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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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  1. hmmm...do I want to say whats right or say what would keep a non-DL in a diaper....decisions decisions.....
  2. There was a time when I could get my wife is diapers once in a while. She didnt really enjoy it but she knew I liked it so she did it anyways. After a while it really became obvious that she was just doing it for me and then it really just wasnt fun anymore. It really kinda kills the mood when something you thought was an intimate moment that should be bringing you closer together is really just something done to humor you.
  3. I'm so glad I moved 900 miles away from the closest family before I did anything more than just fantasize about my kinks. If they knew half of the things I enjoy they would have burned me at the stake.
  4. boxer briefs, panties or diapers
  5. Ive been out of school now for about a year but i did wear my diapers all the time. I was only a part time student so i only had classes a couple nights a week and didn't have to worry about being in a wet diaper all day or anything.
  6. I ready this post yesterday adn cant begin to epain the anger. The fact that someone posted something that he felt was worth posting or maybe just wanted to talk about and imidiatly everyone goes crazy ohh this is gunna start flames im staying out of it. WTF people. I can see why turtlepin is leaving.... i think im done here to. you want flames how about this. most of you are a bunch of cowards.
  7. I would love to see how my little diapergirl looks wearing those.
  8. I got some megacarelines but i dont remember which one. Mine had no elastic waist band and were plain whiteand the leg opening were very tight. I didnt really have a problem with leaks (2 out of 100 maybe?) exept when I wet the bed then mine leaked ALOT.
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