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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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It's a Christmas Miracle!  I actually finished a story.  Hi everyone, I've been writing stories here for years and every single time they get away from me.  I started writing this story about 4 months ago, and set a goal to not post it until it was finished.  I limited myself to a single "episode" and wanted to keep it short and sweet.  I ended up writing 18,000 words.  I have edited the story a bit, but I know it needs work so I apologize for all the many mistakes that it contains.  If you have time to read it please do me one favor and comment.  Specifically I'm interested to know if you would pay to read a story like this.  I know I would, as most times I pay for a story to read on my kindle I'm unsatisfied.  Thank you! 

This Story is set in the near future, and what sparked the concept is following the very successful streamer F1NN1STER.  



Andy never planned to work as a model, it just kind of happened.  A girl he met at a party said he had just the look she wanted and offered him a few bucks to pose for her photography. Then he was posing for a figure painting class, then he was modeling underwear for a small indie company.  He wasn’t really trying that hard to get jobs, they just fell to him, and the truth was he needed the money.  Being a poor college student is hard so any opportunity he would take which is what led him here.

It was Friday evening at 5:00 when he pulled his old Ford Focus into the driveway and checked the address one more time before getting out, a nice house in a nice suburban neighborhood, nothing to worry about, just his first time as a fetish model.  In his last job Andy modeled some underwear being marketed to LBGTQ people and the photographer and business owner were both really impressed.  They didn’t come out and say it but he had the exact androgynous body they were looking for.  Andy was thin especially in the mid section, he had no real muscle definition and very little body hair.  He had a baby face with soft features and beautiful skin.

After the shoot the photographer gave him an email address, and told him that these friends were looking for models like him, but only to call if he was OK with fetish stuff.  When asked for more info they said just to email.  The email led to a phone call with a young woman named Emily who was looking to hire a model to create for  Sissy content.  The pay was outstanding at $1500 dollars for the weekend.   When he asked for more information she told him just to google fetish sissy.

Andy spent a few minutes on the web and saw that the Sissy fetish seemed to mostly focus on maid outfits, over the top bimbos, and had quite a bit of humiliation and sex involved.  Andy made one more phone call and Emily assured him that there would be no actual sex involved, but it would have sexual themes, she added that there would be some other work involved that would be part of the shoot, some social media stuff, video, a bit of streaming and that he would need to make plans to stay overnight on Friday and Saturday.  When he asked why he would have to stay overnight she explained that the hours for the shoot would depend on several factors so he needed to be available when they needed him   Andy needed the money and agreed.

Emily greeted Andy at the door and invited him in.  The house was well kept and tastefully decorated, which was a positive sign, and another woman was there to greet Andy in their dining room.  Both of these women were dressed in a regular casual style, and seemed outgoing and friendly. Emily had deep red hair and pale skin and a friendly open face, the new woman had jet black hair and a more severe expression. She stood up from the dining room table and introduced herself as Kali, Emily’s wife, and offered Andy a handshake.  Kali’s handshake was firm and he realized that both these women here were taller and outweighed him.  

After some small talk Kali began to go into the details.  “So you are comfortable being a fetish performer?”  she asked.

“Umm, well I’m a model actually,”  Andy replied.  Emily chuckled, and Kali said, “Not much difference, did you look up the sissy fetish?”  

“Yeah, I did some research.” Andy answered.

“Great, so Emily and I run a website and live stream called AB Sissy Factory.  Essentially the theme is that we take seemingly unexpecting males and sissify them.”

“Wait, I thought I was just modeling?”  Andy said.

“Well yeah, but you’re modeling in video,” Emily answered.

“I’m not sure about this, I’m not much of an actor?”  Andy replied, getting nervous.

“That’s what’s great about our method, essentially you’re just going to be yourself, we do most of the actual acting, and you just respond as you would normally.” Kali said.  “Our base pay is $1500, but based on performance you can earn a bonus,” Emily said.

“And no sex?”  Andy asked.

“No actual sex, though there will be sexual situations, like we may wave a dildo around in your face,”  Kali said.  Andy had butterflies in his stomach, this wasn’t really what he had in mind, but he had already given up a job to be here, and he needed the money.  He nodded his agreement, and the women gave him a few papers to sign.  Including getting his cash app address to pay him.

“OK, so like we said we do this non scripted in a very authentic way, basically  go get some coffee and come back in about 30 minutes but go around and knock on the back door.  You’re here to be a model for us, just pretend we didn’t have this conversation.”  Kali explained. “During the video we’ll call you Sam, so just pretend that’s your name,” Emily added.

Andy did as they requested and 30 minutes later followed the path down some stairsdown the side of the hosue.  The backyard was completely fenced in but a gate had been left open.  He went down some steps into the backyard and found it well kept with many flowering bushes, the fence had some cute Alice in Wonderland murals, and he also saw a large sandbox, and outdoor swing set.  He knocked on the backdoor and was greeted again by Emily who ushered him into the basement.  The women were now wearing different clothes.  Emily was wearing a classy tan dress with an apron and looked very motherly, while Kali was wearing a black dress that was traditional but sexy.  

“Hello, you must be Sam?” Emily said.  Andy was momentarily blinded by lights and nodded.  He saw that he was in a well decorated living room with a very fancy feminine style, and that a camera was nearby on a tripod.  

“Can’t you talk boy?” Kali asked.

“Umm, yes mam, I’m Sam.” Andy said.

“That’s better, so I’m Kali and this is Emily, and you’re here to model for us.”  Andy nodded again, “Say, Yes Miss, Kali.”  She sternly said.

“Umm, yes Miss Kali,” Andy answered. Kali and Emily both chuckled, “You have much to learn, so let's get started.  Do you have any questions?”  

“Umm no Mam,” Andy shyly replied.  

“Very good, Emily took him by the shoulder and he was led into a hallway and through a door into a room that was decorated exactly like a baby girl’s nursery.  He did a double take and froze in his tracks as Kali moved around him and sat up the camera in a corner.  

“What is this?” he asked.

“It’s your new nursery, don’t you like it.” Emily said.

“Umm, no?  I think you have the wrong guy, you need a baby or something?”  Andy said.

“No Sam, you’re perfect, and you want the money don’t you?”  Kali said.  When Andy looked up Sissy fetish he had seen plenty of frilly maid outfits and some things that were little girl style, but he hadn’t seen anything specifically from the sissy baby fetish and he had almost no knowledge of the ABDL fetish community, other than a passing knowledge that there some adults who wore diapers for “fun.”  This was a real eye opener.  He tried to take a step back but was held tight by Emily, Kali came over and held him from the other side.  “Remember that bonus, now be a good girl and let's get you out of these ugly clothes.”

Andy was like a deer in headlights, Emily and Kali quickly yanked his T-shirt over his head and then pulled it back while it was still wrapped around his arms.  He made an attempt to break away but they held him tight, while pinning his arms behind his back.  He laughed nervously acting for the camera, “Ladies now I didn’t sign up for this,” he said.

“Actually you did, you didn’t read those contracts you signed?”  Kali asked.  Andy didn’t know what to say but then blurted out a muffled no, as a large pacifier gag was shoved into his mouth and strapped behind his head.  The door was shut behind him and before he knew it he was restrained to a hook attached to the back of the door.  Emily and Kali had done this before and were quite good at it, Emily quickly removed his shirt while Kali fastened a strap around his pinned back elbows that was then quickly attached to the hook.  The door was strong and Andy began to sweat and yell into the gag, this had gone from funny and embarrassing to scary in a few seconds.  He desperately struggled but went limp when Kali took a firm grip and pinched a pressure point on his forearm.  She leaned in close and whispered in his ear.  “This is all for the show, you’re doing great.”  

Andy stopped fighting, and Kali turned to the camera, “well chat, it looks we caught another sissy, Sam here is now in your hands.  What should we do with him?”  Emily moved over to an open laptop that was sitting on a dresser.  “Ohh Kali, $50 dollar donation  pink diaper, $200 to see his clitty?

“That’s it?  Come on chat,” Kali said.

“Oh, I’ve got to read this comment, listen to this, Mr. Sissy Maker says,  ‘That's the prettiest femboy I’ve ever seen, she needs the full treatment, $1000 dollars for shaved, caged, plugged, Pampers, and total Sissyfication.’”

“Wow Sam, you’re a star,” Kali said.  She leaned in close again and said, “You just earned a $500 dollar bonus.”  She undid his belt and slid his pants down showing the camera his plaid boxer shorts.  Emily and Callie laughed and then yanked down the shorts, Andy tried to hide his manhood from the camera and was immediately swatted hard followed by another pressure point grip on his leg.  He didn’t resist as Kali fondled his small balls and cock. 

“OK chat we’re going to get set up for Sam’s humiliation and we’ll be right back,” Kali said and Emily froze the feed.

“Wow, that was great, such a good job.” Kali said.  She unstrapped the pacifier gag and Andy spit it out.  

“What the fuck, this stops now, unhook me,” Andy yelled.

“Calm down Andy, you’re doing such a great job, do you realize how much money we are going to make?”

“What the fuck is wrong with you, I’m supposed to be modeling.”  Kali took her phone out of her pocket hit a few buttons and showed him the screen, “I just sent you 500 bucks, that’s just a bonus, now you still get 1500 if you complete the weekend, and if you calm down when we finish the full treatment I’ll send you another $500 bonus.  

“What is the full treatment?”  Andy asked suddenly feeling much less angry after becoming $1000 dollars richer.

“Well that first we’ll shave you, then put on a chastity cage and butt plug, then a diaper.  After that it will be makeup, wig, and a sissy dress.”

“No butt plugs, no way,” Andy said.  “And what the hell is a chastity cage?”

“Here look, it’s not a big deal, you’ll barely notice it,” Kali said and showed him a small anal trainer and a pink plastic chastity cage. “No,” Andy replied.  “OK, I’ll cancel that transaction, turn the camera back on and embarrass you on the stream then send you on your way Andy.  Look, we can test it real quick, if it hurts we’ll not do it, OK?”  

“OK fine, but if I say stop, than stop,” Andy said.

“Of course,” Kali lubed up the 1 inch training plug and slowly worked in and out of Andy’s hole.  When it slid in he felt his sphincter clinch down.  It wasn’t uncomfortable at all, in fact it felt kind of good.    “Is that OK?”  Kali said.  “Yeah, I guess?” he said as she slid it out.  “Great, now we’ll shave you here, keep acting mad, but don’t fight us or you might get cut,” 

“Wait…Andy was cut off as the Pacifier gag was strapped back on. A towel was spread underneath him, and  Emily produced a can of feminine shaving cream and a big pink razor from a cabinet and then the stream was back on.  He stood there limp and uncomfortable  while Emily lathered up his body.  Kali brought her a bowl of hot water and over the next 15 minutes Emily shaved him while Kali communicated with the chat and said humiliating things to Sam about what they would do to him.  Andy had very little body hair so shaving was relatively easy, but his pubic hair required trimming with an electric trimmer first.  When they were finished he was toweled off and coated in baby oil.  To continue the humiliation they brought out a mirror and placed it in front of him and required that Andy look at his now baby smooth body.  

Andy had been so worried about the butt plug that he hadn’t even thought about the pink plastic chastity cage.  He mumbled into the gag and pivoted back and forth as Emily lubed up his genitals and worked them through the ring.  Another squeeze from Kali stopped his squirming and he watched helplessly as his limp cock was squeezed into a small plastic tube and locked in.  Andy had never seen such a device and his genuine shock was sending the chat wild, who responded with many donations.  Finally the moment he had been dreading, crouched behind him Kali produced a much larger plug than the one she had tested on him and his eyes opened wide.  It was a stainless steel plug nearly 2 inches in diameter, with a pink jewel on the bottom.  Andy began to struggle but was quickly subdued with another pressure point hold.  He was helpless as Kali began to work the plug in and out of his lubed up hole.

“Just relax Sammy, let it slide in, don’t fight it baby,” Emily said as she patted his head and held his shoulders.  After a moment of pain he felt it pop into place, and again the sensation was not all together uncomfortable.  To his surprise Emily began rubbing his nipples and he felt himself clinch down on the plug and his caged cock started to grow.  “Here you go chat, our new little sissy can feel what its like to have a useless little clitty,” Emily said in a sweet motherly voice.  The cage began to stretch out and Andy felt some discomfort as the ring pulled against his balls.  Kali brought the camera in closer so it was possible to see his penis skin pushing through the holes in front of the cage.  

It was too much for Andy, he began to cry.  Both women stopped tormenting him and hugged him telling him how good a girl he was, how special, how beautiful, and how perfect.  Kali unhooked him from the door and the broken man was led over to the changing table.  Andy didn’t fight but began to cry again when he saw the diaper the woman were putting on him, he had no idea such a thing existed.  It was a near perfect replica of a baby diaper, it was light teal with cute little nursery animals on the front and said Baby in big happy letters on the rear.  Emily tugged it up snuggly between his legs and fasted the velcro tapes tightly.  He was now completely encased in the big fluffy garment.  

The show was paused again, Andy realized he was no longer restrained.  He could  stop this, he sat up then got to his feet and reached around to unstrap the pacifier gag.  “Where are my clothes?”  he asked.  

“They are safe,” Kali said. 

Well I want my clothes back.” Andy replied.

“That’s a problem because they are literally in the safe, and it’s time locked, along with your phone, wallet, and keys.”  Emily pointed to a safe in the closet.

“What the fuck?”  Andy said.

“We want to protect your stuff, so we put it in the safe, it can’t be opened until Sunday at 5PM.”  Emily said.

“Get me some clothes, I’m leaving.”  Andy said.

“Are you going to walk, you can’t drive, you can’t call an Uber, and we’re not giving you clothes so you can go out there in your diaper, but we’ll call the police and tell them a creep is wandering around the neighborhood,” Kali said and laughed.

“Jesus,”  Andy said.  “Here look,” Kali said and showed Andy that she sent him 500 more dollars.  “What do you normally make for a modeling job?”  She was right, Andy hand made more money in 2 hours than he had made in a month of modeling jobs.   “That’s what I thought, and there’s more to come, so stop your tantrum.  “OK, but no more surprises, no more tricks,” Andy said.  

“Allright, next we are going to do your makeup and dress you, then do some pics.  Also we need to stop pausing the show, it should last until around 11PM, so no more pauses.  Just keep playing along, you’re doing perfect,”  Kali explained.  Andy nodded and allowed Kali to refastend the pacifier gag.  Soon the stream was up again.  Emily announced that the viewer who sent in 1000 dollar donation, Mr. SIssyMaker, had sent in his request for Sam’s outfit and she was going to get it together.  Andy was sitting on the changing table with his arms crossed and his leg’s hanging off and looked miserable.  “Samantha, you’re such a cutie, are you having a good time?”  Kali asked.  Andy mumbled into the gag, and Kali chuckled then pulled it out.

“No, I’m not, I want to go home,” he said.

“Oh, but we are just getting started, it’s makeup time so relax hun.” Kali said and led Andy to a vanity in the corner.  The next 20 minutes were essentially a Sissy Makeup guide, as Kali explained the products and how to use them.  Andy’s face didn’t need that much makeup, he had only a slight 5 o’clock shadow that needed color corrector, then some fair foundation, lots of blush, eyes, mascara, pink lipstick, she set it all with a powder and spray.  Next she securely pinned on a blond princess wig with ringlet curls that looked very little girl.  All throughout the process she continually told Andy how beautiful and perfect he was becoming.  Andy continued to gaze at himself in the mirror, it was bizarre to see a girl looking back at him.  “What do you think, Kali asked?”  

“I don’t like it,” he said and she giggled.  The outfit they had picked out for him was even more embarrassing, a super short pink gingham dress with big puffy sleeves, lace everywhere and a sailor style collar with an embroidered ABC design.  Initially he shook his head, but a quick squeeze to his arm had him raising his hands up so the dress could be placed over him and zipped up.  Next some white tights were pulled up his legs, a big puffy petticoat and finally a matching rumba diaper cover.   THe ensemble was finished off with black mary janes, a big pink hair bow, and a pink pacifier clipped to the collar.  

Over the next thirty minutes Emily took photos while the chat suggested various poses, Kali brought Andy a large baby bottle of milk and required him to suckle it all down as he was photographed.  Once that was finished Andy was led from the nursery room and photographed in the fancy living room sitting on the couch and on the floor.  It was nearly 9 PM when Kali announced it was time for him to meet Puppy Girl.

“Who is Puppy Girl?”  Andy asked but Emily and Kali ignored him and took him down the hallway to another room.  Inside was brightly lit but not an adult sized nursery like he had been in, this room was more like a little girl’s room, lots of pink and purple, a bed with removable bed rails, posters on the wall of Disney Princesses and Paw Patrol, but unsettling right in the middle of the room was a large dog black dog cage with a girl inside.  She was wearing a snap up onesie.  It had some nursery prints on it but it was so worn and stained that it was hard to tell what they were..  The Onesie was currently straining to hold on a massively swollen diaper that was stained brown and leaking all over the large puppy pad she was laying on.  The girl got up on her hands and knees and took hold of the bars and went “Woof woof,”

“Say hi to the stream Puppy,” Emily said.  

“Hi stream,” she said.
Andy was hit the pungent scent of poop and the strong sweet smell of baby powder, “Oh God it stinks in here,” he said.

“Samantha, you’ll hurt Puppy’s feelings,” Kali said.  

“I made big stinkies,” the girl said.  She was chubby, with a really cute face, and messy shoulder length brown hair, she wore big round glasses and a big pink dog collar.  Andy could see that she had a steel dog food bowl filled with what looked like chocolate milk. 

“We can see your big stinkies, this is Samantha your new SIssy Sister,” Kali said.

“Hi Sissy, you’re very cute,” Puppy said.  Kali commanded that Andy thank the messy girl and curtsey and when he refused she grabbed his arm and pinched, he nearly fell down from the stun, but then quickly thanked her and curtseyed.  Emily put on a big plastic apron and opened up the cage, there was a big adult changing table in the room and Puppy ran on her hands and knees out of the cage then up the ladder then laid down on the disposable mat that was laid out there.  Andy was required to stand nearby and help with the disgusting diaper change, he was stunned to see that inside her diaper was a pink chastity cage like the one he’d been put into, but much smaller, only a small nub for the penis and the balls were half the normal size.

Andy stood there handing wipe after wipe to Emily.  The mess was mostly liquid and the girl had been coated with diaper rash cream so it cleaned off fairly easily but was still disgusting.  Afterwards she was put into a puppy themed diaper and the dirty onesie was removed uncovering her large breasts.  Puppy got off the changing table and began crawling around the room, she brought a dog toy in her mouth to Andy and kneeled on her knees like a dog would.“Take the toy and toss it Kali said.  She was standing near the doorway holding the camera.  Andy looked back and shrugged his shoulders then tossed the bone shaped toy.  Puppy quickly retrieved it.

Emily took the stained pad out of the cage and placed a new one inside.  “Mommy can I please have buzzy tonight?”  Puppy asked.

“Ask the chat,” Kali commanded.  

“Hey chat can I please have Mr. Buzzy,” Puppy begged into the camera lens. 

Kali looked at her phone for a few moments,  “Good news Puppy, the chat has approved, you get Mr. Buzzy.”  With that news Emily put the chubby trans girl back in the cage and gave her a battery powered magic wand.  Kali placed the camera on a tripod and Puppy laid down on her back and made a relaxed sound.  Andy saw the diaper get a yellowish stain in the crotch, than the girl began rubbing the spot with the wand.    At this point Andy had seen enough, he quickly moved past Kali and out the door then walked to the basement living room area.  Kali and Emily followed him in and watched him nervously pace. “What’s wrong Samantha?” Kali asked.

“I’m Andy, not Samantha, and she’s not acting is she?  I mean she really enjoys… whatever this is?” Andy asked. “She’s acting, just like you, she’s getting paid, but she enjoys it too, it's her fetish, so it’s like getting paid to do something you love, a win win,” Emily explained. “OK, why do you keep her in a cage then?”  Andy asked.  “She likes being in a cage, it makes her feel safe,”   “But she was so disgusting?” Andy said.  “She likes that too, I know it’s hard to understand, but trust me, we don’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do, she lives here for free, and goes to school just like you do,” Emily explained.

“OK, I’ve got to pee, so can I do that before we go back on camera?” Andy asked. “Sure Samantha you can pee whenever you want,” Kali said. “OK, where’s the bathroom?” Andy asked.   “Sorry babe, the bathroom is off limits to you, that’s why you’re wearing a diaper,” Kali answered.

“No, no, no, you’re kidding,  I’m not like her.  I’m not into this.  I don’t wet myself.” Andy said. “It’s easy, like the song says, just let it go,” Emily replied.  “Oh Em, I’ve got a great idea, this will make great content, when Puppy’s done we’ll do this for our next segment.  We’ll bring the camera back in here, and we’ll make it like we’ve been forcing Sam to drink alot, and then force her to wet herself.” 

“I’ll grab some bottles,” Emily said and left the room.  “OK you just sit down here on the couch, and remember to act just like you have been, we’ve got to sell it to the chat that you really don’t want to do this,” Kali explained. “But I don’t, I’m not going to wet myself,”  Andy explained. “Exactly, that’s why they will pay for us to force you, easily another 500 bucks.  It’s no big deal millions of people all over the world are wetting diapers and how many of them get paid for it?”  Kali asked. 

“OK, show me the money,” Andy said after a moment of consideration.  Kali took out her phone and sent him another $500 bucks.  “OK, I’ll act,” Andy said, but I’m not enjoying this.  Emily returned with 3 filled baby bottles of milk. Andy was encouraged to start drinking so he could do a good job, and didn’t think to question why it was important that he drink from a baby bottle.  Kali explained a rough outline for the segment but left most of it to improv.  It was a little embarrassing at first to suckle the bottle, and made more awkward that he could now hear louder moans from Puppy’s room.  Eventually Emily came in with the camera and began to film Andy drinking, one empty bottle sat on the table beside him.  

“OK lets check on Samantha, how are we doing Sissy?”  Kali asked.

“I need to pee,” Andy said.

“I know dear and when you get all of your bottles down we’ll show you the restroom,” Kali said.  Over the next few minutes Emily and Kali playfully taunted Andy who was slowly getting more and more embarrassed as he complained about the clothes, outfit, bottles and needing to pee.  Finally he finished the last bottle and could really feel his bladder bursting.  

“OK little Samantha, let's show you the restroom, it’s right here,” Kali said and patted the front of his diaper underneath the layer of petticoats.  

“No, no way, I’m not,” Andy said.  He made to get off the couch and was forced back down by Kali while Emily positioned the camera to a lower and closer position.  Kali pulled his skirt and petticoat up and held them against his chest.  

“You don’t have a choice, I’m going to hold you until you wet,” Kali said.  Emily then put the icing on the cake and began to tickle him.  

“OK, OK, OK, please,”  Andy said between uncontrollable giggles.  

“Come on baby, wet for Mommy, wet your little sissy diapers like a good sissy babygirl,” Kali said.  Andy felt himself getting hard and felt the pressure of the cage around his cock.  Then began to squirm a bit as his muscles started convulsing on the plug, it felt good, really good.  He felt himself turning red and a tear in the corner of his eyes.

“I really don’t want to,” he muttered.  

“Oh I think you do, I can tell by the way you’re squirming, just let it go and be the babygirl you’re meant to be,” Kali said.  The cage stifled Andy’s erection and left him feeling humiliated, embarrassed, and pathetic.  He needed to go so bad but he couldn’t seem to relax, after a few more moments eventually it just happened. It felt almost as good as an orgasm as the pee just flowed out.  He could feel the warmth spreading through the padding of his diaper and hear the girls giving him praise for how well he was doing.  Eventually it was over and he relaxed on the couch.  

Emily hugged him while Kali adjusted the camera to her,  “Well chat, another man on the road to sissyhood, Samantha is now going to meet with our top tier members before we put her to bed in her crib for the night.  The private chat will be up in 15 minutes.  Goodnight everyone.  And we’re out,” Kali said.

“Great job Samantha, you really pulled it off.”  Emily said.

“My name is Andy, why are you calling me Samantha when we’re not on camera?” Andy asked.  “It’s just easier, you wouldn’t want us to slip up and call you Andy would you?”  Kali explained.  Andy nodded, logic made sense.  “So now, we have about 50 top tier members who pay extra for this, so you’re going to chat with them for about 30 minutes,” Kali continued.

“Chat?  About what?”  Andy asked. “Whatever, most of them are jealous so they just want to know how it feels, they’ll want to see your diaper, ask you why you are doing this, stuff like that.  Don’t tell them anything private or personal, just make up stuff.  The more you play up that you really don’t want to do this the better.”  Kali explained.  Andy was led into the adult nursery and sat down at the vanity.  A pink leather collar was buckled around his neck and he was leashed to an eyelet on a nearby wall.  It was mostly just for show, could probably break the leash if wanted to, but at this point he was getting devoted to the character he was playing so it just fed into the idea of being humiliated and helpless.  Kali sat down an open laptop computer on the vanity with the streaming program open and a desktop microphone.  There was a large window showing his camera view on the left and a chat stream on the right.  Kali explained that he only needed to respond to the bold and highlighted questions.

Over the next 30 minutes the users asked him all manner of questions.  People wanted to know where he was from, how old he was, if he was a crossdresser, how often he wore diapers, how much he was being paid, how it felt to be humiliated, his favorite song.  For the personal questions he just refused to answer, but he did honestly explain that he was a model who was paid to come here and do a Sissy photo shoot.  He explained he had no interest in ABDL, and didn’t even know what it was before tonight, that he wanted to leave, but the women bullied him into staying.  Most of the chat believed it but a few were skeptical and thought the entire thing was a setup, but still loved it.  He was also told to use his pacifier, show off his diaper, and show them his chastity cage to prove he was still wearing it, which he begrudgingly did after Kali told him to.  Over and over again he was told how perfect he looked as a sissy, and how wonderful it was to wear diapers.  

Eventually Puppy walked in and pulled up a chair beside Andy, she was wearing just a diaper and a short pooh bear shirt and her collar.  She was much more comfortable interacting with the chat and had no problem showing off her diaper, cage, and giggling like a child about how much fun it was to have “buzzy time.”  Eventually Kali announced that she had to put the babies to bed and ended the show.  
“Wow, you’re doing so good Samantha, the chat love you” Puppy said.  

“Umm, thanks, what should I call you?”  Andy asked.

“Puppy, or pup, or Puppygirl, is what I go by,” she answered. Kali announced it was time to get ready for bed and that they would have a big day tomorrow.  Emily then began the process of desissying Andy, removing the collar and leash, wig, makeup and costume.  Afterwards she applied some face creams.  Andy saw himself in the mirror and the effect was surreal, he had been looking at himself all dolled up for so long that now seeing his normal hair and face was a bit shocking.

“And this?” Andy said pointing at the diaper.

“Your diaper doesn’t need to be changed silly,” Emily answered.

“You expect me to sleep in this, I wet it?” Andy asked.

“These diapers can handle many wettings, you’ll be fine,” Emily answered.  

“I don’t understand why I need to wear a diaper and what about the other stuff?  Tts getting uncomfortable,”  Andy asked.

“Don’t worry we’ll take the plug out before bed, and tomorrow we’ll be getting footage of your first diaper change, so we need that to be really wet,” Kali answered.  She undid one side of his diaper and slid it down then carefully removed the plug, which caused Andy some mild pain.  Andy was put into some very babyish footed PJs, they were one piece and zipped up the back.  They were snug and showed the outline of his diaper very clearly.  

Andy was then marched to the crib, Kali lowered the side, “Get in,” she commanded.

“Look, I’ll just sleep on the couch OK,” Andy said.

“No you won't, your diaper might leak, and I’m not having my couch ruined, there is a mattress protector under the sheets, and anyway this is where the baby sleeps,” Kali said.

“OK, I’ve had about enough of this, I’m fine being humiliated for your crazy fucking show, but I’m not into this, I’m not a baby,” Andy said turning to face Kali.  Kali grabbed his arm and pinched, she was quick and before Andy even realized what was going on he fell to his knees stunned from the pressure point shock.  She pinned his other arm behind his back and pushed his face up against the crib.

“Samantha, you will not speak disrespectfully like that to me again or you will forfeit all the future earnings you have coming to, and trust me little girl I can make the next two days of your life very miserable.  I can make the rest of your life miserable.  Now say you're sorry,”  Kali commanded.  She pinched a bit harder and Andy nodded and mumbled sorry.  Kali took a firm grip on his bottom and nearly tossed him into the crib.  The side went up and locked into place.  “Now I think your outburst has earned you some job training so you can do a better tomorrow.” Kali said.   She turned on a device in the corner and turned off the lights.  The room was filled with colorful glow and a lullaby music began to play.   Emily came in with a large baby bottle and put it through the bars into the crib.  “We’ve put something in the milk to help you sleep, that bottle better be empty in the morning.”  Kali said.

Emily pushed a pink stuffed unicorn through the bars and said goodnight then the two women left, shutting the door behind them.  Andy was still stunned, that was the second time that the women had overpowered him, but this time wasn’t for show.  Had he been kidnapped by two women?  He got to his feet and explored the crib, the sides were very tall, it was impossible to climb over them, the sliding door was unlatched from the bottom.  He grabbed one of the bars, and found the crib was very well constructed.  He might be able to break out, but then what?  Andy fumbled behind his back for the zipper and found that it was locked.  So even if he could break the crib, get out of the nursery room and out of the basement he’d still be trapped diapered in baby pajamas without his keys and phone.  

“OK, they’ve already paid me 1500 dollars, this is weird, but it’s worth it, I just got to stick it out,” he said out loud to himself. About the time a man’s voice began to play over the device in the corner, in soft soothing tones he began explaining that the hypnotic session would turn the listener into a babygirl.  “What the fuck?” Andy said out loud.   For the next few minutes the voice droned on about nothing, just discussing the nature of opening one’s mind.  Andy picked up the bottle and began to drink, it was a sweet vanilla milk.  There were no pillows or blankets in the crib so he rested his head on the stuffied pony.  The recording continued to drone on about nothing and soon he was asleep.

“Gong”, Andy opened his eyes at the sound effect and then heard a voice,  “you need to go, there is no sense holding it, you are a baby and have no control over your bladder, it just empties when it needs to.” He realized he did need to pee really bad, after a few more minutes of encouragement from the voice he gave in and did just that.  The voice slowly faded out to the sound of relaxing rainfall and he fell back asleep easily.  

“Gong,” Andy was woken up again, he heard a babyish lullaby and a sound effect like someone rubbing a crinkly plastic, followed by heavy breathing.  Then a sweet woman’s voice, “It feels so good doesn’t it, that nice warm filled diaper, so soft, so comfortable as it cradles all your parts just right.  It feels so good to rub your diaper doesn’t it, babygirl, rub for Mommy.”  The noises became faster and then a moan was added.  Though tired and irritated Andy felt himself growing hard in the cage, without thinking he reached down and began to rub the front of the diaper.  It did feel good, so warm.  He wanted to masterbate but the cage prevented any feeling and soon his erection was stifled and shrunk leaving him again with this feeling of helplessness.  Eventually the woman on the recording had an orgasm and the again slowly faded to relaxing sound effects of rainfall. 

“Gong,” Andy was woken again to strange mix of garbled sound effects, music and voices, he kept hearing diapers, sissy, baby, mommy, love, wet, messy, girl, but there was no order to it just more words, Huggies, Pampers, bottle, suck, powder, diapers, diapers.  He began to hear a slowly droning monolog underneath the words, “It’s normal, to wear diapers, it’s normal to wet, it’s normal to wear diapers, it’s normal to wet. Just relax and allow yourself to enjoy your diapers, it’s normal to enjoy diapers.”   Feeling himself need to go again Andy wet and then was unable to find sleep as the hypnotic track continued to play. 


“Good morning sleepy,” Andy he heard and opened his eyes to Emily, for a moment he panicked, unable to remember, it took a while for his brain to put all the memories back in place. “What time is it?” he asked.  

“Around 9:30,” Emily said and then lowered the side of the crib, she reached in and felt around his bottom, giving the swollen diaper a pat.  “Wow, you’re a heavy wetter,” she said.  Andy could feel how swollen his diaper was and got embarrassed.  “I don’t wet the bed, that stuff you played last night kept waking me up, and I had to go.”  he said.  Emily assured him it was a great thing because it would make better photos.  She explained that they wouldn't be live streaming for a while but that they would be making a video and pics about how Andy was becoming more accustomed to being a Sissy baby girl in diapers.  “You’re doing such a good job, you're the best little baby girl we’ve ever had, today just keep acting kind of annoyed, but also try to make out that you’re starting to enjoy it a bit.”

Andy wasn’t sure how anyone could enjoy this but he nodded.  A few minutes later Kali came in with the wig from last night and a video camera.  Andy complained as Emily tightly pinned the wig back on his head and afterward   “ Good morning Samantha.  How was your first night as a baby girl?” she asked while he sat up in the crib.  

“Annoying, I could have slept better if that stuff hadn’t been playing,” Andy said.

“How is your diaper this morning?”  she asked.  Andy turned red and didn’t answer, Kali turned to Emiily and asked  “How was it Mommy Emily?” 

“Samantha is a very wet girl, she couldn't hold it at all last night.  It’s a good thing we used an overnight diaper on her,” Emily answered while Andy felt himself turning red. Eventually he was taken out of the crib and led down the hall and into a kitchen.  The basement was set up as a complete two bedroom apartment. Puppy was already in an adult high chair and Andy was placed into the empty one beside her then buckled in and an oversized bib was tied around his neck.  “I can feed myself," he complained when Emily began spoon feeding him a big bowl of  yogurt granola  baby food.  His whining was ignored and a big spoon full was shoved into his mouth.  Puppy giggled and ate with her hands, getting her face all messy.  She was wearing the pooh bear shirt from last night and the same diaper which was considerably wetter.  

From out of nowhere Andy felt a strong need to poop.  “Umm, hey, I’ve really got to,” his thoughts were interrupted when he noticed Puppy squirm in her seat making a concentrated face, then heard wet fart sounds.  Her face relaxed and she went back to eating.  They had both been given the same powerful deployed reaction laxatives in their before bed bottles.  Andy’s stomach churned and the pressure increased and he beared down.  “I’ve really got to poop,” he said.  “OK just one sec lets unbuckle you,” Emily said.  As she reached down to unbuckled Andy she quickly redirected and began to tickle him mercilessly.  After several uncontrollable giggles Andy yelled and then felt himself mess, once he started he couldn’t stop, he could feel it sliding up his crack and then upwards to  his caged privates.  “Why,” he said and began to cry.    “I hate you, this is so fucking stupid, I want out of this, give me my stuff back, I want to go home.” 

Kali laughed and kept the camera rolling, “Baby’s first tantrum,” she said and laughed.  “Get it all out, just let it all go,” she said.  Emily was soon behind Andy rubbing his shoulders and whispering to him.  He was then forced to finish his baby food while the kitchen became inundated by the smell of two very messy diapers.  Eventually the two adult babies were taken to the nursery for clean up.  Kali continued to film while Emily changed them.  Andy just stared in space, not really acting, just feeling humiliated and defeated.  They were both taken over to the bathroom and given a bath together.  Emily unlocked their cages and Andy could see that Puppy had a very small penis and balls.  Puppy played and splashed a bit and tried to lighten Andy’s mood.  After the bath they were toweled off, rubbed down with baby oil and recaged.

Kali announced that the chat had voted that Samantha’s first activity for the day would be outdoor play.  Andy was dressed in cute pink princess onesie and a pair of button crotch shortalls decorated with iron on patches of hearts and butterflies.  Emily then put his hair in pig tails with ribbons and did a little light makeup and clipped a pacifier leash to his shortalls. “I’m not going outside like this,” Andy said and crossed his arms in defiance.  

“Calm down Samantha, our back yard is completely fenced in and secure.  There are no neighbors close, it’s fine,” Kali said and despite his trepidation Andy followed the three girls outside.  Andy had only seen the backyard in twilight yesterday and now saw that it really was an adult baby wonderland.  He took a moment to look at the Alice in Wonderland themed murals on the fence, the adult sized swingset, and the sandbox.  Despite the playful surroundings Andy wasn’t in a mood to play and mopped around, but eventually Puppy convinced him to build a sandcastle with her.  What started as a half hearted attempt to get her to leave him alone became an engrossing activity.  Playing with Puppy really was like playing with a child, and soon Andy was having fun.  Either Kali or Emily were always hanging about occasionally asking them to pose for pictures or they were silently recording video clips.  Andy told himself that he was just doing the work he was being paid for, it was a convenient excuse.

After the sandcastle they played on the swingset, trying out the swings and climbing the ladder to the little fort and going down the slide.  Emily brought them bottles and they both sucked down the delicious milk.  Eventually Andy realized he needed to pee.  He considered asking if he could use the toilet, but he knew what the answer would be so he paused for a moment and  just let it go, finding it relieving and somewhat comforting.  Puppy was getting more and more wild and giggly and soon she was living up to her namesake running around on her hands and knees.  She brought Andy a ball that was carrying in her mouth and dropped it his feet.

“You want me to throw this?” he laughed.  “Woof, woof,” she said.  For several minutes he tossed the ball, eventually she came back and instead of dropping the ball she tackled him.  She was stronger than he was and easily pinned him down and began humping.  Her uncovered diaper was swollen and saggy and flopped back and forth against Andy’s leg, the sound reminded him of the hypnotic track he had heard the previous night.

“Oh my god, what are you doing?” Andy asked as he laughed and tried to get the much larger girl off him. Soon they were both giggling uncontrollably as Puppy licked and humped, but then she did something Andy didn’t expect, she kissed him and followed it up with rubbing one of his nipples while she pinned down the other hand.  Despite himself Andy felt aroused.  His penis grew firm in the cage and he too tried to press it into the chubby transgirl that had him pinned.  She kissed again and he kissed back, his mind clouded by arousal.  After a few more moments of that Kali pulled Puppy off him and gave her a few swats on the rear.  

“Bad Puppy,” she said and the chubby girl crawled over to a nearby blanket and laid down panting.  “Sorry Samantha, she gets a bit carried away sometimes,” Kali said.  Andy just nodded and felt ashamed of his actions.  Emily brought out a diaper bag with more bottles and some snacks.  Another blanket was spread out and they all ate under a pleasant blue sky.  Kali announced it was changing time.  Puppy went first since her diaper was obviously soaked, afterwards Andy was laid down on the blanket and Emily unsnapped his shortalls, well Missy, you’ve really soaked your diaper” she said.  

Andy felt his face turn red and Kali came closer with the video camera, “You didn’t even ask if you could use the toilet did you, little girl?”  

“I knew there was no point, you weren’t going to let me,” Andy pouted.  The woman giggled and Andy realized how whinny and childish he just sounded.  Was he getting into character or just saying what he felt?  

“Or maybe someone’s starting to like wetting their diaper?” Emily said and tickled him.

“No, I definitely don’t, in fact I’d like to stop wearing them now,” Andy said.  Everyone giggled as his pink princess diaper was snugged around his caged privates and taped down extra tight.  

“Well maybe if you can keep this one dry we’ll think about it,” Kali said and then stopped the camera.  “Wow Samantha you are so good at this, you’re a really great actor,” Emily said as she snapped back up the shortalls. 

“OK it’s 1 O’clock so I think you’ve earned a break, and in an hour we have some social media work for you to do,” Kali said.  

“Break, so like can I have my phone, get out of these clothes and go get something to eat?” Andy asked.
“You’re phone is in our time lock safe, remember?  We can’t get it out until tomorrow, and since it’s only an hour it’d be best if you just left your clothes on but if you want to go for a walk or something you can,” Kali said.  

“You mean I can just walk out now?” Andy asked.  

“Sure without your keys, wallet or phone, and in some very interesting clothes, or you can go watch TV on the couch if you want.”  Kali said.  Andy thought for a moment about going, but the idea of being held against his will was starting to seem like something he had just imagined, just part of the gig  he was working, sure the job was a weird one but the pay was great, he needed to just buckle down and get through this.  Back in the living room he sat down on the couch and started flipping through channels on the TV.  Emily brought in a bottle filled with chocolate milk and gave it to him.  

 “Umm, can I just have this in a glass or something?”  Andy asked.  Emily just smiled and went upstairs.  Andy thought about just unscrewing the lid to drink the milk, but a few minutes later found himself nursing the teat as he absent mindedly watched some old movie.

A few minutes later Puppy came out of her room wearing shortalls over a pink T-shirt.  It wasn’t completely obvious that she was wearing a diaper, but if you looked close you could see the padded outline.  “Hey Mommy, I’m going out,” she yelled up the stairs.

“OK honey,” Kali yelled back down.

“You’re going out?” Andy asked.

“Yeah I like to get a few mile walk in before I do my homework, do you want to go?”  Puppy asked.

“Umm, no, thank you though,” Andy replied.  Puppy shrugged and walked out.  Andy couldn’t imagine going on a walk in a diaper.

About an hour later Kali came in and turned off the TV, “OK it’s time for your next assignment, no cameras though, this is just social media work.  Andy was led into the nursery room where the laptop was setup a desk.  “I’ve created a few social media profiles for you Samantha, one on twitter and another on fetlife.”

“Wait, what? You what?”  Andy said as he saw a picture of Samantha on the screen.  “No, no way.  I never agreed to that?”  

“Actually you did, didn’t you read the contract you signed?” Kali asked.  “What did you think we were doing with these photos anyway.

“This is twitter, my Mom uses twitter,” Andy said.
“I’m sure that your Mom isn’t searching through ABDL sIssy profiles, anyway relax, you’re completely anonymous.  Even your Mom couldn’t tell Samantha from Andy, it’s a very good disguise.”  Andy realized that she was right, in some ways this was better than normal, he could be recongized from his regular modeling work, but no one would recognize Samantha.  

Kali explained that his task would be to essentially just use the profiles.  To look for other ABDLs, like and make cute comments on their pics.  Both profiles were already following several accounts including Puppy’s and Sissy Factory, which both had thousands of followers.  Andy was to also reply back to those who commented on Samantha’s pictures.  His directions were essentially to stay in character as Samantha, but to show that she was gaining some acceptance of being forced into a diapered sissy lifestyle.

Kali supervised the work for awhile helping him come up with cutesy comments and answers when people commented on Samantha’s pics.  When he seemed to have it figured out she left.  Andy was amazed at how popular Samantha was, she was gaining new followers left and right and comments were flowing in faster than Andy could answer them.  He never dreamed there were so many people into diapers.  It crept up on him slowly, faster respiration, high body temperature, and pressure in his diaper.  He was getting aroused.  Andy got out of the chair and looked at himself in the mirror, his wig still in cute pigtails, just enough makeup to look girly, his cute girly shortalls. His penis was straining now in the cage, he wanted to touch it.  He realized he wanted something in his mouth so stuck the pacifier in and began to suck.  Unable to do anything about the arousal Andy went back to the social media and continued feeling ashamed and frustrated.

“OK, it’s almost show time, how’s our busy little bee doing,” Emily said as she entered the nursery with a camera on a tripod.  Andy shrugged, in response.  Kali followed her in and they each grabbed under Andy’s arm and lifted him out of the chair gently and had him sit down on a pink and blue playmat on the floor.  Kali sat down at the computer and in a few minutes the show was rolling.  

“OK so we made Samantha a deal earlier that if she could keep her diaper dry we would let her start using the bathroom.  How’s your diaper Samantha, is it dry?” Kali said.  Andy felt his face turn red.  That was three hours ago he had wet a few times since then and hadn’t really thought much about it.  “Hmm, suspiciously quiet,” Kali said and laughed.  Emily unsnapped his shortalls and folded them up revealing an obviously wet diaper and both girls giggled.

“I didn't actually think you were serious, I thought you were joking,” Andy said.  Andy endured an embarrassing change into a diaper that looked exactly like a baby diaper scaled up to an adult size, but even worse, a butt plug went back in.  Andy didn’t see it, but it felt different than the last one, it had a section that seemed to wrap upwards toward his balls.  After his diapering the shortalls and pink onesie were removed completely and he laid on the playmat.  He was given a bottle to drink while Kali and Emily interacted with the chat for a while.

Kali announced that the chat had voted and he was going to spend the evening as a Sissy Maid.  It took 30 minutes to get him ready for this new task, A very short frilly pink maid dress, with ruffled plastic panties that fit over his diaper.  A garter belt and white stockings, black shoes, and frilly headband.  Some light makeup and then to Andy’s shock they painted his nails pink.  First Andy was given some basic instructions on how to behave, such as curtseying when he presented himself to Mistress Kali or Emily.  How to walk and talk, and conduct himself in a demure and servantile way.  Once training was complete Andy’s first task was to dust with a feather duster.  Kali followed him around and gave feedback commanding him to keep his back straight, bend at the waist, and keep the butt out.

Throughout the ordeal Andy would express his displeasure and humiliation at this treatment but it was obvious that something had changed, the real fight was gone.  If they had tried to pull this yesterday they would have had to get physical and force him, but now Andy was playing the role of a submissive maid quite well.   Kali decided it was time to play her next trick.  Andy was cleaning Puppy's room while she played Minecraft.  Kali came in and Andy, following the training, stopped sweeping and curtseyed.  “Good girl, now come with me,” Andy followed behind while Emily carried the streaming camera.  Back in the basement living room there was a blanket and some pillows on the floor.  “Samantha please pick up these pillows and return them to the couch then fold the blanket,” Kali commanded.

Andy nodded and bent down to pick up the pillows.  Kali had her phone in her hand and touched the screen and the buttplug in Andy started vibrating, he immediately clinched and felt his knees go weak as the powerful vibrations began to rock his prostate.  “Ohhh,” he said in a voice higher than usual.  Andy squeezed his legs together and stayed in the position.  “What's the matter Samantha?”  Kali asked.

“Umm, the toy, it’s umm…”  Kali hit another switch and the end of the toy that stuck out and wrapped around over his balls started vibrating as well.  And dropped to his knees and realized when he did that the toy was making contact with his cage and became quite pleasurable.  In an instant he was hard and his encased cock began throbbing for release.  “Please, turn it off,” the humiliated Sissy mumbled.  

“Finish your task Samantha,” Kali commanded.  Andy picked up the pillow and made an effort to stand back up, Kali adjusted the vibration pattern so that it only kicked on hard very couple seconds.  As Andy walked to the couch twice he almost tripped as the vibrations set off fireworks in his head.  The chat was going crazy and people were sending in small donations, with the goal of keeping Samantha on edge as long as possible. 
“Keep going Samantha, you have another pillow to pick up,” Kali said.  When Andy sat this one the couch Kali placed all vibration to max, Andy collapsed onto the couch, his mouth fell open and made an O shape.  Andy began to feel pleasure deeper than he ever had before, not just in his cock but deeper radiating from his prostate to all parts of his his body.  Andy wondered if it would be possible to have an orgasm in this cage?  Despite his humiliation, or maybe because of it he was now completely turned on and totally disregarded the fact he was being streamed live to hundreds of viewers.  He started grinding a bit against the couch trying to increase the vibrations on the cage which felt so good.

“Samantha, that is no way for a lady to behave,” Kali said and turned off the vibrations.  She grabbed his arm and lifted him off the couch then spanked his padded bottom.  Andy's face was flushed,  “Sorry mamm,” he said now completely in character.  “Now fold up this blanket,” Kali commanded, pointing at the blanket on the floor.  When  Andy bent over to pick it up Kali switched the device to the last mode she had yet to use.  The plug's vibrations were now accompanied by an actual stroking movement on his prostate, Andy tried to focus on folding the blanket but about halfway through he got down to his knees and placed a hand on his chest and his other hand on the front of the diaper unable to control himself.

“Well this isn’t a very good maid is it,” Kali asked Emily.  “No, she seems to have a hard time focusing on her work,” Emily replied.  Kali produced a pair of handcuffs from her purse and forcefully took Andy’s hands and locked them behind his back.  Then she placed some cuffs on his ankles as well.  Andy didn’t fight when he pushed onto his stomach and the two cuffs were strapped together placing him in a hogtie.  “If she’s not going to work then we can’t have her touching herself,” Kali said.  

“Turn, turn… turn it off and I’ll work please,” Andy said.

“Turn it up, OK,” Kali replied and cranked the vibrations to max.  The hogtied maid convulsed. all the prostrate pressure felt incredible and was leaving him immensely horny and unable to do a thing about it.  After a moment Kali set the device back to a steady rhythm that built up slowly for 30 seconds and stopped then had a moment of full power and started over again.  Then they left the camera on Andy, “Please, turn it off,” he moaned, only to find that Kali silenced him with a ball gag.  They left him on the floor with the camera running and went upstairs. Andy crawled around trying a few things to increase the stimulation to his actual cage but it was hopeless. He struggled trying to free his arms and then eventually just laid there in frustration.

Ten minutes later Kali and Emily returned downstairs, they brought Puppy into the room and took her her onesie and diaper, and had her sit on the couch.  “Now Samantha, your next task is going to be to clean up Puppy.  If you do a good job then we’ll give you a treat.  “Kali explained and removed the handcuffs from Andy’s arms and the gag from his mouth.  She gave him a baby wipe, and looked at her in confusion but didn’t speak.  Like Andy, Puppy showed physical signs of arousal, her cheeks were flushed and her nipples were hard.  Emily placed a pacifier in her mouth and she began to suckle and looked at Andy with eager eyes.  “Start with her face and work your way down Samantha,” Kali said.  

Andy started wiping and soon Emily guided his hands to Pupplies large breasts, and swollen nipples.  Kali began to rub Andy’s breasts and he felt himself grow harder in the cage.  “Perhaps you should use your mouth to clean her nipples?” Kali said.  Andy didn’t even have to think about it, his inhibitions had been completely removed and he quickly began to lick her breasts.  Kali whispered in his ear how good he was doing and to suck, and he started to do so.  Her nipples felt wonderful in his mouth and Andy found that licking and sucking them was making him even more horny.  Puppy began to moan with pleasure into her pacifier and suck faster.  A few minutes later Kali pulled Andy back off of her, and Emily unlocked the only thing Puppy was wearing her small pink chastity cage.  Puppy’s small dick and even smaller balls were on display in front of him, and yet Andy didn’t think of this person as a man, it was impossible for a man to have such soft skin, round curves and huge breasts.  

“Now you can clean up her naughty bits,” Kali said.  Andy didn’t even think about it, he just straight down and took her small cock in his mouth and began to suck.  Kali and Emily softly encouraged them giving Andy pointers and soon he felt that Puppy was ready to go, she stiffened up and began convulsing even faster.  Kali placed a hand on the back of Andy’s head just in case he would pull back but if anything he braced himself for the inevitable conclusion.  Puppy released and screamed and Andy felt his mouth filled with her hot salty cum.  His eyes went wide at the realization that he had just sucked cock, and tried to pull back but Kali held his head down tight as Puppy continued to hump and scream. 

“Don’t spit it out,” Kali commanded as she allowed Andy to raise up his head.  “Give her a kiss and thank her,” she commanded and pushed Andy’s head towards Puppy, she greedily gave him a kiss and used her tongue to force open his mouth trying to suck her load from Andy’s mouth to hers. Andy was too dazed and stunned.

Kali turned to the camera and said, “And that my friends is how you make a Sissy, but there is one more thing still to do.  Hearing this Andy expected it to be his turn to have the dreadful cage removed and perked up.  Emily began to undress him and when he was down to just his diaper everyone giggled at how wet he was.  Emily pulled his wig into pony tails and secured them with large pastel ruffled bands.  He was taken to the nursery room and placed in the crib.  Emily and Puppy followed them in and Emily helped Puppy up on the changing table and put her in a diaper.  Andy was surprised when Kali removed his buttplug and taped a dry diaper on him and got out of the crib.  

“You said I would get a treat,” Andy pouted.

“And you shall Baby Samantha,” Kali said and the three left giggling.  Emily returned with a large cookie and bottle of milk, while Kali followed behind with the camera.    “Here’s your treat,” Emily said.  Andy felt the frustration sink in.  “Goodnight everybody, thanks for watching,” Kali said and turned off the camera.  “Wow Samantha, you did such a good job,” Kali said. 

Andy felt the shame and humiliation settle in, “Great OK, can you please let me out of here, I don’t want to sleep in here tonight.  And take this cage off, it’s getting real uncomfortable.” Andy said.

“Well if you didn’t sleep in your crib where would you sleep?” Kali asked.

“I don’t know, the couch maybe?” Andy answered.

“No we don’t want leaks on our couch, and when you’ve calmed down I’m sure the cage will stop hurting,” Emily replied.  Andy grumbled and argued for a few more minutes while Kali turned on relaxing music and lights and then left him in the nursery alone.  Hungry and thirsty Andy ate the cookies and drank the bottle of milk.  It eventually occurred to him that he wasn’t wearing anything over his diaper and could easily remove it, but then he felt the need to pee and without much thought he just let go.  The warm diaper felt nice, the milk had mild sedatives and soon he was asleep while subliminal recordings played reinforcing the love of diapers and all things baby.


Andy woke up feeling very relaxed and peaceful as the machine in the corner played the calming  sounds of a beach and warm morning light spilled through the window.  He opened his eyes and saw that he was surrounded by white wooden bars and remembered the situation he was in. “OK, this is Sunday, they said the job was over at 5PM, so just a little while to go.  He looked down at his diaper and realized just how cute it was.  The front panel had a decorative pattern of bows and rattles, and under that was larger images of a bunny, balloons, a giraffe and teddy bear.  Below that was large decorative stitching and a cute pattern of little blue dots.  The diaper was a bit swollen and warm, but not yet soaked.  Feeling the need to wet  Andy didn’t hesitate and let it go.  It felt so relaxing and pleasurable and he felt himself melt a bit into the crib mattress.  Eventually he got up and saw there was a large mirror in the nursery.  Samantha was looking back at him, not Andy.  He was still wearing a wig, pulled up in pig tails.  Samantha was cute and Andy felt himself becoming aroused but the cage reminded him that he could do nothing about it.

Emily came in with a bottle, she was dressed differently this morning.  Her relatively modern dress and apron had been replaced with a much more old fashioned dress.  It was light blue, with big sleeves, and an ornate lacy collar and apron.  She looked like something from a historical reenactment.  “Wow, is it fancy dress day?”  Andy asked.

“Yes, I suppose it is.  Today we are doing something kind of special, here’s a bottle for you.”  As Andy suckled the bottle Emily pulled out several things from the closet and laid them on a chair.  THey were all either frilly white or lacy.  “I have to say Samantha, that you have really done such a good job for us, I know this kind of work is difficult.”

“Well, Kali didn’t really give me a choice did she.”  Andy said.

Oh silly girl, you always had a choice, but you’ll be finished soon. OK, let's get you ready.”  Emily answered.  She opened up the crib and stuck her finger in the waistband of Andy’s diaper, finding it soaked she took him out of the crib and to the changing table.  As she was wiping him off Andy felt her finger work in his bottom a few times and then a butt plug was inserted.  She seemed to spend extra time applying lotions and ointments to his bottom, and then rubbed him down with soft smelling baby oil.  The diaper Emily laid under him had an extra booster pad.  She pulled it up tight and taped it closed.  Then to Andy’s surprise she laid out a white cloth diaper which fastened around him with velcro.  “What is that for?” Andy asked.  “Just a little insurance policy,” Emily said and chuckled.  After the cloth diaper she laid out a pair of snap on plastic pants and snapped them around him.  They were  milky white  and very large.  After that she pulled on a huge pair of white rumba panties.  Decorative white knee high socks were pulled up Andy’s legs and then Emily buckled on a pair of pink baby booties on his feet.  

“Now give me your hands,” she said.  Andy reached out his hands obediently and then realized what he just did.  It wasn’t just that the fight was gone from him, but it just seemed natural to do as Emily told him.  Emily buckled on a pair of mittens, they were stuffed with firm padding making it impossible for Andy to use his fingers.  Emily reached out and took Andy by the wrists and lifted him into a sitting position and placed an old fashioned lacy bonnet on his head.  Andy wiggled his legs around and realized that he couldn’t even come close to closing them with all the layers of padding that lay between them.

Emily showed a loving and sincere smile as she took in how completely infantile Andy had become.  Andy couldn’t help but feel happy seeing how happy he had made his caregiver.  “You are such an adorable little girl Samantha,” she said, pinching his cheek.  “Now, today we have decided that we want you to be a completely dependent baby, we have a few special plans.  The first thing you need to know is that the booties you are wearing will keep you from walking, so only crawling today.  

“Wait what do you mean,” Andy asked.  “Try to stand up,” Emily said, taking a step back.  Andy swung his legs off the table and put his weight on his feet. There was something in the booties that was uncomfortable, he tried to take a step and the discomfort increased and he quickly put his foot back down and balanced his weight.   “The booties have spikes in them, not sharp but they hurt when all your weight is one foot.”  Andy felt himself growing tense, “And with these I can’t use my hands, so I’m basically helpless,”  he said, holding his mittened hands up.  Emily nodded.  “Please tell me I’m not going to end up locked in here forever,” he said.

“No of course not, this is just the wardrobe for your final photoshoot, you’ll get your things back at 5PM.  Now let's go have breakfast,” Emily said. “Well how am I going to get there if I can’t walk?” Andy asked.  Emily smiled and went to the closet and pushed out an adult sized stroller.  “What is that?” Andy said.  “We ordered this from a special needs company,” Emily said.  The stroller was very similar to a folding baby stroller, just sized up for large children or small adults.  It was pink and looked less like something medical, and more just like a big baby stroller.  WIth ease Emily transferred Andy to the chair and then buckled the safety harness. He was wheeled into the kitchen where he saw that both Puppy and Kali were in fancy dress as well.

Kali was wearing a purple floor length gown with a low cut bodice and showed her bosom, and multiple taper layers of skirts.  Puppy was wearing a much more childish dress in a pale yellow, it had an empire waist, with a knee length skirt and puffy sleeves.  She had frilly bloomers that were wide under her skirt, white tights and black mary janes.  She didn’t look particularly happy about her outfit.

“Good morning Samantha,” Kali said.

“OK, what’s going on?” Andy asked.  Emily stuck a teat in his mouth and titled the bottle up and Andy began to suckle his second bottle of the morning.  He was actually really hungry as most of his calories had been sweet milk  yesterday.  Kali placed a bowl of baby food on the table in front of Andy’s pushchair.  “Lorrie, please feed your sister,” Kali said.  Lorrie gave a bratty look and came over and pulled out a chair next to Andy’s stroller.  Emily pulled the teat out of Andy’s mouth and he said, “I thought your name was Puppy?”

“It is, but sometimes I’m Lorrie, like when I have to play dress up for a dumb photoshoot with my baby sister,” she said.  “If you keep that sass up your rear will be red and you’ll be the one in the pushchair Missy,” Kali said.  “Yes Mam,” Lorrie replied and stuck a big spoon full of food in Andy’s face.  Emily sat down and began to eat her own breakfast with Kali which consisted of eggs and pancakes.  Andy realized the goop he was eating was liquified pulp of the same thing with plenty of syrup..  Even though the texture was gross to eat it didn’t taste bad, Lorrie was having fun shoving the food in his face and purposely giving him too much or missing his mouth completely.  

“Could you please try to get some in my mouth?” Andy said.  Everyone chuckled, “Lorrie please do a better job of feeding your baby sister,” Emily said.  “Yes Mam,” Lorrie replied and continued to feed him, though he was now a sticky mess all over his face.  After his bowl and bottle were emptied Lorrie ate her own meal and Kali explained a few things for the day while Emily recorded it.  “Your time with us is almost up Samantha, so we have a special photoshoot.  We have a photographer coming and a few special guests,” Kali explained while she wiped his face with a washcloth.

“What, no, that’s where I draw the line, I can’t do this in front of people, there’s no way,” Andy said.

“Please Samantha, calm down, the photographer is a friend, in fact you know them.  She’s the one who gave you our contact information.”  Kali said.  “What about the special guests?” Andy asked.

“They are some of our friends and clients.  We are doing a “baby’s first tea party” with you. They’re going to help us set it up and then you’ll be the guest of honor,” Kali explained.  

“Then afterward we can take off these stuffy clothes,” Lorrie said.  Andy didn’t argue, realizing it didn’t really matter, he had been made completely helpless and had no choice other than to comply.  After breakfast he was wheeled back into the nursery.  Emily removed the booties so he could stand on his feet and be dressed in a big elaborate baby dress.  It was white with a teddy bear pattern and tons of pink and blue lace, ribbons, and  bows. She then pulled up some thick white hose up her legs, a massive petticoat, and some lacey socks.  Finally the booties went back on.  With the extra layers on his feet Andy could stand without much discomfort but walking was still painful.  He was strapped back in the stroller and taken outside.  

Kali, Lorrie and a woman wearing plain black clothes were out in the yard sitting up at a long fancy table with a frilly tablecloth, decorative cakes, and tableware.  Andy felt his face go red and he turned to Emily.  “No, I can’t… I don’t want her to see,” Andy said.  “Calm down, here’s your pacy, just relax, if you’re sucking on this you don’t have to talk,” Emily said and shoved the pacifier in Andy’s mouth.  

Kali and the woman walked over with a big smile.  “Well hello again, we are looking super cute today,” the woman in black said.  Andy recalled their meeting after the LBTQ underwear photoshoot, but he couldn’t remember her name.  Taking Emily’s advice he focused on sucking the pacifier and tried not to make direct eye contact with the woman.  

“Samantha, this is Jen, she’ll be our photographer today.  Since she’s a trusted adult make sure to do as she says and treat her with respect,” Kali said.  Andy continued to suckle and Kali pulled the pacifier out of his mouth.  “Samantha, please introduce yourself to Jen.”
“Umm, hello Jen,”  Andy said.

“Now this is a formal tea party, and while you’re still just a baby, its never too early to start learning etiquette so say, Hello Mrs Jen, my name is Samantha, how do you do.”  Andy turned a deeper shade of red but repeated the phrase as he was told to.  Kali returned the pacifier and Andy quickly began to suckle.  “We are so thankful you sent Samantha our way Jen,” Kali said.  The two women returned to their preparations while Emily pushed the stroller over to where a play pen had been set up. A 10 by 10 mat had been unfolded on the grass and surrounded by a blue plastic baby fence.  Emily opened the gate and pushed the stroller inside then unbuckled and helped Andy on the soft plastic play mat.  She took the diaper bag that was on the bottom of the stroller off and gave him a bottle and handed him the stuffed bear that was the only thing in the play area.

Andy watched as the four women brought out chairs, and continued setting up the table with all the trappings of a fancy tea party and occasionally acted like he was playing with the Teddy Bear.   Lorrie went over to the swingset and began to play.  A few times Jen came over and took some pictures of him with her large professional camera.  

Eventually the guests started arriving.  The first was what Andy believed to be a middle aged transgender woman, she didn’t have the ambiguous body of Andy, but instead had a heavy male build, still her face had some feminine qualities and she smiled big. After greeting the others she walked over to the playpen.  Andy focused on his stuffed bear and pacifier, feeling himself turn red in embarrassment.  “Hello there Samantha, my name is Alice and I’m so happy to get to share your first tea party today,”  she said.  Her voice was deep but believable for a woman, and her floral dress was cut low enough to show that she had real breasts.  She carried a large bag.  Andy forced a nervous  smile behind his pacifier and waved.  Alice chuckled then went inside.

A few minutes later a group came into the backyard, a man wearing khakis and a dress shirt and in each hand he was holding a young woman dressed like princesses.  Andy couldn’t believe what he was seeing, these two had apparently traveled here in outfits very similar to his.  Both girls were thin with feminine builds, one was taller and her dress was like an adult replica of a little girls Disney Princess play dress.  It was made of shiny satin material, with big puffy sleeves, and lots of sew on embellishments.  The other girl was shorter and was wearing a less elaborate sissy baby dress like Andy’s and was using a pacifier.  Lorrie got off her swing and went to hug the girls, Kali and Emily then gave everyone hugs and they all came over to the playpen, while Jen was recording it on her camera.

“Samantha, this is Steve and his daughters Sarah and Chrissy,” Kali said.  “How do you do?” Sarah the taller girl said and curtseyed. “Hewoll” the shorter girl said in baby talk and curtseyed as well.”  After a moment of silence Kali gave Andy a look and he spit out his pacifier and said,  “Hello, my name is Samantha, how do you do?”  as he had been instructed earlier.  Everyone clapped for him.  Steve was probably in his late thirties and everything about him said normal everyday Dad, except for the fact that his two daughters were adult women in their early 20s.

“OK Sarah I’m sure you want to go play on the swings and Chrissy you can stay here and get to know Samantha,” Steve said in a fatherly voice and sat his large fancy pink diaper bag inside the playpen.  “Yes Daddy,” the girls said.  The older girl Sarah and Lorrie ran over to the swings giggling, while Chrissy was placed in the playpen with Andy. The adults went in the house and carried out the adult high chair before sitting around the table to catch up.  After a few moments of awkward silence Chrissy spit out her pacifier and said,  “You’re very cute Samantha.”  Andy spit his out, “Thanks I guess, I’m just a model.  I mean, that’s why I’m here.  I’m not really into this… stuff.”  

“Oh, well OK.  You’re a very cute model though.” Chrissy Said and blushed.  Andy felt himself blush as well.  “Thanks, so, you’re umm, ABDL?”  Andy asked.  “ABDL?  What are you talking about?”  Alice asked.  “Umm, Adult Baby Diaper Lover, apparently what I got signed up for?” Andy said, confused.  Chrissy stuck her finger in mouth and looked confused,  “Adult Baby Diaper Lover?  Never heard of it, me and my sister are just really slow learners, Daddy said we’re not ready for potty training yet.”  Andy stumbled, unsure how to respond and then Chrissy cracked up.  “Sorry just messing with you.  Yes, I’m ABDL,” she said.   Andy sighed with relief, and laughed.  “So, Steve is your… Daddy?” he could barely get the word out.

“Yep, he’s a really wonderful Daddy, takes very good care of us.  He’s very good at changing diapers, and giving baths, and other things,” for Chrissy the word Daddy slid off her tongue with ease.  “You two came here… dressed…. in. diap…like in baby mode?”  Andy asked.
“Daddy keeps us in diapers 24/7, and we’re in some level of baby mode most of the time, like not when we’re at work, or visiting family we act more adult, but when we’re at home with Daddy we’re his babies. We go out dressed in baby clothes a lot, but usually much more low key than this.  Like cute overalls, and things that don’t look so out of place in public.  We just came out like this for your party,”  Chrissy explained. Andy wanted to ask more, the entire thing was both very off putting, and yet he was curious, how could it be that someone would choose to live like this he thought.  

Before he could ask more questions Alice came out of the house and joined them in the playpen.  In thirty minutes the woman was now transformed into a baby, she had a super short pink baby dress with a little duck on it, petticoats, her hair was now in cute ringlets, and her makeup was the most babyish of all giving her bright red rosy cheeks.  “Hello Chrissy, hello Samantha, this is Pinkie Pie,” she said in baby talk and held out her big stuffed My Little Pony.  “Hi, Alice,” Chrissy said and jumped up to go hug her.  Chrissy got into her diaper bag and got out a case full of cute animal figures and soon they were playing.  The case unfolded to make a tree house and the baby girls tried to get Andy involved as well but with the constricting baby mittens he could barely hold onto the toys so Alice gave him Pinkie Pie to hold while her and Chrissy played with the little figures.  It was weird at first but Andy soon got used to it and just pretended like he was just playing with a couple little girls.  

Eventually Lorrie and Sarah came over to the playpen and let themselves in.  Soon everyone was playing with the little animals and giggling at all kinds of silly goofy jokes.  The adults came over and got everyone out of the playpen for a game of croquet they had been sitting up. .    Emily helped Andy up and put him back in the stroller telling him he was too little to play, so he was just pushed around and watched the other’s all playing.   Everyone was encouraged to drink, Chrissy, Alice and Andy were given baby bottles, while Lorrie and Sarah were given sippy cups.  After the game Steve took hold of Chrissy, lifted up her skirt  and patted her bottom, resulting in a thud sound,  “Sounds like someone needs a change,” he announced loudly.  He then began feeling around the crotch of her diaper, “Yeap, you’re wet.” 

“Daddy!  I’m playing, changies later,” Chrissy said in her baby voice.  “Nope Princess, now go to the playpen,” Steve said.  “But Daddy!”  Chrissy whined.  “Unless you want your change to come with a spanking you’ll stop whining and go!”  He said with an edge of threat.  Chrissy’s face turned red and she skulked over to the playpen and sat down on the mat.  “Now young lady your turn,” Steve said as he walked over to Sarah.  Andy saw that Jen was recording everything as Sarah’s face started to blush. “I’m fine,” she said.

 “Well, lets find out Sarah, did you keep your Pull-up dry like you said you could?” he asked.  When the girl didn’t respond Steve took hold of her and flipped up her skirt revealing a Good nite pull up that was very swollen.  “Obviously you weren’t as ready for potty training as you thought young lady,” Steve said.

“It’s not my fault Daddy, we were playing and…” Sarah started in a whiny voice but was cut off.  “Save it Missy, it’s back to diapers for you, go to the playpen and lay down by your sister,” Steve commanded.  “Yes Daddy,” Sarah said and walked over.  Emily walked over to where Lorrie was standing and took her hand, “I’m sure you need a change too,” she said and took her by the hand and walked her to the big fenced in playmat.  She then nonchalantly came back and reached under Alice’s skirt.  “You’re wet too Alice, come along.”

Kali pushed the stroller over and parked it so Andy could see what was happening.  Six adults completely filled the space, with Chrissy, Sarah, Lorrie and Alice all laying down.  While their caregivers prepared the supplies for their change.  The adult  girls seemed to be completely regressed to total babyhood.  They were all sucking pacifiers and playing with each other's fingers with a glazed over look while Steve and Emily made cute comments about how wet they were and how much better they would feel in fresh diapers.  Chrissy and Alice were giving clean diapers to play with and they needed their petticoats pulled up and folded over along with their dress and their fancy Rhumba panties removed, while Sarah and Lorrie just needed their dress folded up to reveal their pull-up and diaper.  Andy felt himself becoming aroused at the completely humiliating scene.  Why was this happening, why was this insanely humiliating scene making him horny and why wasn’t he getting changed?  His diaper was wet for sure, though it was so thick he could barely tell.  

Almost as if she could read his mind Kali announced out loud, “I’m sure little Samantha is wet, but her outfit is so difficult that we double diapered her, so no changes until after the tea party for this little girl.”  Andy was surprised to see that all the babies' diapers were removed and rolled up so that all four of them were all just left squirming around uncovered.  Lorrie, was wearing a very small pink chastity cage, Alice had a metal one that barely had any tube.  To his surprise Sarah had one as well, a full size model.  Chrissy was the only one of the girls who didn’t have a penis.  All four of them were shaved super smooth.  Cutesy printed diapers went on one by one.  It was about this time that Andy started feeling pressure in bowels.  Emily had slipped a delayed reaction suppository in his rear along with the butt plug and it was starting to work, but the butt plug prevented any release.

After changes everyone sat around the long table.  Andy was transferred from the stroller to the high chair and strapped in.  Chrissy, Alice and Andy all had big frilly bibs tied around their necks and were given bottles of milk, while Sarah and Lorrie, acting as older girls, went around filling everyone’s tea.  It was all very proper and refined.  Andy didn’t really want to eat as the pressure in his bowels was starting to get uncomfortable, but he didn’t really have a choice as Emily kept spoon feeding him cake and shoving his bottle in his mouth.  Steve fed Chrissy the same way while Alice ate with her hands and made a mess of her face.  

Once the fancy tea party was completed Kali announced it was photo time.  Jen set up a photography flash on a stand and started posing people for photos.  After several shots of Steve with his two “daughters” Emily unbuckled Andy from the high chair.  As soon as his rear got off the seat Andy felt his sphincter quiver, gas and some poop slid out around the but plug.  Everyone heard the humiliating sound of a muffled wet fart underneath his layers of diapers and plastic pants and giggled.  “Well I think Samantha just let us know what she thinks of photo time,” Kali said.  Andy was able to stand on the soft grass despite being in the special anti-walking booties, and for the next 20 minutes every possible combination of cute photo that the adults could come up with was taken.  Including removing Chrissy and Sarah’s dresses to get photos of them playing in just their diapers.  Andy felt himself wetting and messing several times during the photos and could tell his boosted diaper was soaked.  Luckily the layers of cloth diaper and plastic pants were keeping any smells inside.

“The final photos were in the playpen with all the babies, who were now all down to their diapers, except for Andy who was still in his fancy dress..   “Well I think that was all the photos,” Kali said. “Daddy can we play with Mr. Buzzy now?” Sarah asked. “OK girls I think you’ve earned a special treat," Steve said once the photos were done.  He produced a battery operated magic wand vibrator from the diaper bag and clicked it on.  Emily spread out a blanket outside the gate and  got out a bottle of baby oil and a magic wand from her diaper bag as well.  Andy was stunned as he sat in the corner of the playpen.  Emily sat down on the blanket, Lorrie and Alice nuzzled up in her lap and she began rubbing baby oil on them and rubbing their nipples.  Lorrie had the largest breasts of anyone here, but Alice’s had been surgically enhanced as well and were quite large.  Steve did the same thing with his girls, Sarah had tiny breasts that were the result of HRT, and Chrissy’s were natural.  Kali sat down and started helping with the massage as well.  Andy felt like he was going to explode, his poor cock was pressing so hard against the cage that he felt his balls might explode. He wanted to join in, but was too embarrassed, plus he was in the playpen with Chrissy, Sarah, and Steve and the idea of the man giving him sexual satisfaction was difficult to accept.  Steve seemed to be an expert at this tough and moved his wand back and forth teasing his girls who were both now panting and moaning as he massaged their nipples.  

Steve looked over and saw the look of confused longing in Andy’s eye, “Samantha dear crawl over here,” he said.  Andy was frozen and felt his heart beating faster.  “Come on over baby girl, come to daddy,” he said and reached over and took Andy’s hand. Andy scooted over and Steve helped him lay down beside the other two and he began rubbing his nipple underneath the Party dress.  Andy closed his eyes and felt himself melt into the playmat.  A few more minutes of that had him nuzzled up next to Steve and Chrissy.  Steve took the pacifier leashed to Andy’s dress and placed it in his mouth and he began to happily suckle, and moan as hands caressed his sensitive nipples.  Then he felt the Magic wand against his diaper.  It was too many layers to really work, but it still felt amazing.  He lifted up his crotch trying to get more pressure from the device.  

“OK girls,” Steve said as he guided Chrissy ontop of Sarah and worked the wand between their diapers.  He then helped Andy ontop his lap and wrapped an arm around him and slowly rubbed back and forth on his nipple.  Andy melted into Steve’s lap and watched as Chrissy and Sarah began humping the wand together.  Steve then placed his finger in Sarah’s mouth and she began to suck, he then moved it to Chrissy and she suckled, finally he took out Andy’s pacifier and he found himself sucking this man’s finger, easily the most horny he’d ever been in his life.  He could hear Kali and Emily giving loving encouragement from outside the playpen to Lorrie and ALice as they both were humping as well.  

Chrissy came first, screaming, as she was being ridden by Sarah.  Andy wondered if it was possible for Sarah to come with the cage on, but in a few moments his question was answered, “Oh, oh, oh, God, Fudge,” she said and arched her back.  Chrissy came for the second time and was joined by screams of release from Alice and Lorrie who came together from the same magic wand.  Andy felt Steve continue to rub his nipples and the magic wand settled on his diaper, it felt amazing but in a few minutes he realized it was hopeless. All the layers of diapers were thick and I just couldn’t get enough vibrations from the wand.  

“Sorry babygirl, but no cummies for you,” Steve said.  Andy felt a tear in his eye, he wanted it so bad.  “Please,” he heard himself pathetically mutter out loud.  Kali laughed as she helped Alice and Lorrie into the playpen.  The wands and baby oil were put away and all the adult babies seemed to be exhausted.  They all curled up in a big cuddle pile except for Andy who was left leaning against the playpen wall.  Steve joined Kali and Emily outside the playpen and they looked at their little group with true satisfaction and love then looked at each other.  Kali shut the door of the playpen and the three adults held hands and walked over to Jen who had been off to the side recording everything.  She put up her camera equipment and all four adults went inside.  Andy felt another wave of cramp and pooped again, unable to stop it then felt himself soak his diaper.  He lost control of his emotions and began to cry.  Lorrie took hold of Andy and pulled him into their cuddle pile and soon everyone but Andy was asleep.

Andy was mortified, his diaper was a sticky gross mess, and despite the thick disposable, thick cloth, plastic pants, and Rhumba panties, he was starting to smell stinky.  It wasn’t overwhelming and the others were asleep and didn’t notice.  He noticed everyone but him had a pacifier, but his was still hanging on it’s leash, he struggled with the big mittens to grab it and missed a few times.  Lorrie opened her eyes and put the pacy in his mouth for him then seemed to drift back to sleep.  

About an hour later the adults came back outside, “Awww, this is so cute, they are all asleep. Jen you got to get a photo of this before you go,” Kali said in a whisper.  A few moments later  Steve opened up the playpen door and came in. He picked Chrissy up off the play mat and held her in his arms, “Time to go my sweet baby,” he said. Emily helped Sarah up off the ground and helped the sleepy girl up,  “I want to say goodbye,” she whispered.  She kneeled down and gave Lorrie a kiss on the cheek and a hug, “bye Sissy,” she said.  Lorried stirred a bit and sat up and hugged her back.  Then Sarah knelt down and gave Andy a kiss, “It was wonderful meeting you Samantha,” she said.  Andy pretended to stay asleep.  She then gave Alice a kiss and a hug and left with her Daddy and sister.  Alice and Lorrie got up and sleepily walked into the house.  

“Well someone definitely made a stinky,” Kali said, still whispering.  She pointed at Andy and made a pretend sleeping gesture with her arms and Emily nodded back.  “She’ll be OK, I used extra thick layers of diaper rash cream,” Emily replied.  “I wonder how much the boosted diaper leaked?  It will be interesting to see how wet the cloth diaper is,” Kali said.  “I think I’m going to start using cloth diapers more on Lorrie, especially at night,” Emily replied.  “I can’t believe how well this went. Samantha was perfect.” Kali said.  “I know it's so hard for new sissy baby models to accept it, but she seems to have gotten used to her diapers already,” Emily said.    “Well she has a few hours left, but I think she’s earned a break.  Let’s put the baby in her crib and I’ll get Alice and Lorrie to help us put everything away,” Kali said.  Andy felt relief, he was afraid that Kali and Emily wouldn’t let him go at the end of the “job.”

“Hey sleepy little angel, it’s time to wake up,” Emily said gently rousing Andy.  He faked waking up from sleep and was helped back into the stroller.  “What time is it?” he asked as they rolled back through the patio door into the basement of the house.  “It’s about 2PM, you have just a few hours left with us,”  Kali said.  “Can you please get me cleaned up,” Andy asked.

“Of course we will,” Emily replied as Andy was rolled back into the nursery.  He didn’t notice that the camera in the corner was on and had no idea that the room was being streamed to hundreds of AB Sissy Factory followers.  They removed his dress, rhumba panties and booties so that Andy was just down to the white plastic pants and baby mittens.   Instead of placing him on the changing table Andy was pushed into the crib by Kali who climbed in with him.  “Have you enjoyed your time as a Sissy, Samantha?”   she asked.

“No,” Andy blurted out.

“You seemed to enjoy it when Daddy Steve was using Mr. Buzzy on you?” Emily said.  “I really didn’t, I just want to get this over with and go home, please,” Andy said.  “Mrs. Emily I think someone is telling a fib, what do you think?”  Kali asked.  “I certainly remember little Samantha here trying very hard to rub her diaper off on Mr. Buzzy, but the poor little girl couldn’t seem to get there.” Emily answered.  “Look she’s blushing, she knows it's true, she’s really a slutty little girl, aren’t you Samantha,” Kali said.

“I’m not, I’m..” Andy was interrupted when Kali began to rub his uncovered nipples, he tried to bat her arms away but Emily slid into the crib and took his arms behind his back.  “Please,” Andy said as his body was filled with more endorphins and he felt his penis growing hard in the cage again.

“Please what?” Kali asked.  Andy didn’t answer as the sensations continued, but just gently moaned.  Emily forced a pacifier gag into his mouth and strapped it behind his head.  “Lets just get that mouth of yours filled up by a nice pacifier so you don’t even have to think about talking, you're too little for words right now anyway aren’t you,” Kali said.  With his mind overwhelmed by lust Andy just nodded. Kali reached into the front of her dress and lifted a key on a chain.  She slid the chain off her head and then pulled the front of Andy’s double diaper down revealing the big pink cage.  Andy’s penis was pushing through the gaps in the cage and the girls both giggled.  The cage was mostly clean but there was a little poop on his balls that Emily carefully wiped off before Kali unlocked and removed the cage.  Emily wiped it with several baby wipes slowly working up and down the shaft and saying cutesy baby things while Andy just laid there.

Emily lubed up his erect penis and stroked it a few times, “Yes little Samantha, show Mommy how proud you are to be a sissy baby girl,  she said.  “Do you want her to stop Samantha, just shake your head and you can go back to being a grown boy,” Kali asked..  Andy didn’t shake his head, he didn’t want her to stop, he needed to cum worse than he ever had in his life. Emily continued back and forth.  Soon Andy was starting to rock up and down on his hips, feeling the orgasm build.  Suddenly Emily’s hands were gone and Kali pulled the diapers back up.  Andy opened his eyes wide in frustration,  “No,” he yelled into the pacifier.  

Emily took the huge teddy bear from the corner of the room and put it in the crib with Andy and closed the door.  Sorry Samantha we have to go,  but you can play with Mr. Teddy if you’d like. Both women giggled and left the room.  Andy growled low in frustration, then with no other option he laid on the big bear and buried his face in it’s chest and yelled.  When he did he felt a nice little bit of pressure from the soaked diapers.  Getting an idea he mounted the big bear and began to thrust.  It felt good and soon he was going faster.  He changed up the motion to more of a slide and soon his penis was buried inside his full mushy diaper and it felt amazing.  He came with a mind blowing orgasm that had him screaming as days of pent up frustration were humped out into his diaper.  When he was finished he collapsed onto the bear and closed his eyes.  

Sometime later he was woken up by Emily who quietly helped him onto a changing table and using huge wipes cleaned him up.  He was taken to a bathroom and given a shower then Emily put a new plain white diaper on him.  “What’s that for?”  he asked.    

“Just in case,” she said.  Finally he was given his regular clothes along with his keys, phone and wallet and allowed to get dressed by himself.  When Andy stepped out of the bathroom Emily and Kali were waiting for him in the basement living room.  “Andy, we’ve certainly enjoyed having you model for us this weekend,” Emily said.  “I’ve deposited the $1500 and sent you a nice tip,” Kali replied.  Andy checked his phone and saw that he had been sent a total of 1700 dollars from Kali.  “Shouldn’t this be more?” he asked.  

“We agreed at 1500 dollars,” Kali said.  “But didn’t you give me bonuses?”  Andy asked.  “No you must have misunderstood I gave you advances, not bonuses.”  Kali answered.  Andy looked around behind him, expecting for someone to grab him and drag him back to the nursery.  He bit his finger nails and nodded.  “OK, sorry  I guess I can go now?”  he asked.  

“Sure you can go, we placed a pack of diapers in your car, and a little gift.”  Kali said.  “Why?  I don’t want them,” Andy said.  “Well you might find that after over two days of diapering you might have an accident if you just stop all at once.  But if you don’t need them you can bring them back, next time you come over.”  Kali answered.  “Umm, sure OK, yeah, well goodbye I guess,” Andy said and headed for the door.  

“Oh and Andy if Samantha would like to model again for us just give me a call, you have my number.”  Kali said.  “Thanks, yeah but I don’t think so.”  Andy quickly headed out the door and made his way out of the fenced in yard, up the stairs and unlocked his car.  In the front seat beside him was a very embarrassing package of adult diapers that would have looked completely normal in the baby aisle.  In small bag there was also a pink onesie, and a pacifier.  Andy took the items  and was going to leave in on the driveway but something inside told him not to.  He shoved them into the floorboard of the back seat and took off.  

Kalli and Emily watched the video feed from their driveway camera as Andy drove off.  “See I told you, she would take them,” Kali said.  “I’m still not sure that Samantha will come back,”  Emily said.  

“Oh yee of little faith, Lorrie Pup came back, didn’t she?” Kali asked.  Emily nodded.  “And you came back didn’t you?” Kali asked again.  Emily felt her cheeks turn red and nodded again.  Kali reached forward and embraced Emily, giving her a deep kiss.  “Samantha will come back.”

  • Like 6

Nicely written story, sissy stories are not really my thing so I don’t think I would purchase but I think others would pay as it is an interesting story. I noticed that you had a few different spellings of “ Ma’am”, a good way to remember how to spell is this is a contraction for Madam or Madame so you are replacing the d with the apostrophe.

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