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"Good boy! Drink your buh buh so mommy doesn't have to worry when she's shopping."

"Mmph," Jerry mumbled as he squirmed in her lap. He sucked on the tip of the bottle, draining the sweet apple juice inside of it.

"Good baby. Good boy," his mommy, Jenny, cooed, stroking his back and his hair. He leaned back into her and finished the bottle.

"Good baby," she said. She picked him up, and recentered him on her lap so that he was balanced on one knee and facing her. She bounced him a few times, then pulled him in and began patting his back.

"Why's that help when you're shopping, mommy?" He asked. He shuffled, luxuriating in the thick padding of his diaper. Double layered, and with two stuffers, it felt like sitting on a cushion. It, along with his baby blue bonnet, matching short blue t shirt with teddy bears printed on it, soft booties, and pacifier, all added to the look of his new role. Finnally, he knew the thick diaper meant he wouldn't need a change for a long time, which was a dangerous notion when his new "mommy" was going out shopping.

He burped, then blushed and put a hand over his face. "I can't beleive that actually worked."

"Mhmmm," she said and smiled at him. "Lot's of babies like you are suprise at how much I can still treat them like babies." 

She began bouncing him up and down on her knee, and he bounced along with her, again loving the feeling and sounds of his diaper crushing against him. "So what about the juice?"

"Well, Mommy is going shopping and needs to leave her baby behind for a bit."

He raised his eyebrows in fake shock. "Not really "treating me like a baby" to leave me behind, Mommy. Seems dangerous. Abusive. Even trial-worthy."

She paused her bouncing and patted his backside. "Sometimes we have to make exceptions. Or would you rather I take you out into public with your quadruple thick pampers? I'll tell you what, I'll give you the choice of any of your baby clothes to wear over them and try to hide them. You'll keep your collar on though."

He blushed and shook his head. "No no mommy, that's ok!"

She resumed bouncing and smiled. "That's what I thought. Don't worry, you'll be plenty safe. Mommy is going to put you down for a nap in your nice and cozy crib, all safe with the roof locked and your hands tied in mittens so my baby doesn't accidently get out and hurt himself, and a pacifier tied into his mouth so he doesn't lose it or accidently cry so loud the neighbours hear."

"Gee, thanks mommy," he said, smirking at the selective description of his bondage.

"Mhmm. Thought you'd like that. You've had plenty of juice so you won't be thirsty, and you have your extra thick diapies if you need to go potty. You should be fine for a good nap while mommy is gone. I'll be back in an hour or two"

Jerry looked down at his diaper. "So if I have to go now..."

"Then you'll be sitting in a soggy diaper for a few hours, or a stinky one. You should have been a good baby gone before I changed you into your nap time nappy. Why? Are you holding it in like a bad baby and need a spanking to help?"

He forced a massive smile back at her. "That's ok mommy, I'm good!"

"Good baby! Thought so! Now," She reached down to the pacifier on his shirt and puts it in his mouth. "Time to go beddie bies!"

She lifted Jerry up and cradled him in her arms. Jerry hung on tight as she carried him through the house. Even as a shorter, thin man, he was always baffled by how easily she carried him.

"Such a widdle baby! So easy to carry!" She said in a sweet voice, teasing him at his embaressment.

She brought him into what was now his bedroom. A full adult sized nursery, with a double sized crib, changing table, bouncer, and piles of toys pastel blue walls, it always made his heart flutter to see. His new life was odd, and often embaressing, but seeing it all at once reminded him of how long he had dreamed of it. Easy days of little to no work, filled with toys and games while everything else was taken care of, wearing cute, comfortable clothes, and of course...

He gulped. A few of the other other kinks his Jenny liked to try out on him often using bondage gear. He at a pile of mittens and booties on the ground. "What's that, mommy?" He asked.

She put him down on the ground on his bottom, and huffed at the exertion of having carried him. "That's how mommy is going to make sure you're a good baby while she's gone!" She said.

"Uhhh huh... I"m just going to go over this way..." he said, and began to crawl away from her. 

"You come right here, diaper butt!" she shouted.

"AUUGGH!" Jerry screamed, and began to crawl as fast as he could. He heard her jog after him, and was tempted to get up on his feet and run, though he knew breaking his role only lead to more punishments. 

However, before he got far, he felt her grab his ankle. "No no no!" he shouted as she dragged him backward. He kept trying to crawl away and grabbed at the carpet, but felt a hard smack on his behind.

"Now now. Behave or Mommy will spank your diapered bottom, babykins," Jenny said.

"Hmph," he said. He stopped crawling and turned to face her, but refused to move back. Instead he sat with his arms folded and let her pull him back, sliding on the plastic against the diaper. "I don't think its fair you get to just threaten to spank me whenever we disagree. I am still a grown adult."

She rolled her eyes. "SUUURE you are. The only grown adult I know who sits in a diaper and drinks from bottles all day."

He blushed.

"Anyway, if you don't like it, you can always go back to being a REAL grown adult working your REAL grown adult job like you used to, rather then living off of a more MATURE adult who works while you play with toys."

He glared at her, and she watched back, folding her arms in immitation of him.

He sighed. Embaressing as his role was, it was still better then working. He put a hand to his collar and pulled the tab that said "Property of Mommy Jenny" toward her. "No, please not that mommy. I know where I belong. I'll be good, mommy," he said.

"Good baby. I thought so. Now be still and let mommy get you dressed."

"Hmph," he pouted, but didn't fight back as she began to take his soft booties off. 

He sighed in annoyance. He knew the new footwear he was getting, she had used them on him when she was "crawl training" him, a period which went much faster then his embaressing "diaper training" sessions. It seemed strange to need to be "trained" for such things, but as his "Mommy" pointed out, this was techically now his "job." All "jobs," required training, even if it was being trained in things most people got past by age three. 

The botties were the same baby blue as his other booties he was already wearing, with the main visual difference being the strings of lace and ribbon she tied securely around his ankle, then the tiny key hole she used to buckle them on.

He looked at his right foot. At first, it felt like more of the soft material, but if they were the ones he remembered, that wouldn't last long. He pressed the sole against the ground, yelped, and confirmed what he thought: a series of metal pieces were sewn into the bottom of his booties, each coming to a point against his foot. They weren't sharp enough to cut or to bother him when he was sitting, but they became more then uncomfortable whenever he put weight on his feet, making walking an annoying chore. They were designed to encourage the wearer to crawl, and they worked fantastically well.

Next, she had him hold out each hand. She secured them with padded, fingerless mittens, each which locked on with a strap. This meant that not only were his hands useless, but any attempt to yank off his diaper or bootties would become impossible. 

She kissed him on his forhead. "Say your goodbyes now Babykins, talking time is about to end."

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Goodbye mommy! I love you! I promise to be a good baby and not take my diapies off while you're gone!" He said, repeating the same line he always said when she left. "As if I could with these on!" He held up his mittnes.

She giggled. "Good baby, love you too." She pushed a giant pacifier into his mouth and securited it with straps behind his head. She then picked him up and deposited him in his crib, and tucked him in under the sheets. She closed the top of it and locked it, then turned on a mobile of spinning stuffed rabbits and elephants.

"Goodnight babykins Jerry! Be a good baby until Mommy is back!" She laughed. "As if you possible COULD misbehave like that. Maybe work on making mommy a present in your diapers while you sleep, it will be good un-potty training."

"Mmph," he said from behind his pacifier, and watched as she left. She shut off the main light, leaving him with only the soft night light, and closed the door. 

Jerry lay back in his crib. The mobile turned over his head, playing "Rock A By Baby" in soft, quiet tones. He looked to his side, and grabbed one of the teddy bears beside him, and turned toward it. If he had to play the role, he figured he may as well play it well and enjoy the "fun" parts of it. In this case, "fun" meant cuddling with soft toys while resting. He closed his eyes.

He opened them again. There was a knock at the door. He looked around the room and wondered why Jenny would knock on her own door.

  • Like 6
  • 4 weeks later...

But no, it hadn't been anywhere near long enough for her to go shopping. DId something go wrong to make her come back early?

"You sure this is the place?" a deep, feminine voice asked.

Jerry's throat caught and his eyes went wide. He recognized that voice.

"Yeah this is where he lives now, we've been here before. I figured he'd be home today since he doesn't seem to work so much." A different voice, and another he recognized. 

"Oh yeah, didn't he marry some rich broad or something? Lucky guy." A third voice he recognized. He knew them well, it was Helen, Bonham, and Carter , three of his coworkers when he worked at a construction agency. They were managers of different sectors, and he reported to, or worked with, each one of them. Back in his old life they used to go bowling every Thursday and out to dive bars every Friday, a fact he had forgotten about until that moment. One of them rang the doorbell.

"Yeah, if you count his basically being the housewife "Lucky." Might also say "Loser." I wonder how his new girlfriend deals with it?"

Jerry looked down at his diaper and t-shirt. Well, he certainly wasn't playing the "housewife," but he doubted it would make them see him as less of a loser.

"Well come on, we know him. We've known him for years! Figure we can just go in and wait until he's home? It's clouding over and I don't want to get caught in the rain."

"Yeah he's probably out buying cleaning supplies while his girl friend is out working."

They both chortled, and Jerry was reminded of exactly why he wanted to leave his old job.

"Please. As if we ever doubted who'd wear the pants in any relationship he's in."

More laughter. Jerry looked down again. He was KIND of wearing pants. Several layers of pants, in fact, and padded ones. However, he doubted they'd see it that way, and Jenny's jeans DEFINITLY meant she was the one wearing "normal" pants. 

"See if its unlocked. I'll text him what we're doing, and we'll just wait inside until nancy returns."

Please don't be unlocked please don't ne unlocked please don't be unlocked... oh god why would she keep it unlocked!? He thought as the door swung open. He knew it was a safe neighbourhood, but he never would himself, not while he was lying in locked in a crib in a diaper. Of course, the fact that he WAS lying locked in a crib in a diaper pretty well proved he had no say in such things.

The footsteps came in. Jerry lay as still as possible, trying not to make a sound. He prayed the mobile was quiet enough to not attract attention. Fortunately, his phone was on silent for texts, so as long as that was all they did...

"Wanna try calling him to see where he is if he isn't responding? I'm sure he'll want to come and we need the fourth player."

Oh god no.

"Yeah its just being kind."

No its not kind in this case please no don't be kind. 

 'Yeah if we want him to come. Think his girlfriend would let him out." They laughed again.

Probably not, truthfully, Jerry thought.

"You think she actually makes him wear skirts? I bet he'd look cute in one." 

Well, at least it's not a skirt. Wait what am I talking about? This is SOO much worse than a skirt?! I'm literally in a diaper and bondage gear! Please don't call please don't call...

"Yeah I'm gonna call him to see where he's at."


"CEEEE-LEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON!" His Ringtown, sounding the horns of Jericho come to blow down the walls of his dignity, blasted from his phone.

"What? Is that him?"

"Yeah that's his ring town all right. A bit of an odd guy."

You have no idea. I REALLY hope it stays that way.

"Lets go upstairs and see."

 Guess you'll find out soon though.

Jerry pulled at his binds, but they wouldn't move. He sat up and pushed on the top of his crib, but the locks held, and he gave up quickly.

Thinking quickly, he rolled onto his back, lifted his feet into the air, and kicked upward as hard as he could.

"MMMMM!!!" came his muffled shout as his "special booties" reminded him of why that was a bad idea.

The footsteps were moving up the stairs and getting closer, and he had no way out of the crib.

He looked at himself and considered his options. In desperation, he reached for the tapes of his diaper. If he could at LEAST get that off, he could MAYBE explain away the rest of it...

As what? The totally normal thing adults do while locked in cribs and sucking pacifiers, because the rest of this will look normal as long as my diaper is gone?

He reached for the binds of his pacifier, but the lock wouldn't budge. He reached again for the diaper, but his mittened hands slid uselessly accross the tapes.

He gave up, lay back, and tried to pull the blanket over him. However, now that he had kicked it off, his wrapped up hands couldn't manage to pull it back over him and afford him even the tiniest bit of dignity. Instead, he stopped and stared at the door, his diaper, binds, and pacifier fully visible.

The door swung open, and the three women he used to work with strode in. Helen, a tall red head wearing jeans and a button up shirt, was the most senior of them, and walked in first. Bonham, a dark woman wearing a long green dress and who constantly had her nose turned up, followed her in. Carter, a shorter blonde in a flouncing white and pink dress over white pants, came last.

They stopped and stared at him, mouths agape.

"Je...Jerry?" Helen asked.

"Uhhh, hey guys. I can explain this." Jerry tried to say, but all that got around his pacifier was a wordless mess that sounded FAR too much like "goo goo gaa gaa."

The three women stood in shock, staring at Jerry as he tried to wave and force a smile.

"Oh. My. God. This is SOO much better then keeping him as a house wife!" Bonham said.

The three women walked up to him and surrounded his crib. Jerry sank back down as they reached toward him, poking his diaper and ruffling his hair.

"He's living as her BABY? Like an actual adult BABY?"

"Must be, look at this room!"

"Its fitting. Do you think he uses his diapers?"

"Ask him. Jerry, does your new mommy make you fill your widdle diapies for her?"

"NO!" Jerry tried to say. It was a desperate lie, but it didn't matter, as all that came out was more muffled gibberish. The three women laughed at him, and continued prodding him through the crib bars. Jerry tried to back away, but with no where to hide and no way to fight back, he could only curl up as they admired his new lifestyle.

"I bet the baby does.He was always a silly one, I think this is fitting."

"Agreed. And I bet he makes big, stinky messes for his mommy."

They all laughed.

"Would you do it?" the read headed leader asked. "I mean, I can tell what this lazy bones gets out of it, he can just relax and play in his crib. I bet SHE has to work, feed him, change his diapers..."

Bonham wrinkled her nose. She took out her cell phone and began snapping pictures. "Seems like a lot of work, and men kind of smell anyway. Still, good to have evidence of this "game" of his if we ever need anything."

"I don't know," the blonde replied. "I think he's kind of cute, and far more fitting for him then most men who try to get real jobs and pretend to be important. I think more men should accept this role and let their girlfriends diaper them and do all the thinking for them."

"Hmmm you have a good point. The world WOULD be better if men just stayed quiet, sucking their pacis in their cribs and diapers, and let women run things." Helen added thoughtfully. "Especially men like Jerry. We all saw him TRY to work." They all laughed at that, and Jerry blushed.

"So what of it, little baby Jerry?" Helen asked. She ran her fingers through his hair and turned his face toward her. "Do you like your new life more? Is this why you could never perform at work, you just prefer being a baby than an adult?"

"MHHHPH AHHH!" Jerry tried to argue from behind his pacifier, but only brought out more babble from himself and laughter from the women.

"So what do we do with this baby brat? I doubt he's coming bowling, his diapies and mittens won't make the best uniform" Helen asked, looking at the other women.

They laughed. Bonham shrugged. "I guess leave him. If he want's to be a dumb baby in his crib, let him. Perhaps we should get out of here before he starts to stink."

Jerry blushed and avoided her eyes. Much as he hated to admit it, she was probably right. He had been wearing diapers for a few months by then, and he found his ability to keep them clean at will was getting less and less.

"I don't know," Carter said. She ruffled his hair. "I think he's cute! I think we can play a different game, right here with him!"

"What, and change his dirty nappies? Real babies are tough enough, real MEN are annoying enough, this baby man... not fun." Bonham said.

"I think she's right," Helen said. "This could be our new game night together. We all know how much of an immature brat he was, this is DEFINITLY fitting, and if we want to keep including him in our game nights we may have to adapt."

"So what do we do?" Carter asked.

"Hmmmm..." Helen paused, thinking. "I say we get him out of this crib, dress him up, and play baby with him. I'm sure his mommy will appreciate the babysitting."

Jerry's eyes went wide. He looked between the three women, dreading any agreement.

"YES!" Carter added. "I LOVE that. Look at him blushing, you can tell he wants it!"

"MMM MMM! MMM MMM!" Jerry shook his head no, but the women didn't pay any mind. Carter already had begun looking for the opening to the crib. 

Bonham rolled her eyes. "Fine. We can play with the diapered brat. But I'm not changing him, and I'm not putting up with messy diapers! If he does that, its up to you two!"

"OK!" Carter said, smiling. She had walked over to the changing table and sorted through the shelves. "I think I found a key to his crib! Let's play baby with him!" She walked over to his crib and unclipped the lock. Jerry watched in terror as it rose up, leaving him vulnerable to whatever the women wanted. 

As soon as it was open, she reached in and began tickling him, sending him into fits of giggles. Jerry pawed helplessly at her hands, but his mittens kept him from stopping her. "Awww does the widdle baby like that? What a good widdle baby!" She said, then looked at the other women. "So what do we do with him?"

"I say get him into a cute outfit. I bet his mommy got him all SORTS of baby clothes."

Carter looked dissapointed. "But he looks so cute in his little diaper and t shirt already!"

The read head smirked. "Yes, but I have a feeling about what sorts of things his mommy would buy for him to wear, and I bet we can make him cuter."

Jerry gulped and looked between them.

"What do you mean?" Bonham asked.

"What's cuter? A baby boy... or a baby girl?"

Jerry's eyes went wide.

"Girl," they replied in unison.

"MMM MM! MMM MMM!" Jerry shook his head, but the women ignored him.

"OOO I could do that. Think she has a pretty baby dress for him somewhere? Just make sure the skirt is short enough, I want to be able to see these adorable nappies!" Carter said, patting Jerry's padded behind. "You know, just so we can check if the baby girl had any accidents," She added, and winked at Jerry.

"MMM MM!" Jerry shook his head harder, and tried to push away. He jumped out of the crib to run...

and immediately regretted his decision as the metal bits in his booties poked into him. He fell, whining, to the floor, and grasped at his feet.

"Awww, does the widdle baby have trouble standing? Pathetic," Bonham said. "Look at him roll around like that!"

"I think its cute! He's grabbing at his feeties like a real widdle baby! Aren't you! Aren't you just like a real widdle baby!" Carter said, and began tickling Jerry again.

"Hmmm" Helen inspected his feet. She pushed on one of them, making Jerry gasp. "I think his booties are designed to keep him from running, probably to make him crawl like a baby. Just like his mittens, keeping his hands nice and useless."

Jerry looked up at her with desperate eyes as she guessed every detail of his humiliation. He REALLY hadn't wanted them to know that and realize how helpless he was to their whims. However, if it meant they took them off...

"I think its best we keep them on, no matter what else we have him wear. Obviously his mommy thought it was a good idea to keep his limbs helpless, and I think we should abide her wishes. He is her baby after all."

"Agreed," The other two said in unison.

"Now, lets see what we have in the closet for our little babysitting ward." She began to walk toward the open door of the closet, and Jerry's stomach turned, dreading what she'd find.

The two other women began to follow her. Jerry, watching for his chance, slowly turned away from them, and began to crawl toward the open bedroom door. He moved, and sighed as he heard the tell tale crinkle of his diaper.

"Oh no you don't! You can't sneak, I can hear your pampered butt crinkling a mile way! Come on!" Carter walked toward him, reached down, and scooped him up in both hands with embarrassing ease.

"MMmm!" Jerry whined helplessly as she cradled him on her hip like a baby and carried him toward the closet.

"You better behave little one," Bonham said. "Apparently we are giving up our bowling night for this "game', and I have pictures that can EASILY go online if you don't play along."

Jerry winced at the thought.

The closet light was on, and the other two women were going through it. Jerry stared in dread as they ruffled through row after row of humiliating outfits, giggling at each one.

When he had accepted this lifestyle, it was trading a life of hard work with one of ease. What he hadn't wanted was the public humiliation of it being exposed to his former coworkers. Their going through his closet was like showing them a list of all his most embarrassing moments. I felt like being exposed to them naked... or worse, in a diaper.

  • Like 8

Sounds like a good start of an embarrassing story for Jerry.

Maybe one of them will want to be a Mommy (Carter) and baby him too. 🙂

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Eagle0769 said:

Sounds like a good start of an embarrassing story for Jerry.

Maybe one of them will want to be a Mommy (Carter) and baby him too. 🙂

Hmmm I think they'll find ways to to have fun with Jerry:D 

  • Thanks 1
  • 4 weeks later...

A great story and no update since July.

I love this story and not only because my name is Jerry. 🙂

  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/18/2024 at 11:20 AM, Eagle0769 said:

A great story and no update since July.

I love this story and not only because my name is Jerry. 🙂

Sorry! I've been busy and hectic at home. I've had it written for weeks and just couldn't get it up. I hope to post it this weekend!

  • Like 1

"How about this one?" Carter asked. She held out a frilly, horrifically pink dress with a short, flaring skirt.

Jerry stared at it in shock. He knew it was there, though he rarely ever wore those kinds of clothes. His mommy kept them there as a kind of threat, willing to add to his embarrassment as a punishment if he complained too much about his normal clothes. To wear it in front of his coworkers was even more humiliating than his current t-shirt and diaper.

"OOO it's perfect!" Carter said. "He'll make such a pretty baby girl! I get to do his makeup!"


"Yes. Even that is better than a smelly diaper boy," Bonham added.

"I DON"T SMELL!" Jerry tried to shout, but was muffled.

"Hush hush little baby girl. We're gonna get you into your pretty little dress, ok? Then maybe we can play some baby games, or have you watch cartoons, or feed you buh-buhs and cuddle you in our laps..."

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you, Carter?"

"He's just so cute! I want to pinch his cheeks and change his little diapered behind!"

Jerry looked up at her, blushing deeply. He supposed it was better than the rough mockery Bonham gave him, but it was still embarrassing to be talked about as if he really was a baby.

Helen came up to them holding the dress. Jerry stared at it in horror and despair, knowing there was little he could do to stop it from being his next outfit.

Carter dropped him on the ground and ruffled his hair as she stood up. Bonham bent do, and grabbed the bottom of his shirt.

Jerry kept his hands down, holding the shirt in place.

Bonham met his eyes. "Remember, pictures?"

Reluctantly, Jerry lifted his arms.

The t-shirt came off, and Helen replaced it with the dress.

"OH MY GOD! HE"S EVEN MORE ADORABLE IN HIS DRESS!" Carter gushed. "I mean she! I LOVE HER, HER, I LOVE HER, I LOVE HER!" She reached down and grabbed Jerry by each cheek, then gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Yes, I have to admit, that is FAR more suiting for him," Bonham added.

Helen just smiled at him, hands on her hips, admiring her handwork. Jerry sat on the ground, looking up at the three women towering over him. He hated the angle, so he tried to stand up, but collapsed back down to all fours when the booties dag into him, which only made them laugh again.

"He always was pathetic, you know?" Bonham said. "I feel like this is less of a humiliation for him and more of a.... realization of the truth."

Carter nodded. "I agree. Someone who makes this cute a baby girl should never have been allowed to be a grown man. I think his mommy should spank his padded bum for even thinking of it!"

"Mhmm. I think we all can tell he is DEFINITLY much better off this way," Helen agreed. "Now let's bring him downstairs. I think I saw a high chair in the kitchen. I assume is his. I think we should feed him."

"MMM!" Jerry groaned, his stomach already full.

"OOO! When he's in the high chair, I can do his make up! Make him look REALLY pretty!"

"MMMMM MMM!" Jerry groaned again at the thought.

"Come on," Bonham said, and spanked him hard. "This is happening whether you like it or not, sissy."

"Ohh don't be mean to the baby girl! She just needs encouragement. Here!" Carter ran to the crib and picked out a stuffed rabbit. She held it on the ground in front of Jerry, and made it bounce away from him. "Here you go baby Jerry! Come get the bunny!"

Jerry pouted and stared at it.

Another spank. "Better go for it baby Jerry, or I'll REALLY spank you."

Humiliating as it was, this was still closer to the games Jerry had played before with his regular mommy. With the three women easily able to overpower him when his hands and feet were disabled, and with Bonham threatening him with the photos, he really had little a choice. He pretended to reach for the rabbit, then when Carter brought it away, crawled after it and swiped again.

"Pathetic," Bonham said, loud enough for him to hear, and the three women laughed. Jerry blushed, but kept playing the game.

The three women were soon giggling uncontrollably as he crawled after the rabbit. "Come on, get the bunny! You want the bunny! Good baby!" Carter taunted as he crawled.

They approached the stairs, and Carter stopped instead of going backwards down them.

"Good baby girl Jerry. Now, sit on your bum and bounce down the stairs."

"MMM," Jerry groaned, but obeyed. He sat at the edge of the stairs, holding the railing. Then, as he had a thousand times while being taught to crawl, he slid down each one, letting his thick diaper cushion each fall.

The women followed him, and when he was down, went back to their routine of Carter leading him with the rabbit.

And soon, Jerry was back in the kitchen. It was a normal kitchen, large and modern due to Jenny's money, with the one odd thing being the extra large high chair Helen had correctly guessed was his. Carter led him toward it, then scooped him up and deposited him inside. She closed the table in front of him and locked it, sealing him in place.

"Did you get the videos?" Carter asked.

"Yes," Bonham replied. "I have plenty of photos of his diaper poking from behind his skirt, and a nice long video of him crawling after his toy."

Jerry moaned.

"OOO! Send it to me! That sounds SOOO CUTE!"

"Now then, what should we feed this baby brat?" Bonham asked.

"I'm sure there is something in the cupboards that is obviously hers," Helen said. "Carter, would you mind prettying her up while we look?"

"ABSOLUTLY!" Carter said. She reached into her purse and pulled down a long silver case. Jerry realized with a groan it was a case of makeup, and she began painting on him.

"Now, now baby girl, hold still while we do this. You want to look pretty for your visitors, don't you?"

Jerry whined, but held still as she brushed it on him. "A little blush, some eye liner.... Is there a way to take out his pacifier? We'll need to to feed him, anyway."

"I think I saw a latch on the back. If it's locked, try the same key you used for the crib," Helen said.

"Oh! Of course!" Helen reached behind his head. In a moment, the pacifier was out of his mouth.

"Finally!" He said. "Please! Guys! You can't do this to me! It's all just a... OW!"

Bonham had walked behind him and spanked him through the gap in his high chair. "No, I don't think it is. I think this is exactly what a pathetic excuse for a man like you need, and I think if you don't play along, it will be more than just us three knowing what you've been doing for the last three months."

"But... but it was just supposed to be..."

"What?" Helen asked. "A way for you to get out of work? The simplest, laziest thing you could do, let a woman treat you like a literal baby instead of paying for your own food and shelter like a man?"

Jerry pouted, but he nodded.

"Then I think you deserve what's coming to you, BABY GIRL Jerry. Carter, his lipstick?"

"Oh! Of course," she reached through her purse and pulled out a stick. "Here, light pink. Not red like a woman, but will make sure no one confuses him for a man. Just a little baby girl." She held his face forward and pinched his cheeks so they pursed. Jerry whined, but remained still as she rubbed it on.

"There! Perfect!" She held up a mirror to show him the look.

Jerry almost bawled at his reflection. It was exactly as she said. Nothing like a man, but nothing like the strong, mature women who surrounded him, either. His features all became soft and effeminate, his cheeks slightly blushing, his eyes were wide... It was the perfect makeup to match his outfit, and perfect to humiliate him.

"Now," Helen said. "I think we found the perfect snack for our baby girl."

"Oh, no, no, please note that!" Jerry whined.

"Oh, my god yes! Its perfect!" Carter said.

"But I don't want it!"

"Obviously its for you," Helen said. "You must have had a fair bit of it since its half empty."

"Fine," Bonham said. "But if he starts to stink he's all yours to deal with."

"Nooo..." Jerry whined pathetically as she put a bottle of formula milk and a large container of powdered laxatives in front of him. Beside it, she placed a jar of baby food.

"Yes! You are going to eat and drink this, then you are going to show us how much of a real baby you are when you fill your little pampers. "

"WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT!?" Jerry demanded, though he was ignored.

Helen looked down at his quadruple layered diapers. "Or should I say big pampers? Those are the thickest I've seen." She chuckled.

"Now, let's see... Between one and three scoops per serving... Three it is!" She opened his bottle and reached into the jar, then scooped three spoonfuls into it. She closed his bottle and shook it. "Carter? Would you do the honors of feeding our little baby?"

"I'd LOVE to feed our little baby!" Carter gushed. She grabbed a bib from behind him and pulled it over his head. "Don't want to get your pretty dress ALLL dirty! Now open up for the airplane! Come on baby Jerry! Do it if you don't want mean auntie Bonham to spank you and share your photos online!"

"Ugghh why do you want to do this!?" Jerry demanded again, but opened his mouth.

"Because we can and you're adorable as a baby girl! Here comes the airplane!" Carter replied and filled his mouth with mashed peas. She followed this up with a gulp from his bottle, then more peas.

Jerry pouted through the meal. Each bite of mush made his stomach turn in disgust, and each gulp of laxative filled milk made his stomach turn for an entirely different reason. He blushed to think of how infantile he looked and dreaded to think of how much worse it would be once the laxatives took effect.

Carter, for her part, was having the time of her life. She giggled and teased throughout the ordeal, and he swore she did everything as sloppily as possible, leaving his face and bib covered with food and milk.

When she was finally done with the jar and bottle, she ran the spoon over his face and bib, scooping up the remains into his mouth for one final, disgusting bite.

"Now what do you say, baby Jerry?"

"Thank you, babysitter Carter," he replied.

"Good baby! Now what's next?"

"I saw a playpen full of what I assume are his toys in the next room. Why don't we bring him there and play some games with him?" Helen said.

"OK!" Carter responded, and Bonham nodded.

Helen opened his high chair, and Carter helped him down. He knew where the playpen was, and, encouraged by constant spanks on his bent over bottom from Bonham, began crawling toward it.

By the time he reached it, his stomach was already groaning from the laxatives. He ached and sat down on his rear to avoid the pressure. He clutched at his stomach.

"Please, Helen, Carter.... You don't want to deal with these laxatives. Please, just let me use the bathroom. You don't want to see this!"

"YES WE DO!" Carter said.

"No, please, I don't want to fill my diapers in front of you! We were coworkers!"

Helen cut him off by shoving his pacifier back in his mouth and tying it behind his head. He looked up at her with pleading eyes, hoping the 'cuteness' they seemed to like him for would win.

However, it was to no avail, as he saw her waggle her finger in front of his nose. "Tsk baby Jerry. That's enough back talk if you want to avoid a spanking. I doubt your mommy put you in those diapers just so you could take them off and use the potty, did she?"

Jerry looked down and shook his head.

"Does she let you do that at all? Have you even used it in months?"

He shook his head.

"So you've really just been using your diapers for everything for the last few months while we worked and she took care of your bottom?"

He nodded.

"Pathetic," Bonham said. "And we once thought he was a real man."

"I think it's adorable! He makes such a good baby!" Carter said.

"Either way, we aren't going to break his mommy's rule. He wants to be a baby rather then work. We'll treat him as such. Carter, get him a toy, would you?"

Carter started digging through the pile of toys as Jerry hunched over and gripped at his stomach. The laxatives worked fast, and he already had to go since breakfast. He prayed Jenny would come home soon, so at least...

What? They can ALL see you like this, and you fill your diapers anyway?

Jerry whined at the thought.

"Oh hello," Carter said. "What's this?"

"THAT isn't the kind of toy I expected to see," Bonham added.

Helen smiled. "No, but it's obviously one of his favourites. Let's let him paly with it, shall we?"


(sorry for the long delays in posting, I was very busy at home. Hopefulyl I'll have more up quickly!)

  • Like 6

Poor Jerry I wonder if his Mommy didn't plan this for him.

May I ask what Jerry looks like color of hair and eyes.

How tall he is you mentioned what the three ladies looked like.

I really like your story. 🙂

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/16/2024 at 11:45 AM, Eagle0769 said:

Poor Jerry I wonder if his Mommy didn't plan this for him.

May I ask what Jerry looks like color of hair and eyes.

How tall he is you mentioned what the three ladies looked like.

I really like your story. 🙂



And that's a good question, I suppose I didn't describe him.


I'll go with...

light brown hair, dark eyes.

Average height.

He was initially buff since he was working physically, but lost weight since his new "job" as a baby, so he is a bit on the thin side but still has some muscle

On 9/19/2024 at 8:24 PM, diaprbayb said:



  • Thanks 1
  • 1 month later...

Jerry looked up at the small, pink wooden rocking horse she carried and swallowed. It was used almost exclusivly for his "Mommy" to tease him, and it was FAR from fun when he was made to ride it in a messy diaper.

"Yes," Carter said as she knelt and placed it down in front of him. "It's almost like it was picked to replace something far less appropriate, depending on what kind of audience they expected to see it."

Jerry swallowed again. She was right- "Mommy" often used the rocking horse to tease him in front of others.

"Now come on baby kins, lets get you on the toy."

The three women all knelt beside him, grabbed him by the shoulders and ankles, and forced him on to the horse. They pushed him and made him rock back and forth.

Jerry moaned, a different moan this time, and felt his eyes roll back the horse made him bounce up and down in his diaper and grind against the hard wood. His stomach grumbled as the bouncing mixed all the toxic ingredients in his gut.

"Ahhhhh, there we go. The baby girl likes that, doesn't she?"

"Mhmmm,"Jerry nodded. Involuntarily, he spread his legs further and pressed himself against the horse. His s

"Good baby girl, good baby girl, just relax and let the toy do its job..."

"Is he actually going to enjoy this?" Bonham asked in disgust.

"Oh I think he'll do more than just that," Carter replied. "There's a good girl. Let the laxatives do their job. You know what to do." She pressed her hand against his stomach and rubbed it downward.

Jerry was full of scrambled feelings. Humiliation, desperation, anger, despair, all combined with the pressures in both his gut and loins, took over him. His brain told him he needed to fight it, but he had no will left to do so.

BRAPPPT! If it weren't for the loud sound, he would have barely even noticed, as his stomach finally gave way to his laxatives. His diaper quickly inflated, and the disgusting smell drifted up and reached his nose.

"AHhh ahhh good baby girl," Carter praised.

"EWW! I Can't believe he did that! HES SO DISGUSTING!" Bonham shouted.

"Now now, he's just doing what diaper babies do. Keep holding him," Helen replied.

Carter, meanwhile,him against the horse, forcing him to bounce up and down in his own mush.  "There's a good baby girl, filling her diapers like she's supposed to, just a helpless little pants filler, there's a good girl, Theres a good baby Jerry, now can you do one more for your babysitter Baby Jerry?..."

Jerry's eyes rolled back as the horse pushed into the mush of his diaper, the feeling become inescapable...

And that's when the door swung open and Jenny, his actual mommy, stepped in to see him in a dress, crowded by women, groaning and bouncing in his loaded diaper.

"Uhhh... hi Mommy. I can explain," Jerry tried, but all that came out was babble.



Jerry shout and sniffled as the paddle came down again and again on his messy diaper. He was bent over his mommy's lap, still in the same outfit as before.

Each smack was a mixture of pain and disgust as his already aching bottom was hit, and the mess in his diaper was pushed and pressed against him. His stomach turned, and he wanted to struggle, but he knew it would get him no where.

"I'm sorry he's such a brat," Jenny said. "He really never learns. You wouldn't BELEIVE how many times I've had to spank him like this, only to have him act up again." She sniffed. "And god does he stink. Its always hard to spank him when he's dirty. Feel like I need a nose plug."

"Can I ask how you came into this relationship?" Helen asked.

Jenny sighed. "I put an add out online looking for someone into this type of game. He came to me exactly as you said, just a lazy man looking for a way out of work. But, he agreed to it all, and I took him under my wing as a baby. Not sure if he regrets it yet, he really is a laze. This paddle is practically all that keeps him in line."

Jerry whined and moaned at the comments, and the spanking stopped. His mommy sat him on her knee and bounced him, getting more moans as she ensure a sloppy, messy diaper.

"Learn your lesson yet?"

He nodded.

"No you haven't. Back in the corner and wait for your next spanking.

Jerry pouted but obeyed. He walked to his "naughty corner," and, as instructed, stood with his nose against the wall and his hands behind his back holding up his skirt so they could see "What a naughty brat looks like." In this case, it was a lumpy brown diaper over bright red thighs.

This had gone on line this all afternoon. Each spanking took 40 spanks, most by his mommy but with the others filling in for some. This was broken up by 15 minutes of corner time for each spanking, then back over one of their laps for another paddling. This had gone on for hours, and Jerry lost track of how many spanks he had taken. By now, the ache alone was enough to make him want to cry, and the mess in his diaper itched horribly.

Meanwhile, the women, the "actual adults," continued their degrading discussions about him.

"I can't believe it. BReaking out of his crib and nursery when I specifically said otherwise, switching outfits and crossdressing without permission, eating all that food on his own and apparently getting laxatives involved so now I have to take care of THAT stinky mess... hows he do all that in one day?"

The other women all agreed tsked. "We tried to stop him," Carter said. "But he was so insistent on at all!"

"Really? Well that's definitely another spanking to add to the list." Jerry whined and moaned.

"Now now! That will be another, and a mouth soaping if you keep it up!"

He wanted to groan again, but kept his mouth shut. The corner, boring as it was, was still better than being over their knees getting spanked, and he didn't want to give them an excuse to end it early for the alternative.

"Now, speaking of the baby Jerry, she clearly likes this more. I think I should be switching her more to dresses and baby girl clothes. Don't you agree?"

"Yes definitely," they said in unison.

"To ensure this doesn't happen again, would any of you want to babysit?"

"YES!" Carter shouted, and the others followed up.

Jerry remained silent, but seethed inwardly. This HAD to have been a setup. Now, he was humiliated, aching, stinking, itching, and having to look forward to increased crossdressing and being babysat by former coworkers. This was NOT the easy life he thought he was agreeing to.

He kept seething on the thought until he heard his name being called, and waddled over for his next, of many, spankings.

  • Like 2
On 11/27/2024 at 8:04 AM, 1SissyAlice said:

Sounds like a fun time for Jerry to me, I want to be him!

Yep! Don't we all!

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