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Babysitting Business. (private for Cute Little Kokiri Girl and LilGirlLya)

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Fortunately for Liz, two of the upsides to doing pizza were ease of clean up and leftovers the next day. Liz gave both of the plates a quick rinse in the sink and then moved them into the dishwasher. When she opened it there were a few things inside so she went ahead and started the wash cycle on it before boxing up the leftover pizza and putting it in the fridge. With kitchen chores done, she thought she'd give Ben a little bit of time playing games before bed. Plus, it was a good opportunity to do a check of her socials, respond to some messages, and generally spend a little bit of time on her phone.

After 20-30 minutes, she pocketed the phone and followed Ben's directions to what she expected would be a kids room with maybe a TV and some consoles. She was more than a bit surprised by just how "much" it was. It was obvious this was primarily Ben's dad's room and he just got to use it occasionally. "Hey there Ben, what are you playing?" she said as she sat down on the couch beside him

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At first been waited for Liz to come but when she did shown up he decided that she was probably busy doing College work, other application it did say she was a college student. So he decided to play some video games. He turned on his gaming console and decide to play some sekiro Shadows die twice, I mean some kids played games that were meant for adults and he could always say his dad was okay with him playing this game.

But if Liz didn't want Ben to play an M rated game there were other games he could play that were more kid-friendly like Legend of Zelda and Kirby, honestly he should be playing one of those games, but he had just got sekiro Shadows die twice not too long ago and he really wanted to play it, souls games we're becoming his favorite new genre. when he heard Liz's come into the room he paused his game and smile, "hi miss Liz I'm playing sekiro Shadows die twice." He said with a blushed and a little bit of nervousness like he was caught doing something naughty, then unpause the game and did a finishing attack on the chained Ogre.

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"Oh..." Liz sort of let the statement hang there. It wasn't the most 'fitting' game for a kid, and not one she would expect that a kid who had a secret love of Care Bears might want to play, but she couldn't dispute that when she was a kid she played mature video games before she was supposed to. Still, something to maybe check with his dad about. She sat back and watched, Ben was actually pretty good at the game which made her think he was probably telling the truth. Hard to see getting this good at a Souls Like if he's only sneaking it when Dad's gone.

Once he hit the killing blow on the Ogre, she gave his shoulder a little nudge. "OK Ben, maybe you might want to find a place to save things. It's just about bedtime."

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"Awwwww do I have too?" Ben whined out a little bit which surprised him, but a look for his new sitter told him yes. He then went and saved his game before shutting it off. But before he went up to his bedroom he wanted to show off the game room a bit. "Let me show you around the game room/TV room, here are a few game systems from a Nintendo 64, game GameCube to a steam deck. there's the DVD bookcase it has all kinds of movies from action some horror shows and movies and a bunch of old cartoon shows like gargoyles and Care Bears." 

Ben pointed to the bookcase which had at least a couple hundred DVDs of movies and TV shows of varying genres, Ben got back to his showing off the room and lifting off various items and furniture "there's the pool table and the card table and dart board. I umm my daddy does not use them that much, some of the items came with the house, there's the bar but like the pool table and card table, it just came with the house so there's no drinks in there and there's a door to the backyard which leads to the hot tub."

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Liz humored Ben on her first night here but she knew a kid trying to put off bed time when she saw one. Still, she could show a little flexibility on her first night. "Oh wow, your dad must really like movies and video games, it's nice that he lets you play all these." Just replied, more to keep the conversation moving towards the end she needed it to go towards, which was getting Ben tucked in. "OK buddy, I think we'll have plenty of time to see the rest of the house tomorrow if you want to continue the tour then. Lets go, bed time, kiddo."

Liz did take note of the hot tub though, she didn't have a bathing suit with her but it might not be a terrible idea to see if she could find one at the store or bring one from home so she could use it.

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Ben nodded his head and both him and Liz walked up stairs into Ben's room, when there Ben pulled out a pair of pajamas with little pumpkins on them and went into the bathroom to get dressed and brush his teeth. Liz followed him but made sure to give him plenty of privacy, when he went to the bathroom 5 minutes later he came out dressed and teeth brushed. "Ready." He said with a big smile before being led to bed by his babysitter.

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"Good job! Now, come on, lights out buddy. Have a good night." She said, waiting a little bit to see if there was anything he might need or want out of her.

Once Ben was all put to bed, Liz showed herself back into the entertainment room and started browsing on her phone, looking at sales on new computers. Whenever Ben's dad got back on Sunday the first place she was going was to the store, anything to just have it as soon as possible. After settling on 2-3 prospects, she decided to enjoy the rest of her night without a roommate by booting back up the video game console Ben had been playing earlier and trying the game he was playing. Liz liked games but  she usually played on lower difficulties and she was getting killed repeatedly. Still, it was a fun way to while away a few hours before she went to get ready for bed herself.

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When Ben was put to bed Liz made sure to tuck him in which made Ben feel warm, even if it was under false pretenses, again Ben did feel bad about that but he make sure that when she left Sunday his dad would give her a big reward. Precisive to say Ben fell asleep relatively quickly despite the early bedtime. When morning finally came Liz was the first to get up having slept amazingly being a college student came with a few sacrifices one of which was getting to sleep luckily her roommate was quiet even when she was doing her sewing as she was part of a clothes designers.

But still sometimes next door neighbors came in either drunk from a party or there was something going outside, but here in this somewhat relatively gated community allowed Liz to have a perfect night sleep. Meanwhile Ben to had a great night's sleep in fact he was still sleeping only getting up once to use the bathroom, but unknown to him as he was sleeping his thumb was in his mouth.

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Liz woke up early after a restful nights sleep. After replying to some messages and browsing socials for a minute as she woke up, she finally shuffled out of bed and made for Ben's room to check on him. She peered in and saw him still sleeping soundly. She quietly closed the door and went to the kitchen to see about finding some coffee though she'd settle for almost anything caffeinated to start the day.

After brewing and downing her cup and spending a bit more time on her phone, she decided it was time to wake Ben up for the day. His dad hadn't specified any exact time Ben should be up but she imagined it probably wasn't a good idea to let him sleep in too far past school hours. She rinsed her cup in the sink and headed upstairs, gently opening the door again and going to Ben's bed. She had to stifle a surprised giggle at seeing Ben with his thumb between his lips. She wouldn't say anything, a big kid like Ben would probably be mortified to know his babysitter caught him sucking his thumb. As gently as she could she moved his arm so he wouldn't wake up to find himself caught before nudging his shoulder to wake him up.

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It took a few minutes for Ben to wake up usually he liked sleeping in on weekends that he didn't have to work even though Ben was rich, he still did odd jobs now and again all of it being tech related so we could work from home. When Ben finally opened his eyes, his thumb went out of his mouth and he rubbed the sand from his eyes before sitting up, it took him a few moments to adjust to the room he was in before remembering what had happened last night.

He then saw the smiling face of his babysitter and Ben give a cute smile back before yawning, "morning Miss Liz." Ben said stretching before getting out of bed slowly and then stretching and yawning again to wake himself up more.

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"Morning buddy, how'd you sleep last night?" Liz asked. "Come on, time to get up big boy. If you take a bath or shower in the morning it's all free for you. Do you want me to cook anything for breakfast or just microwave some of the leftover pizza for today?"

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Ben gave a sleepy smile as Liz called him a big boy, these childish nicknames made him feel all warm inside. he then nodded his head and politely said, "you can do whatever you like for breakfast my daddy trusts you." He then picked out some clothes and went into the master bathroom to get a shower as he wanted to not waste time in spending the day with his babysitter.

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"OK buddy, I didn't really poke around in the fridge too much last night so I'm not that familiar with what you've got in there. Maybe we'll warm up the pizza for today and we can get creative later, deal?" She ruffled his hair one more time before ushering him out of the bed and towards the dresser to gather his clothes for the shower.

With Ben take care for the duration of his shower, she went back downstairs and killed time on her phone until she could hear Ben start to come down. After that she got the pizza from the box and 60 seconds later, it was ready just in time for a freshly showered little boy to make his way into the kitchen.

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When Ben got downstairs he was absolutely giddy this child is treatment from his clothes being picked out and his hair being ruffled had filled him with something he had not known before general love and affection, someone taking good care of him and only him. It's not like the staff at the orphanage didn't take care of the kids they did, they tried their best, it's just with so many kids certain kids needed looking after more or didn't get looked after enough. 

And there were other things staff need to do repairing fixtures, preparing meals and day trips, parent-teacher conferences. With so many kids and so much to do it was hard to focus on one child. Ben's childhood was rough but it wasn't that bad although it could be better. Immediately Ben shook his head, no he was not going to go down that path again, today was the day that someone was looking after him and giving all the love affection he needed. When he finally got to the dining room he was wearing gray shorts and a green shirt with a cute dragon on it, he then smelled the pizza and smiled.

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"Hey there my little dragon, those clothes alright for you?" Liz smiled. He definitely seemed to enjoy the outfit. Or maybe it was just anticipation of left over pizza early in the morning. She sat the plate down in front of Ben and took a seat at the table herself, watching him eat. "So bud, do you want to go out and do anything today or is it going to be a lazy day around the house?"

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Ben sat down in the ornate chair of the dining room table and started to eat his food, he then looked up and smiled. "well I haven't shown you the backyard and I have to water the plants in my garden." Ben said but then he saw the surprise look on Liz's face, he cursed himself in his head thinking what 10-year-old had a garden, but quickly he added, "well it's more of my daddy's garden, but I help him by watering and the planting flowers."

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