AVERY <3 Posted August 14, 2023 Posted August 14, 2023 Bailey fidgeted, trying to decide how she felt about her newest impulse buy. It was always so hard to buy new underwear online. But these were so cute, and she's had her eye on them for a while now. She lifted her skirt up and down in front of the mirror. Playing peekaboo with the pull-up that she had wiggled into moments ago. "They are definitely more comfortable than I thought they'd be... and they are super cute!" She thought. Ending the game that she was playing. She held the front of her skirt up for a few moments, before deciding to forgo it all together. She shimmied it down her slender legs, and let it drop to the floor - admiring the babyish design of her grown up sized pull-up. Her smile said enough. She was thoroughly pleased with her purchase. "Why haven't I been wearing these my whole life!" Bailey roared through an excitedly toothy grin. "Oh yeah… because I couldn't have pullups delivered to my mom's house. Duh! Stupid Bailey!" She answered herself. Playfully smacking her own forehead. "Good thing I'm a college girl now, and have my own apartment all to myself!" She smiled mischievously. "Well… I was… a big college girl." She looked down at her padded crotch, as it grew warm and started to swell. Bailey closed her eyes, and shivered with ecstasy. She had been dreaming about this for years. She remembered being 14, and stealing her cousins pullups. Smuggling them home, and sneaking them on after everyone in the house went to sleep. But back then she never would have dreamed of actually wetting them! She was already anxious enough wearing them. Every step and quiet crinkle sent anxious quivers down her spine. How could she possibly clean herself up, and dispose of a wet diaper without waking anybody up. Eventually her cousin was potty trained, and her supply ran dry. No pun intended. She went without for those next few years, and almost forgot about her little fascination. Until she was pledging for her sorority that is. As a way to humiliate the pledges. The older girls made them all wear diapers, and perform equally humiliating tasks to prove their loyalty to their sisters. Trauma bonding does terribly great work as an indoctrination mechanic on impressionable minds! Seeing all the girls her age in pullups - and even more so, wearing one herself stirred up all sorts of emotions. Bailey closed her eyes, and felt the same sense of joy she felt that first night. Way back during her freshmen year. She giggled thinking about how naughty she felt just wearing a pull-up. Back then she was still able to sperate her little indulgences from her actual responsibilities. "Oh… sweet summer child." She playfully scoffed at herself. As she opened her eyes. She was face to face with a six foot baby. It was her reflection of course… Her little fascination had really grown in the last four years. She no longer wore her pullups. As her peers all grew up, all she seemed to want to do was grow down. When she bought those pullups, it was because she wanted to be a toddler. But as time marched on, she identified younger and younger. She eventually made the switch from pullups to diapers. After discovering the website littleforbig. The pink nursery print diapers. She ordered them the second she saw them. She went from a toddler to an infant the second she opened her first package. She eventually quit buying cute outfits for the club. Opting to spend her money on cute onesies, and jumpers. Why would she waste money on big girl clothes… she spent every night locked in her apartment. Eventually nights became entire weekends… and before she new it she was blowing off classes to stay home, because she wasn't ready to take off her diapers. It became rather costly, but luckily for her she received a rather generous stipend from her mother and father every month. To say her family was wealthy would be an understatement. After amassing the woredrobe fit for her new life, she decided her accomodations were in need of some updating. Her bed was swapped for a big crib, she teased her vanity for a changing big changing table. She painted her walls pastel pink, and replaced her chic curtains with more infantile ones from Babys r Us. She spent a lot of money there actually. Replacing her dishes and silverware with their more baby appropriate versions, and filling her apartment with all sorts of fun toys. She got an uneasy feeling in her stomach as she toddled around her nursery. It wasn't just that she needed to poop. Bailey had noticed her school books. It was nearing her final exams. And she really needed to study. After missing so much class, if she didn't ace her tests, she wasnt sure she'd even graduate undergrad. And she had her her mother constantly pestering her about what med schools she wanted to attend next year. "Ughhhh!!! I don wanna!" She screamed and stomped. "I don't even wanna be a big girl. This is what I think of you! Stupid books!" Bailey scrunched her face, and started to squat. Her frustration about exams floated away, as she filled the seat of her diaper with a fresh mess. "Yay! I'm a big baby. I'm a big baby. I'm a big…" she babbled, and blew spit bubbles, as she bounced around in her mess. her joy was short lived. As her intrusive the intrusive thoughts crept back in. "What the fuck am I doing? What happened to me?" She looked at the infantile room she had curated. "Has this gotten out of control? I might not even graduate now!" Her baby brain tried to fight back, but was interrupted by a sound she didn't expect to hear. Somebody outside her apartment, a metallic clink, and the creak of her front door opening. She scrambled to hide herself from whoever it was. Not an easy feat, in a studio apartment. Even if she managed to throw a blanket over her. It would be a literal baby blanket, and she was standing in a literal nursery. Not to mention the smell… "Oh my God!" Bailey didn't manage to find cover before she heard her mother's voice. "What is all this? Is this what you've been doing, while your father and I spend thousands of dollars to send you to university? How much did this all cost? Why are you… why… WHY?" Her mother tried to make sense of what she saw. She was prepared to find her daughter smoking pot or doing drugs, like most people her age when they start to ignore their schoolwork. But she wasn't prepared for this. "Mom! What are you even doing here?" Bailey screeched. Stunned to see anybody. Especially her mother, who lived clear on the other side of the country. "I can explain! I just…" but Bailey didn't have the words. She honestly couldn't explain. "I caught a flight out here after getting a call from your advisors. I don't even know if I can say I expected worse. I expected a lot of things but not this." Her mother answered sternly. "This is… this is a lot. But either way, I came here to bring you home! No sense in paying for an apartment, and you to live out here, if you aren't going to school." "No I don't want to… I am going to go… I can still graduate!!! If I pass all my exams!!!" Bailey started to cry. "I was just about to start studying!" "It's too late Bailey. Exams were yesterday darling. You oficially flunked out of college. I told your father we needed to come check on you more often!" Bailey tried to protest. "Too late, little missy!" Her mom's attention turned to some voices in the hall. "It's… ummm… it's fine y'all. Just come in and start packing stuff up. I'm sorry about this. I'll have her out your way soon." "Who are these…" but Bailey was interrupted. "These men are here to pack your things, and bring them home. And we can get everything set up just like this at the house for you." Bailey could see the men trying to avoid gawking. But was also trying not to make eye contact. "But…" "No butts. They only butt I'm worried about is yours. And I'm wondering if it is the reason this apartment is so stinky! Did you actually shit yourself?" Hannah walked over to her daughter, pulled at the elastic waistband of her diaper, and peeked inside. Jesus H. Christ! Honestly, I thought I was done changing diapers for a while after your niece was potty trained!" Grab a few clothes to travel with, I'll pack you a diaper bag, and let's get out of these nice gentermens way. Chop chop." "But… can I change first?" Bailey whimpered. Only be told by her mother that she will deal with that mess at the hotel. "But… can I… am I going to come back to school? I promise I will…" "After seeing all of this I don't think college is really your speed bailey. I think I know a school that is right up your alley now. You will already know one of your classmates! Your niece Milla just got enrolled there. It's a little late to register, but your father has a friend on the board." "But…" bailey continued to snivel. "But… Milla is only three… she goes… She goes to PRE-SCHOOL!!!" Bailey started to ball uncontrollably. She felt so little, as her mother apologized to the movers for her daughters tantrum, and led Bailey out of the apartment… 7
Babytom948 Posted August 15, 2023 Posted August 15, 2023 What is ball uncontrollably?And I think it is Wardrobe
Disk Posted August 15, 2023 Posted August 15, 2023 Ball is a colloquial misspelling of bawl, I.e. cry uncontrollably. So I think that's ok as it goes. But wardrobe is definitely mispelled
CDfm Posted August 15, 2023 Posted August 15, 2023 Good start. Actually mom’s reaction was not nearly as strong as I would have expected. I know that there are people who can certainly let their obsessions take control of their lives but to go that far and completely forget about school she needs more than just preschool. I am looking forward to seeing more.
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