Sandman Posted August 18, 2024 Posted August 18, 2024 Dan’s Adventures, Part 2 By Sandman Chapter 1 Dan had butterflies in his stomach and trembled with excitement. Would he really take the plunge and throw himself into Sarah's world and give up the bachelor life for time and eternity? For a moment, thoughts swirled around in Dan's head and he looked around nervously and saw himself in the hall mirror. He blushed when he saw how silly he looked in the thick white diaper. Then he slowly lifted his head and looked at Sarah. He nodded a little timidly and got a cautious smile. Dan was so nervous that he hardly knew which leg to stand on and it was as if the diaper made all his manhood look like on a punctured balloon. Sarah looked at Dan with her kind eyes and gave him a warm and loving smile. Sarah was satisfied and felt that she was in full control. Now she had managed to wrap Dan around her finger. He was captured. He was her property, and he would dance to her tune. "It's going to be good Dan. Your life will be different and stressful but filled with love in a way that you were used to as a little baby," Sarah said, hugging Dan. Dan closed his eyes and enjoyed. Her warm closeness was like balm for the soul and Dan quickly began to feel calm and relaxed. He clung to it like a suction cup, and the calm and soft beats of her heart made Dan let go of all thoughts that he was entering deep water. "You know what Dan. I understood that already at our first meeting in the stairwell that it would be like this." "How did you know?" asked Dan. "It was your first glance that revealed you, or rather your red cheeks. When I saw them, I understood that that macho guy was going to soften and become that nice boy that I hug right now." "But I don't understand," Dan said. "You're with Brad." "Baby, how many of Brad's things have you seen here in my apartment?" "Eh, well maybe not that many." "Have you seen any of his things at all?" "Well, yes, uh, .. well in your laundry the other week was .. eh you know, that blue garment. Well, eh, and if it's part of his submarine uniform, he probably won't have much say at work." "Oh, you think of the romper that you folded so nicely." "Eh, well, eh, yes, that’s the one I was thinking of." "So, you thought it was Brad's?" "Well, it looked manly, no, wrong, uh, I mean, uh, it felt like maybe it wasn't yours." Sarah looked at Dan with a stepmotherly look and he felt like he was in deep water. "I think it's someone who is jealous," Sarah said. "Is that so, Dan?" Dan didn't answer. But he didn't have to either. She had hit the nail on the head, but he didn't dare admit it. Dan had of course dreamed of being in Brad's clothes. Yes, with the exception of the blue romper, which was designed as a straitjacket. No, it really didn't appeal. Hopefully, he would soon be the rooster in the chicken coop and get to have sex with Sarah without having to sink so low. "Worst you were speechless then, Sarah said, but I guess I'll see it as a sign that you're actually jealous. But now it's like this! I don't want to hear a single word about Brad again. Ever. If that happens, I can promise you that there will be a spanking on the buttocks and a premiere for you in the romper." "Alright, I get it”, said Dan. "That's how it should sound," Sarah said. "Are you ready to crawl into bed?" Dan nodded. He still had butterflies in his stomach, but despite that, he was excited and determined to find out where this road would lead. Sarah took him by the hand and started walking towards the bedroom. Finally, she thought. She had really managed to capture what she had been looking for for so long. The man who was actually prepared to let her have an outlet for her need to dominate. Dan didn't know about it, but he had woken up a sleeping bear. He had coaxed out her maternal instincts and sexual desires. Inside the dim lighting of the bedroom, Sarah let her clothes fall to the floor. Not surprisingly, Dan got a strong erection when he saw the contours of her plump breasts and normally Dan had no hesitations when he was with a naked sexy woman. Now there was a difference. The diaper made him feel small and helpless, but that's exactly how Sarah wanted him to feel. That's when she could use her invisible power and control Dan to basically anything. Sarah patted Dan a little lightly on the buttocks which resulted in a muffled plastic sound. "You know what little boys in diapers need when they're hungry, don't you, Dan?" Dan nodded and looked expectantly at Sarah's unbelievably sexy breasts. Breasts that were now within reach. He climbed into bed and lay down in Sarah's arms. A few seconds later, he let her nipple suck into his half-open mouth. Dan closed his eyes and let go of all thoughts. He didn't need any instructions and immediately he was very surprised by himself. The sucking reflexes came out of nowhere and soon he felt the milk flowing. It felt so wrong but still so magically calming. Dan had had a fairly quiet day but still mentally taxing and it was only now when he relaxed that he realized that he was completely exhausted. He had been longing all day. He had longed for her physical presence but he hadn't even dared to play with the thought of what he was doing right now. No, he had dreamed of showing off his manhood and letting Sarah feel his stiff member deep inside her pussy. But now that he lay there and closed his eyes and sucked in the milk, all thoughts of sex were gone. Half an hour later, he was sleeping like a little child. Sarah kissed him on the cheek and closed her eyes, feeling happy. Chapter 2 Dan couldn't tell if he was really breastfeeding a woman's breast or if it was a dream. Somewhere in the distance he heard a soft and smooth voice that became clearer and clearer and eventually Dan understood that it was real. It was not a dream. But in a way, it was a dream. A dream come true. A dream he had no idea just a week ago that he had been carrying. Now he did it for real. Breastfed Sarah's majestic and insanely shapely breasts. "Dan go on, go on, we're not quite done yet." Dan had no idea how long it had been going on, but it didn't matter. Because this awakening broke all records. At this very moment, he was able to ignore all the inherent feelings of shame of not feeling like a real man. This morning was so much better than he could have ever imagined. Dan initially thought he had overslept, but when he saw the faint streak of light next to the blind, he realized that the sun was not yet fully up, which made him relaxed. After a little while, Sarah broke the silence and said, "Good boy" and pulled her boob away. "Now it's time for you to become a big boy and get ready for work!" Dan sat up in bed and yawned widely. He let his legs hang down from the edge of the bed and stretched himself before getting up. Just then Dan realized that he had a strong morning erection but luckily it was hidden by the thick diaper. He would be exposed fairly immediately because suddenly he felt two hands on his stomach that grabbed the nipples and jerked so that the diaper came off. Out swung his white-powdered stake like a construction crane. Dan's cheeks immediately turned rosy, and Sarah watched Dan's reaction with a smile and gave him a slap on the butt with the palm of her hand and said: "We'll have to take care of that one at a later date! Into the shower with you now and I've fixed breakfast!" Dan was surprised by Sarah's soft appearance and thought that the embarrassing life as an adult baby was a passed milestone and that he had passed the test. Sarah had changed like a chameleon from a dominant and stepmotherly mistress to a completely ordinary girlfriend. Dan immediately began to feel like a real man. But he was on his toes. He knew what Sarah was capable of and that she could quickly switch to a completely different role where Dan was expected to stand with his butt bare and be ashamed. The mere thought was scary but still very exciting. With Sarah's help, the morning routines went smoothly, and Dan was quickly ready to drive to work. Today he would have preferred to stay at home because he had everything but work in mind. He was in love. The desire to work didn't get any greater after the sensual and very intimate kiss he received just before he stepped into the elevator. Everything in his body apart from the family happiness had softened like ice in the desert and he almost saw stars as he stood alone in the elevator on the way down to the garage. When he had settled into the Dodge’s sports seat, he took a deep breath and tried to gather his thoughts. Sarah had made him unfocused, but he was obviously overjoyed to have met her. Now he needed to dispel all erotic thoughts and focus on work. At least until lunch. Then they were supposed to meet at a Japanese restaurant near the office. It was a lunch he was already looking forward to. He wanted to show off his relationship with Sarah to the whole world. The fact that he barely knew a thing about Sarah and that she was slippery as a soap that had cleverly avoided any discussion of her own background mattered less. He had hundreds of questions that he wanted answers to and sooner or later she would open up. Dan had a feeling that she would not be able to keep the door closed in the long run. Because if there was one thing Dan was good at, it was to get information from people who were not very talkative. In this respect, Dan resembled an investigative journalist who stubbornly searched for answers. Dan's boss had repeatedly praised him for that quality. Instead of guessing and assuming certain hypotheses, Dan usually managed to get important decision information in a completely natural way just by mingling around and asking the right questions at the right time and to the right person. In that respect, he had a winning style and whatever it was that Sarah was hiding, Dan felt that sooner or later he would get out what he wanted to know. She was definitely a tough nut to crack and it would take some time, but even if Sarah was a master at putting a lid on herself, her friends probably didn't have the same ability at all. Dan guessed that it was probably through one of her acquaintances, and especially Melissa, that he would have the most success. When Dan and Sarah met at the lunch restaurant, Dan was amazed at how beautiful she was and not unexpectedly there were a few male lunch guests who looked a little too long at Sarah's tits and ass. Dan had to pinch himself to understand that it was true and that it was he and no one else who was allowed to crawl into her bed. Dan felt like a king. He felt strong. He felt successful. He was in heaven. "Have you seen a ghost, Dan? Lost your voice, your ability to speak?" "I'm sorry Sarah. This is not at all like me." "Come on, baby." Sarah put her arms around Dan and then they joined in a long sucking kiss. "Does it feel better now Dan?" "A lot." The lunch made Dan forget all the unreal and embarrassing things that had happened in Sarah's apartment. Now they sat there among all the other guests like any couple newly in love. Sarah even surprised Dan and asked: "Is there anything you would like to know about me Dan?" Dan had to bite his tongue so as not to seem too intrusive and only scratched the surface a little. "Eh, yes, eh, yes if someone at work asks who that beautiful girl, I had lunch with is. What do I answer then?" said Dan. "That she's your beloved girlfriend and partner," Sarah said with a smile. ”.. And how do I answer the question of what this wonderful woman does for a living?" "Then you can say that she is financially independent and does not need to work." Time flew by and an hour later they had to break up as Dan needed to go back to the office for a project meeting. Sarah felt satisfied when she was on her way home. She was impressed by Dan's social skills and the way he asked simple and well-placed questions. It was a side she hadn't seen of him before, but she liked it. He was simply an easy-going and pleasant person and his charming and probably unconscious way of highlighting his male ego was an extra spice that Sarah loved to challenge. She was already longing for the evening's activities, which Dan was still blissfully unaware of. Sarah grinned when she thought of Dan and his single-minded male ego. Sure, he's handsome, muscular, intelligent, and very nice, but neither Dan nor any other man would ever get to play first fiddle and take it for granted that they'd fuck her on their terms. The typical male notion that they are the biggest, best and strongest, where they think, they are entitled to do anything in bed was something that Sarah would never ever accept. In the end, it was always Sarah who decided and Dan would definitely not get an awl in the air. He would have to get used to a life in a diaper whether he wanted to or not. Dan sat at his desk and felt satisfied. He sipped his coffee and leaned back in his office chair. He had just finished the status report and sent it to his boss. Everything looked good and Dan had checked all the important details with his boss in advance, so now he had a quiet work period ahead of him. It was really needed because he realized that he would be busy at home. True to his habit after finishing his status report, Dan checked out of work and headed for the gym. Dan loved to work out and the choice of gym had not been snuffed out of his nose. He had done extensive research before he had acquired a membership at the training center he was going to visit today. As Dan slowly turned into the gym's parking lot, he felt like a king. The V8 from his Dodge Challenger rumbled mightily, and he could see that his car attracted the glances of impressed pedestrians. He let the car idle for a few extra seconds after parking just to let those around him hear the mighty sound of the powerful engine. Dan started with a fifteen-minute warm-up on a spinning bike and was just about to start his cross-fit program when a woman came up to him. "Gosh! Sarah's little boy is here all by himself without a diaper..... And you can sit on a bike saddle too! Then Dan must have been an obedient boy who hasn't been spanked on the buttocks! Nice to see you Dan," Jane said. "Eh, Hi Jane, nice to see you too!" Damn it. Dan was convinced that several people at the gym had heard what Jane had just said, but that didn't bother Jane, who continued the beaten track. "Okay, if I see you warming up on the treadmill some day, it means that little Dan has pulled down his pants and gotten a round on his butt by his mistress." Jane could see that Dan looked bothered, but she took it easy. It was a situation that she liked. "You'll have to excuse me, Dan, but I have a meeting with Cindy in fifteen minutes and need to change a little quickly. See you on Saturday Dan. At the wedding." "Yes, we do. Goodbye!" Jane took her water bottle and smiled at Dan and walked on. Dan could see that the guys at the gym were looking at her approvingly and it was easy to understand. Her shapely body and warm-blooded Latin appearance made her the spotlight wherever she was. Dan started his training program and tried to disconnect from all thoughts. Hopefully, Jane's talk had only been perceived as a sarcastic jargon and nothing else, but Dan had blushed when she had talked about the diaper. It was as if someone had put up a notice on the gym's bulletin board. "This is our new member Dan. If you're wondering why his water bottle looks like a baby bottle, it's because he loves to walk around in a diaper and be treated like a child." However, the "setback" made Dan extra motivated, and the training went well. Dan felt strong. He was happy. He was filled with positive energy and all worries, regardless of size, felt insignificant. When Dan eventually got home to the apartment, he immediately hung up his workout clothes and towel. He made sure that everything hung perfectly before he went to the fridge and picked out an ice-cold coke. Actually, he had wanted to twist off the cap of the IPA that was next to it because Dan had butterflies in his stomach. He was excited about meeting Sarah. The blunted effect of alcohol would have been welcome, but Dan left the beer bottle untouched. He had a policy of not drinking alcohol without company. It was calm and quiet in the apartment, but Dan understood that it was the calm before the storm and the seriousness of the moment was approaching. Sarah would soon show up after the shopping spree with Melissa. Dan took his coke and sank into the armchair out on the terrace. It was a lovely evening weather and you could hear a soothing chirping from the birds that were somewhere in the background. Dan felt lucky and it was moments like this that made him recharge his batteries. Suddenly, his phone beeped and saw that he had received a greeting from his best friend and training buddy Rob. He had apparently moved abroad to some exotic place in Africa that Dan had never heard of. Rob made a living as a writer and Dan used to read his works and they were really entertaining but Dan suspected that Rob was only using his writing as a cover for something completely different. Dan was completely convinced that Rob was involved in some kind of top-secret activity. He had no concrete evidence, just a feeling that Rob had more strings to his bow. Dan sent Rob a message wishing him luck and saying that they can take the opportunity to meet somewhere in the world when it suits them. Dan grinned. Rob had hardly seen a black person during his entire childhood, and it would probably be a minor culture shock for him. Suddenly the phone rang, and it was Sarah. She had come home and wanted Dan to come over to her apartment. Five minutes later, Dan was standing in Sarah's hallway and was intimately welcomed with a long and erotic kiss. Sarah let her right-hand slide down between Dan's legs, which quickly resulted in a rock-hard erection. "Darling, come out on the terrace. Melissa and I are sitting and drinking a glass of wine." Dan didn't mind Sarah's sweet friend Melissa, but at this point, he'd rather give in to the lusts of the flesh with Sarah in her bedroom. But sitting out on the terrace and enjoying wine in the company of two beautiful women was not a shame. "Hi Melissa!" said Dan when he came out on the terrace. "Hi Dan! How have you been today?" "Really good. I still have pretty quiet days at work. My project is in an early start-up phase and then not much happens." "That sounds pleasant." "Well sometimes it's nice when it's a little quieter but I like busy days too. The advantage of a quiet day is that you are a little more alert after work. Today, by the way, I've compensated for my sedentary office work with a solid workout at the gym. Then I have also communicated a lot with my friend Rob who apparently has moved to Africa. He has sent some pictures." "Oh, let's see," Melissa said. Dan showed some photos of Rob's leafy and exotic condominium as well as a picture with Rob and a relatively scantily clad woman. "Whoaw, what a sexy couple," Sarah said happily." "I don't think they're a couple," Dan said. If so, Rob would have told me. According to him, she works at the pool bar but does extra cleaning." Sarah suddenly spotted a familiar little tattoo on the woman's bust. The world is small, Sarah thought. It wasn't just the tattoo that was familiar. She recognized the woman as well, but she couldn't place her. She didn't mention any of this to Dan. Melissa had also seen the tattoo and when Dan had all his focus on writing a message to Rob, Melissa pointed to her chest to show that she had seen something that Sarah should know. Sarah nodded to confirm that she too had paid attention to the tattoo. Dan put his phone in his pocket and asked Melissa how she had been today. "Yes, it has been an interesting day, but patient confidentiality means that I cannot tell you any details. That's how it is for us nurses, but I can at least tell you that we had to wrestle down a guy who wasn't the least bit cooperative. At least not at first, but when we had fastened all the straps and given him a sedative injection in the buttocks, then there was a different sound in the bark." "What do you say, Dan? Maybe you want to go with Melissa to her job and try it out?" "Thank you for asking. But I get a stomach-ache just seeing a hospital and after snakes, syringes are probably the scariest thing I know." "Oh, Melissa, do you know what you should do," Sarah said. "Bring your medical bag here sometime and we can help a certain little bum get over his fear of injections." "No thanks!" said Dan. "I firmly believe that that healthcare bag is best off staying where it is. I am a hopeless and incurable case on which it is completely useless to waste time." Melissa looked at Sarah and both smiled. Dan realized that the topic of conversation had taken a less favorable turn. At least for Dan who definitely didn't want to be part of any hospital games. He would never give up his body to be a needle cushion. No way. Melissa poured Dan a glass of wine while asking: "Do you have any more phobias than fear of injections, Dan?" "Well." Dan thought. He really didn't want to tell her that he had a hard time showing himself naked. "Yes, I actually have," Dan said. "Tell me," Melissa said. "Heh, heh. Well, it was a feeling that just appeared out of nowhere last week." ” Come on Dan. Don’t be so cryptic”, said Sarah. “Out with it! Tell us”. "..drink wine said Dan. "Okay," Melissa said. "You will need to explain that." "Yes, it's like this. Eh, last time I drank wine. You know, that night with you. It was a memorable evening, and it took almost a week before I could sit again." "But darling," Sarah said. "You got spanked on your bum for a reason. It was a proportionate punishment for an unacceptable act that you yourself had done and that you also said you regretted. Dan, you know your life got several hundred percent better after that night." "Exactly," Melissa said. "That's when you were kind of born again." "I don't agree with that," Dan said, his cheeks turning tomato-red. "I firmly believe that there is someone who does not want to admit that deep down he loves to be treated like a little unvirtuous boy," Sarah said. Dan did his best to bite the bullet and hoped that the topic of conversation would slide over to something completely different, but Sarah had other plans. There would be no discussions about sports, cars or whiskeys and Sarah was amused by Dan's reaction and his awkward attempts to maintain his macho style. It was a facade that Sarah loved to poke holes in. To the uninitiated, it might seem that Dan genuinely disliked being humiliated and exposed to Sarah's dominant style, but beneath the surface, Dan wrestled with a horror-mixed delight that made him randy. He had never in his life encountered femdom and he hardly understood what it meant. Sarah, on the other hand, had full control of what was going on in Dan's head and that he had a hard time coming to terms with his inner and uncontrollable emotions. When Sarah saw him in agony, she couldn't help but put on an extra dominant tone just to take his emotions to a new level. Dan's cheeks turned tomato red because it was stressful to abandon the macho role and he had a hard time accepting that she was stronger than him and that he couldn't stop her. He was stuck in her grip and was totally powerless. "Dan, you don't have to hide your feelings from us," Sarah said. Melissa is my best friend and we talk openly even about the most intimate details. She already knows that you've just discovered a new dimension in life and that you're a diaper lover Dan." Sarah then turned to Melissa. "Melissa, we had an epic night yesterday. I wish you had been there to watch Dan fall asleep like a little baby at my breast." "So there was no spanking on the buttocks yesterday then?" "No, and we didn't have time to go through his disciplinary rules." "Oh, those we talked about earlier today," Melissa said. "Exactly," said Sarah. "But hey, what discipline rules," Dan said. Sarah moved closer to Dan while putting her hand around him. In the meantime, Melissa took the opportunity to fill Dan's wine glass to the brim. "You know what Dan. We have agreed that you and I are going on a journey filled with love and unimagined possibilities. You just need to dare to be yourself and accept that I am both your companion and teacher. I know that all of this is new to you and I can imagine that it is not entirely easy to know where the line is between reward and when I have to give you spanking on your bare ass. To make everyday life simple and clear, I have therefore set up a number of rules. You start every week from scratch and then you work your way up. If you prove to be a well-behaved and obedient boy, you will be rewarded." "Eh, I do not understand, Dan said. What does that mean?" "Well, on Mondays you start as a newborn little boy without any co-determination whatsoever. For every day that you behave in an exemplary manner, you grow one year, i.e. in the best case, you can enjoy the benefits of a seven-year-old at the end of the week. On Wednesdays, you get an opportunity to change your age by rolling a dice. Then you get the age that the dots on the dice show. If, on the other hand, it becomes a six, you get a bonus and become an adult for one evening and then I can promise that our double bed will be put to the test. But if you hit a one, there will be spanking on your white little ass and a return to square one. All of this applies outside working hours. After 19:00 every day, you have a curfew and then the disciplinary rules apply. Dan nodded a little timidly to show that he was on board with the notes, but enchanted by love and alcohol, he didn't realize the extent of Sarah's rules. He didn't understand that she was serious. Dan had thought that Sarah's role-playing was highly temporary and that she would quickly put it aside, for good. Sarah's talk about discipline rules therefore disappeared into some black hole in Dan's brain and he began to struggle more and more with the fact that he felt and needed to get an outlet for his male sex drive. In other words, it wasn't exactly scientific thoughts about particle nuclear physics that were spinning around in his brain. Probably no thought was going on at all. His primitive and inherited instincts had taken over, where all actions and decisions were based on signals coming from his male body part in the crotch. Dan didn't reflect on the fact that he was starting to feel drowsy, and he didn't understand that the fatigue came from the sedative in the wine. "How does it feel Dan?" asked Sarah. The question came suddenly, and Dan realized that he had nodded off. "Eh, thank you, I just got a little low." It had then gone quickly. Sarah had unbuttoned Dan's pants while Melissa had taken out a latex glove and a tube of lube. "Woah, .. Que pasa," Dan asked, but he got no answer. Sarah had already pulled down Dan's pants and underwear and started caressing his cock with her right hand. Immediately it had started to feel divinely good and it got even better when Sarah gave him a wet kiss. Dan closed his eyes and enjoyed himself like a king. The unsuspecting Dan had therefore not been prepared when Melissa inserted a finger in his ass. Above all, he had not been prepared for it to feel so good and the result was not long in coming. His eyes had gone black, and the universe had opened up as the balls contracted to shoot out the cum into the lovely evening air. What Dan never noticed was that his entire load had been captured in a wine glass that Melissa was holding in her free hand, and that Dan had then felt totally relaxed was not only due to the orgasm. Melissa had put something more than just a finger in his ass and the active ingredient from the pill had quickly taken an iron grip on Dan's body. Life immediately became very blurry for Dan. Suddenly he was completely naked and lying on the changing table. He had never noticed that Sarah had had a crib in her bedroom before. Now he lay there completely relaxed with a big thick diaper on his butt and life was carefree. In the bed next to them, the two friends lay completely naked and encircled. What he saw made him horny and he wanted to see more but he couldn't keep his eyes open. Dan fell asleep. When he temporarily regained consciousness, he was no longer in the crib. He lay in the double bed with the women and more specifically in Sarah's lovely arms where he sucked on her lovely boobs. He heard their muffled female voices in the background, but he didn't hear the conversation. Under other circumstances, he would have liked to hear every word of their conversation, but not at this moment. Right now, anything but the soft and comfortable closeness to Sarah and her milk-filled breasts was completely unimportant. Dan swallowed the lukewarm milk and it felt like he was floating on a soft cloud that spread into a thick white fog. An alarm clock rang teasingly, and Dan opened his tired eyes. He was really dizzy and it was slow to get started. He was alone in the double bed but suddenly Sarah came as if out of nowhere. She was filled with energy and made sure that Dan got to his feet immediately. Dan realized that Sarah must have been up for a while because she had just showered, and she had also had time to prepare a lovely breakfast. Dan marveled at Sarah's transformation from the stepmotherly mistress to a completely normal woman, where Dan suddenly could be himself in the way he was used to. After breakfast when Dan was leaving the apartment and looking for the car key, he happened to see the dice that would decide Dan's "fate". It's the moment that makes the thief, Dan thought as he picked up the dice and Sarah didn't see when Dan put it in his pocket on the way out. Dan smiled to himself as he went to the basement storage room to pick up some of his tools. He would have plenty of time to work undisturbed today. The office was basically supposed to be empty because everyone else was on a mandatory safety course that Dan had already taken. As soon as he got to the office, he set about improving the odds. Dan drilled out the 1st dot and created a small space that he filled with a piece of lead that he found in his fishing bag. Then he filled the rest of the hole with super glue and when it had dried, he could easily drill a recess with exactly the same radius and depth as all the other dots. After Dan had dripped in some of the black polish, it was impossible to see that anyone had tampered with the dice. Dan tried to roll the dice. The result was as expected, and Dan was already looking forward to Wednesday. Chapter 3 The open-plan office was desolate, almost as if it were Sunday, since everyone was on a course. Apart from Dan, there were only a few cleaners and some security personnel on site. However, Dan did not find it difficult to occupy himself. He took the opportunity to call around to some people in his work network with whom he was keen to have an extra good relationship. He also had time to find out more about The Reef. This strange place that he really wasn't looking forward to visiting this weekend. Dan identified himself as a globetrotter and even though he was relatively young, he had seen a lot, but nudist hotels were really a big white spot and a completely unexplored area for Dan. He had hoped that he would never have to set foot there again, but he had become curious about what kind of people were hanging out there. It seemed to be something more than just a nudist place and in a way it was tempting to see naked and beautiful women completely open, but it did not by far outweigh the discomfort of walking around without clothes yourself. It was one of the worst things Dan knew, and he felt uncomfortable just thinking about it. Now he would have to spend a whole weekend there in connection with Cindy and Jane's wedding. It felt honorable to be invited and Dan loved to mingle and especially among happy people, which there was always plenty of at weddings. But Dan got a lump in his stomach when he thought about what to expect, because it would not be a traditional celebration in a church, but a same-sex nudist wedding. He was to be thrown naked into a mined field where there were thousands of unknown rules of etiquette. Would Dan be remembered as that guy who ruined the whole wedding by sliding around with the world's biggest erection? Dan realized that the weekend was going to be a high-risk project where he was likely to disappoint Sarah very much. It turned out to be difficult to come up with anything sensible about The Reef. The hotel was not marketed at all on regular online booking services. It was almost as if the hotel did not exist, much as if it were a secret military city in the Soviet Union that was not marked on the map. Dan had to search for quite a long time and on sites on the dark side before he got any hits. If one would believe an anonymous informant, the place was a gathering place for a global cult-like organization for swingers with odd sexual orientations. Dan stopped the search and shut down his computer. He felt disappointed that he hadn't gotten more information about the hotel, but there was nothing he could do about it now. It was high time to get to the gym because he really didn't want to risk coming home too late before the silly curfew started. But there was another reason why Dan wanted to get to the gym a little earlier than normal. He was going to find information about Sarah. By chance, he had checked the gym's list of different workouts and saw that Jane was scheduled for a crossfit class between 5-6 p.m. Dan had set himself up for the same session. It would turn out to be a successful move and just as expected, Dan, without Jane probably realizing it, had brought out one piece after another of Sarah's past life. That Sarah was a widow after her husband had died in a tragic climbing accident was unexpected. Immediately after Dan had finished training and was in the car, he took out his phone and googled the accident. He quickly produced a plethora of articles about Sarah's husband and his climbing accident. As tragic as it may have been, there was nothing Dan could do about it now and in due course Sarah would probably tell me and then he would at least be a little prepared. When Dan got home, he felt quite hungry and was on his way to the kitchen to fix a sandwich when he realized that Sarah was in his apartment. "Welcome home Dan!", Sarah said and gave him a hot kiss. "Do you remember how old you are today, Dan?" "Uh, yes. two." "Exactly” said Sarah. She had a big blue pacifier in her hand and Dan looked at it with wide eyes. She couldn't mean that he would.. Sarah nodded happily and Dan was moderately delighted when Sarah forced him to open his mouth to receive it. "Then my little two-year-old will take off all the clothes and put them neatly in this plastic box." Sarah's exhortations shouldn't have come as a shock to Dan. Sarah had been extremely clear about his "rules of conduct" but still he had been taken by surprise. She was serious and reluctantly Dan began to take off his clothes. True to his habit, he folded his clothes in an almost manically neat way and was extra careful to fold his trousers so that the pleats ended up in the right place. Sarah grinned at Dan's extreme sense of order and couldn't help but stress him a little. "Dan, it's probably best for you if you speed up but you choose for yourself. The slower you are, the harder you'll have to sit tomorrow." Dan knew it wasn't an empty threat and hurried to take off all his clothes. When he finally stood there completely naked with the pacifier in his mouth, he couldn't hold back his feelings of shame. His cheeks turned red as a tomato and a victorious and smiling Sarah took Dan's hand and said: "Let's go to my apartment Darling.” It felt like they stood for an eternity in the stairwell before Sarah got the key and opened her apartment door. A neighbor had been only a hair's breadth away from seeing Dan standing there completely naked with a big pacifier in his mouth. When they got inside the door, Sarah immediately dragged him into the changing room. Even though he should have gotten used to it, it felt more and more embarrassing every time he lay on his back and pulled his knees up to his chest. The fact that Dan's cock swelled up and became hard as a baton was very bothersome for Dan. It happened every single time when he was lying on the changing table and this time Dan had really struggled to keep his masculinity in check but it lived a life of its own. Lying on the changing table was like being undressed in a double sense. He wasn't just sprawling naked and exposing his entire abdomen. On top of that, his stiff cock revealed all his inner thoughts and Dan had a hard time coming to terms with that. Dan was ashamed when he thought that Sarah would understand why he had an erection. She was going to get water on her mill. She would get a confirmation that her intuition had always been right, that Dan likes to be humiliated and treated like a baby in a diaper. Dan closed his eyes and felt his cheeks heat up. He felt inferior but he enjoyed it when Sarah made sure that his manhood got a good layer of baby powder. He didn't want to admit it, but he loved the feeling when the thick diaper's adhesive tabs were fixed on the front. Dan then got to follow Sarah into the kitchen. On the sink there was already a large light blue baby bottle waiting. It was filled with a beige liquid and a minute later Dan was lying in Sarah's arms and had this childish and extremely unmanly bottle by his lips. The gruel didn't taste very good, but Dan didn't protest. He understood that Sarah was zealous and that the slightest misstep would inevitably lead to pain and suffering. Dan tried to think positively. This disgustingly disgusting gruel was a sacrifice that he could accept to reach his looming goal of fucking with Sarah. Dan thought that when the baby bottle was empty, she had probably played all her humiliation cards. Then they could skip the role-play and engage in adult activities in the bedroom. Dan really had a pent-up need to hug, make out, and make love, but to Dan's annoyance, Sarah showed no signs of wanting to stop playing. When Dan had swallowed the last drops of the gruel, the soft rubber spout of the baby bottle was quickly replaced by the large silicone nipple. "Will she never give up," Dan thought, but he avoided protesting and lay relaxed in Sarah's comfortable arms. Sarah let one hand rest on Dan's breast. The other she stroked softly on top of the diaper right on the bump that Dan's rock-hard erection had created. Even though there was a long way to go in the evening, Dan couldn't believe that he suddenly felt exhausted and barely had the strength to lift a finger. A moment later, he had a hard time to stay awake. The last thing he noticed before he went into hibernation was that Sarah went off to close the patio door. A storm was coming in. Life then became calm and diffuse. A couple of times he woke up to the sound of loud thunderclaps, but he always had difficulty orienting himself. He understood that he was lying in a crib in Sarah's bedroom after a while. Through the slats, his tired eyes had caught a glimpse as Sarah took off her clothes and was on her way down to bed. Her majestic breasts were out in the open and Dan immediately felt horny. He wanted to hug her but he couldn't lift himself up and soon Dan was sleeping deeply. He had sweet dreams of love and in his incoherent fantasies he lay in Sarah's bed and nursed her breasts. A clock rang and Dan realized that the dream was reality. It was already a new day and Sarah slowly pulled her chest away and kissed Dan on the cheek and said: "Good morning, Dan! As nice as it may be to lie here and cuddle with you, you must get ready and hustle off to work.'" As Dan sat in the car on his way to the office, he saw how the pedestrians were impressed by his powerful Dodge. They would only know that the driver had just been allowed to take off the diaper and that the "milk for the coffee" had been delivered naturally. The short drive made Dan regain the feeling that he was the ordinary old Dan, a real man. As he walked from the parking lot to the office, he thought back to yesterday. The evening had not developed at all in the direction that Dan had expected and unfortunately there had not been time to talk. He wanted to know more about her. He wanted to learn everything about her youth, favorite series and opinions. The pacifier had put an end to all conversation and Dan had not come close to getting a fuck. Instead, it would have been a baby bottle and goodnight. Suddenly, Dan remembered the articles he had read about Sarah's husband's tragic death. During a climb, he had lost his grip. The pitons in the rock were in place as they should but he had accidentally taken an old stiff rope with him that had not been elastic enough when he fell. The blunt rope had pulled out piton after piton and it had ended in the worst possible way. Rock climbing was definitely not Dan's thing. Especially because he was afraid of heights, but it was an insignificant fear compared to his fear of showing himself naked. Dan understood that the climbing accident and death must have been truly tragic for Sarah. Dan thought that he would not mention with a single word that he knew about it. If she wanted to tell, which he assumed she would do in due course, she had to choose the time. Dan was met by happy colleagues who seemed to be goal-oriented to take care of the day's tasks. Despite this, many still had time to chat about everything but work. When Dan had settled into his workplace and had a coffee cup in his hand, he sat back and enjoyed. It was Wednesday and tonight he was going to roll the prepared dice for the first time and a big smile spread on Dan's lips. Nothing could go wrong. "Damn, I'm good, Dan thought." Dan thought back to the first time he had met Sarah. At that time, she had been standing there in the stairwell with Brad. Sarah's beauty had made Dan's jaw drop completely, and the meeting had felt like a revelation. That she would then replace Brad with Dan was nothing short of a miracle. Dan wasn't particularly religious, but Sarah's entry into his life was almost too good to be true. What if she would dump him as quickly as she had made her way into his life and start fucking with Brad again. The pit of his stomach said that it was probably not likely but Dan still had feelings of discomfort that came and went that Brad would show up and stick a knife in his back. But the relationship with Sarah really felt good even though she was an extremely erratic person and had a past that was a total darkness for Dan. Her milk-filled breasts were perhaps what he thought about the most. Breast milk couldn't have come about by chance. There must have been a lover somewhere, and there should have been a child somewhere. Dan couldn't understand why he hadn't gotten around to asking her. It wasn't that difficult, but maybe he was still afraid of the answer. Maybe she had a real man waiting for her and Dan might just be a temporary toy. *** Melissa had just enjoyed her morning coffee and had a few minutes to go through her social media. This particular part of the day had become something of a favorite for Melissa. That was when she felt at her best. Yes, she was actually in a good mood most of the time but today she was extra excited and looked forward to today's work at the hospital. Only Sarah knew about her desire to become pregnant. Becoming a mother was something she had longed for for a long time, but she really didn't want to live in a traditional relationship and definitely not with a man. The love she needed she could get from Sarah or at "The Reef". She didn't know for sure that she was pregnant, but now she had at least done it. She had single-handedly inserted the sperm into the uterus at the best possible time in connection with her ovulation. It would take three weeks before a pregnancy test would give a result, but she already thought she noticed that her body felt different. Melissa logged into the special online forum where she shared information with her friends around the world. The closed forum was like an exotic oasis for women who loved medical femdom. Now Melissa saw that she had received a message from Fatima. Her African friend. Dan had shown a picture of his friend Rob next to a sexy African woman. Both Sarah and Melissa had understood what her tattoo symbolized. It was also a woman that Sarah had seen somewhere. When Melissa heard from Dan where the picture was taken, she had immediately inquired if Fatima had met Rob. Melissa had completely dropped her jaw in surprise when Fatima had confirmed that the woman who had stood next to Dan's friend Rob in Africa was indeed Fatima's comrade-in-arms and sexual partner. Fatima had ended the message with a few smileys that were so typical of her. �� ���� �� Melissa understood that they would have a lot to talk about at the next mental health congress. **** Dan rolled the dice and crossed his fingers. If it was a number one, it would mean that he had drawn the short straw, which would result in a good round of spanking. He really didn't want that to happen, but not entirely unexpectedly, Dan was lucky and hit a six. The next morning, Dan woke up and was more tired than ever. He could see that he was sexually exhausted and really sore in his balls. The night's experience exceeded everything he had ever experienced. Sarah had proven to be extremely talented in bed and endowed with a sexual appetite that Dan could not even in his wildest fantasies dream of. Sarah seemed to be almost tireless. But even though Dan felt worn out, he felt happier than ever, and he got the impression that the same was true of Sarah. She purred like a cat. It was going to be a working day where Dan walked around with a smile on his face all day. Productive. No, it hadn't been, but no one could blame him for mismanaging his job. He had not neglected anything important and even if it was against his principles, he had been active on social media during working hours. Dan had been curious about how his friend Rob was doing in Africa and they had updated each other on everything between heaven and earth. They had also bet on who was the strongest in the bench press. Both of them loved physical tests of masculinity and they were going to decide who was Africa's strongest man when Dan eventually got time to visit Rob. According to Rob, his Condominium had a very well-equipped gym where they could hang out. Dan's thoughts had then drifted over to Sarah how wonderful the night had been.They had probably disturbed the neighbors' night's sleep quite a lot because Sarah had expressed her lustful feelings very loudly. Dan was already longing for more nights like that and apparently Sarah did too. Dan just received a loving message in which she described her feelings. She had also sent a photo. A photo that made Dan stiffen and blush. "Aren't you fine Dan?" asked a colleague who passed by. "Eh, no I'm fine, uh, I just got a little warm." Dan sincerely hoped that the female colleague hadn't seen the picture of "baby Dan" in his thick diaper while he was breastfeeding Sarah's breasts. The shame didn't want to let go and Dan sneaked off to the bathroom where he hoped that the color of his cheeks would return to normal. Dan had some understanding of why Sarah had sent the picture. The light, the balance, the harmony. The photo had captured a perfect moment of happiness. The picture was a high-class masterpiece and it was Melissa who had taken it. The photo made Dan reflect on his new everyday life and Sarah's week-long obedience program where he had simply been declared incapacitated and was to live in a fantasy world. It was embarrassing to the point that he hardly dared to think about it, and even though it was a hugely twisted existence that he was subjected to, he loved every single minute. But Dan agonized over the beautiful picture. A part of him wanted to erase it immediately to erase all traces of Dan living a perverse double life. At the same time, he loved the picture and he let it go, but he told himself that no one would ever know that Sarah turned him into a baby in a diaper every night. Sarah would make an exception tonight, though. Sarah and her friends were going to organize a bachelorette party for Jane and then Dan would be at home all by himself. Sarah had said that he wouldn’t need to wait for her as it would be both a late and wet evening. The bachelorette party had come very timely. Dan was really dead tired after the night's activities and even though it was tempting to go on a bar crawl with the boys, Dan was not in shape for a night out. He needed to recharge his batteries. Dan had fallen asleep early. First he lay in front of the TV and not long after in his own bed. Dan slept deeply and had strange dreams. He stood in the corner of shame and had his pants pulled down. All her classmates laughed at Dan's naked buttocks, but the teacher who looked at Dan's stiff member didn't. Dan was ashamed and closed his eyes. He tried to disconnect from all emotions apart from the pleasure of having a solid erection. Something warm and humid suddenly surrounded his entire member and he had difficulty lying still. The whole bed shook. Sarah rode his cock. Her wet pussy rubbed frantically against Dan's abdomen and orgasm approached. It felt like Dan was in heaven. As Sarah's pussy convulsively encircled his stiff cock while she howled with pleasure, Dan's sperm pulsed far into her pussy. Sarah then slumped on top of Dan, completely exhausted, and shortly thereafter she fell asleep. Still with Dan still in her. Chapter 4 Dan enjoyed the nice summer weather as he walked towards the lunch restaurant. There he would meet Sarah. He walked with light steps and life felt lovely. A strong contributing factor to this was the love affair with Sarah. She had added a whole new dimension to Dan's life. A life filled with tough challenges. This weekend's wedding at The Reef was such a challenge and Dan had butterflies in his stomach. He had a feeling that it was going to be hard, and he had openly told Sarah. "Honey, it's not a nude wedding we're going to," Sarah said. "I've fixed you a tuxedo that we'll pick up from a tailor on the way to the hotel." A stone fell from Dan's heart. He had been carrying so much anxiety for this weekend. An anxiety about being forced to walk around completely naked. "Darling, it's going to be a great weekend. I have prepared everything. You don't have to worry." Dan immediately felt enthusiastic, but it was still with some reluctance that he handed over the keys to the Dodge. Sarah was going to take it home and pick up their bags for the weekend. Then she would pick up Dan right after work. The drive to The Reef didn't turn out quite as Dan had imagined. Dan loved to drive his Muscle car but Sarah had no plans to let go of the steering wheel and Dan was kindly allowed to sit on the passenger side. After a few kilometers, however, the disappointment subsided, and the silence was replaced with lively conversations about everything between heaven and earth. "How did you get to know Jane and Cindy?" asked Dan. "Yes, Jane and I have known each other for a very long time. We met through an association and started hanging out as friends, which eventually led to us actually sharing a room at the College." "Okay, was it during that period that you were swimming." "That's right," Sarah said. "What kind of association were you active in?" asked Dan. "A swimming club? "Ha, ha. No, it really wasn't, but the school swimming club was like a home to me at that time." "Stamps, books, chess. What did you do at that club. Tell me." "Okay, but you need to promise me not to pass on the information. Not even to your best friends." "I promise”, said Dan. "Discretion is important to this association and there are no information sheets, websites, film clips or any other published material that describes what they do. The association, which is called 'Mirage', is active in, what can you say, a rather shady business." Dan felt his pulse rise. Sarah was about to tell her something very special and perhaps one of her biggest secrets. Dan didn't know if it would be good or bad or how he would react. "Okay, the name doesn't tell me anything?" "Do you have a guess, Dan?" "No, not really." "Pampas grass, pineapple upside down, pink Flamingo, black ring on the right hand. Is there a bell ringing somewhere Dan?" "Eh, I'm terribly sad but, no." "But you've understood that I have a special sexual orientation." "Yes, absolutely, and we've talked about that too." "Exactly, but people like me are looking for like-minded people and need a forum where you can live out your feelings." "Okay, but I don't get it!" Sarah grinned. Dan really had zero knowledge about this subject. In the end, she had to make a long exposition and tell Dan about swingers and their characteristics. Okay, now I get it, Dan said. If I see an upside-down pineapple, it's not a fruit seller, it's a person who wants to fuck his ass off with completely unknown people." "Sort of," Sarah said. "But the members of Mirage are not a collection of unknown people. In a way, you are right that we engage sexually with strangers, but all members are hand-picked and have undergone a thorough quality review. It's only people who have that little extra who get to set foot at the nightclub Zenith. We call them sexual soulmates and even if you don't know each other before, you can trust that they fit in like a glove." ”But how do you become a member?” "Yes, it's far from a walk in the park. To begin with, you must be recommended by a member and if you have come this far, you will be evaluated by our admissions committee. If they think he or she has an interesting charisma and great sexual potential, the person is nominated as a "prospect." "Oh, it sounds like it's very difficult to become a member". "Yes, it is. I would guess that in the order of one in a hundred, goes all the way and gets elected. "One in a hundred," Dan said. Then you are the swingers' clubs' equivalent to the Motorcycle gangs' 1-percenter" "No, Dan, we are definitely not. We are law-abiding people who ride on other things than motorcycles. Sure, we don't let just anyone in and in that respect we are similar. But that's where the similarities end. Anyway, the rumor has spread in the swinger world that Mirage is "paradise" and there are many who want to become members." "Okay, but as a prospect you are then let in and walk around with a "new to the job" sign." "No, it doesn't work that way, the person will be called to auditions where they are put to the test. "Eh, what happens then?" "Guess three times Darling! "You fuck." "Smart guy! How could you figure that out," Sarah said, grinning. "But can't you buy a membership?" "No, if you lack sexual charisma, it doesn't matter how rich, handsome or famous you are. Then the door is closed. No one wants to fuck with disgusting people." "Yes, that makes sense," Dan said. A completely different thing, Sarah. What's going on tonight?" "Oh, well at The Reef, a surprise awaits you Dan. You will meet a number of members from Mirage." "Eh, why?" "Because it's your big night. You shall be admitted as a new member." If Dan had been a true swinger, Sarah's news would have felt like winning the top prize in a lottery. "Yes, ... as I've been waiting," Dan said sarcastically, feeling a lump grow in his stomach. Sarah grinned and enjoyed the situation. Dan's reaction was better than feared and he would become a member whether he wanted to or not. Dan needed a kick in the ass to get on the right track, but once he was bailed into the booth, he would understand better. "Now you're so quiet again Dan. Shall we stop for a moment and take out the black leather whip?" "Eh, it's probably best if we keep the car rolling all the way and that you have both hands on the wheel. Eh, what to say after having received such "fantastic" news. Well, I'm going to be like the world's worst swinger and it's not without wondering how I could have become relevant as a member, especially after hearing you talk about how difficult it is to be one in the “team”. Then there is another thing too. I don't know if I can manage to live in an open relationship and see you make love to other men. In that respect, I am probably quite conservative." "Darling, we've talked about my bisexuality and that I have a need to be intimate with women every now and then. When it comes to men, you are "the one and only" and at Mirage's events I also have a very special role. There I am the mistress who educated both men and women. The only man I will ever have regular intercourse with is you, my friend. The door is closed to everyone else." Sarah could see that Dan immediately looked happier. "Okay, then maybe I can drink beer and watch sports while you're at Zenith," Dan said a little jokingly. "Forget it Darling. The bachelor life is over for you and when I'm at Zenith, you're at Zenith." "But I still don't get it. Sarah, I don't even know what a swinger does, and I haven't lobbied to become a member...." Sarah interrupted him before he had finished speaking. "It's like this Dan. You have been observed by several members ever since you moved here and now it happens that I have a prominent role in the selection of all new members. To make a long story short, the admissions committee has, and especially its chairman, i.e. me, has done thorough tests of you that turned out very well. Tonight, the initiation ritual begins and then you will get your tattoo." Dan turned white as a sheet on his face. Chapter 5 Dan wanted to get out of the car and run away. He didn't want to be a member of any association where he would run around naked and no one would ever poison his body with a tattoo. Like an anti-vaxer's fierce fight to oppose vaccinations, Dan had a similar stance on tattoos. It was not the risk of side effects that had made him have that opinion, but Dan thought that tattoos were to be regarded as disfiguring graffiti. Dan's negative opinion of tattoos was often a topic his friends liked to argue about, especially when they met over a beer. On several occasions, Dan had said that it would be "over his dead body" to stain him with a permanent body painting. However, he didn't mind others doing it and he readily admitted that some intimate tattoos on girls were sexy. Dan, on the other hand, could not think of a single motif that he would enjoy on his own body for the rest of his life. It became quite in the car when the tattoo came up, but Sarah took it easy. Finally she had gotten him in the right frame of mind and a bit out of his comfort zone, but it had been a long time coming. Dan really had an outstanding ability to make small talk and he had a fox behind his ear. Sarah cursed herself for not paying more attention to his seemingly playful and humble way of conversing. Without her barely noticing, he had gotten her to tell me much more than she had imagined, but it didn't matter much. He would still know everything about her, but she wanted to drag it out. Dan was supposed to feel a certain mystery about both her and their relationship. As they began to approach The Reef, Dan made another push to try to escape both the nude club "Zenith" and that tattoo. "Sarah, why didn't you ask me about the membership before you nominated me." "Darling, you know very well that in our relationship, I am your master and I do what is best for you and regardless of what you think, but in this case, I am not the one who nominated you. However, I am very happy that others have observed the same thing as me. That you're an absolutely wonderful guy. I had planned to nominate you but thought that you needed to get into your new life with me first. "Eh, but who is it that nominated me? "Dan, there is a code of honor within Mirage to never reveal other members' names before you are a member and therefore you have to wait until tonight. Then you will know." As they approached The Reef, Sarah drove past the main car park and over to the other end of the hotel complex. There was an entrance to a parking garage under the hotel. Sarah parked Dan's Challenger and Dan could breathe a sigh of relief. No dents or scratches. Dan really loved Sarah in a way he had never felt for any other woman and Sarah had many amazing sides but driving was not her thing. In contrast to normal women's soft driving style, Sarah acted impulsively and did not keep her distance from other cars in the way that you should. She did have good supervision, but her driving was something that Dan would seriously need to discuss. But now was not the time to do so. Dan carried their bags to the elevator and Sarah took out a key card which she activated and pressed the button to the top floor. Dan could see that on the fourth floor there was a brass sign that said "Zenith". When they entered the room, Dan immediately put up his bags and walked around and checked how it looked. The room seemed to be equipped like any ordinary tourist hotel and had a lovely balcony overlooking the sea. The sun was setting over the horizon and many of the bathers seemed to be on their way home. Dan leaned against the railing and enjoyed the breeze from the sea and the fresh sea air. Sarah approached Dan and put her hand around him. "Are you standing and looking at naked sexy women?" "No, not really," Dan said quite honestly. "If I had been standing here before we met, I probably would have done it, but you've kind of turned my whole life upside down." Dan turned to Sarah and put both arms around her. Sarah liked his physical presence and they started to make out. Dan let his hands slide down Sarah's curvy ass. If Dan had been given the choice, the next step would have been to put the bed to the test, but he understood that Sarah had other plans and that it would be far from a normal Friday night. The event began with bubbles and snacks in a typical party room where about 30 people had gathered. Dan didn't have much desire to be in the spotlight but tonight he had no choice. He was the stranger that all guests were curious about and no matter which way he looked, he was greeted by smiles from beautiful and sexy women. Because there were only women in the room. Dan was the only man. Had it been a different era and under different conditions, Dan would have felt like a hedonistic sultan in his harem. Now the situation was different. He was in the minority, at a disadvantage and out on very thin ice. Dan suspected that most of the girls played in the “away team” and that their interest in Dan was more about having the opportunity to spank him on his bum than to put his masculinity between his legs to the test. The odds of Dan being spanked both yellow and blue would probably never have been lower than tonight. When Dan saw some familiar faces, he began to suspect who had nominated him. Sarah had actually already revealed, and violated the club's code of honor, when she had told him that Jane was a member. The fact that she was in the room therefore did not come as a surprise. Nor that Melissa and Cindy were there. They were all very different, but you didn't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that they all had one thing in common. Sexual potential. Sarah had been very cryptic about the evening's agenda and Dan therefore knew nothing about what was going to happen. He was therefore pleasantly surprised and perhaps should have been able to calculate in advance that the event was not only dedicated to him but also to the bride and groom. The mingle eventually turned into a dinner where several of the guests took the floor and gave fun and personal speeches. Details were told about the bride and groom that were clearly far from clean to discuss among relatives at the wedding. Sarah shared memories from college, which brought both laughter and applause. Jane had apparently lived a very eventful life and fucked around with both men and women and appeared in a number of porn movies. The seemingly tidier Cindy also had a connection to "nature movies" which came as a surprise to Dan. In front of a film camera, Cindy was apparently a completely different person than the calm and timid girl Dan thought he saw. The fact that she was also a trained make-up artist and tattoo artist with a focus on film stars' more intimate body parts had meant that Dan really got a different image of her. When Jane eventually clanged in her glass and wanted to speak, the convivial dinner took a new turn. "Thank you all for all the great speeches! Tomorrow is Cindy's and my big day and it's a moment that we've been longing for. But now I think we put all this aside and focus on Dan. We have all read the evaluation report and, as many already know, the admissions team announced earlier today that the vote was a unanimous yes. This means that we can now start our traditional ceremony and welcome our new member." Dan's dream that everyone else in the party would have forgotten about him was quickly erased. Never had Dan had so much control over where the emergency exits were located because Dan was determined to go up in smoke. He didn't want a tattoo. The whole party gathered in a large room that had a number of scattered sofas and a bar and a small stage. A number of television screens showed erotic scenes from soft-porn movies. Dan sank into a couch next to Sarah and was served a drink by Cindy. The karaoke equipment was used extensively, and several brave girls were up on stage entertaining by singing familiar hit songs with varying abilities. At the same time, the stage was being prepared for something else and eventually Melissa took over the microphone. "Dear members. Dan. Today, as tomorrow, is a day of joy. We all know what to expect tomorrow but today we celebrate something completely different. Sarah, now I turn to you and you should know that everyone in this room is so happy for you and that you have finally found love. I know you've been looking for that golden nugget for a long time and sometimes I've doubted and thought that that man you've been looking for doesn't really exist. But how wrong I was. As you know, neither Jane nor I had to think long before we completely independently nominated Dan as a new member and as you all know, we stand together here and now with a guy who has not only taken a place in Sarah's heart. He has also taken the admissions committee by storm." Dan bit the bullet. Now he was in a bad position. It felt a long way. Cindy was up on stage and Dan saw that she was picking up a lot of stuff. Even though Dan was a complete novice in the field, he understood that it was a tattoo machine. Dan quickly looked around and told Sarah that he needed to powder his nose and headed for the toilets. But it was not the toilet that was the goal, but the front door. He was going to escape. Dan would definitely not let anyone get to stain his body with a tattoo. Over his dead body. However, the front door was blocked by Jane, who stood posted with a smile just as if she had read Dan's mind. Dan therefore turned off and went into the bathroom. He waited a few minutes, hoping that Jane would be gone when he came out, but Dan didn't have time to take more than a few steps outside the toilet before he was caught off guard by a group of girls who wrestled Dan to the floor with astonishing ease and carried him onto the stage. There was no way in hell that Dan would be able to wriggle out of this. The girls had tightened an iron grip on him and he couldn't resist when they started to unbutton his pants. A short while later, his white ass was freed. Melissa almost felt a little sorry for Dan but at the same time she was just going to give him a sedative injection. She was used to doing it on troublesome patients several times a week and Melissa was soon ready to give him a dose. The needle was inserted into the bottle and she slowly pulled back the cylinder, which caused the liquid with the sedative to be sucked up into the syringe container. Melissa then squeezed out a few drops to make sure that no air bubbles were left. Dan was to be given a preparation that her European friend Veronica had recommended. Veronica was the masters of masters at turning men who were stiff in the cork into modest little boys. If there had been a Nobel Prize in drugging, dominating and fuck stubborn guys, Veronica would probably have subscribed to that prize. Every time Melissa had met her in Europe, she had been invited to insanely cool parties and each time Veronica had openly demonstrated her power by medicating one of her male slaves to a state where they quickly became totally powerless except for one body part. Dan would soon get acquainted with "Veronica's cocktail" and he would be calm and nice for the rest of the evening. The side effect of the rock-hard erection was almost too good to be true, but Veronica had carefully instructed Melissa how to mix the extra additive to make Dan extremely durable. "Just take it easy and lie still Dan," Melissa said in a soft voice. "I'm just going to poke you in the bum and then it will quickly feel good." Dan tried to wriggle out of the girls' grasp, but he got nowhere. When he saw the needle in the corner of his eye, he closed his eyes because he had extreme difficulty with syringes. All his life he had done all sorts of stupid things just to get away from vaccinations but now it was over. He wouldn't get away. Dan felt how it stung when the needle was quickly pushed into his right buttocks and immediately it began to tighten around the needle as the fluid was slowly pushed out into his body. "We'll be done Dan soon," Melissa said. In a few minutes you will feel like a newborn and completely without worry." Dan didn't say anything. He closed his eyes and gathered courage and it didn't take long before he was completely knocked out and totally indifferent. He didn't care about the buzzing machine that Cindy had in her hand. The same thing with the girls who stood around him. Most of them were just spectators, but two of them in particular made sure that Dan became smooth as a child's butt. Methodically, they removed every little hair on his arms, legs, and abdomen. The hair growth that had started to return after Melissa and Sarah's previous shave was now a thing of the past. Dan couldn't understand why he felt so horny and why his cock was stiff like a crowbar. It was as if all of his inherent power had been redistributed to just one area of his body. His cock. Cindy finished her job by putting a plastic wrap on top of the tattoo. Dan now had a red circle with a black frame and in the middle of the hitchhike was some kind of symbol for a swing. The tattoo was far up on the upper arm. Any person who would henceforth see him bare-chested, would associate him as a swinger. Melissa had been wrong when she had said that all worries would disappear. Despite the sedative, it felt uncomfortable to be naked and stand in everyone's sight. The consequence was that his cheeks turned bright red. "What do you girls say," Melissa said. Newborn boys usually aren't that stiff between the legs, right. We must fix that!". "Yes, let's do it," the girls could be heard shouting happily. A naked woman was let forward who quickly jumped up on the couch and sat down straddled on Dan. A buzz went among the spectators as Dan's cock slid into her pussy and there was nothing he could do to stop her. Not because he wanted to do it either, but he was ashamed. Because Dan had never made love in front of an audience and he thought it was embarrassing to have about twenty girls around him. Spectators who would see everything. They were now going to see when Sarah rode his rock-hard cock and he was ashamed. Sarah, on the other hand, wasn’t. She purred like a cat. The drugged Dan was completely in the hands of Sarah, who masterfully controlled the intercourse so that Dan would not ejaculate too quickly. The crowd cheered and finally Sarah went all in, which made Dan shoot away everything he had stored in his balls. The orgasm was insanely nice and for a brief moment he managed to disconnect from all his feelings of shame. Amazingly, Dan's cock was still rock hard when it saw the light of day again and even though the intercourse was over, he was still surrounded by the girls. One of them was holding a big white diaper and Dan tried to get away from the couch but he couldn't get anywhere. The drugs had rendered him powerless and the girls hardly had to make an effort to hold him down and get his legs apart. He was carefully washed, lubricated and powdered before the degrading diaper was put in place. Dan was ashamed like a dog, but it was completely according to the girls' plan. From now on, Dan would be Mirage's own little baby who would be taken care of at the parties. The drugged and diaper-wearing Dan was then carried to a couch where Sarah's breasts were waiting. The curious girls then got to see samples of Dan's sucking reflexes and how quickly he became calm and relaxed in Sarah's arms. After a few minutes, he couldn't keep his eyelids open. Chapter 6 It took a while before he realized that it was a new day and that he was lying with Sarah in the double bed at the hotel. Unconsciously, he lay and sucked on Sarah's beautiful breasts and everything felt calm and peaceful. The balcony door was wide open and you could hear the roar of the waves. The feeling of lying there sucking in that body's warm breast milk was indescribable. It was a carefree existence but with mixed feelings of both shame and security. Dan had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that he had been steered into a forbidden life as a small infant. Now, Dan's unmanly life was far from a secret between Sarah and Dan alone. Every single girl who had attended last night's ceremony would talk about him as the little perverted sucker. In their eyes, he was forever that guy in a diaper who would rather ride in a pram and get spanked on the butt than drive his muscle car. It bothered him, but the truth was that Dan loved the world that Sarah had brought him into. Dan had hoped for a breakfast in the room and made that suggestion to Sarah. "Another time Dan but today Melissa and I are going to discuss a few things at breakfast. We are the 'Maid of honors' and are expected to give speeches, but you can relax Dan, breakfast is served on the Penthouse floor where everyone is expected to wear proper clothing." "Aha, said Dan, I thought everyone was walking around naked and fucking everywhere here on The Reef." "Dan, you have a wrong idea of what nudism is. It's not about walking naked in nature for the purpose of seeking sexual contact and just so you know. Nowadays, it's actually called naturism and although nudity is an accepted dress code, customary social rules apply. The ideal of naturism is a society where nudity is neither sexualized nor requires gender segregation. "Okay, but then maybe it's more swingers I'm thinking of. How do you define them?" asked Dan. "Swinging is about sexual activities where more than one partner is involved." "Group sex, that is" "Yes, but it's more multifaceted than that." "How do you mean?" "Well, there can be several reasons why you are a swinger. One reason can be that you are an exhibitionist, i.e. that you when others watch you perform a sexual act, but it can just as well be that you are a voyer, i.e. you love to watch when others have sex. Many women are also swingers because it gives room to live out a bisexuality." "Do men and women differ in that respect?" "Yes, we do. Men are very rarely swingers because they are bisexual." "Sarah, you almost sound like some kind of sexual behaviour professor." "You would only know how many academic courses I have taken in this field!" "Hm, then you've probably already done a scientific analysis of my behaviour." "Yes, darling, I actually have. Dan you have a multiple sexuality... And you should not perceive that as anything strange. First of all, you have the typical male Neanderthal behavior where your brain power is put out of play as soon as you see tits and butts. It's a behavior that is reinforced the more beers you drink and yes, not much alcohol is needed before you men get the urge to procreate with basically any girl." "Yes, we men are efficient and don't complicate simple things." "Hm, I can agree that you are clear about what you want but as I said, you have a different sexuality as well. It's a bit unusual and I don't think you even knew about it before we met." "Uh, now I don’t get it." "Maybe it's because you're sitting and staring at my breasts, baby... and think with your stiff member." "Admit it Sarah, you like it when I look at your breasts." "Yes, I'm happy to admit that, but the question is, do you happen to have any small shred of brain power left right now and know what paraphilia is?" "No, it's a word that we Neanderthals don't need to burden our little brains with." "A little spanking on the buttocks might make you think better Dan.." "Eh, no, I just figured out that you might mean perversion." "Good boy, but scientifically the word paraphilia is used. It means that you have a sexual behavior pattern where you feel arousal and achieve sexual pleasure from unusual situations or encounters with extreme individuals and special objects." "Is there a bell ringing somewhere, Dan?" "Uh, no but.." "Dan. Even if you don't want to admit it, both you and I know that wearing a diaper and using other items meant for babies will get you sexually stimulated. People like you get horny simply from being treated like a little child's butt, and there's an academic term for your sexual orientation: 'autonepiophilia, or paraphilic infantilism'". Do you follow, Dan?" "Uh. No, that sounded like Greek to me, but I have to say that I'm amazed that there are people who sit and make up those wacky words to describe simple things in a way that makes ordinary people understand nothing. Sarah could see that Dan was blushing, and she understood that his reaction was because he had been confronted with an embarrassing truth. "Do you want to hear more Dan?" "Probably not, but I guess it's just as well that we tear the band-aid right away and put all the cards on the table. Diaper-loving Neanderthals. Any further diagnosis I should know about? "Dan, you make it sound like someone has told you that you have a deadly illness. That's not what we're talking about at all, but something very nice. I've actually been looking all my life for a man who has your sexuality and yes, there's one more thing about your sexual orientation that you should know. It's a quality that we share but from different perspectives and that actually makes you irresistible from my perspective." "Eh, what?" "Both you and I are turned on by sexual dominance where I love to be dominant. You from being submissive and being lovingly humiliated." Dan had a hard time coming to terms with what Sarah had just said and felt uncomfortable with the fact that it was true. He couldn't deny that he had never felt so happy and sexually aroused as after their paths had crossed. "Okay, so my diagnosis is that I'm a diaper-loving Neanderthal who likes to suck on breasts and get spanked on my bare ass." "Yes, but it should be added that you are mostly a heterosexual man with a need to love a woman on equal terms." Sarah could see that Dan looked relieved when she said the last thing. "Anything else you want to know about yourself darling?" "No, I think I've heard enough for today, Sarah." "Sure? It looks like you're thinking about something." "Uh, yes, that's one thing, but it's not about me, it's about you. "Just get it out. I'm all ears." Dan's face turned red and had a hard time getting out what he wanted to say. He always had an easy time expressing himself and had an outstanding ability to make small talk in the most awkward situations, but in Sarah's company he could not get it out. Dan was ashamed that he had just demonstrated the Neanderthal behavior that Sarah had just talked about. She was right. He was hypnotized by her breasts and lost the thread as soon as he saw or thought of these lovely boobs. "Well, eh, I think you know how much I like to.." ”.. suck on my nipples." "Yes, it feels forbidden in some way but still so wonderful. It's just that I can't let go of the thought that I'm grabbing food from a real child. I am extremely grateful that you let me do that and it really is one of the sweetest things I have ever experienced. But I can't really understand why you let yourself be breastfed by a diaper-loving young man like me and above all, I can't really understand how it is that you have milk in your breasts. There is only one way to get that process started." Sarah hugged Dan and gave him a long and sensual kiss before she answered. "I'll explain Dan, but now it's time for you to take off your clothes. We're going out to the beach." Chapter 7 Dan and Sarah walked along the shoreline and the waves rolled calmly and peacefully towards land. Everything would have been perfect if Dan had only been allowed to wear his swimming trunks but that was out of the question. On The Reef's beach, everyone, without exception, would be naked. Being naked among other people was one of the worst things Dan could imagine. He really hated to show his dick completely openly and his male Neanderthal brain was constantly tempted to look at anything but shells and cigarette butts. It only took a small glimpse of a smiling naked woman, especially Sarah, then it was over. The embarrassing erection would come as a letter in the mail and the whole beach would see that he was the world's worst naturist. The sinful guy who broke all naturists' code of honour. When they came to a somewhat more secluded part of the beach strip, the worst fears finally let go and then he took the opportunity to ask: "So, the naturists are not here to shag in the open in the middle of all the naked people." "That's right, but The Reef is not like any other naturist place. A lot of the bathers are actually swingers and for your information, you should know that most of them could do almost anything to become members of Mirage. You've seen how enviously they look at your new and beautiful tattoo, Dan?" "Eh, no, I missed." Sarah grinned and was amused by Dan's nude anxiety and how he struggled to walk around with his masculinity unleashed without getting an erection. For Sarah, the situation was the opposite. She enjoyed showing off her naked body and not least showing Dan as her partner. Sarah was well known here at The Reef and those who knew who she was immediately understood that Dan was her submissive little toy and that he was a guy with very limited self-determination. If Dan had known that Sarah was a celebrity on The Reef and something of a legend in swinger circles, he would not have dared to appear with Sarah on the beach. Even though Dan tirelessly did everything to appear macho, everyone still understood that it was a facade. He was a guy who got spanked on the ass by Sarah. Dan and Sarah sat down in the shade of a palm tree in an area with few bathers. Sarah put her arm around Dan and kissed him. "Dan. There is one thing I have to tell you. When you become a member of Mirage, there are certain basic rules." "Uh, okay. What does that mean?" "Well, the most important responsibility that you are expected to shoulder is a lifelong task as a guardian angel for the member who nominated you. This responsibility includes giving him or her a so-called "heart-friend service". In your case, Jane is your godmother. "Eh, okay, but what does that mean?" "It varies from person to person, but I can give you an example. You asked earlier about my breasts and why I have milk in them. I can promise you that you absolutely do not steal milk from some little helpless baby when we have a nice time together. The milk is meant for you Dan. But there has been a real baby before. The truth is that I helped my 'godmother' get out of a childless marriage by acting as a surrogate mother." Dan was completely amazed. "Oh, that must have been hard," Dan said. "Yes, it has been an enormously stressful process, but at the same time it feels like I have done a good deed. The child has got a couple of wonderful parents and lives in a completely different part of the world." Dan had a hard time getting words out but realized that Sarah must possess an enormous inner strength. "Dan, your entry into my life came very timely and our moments together and especially when you are "little" are a way for me to heal all wounds and look forward." Sarah clearly showed Dan that he should lie down in her arms and even though they were not alone on the beach, Dan did as he was told. He closed his eyes and began to dutifully suck in the breast milk, and his cheeks immediately turned red. Even though Dan couldn't see with his own eyes how red they actually were, he felt that his cheeks were really hot. He felt like the central traffic light of the beach that everyone was watching. But the embarrassment didn't end there because Dan's cock had risen like a giant flagpole that made the bathing hazard flag feel tiny and out of the shadows. Everyone's eyes on The Reef were on Dan's naked body and his stiff member swaying in the wind. At least that's what Dan thought. In fact, it was only a few bathers who had observed Sarah and Dan and the "flagpole" was also not that impressive. Dan was ordinarily equipped between his legs. On the way back to the hotel, Dan's thoughts were far away and finally Sarah asked: "How is it, Dan? What are you thinking about?" Dan looked at his red tattoo and had a little trouble getting out what he wanted to say. "Well, uh, maybe it's not the right time to ask, but you said something about guardian angel and godmother." "Do you think about what applies to you as a new member of Mirage? Said Sarah" Dan nodded. "Your duty as a guardian angel began yesterday Dan and as you know, Jane is your godmother, and she will play an important role for you going forward. As you also know, Melissa was also involved in nominating you, but she already has a guardian angel and besides, she is not bisexual either, so the choice of godmother was an easy process for you." "But why should Melissa's sexual orientation matter?" "Well, it doesn't really matter, but there is one thing you have to relate to when it comes to your godmother." "Uh, what?" "At Zenith, Jane, as your godmother, can always demand that you obey and satisfy her." "But,.." "There are no "buts" Dan. Just like the situation and stand at attention in front of your godmother. She is your only free pass, by the way. Cindy is also allowed fruit. Since they are a couple, but she sticks to women. Dan could hardly believe his ears. Life with Sarah would be far more complicated than he had ever imagined. A few hours later, a freshly showered Dan stood and looked at himself in the mirror. The tuxedo, the hotel environment and his beautiful company made him feel like James Bond. Sarah was also the ultimate Bond girl and she looked dangerously beautiful in her light dress. Dan had never been to a homosexual wedding before, but it wasn't as dramatic as he had imagined. Everything was just like any other wedding. Jane's and Cindy's parents and siblings were there and the wedding itself was held on a large beautiful terrace overlooking the sea. After the wedding ceremony, everyone gathered at the nearby harbor where a luxury yacht was waiting. On board the ship, a stately dinner was served, which was framed by many pleasant speeches to the bride and groom. When the ship eventually docked at the quay at midnight, everyone said goodbye to the bride and groom and the guests who were going back to The Reef got into waiting taxis. What Dan didn't know then was that the evening was far from over. Chapter 8 Dan felt in top shape. The evening had been convivial and relaxed and he had continued to feel like James Bond in his tuxedo and in the company of his wonderfully beautiful Sarah. Dan had taken the opportunity to mingle around on the boat and done what he was good at. He was a mood booster who got people to tell things without them hardly noticing. Jane's father Graham turned out to be the owner of a large company in the construction industry. It was a company that Dan knew very well. When Graham heard that Dan was working as a Supervisor in the same industry as Graham, he became very interested in Dan. Graham was even acquainted with Dan's boss and before the evening was over, they had exchanged contact details. Graham let it be known that if Dan would feel like changing jobs, he could call at any time. Dan felt that he got along well with Graham. A man who seemed to have hard pinches but at the same time very loving and cared about his family and not least his wife. Mercedes. A Mexican woman with authority. That she was a former model was not surprising. Mercedes was a woman who had aged beautifully, and the apple had not fallen far from the tree. Jane was like a younger copy of Mercedes. Dan had even had the opportunity to sit across from Mercedes at dinner and practiced his school Spanish diligently. Mercedes had been a gold mine for Dan, and he had quickly found out almost everything about Jane's upbringing and her friendship with Sarah. When they got out of the taxi at The Reef, Dan had expected everyone to say goodnight and retire to their hotel rooms. It was also something that Dan was looking forward to. Throughout the wedding and evening, Dan had enjoyed how elegant he had felt in his tuxedo and how outstandingly beautiful Sarah was by his side. Now Dan felt that the moment was approaching when Dan, like James Bond, could put his arms around Sarah and take off her sexy dress. Quickly, Dan became aware that there were other plans that no one had told him. The elevator stopped on the floor of Zenith, where two well-built doormen made sure that no unauthorized visitors came inside the entrance door. As they passed into the room, Dan felt that he was taken by the seriousness of the moment. He was going to experience his first event at Zenith. They entered a large lounge where bubbles and strawberries were served and in the background 70s music was playing. Some of the guests from Cindy and Jane's wedding were there, but also a variety of other people dressed in festive attire who let loose on the dance floor. Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and the music changed to a fanfare. A girl then took out a microphone and called for the audience's attention. "First of all, I would like to toast to our new married couple, Cindy and Jane." Everyone was united in a toast, and many took the opportunity to hug the bride and groom. Dan was really surprised that Cindy and Jane were really at Zenith. He had thought that they had chosen to spend their wedding night together. When the dust had settled and everyone had congratulated the bride and groom, another message came from the girl with the microphone. "Tonight, we also have another important event to pay attention to. We are going to welcome our new member Dan. Can you please come forward Dan." The unsuspecting Dan walked up to the girl with the microphone. "How does it feel Dan?" "Thank you. I've had a fantastic evening and am happy to have been there when Cindy and Jane got married," said Dan. "Excellent and now this wonderful evening will continue in the sign of love. And as tradition dictates, your godmother will now welcome you with a ceremony specially adapted for you, Dan. How old are you?" "Uh, twenty-eight years". A chair was set up on the stage floor and Jane appeared in her white wedding dress. In her hand she held something that made Dan's cheeks turn red like a tomato. Jane sat down on the chair and Dan was asked to pull down his pants. Dan closed his eyes. He tried to figure out some way to wriggle out of this but he couldn't think of a single way. In the end, he found no other way out than to pull down his pants and lie down with his butt in the air over Jane's thighs. The guests counted to the beat as Jane let the short whip hit Dan's clean-shaven bum and she didn't stop until she had given him 28 strokes. Dan thanked the gods that Jane hadn't used her full strength, but the last five lashes had still been hard. The audience applauded and then the girl with the microphone took over again. "What do you say, folks. What is it that a "newborn" member needs?" Dan was still lying over Jane's thighs and processing the pain and he didn't see the girl with the latex glove standing obliquely behind him. A large red pill was pushed with the help of a well-lubricated finger far up his ass. It had gone lightning fast and the girl had obviously done this many times before. She had kept track of the anatomy and angled her finger so that both the pill and the finger had slid into Dan's ass in an amazingly soft and comfortable way. The powerful pill immediately began to show its power. So did the women who gathered around Dan. Quickly and efficiently, like a Formula 1 team changing tires on a car in a pit stop, they had gotten all Dan's clothes off. One of the girls unfolded a large white diaper and a few seconds later Dan was freshly powdered and had his new nice underwear replaced by the thick diaper. He then tried to resist when he realized that they were going to put Sarah's blue romper on him, but it was futile. It was David's fight against Goliath with the difference that Dan had no stone to throw at his opponents and he became easy prey. The construction with the strong straps made him completely defenseless and the feeling of not being able to move his arms was extremely humiliating. If it hadn't been for the merciless power of the red pill, Dan had panicked to have his freedom of movement restricted by this utterly silly variant of straitjacket. The now slightly confused and drugged Dan was floating on clouds as he was carried away to a sofa. Suddenly he was lying in Sarah's arms and had her milk-filled breasts in his mouth. In a few minutes, Dan had gone from feeling like James Bond in his handsome tuxedo to turning into the most unmanly creature imaginable. But the closeness to Sarah and the warmth of her soft beautiful breasts made him relax. "Darling, now you can lie here and rest in peace and quiet for a little while." Dan nodded with tired eyes. It was not on the map of the world that he would get out of the spot where he lay wearing the baby straitjacket and with the pill in his ass that had sunk him completely. A moment later, Dan lost consciousness. When Dan woke up, he was lying on his back in a bed, but it was unclear where. He was not alone. Two naked women sat in bed and looked at him. Sarah and Jane. The newly awakened Dan could only watch as Sarah unbuttoned his romper to access the diaper. He was still severely affected by the pill and it was just as if the brain's signals did not reach his muscles in his arms and legs. Dan started to blush as he felt his cock grow and finally stood up straight. Sarah grinned and Jane stroked her hand at Dan's balls, causing his stiff member to sway as it tried to grow further. "Darling, I'm going to leave you alone with Jane for a while. While you get to know each other, I'll make sure that Cindy gets her love dream fulfilled. Everything will be as usual tomorrow, Dan." Sarah looked at Dan with loving eyes and said: "You look adorably beautiful with your nice new pacifier, and I think you've already discovered how effective the neckband is. Babies usually get very sad when they lose their safe little muffler." Sarah then gave Dan a kiss on the cheek and with a smile she left him alone in the room with Jane. Jane scrutinized Dan from head to toe calmly before she said anything. "How handsome you were in your tuxedo Dan and thank you for brightening up my wedding. My parents really had their eyes on you tonight Dan. God you should know how curious they were to see and meet Sarah's new boyfriend and I can tell you that you managed to charm both my mom and dad. .. and just so you know Dan. You charmed me too." Jane straightened one of the straps on the romper that made it impossible for Dan to move his arms. "Do I need to say that you are completely irresistible in your little cozy suit Dan." Jane's gaze then fixed on Dan's crotch and suddenly she looked as excited as a child who had just received a bag of candy. "Too bad this little guy is hard then," Jane said, stroking her fingers along Dan's fully developed erection. Dan couldn't help but agree. He was hard so that it almost hurt in a way he had never experienced before. "How I have longed for this wedding day, Dan, and how I have fantasized about how this loving day will end. And the prince of dreams got a face the first time I saw you Dan. Cindy and I have a really wonderful time in bed, but she can't give me everything I need." Jane had stood on top of Dan and had a bottle of lube in her hand. She looked at him with her black sparkling eyes and looked very pleased. "You should know that I'm far from dry, but Sarah wants her toy back without blisters. Dan, you can see this as the occasion when I give you my wedding memory at the same time as you give me your wedding gift." Jane moaned loudly as Dan's cock slid into her pussy and she didn't spare any effort. She pressed her pubic bone hard against Dan and immediately started rubbing her crotch back and forth with a furious speed. The incredibly nice feeling that radiated from Dan's cock made him forget that his arms were locked, and that he could not get the pacifier out. He didn't care that it wasn't Sarah who fucked him either, and even though he loved Sarah above all else, he felt the need to hold Jane and kiss her because it felt so insanely good. But of course, it didn't work. Jane came quickly and. her orgasm triggered an avalanche of good feelings in Dan who saw stars while he shot off all his rockets. Jane sank down and exhaled on top of Dan, but she let his cock stay in her. Dan felt that he was far from his normal self and the effect of the drug he had been given was still noticeable even though it was starting to lose its power. "God, it was so nice to fuck with you Dan!" Dan tried to answer that Jane had made it really nice for Dan, but the pacifier only made him utter a lot of lot of incomprehensible nonsense. Jane removed the pacifier, but she wasn't interested in talking. She wanted to make out. A wet kiss silenced Dan, who was immediately on board. Without a pacifier, Dan began to feel like a man and he greeted Jane's intense and passionate kisses with empathy. It was easy to fire on all cylinders with Jane because she was a woman with a strong sex appeal. In addition, Sarah had sanctioned their "love time" and Dan could therefore with a clear conscience take the opportunity to "like the situation". Of course, he must treat his godmother with dignity and make sure that the aftermath of loving making out was handled with empathy, Dan thought. For a moment, Dan thought that Jane was happy with what Dan had to offer and would retire with Cindy. He couldn't be more wrong. Jane was far from done with Dan. Suddenly she held up an oblong red pill right in front of his eyes. "It's amazing what tiny little pills can do to Dan. Melissa got this from her friend. You know that girl named Veronica who's an expert in fuck-chemistry. She has even delivered the romper that fits so nicely on you." Dan, who was still noticeably groggy after the first pill, tried to get Jane to change her plan. "Uh, that pill really isn't necessary and... Uh.. Couldn't we take off this costume?" Jane shook her head and Dan could see that Jane was enjoying the situation. She was a Domina to the fingertips, just like Sarah. Now he was her toy. Jane was still on top of Dan, and he could feel the sperm starting to seep out. Jane still held out the red pill and studied it intently as if it were an exclusive piece of jewelry. Then she looked at Dan and said: "Soon you'll have it in your ass Dan and then you can forget all about free will and body control." "Uh, I'm thinking, wouldn't it be better to try that pill on someone else. Cindy maybe?" said Dan and screwed up. "Good try Dan but no. Melissa said that you have a fear of injections and then we chose this one for you. The end result is the same but it takes a little longer... which is totally okay with me. I have all the time in the world, and you know what the best thing is about this pill Dan." "No." "You'll get an erection that beats anything else you've ever experienced." "Uh, .. Jane really isn't needed," Dan said. Jane grinned at Dan's objection and lifted herself up and let out Dan's half-swollen cock. Dan could see how more cum was seeping out of her pussy. In a flash, she had then pushed the red pill up Dan's buttocks and the effect was not long in coming. Dan got a trip which he never will forget, and he was surprised at how accurately Jane had described the effects of the drug. Dan's motor skills were as if blown away and eventually he lay there like a breeding stallion with a rock-hard erection. Jane didn't give him many seconds of breathing space. Dan's cock went into her pussy again. Jane, like Sarah, was a master in bed and a quarter of an hour later it was time again. The dam burst and Jane's moist and tight pussy squeezed out another load of sperm, but she didn't stop riding Dan's cock that still was hard as a rock. Jane rode until the sweat was dripping and the half-unconscious Dan couldn't decide if he came again and how long they fucked. Or rather, how long Jane had been fucking him. There was no doubt that she had a huge appetite for sex and that it was going to be a marathon. Fit as she was, she had ridden Dan's cock as if she were a tireless Duracell rabbit. Dan lost consciousness. When Dan eventually woke up, he was in bed in the hotel room with Sarah. She was in a deep sleep, but Dan could see that she seemed to be happy. He had no idea how he had gotten there, but he could happily note that the blue romper was neatly folded up on a chair and that his motor skills had begun to return. With a little wobbly steps, Dan had sneaked off to the bathroom where he took a long cool shower. The shower was much needed. Yesterday had been sweaty to say the least and his balls felt like two dried out raisins and it was only now that he seriously realized that he was really sore in the buttocks after Jane had spanked him. He wiped his buttocks very carefully to avoid pain, but when he let the towel slide over the red tattoo on his shoulder, he was really amazed. It started to flake. Dan grinned happily when he realized that he had been duped. The tattoo was fake. When Dan lifted his eyes from the tattoo, he saw that Sarah was standing in the doorway, looking at him. "Honey, I would never agree to someone subjecting you to things that you are absolutely not okay with." "Thank you, Sarah. Have I ever said that I love you." ”... yes you have, Dan, but you are welcome to do it a little more often." The journey home was a sore story for Dan. "Blame yourself, Sarah said! If you had accepted to wear the diaper as I said, everything would have been peace and joy Dan." Chapter 9 The next few weeks were tough for Dan, and he had to learn the hard way what complete obedience meant. Sarah had an unparalleled ability to vary her dominance and Dan thanked the gods for allowing him to be the ordinary Dan when he was at work. She drove with Dan like a cat's game with the rat, but despite all the humiliations, Dan didn't want to trade a single minute of life with Sarah. Every day after work, when he opened the door to the apartment, he had to take a deep breath. The uncertainty of what awaited made his heart pound. He would never dare to tell anyone about this life to anyone outside, but he loved the adrenaline rush and excitement when he was declared incapacitated and deprived of any form of self-control. He understood that he would never feel comfortable with the changing table and walking around in a diaper, but as humiliating as it was to be treated like an unvirtuous baby, he was looking forward to every single minute. So did Sarah. The dominance games triggered her sex drive and Dan's balls had to work at full speed. Wednesdays were clearly Dan's favourite, but he got the feeling that Sarah was beginning to suspect that he had more luck with the dice rolls than was reasonable. Luckily, Sarah enjoyed Wednesdays as much as Dan did, so she didn't do any research to analyze Dan's long series of sixes. However, there would come a Wednesday where Dan's flow came to an end. As usual, Dan had been looking forward to a nice Wednesday evening, without having to lie on the changing table with his butt bare. He had rolled the dice just like he had done all the other times. But today he didn't get a six. Instead, it was the worst possible outcome. One. "What bad luck you had today," Sarah said, and couldn't help but look pleased. Her specially ordered dice had delivered! *** Dan looked angry when the doorbell rang. There would not be any Wednesday fucking and the evening had gotten off to the worst possible start. Sarah had lectured him with a good round of spanking. His butt hurt and the diaper felt extremely humiliating. The worst part of life, however, was something completely different. He had once again been forced to wear the blue romper. She had also intended to put the force-grip on him, but she had not found it. If she had had a little better order of her things, she might have noticed that it was gone. Of course, she could not have known that it had been thrown into the garbage chute. "Dan, can you open the door, please." "Are you kidding? My arms are stuck like in a vice in this silly costume." "Darling, take care of the language. It's my best friends who come to visit and you know that I absolutely don't hesitate to give you more spanking on the ass when they watch." "Sorry Sarah, that was stupid of me, but I think that if you want to have a girls' night without me, I can always go out and play pool with the boys at work." "Forget it Darling. Tonight it's diaper and breast milk that applies to you. Nothing else. By the way, Melissa is going to spend the night at our place and we're also going to celebrate that Cindy and Jane are back from their honeymoon." The not entirely positive Dan had a stiff smile as he stood next to Sarah and welcomed her friends. Maybe Dan should have figured out that more than half the fun for Sarah this evening was to show Dan as her little diaper boy. "Hi Melissa, how were you in Europe?" said Sarah. "Oh, it was absolutely wonderful, and I have so much to tell. You can't imagine what a well-stocked "magic box" I brought home." Dan stood there in his blue romper and felt like a fool. His butt looked gigantic because of the thick diaper, but even though Dan felt like an elephant in a china shop, the positive thing about the misery was that the girls were completely busy babbling with each other. Dan was kind of in the room but felt like a colorless and bland painting on the wall. He got zero attention but that would change when Cindy and Jane showed up. "Oh, hey how was the honeymoon. You look gorgeous," Sarah said "Thank you! It was the best trip we've ever done," Cindy said. "Exactly said Jane, but who do we have here,... my little darling.. who apparently has been an unvirtuous little boy. You're wearing the same cute costume as the last time we met." "Yes, there's a little boy here who thought his mistress wouldn't discover that he had tampered with the dice." Dan was on the verge of saying that he was an innocent poor victim and that it was in fact Sarah who had cheated and should be spanked on the buttocks. Instead, he chose to bite the bullet and raised his eyebrows in an attempt to appear innocent without risking Sarah tightening the "thumbscrews" even harder. More guests then showed up and the whole party gathered in the living room. Not unexpectedly, a lot of champagne was consumed. Dan felt out of place not only because of his degrading outfit but also because it was a girls' night with topics of conversation that didn't appeal to him. Dan challenged fate and asked Sarah a little nicely. "Uh, I think it would be good for me if I filled up with some B-vitamins. I've seen that there is a cold and good IPA in the fridge." "Absolutely, darling, take it, but you have to pick it up yourself." The straitjacket of course made it impossible for Dan to open the fridge door and even if he had gotten it open, he wouldn't have been much happier as he couldn't remove the cap or hold the bottle himself. Dan was sitting next to Sarah on the couch and was just about to ask her if she would consider taking off thr romper when she pushed him so that he was lying in her arms. "Dan, there's a better way to meet your need for vitamins." As the most natural thing in the world, Sarah pulled out her breasts and Dan realized that he had no choice but to make a fool of himself in front of Sarah's friends. He closed his eyes and tried to disconnect from the fact that he was in the spotlight but it didn't work. His cheeks were already tomato red and he understood that all the girls had seen his reaction. For time and eternity, everyone in the room would associate Dan as Sarah's submissive little baby. Obediently, he opened his mouth and sucked Sarah's beautiful breasts into his mouth. There was silence in the room because everyone was interested in seeing Dan live out like a real baby. Melissa was the one who broke the silence. "When I see Dan in a diaper, I think of my friend Veronica's young tenant. Veronica calls him "Rambo" and he, just like Dan, has a really hard time letting go of his male ego and accepting the diaper. "But how does she educate Rambo and get him to accept his place?" said Jane. "Yes, it helps that Rambo is a rather inexperienced young man, and especially when it comes to women. His strong desire for a girlfriend makes him very malleable. Veronica is also very clear but what she wants and as you can probably imagine, Veronica always gets her way. Most of the time, she just needs to use her feminine attributes and a little authority, but Rambo also gets a lot of medical help along the way to become an obedient boy." "What kind of 'medical help' are we talking about, Jane wondered." "Well, Veronica is one of the world's most prominent doctors in mental health and Rambo has tried both this and that. We've already tried some of Veronica's milder witch potions on Dan and you can only imagine how docile Rambo was with a slightly more powerful pill in his tail. He became pious as a lamb and got an erection as if he had had an overdose of Viagra." "But how did you get to know Veronica?" asked Cindy. "It started at a mental health congress where my swinger app flagged that there were two other girls at the congress who shared my interest. As you may understand, that congress got a completely different focus after we came into contact with each other. Yes, and since then we have met regularly and eventually started a network for medical regression adapted for sexual purposes. It is thanks to this network and above all through Veronica that I have been able to equip myself with a full "magic box" with a whole battery of "miracle workers". "You don't happen to have the magic box with you tonight?" asked Sarah with a smile. Melissa grinned and nodded happily. Everyone in the room, including Dan, understood that Dan would have a trip that he would never forget. Suddenly someone rang the glass and one of the girls wanted to speak. "Girls. It's a privilege to meet you in this way and I think it's probably the first time ever that we've seen non-alcoholic wine bottles in this apartment." "But you can see that I'm breastfeeding my little darling," Sarah said with a wide grin. "Yes, absolutely and that is a very good and thoughtful reason to abstain from alcohol but Sarah, it has not stopped you from drinking wine in the past and I have actually noticed that there are more people here tonight who seem to have a newfound love for non-alcoholic wine. With that said, I thought that maybe there is someone who has something important to tell. We've promised not to keep any secrets from each other, haven't we?" "Yes, we'll have to put the cards on the table, Sarah said, but I firmly believe that Melissa needs to get out the magic box first." "I'll pick up the bag right away, Melissa said". Dan tried to get up from the couch and run away, but Sarah barely had to make an effort to hold him down. Dan was immediately surrounded by a number of girls who effectively helped Sarah hold him down as they unbuttoned the romper in his crotch. A few seconds later, the diaper was removed and he was sitting as if in a vice when Melissa inserted the needle into his red-flamed and freshly spanked behind. He was quite sore after Sarah's punishment, and it hurt quite a bit when Melissa started to push the plunger so that the liquid found its way into Dan's body. "You're really good Dan said Melissa. Just hold on a little longer, and then it will feel good." Melissa's reassuring words were a small comfort to Dan and the feeling of humiliation and powerlessness he experienced was far worse than the fear of injections and the slight pain that radiated from the thin needle in his gluteal muscle. Melissa explained to the girls in detail that the drug would quickly settle like cotton in Dan's brain and greatly suppress all feelings of anxiety and his ability to use his muscle strength. "Here you go Sarah" Melissa said and pulled out the syringe. Now he's yours. The girls helped turn Dan around and put him in Sarah's arms, but they didn't bother to put the diaper back on. "Thank you, Melissa," Sarah said, looking lovingly at Dan who was obviously not relaxed in his whole body. Everyone in the room could see that Dan's cock was as straight and stately as the Eiffel Tower. Sarah caressed Dan's balls with one hand and looked him in the eyes. "Are they ready to hear a piece of news that will change our lives?" Dan nodded and everything that happened felt like a dream where he was floating on a cloud. But Dan was prepared for what Sarah would say. She didn't know that he already knew. He had observed both this and that and he definitely wouldn't be shocked. Instead, he felt like a marathon runner who was on his way to the finish line and received the cheers of the people when he was about to win Olympic gold in solitary majesty. He was going to reach a long-awaited goal. Now he lay calmly and comfortably in Sarah's arms and listened to what he had already figured out. Sarah told me that she had removed her IUD as soon as they had started their relationship. Sarah then said what everyone had expected. She said it lovingly, and Dan could clearly see the happiness in her eyes when she said it. "Dan, you and I are going to be parents." Her wonderful words were replaced by a long and passionate kiss. Melissa took the opportunity to powder the "little Eiffel Tower" and make sure Dan's diaper was put back in place. Dan felt like he was in heaven. Of course, there were many who wanted to congratulate Sarah and Dan and when the gunpowder smoke had settled, a glass was clanged again. "Hm. Well, uh, I thought maybe there's more great news that someone wants to pass on or what do you say Melissa. It's not every day we see you with a glass of non-alcoholic wine." Melissa shone up like a sun and stroked one hand over her belly. "Okay. It wasn't really meant to be public today but I understand that there has been some and paw and YES that's right. I too have embarked on a nine-month journey." Melissa glanced at Dan as she stroked her hand over his stomach again, and even though Dan was stoned, the token had fallen down. He remembered that night on the terrace very well. It was the time when Sarah and Melissa had spiked Dan's wine glasses and then given him an otherworldly nice. Up until now, Dan had thought that the end of that evening had been highly unplanned. Now he understood that it was far from an impulsive act. The memory of the strange syringe that Melissa had put into the wine glass to suck up Dan's ejaculation had not been a strange drunken dream. Dan felt taken advantage of and the natural reaction might have been that he would have been furious. Maybe he kept his composure because of the syringe they had forced into him, but when he saw the happiness in Melissa's eyes, he felt a warmth spread in his heart. He felt proud and honoured. No one raised the question of who the father of the child was. Probably because everyone already knew and that this was how it worked within Mirage where you acted as one big family with your own norms and rules of order. Melissa received many long hugs from her friends, and she took the opportunity to unabashedly bend over Dan when she kissed Sarah. Her warm and soft breasts were pressed up against his face and she smelled sensual. If Dan had been able to move his arms, he would have stroked her stomach to show that he felt joy for her pregnancy. Instead, he let the tip of his nose find its way into the cleavage between her breasts and took a deep breath. Dan had barely had time to think clearly before the next bomb went off. "Anyone else who has something non-alcoholic in their glass and wants to say something?" All eyes turned to Jane and when she in turn looked at Dan with her black sparkling eyes and massaged her belly, Dan understood that life would get even more complicated. Sarah hugged Dan a little extra and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She was glad that she had followed Melissa's line and let her give him a fast-acting syringe instead of a sedative pill in his bum. He behaved exemplary even though he was told things that would make any ordinary person freak out. "Yes, even in my stomach things happen,” said Jane. For me and Cindy, it is a matter of course that marriage includes children and it was not a difficult choice to send my birth control pills that I have taken since my early teens in the trash. Yes, and... Apparently, I was quite fertile on the wedding night. It wasn't just the overjoyed Jane who looked at Dan as she told her news. Everyone in the room understood that Jane's pregnancy had not been initiated at a fertility clinic with sperm from an unknown donor. Dan lay safely in Sarah's arms and took the news in stride. Despite the sedative injection, he still got teary-eyed with happiness when he saw Jane's tears of joy and how proud she was when she talked about her pregnancy. Dan thought back to when Sarah had left him strapped and naked with the dangerously sexy Jane. Jane had, with Sarah's permission, chosen Dan to have unprotected sex when she was most fertile and on her wedding night as well. At that point Dan had been having pangs of conscience. Making love to someone other than Sarah went against Dan's moral compass and he was not a swinger. But what could he have done differently? His beloved mistress and girlfriend would have spanked him black and blue if he hadn't satisfied Jane. He remembered so clearly the moment and thoughts when Jane squeezed out the first drops. The sex drug he had been stuffed with and the feeling of crossing a forbidden line had intensified his orgasm. He had had one of the most powerful orgasms he had ever experienced. That Jane was happy with her wedding night was obvious and it made Dan feel proud. Of all the alpha males and submarine captains, Sarah, Jane and Melissa had chosen Dan's golden balls for their reproduction. No one else. His male genes were to be passed on. Dan certainly didn't look like a winner in his blue romper but he didn't care and if he had been able to move his arms he would have hugged Sarah and stroked his hand over her belly. Instead, he relaxed and enjoyed lying in her safe arms. Dan's relaxed existence came to an end when Sarah clanged her glass and wanted to say something. "Thank you all for all the positive and fantastic news. I'm of course overjoyed for the exciting time that Dan and I have ahead of us, but at the same time I'm very happy that Melissa, Jane and Cindy are going on the same happy journey. What a wonderful time we have ahead of us! Now you have to excuse me for a moment. The hour has struck when Dan is to be put to bed. The babysitters will soon take over my apartment. I'll be right back." Dan had no desire to make the acquaintance of a babysitter, but he was not able to protest. On the way out, Dan was embarrassingly reminded of his underage status where they kissed and patted him on the diaper as if he were a real baby. But Dan saw the light at the end of the tunnel and thought positively. With a little luck, he would soon get rid of the romper and when Sarah had left, he might be able to convince the babysitters that they could watch Netflix while he did something else. He might even be able to perk up enough to take a walk in the pub and play pool with the boys. Sarah wouldn't notice anything anyway. She was going to rumble around in bed with Melissa all night. When Dan saw the babysitters for the first time, he immediately realized that he could put down all thoughts about billiards. Jane and Cindy stood in the apartment with big smiles. "Dan, make sure you are an obedient boy tonight," Sarah said and gave Dan a quick kiss. ”.. and Dan. What was it you would remember about Jane?" "Eh, that she’s, my godmother." "And?" ”.. do I need to say it?" "Yes Dan, if you want to avoid getting an extra round of spanking on your bare ass," Sarah said. "Okay, Jane is my godmother and thus also my mistress and I promise to be an obedient boy and show her gratitude as long as I live." It was an oath that Dan had memorized when he became a member of Mirage "That's how it should sound," Sarah said. As you know, Jane and Cindy are going to be parents soon and what better preparation than to practice diaper changes on you Dan?" Dan had the nerve to say that they could practice on each other, but he didn't want to challenge fate. "Girls, if there's anything you need, just call. Me and Melissa are in Dan's apartment." Sarah looked pleased as she walked back to the other girls. She knew he was in good hands. Dan wasn't quite as happy. Especially not when he saw that Jane was holding a big red pill between her thumb and forefinger. Her triumphant smile was unmistakable. "What do you girls say," Dan said. "Maybe some of you want to try something new? Eh like that red pill?" Jane looked at him with her black sexy eyes and smiled. Cindy then put her hand on Dan's diaper-covered butt and said: "Are you going to show us the way to the changing room?" Dan walked with heavy steps towards Sarah's specially decorated room. A room that breathed humiliation, femdom and mental challenges. But he still loved the room. It was here that Sarah turned him into a little one, made him feel ashamed and took away all possible feelings of being a real man. He had never been in the changing room without getting tomato-red cheeks and .. rock-hard erection. Diapers and adult children's clothes of various models were neatly stacked on the well-stocked and clearly marked shelves. Dan loved it when it was tidy, but the various "discipline and upbringing tools" that hung along the walls made him feel insecure. The changing room triggered a mixture of horror and delight that he would never be able to curb but which he still loved in some strange way. Dan made an attempt to resist when Cindy and Jane wanted to put him on the changing table, but he became painfully aware that the drug in his veins was still making him pitifully weak. His enthusiastic babysitters quickly got him on his back and immediately tightened a strong strap that pressed his upper body down against the changing table. Around the ankles, they then fixed padded straps that were connected to the electric winch in the ceiling. Through the large mirror on the ceiling, Dan could see how miserable he looked in his childish attire. With a simple push of a button, Jane hoisted Dan's feet up in the air and he was left lying in the fetal position. When they then started to take off his romper, he got a glimmer of hope that he might be able to run away, the girls made no mistake. His hands were carefully strapped in with the straps attached to the corners of the changing table. Dan remembered very well when all the annoying straps were installed on the advice of Melissa. It was the same type of straps that she used in her service at the hospital, and Dan could state that they were incomparably effective. Cindy then grabbed the adhesive diaper straps and a second later Dan's entire abdomen was exposed. A strong feeling of humiliation washed over Dan like a wave as he felt the cool air cool down his naked and spanked ass. The exposed position made Dan's cheeks feel like red-hot frying pan and he was ashamed of his fully developed erection. "Oh la la," Cindy said. "Jane, look at that! This little guy seems to have very sinful thoughts. What do you think we should do about it?" "Well, what do you think Dan? Jane said, holding up an oblong red pill. Dan understood that it was a rhetorical question. The answer was given. He was going to be sent off on a real trip regardless of what he thought or answered. Even though the situation was completely hopeless, Dan still made an awkward attempt to wriggle but Jane looked triumphantly at Dan when her middle finger was as far inside his ass as it could possibly get. The pill's effect was not long in coming and it almost felt like he was going to take off and fly away. The sugar sweet Cindy had started to take off her clothes at the same time and Dan could see that her ass was just as red as his. "I understand if you're wondering Dan and it's true," Jane said. "Cindy never fucks with men but only for tonight she's going to make an exception." Jane then took out a bottle of lube and lubricated Dan's stiff member and then she proceeded to carefully lubricate a black oblong little vibrator. Jane looked at Dan and grinned when she saw his reaction. "You just need to know how nice it sits in the ass Dan." Cindy had sat down on top of Dan and was ready to climb him. She was just waiting for Jane to insert the black little vibrator. Dan tried to keep his legs together because he didn't want any more intrusion into his butt. The red pill would have been more than enough. "Relax, Dan!" said Cindy, closing her warm sweet eyes. She then took a deep breath and moaned with pleasure as Jane pushed the black conical vibrator into her little hole. "Sorry Dan,” said Jane. "We only have one, but I've made a note of what I'm going to take with me the next time we meet. Cindy then raised Dan's cock and slowly lowered herself down. "Oh, nice," said Cindy. How hard you are Dan, ... Oh!" Dan could see that Jane was holding a remote control in her hand, and when she pressed a button, there was a muffled buzzing in the nursery. Dan could feel the vibrations from the sex toy in Cindy's rear propagate all the way to his cock. Cindy moved softly and methodically, and although she preferred women to men, seven days a week, she showed no signs of unhappiness. If her feelings weren't genuine, she was a very good actress, but for Dan it didn't matter. Cindy's nice treatment combined with the red pill had sent him to a completely different planet and he was busy with himself. Dan could no longer take in everything that was happening but that it felt insanely good was clear. His brain had gone from a fully functioning state where information flowed in continuously to a situation where he could only register single images. All normal thinking was put out of action. The same goes for his physical ability. It was only his most basic functions that worked, such as breathing and circulation. It didn't matter how hard Dan tried. The brain was not able to tense a single muscle. The red pill had sunk him completely on all levels except for his ability to reproduce. Because the pill had made him hornier than ever, and his cock was hard as a rock that longed for rampant fucking, and it was in exactly the nice existence he was now in. It didn't take long for the heavens to open. He had a long and prolonged ejaculation and instinctively he tried to put his hands on Cindy's hips to hold her down. He didn't want her to take off and fly away under the pressure of the cum surge when the train left the station. It stopped at a thought. The impulses from his brain were blocked by the drug in his signalling system. If they had arrived, he would still not have been able to move. He was stuck to immobility in the corner posts of the changing table. Cindy could definitely feel Dan's cock growing and pulsing as he orgasmed but the small splash of semen that flowed out was not noticeable. Especially not when she had a vibrator in her buttocks. Dan's "money shot" was also not that impressive, but even if it was only a few milliliters released, it still contained hundreds of millions of capable sperm. What Dan didn't know then was that one of them would make it all the way. Dan had thought that the evening would end there. That Cindy had gotten what she wanted and they were going to put him on a diaper and put him to sleep in the crib. But that was not to be. Dan had a hard time staying conscious, but he thought he sensed that there was a new girl in the saddle. Jane. He liked her very much and he was glad that it was she and no one else who had become his godmother. Sarah was of course number one in all respects, but Jane was easy to like and not just socially. She was a girl who breathed sex and the pregnancy certainly hadn't reduced her sex drive. The rhythmic squeaking from the changing table would elude the neighbors well into the small hours and the two babysitters had taken turns riding Dan's cock that had fought bravely and refused to give up. However, it was an untenable situation and, in the end, Dan had suffered from exhaustion and lost consciousness. *** When Dan woke up the next morning, he had a nice feeling in his body. He felt harmonious and cheerful but heaven knows his balls were sore. His spanked buttocks were also sore but the soft and thick diaper was like a band-aid that relieved the pain. He lay in bed in Sarah's arms and sucked on her breasts. Life felt wonderful and he let his hand slide over Sarah's soft belly. 10
Babypants Posted August 18, 2024 Posted August 18, 2024 I'm enjoying this a lot, but I wish that you would break it up into smaller chunks. It's hard for me to comment on such a huge slice of text with so much going on in the narrative. 1
Babypants Posted August 19, 2024 Posted August 19, 2024 15 minutes ago, BabyLock said: Where is PART 1 ? Click on his name, and you will see it on the scroll. Back in February, as I recall. 1
Sandman Posted August 19, 2024 Author Posted August 19, 2024 2 hours ago, BabyLock said: Dan’s adventure, part 2 Where is PART 1 ? 1
Sandman Posted August 19, 2024 Author Posted August 19, 2024 23 hours ago, Babypants said: I'm enjoying this a lot, but I wish that you would break it up into smaller chunks. It's hard for me to comment on such a huge slice of text with so much going on in the narrative. Sorry for that! I’m a bit new to this forum but I will post smaller parts next time I write something. Thanks for your feedback 2
Babypants Posted August 19, 2024 Posted August 19, 2024 You are most welcome. Most of the people who regularly visit these pages have busy lives, and can give us writers only so much of their time. In my own works, I try to bring a chapter in at around 4,500 words, although I will shrink it or expand it when the impact that I'm looking for requires it. Several of us try and post a chapter every week or so in order to allow readers to catch up at their leisure. Your chapters would work well as stand alones, or as pairings-- and you always have the option to bring them out more quickly if so desired. Anyway, you are off to a good start here. I expect your stories to do very well in this forum. 1
Babypants Posted August 23, 2024 Posted August 23, 2024 On 8/18/2024 at 4:10 AM, Sandman said: Dan nodded. He still had butterflies in his stomach, but despite that, he was excited and determined to find out where this road would lead. First off, let me say that I have read both parts, twice. This is a testament to the fact that I consider you to have real talent; frankly, as someone with over 50 years experience both publishing and editing, I'm amazed at the quality I see here. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future. So where could this effort be improved? As I noted in response to part 1, the essence of story telling is tension-- and the only source of tension in part 1 is the internal conflict between Dan's self-image and the realization of hitherto suppressed desires. As we enter part 2, this line in chapter 1 basically gives the rest of the story away. The only question remaining is the speed of his descent into submission. The ending is really nice-- happy and therefore different from the run of the mill story around here-- but it is telegraphed here in chapter 1. Going forward, I would encourage you to mask the ending in order to keep the reader guessing. You really do need a red herring in this story. Reach out to me if you want to kick around ideas for future projects. You have a bright future writing stories here. 1
Eagle0769 Posted August 24, 2024 Posted August 24, 2024 This was an amazing story. When the pill or the needle went into his ass did he remember what they did to him? I would have changed places with him in a heart beat. Great story thanks for sharing. 🙂 1
Sandman Posted August 24, 2024 Author Posted August 24, 2024 On 8/23/2024 at 3:36 AM, Babypants said: First off, let me say that I have read both parts, twice. This is a testament to the fact that I consider you to have real talent; frankly, as someone with over 50 years experience both publishing and editing, I'm amazed at the quality I see here. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future. So where could this effort be improved? As I noted in response to part 1, the essence of story telling is tension-- and the only source of tension in part 1 is the internal conflict between Dan's self-image and the realization of hitherto suppressed desires. As we enter part 2, this line in chapter 1 basically gives the rest of the story away. The only question remaining is the speed of his descent into submission. The ending is really nice-- happy and therefore different from the run of the mill story around here-- but it is telegraphed here in chapter 1. Going forward, I would encourage you to mask the ending in order to keep the reader guessing. You really do need a red herring in this story. Reach out to me if you want to kick around ideas for future projects. You have a bright future writing stories here. Thank you very much for those kind words! They are very much appreciated and inspire me to write new stories! The story about Dan was the first one I have ever written. When I started I had an idea about the start but nothing more. I just let my fantasy take me to the end. When reading your clever comments I realize that I should have planned the plot of the story a bit better before the start. I now plan to write stories related to some characters in Dan’s Adventure. One about Dan’s best friend Rob in Africa and a second story about the cherry boy ” Rambo” that is caught in the clutches of Veronica. 3 hours ago, Eagle0769 said: This was an amazing story. When the pill or the needle went into his ass did he remember what they did to him? I would have changed places with him in a heart beat. Great story thanks for sharing. 🙂 Well, I hope he remembered! Thanks for reading and taking your time to give feedback!
zzzz50 Posted August 27, 2024 Posted August 27, 2024 Where can I get the red pill, asking for a friend.
Sandman Posted August 28, 2024 Author Posted August 28, 2024 5 hours ago, zzzz50 said: Where can I get the red pill, asking for a friend. I wish I new! Thanks for reading!! 1
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