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Discovering Daughterhood. (Private for LilGirlLya and Cute Little Kokiri Girl)


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Emma woke up early on the morning of the move. The truck was going to be arriving soon and she wanted to make sure she had the last bits of what she needed all boxed up. Truthfully, it wasn’t much. Emma shared an apartment just off campus with two other girls and didn’t have a lot beyond the personal possessions in her bedroom. Honestly, she probably could have moved it all herself were it not for wanting to take her bed and furniture with her back to Mom’s.


She’d spent the past few months applying to positions and Master’s programs in kind, thinking that if the right job opened up she’d take a year off school or if she could get into a Master’s program she might jump into that. Unfortunately, there weren’t good options on either front. At least no jobs that didn’t balk when they saw her size. No one said being a trans Youthlock was why they didn’t hire her, so it must have just been an exceptional coincidence that interviewers were excited over the phone but always told her they would call back and never did.


She got up and stretched all 49 inches of her body and then undid the safety railing with the press of a button. She hopped down and began stripping the bed. There was some moisture in the blue and pink stripped trainers she wore but fortunately nothing had seeped through that would need to be washed back at Mom’s. Emma cleaned herself up in the bathroom and transitioned into her normal daily wear; a pair of trainers, a bralette, tight jeans and a black tee shirt. She tied her thick, dark hair back and commenced packing up what was left of her stuff.


After a few hours of that included assuring the movers she was in fact an adult complete with an ID check, packing up her stuff into the truck, and then making it through late morning traffic and out of the city, Emma’s car rolled to a stop in her mother’s drive way. She took a deep breath, Emma had come out about two years ago as a junior. She’d come home for visits and stuff and Mom was polite but she hadn’t really been around Mom a lot since going to college, let alone coming out. This was going to be a new experience as they figured out what a mother-daughter relationship would mean with her back at home. Emma imagined it would mean more gendered chores and some awkward conversations but hopefully those would blow over soon.


Emma turned off the ignition, and walked to the door as the moving truck pulled in behind her.

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Fran was in the living room knitting her fourth scarf, she found knitting and other type activities like this to help relax, unfortunately she was extremely nervous her son, no her daughter was coming home to stay she loved her child it didn't care if he was a she or she was a he or neither, Fran wasn't like some parents who scream and yell and toss out their kid for being different whether it was being gay or being transgendered. 

Being the mother of a youthlocked child helped her in accepting her daughter's trans identity, it didn't stop Fran from worrying all the same it was tough being youth locked a condition that traps a child in the size and to a certain extent look of a child, not to mention bladder problems and other physical conditions and that was just the medical side, there was also bigotry and general ignorance from normal size people dealing with those with the condition. And being Trans on top of it Fran couldn't help worry for her daughter everyday and she was relieved when Emma was going to move back home, it was going to take a good amount of adjusting. 

But like when her daughter was first diagnosed with youthlock Fran had read all the books about being transgender and even talked to parents who were the parents of transgender children. She was ready for this, when the doorbell rang Fran straightened herself took a few deep breaths and open the door, "Emma your here." The older woman said to her daughter embracing her in a hug.

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"Hey Mom..." Emma caught her back in the hug, pushing herself up onto her tip toes to great her parent. Emma sort of didn't really know what to say after that. "Good to see you again. It's been a bit." Emma smiled and cringed at the understatement. When the hug broke, she turned around and waved at the moving truck drivers to start moving stuff into the open garage. "Um..so yeah, I think I'll go and supervise and I'll be inside in a bit." Emma said, trying to project mature confidence.

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"Okay my little prince I mean princess I mean your highness I mean I'll just take your bags in." Fran said in an awkward voice, she didn't mean to call her daughter that old nickname it just came out it's what she called her daughter before she had transitioned and when she was just a little kid and sometimes when she was a teenager. Fran then took her daughter's bags and went upstairs to her old bedroom. When she got up to bedroom it was mostly empty except for a crib and a desk,  a bookshelf or two and a nightstand all the other stuff was either put into the storage or had been donated.

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Emma bit her lip and cringed, her face turning red at the slip of "Prince." It was awkward and the way Mom stumbled through it made Emma not want to comment. She at least ended up in the right place in the end. Kind of.

Emma completed her supervision of the moving process and made her way inside. Finally, the hard part was over. She slipped off her shoes at the garage door and went to go sit on the couch. Everything was still largely the same inside. Nothing had moved and nothing had been replaced. She gave a little hop to get onto the couch, her feet dangling slightly before she tucked them under herself and began checking her phone.

She wasn't really sure what to do next. After all, it wasn't like she was visiting. This was home again for a bit.

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Meanwhile Fran did her best to make her daughter's room presentable, helping the movers and directing them to where her daughter's room was. After that she then decided to order to draw a bath for her daughter after such a long drive from college she added bubble soap and next to the tub was a basket of bubble bath toys that Fran had gotten for her five year old niece Emma's cousin used when she came over to visit a few times, when the bath was ready Fran called out to her daughter from upstairs, "Emma I have a nice warm bubble bathtub ready for you."

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Emma's ears perked up at her mother's call. A bubble bath did sound really nice right about now. Only since transition had she been able to get reacquainted with how nice and relaxing one could be. Hopefully Mom had some bath bombs too that could be tossed in for a little bit of extra goodness. Maybe she could indulge in a little bit of a renewed pleasure before decorating in her old bedroom.

Emma made her way down the hall and into the bathroom to find her mother kneeling by the tub's side, checking the water temperature with her hands. The tub was almost over flowing with bubbles. "Thank you Mom, you didn't have to do that but it looks nice." Emma paused and waited for a moment, "Umm....mom? Could I get some privacy, please?"

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Fran had made sure the bath was as nice as possible with lavender bath soap and some gentle classical music playing, something she knew her daughter enjoyed which helped relax her especially during stressful days when she was younger. Fran even took out some vanilla scented bath bombs and sat them next to the bath toy, she was just about checking the water when her daughter came in, after a minute or to her Emma asked for some privacy, Fran blushed and said, "alright if you need anything princess you just call mommy." 

Fran said in a gentle and sweet tone, she always tended to Baby her daughter even before the transition, she couldn't exactly help it due to her kids condition it always made her extra maternal which embarrassed her daughter a lot especially when she was a teenaged boy.

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"Sure, thanks mom..." Emma waited until the door was fully closed and she could hear her mom walking down the hall to take her shirt off. She'd probably been bathed by her mom longer than most kids, long past the point it stopped being embarrassing but being trapped in a kids body it was always hard to argue that point with her mom. Emma undressed and slid into the tub, letting the bubbles and warm water soak her skin and soothe her. It was nice. Her old place hadn't had a tub, just a shower she shared with her roommates. It was the life just being able to stretch out and relax.

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Fran went in her daughter's room at first she thought about just unpacking everything and putting everything away for her daughter, but she figured that Emma would want to put everything away herself. Fran did make sure her Emma's old crib was prepared, being a youthlock came with plenty of challenges one of which was rolling and moving around in their sleep like babies, so special cribs or beds with railings were needed to help prevent that, the crib itself was made of metal with a floral pattern.

Fran remembered when she got this crib it was just after her daughter had been diagnosed with youthlock and they were going antiquing and yard sailing something they both liked to do as both had an affinity for old things. it was at the local flea market that she remembered her daughter wanting the crib it was being sold by Miss Jones 52 year old youthlock herself who was getting rid of the crib as she required another bed. 

Emma had loved the floral pattern of the crib and after talking to Miss Jones decide to sell the crib at half price, the silver haired very, vary slightly wrinkled YL even gave a
few websites and books recommendations for parents of Youthlocked kids to Fran.

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Emma finished her bath and dried off in one of the bathroom's many large, fluffy towels before getting dressed again back in the clothes she had come into the bathroom with. She found her mom in her old bedroom, Emma cringed internally when she saw it. It was so....babyish. Some of it was her niece's stuff. Mom had already told her that she'd redone the room after Emma had moved out but while she expected the pastel walls and the soft rugs on the wood floor, she was surprised to see her old crib.

That was always something she'd hated growing up as a YL but her relationship with it since transition was different than it was previous. It meant a lot to be seen as a woman and being stuck in the body of a kid meant that was all but impossible. She not only had to pass for a girl but for an adult and so she was very deliberate in not having anything like a crib at her old place. Just a bed with some rails that she could undo herself.

"Oh, mom, you didn't have to get that old thing out of storage. I've got a bed downstairs in the garage that I've been using since I've been moved out."

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Fran was immediately pulled out her reminiscing when she heard her daughter Speak, "oh hey Emma sorry I was lost in thought what was that.?" When she explained again Fran blushed, "oh I'm sorry I did not know sweetie I wanted to bring a few things of yours that we didn't donate or sell and your old crib was one of them, you remember when we went to that flea market it was a little after you were diagnosed with youthlock and Miss Jones was selling it I remember how your eyes lit up when you saw it with its floral pattern done in its metal framework. Oh that reminds me Miss Jones heard you were coming home and sent her famous homemade lemon squares."

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Emma blushed a bit as her mom recounted the memory. She'd been diagnosed fairly young and had didn't really graduate to anything beyond that until she moved out of the house and started using just a twin bed with some railing attached the side instead. At five or six though, or however old she was in that story, she didn't think anything unusual about getting excited about a crib. It would only be later after starting school that she began to realize one of the ways she was different.

"Yeah..." Emma sort of trailed off as she listened to her mom tell the story she'd heard a million times before. "Oh, that was nice of her. I don't think I've talked to her any since what, maybe when I was like 16 or 17?" Emma pondered. "I um, hey, it's really great to be back but I think I'm going to want to take some time and unpack? Ya know, nothing I can't do on my own or anything. Except, do you have anything I can open boxes with? The scissors are still back with my old roommates?"

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Fran smiled at her daughter before saying that she would get a pair of scissors and a few extra garbage bags, it only took a few minutes for Fran to come back with what was needed, she opened a few garbage bags and gave her daughter the scissors before asking if she would need any help, after Emma shacked her head no Fran nodded before bending down and planting a kiss on her daughter's forehead before heading downstairs to make a call or two.

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Emma got to work on clothes first, packing them into the empty kids sized dresser. It was a tight fit but she managed to get everything in but after unpacking some clothes and assorted personal belongings, Emma decided she'd take a break from the long day. She opened the bag that contained her laptop and got to browsing the web. She spent a few hours, mostly on Discord and watching YouTube before feeling a sudden jolt in her stomach. As she stood up she felt herself leak just a little before quickly scurrying toward the bathroom.

'Just a little close call' she thought as sat down and relieved herself. Unfortunately one of the downsides of being a YL is sometimes accidents could happen. Emma hadn't had any of those in a while but there would be days every now and again where she'd stain her trainers a bit. Emma frowned hiked up underwear back up her legs. After a long morning with the move and a few hours to herself with her computer, Emma did find herself starting to get hungry. It was probably worth grabbing a snack before going back and unpacking some more.

"Hey mom?" Emma called out as she walked toward the kitchen, "what do you have for food around here?"

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After Fran had made some calls one to her book club, the other to Miss Jones inviting her to have dinner tomorrow, she then got back to her knitting when she heard her daughter calling, after getting up and went to her little girl, "hey sweetie you're hungry, how about you have some of Ms Jones's lemon squares and a cup of milk." She also wanted to remind her daughter about manners, but decided to let that one go as Emma had just came home and was exhausted and didn't need an etiquette lesson.

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"Thanks Mom," Emma made her way to the kitchen and immediately was confronted with an issue that she hadn't had to deal with since moving out.

"Umm...hey mom?" Emma called. It wasn't a problem to get the lemon bars and the milk out of the fridge but being just over 4 feet tall meant that the cabinets with the plates and glasses were hopelessly out of reach and she had no stool to stand on to help her get stuff down. It was still boxed up in the garage somewhere. "Could I get a little help please?"

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Fran got up and went to the kitchen, apologize to her daughter before getting her a glass and a plate, she was so busy on preparing her daughter's room and setting up her old crib that she had forgotten to put some the glasses down in the bottom cabinet. So Emma could get her cups more easily. "here you go Emma do you need anything else she asked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Thanks mom, I think I'm good. Is there maybe like a chair or something we can put in here until I can dig a stool out of storage," Emma asked, "that way I don't need to bother you every time I need something. I don't want to a burden or anything." Emma took the square and the glass of milk and headed back upstairs for her bedroom to continue both unpacking and unwinding from the day.

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"I think I do have a chair for you princess." Fran said as she started to move some dishes and cups from the top cupboard to the bottom cupboard for her daughter to be able to reach easier, after that was done she then went to the kitchen closet and pulled out her daughter's old vintage youthlock high chair, like the crib she discovered it in a flea market, the high chair was solid wood and had steps for her daughter to climb up and down easy, the tray could be unattached and reattached turned it into a high chair or just a regular chair, it even had a picture of a cute teddy bear on it.

Her daughter used to use it a lot when she was a kid until she was a teenager and she starred using booster seats, unfortunately Fran didn't know if she had sold the booster seat or put it away in storage. Fran never got rid of the high chair due to the fact that it was an antique, nostalgic and miss Jones would use it if she came over for dinner and forgot her booster seat.

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"Oh...yeah, thanks Mom, but um, I more meant for me to like get into the cabinets with. Like to stand on?" Emma cringed seeing the old high chair brought out. There were somethings it didn't make sense to fight on. Like sometimes, if she were stressed or knew she was going to sleep in pull ups made a bit better of a choice than training pants and she did need a bed rail. But there were other things her mom got for her as a Youth Lock that just screamed 'baby'. High chairs were one of them. Truthfully, she never liked the thing and was so relieved when her mom let her switch to a booster seat. 

Emma finished up her snack in her old bedroom. She'd gotten some more things out but pretty quickly diverted from unpacking to spend some more time on the line. She had a little bit more anxiety now than when she came home. Mom had kept so much of the stuff she'd outgrown, emotionally and taste wise at least, a long time ago. She'd argued a lot with mom about this kind of stuff growing up and for the first time she wondered if she'd made a bit of a mistake. It was too late though, the die was cast. Hopefully mom would just understand that she was a mature woman who'd lived on her own for four years and didn't need cribs or high chairs. 'A fight for tomorrow' she said to herself as she internally resigned herself to not wanting to start an argument about this on her first day back. She'd be a good sport tonight and then talk with her more in the morning. Maybe get mom's help getting the heavier stuff out of the garage.

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it took a while but Emma had managed to get her room exactly the way she liked it, despite the soft pink carpet and light pink walls and the Big crib that was bit more of a nursery with her more mature items like her books, computer and various other bits and bobs and clothes, the room looked more grown up or at least as grown up as she could make it for now. Soon it was a knock on the door, "Emma can I come in?"

Fran had already gotten off the phone and ordered a deep dish cheese crust pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms and a bottle of Vanilla Coke her daughter's favorite, she want to talk to her daughter about a few things as well as ask if she wanted her pajamas put in the dryer to be warmed up for her.

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Emma turned her attention away from Discord and the chat she was having with her friends, "Sure Mom," she called back. After her concerns with the high chair, Emma was just relieved that her mom had actually knocked first.

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Fran walked in and smiled, "hey sweetie just wanted to see if you needed any help and also if you wanted your pajamas put in the dryer to warm up." Fran said but then rub the back of her head and added, "also I want to know were you having any problems in college or finding a job?"

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"Oh, yeah, it wouldn't hurt to have some help." Emma admitted. She'd taken care of a lot so far but a little bit of help could have her wrap things up by tonight. It was already starting to feel more like her room even with the crib and the pastel walls and carpet.

Emma blushed a bit being asked about the pajamas. It was something mom did for her when she was younger and something that she'd had to let slip having to do her laundry at the laundromat the last four years. "That sounds really nice, thanks. I'd love that." Of course it wasn't going to end there though. Mom had to mention job hunting.

"It's, I don't know...I'm really just trying to find something where I can use my major but it's difficult. I get the interview and then-" Emma froze, catching herself from saying anything more about her last in person interview. She knew her mom would react strongly if she told her what happened but Emma had no idea in which direction that strongly could fall. It could be hostile and angry or it could be extremely embarrassing for her if Mom took it the wrong way. "Well, and then I'm trans and I have Youth Lock. They never come out and say that's the reason they don't call back but when it happens enough, you get vibes. You know?"

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