Dueyboy Posted April 21, 2024 Posted April 21, 2024 Introduction What would happen if, no matter how old you are, your parents found your stash? Well, on an already miserable day, that’s exactly what happened to Tom. How will both he and his dad handle it? Chapter 1 - Rejection ‘Well, thank you for coming in today, myself and the panel will discuss the interview and the recruiter will get back to you in due course’. Tom could see in the eyes of the interviewer it was going to be another rejection. He couldn’t understand it, just over a year ago he’d graduated with a 2:1 in Architecture. He thought he’d walk into a job, but he’d applied to every company he could find, and had 15 interviews never getting further than the second round. He couldn’t understand it, what was he doing wrong? Whatever it was it wasn’t how he presented himself. He looked gorgeous in his grey slim fit suit and smart tan shoes. He is 5’9, short jet black hair, with beautiful bright blue eyes, but I guess it’s what you say in interview which is important, not how you look. He stood up, grabbed his posh leather bag his dad had gotten him for his graduation, shook the panel’s hands and made his way out into the busy London street. No sooner had he stepped out the building a rough looking man bumped into him with a cigarette burning a hole right into the shoulder. ‘Hey!’ said Tom. ‘Fuck off, prick’ cursed the man as he hurried on. It was the final straw, a tear rolled down Tom’s face. He couldn’t take much more of life at this point. Everything was falling apart, or that’s how it felt. 23, no job, no friends who are local, his mum has passed away and he’s still living with his grieving dad Steve. After travelling back by train Tom let himself into the house and rushed straight upstairs to his room. ‘How’d the interview go?’ called his Dad from his study. ‘Crap’ shouted back Tom. Once in the room he started to undress. He hung up his suit jacket and inspected the burn. Maybe it could be repaired? Probably not, now he doesn’t even have a suit if he gets another interview. Nevertheless he took off the trousers and placed the suit in its special bag like always, before putting it in the wardrobe. He grabbed his joggers and a t-shirt and turned to lay on his bed, but as he did, he saw something which made his blood run cold. Could this day get any worse? His worst nightmare was lying in front of him. His heart thumped in his chest as if it was about to exit it. His face flushed red, sweat started to bead on his forehead, panic started to set in. Lying there in front of him was one of his adult nappies, and on it a note. “Hey son, let’s talk, love Dad”. Tom had bought these nappies a few months back from a medical supply company whilst his Dad had been away for work. He’d been interested in them for a while. He’d enjoyed the few he’d tried but he’d not had the courage to wear them once his dad got back. He’d hidden them under his bed in a carrier bag, but clearly his dad had found them. He couldn’t believe it, how could this happen? For an hour he sat there thinking of excuses he could make, plausible stories he could tell. “They’re not mine”. “I’ve been having bedwetting problems”, “I…” none of them seemed convincing. He didn’t feel like he could leave the room. After at least an hour and a half his dad called ‘dinner!’ Heart thumping and head racing he made his way down the stairs. He was physically shaking. When he saw his Dad at the table, he froze. ‘So you don’t think they’ll ask you back?’ asked his Dad. ‘No’ Tom tried to say, but nothing came out. ‘No’ he said eventually in his third attempt. ‘Sit down it’s getting cold’ said his Dad gesturing to Toms dinner. Tom made his way over and sat down in silence. For a short while they both ate, but Tom really wasn’t hungry, if anything he felt sick. He just shuffled his food around. When his dad had finished he reached out and put his had on Tom’s. ‘Talk to me Tom’ he said gently, trying to make eye contact. Tom was physically shaking, he couldn’t speak, he was living his worst nightmare. His Dad lent across to him. ‘I found your nappies mate’ he said. Just hearing that out loud drove through Tom like a train. ‘They’re not mine’ he blurted out. It was like a reflex, he heard himself say it, but he didn’t think he’d actually processed what he was going to say yet. His dad gave him a soft smile. ‘I know they’re yours son’. He said softly. ‘Tell me why’ he asked. Tom put his shaking hands over his eyes, tears now starting to well up. ‘Please talk to me son’. ‘I’m sorry Dad, I’m such a failure. I’ve got no friends, I don’t have any hobbies, I can’t get a job, I’m going nowhere. I’m a disappointment. If mum were alive she’d be heartbroken at what a useless adult I’ve become’. ‘Oh don’t be silly’ said his Dad. ‘You’re going through a tough time, I know, we both are, but you have your whole life ahead of you. You’re only 23’ Tom couldn’t look at his Dad, he still had his hands over his eyes. ‘I just wish things were like years ago, when mum was alive, when I was carefree and….happy’ sobbed Tom. ‘Is that why you bought the nappies?’ His dad asked gently. ‘I dunno, I dunno why I bought them’ said Tom regretfully. ‘Do they take you back, to a happy place? Are they a stress reliever for you or something?’ His dad enquired. ‘I guess so, I’m sorry, I’ll throw them away, please don’t think I’m a weirdo or a sicko dad, please’ said Tom. ‘I don’t, I understand, if they relax you and you want to wear them that’s fine. I wore them myself for a bit when I was your age’. Tom immediately pulled his face out of his hands. That was an unexpected sentence. ‘What?’ Said Tom in shock. ‘I wore nappies as a stress reliever, to regress for a few years, never did me any harm, better than drugs or booze’. Said his dad dismissively. Tom didn’t know what to say, he just stared at his dad in shock, and in a strange sense, relief. His dad got up and gestured to Tom to get up and give him a hug. Tom obliged, got up and put his arms around his Dad. ‘You’re still shaking’ he said. ‘This might be the perfect time for one of those nappies’. Chapter 2 - Relief When Tom went back into his room the nappy was still there laying on the bed. Half of him desperately wanted to put it on the other half wanted to throw it out the window. Eventually the half that wanted to wear it won out and he started to unfurl it. After he’d just had permission to hadn’t he? He slowly pulled down his joggers, pulled down his boxers and sat himself on the nappy. He laid back for a moment and stared at the ceiling. “What am I doing?” He repeated to himself, but his desire to carry on pushed through and he slowly and carefully applied the 4 tapes of his Tena Maxi adult nappy. He slowly closed his legs. The nappy popped and crinkled as it resisted. The feeling was amazing, he could feel the stress of this bizarre day drain away. After a while his dad called up. ‘You can come down you know, I want to watch Traitors’. Tom and his Dad had been watching it on catchup together each evening. Tom stood up, his nappy crinkling, not overly loudly, but noticeably in a quiet room. He pulled the joggers over it and looked in the mirror. It wasn’t noticeable from the front. He made his way down and quickly sat in the chair, so his dad couldn’t notice or tell. Tom was hugely into the Traitors on TV, but his mind was elsewhere tonight. As his dad commented on it, he just managed the occasional “yeah” instead of the usual debate. Eventually it finished and his dad switched off the TV. He looked across at Tom expectantly. ‘So did you put one on?’ He asked. Tom paused for a moment. ‘Yeah’ he said shyly. ‘Feel better now?’ asked his Dad. Tom breathed out slowly. ‘Yeah, I guess I do’. He said eventually. ‘Good’ said his dad. If that’s all it takes to relax you, just wear them son, I won’t judge. ‘Can I ask a practical question though?’ ‘What?’ asked Tom uncertain. ‘Do you, wet yourself?’ His dad asked plainly. ‘No!’ exclaimed Tom, as if it was a ridiculous question. He’d worn three on his own, and it had not remotely occurred to him to wet them. It was just the feeling of the bulk he liked. He wasn’t about to start wetting himself! ‘I mean, it’s not a crazy thing to ask Tom’ his Dad said. ‘You’re wearing a nappy and I ask if you wet yourself’. There was an awkward pause. ‘Well, if you do have an accident, I’ll put some bin bags in your room. Take it off, ball it up, put it in the bag, tie it up and put it outside your door, I’ll get rid of it. Don’t put it in the bins in the house, they can smell after a bit’. ‘Oh for god sake dad, I don’t wet myself!’ Repeated Tom as he got up to leave the room. ‘Hey’ called his dad grabbing his arm. ‘Don’t walk off on me, I’m being understanding and supportive. ‘It was a perfectly reasonable question and I wanted to make sure we have a plan for it’. ‘I know, sorry Dad, it’s just weird that’s all’ said Tom genuinely. ‘I guess I’m just embarrassed, y’know’. ‘Yeah I get that son, wearing a nappy is embarrassing, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of, people wear them for all sorts of reasons. As long as they’re helping you, it’s all good, I’m proud of you for talking to me about it at all and doing what makes you happy. I don’t think I could have handled it so well with my dad if he ever found mine’. Tom thought to ask his Dad if he ever wet his nappies, but it just felt too weird. Chapter 3 - The bathroom problem Tom stood in the bathroom cleaning his teeth, then habitually turned to the toilet to do a wee before getting into bed. As he went to grab it his hand slammed into his pad, not his boxers, opps. He reached inside and tried to pull it out the top, but he’s not that well endowed and it wouldn’t reach well enough even with the nappy pulled right down, he’d just pee all over himself. He tucked himself back down, squatted and reached into a leg guard. The guard was tight, but he managed to get the head out and point it to the toilet. He tried to go, but the pressure of the leg guard was stopping the flow. He squatted even more, and eventually wee squirted out, some in the loo, some up the wall and some in the bath. It was very awkward, and it had made a huge mess, but eventually he was done. He hurriedly started to clean up bathroom. Once in his room, he dropped his joggers, took off his t-shirt and looked at himself in the mirror. Like before, half of him thought he looked good with the nappy on, the other half thought he looked like a freak. For a moment he planned to take it off, but ultimately decided against it, he didn’t have many, he didn’t have any money and he didn’t want to waste it. He pulled on his pjs over the top of it. It took a while before he fell asleep, the feel of the nappy seemed somewhat overwhelming. It was keeping him awake, but eventually he did drop of. … He looked over at the clock with one eye, 3:10am. He woke up for a wee at this time every night. For a split second he thought about going in his nappy, but it was just a second. He made his way to the bathroom, where exactly the same thing happened as earlier, except worse, because this time he was half asleep. Like before he hurriedly cleaned up, to what he thought was a good standard, and made his way back to bed. … The following morning, he woke as usual and made his way downstairs. ‘Jam on toast?’ asked his Dad? ‘Yes please’ said Tom still a little sleepy. As his Dad made breakfast, he turned to Tom. ‘Ok, here’s something I gotta say’. He said. ‘If you’re going to wear those nappies in my house, I’d much rather you wee in it and cleanly dispose of it, than wee all over the bathroom’ he said waving the butter knife. ‘Sorry, I thought I cleared up’ said Tom in a bit of a panic. ‘I just need some practice, sorry’. ‘Tom’s’ dad turned around. ‘If you want to wear, but still use the loo. I’ll get you some pull-ups, but if you’re in those it’s just not really practical, unless you remove it, which of course pretty much ruins it. Tom thought again about asking his dad if he’d wet his, but like before it just felt odd and creepy to ask his dad that. ‘I’ll try sitting next time’ said Tom. Chapter 4 - A Subscription! It may surprise you to know that after his shower that day Tom put on regular underpants. He’d had his fill, in fact for the next 2 days, no more nappy and it was only mentioned a couple of times by his dad, gently enquiring whether he was wearing one or not. That doesn’t mean Tom hadn’t thought about what had happened virtually every waking minute. It was just that after the initial rush it just felt too awkward to go about his normal daily routine at home, in front of his dad, with a nappy on. That initial confidence had been lost. Tom was at his computer at about 11am, his Dad was in his study downstairs working. He’s a self employed accountant, he works from home most days, only occasionally going into the city to meet a client. There was a knock at the door. “Sign here please mate” Tom heard the delivery driver say, before several thud sounds. Tom made his way down curiously. In the hall his Dad was positioning 3 large boxes. ‘What you ordered?’ asked Tom. His dad stepped back with a big proud grin. ‘Open one’ he said. Tom stepped forward and pulled the tape off of the box on top and flapped it open. ‘Nappies!?!’ He said in shock. ‘Why have you ordered nappies?’ Tom said with a look of confusion on his face. ‘Because you told me you like to wear them, so I’ve ordered you them for you.’ Tom looked at the huge pile. 21 per pack, 3 in a box, 3 boxes. 189 nappies! ‘Well how many are you expecting me to get through?’ He asked incredulously. ‘I don’t know, but you save on delivery if you spend over £80 and get 10% off if you sign up for a subscription, so I got 3 cases’. ‘A subscription!’ Tom said almost shouting. ‘It’s ok, I can cancel it, there’s no commitment’ said his dad waving it off. ‘Look they’re there if you want one. You feel stressed, or just want one they are there. Take a pack up to your room, I’ll store the rest in the spare room’. Tom walked up to his room carrying his bag of nappies. He couldn’t decide what he thought about it. It had been great that his dad hadn’t freaked out, it had been a huge relief his dad was so supportive, but buying him 3 cases without asking? As Tom looked at the nappies in the pack on his bed next to him, he had an odd feeling. He wanted to put one on of course, but he also now felt this uncomfortable expectation from his that he would, and that if he didn’t his dad be oddly disappointed that he’d wasted his money. He put the pack to one side and made his way downstairs. He tapped on his dad’s study door. ‘I’ve got to ask dad, why have you ordered me three cases of nappies without asking me if I want them?’ His dad turned around on his office chair and took off his reading glasses. ‘Because son, if I’d have asked if you wanted me to order them you’d have said no, and I know you want them deep down. You can’t afford them, and you’d not order when I’m here even if you could, so I just ordered them for you. Save you the anxiety. You’re under no obligation, they’re there if you want them’. Chapter 5 - No obligation Tom’s days were not as full as they could be. He’d get up, have breakfast and then go on the job hunting sites. If there was anything to apply for, he’d apply for it. Generally though he was done by lunchtime and scratching around for something to do. Today was one of those days, he’d applied for one job, he didn’t really like the sound of it, but it was that or apply for nothing. He went over to the pack of nappies that had just arrived and pealed them open. They were the same make as the ones he’d bought, but these were the highest absorbency ‘Ultima’ version. He pulled one out, and held it. Just holding it in his hand gave him a buzz. He un furled it and felt the contrast been the smooth plastic outer shell and soft padded inside. It gave him a magical, warm and excited feeling inside. He slowly pulled down his jeans, then his boxers and laid himself on the bed. Slowly and carefully he pulled the nappy up snuggly between his legs and securely taped it on. Instantly the day went from empty and dull to a whirlwind of emotion. He no longer felt bored, he felt excited. The nappy, that his own dad had bought him no less, sat comfortably and reassuringly between his legs. He reached down and felt it. The bulk was considerable, his man parts locked away beneath the thick padding. He laid on his bed in just his t-shirt and nappy, just enjoying the moment for a while, before lifting himself up from his dreamlike state to stand. The nappy pushed between his legs. As his walked over to his mirror he could feel its presence with every step. He looked at himself in the mirror. He liked what he saw, he thought it looked both cute and smart all at the same time. … “Knock-knock” ‘Hi son I’m done, fancy a walk?’ Called his dad through the door. Tom dived to the floor to grab his jeans and then tried to pull them on in a panic. As he did, his door started to open. Before long he was standing there in front of his dad, trousers half up in a t-shirt and nappy. ‘Ah, you tried one’ said his dad. ‘Like em?’ ‘Err yeah’ said Tom. ‘A bit thicker’ ‘Yeah, I thought well, if you do wet yourself, these will last you a bit longer’. Replied his dad. Tom didn’t know how to reply to that. His instinct was to say ‘I don’t wet myself’ like before, but in truth he was thinking about giving it a go, given how difficult it was to use the loo. ‘I can’t go for a walk in this’ said Tom, pointing to his nappy. ‘Why?’ asked his dad. ‘Err, why do you think?’ Replied Tom. ‘No, genuinely Tom I don’t know why’ his dad replied. ‘Tell me’ ‘People will notice!!’ said Tom. ‘Who’s going to notice?’ said his dad incredulously. ‘You can’t tell it’s there under clothes’ he said confused. ‘It’s a private thing, no one knows what underwear you’ve got on, get over yourself’. Tom finished buttoning up his jeans. They were actually a little tight with his Tena Ultima nappy underneath. ‘I’m going to take it off’ he said as he started unbuttoning again. ‘Right’ said his dad authoritatively. ‘I’m supportive, but to a point. I won’t have piss all over the bathroom and I’m not having you waste nappies by putting them on, then just taking them off again moments later. They’re expensive. Do up your bloody trousers and stop being silly’ Tom didn’t really know what to say. He stopped unbuttoning. ‘Does it really not show?’ ‘No son, it doesn’t’. Now come on it’s a nice day, let’s get some fresh air. … As Tom walked along the bulk of the nappy was present with every step. Both he and his dad were fast walkers, but in his nappy and tight jeans he was struggling to keep up a little. It was a beautiful day. They went to the park, had an ice cream and on the way back walked past the local pub. ‘Fancy a cheeky pint?’ Asked his dad. They often went into the pup together. ‘Yeah, why not’ said Tom. They both had a couple of pints before it was time to leave. They didn’t talk about Toms nappy at all, mostly about the Traitors on TV. ‘Ok, I’m going to pop to the loo and then we’ll head off’ said his Dad. ‘Ah yeah, me too’ said Tom. His dad stopped and looked at him. ‘You do make me laugh, why are you doing it to yourself? You can’t wee all over the floor in a public bathroom, it’s rude and disrespectful’. Tom looked at him, kinda accepting that he had a point. Whilst it felt so crazy to wet himself, as his dad became more accepting and as Tom was waddling around in the nappy anyway, it felt increasingly silly to not use it for what it was designed for. ‘The thing is son’ said his dad. ‘They deteriorate after 4-6 hours anyway, so you gotta change it whether you use it or not, you may as well use it. Tom stood and waited whilst his dad went to the loo. He was breaking his neck, but he couldn’t go. Something in his brain was telling him no. He couldn’t just wet himself right there in the middle of the pub! As they walked back, Tom was getting increasingly desperate and his dad noticed. Tom was walking quicker and quicker and couldn’t stop grabbing his crotch. His bladder felt like it was going to burst. ‘Stop walking a minute’ said his dad, stopping himself. Tom stopped, the urge unbearable. ‘If you don’t let it go you’ll hurt your kidneys. That’s what I did, it was agony for days. That’s why I’m trying to help you. Just go, you don’t have to be embarrassed in front of me’ With that Tom’s bladder burst, right there in the street. Wee poured uncontrollably into his nappy. He stared desperately at his jeans in the full expectation that wee would be pouring down them, but it was not. What he could feel though was his nappy expanding and getting larger and tighter in his jeans. After what felt like forever, he stopped. ‘Come on then’ said his said. As Tom walked on the nappy felt completely different to before. It was much much bulkier, oddly to him though it didn’t feel at all wet. It had clearly absorbed all the wee and left him dry, which was pretty amazing actually, who’d have thought they’d work so well? It felt so strange yet at the same time so comforting to have had an accident and been protected by his nappy. It also made him feel small, having just stood there in front of his dad and wet himself. As they walked along his dad turned to him and chuckled. ‘So I guess that answers my question. You do wet yourself.’ Chapter 6 - Something awkward Over the next few days Tom had worn a nappy on and off, even when wearing all but a couple of very carefully managed wees has been in the toilet, with great difficulty. He was really conflicted about whether to wear one or not. Even though his dad was fine with it, almost encouraging it, he was still embarrassed to talk about it, and felt a little silly with it on. Things had been reasonably normal. His dad had enquired occasionally as to the state of his nappy, but it wasn’t often. Just things like. “If you’re wet son, don’t forget to change regularly”. His dad had also bought him some powders and creams and impressed upon him the importance of good skin care and hygiene. “Wearing nappies isn’t dirty or gross son, but you do need to up your game on hygiene and skin care” he’d said. … As they sat and watched tv that evening, Tom decided he’d do a wee in his nappy. He stood and after a few odd movements he started to wet himself. ‘Good lad, I notice you’re getting better at that’ said his dad. Tom stood a while longer until he’d finished, then sat back down in his now wet nappy and finally said something that was increasingly bothering him. ‘Dad’ he said. ‘Can I ask you something really awkward?’ His dad switched off the tv and looked at him with suspicion. ‘Okaaay’ he said slowly, Tom took a deep breath. ‘Do you like me in nappies?’ He eventually asked. ‘What do you mean?’ asked his dad. ‘Well, like just then, and other times, you seem to be encouraging it. Like you want me to be in nappies and wet myself and stuff’ asked Tom. His dad moved his gaze away for a moment thinking about what he was going to say. Eventually he returned to Tom. ‘It’s not about me, it’s about you son. I just want you to have what I never had, an understanding parent during this part of your life. It’s obviously in our genes to like this. I’ve passed it on to you. I want it to be as easy and enjoyable as possible for you to go through. Not like my experience. I’d have loved my dad to have accepted my nappy wearing, but I never got it, and I never got to find out what he would have done or said.’ ‘I see’ said Tom. ‘Granddad never knew?’ What would you have wanted granddad to do or say?’ Asked Tom. ‘I’d have liked him to say it’s fine, I’d have liked acceptance, I’d have liked….to have…well it doesn’t matter’. ‘No do say’ said Tom. ‘Heck, we’re beyond holding back aren’t we?’ Tom’s Dad paused for a considerable time. ‘I’d have liked him to change me. BUT that doesn’t mean I’m asking to change you!’ He blurted out Tom sat there, looking at his Dad. ‘Do you want to change me then?’ He asked gingerly. ‘No, No!’ said his dad definitely. ‘That’s not what I meant, I wish I’d not said that’ ‘You don’t want to, or you feel like you don’t want to ask?’ ask Tom. His dad looked increasingly uncomfortable. ‘I can’t do this’ he said starting to stand. Tom grabbed his arm like he had his a couple of days before’. His dad sat back down. ‘What do you want from this?’ Asked Tom. ‘Why are you so supportive? Why are you buying them for me?’ Asked Tom ‘Son please’ said his dad desperately trying to end the conversation. ‘No, come on dad, we gotta have this discussion’ insisted Tom. His dad started to claw at the said of the chair. ‘Because I remember how much I wanted to go back into nappies, and if I’m honest a part of me still does want to occasionally. I remember bottling it up for years, the anxiety of trying it, hiding it, feeling wrong and weird. When I discovered you’d inherited this from me I decided I didn’t want you to go through what I did. I wanted you to be yourself, be happy, fulfil your desires, be content in yourself’. Tom didn’t know what to say. His dad went on. ‘And if I’m completely honest, I want to share in your joy of it, in a way I never got to. Sorry I know that’s selfish, I don’t want to put you under any pressure, this mustn’t be about me’. ‘I really do appreciate that dad, thanks so much’ said Tom as he came over for a hug. ‘Have I got it right?’ His dad asked ‘What do you mean?’ Asked Tom ‘Do they make you feel how I think they do?’ ‘They do make me feel happy and relaxed’ said Tom. ‘A kind of contentment I’ve not felt in a long time’. ‘Then tell me son, tell me why you shouldn’t wear them as much as you want?’ After a long pause ‘When I say I’m not asking to change you, please don’t think it’s because I wouldn’t. If you asked I’d be right there for you, but I’d never put you under any pressure to, you know that don’t you?’ ‘Yeah I know that dad’ said Tom. ‘I’m not sure that’s something I could handle, at least not now’. 5
Eagle0769 Posted April 22, 2024 Posted April 22, 2024 Great start to a great story. Why doesn't Tom's dad try one on then they can change each other. Who knows where this will end up. 🙂
Dueyboy Posted May 1, 2024 Author Posted May 1, 2024 Chapter 7 - Two weeks later It’s been 2 weeks since Tom had his awkward conversation with his dad. That conversation, even more than the first, had further removed a lot of the embarrassment that he’d felt about wearing nappies. He’s worn them a lot, he’s had a few breaks, but each time the urge to put one on has been too great and he’s padded back up again soon after. He’s also been wetting himself much more when he’s in them. His dad was right, it’s much easier and it feels great. Each time he does it he gets a thrill and a feeling of elation like no other. To get a high some people drink, some do drugs, some wet themselves. His dad has really been great to him since he found his nappies. He could not have been kinder and more accepting. He’s been dedicated to making sure Tom feels safe to explore his desires in the comfort of their home, without any judgement or shame. Tom’s thought a lot about his dad’s comments about changing him. He’s fantasied about it a little, but he’s been scared that if it were real he’d freak out. No one but him has seen his bits in at least 10 years. Several times though, he has been tempted to ask “Dad, can you change me?” It was on the tip of his tongue last night as he sat on the sofa sopping wet, but it just felt too weird and he’s not said anything. The fact his dad has said nothing either, after his initial offer, gave Tom the confidence he’s in control and his dad will only do what he’s happy with. As Tom puts down his spoon after his breakfast the question is on the tip of his tongue again, but this time it finally comes out. ‘Dad’ he says softly. ‘After I’ve had my shower, would you change me?’ His dad looked at him flustered, it caught him off guard. ‘No, no, you err, you are capable of doing it yourself aren’t you’ he replied. ‘Oh’ said Tom, after having built up the courage he is disappointed by the unexpected rebuttal. ‘I thought you wanted to’. His dad looks into his cereal bowl. ‘I do, I really do, but it’s not something I can do, it’s just not right, a dad should not be changing the nappy of his adult son’. He replied. Tom fiddled with his spoon in the bowl. ‘I’m sure there are lots of parents out there with adult sons in nappies, who change them, for whatever reason. ‘Please dad, I’ve built up the courage to ask, and I want you to change me, maybe just once so I can see what it’s like?’ said Tom fairly insistently. ‘Really, you want me to do that? You trust me to do that?’ Asked his dad with hope in his eyes. ‘I can’t promise I won’t freak out, but I think I do’ said Tom with an awkward smile. — After Tom had, had his shower he walked into his room. His dad had unpacked his nappies and placed about 10 of them on a shelf, in full display to anyone who came in, not that anyone would come in. He’d laid a towel on the bed and had a nappy in his hand already unfolded and fluffed up. ‘Are you sure you want me to do this son?’ He asked. ‘No, but I want to try, please do it for me’ said Tom as he slowly and anxiously removed the towel around him and laid himself on the towel his dad had laid out on his bed. Both he and his dad were shaking with nerves, it felt extremely strange and awkward for them both. Whilst they’d both thought about what it would be like, actually doing it was another thing entirely. ‘Lift your bottom up son’ said his dad as he slid Tom’s nappy under him. As Tom held his bum up, his dad very gently and nervously applied some cream to his buttocks. ‘Do you want me to put it on your willy too son or do you want to do that?’ Asked his dad. Tom leaned upwards ‘No you do it’ he said. His dad started to rub in the cream, it was extremely sensitive for Tom, he was now terrified of getting a hard on in front of his dad, but thankfully his nerves stopped that. ‘Ok son, down you go, legs open’ his dad said as he wiped his hands with a wipe. Tom opened his legs and his dad pulled the nappy up snuggly, gently pushing his penis down into it. He then very carefully and accurately applied the tapes, 1, 2, 3, 4. Once done he said ‘Up’ before running his fingers around Tom’s bum to raise his leg guards. Whilst Tom had done that himself it tickled to have someone else do it, and he giggled. Which made them both laugh and broke the nervous tension. ‘Thanks Dad’ said Tom, once the process was complete. ‘That was nice, much nicer than doing it myself’. Then, completely unexpectedly for them both, his dad burst into tears. ‘Oh son, you don’t know how much that meant to me to do that for you’ he said. ‘Any time you need it, I’m there for you. Wet ones, messy ones, whatever, just ask me and I’ll do it’. Tom got off the bed to comfort his dad. He walked up to him and put his arms around him. ‘You are a silly old thing, I love you so much dad’. he said into his shoulder. ‘Love you too son, your everything in the world to me, you know that don’t you’. Chapter 8 - The Tailor ‘Dad! Dad! I’ve got an interview!’ Tom screamed down the stairs in excitement. ‘Great, where?’ Asked his dad as he put down his book. ‘Just up the road on the business park, an Architecture consultancy’. ‘That’s great news, when is it?’ ‘Tomorrow!’ replied Tom excitedly. Then he remembered, his interview suit has a huge cigarette burn on the arm. ‘Oh crap, I’ve just remembered, my suit is ruined!’ ‘What do you mean?’ Asked his dad. ‘What’s happened to it?’ ‘Some arsehole, walked into me with a burning cigarette and burnt a hole in the arm’ said Tom frustratedly. ‘Go get it, let me see’ said his dad. After looking at the burn hole he shook his head. ‘We gotta get you a new suit, like, today!’. ‘Do you not have work?’ asked Tom. ‘This is more important,, come on let’s go, get your jacket, we can go to the suit place on the high street, they’ll have something. ‘Right ok, I erm..I better take off this nappy I guess’ said Tom regretfully. His dad stood and gave it some thought. ‘I guess it depends on whether you would feel more relaxed if you were nappied for the interview. I’m sure your nerves get the better of you. If your nappies relax you then,I think you should wear it and you’ll need to make sure you have a suit which will fit over the top of it. ‘Right, err, yeah I guess I would be more relaxed’ Tom said thinking it through. ‘Ok let’s go then’. The high street (the local shopping street) was only a short walk. They walked into the rather posh looking Tailors. Behind the counter an older man stood peering down the end of his nose. ‘Good afternoon gentlemen’ he said in a frightfully posh British accent. ‘How can I help you today?’ Before Tom could open his mouth his dad jumped in ‘I’m looking for a suit for my son here, he’s got an interview tomorrow’. ‘Tomorrow?’ enquired the man surprised. ‘We can’t tailor a suit by tomorrow, we’ll have to find you a ready made I’m afraid’. ‘That’s fine’ said Tom, looking at his dad for reassurance. The man called out ‘Arthur, please could you assist these gentlemen with a ready made’. They both turned to a young man, perhaps just a couple of years older than Tom. ‘Yes father’ he said obediently. ‘Come this way gentlemen’. They made their way over to the fitting area, where the young man, Arthur, grabbed his tape measure and immediately knelt down in front of Tom. Tom’s face was a picture. He threw a panicked look at his dad. ‘It’s fine’ his dad mouth back. Arthur measured his height, chest, waist and outside leg. He then took the tape measure and measured his inside leg. As he pulled his hand up he bumped the back of his wrist into the bottom of Tom’s nappy. ‘Oh sorry sir’ he said, thinking he’d whacked him in the balls. Tom didn’t say a thing, he was frozen with nerves. ‘This one should fit’ said Arthur, handing over a nice dark grey suit. ‘You’ve got a lovely slim figure’ so I recommend a slim fit suit. ‘Do you like the colour?’ ‘Yes’ said Tom taking it. ‘Ok, please go into the fitting room and try it on’ said Arthur gesturing the way. Tom took the suit and nervously made his way into the fitting room. He pulled the rather dilapidated curtain across trying to make sure there were no gaps, but as he closed it one side it opened slightly the other. After much fussing, he had to give up. He took off his shoes and jeans and then his t-shirt. The changing room had mirrors angled on all three walls, giving an almost 360 degree view. This is the first time Tom got a look at himself all around in his nappy. He stood there staring at himself for a while. He’d never really realised how big it was at the back, or how much it protruded from his thighs at the front. He was a little wet, which didn’t help. Did he like what he saw? Overall yes he did. He felt kind of special in it, different from everyone else. His dad had fitted that nappy on him, no one else he could think of at his age had that from their father. He admired the way the leg guards ran up his buttocks and then opened his legs slightly to show the wet spot which had contained his earlier “accident”. ‘You alright in there?’ He heard his dad call out. ‘Yeah, sorry, coming’ called out Tom. He hurriedly put on the “fitting shirt” that Arthur had given him to try the suit on with, then pulled up the trousers. He pulled them right up and then tried to button them up. He managed to get the button done up and eventually after some compressing of his nappy, the zip. He looked in the mirror, the trousers looked like they were going to explode at the groin. His bum looked considerably oversized for his frame. ‘It doesn’t fit’ Tom called out from the changing cubical. ‘May I see sir?’ asked Arthur politely. ‘I assure you it doesn’t fit! called out Tom. ‘If I could just see where, I can see if we have something else’ asked Arthur politely. ‘Round the crotch and backside!’ called out Tom. ‘It may just need taking out a little’ said Arthur. ‘We can do that for you, please step out and I’ll take a look. Tom’s heart was thumping in his chest. This was incredibly embarrassing, why on earth had his dad suggested he wore a nappy to this suit fitting! He put on the jacket to cover the bulging trousers and stepped out. ‘The jacket fits nicely’ said his dad. Arthur stepped forward. ‘Yes it does, if I could ask you to remove the jacket though please sir so I can get a look at the trousers’. Tom looked at his dad and shook his head. His dad nodded back, as if to say. “You’ve got to, don’t worry”. Tom took a deep breath and slowly removed the jacket. As he stood there with the trousers bulging awkwardly at the groin and bum, his face was bright red. ‘Oh’ said Arthur surprised. ‘You are a little bigger round than the buttocks and crotch than I was expecting’. He knelt slightly in front of Tom and pulled at the trousers to try and figure out what was going on. ‘These come with a little extra fabric in the seams, we can take them out a bit, give you more room at the seat’. ‘Quite a lot more room!’ said Tom anxiously. ‘Thing is’ said his dad. ‘We need this today, he’s got an interview tomorrow’. ‘Let me ask my father’ said Arthur. ‘Mr Marsden can you come over here a moment?’ called Arthur. How formal thought Tom. He could never imagine calling his dad Mr Collins. Mr Marsden came over. ‘Oh I see’ he said. ‘They fit exquisitely in the legs, but tight round the buttocks and groin. I guess it’s either a bigger size and take in the waist or take these out at the seat. Can you untuck the shirt for me.’ A flush of panic came over Tom. ‘Don’t be shy’ said Mr Marsden. ‘I’ve seen it all before, as they say’. Tom untucked the shirt, but absolutely did not lift it up. It was Mr Marsden that did that. As he did he revealed the waist band and top 25% of Tom’s nappy, right there in front of the three of them, top tapes and all. There was absolutely no mistaking what it was. ‘Oh I see’ said Mr Marsden calmly. ‘I did wonder what was going on there. If you pop these off in the changing room and we’ll see if we can take them out enough to fit comfortably over your erm…your…undergarment.’ As Tom turned to go into the changing room, his face was so red it was burning. He could not wait to get out of here. He tore the trousers off and put his jeans and t-shirt back on before returning back to the measuring area and handing them over, without making any eye contact. ‘Ok’ said Mr Marsden ‘Inspecting the amount of extra material in the seams. ‘I think there’s plenty of extra material here to bring the seat out of these and give them more room. As it’s an emergency we can do them this afternoon. Pop back in between 4 and 5. Arthur, you can do these. If you just bring them out here, here and here, that should give him plenty of room to cover his erm…underwear. With that Tom’s dad paid and they left the shop, promising to return later. As Tom walked out he breathed out a massive sign of relief. ‘That was the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me in my life!’ He shouted at his dad. ‘Why did you make me go in this thing?’ ‘I didn’t’ he replied. ‘I just suggested it and you agreed’. Tom didn’t say a word as they walked home. — When they got home Tom immediately went upstairs to his room. He pulled off his jeans, and ripped off his nappy, throwing it in a nappy bag. He went straight to his underwear draw and pulled out a set of regular boxers and pulled them on, before putting his jeans back on. He then threw himself down on his bed in a huff, trying to not think about the cringing embarrassment he’d just felt. As he laid there he looked across at the nappies on the shelf. He leaped off the bed, grabbed them, and then threw them into the bottom of his wardrobe out of sight. He couldn’t look at them. Sitting downstairs his dad could tell Tom was upset and angry. He wanted to go up and talk to him, but he wasn’t sure how he’d react. Maybe he’d pushed him too far? If he had, he felt bad about it. Eventually Tom came down and joined him in the lounge. He stood confidently in the middle of the room. ‘Dad’ he said with sureity. ‘Thank you for all the support as I explored that, I really appreciate it, but it’s over now’. He lifted his t-shirt slightly to show the waistband of his jockey boxers and pulled it out snapping the elastic against himself. ‘Ok, sure thing’ said his dad returning to his book. ‘What does that mean?’ Said Tom angrily. ‘What? said this dad. ‘What do you want me to say?’ ‘I dunno’ said Tom. ‘I expected more of a reaction than that. ‘Ok, well, if you’re done you’re done’ said his dad. ‘I am done. I’m not wearing them again’ said Tom sure of himself. ‘You can put the remaining ones on eBay or throw them away or something’. ‘Ok, will do’ replied his dad. Chapter 9 - Purge So that was it, Tom was done. He was absolutely sure of that. He had his interview the next day - no nappy, and it went pretty well. He wasn’t sure if they’ll ask him back or not, but he felt a little more confident than the last time. Over the next few days he was obsessively checking his email. Every time a new one came in his heart skipped a beat, only for it to be some junk subscription email. It was getting him down and whilst he wouldn’t admit it, so was the loss of the magical feelings he’d had from nappy wearing. He also felt like he’d lost some of the closeness to his dad. When his dad changed him over the last couple of days he felt so close to him, now that wasn’t necessary and his dad was keeping himself to himself working in his study all day. Tom felt bored and lonely all over again. He was beginning to hugely regret telling his dad he didn’t want to wear anymore. As the embarrassment from the Tailors wore off, the feeling of loss from what he’d given up grew stronger. Could he swallow his pride and go and tell his dad he’d made a mistake? How would he tell him? Would he still be supportive? Would his dad still change him, or had he had enough? He went over to the wardrobe, where the nappies from the shelf were still strewn in the bottom. He picked one up and held it. That feeling, that magical feeling welled up inside him. He wanted nothing more in the world than for his dad to walk in and put it on him. He took a deep breath, and went down to his dad’s study, gently tapping on the door. ‘What’s up?’ Called his dad without turning. ‘Can you change me?’ Tom asked softly. His dad turned around and looked at him. ‘You told me you’d given that up?’ he said. ‘I know, I was wrong, sorry.’ Said Tom sheepishly. ‘Right, well of course I can’ he said holding his hand out to take the nappy, which Tom passed over to him. They made their way upstairs, and just like before, his dad creamed, powered and changed him on the bed. When he was done, he stood at the end of the bed looking at Tom. ‘Well I did wonder how long it would be’ he said matter of factly. ‘I’m sorry dad’ said Tom with a tear rolling down his cheek. ‘Hey mate, don’t get upset’ said his dad gently as he made his way around to the side of the bed. He knelt down by the side, so his face was close to Tom’s. ‘What you sorry for? What you getting all upset for?’ Tom’s tears turned in more of a sob. ‘That I’ve asked you for this again. I thought I could stop, I thought I was done. I’m sorry for messing you about’. ‘Oh son’ said his dad wiping away Tom’s tears with a tissue. He looked down at Tom’s nappy and put his hand on it. ‘I knew you’d have to go back in them. No one gets over this compulsion, fetish, addiction, need or whatever it is that quickly. Some people are past it in a few years, others….well…for them it never passes, they wear nappies for the rest of their lives’. ‘Years?’ asked Tom sitting up alarmed. ‘The rest of my life??’ ‘Who knows’ shrugged his dad. ‘But yeah, if my experience is anything to go by, at least years. But it’s fine, it doesn’t matter’. ‘But it’s so difficult…’ said Tom frustratedly, looking out of the window with sad teary eyes. ‘What’s difficult?’ Asked his dad. I’m making it as easy as possible for you aren’t I’? ‘Yeah, you are’ replied Tom. ‘But in the suit shop it was awful, and if I get this job, I can’t go to work still in bloody nappies can I?’ ‘I don’t know how you remember the Tailors Tom, but I don’t recall them being anything other than professional about it. Did they kick us out? Did anyone laugh at you?’ ‘No’ replied Tom. ‘So the only person who was embarrassed, was you, no one else there was. They just adjusted the trousers to fit, because all they care about is selling you, well me, a suit for £400’ said his dad with a slight laugh. ‘Heh’ Tom chucked over his tears. ‘There’s no reason why you can’t live a perfectly normal life, with that nappy on’ said his dad looking at it. ‘I learnt this long ago, it’s your life you’re living, no one else’s, you just remember that. Don’t stop doing something which makes you happy, just to satisfy some guy in a shop you’ll likely never meet again and who hasn’t given you a second thought since anyway’. ‘Yeah, I know’ said Tom looking at his dad. ‘You don’t have to explain to anyone, ever, why you’re in nappies. It’s got nothing to do with anyone else’ said his dad reassuringly. ‘Yeah’ said Tom. ‘I’ll tell you one thing though’ His dad said getting up. ‘Changing you on this bed doesn’t do anything for my back, it’s too low’. ‘Oh right’ said Tom ‘shall we do it on the floor?’ His dad stood up thinking. ‘I’ll do you a deal’ he said. ‘If we’ve had no more of this silliness in a month’s time and you still want to carry on, I’ll get the spare room adapted with proper facilities’. ‘What do you mean?’ Asked Tom. ‘A built in changing table with a padded matt, at the right height, maybe a hoist to hold up your legs’ we’ll see. ‘Cool!!’ said Tom sitting up further. ‘Yeah’ replied his dad. ‘But if I’m going to start paying out for facilities, I don’t want to see any more of this…giving up on yourself…this denial, ok?’ ‘Ok’ said Tom. ‘So I gotta wear them all the time?’ ‘No’ replied his dad. ‘There are no rules, you know that, but what I’m saying is, if you do start wearing them all the time, I will get the appropriate facilities installed to make it easier for both of us’. ‘Right…’ said Tom, still a little confused. 6
Toet Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 I love the story so far, I'm curious to see where this is going.
Dueyboy Posted May 11, 2024 Author Posted May 11, 2024 Chapter 10 - Eye on prize Isn’t the recruitment process just the most awful and agonising nightmare? Over the last month Tom has had 3 interviews with this company. One with the HR person, the second was a test and the third with the hiring manager. They are actually hiring 4 apprentices, all to start together. When he first applied for this job, it was just like any other application, but now he had gotten to the third round he would be heartbroken if he didn’t get the job. The job wasn’t the only thing he wanted. He wanted that changing table, and to demonstrate how much so, he’d indeed worn his nappy every day and every night, nonstop 24/7. Now, no matter how much you like wearing nappies, anyone who has tried it will know that 24/7 isn’t easy. It takes resolve and commitment. There have been many times over this last month when, during an ordinary and dull moment, he’s just wanted to take it off for a bit, enjoy some normality, be free of it, just for a while. But each time he has hardened his resolve, kept his eye on the prize. His dad has mentioned it a few times during changing - “If we get that changing table, this will be a lot easier”. Along with “I can’t keep doing it on this bed, it’s too low” and various other passing comments. ___ The first thing Tom does as he wakes up is check his email on his phone, just in case the recruiter has contacted him between when he last checked at 3am and now at 7:30am - unlikely, but he can’t help himself. He’s not exactly expecting a medal or trophy when he goes down for breakfast, but given this is exactly 1 month since his dad made the deal about the changing table, he’s expecting some kind of announcement. Alas there is nothing. Tom’s not sure whether to mention it or not, maybe his dad will mention it later? Maybe he’ll just surprise him. When lunchtime comes and his dad has still not mentioned it, Tom can’t hold back any longer, he has to mention it. He’s focused so hard on it over the last month, there has to be some acknowledgment. ‘So…errr…I’ve been wearing all the time for a month now’ he says trying to be as casual about it as possible. ‘Yeah, I had noticed’ said his dad with a chuckle ‘I’m changing them don’t forget’. ‘Yeah I know, still on that bed’ said Tom trying to hint where he was going. ‘Yeah, we do need a changing table really’ added his dad. ‘I think so, I don’t want you to hurt your back’ said Tom, trying to add weight to the argument casually. ‘I have been looking at them Tom’ added his dad. ‘I’d not realised just how expensive it is going to be’. ‘Oh right’ said Tom, getting the distinctive feeling that his dad was about to back out of the deal, just at the point he’d reached the agreed milestone. ‘How much?’ enquired Tom. ‘Well, I don’t want some free standing crap. It’s got to be built into the room, with shelves underneath. A custom fit. This is a new house, it’s got to be done properly. For that we’re looking at between four and five thousand fitted. Then if we get the hoist we’re looking at another 2k’. ‘What??’ Replied Tom. ‘I was thinking a few hundred pounds’. ‘No Tom, nothing is a few hundred pounds these days’. ‘My god, I had no idea’ replied Tom. ‘It’s more than I thought’ said his dad. ‘But I’m still willing to get it for you, as long as you will actually use it’. ‘Oh I will’ blurted out Tom ‘You know I will’. ‘I don’t just mean this week, or next week, but for a while’ his dad added. ‘I know you’ve been wearing for a couple of months, give or take now, but I’m still worried that I’ll pay out all that money and you will bore of it’. ‘I won’t, I promise’ said Tom eagerly. ‘How long have I got to wear to get your monies worth out of it?’ He asked. His dad thought about it for a few seconds. ‘Well I guess when a parent buys this stuff they expect to get 2.5 to 3 years out of it, so I’d kind of expect you to need it for about that long for it to be worth it’. Tom took a deep breath. ‘Ok’ he said. ‘It’s something you’ve got to really think about Tom’ said his dad. I’m not going to force you to wear them once I’ve bought it, but if I did and you wanted to stop soon after, I can’t say I wouldn’t be annoyed’. ‘That’s fair enough dad, I get it’ said Tom. ‘I will think about it’. — After lunch Tom returned to his room and sat at his desk thinking. 2 to 3 years, would he really still want to be doing this in 3 years time? How would he ever know that? All he knew is he wanted it now. He was obviously disappointed his dad appeared to be having second thoughts, but he could see why. It was eye wateringly expensive. His dad was one of those “If it’s not done properly, don’t do it at all” people, so he knew what his dad was talking about was likely the most elaborate option available. It would be that, or nothing at all. As he continued to think about it, another thought entered his head. If he could convince his dad to get it for him now, should he get this job and change his mind later, he could pay his dad back with his salary. That would remove any guilt he felt. Yes, this felt like the plan! The problem was, he’d worn for a month, kept the deal, and his dad still wasn’t sure, what could he do to convince him he’s serious about this? —- Tom has never been regular, it happens completely at random times, sometimes not at all. It was about 4:30pm when the first feeling first came that he needed a poo. He got up from his desk and made his way to the toilet, like normal, but as he went to pull the tape on his nappy, a thought entered his head. Maybe this was it. Maybe this is how he convinces his dad to get the changing table. He goes all in, he starts using his nappy for no.2. He went back to his room to think about it more. I don’t think I can do it he said to himself. It could be awful, it might stink, it might go everywhere, it might burn my bum! Over the next 45 minutes his mind flip flops between: Let’s go for it, and absolutely no way. At this point he is pacing up and down his room with his buttocks clenched firm, over thinking it, again and again. He both wants to show his commitment to his dad, but at the same time absolutely does not want to do it. He leans on the window sill, placing full concentration on not messing himself, to give himself more time to think about, though he can feel slightly he is loosing the battle. He starts to go, but immediately stops himself. ‘I can’t, I can’t, what the hell am I doing’ he thinks. He shuffles himself into the bathroom and starts to undo his jeans, but maybe it was the sheer sight of the toilet. Before he has undone the buttons, it starts coming. He’s held it too long, nature has taken over. Tom is having an accident, he is messing himself. He stops unbuttoning, he can feel the poo making its way out of his bum pushing his cheeks apart and filling the back of his nappy. He is frozen still. He sniffs expecting to smell poo, he doesn’t. He does his jeans back up, and does a small after poo wee. He stands there for a minute, thinking about what he has done. There is no turning back now, it’s done. One way or another this will have to be dealt with. Either he’s going to have to do it, or his dad. Slowly he turns and makes his way downstairs. As he does he catches himself in the mirror in the hall. He looks into his own eyes. ‘You’ve just shit yourself’ he mouths to himself incredulously. Once downstairs he stands at his dad’s study door for a moment before he gently knocks on it. ‘Yep’ his dad says. He turns around, Tom is as white as a sheet. ‘I’ve erm…’ Tom swallows his Adam’s apple. ‘I’ve erm..done something’ he says, not able to say it. ‘Done what mate?’ Asks his dad casually. ‘I’ve, errm…. pooed myself’ Tom says shyly. His dad takes off his glasses and puts them on the desk. He takes a deep breath. ‘I’ve been wondering how long it was going to be before this happened’ he said. ‘Really?’ Said Tom. ‘Yes’ said his dad. ‘If I’m honest I thought it was going to happen sooner, but it’s happened now’. ‘Oh right’ said Tom. ‘Are you angry with me?’ ‘Angry with you?’ Said his dad surprised. ‘No, of course I’m not angry with you. Was I angry with you when I discovered you liked nappies, or when you started to wet yourself?’ ‘No’ said Tom shyly. ‘So what makes you think I’d be angry with you now?’ ‘I dunno’ said Tom, feeling embarrassed. ‘I just….I wanted to show you I want this changing table, but now I’ve done it, I’m worried it’s just gross.’ ‘Oh I see’ said his dad. ‘Well, that’s one way to tell me’ he chuckled. He opened his arms to offer Tom a hug. ‘Come here stink bum’ he said jokingly. Tom came over, nervous that he smelt and his dad would notice. His dad put his arms around him and squeezed tightly. As he did, Tom put his arms back around him. ‘Everything’s going to be ok son’ he said ‘I’m here for you’. When they brought their hug to a mutual close his dad said. ‘I’m going to finish up for the day, I’ve got nothing urgent on. Let’s go for a walk and a chat in the sun, grab your jacket’ Tom looked at him confused. ‘But…I’ve got poo in my pants, do I, or…it needs changing…’ ‘We won’t be long, I’ll do it first thing when we get back’ his dad replied as he ushered Tom out of his study. Chapter 11 - A walk in the sun As Tom walked along he could feel the poo in his nappy moving about and spreading around. It wasn’t wholly unpleasant, but it didn’t feel nice either. He could also start to smell himself, even outside. It was a warm sunny day in late April. The birds were tweeting, the bushes and trees bursting with new spring growth. People were going about their business all around him. He felt like he was in his own world, walking along, his pants full of poo, and more wee than he’d realised. As an adult this is just simple not allowed, yet here he was doing it. It felt surreal. Going outside for the first time in a nappy, wetting himself, these had all been “milestones”. But walking along having messed himself, seemed like the most surreal of them all. Eventually when they reached the park his dad sat on a vacant bench and gestured for Tom to sit next to him. ‘Sit down mate’ he said. ‘No I’m alright standing’ Tom replied. ‘Sit down I want to talk to you’ his dad insisted. ‘I can’t can I, I’ve got…I’ve done a poo haven’t I’ said Tom glowing bright red. ‘And?’ Replied his dad looking confused. ‘You’ve got a nappy on, haven’t you? Sit down, I’m not talking up to you looking into the sun, I’ll get neck ache.’ Tom walked over to the bench, he slowly lowered his little bottom down. Before he’d even put it on the bench the tightness of his skinny jeans was pushing on his bum and spreading the poo, up his back and forward to his balls. Eventually he started to lower his weight, as he did the poo spread considerably. It now felt high in the nappy and was pushing his balls forward. A puff of fowl air blew out, turning up Tom’s nose. ‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll sort it when we get back’ his dad said tapping him on the knee’. ‘Why did I do this?’ asked Tom awkwardly. ‘You obviously wanted to’ his dad replied. ‘I’m not sure about that’ said Tom. ‘I just wanted to show you that I would like to carry on, I’d like the changing table’. ‘Well you didn’t have to crap yourself to prove it’ his dad chuckled again. ‘But I appreciate the gesture’. ‘I’ll sort it out myself when we get back’ said Tom. ‘Don’t worry about it, I’ve over stepped the mark’. ‘No you won’t’ said his dad clearly. ‘I’ll do it’. Tom looked at him awkwardly. ‘Unless you really don’t want me to?’ He qualified. ‘I dunno’ said Tom ‘it’s going to be pretty awful isn’t it?’ ‘No not really’ said his dad causally. ‘It doesn’t bother me’. ‘Seriously?’ asked Tom. ‘Seriously’ replied his dad. ‘It’ll take 5 minutes, I’ll clean it up, you hop in the shower, all done and dusted.’ ‘Ok’ said Tom swallowing his Adam’s apple. After a bit of a pause Tom said. ‘I wish we’d not come out when I was messy’. ‘Why’s that?’ Asked his Dad. ‘Well, because I smell’ said Tom ‘and I can feel it in there’. ‘Right, ok’ replied his dad. ‘Do you know what I mean?’ Asked Tom. ‘How’d you mean?’ Enquired his Dad. ‘Did you ever do this in yours?’ Asked Tom. ‘No son, I didn’t. I wanted to, but I was never brave enough. That’s where you and I are so different. I am a coward. I never followed through on my desires, you do, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. You’ve no idea how proud of you I am for that’. — As they walked back Tom absolutely got the irony of his dad being “proud” of him for having crapped himself at 23 years old. As they approached the front door Tom’s heart started to thump in his chest. Now was the point at which he, and indeed his dad, was going to have to deal with the aftermath. His dad took charge as soon as they were indoors. ‘Ok, right, we’ll need to do this on the bathroom floor. You go upstairs, I’ll grab some old towels and some gloves’. ‘Right, ok’ said Tom. As he was waiting in the bathroom for his dad to come up, he just wanted this to be over. His dad came into the room with two towels, some rubber gloves and a Rubik’s cube. ‘What’s the Rubik’s cube for?’ Asked Tom. ‘To distract you whilst I’m doing it, make it easier for you’. Said his dad. ‘Oh ok, that’s nice of you’ said Tom. ‘Well you don’t have to have anything to do with it, do you. You just lay there and play with the cube and I’ll do the necessary down here’. His dad laid down the towels on the floor as Tom removed his jeans. At this point there was a strong smell of poo, but neither of them mentioned it. Tom looked in his jeans to see if there was anything inside, but they were fine. His nappy had contained it all. As he sat on the hard tiled floor, there was more squelching. “Oh my god” he whispered to himself. ‘Just chill’ said his dad. ‘I got this’. As Tom laid back he was breathing deeply. It was embarrassing showing his dad his bits for the first time in a decade, then his dad seeing him wet, now his dad was about to see him absolutely covered in crap. His dad undid the nappy and pulled it down. Tom fully expected him to gag or heave, but he didn’t react at all, he just got on with it. Out with the extra large wipes, rubbing and scrubbing, depositing the nappy and the wipes into a nappy bag as he went. It took no more than a few minutes. ‘That’s you cleaned up. You can take a shower if you like, but you don’t actually need to, these wipes are pretty good’. ‘I will’ said Tom, as he sat up. ‘I feel dirty’. ‘Well you’re not, but go for it’ said his dad as he stood up. ‘I’ll go and put this outside and I’ll see you in your room in a bit for the next one’. — When Tom came out of the shower and into his room his dad was already waiting, nappy in hand. ‘You ok?’ asked Tom aprehensiously. ‘Ok course I’m ok’ replied his dad. ‘You’re the one making a big thing over it. You did a poo in your nappy, it’s no big deal’. Chapter 12 - Big News! “Dear Mr Collins, we are delighted to offer you a position on our apprenticeship program as a junior Architect….” ‘I got it, I got it, I bloody got it!..’ Tom shouted as he went running down the stairs in his nappy and t-shirt to his dad’s study. His dad quickly stopped his web cam as he heard him bounding down the stairs. He was on a conference call, the last thing he needed was his 23 year old son to burst into the background in a nappy! ‘I’m sorry, I have to step away for something personal’ he said on the call as he muted it. He came out of his study and grabbed Tom as he came running towards him, full of joy and glee. He picked him up in his arms and held him there, before setting him back down. ‘Well done you..clever boy’ he said proudly. ‘When do they want you to start?’ ‘In two weeks!’ beamed Tom. ‘That’s great, you better get on your computer and accept the offer Tom, before they change their minds!’ Tom raced upstairs and opened up the email on his computer. “I accept the position…” he typed out, double checked and then pressed “Send”. Things were looking up, finally! ___ Later that evening whilst they are preparing dinner… ‘So the people I have coming to do the renovations are specialists’ said Tom’s dad as he stirred the cheese sauce. ‘Oh right, specialists in what?’ Asked Tom. ‘Kit for adult bab…adults in nappies’ replied his dad correcting himself to avoid describing Tom as a baby in any way, he knew he wouldn’t like that. ‘What like a medical company?’ asked Tom. ‘No’ replied his dad. ‘We don’t want some awful medical contraption up there do we. They specialise in making stuff for people like you. Older sons and daughters who are wearing nappies again’. ‘Oh right’ said Tom. ‘I’d no idea that such things existed’. ‘Neither did I, but you’d be amazed what you can find on the internet. I found this company called “Morden and Son” who specialise in building this kind of thing, they’ve been extremely helpful’. ‘When they doing it?’ Asked Tom. ‘Starting tomorrow, 3 days work apparently’ said his dad. ‘Oh right wow, that’s quick.’ said Tom. Tom’s dad turned to him and looked him straight in the eye. ‘Yes I know, I caught them at a quiet time apparently. This is your last chance to let me know if you want to stop before I splash out the cash’ he said seriously. ‘Especially now you got this job coming, you sure you still want to wear them?’ ‘I’m sure’ said Tom confidently. ‘I did the 2nd two interviews with a nappy on. They relax me, I’m so much more confident and relaxed in one, I don’t think I want to start work without one, do you?’ ‘Ok, well, as long as you’re sure’. Said his dad. ‘When they come the guy is going to talk us through other things we might want or need’. Said his dad. ‘Like what?’ I dunno said his dad, let’s find out, hear what the man has got to say, we’re under no obligation. — When Tom climbed into his bed that evening, the world felt like it was a much better place. So much had changed for him in the last 2 months. His future felt brighter. He was living his fantasies at home, and could go out into the real world during the day and be a proper functioning adult. No one needed to know he had a nappy on under his suit trousers, did they? 3
Eagle0769 Posted May 12, 2024 Posted May 12, 2024 Good chapter. I wonder if his dad changed Tom's diaper when it was dirty when he was a baby.
Dueyboy Posted July 7, 2024 Author Posted July 7, 2024 Chapter 13 - Installation “Ding dong” went the doorbell at exactly 9:00am. It was Tom who went down to open it, he could hear his dad was on a conference call already. He opened the door to find two people standing there. The first was an older man, probably late 60’s or early 70’s. He was a big and imposing man, necessarily fat, but tall and heavily built. Standing next to him was a much smaller man, presumably the son in “Morden and Son”. The small guy had scruffy mouse brown hair, freckles and the biggest most adorable grin running from ear to ear. ‘Hello, we’re “Morden and Son” he said proudly through his beaming smile. They were both wearing similar dark blue overalls, except the younger guy’s had like a red pattern on his. A bunch of red stripes which all met at a metal emblem in the middle at the front. Two stripes that went around the waist, two that went from the emblem over the shoulders and then a final stripe which ran from the emblem all the way down the front. They were pretty cool looking overalls, thought Tom. ‘Hi, I’m Tom’ he said, inviting them in. The older guy smiled politely but didn’t accept the invitation. ‘Is your dad in?’ He enquired politely. ‘Yes, but I think he’s on a call, if you come in I’ll take you up and show you the job’ replied Tom. He gave Tom one of those smiles which says “I’m ignoring you” and then said in a somewhat patronising tone ‘That’s ok, if you could just go get your dad for me young man, there’s a good lad’. ‘Right okaaay…’ said Tom as he pushed the door too and walked across the house to his dad’s study. He knocked on the door gently so as not to disturb too much. He cracked the door and peered in. His dad turned around ‘I’m on a call’ he mouthed. ‘I know but they’re here’ whispered Tom. His dad muted the microphone. ‘Let them in then, I’ll be 10 minutes’. ‘I tried, they won’t come in, he wants to speak to you’. ‘Oh right, ok. Tell them I’ll be there in 10’. Tom went back to the front door. ‘He’ll be free in 10 minutes’ he said. ‘Please come in, I’ll get you a cup of tea’. ‘That’s quite alright, we’ll wait here’ said the older guy, Tom realising he hadn’t even given his name. ‘Ok, well suit yourself’ said Tom as he closed the door. “What the hell?” he thought, how weird, why wouldn’t they come in? After 10 minutes his dad came out of his study to Tom sitting on the sofa waiting for him. ‘Where are they?’ ‘Outside, they wouldn’t come in until speaking to you’ said Tom shrugging his shoulders and looking perplexed. His dad went to the door and opened it. This time the older man spoke immediately. ‘Good morning Mr Collins, I’m Frank, this is my son Freddie, we’re here to install a changing room for you today’. ‘Yes, excellent’ said his dad. ‘I’m Steve, please do come in, tea?’ ‘That would be lovely, I’m parched already’ said Frank. ‘You a tea as well?’ His dad asked Freddie. ‘No, we have his juice with us’ said Frank, before Freddie could answer. As his dad stepped into the kitchen and Frank and Freddie stepped into the room, Tom noticed something he hadn’t noticed before, that pattern on the younger guy Freddie’s overalls was not decorative. It was a harness. This guy was…was he on the reins??? Tom’s breath was taken away by what he saw. His mouth hung open. He suddenly felt a little threatened by this man standing in their lounge holding his adult son on a leash. “Is that why he wouldn’t talk to me?” thought Tom “He sees me as a child?” — When his dad retuned with 3 teas, one for Frank, one for himself and one for Tom, having approached Freddie from the side he also clocked the harness. His eyes opened up like dinner plates. He turned his gaze to Tom as if to say “what the hell?” ‘Take a seat’ said Tom’s dad somewhat nervously, gesturing to them both. Frank and Freddie sat down opposite them. ‘Well it’s all cleared out and ready for you to get started’ said his dad. ‘I’m working today, so my son Tom here will look after you, you need anything, give him a shout’ he added as he patted Tom on the back like the proud father he was. ‘Thank you’ said Frank. ‘That won’t be necessary, we have everything we need. In fact, I must insist that you keep him away from us whilst we’re working for safety reasons. We have power tools and sharp objects, it’s not safe for him in the work area’. Tom’s dad laughed. ‘He’s 23 mate, not 3’ he sarcastically. Frank looked stollen serious. ‘This is your son? The one we’re building the nappy changing room for?’ ‘Yes’ replied his dad, wondering where this was going. ‘Then I must insist you behave like a responsible parent whilst we’re working in your home, please keep him down here or in his room’. Tom’s dad leant forward angrily. ‘It’s fine dad, it’s fine, I’ll stay out of their way’ said Tom grabbing his arm. The last thing he wanted was an argument and for them to leave without fitting the changing table. His dad looked at him. ‘You ok with that?’ he asked. ‘Sure, it’s fine, I think I get what’s going on here’ Tom replied. ‘I’ll stay well out of the way, don’t any of you worry’. With that Frank stood up and tugged on Freddie’s reins to get him to stand up too. ‘We’ll get to work then, show us the way Mr Collins’. The three of them left the room, as Freddie turned around Tom cold see that this harness was clearly securely locked on to this poor lad with 3 circular black locks, it looked tight and uncomfortable. He could also clearly see the contours of a nappy in the back of his overalls. As they left the room Tom’s mind was processing the whole encounter. This guy and his dad were clearly into this waaaay deeper than he and his dad were. Frank clearly treated him, and had treated Tom, like a child. — When his dad came back downstairs, he came straight over to Tom. ‘Sorry about that mate what an arsehole’. ‘Heh, it’s fine. I think they might both be into this a little deeper than we are, don’t ya think’ said Tom raising his eyebrows. ‘You don’t say’ replied his dad. ‘He’s got him on the fucking reins’ putting his hand to his mouth. ‘I know’ said Tom. ‘Maybe it’s just for show, part of an act or something, like I said, they specialise in this “adult baby” equipment stuff’ said his dad using air quotes for the adult baby. Tom winced at the phrase “baby”, he doesn’t see himself as a baby. ‘I don’t think it’s for show, those reins are the real deal, take a look at the back of it, that lad can’t get that off’ said Tom. Chapter 14 - Buckle up When his dad went back to work Tom was left in the lounge. He’d left his phone and his iPad in his room, but he was too scared to go upstairs and get it incase he encountered this Frank guy. Instead he just flicked through mind-numbing daytime TV. He was currently watching a chat show, the subject of which was “My husband dresses as a wolf at weekends”. Pretty tame thought Tom. I piss and poo myself at weekends, I should go on here. Oh hang on….why on earth would anyone ever go on here, what is wrong with these people!?! Tom needed to get some fresh air, go for a walk or something. Initially Frank and Freddie had both been regularly coming up and down the stairs to fetch things from their van, each time the pair of them, the younger guy in tow on his reins. Tom found it freakishly weird, but at the same time fascinating. He almost wished he’d never seen it, because it brought a whole new aspect to things which he hadn’t ever considered before. A part of his mind was curious what this guy’s life was like. This is the last thing the sensible part of his mind wanted. He was satisfying all his desires right now, the last thing he needed was new weird kinks to think about! When he was confident they were busy upstairs, he went out on the driveway where their van was parked. It was a brand new VW Transporter van, in silver with alloy wheels. Expensive, this guy had money. Tom was about to walk past it when he noticed that in the front, in the passengers seat, was an oversized child’s seat. Red and black, with large comfy looking cushions and of course shoulder, waist and crotch strap. Tom was immediately intrigued. “Wow” he thought to himself, “He even rides in a car seat”. He checked around to see if the coast was clear and then carefully tried the door to get a look at it. The door opened, revealing the seat in all its glory. It was just like a real child’s seat, only much larger. The straps were thick and strong and all came to a large metal buckle in the middle. “My god”, thought Tom to himself. Both not wanting to like it, but somehow liking it at the same time. He picked up the large black metal buckle and took the waist strap from the other side “Click” it went reassuringly. He pressed down the two buttons at the top and bottom, like you would any buckle and “Click” it released. He so wanted to sit in it, just for a minute. He stepped away from the van and pushed the door too. Then he went back up to the house. He could hear banging and cutting upstairs, they were clearly hard at work, they wouldn’t be coming out for a while. He looked through the lounge window at his dad’s study door. It was closed, he would be working until lunchtime, at least. He made his way back to the van and opened the door again. Then he carefully climbed inside and sat himself in the car seat. It felt extremely comfortable and at the same time extremely supportive and secure. Just like his nappies it gave him this indescribable thrill. There was a naughtiness to it, someone his age and size should not travel in a seat like this. He reached behind him and pulled over the shoulder straps down his front. He was a little taller than the guy who usually rode in this, so they were a bit short, but not much. He pulled the waist strap across and clicked it in “Click”. Then he lowered his shoulders slightly to make the shoulder straps reach and clicked them in. “Click” went the first one. “Click” went the second. It felt so secure, he panicked that he couldn’t get out, so he quickly pressed the two buttons and with one loud click it all released. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. He hadn’t had a chance to enjoy it before he’d panicked. Once again he pulled the waist strap across and clicked it in “Click”. Then he lowered his shoulders again slightly to make the shoulder straps reach and clicked them in. “Click” went the first one. “Click” went the second. Then he reached down and grabbed the final strap, the crotch strap, and clicked that in “Click”, CLICK” went the buckle. Tom felt the straps holding him still. He tried to lean forward, he couldn’t move. He tried to slide up and down, but the straps held him firm. “Wow” said Tom to himself. This is pretty cool, but I’m not sure I’d want to travel in one every day. He spent a few minutes enjoying the feel of it holding him, before he felt the need to leave before his luck run out. That Frank guy would go ballistic if he found Tom in his van, no doubt. He pushed the two buttons on the top and bottom of the buckle to free himself, but they did not move. He pushed them again harder, but unlike before they would not press down. Panic started to set in. He pushed at them with increasing ferocity, but it would not undo. Clearly, once all 4 restraint points were in place, the buckle locked and need a “parent” with a key to unlock it. He looked all around the van for the key. With the big head restraints at the side he could barely see anywhere except straight ahead. He tried to lean forward to search through the glovebox and centre console, but he couldn’t reach them. His heart was racing, he was hyperventilating with panic. He couldn’t get out!!! He pulled and pushed and thrashed himself around again, the van shaking as he did. He used every ounce of strength he had to try and break that buckle or loosen a strap but it was no good, he was stuck. All he could do now was wait for the inevitable moment when either Frank, or his dad, found him and discovered what he’d done. Chapter 15 - Discovered Tom had been trapped in the car seat for at least an hour. He’d had further occasional attempts at freeing himself over that time, but he had not managed to make any progress. He’d been staring at the front door intently, when it moved open slightly. He saw Freddie step out, his lead, or rein, or whatever you want to call it stretched out behind him. Tom flinched as it became obvious he’d reach the end of his reins, and it pulled tort like a guitar string. The top of his body stopped dead, the poor lad threw his arms out to balance himself. Shortly afterwards the rein went slack and Frank came out of the door behind him. As they made their way over to the van, Tom’s heart was beating in his throat. As Frank pulled back the rear sliding door, it was Freddie who stared into the window and saw him. ‘Oh, err, dad’ he said pointing through the window at Tom. Frank moved to the window of the drivers door and opened it. ‘Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing?’ He asked angrily. ‘I erm, I’m sorry, I was just trying it out…and I erm…I got stuck’ pleaded Tom. Frank didn’t say anything further, he slammed the van door shut and headed back into the house, dragging poor Freddie along with him. Freddie kept trying to look back at Tom, but has he did he lost his balance slightly and tripped as he was being pulled. Just before he hit the ground, Frank pulled up on the reins and took his weight, heaving him back to his feet. ‘Sorry son, keep up’ Tom heard him say. A few moments later Frank, Freddie and his dad are heading back to the van, where Frank opens the door and points directly at Tom. ‘What’s your son doing in my van?’ asked Frank. ‘Can I please ask that you control or restrain him whilst we’re working in your home Mr Colins, there are tool, sharp instruments and dangerous chemicals in this van, god knows what could have happened’. Chapter 16 - Freddie It’s the final day of the construction project, and the changing room is looking amazing, it just needs a final lick of paint and the soft furnishing to go in. Tom has kept out of the way, but he still desperately wants to speak to Freddie and find out more about his life, but he can’t see how he’ll get that chance. About 4:30pm Frank enters the lounge with a balled up nappy in his hand, Freddie in tow obviously. Tom is sitting playing on his iPad. ‘Could you fetch your dad please son?’ He asked. ‘Sure’ said Tom getting up and going over to his dad’s study door. He tapped gently and popped his head in. ‘Frank, I mean Mr Morden, wants to speak to you.’ He said sarcastically. As Tom’s dad came out ‘All done sir’ said Frank proudly. Please come up and I’ll show you how it all works. ‘Come on Tom, let’s check it out’ said his dad. ‘I think it’s best if I show you first, it’s a bit cramped for the four of us in there and there is wet paint to be spoilt by mucky fingers’ said Frank. ‘Oh ok, said his dad. ‘Is the house secure?’ Asked Frank ‘Pardon?’ replied Tom’s dad confused. ‘I mean, are our son’s safe if we leave them in the lounge for 5 minutes whilst I take you through how to use the equipment?’ Asked Frank. ‘Oh yeah, of course’ Tom’s dad replied. Frank turned to Freddie. ‘Ok, you sit here with Tom, and you don’t move and you don’t touch anything, you promise.’ He said, like he was speaking to a 5 year old. ‘I promise’ replied Freddie. Freddie sat down carefully next to Tom. This was Tom’s chance to find out more about this curious and extreme lifestyle he was witnessing. ‘Hey’ said Tom nervously. ‘Hey’ said Freddie with a big warm grin. ‘You alright?’ ‘Yeah, I’m good’ said Tom. ‘You like doing this job?’ He asked. ‘Love it’ said Freddie proudly. ‘Only thing I’ve ever been good at. My dad has taught me everything I know about carpentry.’ ‘Does it pay well?’ Asked Tom. ‘Oh I dunno, I think so’ replied Freddie. ‘He doesn’t pay you?’ Asked Tom. ‘Not directly, but he and mum buy everything for me anyways, so doesn’t matter’. ‘Oh I see’ said Tom. Now for the questions he really wanted to ask. ’So do you wear a nappy as well then?’ ‘Yep’ said Freddie proudly with a big grin. ‘You like them?’ Asked Tom. ‘Oh yeah, I couldn’t be without them, I’d wee everywhere’ he said giggling, as if it was just matter of fact. ‘And….and are you on the reins all the time too?’ Asked Tom. ‘Only out of the house’ replied Freddie. ‘I don’t wear them indoors, obviously’. ‘You never go out without them?’ asked Tom. ‘No never, never ever’ replied Freddie. ‘And you don’t mind that?’ Asked Tom. ‘It’s a bit annoying at times, but generally I don’t mind them. People look at me funny a lot, that’s the worst bit.’ Said Freddie a little sadly. Genuinely concerned for his welfare Tom asked ‘Did you ask for this? Or have they always treated you like this?’ ‘Oh’ said Freddie. ‘It’s been like this since I moved in with them, nearly 2 years ago now’. ‘I see’ said Tom. ‘So he’s not your real dad?’ Freddie looked annoyed and offended by that question. ‘He’s the closet thing to a real dad I’ve ever had, best thing that’s ever happened to me, well him and mum together’ he clarified. ‘And their other son Chris, I never had a family before you see, so yeah I’ve been super lucky. I love my new mum and dad more than anything ever, they’re awesome. They’re giving me the childhood I never had. I love it, even if do have to stay on the reins at the moment, haha’. ‘Ah that’s lovely, I’m pleased for you’ said Tom genuinely. ‘But, would you like to come off of them then?’ ‘Ah well, it doesn’t matter’. Said Freddie. ‘Sorry to pry, I’m just interested, that’s all, seems very restrictive, you can’t take them off I presume?’ asked Tom. ‘No, you need the key’ said Freddie. ‘I had the chance to come off them for good at one point, and I turned it down, because I didn’t think I was ready and I didn’t want things to change. I’m hoping when I get to the two year mark of living there, and opt to stay, I’ll come off them then, even if just sometimes, or be able to choose when I go on them. But at the moment no, I’m not allowed out without them on, ever’. Tom was desperate to ask more, but at that point he could hear his dad and Frank making their way back downstairs. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ said Tom’s dad as he looked over to him. ‘What the hell are you doing Tom!?!’ Tom didn’t say anything as Frank made his way around to the passenger side and opened the door. He reached into his top pocket and pulled out a small magnetic key which he placed on the front of the buckle before pushing the two buttons on it. “CLICK”, it came undone and Tom was free. He quickly threw the straps off of him. ‘Now out you get, and stay out of our way young man, before you get hurt’ said Frank authoritatively. Tom walked out in front of the van, where he met his dad. ‘Christ son’ he said ‘get in the house will you’. Once inside they went into the kitchen, where his dad put his head in his hands. ‘What the hell mate?’ He said with a desperate look on his face. ‘I’m sorry dad, I was just curious that’s all’ Tom said anguished. ‘I thought you were as shocked as me to see the reins and stuff. I didn’t think you’d go and try it out!’ said his dad alarmed. ‘You’re not into all that kind of stuff as well are you?’ ‘No, no of course not, I was just interested that’s all. It was a stupid thing to do to, I’m so sorry’ pleaded Tom. ‘Please forget obout it, forget it ever happened’. ‘It’s alright son, don’t worry about it. It’s just that…’ ‘Just what?’ asked Tom. ‘I can cope with the nappies, I will happily change you, heck I’ll do other things for you if you want, in the privacy of our home, but I don’t think I can be walking you around on the reins, or locking you into a car seat in public, that’s just too much for me.’ He said shaking his head. ‘I know, I know, I don’t want that, honestly’ said Tom. ‘Please don’t think that’. — Tom spent the rest of the day keeping his head down, from Frank and his dad. When he got into bed that night, he was still thinking about Freddie. Suddenly the life Tom had, that he thought was extreme, seemed comparatively tame to how Freddie must be living. Was Frank his real dad? Was Freddie living like that voluntarily? If so, what’s with all the security? He’d love to speak to Freddie for 5 minutes, but how on earth would that be possible? The poor guy couldn’t get more than about 1.5 meters of his dad at any given time. 1
bje Posted November 17, 2024 Posted November 17, 2024 It seems that what I assume is the last part of chapter 15 is located in chapter 16
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