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Diaper Dimension Story Timeline (Updated 09 May)

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Never fear, I'm still working hard on my current story, but I thought I would post this timeline of the stories I have written so far. A few matter less with their placement in the timeline, but a few needed to be placed before I made any further progress. 

As this timeline contains some small spoilers for some of the future stories, just be warned. Additionally, as there are events that I have yet to write about but have made reference to, some stories have been whited-out for the time being. I noted once that I have several stories in the works and these are only a few of those that I was talking about, so as long as everyone still like what I'm writing, you'll see plenty more from me in the future.

Like the DD Reference Guide (which I promise to update after I'm done with my current story), this will be updated as more stories are finished. On that same note, as this universe is wide and there could be an infinite number of these types of dimensions out there, this timeline does not have to be adhered to by anyone if they don't wish. This is mainly to help myself keep track of certain events and which characters may be able to cross over to other stories in the future. Use it if you wish, but this is by no means a hard timeline that everyone must follow with their own stories.  

Finally, these dates will serve similarly as the Star Trek way of timing. For those of you who don't know, Khan should be ruling Asia right now, but the Star Trek timeline is basically a divergent path from our own. As such, as this is the internet and what you put out there, stays out there... these times are fixed starting in 2023. So, basically, if soceity doesn't collapse in 2038, this timeline will still stand. If society does collapse before then, then I doubt anyone would be still reading these stories...




Diaper Dimension Timeline of Stories_09-May-24.jpg

Edited by LostBBoyBear
Updated Timeline Image
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2 minutes ago, sklawlor said:

Hi there. Since i'm totally blind and my screen reader can't interpret the graphic of the timeline, is there a way that you could post a text version if it's not too much trouble? Thanks for the help if possible.

I'm sorry to hear that, but I can give it a go at some point.

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On 10/19/2023 at 4:35 PM, sklawlor said:

Hi there. Since i'm totally blind and my screen reader can't interpret the graphic of the timeline, is there a way that you could post a text version if it's not too much trouble? Thanks for the help if possible.

I realized that some may not be able to see the timeline as an image, so I have written the timeline below for those of you who can't view the image for whatever reason. If they apply, the year will come first, followed by the world event in parenthesis, and then the story that may accompany it.

Note 1: If the story or event is planned, but not currently written, a '(TBD)' or 'TBD' will be placed for now instead. 

  • 1965 (War Ends and Adoptions Become Normalized) - TBD
  • 19?? (Portal Travel Discovered By Bigs After Investigatioin Into Soft Spots)
  • 2023 - The CONvention
    • The CONtingency
    • TBD
  • 2038 (Earth's Fuel Runs Out After Conflicts Hasten Demise, Wars Soon Break Out and Society Collapses)
  • 2053 (Permanent Portal Opens Between Dimensions) - The Opening
  • 2054 (Formal Agreement Between Earth and DD Bigs, Public Arrival of Bigs on Earth) - TBD
    • TBD
  • 2057 (Opening of Dark Cliff Prison After Incident) - TBD
  • 2064 (TBD) - TBD
  • (Creation of FOY) - TBD 
  • (Project Nurture Study Published Officially) - Project Nurture
    • TBD 
  • TBD 
  • How An Elephant Saved Their Little
    • TBD 
  • 2076 (FOY Incident at Juventas, Possible Dumping into Losantiville Water Supply) - Tell Me More
    • 2077 - Tell Me More II
    • (TBDTBD 
  • A Stuffy's Tale: One Bunny's Journey in the DD
    • Dash's Redemption
    • 2078 - A Small Break From Teaching
  • TBD
  • 2079 (Passage of Humane Little Laws) - TBD
  • 2083 - A Walk Into the Unknown
    • (TBD) - TBD
  • (TBD) - TBD

Note 2: Dates are given as part of Earth Dimension Time (EDT) and those works, dates, or events listed under each bullet are part of the same series.

Note 3: Some of the TBD stories may change their position on the timeline in future edits.

Edited by LostBBoyBear
Updated Timeline
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  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Story Timeline (Updated 09 May)

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