I thought you were kidnapped I posted a topic in the discussion forum asking where ya'd got to we were gonna send out a missing persons note hehe! Glad ya back though.
  3. I didn't even know ya butt hole was big enough for a fist to get into....I dont even do anal sex soo OUCHY!! LOL! I couldn't play with me poop lol, each to their own though...
  4. Live a lil... crikey thas way to scary for me, I'll have panic attack or sumat lol! Im sure she'll like it Curiousplaymate. Theres not much difference in squirting and peeing lol, squirting feels like you need to pee too lol so it wont be much different to her. Id just ask her to try.
  5. Oh really, I didn't know that. Cool. Thanks for looking.
  6. I dont see it as a problem. Though legal age for sex is 16 in UK. I was 16 when I got with my bf and he was 20. But I was legal so it was ok. lol.
  7. Did any one else see it. It was on Virgin1 couple nights ago, in UK, Im not sure whether where you are can get it I dno. I only caught the end of it though a woman talking about Infantilism. It was about a guy is all I heard. But I missed it
  8. Lollll. I dno just stuff that seems way of the mark. Extreme bondage like body bags omg that would scare me I saw it on a program. Looks creepy.
  9. Lol, you should just say it, try it out.
  10. LOL! Awww cuteee. No...not cute...*batters squirrel* *Screams at top of her voice* BETHANYYYYYY... ...... ....*Holds ear and listens for reply*...
  11. LOL! Indeed Sophie's sounds very logical. Oh well, I suppose we best wait for whoever has her to return her back to us...
  12. LOL, took me ages to work that out I was going to Personal Portal Information I wrote it and then clicked save and it never saved!! I tried loads of times! Then gave up and had a look around my profile and found that I had to go to the Settings tab on my main profile page!!
  13. Oh yeah I've let go a full pee on top, love the feeling. It runs all over him and soaks the bed hehe then when I'm done on top I'll lay in it on bottom. I don't do it all the time on purpose I'll go through sheets like crazy lol! But sometimes. Nah I just don't go to the loo before sex I usually have loads saved lol! Sometimes even if I do go before sex which are the times I dont wanna pee I still do a lil bit lol! Is she a squeemish kinda gal? If not just tell her. Or do something like write down aload of fetishes and stuff on a piece of paper each and mark which ones you'd be willing to try and show each other at the same time! Write some really out there stuff and some relatively normal stuff! That way the peeing one won't seem so bad lol!
  14. I'd say its a mixture of things. I wasn't abused as such. Me and a friend went off with a guy when we were younger and too stupid to know better he was grooming us and he touched in places if you know what I mean but I was fully clothed. Searched his house and he was a pedo! But it wasn't as bad as what some people have been through. Another thing ever since I've been born my mum is alcoholic every single night she's drunk, she's also anorexic doesn't eat hardly anything! I don't ever remember her being normal. She name called me etc coz she was drunk. I moved out in the end with my bf! Maybe that contributes! ALthough my dad is normal I'm closer to dad than I am my mum. Also the fact that I wasn't wiping my own bum til I was about 7 lol! Dno why I just didn't like doing it! Also I ate baby food til I was 5 mum couldn't get me off it. So it could be for me, a mixture of all of that. I really don't know.
  15. Ooo *Prints aload out and sticks them up around the board* Not been on since September it says on her profile. *Hopes police squad can find her*
  16. Hmm...I think there may be a lil connection, alot of people here seem to have/had it. Although I never have Im just weirddd lol!
  17. Aww bet your heart was pounding with excitement! She sounds really sweet
  18. ..baby Bethany go??? She's not been here in a while. Shall I put out a missing persons note??
  19. Lol aww the pet pads for puppies aren't they I think. Yeah I don't think I'm squirting though I read that it's not pee. However what comes out of me is lol I can smell that its pee lol. I cant help it on bottom as I said but on top I love doing it on purpose lol! Lifting up and letting a lil go, I like hearing it come out too and hitting him. Ooo.
  20. Yeah its hard to tell someone about it. Me and my bf moved up North he went first and stayed it his nans whilst finding a flat for us to rent and we texted each other and spoke on phone most nights we were apart for about a month and whilst we were texting I said it then and he said we'll try it lol! He's not actually into it but he still does it for me, I don't know whether he enjoys it on to be honest lol I've never asked. Oh yes every detail lol!
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