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wishing for diapers

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Everything posted by wishing for diapers

  1. I noticed this with the order I just got last week. I still had 3 old (this time last year) mediums from them and the new ones are significantly smaller than they used to be (and I know I didn't get super fat between Saturday and today ) I'm afraid the large would be too big in the wrong places though.
  2. It's gotten better with my wife again. Since I told her early on in our relationship (god, we've been together 15 years now...), i've never hidden it from her. She did go through a phase where the whole idea disgusted her and we couldn't have a reasonable conversation on the subject, but she's come back to be at least accepting about it even if she doesn't want to be involved. She is open enough about it now that she actually reminded me to put in my order so I would have them in time for her trip So I don't think I hide it from her (she knows what's behind that door in my dresser), but I do try to wear when she isn't around so she doesn't have to deal with it if she doesn't want to. And since she quit her job that had her gone until late I don't get as much time to myself any more so these few days are a rare treat.
  3. Young people Is it wrong that Scarlet in the cartoon was likely my first crush (and then I found her in the comics )? I'll wait till it comes out on HBO/Show/Cine as I don't want to feel robbed for watching yet another raping of my childhood... And last I heard, yes a Thundercats (mmm... Cheetara.... ) is in the works too Are there really no original ideas anymore?
  4. Not much. Already have the plastic sheet on the bed (I often wonder if it's a diaper fetish I have or a specific style/use of plastic...), am nicely diapered, and well on my way to being soaked. Other than that, lots of sitting around in a diaper (it's the simple things right?) Though I should really try some W to justify the FH at some point
  5. I'm sorry, but I can't exactly share the reasons for my excitement of having the house to myself for a few days to my friends and co-workers. So you all get to experience yet another of these threads I'm one of the semi-lucky ones that I don't really have to hide it, but she also doesn't really like the idea so I don't wear around her very often. So I have a few days and I even get to work from home while i'm at it Sorry, just had to share with people that understand
  6. I've seen that on a Minivan in my area too. Pretty sure they weren't AB/DL, but it still makes me smile on the rare occasion I see it.
  7. *nix Admin/Programmer I was laid of from my last job over a year ago now and still know a few people from the same hit that haven't found jobs What I don't get is how someone can be out of work for a year, but turn down even an interview because they don't want to commute an hour each way... You are correct that those of us that have the jobs should be grateful, but I don't think any job (for the average worker) in any industry "isn't at risk" at this point. I used to think I was essentially untouchable at my old job (to be honest though, I was happy to be laid off since I was too chicken to move of my own volition), but here I am at a new job (though much happier). No amount of seniority or esoteric knowledge means a thing when companies start looking at the bottom line and targeting the higher paid employees (even though it's really a case of nose vs face...).
  8. He's 19, we all exaggerated at that age. Especially guys about how much sex they get As far as the question at hand, i've gone on and off sex a few times over the ~15 years i've been with my wife. I think it is more a question of timing than anything else. It could be that you are settling down with your GF and sex isn't as important to your relationship (to you anyway) as it was. It could be just a mood that will pass. And as others have pointed out, it could be something more serious. I would say first and foremost is to talk to your GF and tell her what is going on. Second, give sex a break for a few weeks to a month and see how you feel. If you still have zero interest, then you really should see a doctor and get checked out.
  9. Really that is only something you and your wife can decide. In the end, you both need to accept both yourselves and each other because while you can certainly change in the short term and possibly even change some small things for good, the big pieces that make you who you are will always come back. And if you (or she) are trying to suppress what makes you you, then over time it will build and make things that much worse (either you take the frustration out in some way, you let those traits resurface and that causes problems, etc..). Another thing to consider is that while she might like to point at your diapers as "the" problem, in actuality if it wasn't them it would probably be something else. The problem is that there is a problem (which neither of you may actually know or understand fully) and anything that gets pointed at is usually just a symptom rather than the underlying cause. It's always easier to focus on something that is already out there than to dig around and find more. Marriage and relationships are obviously successful through compromise, however if most of the compromise (or at least the big parts, e.g. changing someone's psyche) is on one side that will likely grow into bitterness and regret. By all means compromise and change those things that you think should be changed anyway, but make sure that she is A) making equal changes on her side and B ) understands what you are trying to give up (in the case of diapers) and what it really means to you. It is an unfortunate fact, however, that many marriages that start that young (and especially that start having kids that young) either don't last or are very difficult. The problem is that at that age, we (in general) still haven't figured out what we really want or even who we are. While I understand her desire to start over, as others have pointed out it just isn't possible for her to do that with kids in the picture. I am not advocating staying together for the kids (talk about something that doesn't end well), but you both MUST remember that first and foremost your lives are about being good parents for them regardless if it is together or apart. As is always suggested in these types of threads (and already has been in this one), get counseling. Even if she isn't willing to go herself or attend marriage counseling, get some for yourself. Even if counseling can't help fix your marriage, there is a good chance you can use it to find out more about yourself as well as having some help to get you through what could be a very tough time in your life. As far as giving up diapers, again, only you can make that decision. If you've been around long enough, you will have seen plenty of people that have sworn it off but ended up coming back to it again (I myself swore it off for almost 2 years once). I'm not saying it can't be done, but you need to go into it fully understanding that 2 months or 2 years down the road you most likely will get the urge to come back to it again. If it is something you do want to give up, again I suggest working with a therapist both to get started as well as on an ongoing basis to deal with the potential backslides. Hope some of that helps.
  10. DL and haven't been into video games or heavy metal (not that I really was, punk, SKA, and hardcore were my things) for close to a decade now. Good god, does Glenn still think he is relevant? The guy has a lot of talent and I love his voice, but his ego has pretty much ruined everything he has touched. The garage days of the Misfits were excellent (at least the recordings, since I was way to young to even know about it back then), though very rough. Samhain was OK (too metal for my tastes) until he ditched everyone but John and started Danzig. Danzig was great for the first 3 albums, then he released Aria and went nuts again I've seen him twice and the best was at Hammerjacks in Baltimore. Now there was a cool little club that shouldn't have been torn down! I will admit I have a hard time not singing along with Mother or Twist of Cain comes up on my iPod though
  11. Odd, not having worn real rubber pants I would have figured them to last almost forever. With vinyl, like all things, quality matters. I have had some (the old DPF gerber style) that while they felt like the real thing, they developed holes and tears almost immediately. I've also had some where the plastic was so thick and stiff that I couldn't stand them. If you are thinking about switching, I would suggest you only get one at a time and try different manufacturers to start. That will hopefully help you avoid spending a bunch on pants that you don't get much use out of.
  12. I got a few from MyOtherSide (or something like that) on eBay years ago and love them. Her eBay account and website aren't around anymore though She even made me a few pair from fabric that I sent her. If you can find some second hand or by chance she is using another name, I highly recommend them. Excellent quality and the plastic is a good balance between being soft and durable. I'm not a regular wearer, but they have stood up to the limited use I give them far better than others i've had in the past. As far as the cloth vs disposable question, I rarely wear cloth so they are usually over my disposables. I do it more because I like the pants rather than any additional protection (I think I have a plastic fetish if you get down to it...).
  13. I once read a suggestion for guys to tuck themselves down and back. In my younger days that never worked, but I guess things have changed a bit cause now it's not uncomfortable and significantly cuts down on leaks. I used to never be comfortable wetting while sitting down because of worrying about leaks. Using this method I don't worry about it any more. As well as taping from the bottom up as mentioned, you might also need to try different brands and sizes. Everybody is a different shape and most diapers are as well. Finding the one that fits you best will also help with leaks too.
  14. Not necessarily actually, there are a fair number of us here that enjoy at least light BDSM play. If you are already playing some BDSM games, you could always put him in a diaper as part of it. If he is the top, you might suggest he diaper you (if you are up for that). As far as far as how long to have him in a diaper before you have sex, that depends on him and how the fetish manifests for him. You might even go as far as using a diaper as a form of chastity play. -d
  15. Would that we were all as lucky as your husband Are you in bed before him at night? If so, maybe you could put one on yourself, get in bed, then let him find it when he snuggles up. If you tie each other down sometimes, next time you tie him down you could put one on him while he is tied up. Or you can let it be. Coming to terms with this fetish is hard for most (all?) of us. It may just take time for him to become comfortable enough with it himself before he is ready for you to be accepting of it. Regardless of your method, go slow and be supportive. Good luck (to you both). -d
  16. Based on the length of time I had cronic back pain, mine had to have started growing in my early teens. They can cause minor infections as they tear at your kidneys, but I don't think they would cause anything like failure (though I am not a doctor). The ER doc gave me a filter and told me it would pass. Contrary to how I normally do things, I actually listened and followed up with a Urologist. When I told him that I was told it would pass, he laughed pretty hard to a few minutes. Then he put my catscan up so I could see it and pointed out that it was life size and the large white spot was one of my stones. It was as big as the tip of my pinky (took 3 attempts to break that bastard up and I still have remains of it that won't flush out 7 years after my first Litho on it). Should have sued the ER doc for malpractice and incompetence... oh well... Depending on the type (assuming you do have them), drinking plenty of water (or anything with little or no sodium or caffeine) will help small ones pass and also reduce the chance of them growing. The first thing is to get diagnosed first since it could be something else entirely. -d
  17. DL issues aside, you need to go see a Urologist. It is probably/hopefully nothing serious, but it still isn't right. The two excerpts I included above sound very similar to what I experienced for years. Turned out I had kidney stones (due to the symptoms I showed not being common it went undiagnosed for ~10 years until I ended up in the ER with the "classic" KS type pain) and as soon as they started breaking them up all my "symptoms" went away. Seriously, see a doctor. Specifically a Urologist if you can. -d
  18. Based on that information, your situation sounds similar to what I have gone through. The main difference (and this has been the hardest part for me) is that my wife used to be involved (wear, let me wear them, we tried out some AB play that neither of us really cared for) with it and then she did a 180 with her feelings on the subject (it was during the longest purge cycle I had been through (almost 2 years) and I think she thought it was done for good). Based on what you've said, I would highly suggest you try to get her into couples counseling. This is something I regret not doing with my wife (we talked about doing it, but never did) as I don't think our relationship has ever fully recovered from the things we should have dealt with properly. We mostly get on fine again and still love each other deeply, but we both know it's more a marriage of convenience than a real desire to be together. In talking to a counselor, focus on dealing with the other issues and don't try to force diapers into it until the other issues start to get on track. I'm not saying that you should hide it, just let it come out in it's own time. This seems to be a big issue (and i'm just as guilty) with us. I'm not sure what the cause is, but we seem to try to force the issue which I think makes things worse more often than not. -d
  19. Well thinking she is "screwy" for not sharing your interest certainly is not the best way to go about solving your issue. I am in a similar situation with my wife and I went for a long time not having diapers to try to conform what she wanted (in our case, she previously participated though it was never her thing). The problem was that I had a growing feeling of trying to hide and deny what i've accepted as part of who I am. The real issue with your diapers is that you need to find a balance. You need to be able to exercise your interests without ignoring her feelings and desires. The first step is that you need to sit down and really explain your interest to her and listen to what she doesn't like about it. Then the two of you need to find a balance where you both can be satisfied. If you aren't at a place in your relationship where you can have real in-depth conversations like this, then there is probably something else you need to work on first. You also need to accept that this will take time. For me and my wife, I simply wear when she is not home. She is aware of it which partially satisfies me as I don't feel like i'm hiding it. And she is happy that, even though she knows it goes on, she doesn't have to be involved. Of course I would like more (I miss sleeping in diapers ), but it's a start. -d
  20. I posted a review a few weeks ago with similar thoughts, but it has yet to show up. Even though i'm a DL, I really want a more baby like diaper but the original Bambino just doesn't do it for me (I like the print on the ABU, but refuse to use paypal ). My previous favorite was the Attends 10 w/waistband until they got sold to PaperPak (never was the same again), so that is what I compare everything to. The things I don't like about the plain bambino are: *) the blue waist bands (it's simple I know, but how about a true plain white diaper?) *) The smell. While arguably better than most adult diapers, I get a wood pulp type smell that just doesn't seem right to me. *) The clear plastic panel is nice in regards to adjustments, but I never found I needed to adjust Attends or Depends once they were on. And the thinkness/stiffness of it is uncomfortable at times (digs into my hip joints when i'm sitting). *) The plastic backing is also thicker than i'm used to and doesn't "feel" right to me. *) Not a fan of the two tape design. *) I know it seems odd, but holds way too much. I like to sit around in a wet diaper for a bit, but i'm not an all day kinda guy. It holds so much that I feel like i'm wasting it when I do change. The things I like: *) Seems to be the most of best of both worlds of what I like about Attends and Depends (thick, mostly white, inner leg barriers). *) Lack of wetness indicators. I understand they are there for those that can't otherwise tell, but they always just seem demeaning in a way. *) Two tape issues aside, they are by far the best fitting I have worn. *) I have yet to have a leak sitting or standing and it is the only diaper i've worn where i'm comfortable flooding a dry diaper while sitting. All in all, I haven't made up my mind if i'll order more when this case runs out or not. They are pretty good in general, but not exactly what i'm looking for given the price tag. -d
  21. I have a memory from when I was somewhere between 2 1/2 to 4 1/2. I'm guessing that I was shortly out of diapers at the time as they were in the house but I don't think I was still wearing them. The box of diapers was on a high shelf in my closet and I remember just sitting on the floor trying to work out how to get to them (don't think I ever did). After that, I don't have any recollections about diapers until I was around 10. I started dreaming about wearing diapers and trying make shift diapers (folded towels, multiple pairs of underwear, etc..). About 12 or so I got hold of my first baby diapers (friends with babies visiting) and they still fit as I was always on the small side (at least until I turned 25, but now i'm growing in the wrong directions ). I bought diapers for the first time when I was around 14 or 15, but I still bought baby diapers even though they didn't fit anymore as I didn't know any better. -d
  22. I've only told two people outside of my parents (and that wasn't so much "tell" as "found out and flipped" ). The first is now my wife who I love beyond reason some times. I don't really remember clearly anymore, but I told a few months after we got together. We knew each other in high school (friends of friends kinda thing) but she didn't like me at all really. We got a bit closer (read, she tolerated me ) after we all got out of school, then when I moved out and got my own apartment she started sneaking off her over night job to crash at my place (kinda freaky to wake up in the middle of the night and there is a person in your bed ). After she started staying over regularly (even when she wasn't working) and a few close calls with y stash, I decided to tell her. I don't remember her reaction, but she accepted it and participated for many years (so her reaction must not have been too bad). You can read my "My Week" thread to get a current state. The second person I told was a co-worker/friend about 2 years ago now. I'm still not sure why I told her as I don't consider her a friend out side of work (i'm not one that goes out and hangs out or does things with people, so I really don't have many (any right now) of what I think of as friends). It was a hard time with the problems going on between my wife and I, so I guess I just wanted someone to talk to and it kinda came out along with a bunch of other stuff. She took it in stride and still likes to kid me about Hello Kitty from time to time (told her about my HK plastic pants ). I am upset with myself that I haven't really made her a close friend though I would suggest that you not rush into telling anyone if you aren't comfortable with the whole world knowing. But also don't wait too long if you are serious about someone. If it were me being told, i'd probably take it a lot better earlier than later as I wouldn't feel like the other person has been hiding something from me. -d
  23. I agree to a point. That point would be that we all have things that we strongly disagree with, don't understand, or just give us the willies. On the other side of the coin, she really wants more piercings but i'm against it. I accept that it's her body and she should be able to do with it as she chooses, but the damn thing just give me the creeps (no kidding, it took me 8 years before I could touch her nipple ring after she had that done). I don't know what it is since I can find piercings on others attractive though For her, right now, it is. It makes it hard for me, but I have to accept that and try to work it out. I think expecting/forcing someone to accept something they are not comfortable with is every bit as wrong as trying to change who someone is. Unfortunately these two are usually closely related People and their "tastes" can change over time. Although she has never said it, I suspect that she always "accepted" it with the belief that it was just some kink or something passing rather than a real part of my psyche. -d
  24. Yeah me too There are still some old cloth diapers (12ish), but they are part of the rag pile since I never really developed a taste for them (i'm a disposable man ). Oh my! I hadn't thought about my old rumba panties from DPF in a loooong time. I miss them so much They literally fell apart cause I wore them so much. I guess the oldest active item I have are other plastic pants that I got from MyOtherside (gone now ) about 3 years ago. They actually let me send them some fabric for a few pairs and I love my Hello Kitty pair the most -d
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