PinkTheDinosaur Posted September 24, 2023 Posted September 24, 2023 before the story starts, this is a spin off of my story Tinny Intruder. it was originally written for "the little theif" but since i no longer want to be a part of that, i had to delete the original and edit it slightly. this story was written by Redwelch and given to me when he stooped writing. as such it is my story to do with as i like. this story is a short 3 parts. but will tie into the last chapter of Tinny intruder and its sequel. Preas is a genetic disorder that seemingly stops a person's body from maturing. Some see it as a gift, always looking young. Some see it as a curse, rarely looking older than 12 at best and 6 at worst. No one really knows when or why Preass first appeared. Genetic mutations? God? Who knows. As a Preas, you'll typically have a few problems. The biggest problem is weak bladders, meaning most Preas wear diapers or pull-ups for protection. Because of their appearance and disability, Preas are forced to have many troubles. A Preas cannot order or buy alcohol despite having an ID. While they are allowed to drink in the privacy of their own home, they just can't buy it, The main reason is that kids would make fake IDs and try to buy alcohol. Many other minor problems like that exist, and many Preas don't know what to do with themselves. Some even have mental shutdowns and never grow up. But for one Prea, she wasn't like that. When Zoeandra was 5, she learned she had Preas and would never look older than 6. At ten, she researched Preas and all of their problems. It was here that she decided to devote herself to helping Preas. But how? Zoeandra not only studied but also worked very hard to save money. By 18, she got a small loan and started her Preas supply company. A company that makes all types of supplies for Preas. From better and more absorbent diapers to custom wardrobes that aren't from a kid's section of a story and are sold at an affordable price. By 25, she had greatly expanded her company and became number one in Preas merchandising. By 32, she had expanded to more parts of the world. "WILDA!" Zoeandra screamed from her office as she looked through her paperwork. "Yes, ma'am?" Wilda, a tall, busty woman with brunette hair, asked as she walked into the office. Wilda was Zoeandra's 12th secretary. As Zoeandra's secretary, besides regular office work, you must also help care for any of Zoeandra's particular needs. Such as driving her to and from work, changing Zoeandra's diaper, and sometimes having to calm Zoeandra down when she gets overly stressed out and starts lashing out. Of all the secretaries, Zoeandra had 3 quit because they couldn't handle the diaper changes. 3 were fired because they were constantly late to pick her up for work, 2 quit because they couldn't bear the responsibility, and 1 was fired because they tried to find something to blackmail Zoeandra with but failed. Two were really good and were with Zoeandra for a few years before Zoeandra prompted them to run one of her companies. But Wilda was different. She was with Zoeandra for the last five years and has gone beyond what was called for. Wilda arrived early to pick up Zoeandra from her home every day. Sometimes even coming in to make breakfast for Zoeandra before bringing her to work. She always made sure to map out a schedule for Zoeandra so that she was always on time and had lunch on time. Sometimes, making Zoeandra a homemade lunch. Zoeandra had to admit she loved Wilda's homemade chicken strips. When Zoeandra would get overly stressed, Wilda knew what to say or do to calm her down. Only once, two years ago, Zoeandra had a massive tantrum. One were she was threatening to fire everyone, which caused Wilda to force Zoeandra over her lap for a spanking before sticking her nose in the corner for a timeout. 30 minutes later, Zoeandra had calmed down and apologized to Wilda for how she was acting. But threatened to fire her if she ever spanked her again. Finally, the big thing Zoeandra loves about Wilda is that she always takes care of her. Somedays, Zoeandra would be so swamped with work that she would stay extra hours and tell her old secretaries to go home and call a cab. She worked so late on those nights that she slept in her office. But with Wilda, when Zoeandra told her that, she clocked out and waited for Zoeandra to finish her work before taking the small woman home. On days like that, Zoeandra would be so exhausted that Wilda would take her inside and put her to bed at first. Then, she eventually started ensuring Zoeandra ate something, showered, and was put to bed. As soon as Zoeandra found out Wilda had done that on her own time, Zoeandra tried to promote her right then. But she turned it down. "If I were to leave, who would care for you when you need it?" Wilda asked. So instead, Zoeandra offered to make Wilda her personal assistant who would help her with anything she needed at work and out and offered an excellent wage. And despite the occasional slip where Wilda would slightly baby Zoeandra, she was very respectful to Zoeandra. "WILDA! Where is document 3327!?" Zoeandra yelled as she frantically searched her desk for the document. Wilda didn't say anything as she walked beside the desk, lifted a piece of paper that fell to the floor, and set it on the desk. "T-thank you," Zoeandra said as she looked at the paper and started to sign it. While leaning forward, Wilda went behind her boss and pulled the back of her diaper to check her. "Wilda!" Zoeandra yelled and blushed as she was checked. "Zoeandra, how long have you been in a dirty diaper?" Wilda asked her boss with no reaction. When Zoeandra gets focused on her work, she forgets her diaper and could be messy for hours without knowing. Zoeandra just blushed and turned away from Wilda. So Wilda picked up Zoeandra and laid her on the changing table in the office. "How much work do you have left?" Wilda asked as she removed the diaper and started cleaning the mess. "I'm almost done. Just need another 20 minutes." Zoeandra told her as she let Wilda do her job. "Good, because this weekend is your "Relax" weekend," Wilda told Zoeandra, who couldn't help but smile as the new diaper was taped on. As soon as she sat back at her desk, Zoeandra quickly finished her work in 12 minutes to get out as soon as possible. As Zoeandra and Wilda walked through the company, most greeted her with the utmost respect she deserved. Some even approach their little boss and ask for advice or help. "Hey boss, how many Preass does it take to screw in a light bulb?" one of her employees asked as Zoeandra walked past. "none. We cry until someone does it for us." Zoeandra finished the joke. This was the type of environment Zoeandra had wanted for her company. One where everyone joked and respected one another. Were anyone could make a simple joke without offending someone. And where people were reworded not on what they looked like but their work ethic. But as Wilda opened the back door to her car for Zoeandra to walk into, she also knew there was more to her company than the happy parts. As Wilda began to drive, Zoeandra grabbed her black "special" bag she had Wilda hold onto. Inside was everything she needed for her weekend. Owning a big company has been one of the most stressful things in Zoeandra's life. Hence, she needed someone constantly around for the times it just gets too much, and Zoeandra starts freaking out and needs someone to calm her down. But it is not enough even with Wilda and all the help she gives Zoeandra. Zoeandra needed something to help relieve her stress. Something that didn't involve alcohol or expensive spa weekends. But Zoeandra couldn't think of anything until Wilda suggested something two years ago. As Wilda pulled up to a nice-sized apartment building, she got out and opened the back door of her car. "You ready, sweetheart?" Wilda asked. "Yes, mommy!" Zoey cheered as a little girl in a bright yellow sundress, and pigtails exited the car with her Princess backpack. As Zoey took Mommy's hand, they walked to the door and knocked. A few moments later, a young man about 19 came over and opened the door. "BIG BROTHER!" Zoey yelled as she rushed over and hugged the boy's leg. "HEY ZOEY!" the boy said happily as he picked up the small girl and gave her a hug. "You ready for this weekend?" "YA!" Zoey cheered, and Wilda giggled. "Remember, she needs a nap here soon," Wilda told her nephew. "And don't go overboard on the snacks this time." "AWWWW!" Zoey pouted upon hearing that but giggled as Wilda kissed her cheek. "You be good now, you hear?" Wilda told Zoey before giving her nephew a kiss as well. "You too, I'll return to pick her up on Monday. Ok, Danny?" "Don't worry, she's in good hands," Danny told his aunt. "Bye! Love you!" Zoey yelled as she waved goodbye to Wilda before she was brought inside. Two years ago, Zoeandra had to throw a big dinner party for people who would possibly work with her company. But some complications happened at Zoeandra's house, so she couldn't hold it there, and no restraint could squeeze them in on short notice. Thankfully, Wilda offered her home for the night, and the party went off without a hitch. But Zoeandra soon found herself bored as most of the conversations were about work, and many of the guests tended to talk with each other. Because of Zoeandra's size, most forgot she was even there. So, bored out of her mind, she decided to look around Wilda's house. It was a lovely house; this was the first time Zoeandra had been there despite knowing Wilda for years. Zoeandra noticed a slightly opened door with stairs leading down and strange noises from below. Zoeandra was curious and went down. That's when she met Danny for the first time. "Oh, didn't know someone was bringing a kid here," Danny said, not knowing who Zoeandra was. "Is it getting boring up there?" He was 17 and sitting on his bed playing video games. His aunt asked him to stay down here while the party was happening. His aunt already got him a pizza and snacks to keep him occupied while the party was upstairs. "Would you like to have a turn?" Danny offered his controller to Zoeandra. Zoeandra took the controller and thought, why not. Play a game for a few minutes, then return to the party. Wilda went looking for her boss 20 minutes later to find her eating a slice of pizza and yelling at Danny to do something on the game before cheering as they beat a level. Wilda couldn't help but smile as she knew Zoeandra hadn't had fun upstairs and didn't mind letting her boss stay down there with her nephew to have some fun. Wilda even returned and gave Zoeandra a sippy cup of juice before returning and dealing with the party. No one else seemed to notice Zoeandra was gone, and as everyone left around 11, Wilda went back to check on her nephew and boss. Her son was still playing his game at a quieter volume while Zoeandra was passed out on his lap. "Hi, Aunt Wilda. Are her parents picking her up?" Danny quietly asked as he helped his aunt lift the sleeping girl up. "No, she's going to stay the night here with us," Wilda whispered. "Why?" "She's my boss," Wilda told her nephew with a small smile as Zoeandra stuck her thumb into her mouth and started sucking on it. Zoeandra woke up the following day wearing one of Wilda's smaller t-shirts as a nightshirt in a guest room. Beside her were her clothes from the night before, already cleaned and folded by the bed. When Zoeandra saw Wilda, Wilda asked how her night was. "That was probably the best night's sleep I've had in a long time," Zoeandra told her. Upon hearing that, Wilda asked her boss if she would like to make a new business deal. Zoeandra didn't want a "mommy" or "daddy." No one would ever replace her real ones. She was only okay with a caregiver because she was still paying for them. And each one had to show Zoeandra with at least a decent form of respect. But after that night, Wilda figured out the best way for Zoeandra to relax was to turn off her Adult side and not worry about anything. But if she didn't want a mommy or daddy to look after her, what could she use to help? Why not a big brother? Danny was already about to start college, and his part-time job sucked. Wilda was worried her nephew wouldn't be able to concentrate on his school work and have his part-time job that gave him crazy hours. So Wilda offered Zoeandra and Danny a beneficial business relationship. Danny would be Zoeandra's "big brother" every other weekend for a set amount of money. Here, she could play, be a kid, and relax for two and a half days. At the same time, Danny got paid and could focus on his schooling. At first, neither liked the idea. It just seemed too weird. But after a while, it just clicked for them, and it became a natural thing. Every other weekend, Zoeandra would become Zoey and stay with her "big brother." "Ok, Zoey, you ready for your nap?" Danny asked as he walked into the living room. "NO!" Zoey yelled, not wanting a nap yet. She wasn't even sleepy yet! "Are you sure?" Danny asked. "Ya! I don't want to nap!" Zoey told him. Danny knew just what to do. "Then why not a story real quick? Then we can play some games." Danny offered. "Ok!" Zoey told him. She really did enjoy being read, too. Still carrying Zoey, Danny grabbed a book and sat on his couch as Zoey nestled right in to enjoy the book. Danny turned on some lullaby music before he started to read the book. Zoey was none the wiser as she slowly started to nod off from the music and story. Soon she was asleep in Danny's lab, covered up and sucking on a pacifier while Danny got on his laptop and worked on a school project. About an hour and a half later, Danny gently shook Zoey up. "Hi, sleepy head. How was your nap?" Danny asked. "Cood," Zoey said behind her pacifier as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Danny lifted her up and took her into the kitchen, where he sat her on a booster seat and got her a snack. After having some chocolate pudding and making a little mess on her face that Danny had to clean up, it was time to play. Zoey had her own toy box, where she got a few toys. But many were stuff Danny and Wilda had gotten her to play with. But what Zoey liked was to play on Danny's PlayStation. She loved playing Persona 5 and Kingdom Hearts 2. Or just sitting next to Danny as he played one of his games and just watched. This time, she watched him play a game about giant robots fighting each other. Gundam Braker, something or other... After 2 hours, Danny made a simple mac and cheese dinner with hotdogs before checking Zoey's diaper. She was very wet. "Zoey, why didn't you tell me you were wet?" Danny asked. Zoey just blushed and looked ashamed. She was having fun and didn't notice. "I sowey," Zoey told him. Danny just signed. "It's ok. At least it's time for a bath now," Danny told her. Hearing this made Zoey's eyes light up. She lived bath time! Dan didn't need to say more as Zoey was already getting undressed and bouncing excitedly for her bath. Dan laughed as he started the bath and added some bubbles to it. The tub wasn't even full when Zoey jumped in and splashed Dan. HEY!" Dan yelled playfully as he splashed her back. Zoeandra didn't have a tub at her house, just a shower (specially made for her), so she never understood how fun a bath was. That is until Zoey's first bath, where she could play in the water with her toys. Part of her wanted to get her own bath for her house but decided against it as it would take away from the magical feel of coming here. Dan helped get Zoey clean before he rinsed her off and let her play in the water for a while. When it was time to get out, Dan had to forcefully drain the lukewarm water to get her out, much to her pouty displeasure. Next came the thick nighttime diaper and pink bunny footie pajamas. Zoey giggled as she hopped around in her bunny outfit and played for another hour before it was time for bed. Dany cradled the little girl in his arms on the couch while one hand held a bottle of warm milk and the other a book. This time, Zoey managed to stay awake through the book and bottle, but her eyes were very heavy. "You sleepy?" Dan asked. "nowww." Zoey slurred sleepily as she rubbed her eyes, trying to stay awake. Dan picked her up and patted her back as he walked her into his bedroom. Zoeandra had to use a special crib because she rolled around in her sleep so much, but Zoey didn't have a crib here. His apartment was too small for one. As Zoey let out a burp, Dan placed the little girl on his bed by the side of the wall and put a long pillow between her and him. Dan was a little worried at first about sharing a bed with her, but after some time, they both liked it, and Dan found it cute some mornings when he would wake up to Zoey hugging him in her sleep as she rolled over the pillow. As Dan got into bed, he gave Zoey a good night kiss on her head. "Good night, baby sis," Danny said as he turned out the light. “Coo mifh bwig bworfer!” Zoey told him, “I wove u.” 4 1
PinkTheDinosaur Posted September 24, 2023 Author Posted September 24, 2023 part 2 Danny woke up to the sound of sniffling. Dan turned on a bedside lamp and looked over at Zoey, who was kneeling. "What's *yawn* wong Zo? Dan asked, still very sleepy. "I-i w-w-went p-potty." Zoey sniveled. Dan looked at her, confused. It's not like Zoey hasn't woken up wet before. She's used to it and can easily sleep in a wet diaper all night with no problem. But Dan then noticed the smell coming from the little girl. "Wwwwaaaa!" Zoey started crying. Zoeandra has had plenty of messy accidents in her life. Mostly because she is too busy with work to go to the toilet. But she rarely ever has a messy accident at night. When she does have one, she absolutely hates it. She hates waking up feeling messy and dirty. And when she is Zoey, she hates it just as much. "Oh, it's OK. Big brother will fix this." Danny said as he got out of bed and picked up the tinny girl. Zoey practically latched herself onto Danny, just trying to get her mind off waking up in a messy diaper. Danny went into the bathroom and sat Zoey on the toilet, smashing the mess even more. Zoey was now crying again as Danny got the changing supplies out. Once laid out, Danny had to take off the bunny onesie and lay an almost naked Zoey onto the changing mat. Zoey was still crying, so to help quiet her, he stuck her thumb into her mouth. Which she started to suck on. Zoey was still sniveling and looking at Danny with sad, pleading eyes to get this diaper off her. Danny removed the messy diaper and cleaned the dirty girl before re-diapering her in a nice, fresh diaper. "There we go, is that better?" Dan asked. Zoey nodded, still slightly upset about the diaper. "I don't think that's right. My baby sister would have a smile if it's all better," Dan said before quickly giving Zoey's exposed belly a raspberry. Zoey immediately came to life in a fit of laughter and a smile on her face, Danny smiled as he pulled the little girl up and put her back into her pajamas. "OK, back to bed we go," Danny said as he stood up. "B-but I'm wide awake now," Zoey said as she pulled her thumb out. "I want to play." "Zoey, it's 3 in the morning. Little girls like you need their beauty sleep," Danny told her. "But I'm pretty enough as is!" Zoey huffed as she wanted to play now that she was awake. "OK, Zoey, but I still want a little more sleep," Danny said as he thought of something. "I'll make you a deal. If you go to bed with me right now and let me sleep till 4, I'll make you pancakes." Zoey's eyes lit up. In her current mind, she didn't even realize she was just played, as there was no way she could stay awake an hour while laying in a nice warm bed. As Dan was about to turn to leave the bathroom, Zoey rushed up and started jumping in front of Dan with her hand raised up. Telling Dan she wanted him to pick her up and carry her to the bedroom. Danny sighed and smiled as he picked her up. Zoey giggles as she is picked up and hugs Danny as he carries her back into the room. However, Zoey doesn't want to let go when he gets to bed. "No! To comfy!" she winds and holds on tighter. Danny sighs again and just gets into bed with Zoey holding onto him. ****** Danny woke up a few hours later with Zoey still hugging him. Like he thought, Zoey immediately passed out when he turned the lights off. It took him about 10 minutes to escape from the little girl's grasp. After finally being free, Zoey rolls over and starts sucking her thumb. "Good baby girl," Danny whispers as he pats Zoey's bottom before leaving the room. He went to the kitchen, where he made pancakes like he promised. He had just finished making some when he heard his bedroom door open. He turned to see a sleepy Zoey walk into the room. The smell of pancakes woke her up a little. Without saying a word, she walked over to the table and climbed into her booster seat. But after waking up and having a wet diaper, that was a little difficult. Thankfully, Danny picked her up, set her into the seat, and gave her a bottle of milk to suckle on while he finished making pancakes. When Danny returned, he could see Zoey slightly nodding off but trying to stay awake. "Looks like someone is going to need an early nap today," Danny said. "Mooooo." Zoey moaned in her sleepy state. Danny just smiled and sat down before cutting up Zoey's pancake and holding a peace for her. Zoey looked at it momentarily before opening her mouth for Danny to feed her. After being fed breakfast, Zoey finally woke up and wanted to play. "OK, Zoey, go play with your toys while I clean up," Danny told her. "OK!" Zoey yelled as she was freed from her chair and went to play with her toys for a little bit. It was now 9 Am. After cleaning up, Danny would give Zoey a diaper change before they started their day. Over the next few hours, Danny played with Zoey with toys and video games until it grew time for lunch. "OK, Zo, I'm going to make lunch right now. You color and watch TV while I'm gone." Danny told the little girl, who nodded. As Danny made chilly dogs for lunch, Zoey watched her favorite cartoon while coloring in a coloring book. But as her mind wandered, she noticed something about Danny's living room table. The table had little dark spots dotting the table as part of the wood design. In her current state of mind, the first thing she thought of was connect the dots. "Zoey?" Danny said as he walked back into the living room. "Danny, look!" Zoey exclaimed brightly. "I connect dots!" "ZOEY!" Danny yelled angrily, and he startled Zoey and rushed over. He immediately yanked the crayon out of Zoey's hand and expected the damage. "BAD GIRL!" Danny yelled. "You don't color on furnisher!" Zoey was a little shocked. And in her mind, she had no idea what to do! Then Danny picked Zoey up and put her over his knee. Danny yanked her diaper down before giving her a spanking. Zoey burst out crying as she was spanked. Tears and snot dripped down as she felt the spanking go on forever. Danny only spanked her ten times before pulling her diaper back up and sticking her nose into a corner. While Zoey was crying in the corner, Danny cleaned his table. Danny knew Zoeandra could easily have someone clean or even replace his table. It wasn't even an expensive one. But when she is Zoey, they understand that she is to be treated like any little girl. That includes punishments from time to time. "D-Danny." Zoey snivaled as she turned her head to see a stern look from him, sending her nose back where it belonged. A new batch of tears crawled down her face, and she started to hiccup. "Zoey, come here," Danny said sternly as he sat on his couch. Zoey slowly turned from the corner and hiccuped as she approached Danny, partly afraid he would spank her again. She was shaking when she was finally in front of him, and her lip quivered. She flinched as Danny reached over and picked her up, and she started flooding her diaper in fear of another spanking. But Danny just placed her on his lap and hugged her. "It's OK, Zoey. big brothers not mad anymore." Danny told her as he rubbed her back. "But you know why I was mad, right?" Zoey quickly nodded her head. "You know big brother hates punishing you. That's why you need to be a good girl. Alright?" Danny told Zoey. "Y-yes." Zoey whimpered out before she hugged Danny for comfort. "There's my good baby sister," Danny said with a small smile as he comforted his sister and kissed her on the head. 1 1
PinkTheDinosaur Posted September 24, 2023 Author Posted September 24, 2023 part 3 Zoey was still hiccuping and sniveling as she was placed in her booster seat. She was still slightly upset about being punished, but she slowly calmed down as Danny gave her some juice and a chicken salad. "Th-thank you." Zoey sniffled one last time before eating and feeling a little better. Her bottom still stung, but the good food momentarily took her mind off that. As Zoey ate, Danny looked at his phone and checked the time. 1:43 PM. "Plenty of time," Danny mumbled to himself. "Hum?" Zoey mumbled with a mouth full of food. "Nothing, Zo, just talking to myself," Danny said with a smile. "Mho!" Zoey said with her mouth full before she swallowed it. "You're weird." She then giggled a little before going back to eating. Danny just smiled and went to his room to get some things ready. "DANNY! IM DONE!" Zoey called out so Dan could excuse her from the table. When Dan returned, he was carrying a backpack and smiled at Zoey. "Good girl. Now put your dishes away so we can get ready." Dan told her. "Ready? For what?" Zoey asked. "We're going to the park today," Danny told her. imiditly, Zoey's eyes lit up, and she practically flew off the table, tossed her dishes onto the sink, and began bouncing in front of Dan. "I want to go! I want to go!" Zoey said excitedly. Zoeandra didn't want to be in public when this arrangement was first made. She feared someone might recognize her, and everything she worked for would crash. When people talked about her, it was because she was unique in being one of the few Preas to become very successful outside of pretending to be "child" stars in movies. If her secret of liking to be Zoey was to ever get out, that is all Zoeandra would ever be known for. People barely take her seriously right now. If people found out, no one would take her seriously again. But, after a while of being stuck inside for so long, Dan suggested they see a movie. It didn't help that a "Princes in Dreamland" movie was in theaters at that time, and she wanted to see it. She had planned on waiting for the DVD, but avoiding spoilers was hard, and the offer was too great to pass up. Despite this, however, she still tried her best to hide. In hindsight, she probably brought more attention to herself by wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses on an overcast day. Dispight her best attempts of hiding herself. She tripped and fell at the theater, and her hood and glasses came off. At that moment, Zoeandra was so scared of what might happen if someone recognized her, she started crying. But as she did, a woman helped pick her up and tried to calm her down. Danny, who was getting the snacks, came rushing over to Zoey and tried calming her down. "I'm sorry, she just hurt herself," Danny told the woman as he picked her up with one arm while the other held their popcorn. Zoey then tried to hide in Danny's shoulder as she cried a bit more. "Don't worry, my little Alex was like that too when she was 5." the woman said with a smile. "But I know she will be fine, like any big girl. Won't she?" The woman was smiling as she looked at Zoey, who stopped sniveling for a moment and looked at the woman. "See, she's a big girl." the woman said with another smile." "Mom!" a girl yelled to the woman. "Come on! We're going to miss the movie!" "Coming, Alex!" the woman called back, then turned back to Zoey. "you have fun with the movie, too. Ok, sweety." And Zoey did. After that day, Danny would suggest doing something outside every now and then, and Zoey would slowly accept that no one saw her as Zoeandra. Rather it is because she looks like a little girl already, or it's because Zoeandra and Zoey's personalities are so different no one notices. Either way, it has helped Zoey love going out to play just as much as playing video games. Danny laughed as he watched Zoey trying to jump on him to take her to the park already. "Ok, little girl, we will be going soon, but first," Dan crouched down and unzipped Zoey's pajamas. "I want you to get your big girl clothes and potty for me. Zoey ran from Dan in a flash, soon came out of Dan's room with a bundle of clothes, and ran into the bathroom. Dan couldn't help but giggle and sigh as he watched her. Then he went to sit down while he waited. After a few minutes, Dan heard a flush, and a few minutes more, Zoey came running out of the bathroom in the same clothes as yesterday. The only difference was that she was now wearing a pull-up instead of a diaper, mainly because it was easier to move around while playing outside. "Let's go!" Zoey said happily. "Or we might miss the bus!" "We're not taking a bus, sweety," Dan told Zoey, who stopped bouncing. "Huh?" Zoey said, confused. The park was on the other side of town and took 40 minutes to get to by bus from Dan's closest bus stop. But nearly 2 hours of walking. Were they really going to walk that far? "Close your eyes," Dan told her, which she did as she heard Dan pull something out of his backpack, put something on her head, and listen to a buckle. When she opened her eyes and reached up, she could feel she was wearing a bike helmet. That's when Dan walked over to his bike that was set up beside the kitchen. She then noticed the little attached seat on the front of the bike and realized what that meant. "Now we can just ride my bike, and we don't have to wait for the bus," Dan told Zoey, who grew excited again and started jumping around as Dan took the bike outside. Once he was on, he picked up little Zoey and sat her in front of him on her new bike seat and handlebars. Unlike the bus that needed to make so many stops, Dan could make it to the park in just 20 minutes. And soon, they were at the park. Once there, Zoey had a lot of fun just running around and playing with everything. The slide, the swings, even a little rock wall. Dan just stood back and watched as the little girl had her fun. He also couldn't help but laugh at the idea that little Zoey was indistinguishable from any other five-year-old despite being much older than him. One that doesn't have to worry about anything in her adult life, even just for a few days. After about 2 hours, Zoey found herself playing in a sandbox with a little pail and shovel someone left behind. Dan noticed a familiar truck pull into the park as she played in the sand and smiled. "Hey, Zoey," Dan called. "Hum?" Zoey said, looking over at Dan and then to where he was pointing. Her eyes lit up, and she started to bounce. "Ice cream!" "You stay here and play while I get the ice cream," Dan told the little girl as he walked to the truck near the sandbox. As Zoey watched Dan get in line behind 3 other people, Zoey returned to playing as a few more kids came to play in the sandbox. As she played, however, she overlooked that part of her Pull-up became exposed, and one of the kids saw it. "Billy? Why is she still wearing a diaper?" one of the little kids, roughly 5, asked their older brother. The brother looked over and also saw the pull-up before Zoey had a chance to hide it. "It's because she's just a baby who can't use a toilet like a regular kid." the boy named Billy, roughly 8 or 9, told their younger sibling. "I-I am not!" Zoey told them as she blushed. "I-i just have Preas!" Zoey didn't mean to blurt that out. This was the first time anyone had made fun of Zoey since she started all of this. Most of the time, it's just adults thinking she has bladder problems or don't even bring it up if they notice out of respect. "What a Preas?" the little kid asked. "Preas are just adults who look like kids." an older brother, probably 14, told the younger. "Dad says they are nothing but babies or perverts who play with little kids." "I-I am not!" Zoey yelled at the boy. "I bet she just loves filling up that diaper like the baby she is." another boy said mockingly. Zoey was getting very mad and upset as tears formed in her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to pounce and hurt them but ran away instead. But she didn't go far. The side she tried to run to had mud beside the sandbox, and she slipped and fell into it. The boys all began to laugh as one of the younger ones ran over as Zoey tried to get up. "Since you Preas like your messy diapers so much, let me help you with that." the boy said as he scooped up some mud and pulled back Zoey's pull-up. Zoey imiditly began screaming and flailing about as the foreign mud entered her pull-up, making her feel nothing but disgust. "HEY!" Danny roared as he sprinted over and dropped the ice cream he bought. The boys all bolted from the scene when they saw the pissed-off adult running towards them. But not before Danny slid down near the mud, took a big scoop, and threw it at the boys. While he couldn't hit all of them, Danny hit the teenager and coated the back of his shirt. "FUCKING PRICKS!" Danny roared as Zoey was balling her eyes out in the mud. As gently as he could, Danny picked Zoey up and held her tonight as Zoey continued to cry. The mud on her covered his shirt as well, and he marched past a group of people who just witnessed the last of what happened. One of them even ran after the boys to call the cops on them for what they did. Sadly, they would get away. As Danny took Zoey into the bathroom, he took her to the baby changing station and laid her on top. Zoey was still crying as she looked at Danny. "It's ok, zo. Danny will make this all better. But I'm going to need you to close your eyes." Danny told her. As she did as she was told, Danny tore the pull-up open to see the giant glob of mud inside. Thankfully, he told her to keep her eyes shut as he wouldn't want to know how she would freak out if she saw a worm wiggling in the mud. Danny quickly removed the pull-up before Zoey could see it and began trying to clean Zoey as best he could. Danny cleaned Zoey's diaper area using all his wet wipes and put a new diaper on her. He even got a lot of the mud off her face and hands, but still some remained. But it was the best he could do at the moment. Zoey's crying slowed, but she was still sniffling as Danny took her off the changing table. "I-i-i w-want WILDA!" Zoey balled. Danny couldn't help but sigh and agree. Compared to him, his aunt Wilda was far more capable of handling this situation than he was right now. So, he gave her a call. It didn't take Wilda long. As she drove to the park, Danny sat on a bench holding Zoey and bouncing her on his knee as she sucked on her thumb to comfort herself. "Oh my...:" Wilda said as she saw Zoey covered in mud. "Come along. I'll take you home so you can get cleaned up and get some new clothes." Zoey nodded as she hopped from Danny's knee and headed towards the car. "Sorry about today, zo," Danny said with a sigh. Just then, Zoey spun around and hugged Danny's leg. "I-it ok. Next time, well, just play at home." Zoey told Danny as she looked up at him. Dan gave a small chuckle as he looked down at her dirty face. "Ya, we will," Dan told her as she let go of him and got into the car. After they left, Dan sighed as he rode his bike home to take off his muddy clothes. ****** "You ok?" Wilda asked Zoeandra. "Ya, I'm fine," she told her assistant with a glum look. "I'm sorry your weekend was ruined," Wilda commented. "It's fine. There is always the next one." Zoeandra commented before sighing as she looked down at her outfit. "But I don't think these stans will be coming out." "True, looks like I'll need to take little Zoey shopping for a new outfit," Wilda told her. "No, it's fine. I'll just order something online and have it…" Zoeandra was saying before a pacifier was put into her mouth. "Oh no, this is still your little weekend. And mommy here wants to see what my baby girl looks like in her new outfits before I buy them." Wilda told Zoeandra before smiling at her. Zoeandra, under normal circumstances, wouldn't let that slide. She wasn't in little Zoey mode. She was Zoeandra. She could just go home and order a new replacement outfit for herself. It would be a lot easier and less embarrassing. But as Zoeandra pulled out her pacifier, she said, "Yes, Mommy." and put it back in with a slight smile. She decided that until the day was over, she was Zoey and would let the Adults handle everything. Even if it's just for today. --------- if you liked this story, be sure to check out "Tinny intruder" for more of this world! ^w^ 5 1
Eagle0769 Posted September 30, 2023 Posted September 30, 2023 Cute story well written and very good. Never heard of Preas before. I was premature when I was born and was very short for my age. I'm still short and still look like I'm 5. I was always bullied even in my adult life I get bullied. A lot of my stories are in that content. Nice job. 🙂
PinkTheDinosaur Posted October 4, 2023 Author Posted October 4, 2023 This art was made by the fantastic TomorrowPamp. ^w^
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