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Enenma : (


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Hello everyone my doctor told me yesterday that i have a sever case of constipation and little laxatives wont work. he said i need an enema : ( ive always been terrified of these since ive been a kid. I want to get this over with as soon as possible... so im using a warm water enema.. can some one tell me how to do this... positions and what not(which position hurts the least)? i have one last diaper so i cant mess anything up... thank you

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If you're using a disposable Fleet-style enema, just follow the instructions on the box. They don't cause any pain, and you can hardly feel the tip, so there's really nothing to do beyond what is said in the instructions.

If you're using a reusable bag-style enema, then put warm water in it, (not hot water) and hang the bag on something so that the bottom of the bag is no more than a foot or so above your stomach. Lay down on your back or left side, lube the tip with KY or similar, stick it in, and release the clamp. If you feel cramping, close the clamp to stop the flow of water. If the cramping doesn't go away, then let the enema out. Unless your doctor specified, you don't have to use the whole bag. Probably 1/4 to 1/2 of the bag will do the trick.

There's really nothing to it, and it shouldn't cause any pain.

Note, if you're using a bag-style enema, releasing it into a diaper will probably require far more absorption than you realize. A 2 quart enema will overflow an Abena X-Plus. Personally, since it's your first time, I'd suggest doing the enema while laying in your bathtub or on the bathroom floor, then releasing it into the toilet.

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You should be okay with fleet. I had 24/7 constipation problems for 5 years straight age 10-15, from being severely burned. Early on I'd get enemas in the hospital and OMG i hated em. Later after regaining control whenever i needed em i used the fleet kind. I felt much better using them and would rather have 5-10 of em instead of those hospital tube kind. Place a towel on a bed do youir thing, try to hold it as long as you can to soften things up a bit. And i suggest the toilet tbh, for ease of cleanup and more room. A toilet holds more than a diaper, but thats up to you. Your priority is to get cleared up.

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right on the outside of the box are directions for a fleet enema... it says to either lie on your left side with your right knee pulled up towards your stomach slightly, or on your hands and knees, with your head all the way down resting on the bed on floor.. It also says for easier insertion, push your muscles like you are having a bm, this relaxes them and makes it easier to insert.

Again the directions are right on the side of the box and i believe there is a pamphlet inside the box as well

Good luck!

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