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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2013 in all areas

  1. Just seems a little one-sided. That's all. And the interesting thing about it is that guys are (I could be wrong on these figures, so don't quote me) at least 3x more likely to be either AB or DL (AB/DL) than women, yet ABDL themed products are marketed for women. Just seems odd.
    1 point
  2. Rusty, I have to disagree. I am very much incontinent yet only the ones I've told really know I wear diapers. Half of my "friends" and all of my coworkers have no clue (I've tested them with hints, misdirection, etc). Being discrete (and wearing 24/7) goes a lot further than you give it credit for. On the plus side, you really don't have to absolutely make sure no one knows. People block out that type of personal info a lot more than you realize.
    1 point
  3. Depend is the only one I can ever get in my radius; we'll talk more if I can ever get at least one other brand to test out.
    1 point
  4. I baught diapers from CVS a few months ago. I was really nervous but I just said to myself that it did not matter what anyone thought. I just did it. It took a lot of talking myself up. But once I did it, I felt so good.
    1 point
  5. To bad he didn't say "bambinos"
    1 point
  6. Speaking as an LEO, we see enough "weird" shit , who do you think shows up to the bdsm dungeon where someone died during auto-esphixiation time, that at most I can only image it would get wise ass comments at the water cooler. Since your clothing isn't relivant to you defending your home I can't see it making it into the report. Where I work we have an obligation, within reason, to preserve people's public desency and I would say not saying someone is dressed like a baby would fit that category. If you were treated like a suspect, a few things could be at work: 1. Some states don't like people killing people no matter how justified so expect to be treated like shit 2. As mentioned earlier, we see all kinds so until they figure out what is going on you may be a suspect. 3. We often times shelter ourselves from constantly seeing and dealing with the worst 10% of society everyday and everyone else when shit is going horribly wrong by hiding behind what comes off as rough, businesslike, callus and cynical. Remember, this was super traumatic for you; it was Thursday for me. It doesn't make it right it simply is what it is. 4. They could be an asshole. 5. They may just be unprofessional. 6. Any or all of the above. You will have to go downtown. You will have to make a statement. You will likely be charged with homicide, and in some way or another depepending on your state, it will be ruled justified and everything will end there. While I hope nothing like what the op posted happens to anyone, remember better to be judged 12 than carried by six babied up be damned.
    1 point
  7. When i bought my products in the store before getting a meddling account and then switching to cloth, cashiers always looked down at me whenever i was buying diapers But it never bothered me…. Because everybody looks down at me i'm in a wheelchair !!, yeah thats handicapped humor for you Nappy
    1 point
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